Exeter Advocate., 1907-01-24, Page 2C1Ina, is rndife.-1tersj, IL
ileover ,fiteeleeet Advertise.,
Of ,Medera• eteh.eels, leftish
tig almest at the ride
'T•itere \It Penne
stulept44 ttlAititrY
r „ ttii.4k-Ortritary sc1.1043,
trteetin.eelioe • te ,
It)'. 1eflulg Up ; en
etV ettl).„04,11-0,1„ 1),/subScri
tns.1.torit 'the rovinesiu, gevertimept, •
thcin once a week in *trot*); **rex w ter
erel. note's* The water etiotild be
y *toiling. when Silver * put
(ntoe, ° • e • ,
ix or is eupboard* -1)..ner Shettild,
*lot* should never be ottUt up in e
pleerel On seeves Where tor will lAvt,
%a- leslos •Irequeelly, as wherein use, 1
Plerit,P,'ot biro Teey witerre.qttire-elen
You 'wish them to be -kept in gooiest:lied'
I •ri 1 01041 ,
• uneonungityk: .a group
• , •
tpg tbe base
ttifr. OtAr Biidd?nt Luiage. 1p iiituA
tiniOle4:410, wai.4 *Pruett .
Ourt,i ,setting „ hrth,elrip
rdiunLnt r0104Y.' • AriYAlt)014:01,',
,. end geography lluk tetitt4e•
yar re cotiverted lees ploy and drill
grounds for intlilaryape': gympase
- • •
"LooRing unto eceus.' eleb. xttee.. flies kid', 'it Chris'
W40.weSotiut, Up t,h. foecee .greatee.ee, He IS nighty
• „ A
?0,04e4, ^.0Y,1074)1:- Itit nili 11
• •eleo-ore iletee tee 0. ere, .. ' .
Itialettee.,betelhere seefetee._totn eraele . • e ° "-ot .'et"tieOpte
Wiles tateretielitegeteliet$ With 'tile', teim •vetiotee 'Oil* ries ate busit
Wleyer,otent, end, ,Piten 410404 0,0ring,;,thp, sO:
4t.perscinai•eetenope. ••• •4 ie.yee,-sere: lute • 000elaettly
• 10.eteeetiY nature. frilltallve -ereatoree,..frentetiteir Iuvai
'Phil :10. POli".•)31Y tnatin'clAvely, thelii4te. -.1.41f4 *0,
()Utile, ir)ette„)(e. Wite,,eyhteir
te.e4 titte*Alitt; •ev, *Irene. wiin'Apt •a' ineetteett
iropreselentible ihats, he repeat. toward rPleture 'they 'Waled
kneveing• ' Uwe intortai of the rep , nee; -Sometintese when' ilie Pielttre'
„tttoreeestoimesn'eteleeeeec ,ee!eile"I'tefefxeeettr4t4teetoe-eih'etre
fealltree of the fethefe-Tnaneer; 'tethltor.ere! Vlettforin is erected oij wluch
44921 Its therboy-- reeegtrieeterfarr-be -11grerittVistatties-ir-F4irsiere.-41eeldi4-T.I.
seltool the -parent- knows another raley be level with tee Ike .willebeile
epoch' In 'the •Ohild:s. has.Ofteeed, for would pellet.
. • heleloretreeenoweterebeeeme-s-fee. ' matt g
in Abe developinent ofellOsoul, Thus ler is lo -day an artist who stands on a tem-
-it, has boen 'perentel example, hence, Voraey stage in front of- Holtman's-
tette it Will be Perentid eXatettde tinee'r IN ant. tre.1*.-
exattiple of scliotilMate and Welter.'" -.if •*; . "
leia home example and tee school exam. lie wlehes to reproduee , the 'facie of
ple elash thero is 'confusion and sente- Jeette. 'and he eantietedij It-Alttlese hLs
times furii in fe0.0efeedieg kyo are level with eyeee• It teat,
etA.4%*-- not be eiteceseeet-tr.elet-:Pealf411*rre'lii•It';e;.ipeleasellw
. • • oe
telt), a itlogo: rneas•tlre determined by .the so far train .the pee -that tee outlines are
••••eXtenples itiose--perectrise -wleteettave--bineredeendeteemeelorseliectinieseke indie.-
'-beeneteestecerestaidleetiefoete,„*,eleeeminers ilieenteettete'neteseOrlold-tne-grey.--"Iti
',eve 'limey b. the ,Iongest. nuthber itiitaffecra model it rnUst -be
4. •- WIT'cfrOftatO*0 , teariti&et-tPritro4beWe-
. he istristian religion seizes; reaktiag,,it'* eVitetelittee eotedertei With the face of
'central` In OS eclietne for .4`eVelopirtei Imp:Le I know. what steno' of vs. he
•hereetere. •'10110errieferh‘rtethe'e.xlioria •oitteeer• Weer "bleed liteelacee 'Itigteetp,
iotkettstantipentetind. in, theeelerne :01\ealle eetteeMle 'thinking
4-ePostleesztatehhige,_ the ineeninced her and be. •ween- us 'a ase
wards, have , eetleeddett it in tile ;Ob.- he forces •-and the litsvs 01.4tia.nre., •t
stance of -their teaching. his forces and the Lowe of society, tee' fore
ers•hae elweys bee' • ' enreeess "ofetsernmerteeeteleartre
theeeerfect ;nun, ;and .the -Welter Of the polities. like 66' !!--gitlY tletld'e tiled
TetWr grafelreffieverertiCeitieliWeris awrThe-
ett, keep. their eeee Oa the •captain who face" et ,leetieete$ lost lie power'. over °lir
loads the 'wax. titbit's and 'no longeteldiadeS. end guides
The power oe example depends, .other. the heart.. _ ••
things "beleg"eqeal, en -its distance from PIABLE.S. CeIBEetilSetei.
%0$41141 e.: e ere el ui
merLietteme-ellie -normal . 444;
thoL.re.equltevedewith eherat.
cal, .Rhyieel, botanical,. trra *logical
'reheats are more -4r lest; suPPitekil vette
laboratory facilities 'aid apparatus. Alt
China is Chem:wing forewoeteen know-
. • .
Sseds like •Sletping Beauty, -can slutn.
- -bet: -14`r long yeatserindethei: reetwaltetv
to li e. Lie*. Greely, 00'11nlander- of the
Ladkertlettit. etPedi1i°1!;-411147
, sailed., notte-inA ettitref
- -i*#ittlesontay
• Istort %Vela elleeees",‘at '41\ °OlVti
St 'nerth. , The elation was
ndenedeineelieses le_._eeeee_.,n 1800, eixt011
rt lalee,. the abandoned :statkin wee
di -covered .by Lieut. Peary. :AMong
',011ieresserepeh. f und a etettet of rad.,
.Ise seed In ,an 0Pen. box in the attic
044 for.-steleen years: to tt vtr.knW
tqapp,faturt.f ot 70 deg. F.
below.,,zem&:'11rfei seeds were *get home
- and retained_ until the ;opting of 4905,
• Ifeettill,
twenty -Orme year old seeds. tee quoss
eon is raised as to, .„Whelher the liocifti.
catty chtirgedeattitosOtere,„ so COnstent
le seartheire regions, tide tee effect, ee
prolonging .germinalive -force. It has
been observed that the ' almesphoele
eteatric cireints adds quite feee'per cent.
tts the Tepidity -of plant --grovilli etnct...• to
*-- twtopff
of perfemes.
„ Tee- *Teest interesting .pirif if the dark
coiituietiLls AbyseesTotte- tiere.the 'WOW
". of, the field and the flowers of the 'nee-
' dow from the Mediterranean region
meet 'those of twine& Africa. flere the
ine-releinee -w
goett. here also Ls a 0cu11ar and aber-
rant deg, and in the westerti- lowlends
is 4 true wild boar.- Seeveral of the ante.
lopes and two or three species of men,
loseeem peeuliar -Abyssintseseas :are
TiOnterous birds, -a. few lisle two or three
tieotetr,' rail th the titers 114
Windt Octet .! its Volge in tile�tt
-if eitovette
ltis ciontte**allee felt -- beea4nL
--"..4fearlieekLend ,ettitett,
,1/4t'te. 'Wit art -thou. wrote whe
't1tVeotte ettattee• fallen theetzette
-of Adam end Eve aid Se. inrineaits.
• e t qUestioe to aikaketr. the t
-e'Neve p of els guiW liutr
Se nitride -01 Itio...,e'etre* liketY, 'a (verit.,9.) eleewe.1,'Ittiw set IA
SC X in 'the Iiiis.t..111140, and_$,,0 i'll. ..„.541', ' Pitted itt power,' fir eirhile 44 in end'
tate a viSit• irate', eitre' Phemeee. '•rb-,._,:' lisre souitite to tuse theinselyes coin
1.0,60 le Les eleening akerdieery •eatehereve,re ,Ille. toile a deliberate ISehoed ond d',41aneir.
a lie, is: rot) .0‘,.over.' ' 'a tti..th';"sto$ttheg4 '"' deniel -hie. obligation s.tetverd -elti$
es. , ,•4, -
, .., 4„1„,
.,keet ,‘. a . !elite driest vtettrWell to
- m , , iigoirottosimalOse
Tea,,ett . „ . en, r
ii. le px,og.0,10'tgitsalt,ti4trotiglititt7.1'44,110oriteolliali.v,'111,' .,e'''Iti._4.1.'":„.1;:i(*I. )1NPV;""'"13;:s:Vgt4441.04'4$411,1.1tbil;(1°.1, -t.il"' .P.Pks:
s▪ Onietintes havet ., eret efeites„ e. eteie ..,9,%.0,,,,,0A,,,., , . .. . . ' .:, •
:ronpirp tii.pgei, euv•io, letteeeekesf:eeje ,otte,:aete,r,"' eetteeelli et:lee--400eeept0 ee tee
eldne. -..sonielititee -2,4eratetiO 'it- littlee'.-'3„s.'4At's u.t"ean...4ethY..t.iiifek .01,34141-4101,11,
.1New.,0' Whilittgeivilr ete. eon . t. - .'"nkt..'0! Waite IWO' the Itabitual, Ilan
iike,„..1 lx!fifOOt,e'''.'.:1:„tiiiit0.:.tirift,:;141),..:.e,ii, :'!',"4:'11471*0. 'ti;Id 'Ab'el-L1,..fe'b.lio'id': tirdo
Astral. -3n1 equally .1061.1.. ,,,,,;, , ,;..1fitpt.,,,',,,t141.0i1 to, spring at ti..4,0 iiiis,.."-0
,,, ,... ,i) ut s,:',. o 'e -,- 4 . '" • ' , '
'Float It °E abolgtoqlo,r.,;11:41;:lt:-.,,,kinv:4,:,...1,;A1rkiiita_tgaol,Lt.Jealio4'vrii_yik.otictoiti+tiv.ved-titixtratile;v*Inta%4
, Ling,3 of tits sullen and envious'thouglitssqueezo 11- ;
sinou(h1,31446two.Yousii-11411:1.-lit'olLand'ito---IvIerszi.:4-lanYd'' lie tetufrts- lite !0001.011' to wit*. Wit i . hint
to....a..liolihirv place in tlie field' and there
press by hand ' .tatitil mos_ _t 00
nf ithrilliCowironla;;- - attacks firldalays -kiln...-
. t i t ... ,
,stridesehNtive6shilewatialit'hdricitiptitaenresd tthoeredgi. $ en. ----9t-NVI*ree-io--.4gtiiit, jetthrtdi ittAteeltrolshio.s
!rouse -the
, -, 711,— , conscience end. bring Cain, now becoitie
..-...e.....,4.,....m....... a murderer, to a recognition mid coofes.,
s.loti of his guilt. ilt1t it warning query
no,.lenier sufilet.,s to awakety the leort
atriady. hardened in sin. . .
,. ,11.• Cursed art thou from the ground-
.er:r0111 tit, Itle;sense. icit, away-froni..714„));
, parently :th&. wtirdr.Witilnit ate ,feterS
j to the dultivated soil -tiloro. partientarly,
...-,,Hin-centrast--to the,- face of the earth in
- ii, , wild . .
-'' 'gent -al. Ili., . and. unik.ttoyyn regiorm
far ft'oin the Scene of his present
- -
Afi rennin tetilions. she -Seemed to
think stis .h algid e r .0 0 0v
In 'the yeah, end ineePerieneeeett My,
000k. My dear,' ehe "exclaiMedelit is a'
• :ease of the blind handing But blind."
Met': girls ere finding out tee nod of
:Practli41,- lenoWledge Of. housekeep-
ing, whether tem - ear*. to -marry_ en a
:large income or o email one, is -evident
from the report s• OT. dente:die acleitee
Seirootte in -which prospective beetes,
fo Tete-talr. ie.•Aloe of ilie classes In
of- flour; folic eolliteee. 0 , gettreallt
.seger, one ounce eltimund or finely
_ _ .
polinded -tilmeries,'Ilue polka:* 'lit ' three .' ' " iFfIg.-BETT-fitLE.ectiret. '
egg, lha whipped whites of, two and •-'one Whet° egg,' halt e small glass f Among' the bleabliers need .tri life
goo reedyistrlittereeltS twcete' theeeee tienurreneniryiliea;reehseintilsdodeaoet talimminego4niev,e-bonerewt,..
powdered „sugar, ertd;e,,quarter' of 'Ale*
ter end lite "variouswashing rpowders.
Mine of an egg. cream the butter with, Ilwrsx and titrpentine are the mildest on
-a wooden spoons -then .greduaIly tied the
Hour, sugar, ground alnemdse-a. -few he list, mut ere esPeeletty. good for
I P... with time Whitening cellon and linen. Salsoda is
• . . ,
If -ilealred--brendy, egga-tituf-seit-, 're - ee"‘ *-- - et dirt,-,-tre
lightly -stir in too meopese welts*. pour .1nalies its removal easy, but if used too
(tough strong and not removed it rots the
inte.a buttered pan. Have the
one inch, thick. Bake unt11---a light clothing and- Makes it of a bad color.
brown. Ncylloiperipednettilrmlyondtison, eovtprrethaed tottptto prTaoheies- eielytfoinhequf•mwea.ehinAgnun-poonlisseleisrs iessis
. back.again le -leg. *oncettlrie.t.'we Coehtly.°!juirt,d10„.iiintlettetpimartdobstinnleveltient
Oven to finish bales. the When done,
,.. stains or diseolortdions, If these themi.
, . , .. , . .
118,:mAINA AA ,Aumo, I ... ..k.,..., --'....L.-.. Ir.IM.......ts
_ "
Lesson iv. Tao story of Cain and Abel. wandet.er. The -succeeding vetses gi‘;11*-
Cio1den' Text John' 3. IS, `111.,detail the results of the come.
A Ittgitive--and-a-wentierir-Tite
word translated "fugitive"' leans' 1iter-
01 uctituer,tylaiiiing
„ „„„f., „, "Pri'wliitrit-tere to..,61golet-,i1:r4• fatlirtl:ti.0nIgi for lack tif Nod*
" 4-11'16-7 TIILLI."."1,"--u*--or under the Inikterice of
,verity of the curse* alumed
rildn.• ‘pit4s.
ten ,t) unks.s\it be to,1\ended in, the Ilebrea
Ce.t ILT woiod translated sptinedunent, which
Oenests, as the,
ler.-47.took-eirorigliwelee 11)111
chapters 1. to 4 Iles is espciat
Here, folloteing the story Of cr h
ond the 'origin, of lite human
„have In order the-„aecount. of the instil*. means. stsoolopitty,, as the margiiitti
, of :futility life, tho• Presence of reading 111 the itevised Vivsion indicates,
A At
0.f. fine:woo; •TO etslorn 01 We0SSINILLetiadalal Ott we -Mud bavoi4 to.tiquis.
• 111g, . li ) 1 k, It-Mlitr-MPuo laic lite phrase greater, than 1 can bor children, Ie -snow dragged them far in. s'
of the.serpent. the subject condition to read* greater then Can be forgiven,
lamong =lidera 'PeePlesi of .,womatt% ilie wile, 14.7twititsmjk, (e.01‘0.b-ta Ant-tno, to the,,loreat atid-.tituriliered-thent, lit Ilte
Iriost horrifying manner, afterward dis-
beginnings of agriculture„ the existence , . .
in the world of suffering and POO, ihe readlniii, .
14. Whosoever filidelh- ine will slay me iseeltng tile bodies.
u an races arco v Pee
......eeseeteenUmegretiees: eepie of; them Its,
yet eneleSSitied.. TOthe leitreme soothe
west etre negro types, in .the southeast'
and south theyare handsome Gala
Hamitic or SOinotiti stock, in the reirte
- lefferafte-Hainibraeftetemi-A
of ancient Greek or EgIpttan 'COlonlee,
and dork. skinned 'iesvs -whose orlgfp
6eciu 10 anteelate lee' tteeituctiori 'Of
Jetettaaletti."' /thyself**. emit a history g�
fog>ack tA) * ithatisatayettrIf Were the
Ctiristent ' era.
eledtricat Gibraltar Is the Micas-
indestek,'*pendent -aprin:thistieetteeil
• industry and, for all practical purposes,.
tmjlregfliWe in Its t'vre
ih tilielilitti*14teet
lee . least likely ie be dis ned whet
• ive any Ineekedeeffeet on its Pr.
n. . More especially, the„ eiteiCtea
industries are On tee indrease, and con..
turrently inerease the miett 'Industry;
The percentage of installations *filch
ettse-direet--e•ttrrent-machines is on the
deerease, but it is•harilly to tireapposed
itiateilatteactuel niteribet of direet Uts
tent machines in tee can decrease. These
in'echines must --use, commetalors end
the commutators must be insulated with
Mira. Mica lieTtir "ern -
prepared, but ihe, .coneeeme
pleee -tee eese.'1"trielieti
-Vw• hett-colde-tut etixtbaerbratiatif-44--in
into elantortd-seaped cakes, •Place some
-PetTetite -
-nod arrange the. ettees AMU _
rants or sultana raisins may. bp added
le: the -above cote), and it may be ilavOred
with any essence or liqueur in place of
. •
Chocolate. Leat... -Ons. large . oust of
suttee, 011eohalf.eup Of baler, two eggs,
tut of eode detsolved et a •111,110' *hoti
WaterCtrie.thilit eta iike of *totals;
-Melted, and two ctxpa of flour. Add
trettisle, .
feiCeeriutseettne pound, of 'Ventilated
_ .
eggs, ' one Awl% oe milk,' ne teaspoon.
NI of -soda, two tetespestrifels of eream
tartar, and one vound 'Cream
the butterand sugarlooll add itiOrilik
end other .ingredients. fleet .all well to'.
dret.. tottil ereamy,..then stir in, one;
ait oven.
igereteileilt" --tegelliteeete and
mit-cups-flour, one•-oup sugar. One teiti**-
Poen Cream tartar,.half.teaspoon soda
'•and pin& st'solt. Greek ono egg in ,tx
cup, beat 004 1111 0110.- with sWitet
'and stir for a mhuite Tlin POW' 'it
ovor the dry lingredietes and mix., Boar -
Add three tablespoons *netted
butter. Beat all togethe101eYor. with
yoottict anil toke In a atteet.„ You will
eaYer a ',cake nise"eneugh 'tor, anyone,
even Vermont Greenhorn.
, • !
it you are entirely Ignorant of hotted.
hold matters;, and notably everything
;Ilifieried.--eretinitin g&Yang tior, eperince
:by 1,Way of waell4e6.10'art English pe
4.44t, i positivelyforting. disaster
tho Aloft 1 41ily, tow tor Lwo 1!
Pi-enitYeselielelligerety. lea OUL
yloltilf1;?:°°);Int.T.tn*titi°akit41:11' 61:44.04;trus4tiltliftlitet.
Uptitodatei but Jo Mo 1,(li?ritunt' granular
seemed ampler that' reripes„. tout ;tnY
little cook' did, !Om* the We Of 'half
•)4i uteimil3 I had. Neither did 1.
the tOne&lion4 'Wo-- had to tit«
it„huge jeketted or tew.,.joints 'which
Seethed to •lost forever,- 'the reasy cuto
git Attd th
littYS fsiglf IN A CRE.''
*eryIas been inatle,10 hov
sityarJ, ttf 'Intlo Cheshire Lines Mil.
t Norwitte*Etigland. that a ;lone-
lastieeted and belated three settee'
ifl ft, tiny aperture in the arm, of
terelle,1-gstery day of iheoweek tete
true- is in use,' engines and wagont nr�
running round It .o.rislantlY. Aral
re )nailed *1004 ht'irty.'''eletot by look.
tng down 11)e t
Y me rnoUwr
41 n 0
Veekly JO t
attd stare blyatt. ° •
absolutely :ashen
ibet bit
treated should -„be rinsed' in annuoni
ter to neutralize the acid. '
pijeptic FLt e NoniIng._.,1*r4,T71,,,,,,_
.00 1.1114it IrAtitti,., On 174: - '
ta'Ar54110.,I.wilerhialotorwii) icilutybolittecsartatcyr.,:t,t,rui,:;;Inv!
:ttp14.:y; o 1 - the -other (14 et. eirelfs-
'.':41,:teelilre'liCritik ,I1 01.11tritheqr l',Irill.11\7:1'ne. ".4tti:'MPle4..4141:r-e.'41'11:4:;04.4:::: '. ..''' .
1-q PO OHO IVO fort the nuirdCr sf -
log :nlitixte.-41 las e1'tMes,VeSSuoves.,e4a,
te remareeble" ;rentthe Nee teeti. ael.q
thehhetei ',;be 164 Ito' Wei • to' ,iteve"..beeti. 1
to,_ou, ,..him for ;several
biltitiVite;;49teetit a lpoi
.and '11, medical 'examination having- te- •
traces Insanietye,ninea
over ,
in Om '1OnitileriiiitrImOrliti
. opportunity .determine his mental •
resipoonm5,, ibiuty. _,• to g ve , 0 a te.rite
. :
The prtsoner presented an emaciated -
tittpearence In the dock, and tot,- Court
liiiiiettneed° '11144 owing-16--Itis--reitea- , .
PitYstval conditiOn; it would 60 peces-
eery to...eut....stiort_ each. day's, , session_ of
he---4rialli-0,During- hiti- finpriseitinent -the- ,---:, .
prisoner. SurviVed a .dangerous operation
tit the ititerter Of the ear. AM ii brilliant
lattlif of inctliCaland.-alent* coperis- -.
ilsseiribled-nt-41riorirs3414.16 glire'les-
litrltil!:°-Prtioirrnjtalltintaill144,--11151a,:61-iee;t:041-11-inal'- -
g911SettUenee Or‘Ograuge4 moral i#en-§ers.
. ,
TORTLittk0-$1tEEP.: --
. ,. , •
Among theth eges-pentlin . 'against him .
, . . .
• drinitittiating4-:t1ieir-carcasses--ini the- -
4 .inanAlt,-Sehles,ANjOrtetstein In ,.,
• . ....
ifor "wl elt e ire° another tortn has locan.
'time b n'Cited.. _.„ ,
-The iso et Ilt4t tottki)*t ; se we. ,
the irnurder -, Of two l'itile,-y r;Old
scho I__ els_ heir...w . . e th nu • lu. ... :
'9'srilt14111eki-I11 -gts,..,•, _Wetit*T, f
Ocitinnings. 441 i13 lite, PolYgal",)141-1tic, --The censcienco of the glititY Allan IS at Ills second ,crinte occurred Idly,
and metelturgy, and ihe beginning of: least suitteientio, aroused to impris tom 1901, -11.000 lite here
public worship of God. Not all the. arts with th„, niiiikapnant attitteked two little .boys who were
or institutions known to the writer are re;;;Ii1-0 11118 17,07arrio;u7s-”pi;slio-n- as" 'bowling hoops linough the wools Just -
.explattilxl„ but .typical examples are a cuiprit,,from„JILatter loving lett the4r ,parents.. Tugs -
talon with which to- construct. the genw •tin a t'aii,11 on min _flow TOUtilItted 'the. bodies- -of the boys •
ffrogresa of early man as .concelired by
Th liebrewso--rrom etteeeverbt-gthhttlit
of lee nerrailve, however. it Is evident.
that •the dominant. Interest of Me, writer
is relegjops and -moride It Is not -Wen,
lificeot historeetri accuraey about which,
the author is Chiefly . cone,e but
rather- the ethical and religious sigtelle•
ranee of the- fact that God .is the Aulhor
and Source oftalt 11 ,gsof metes eon-
vkt. , .
de_rvies be stain to-av-e-nAte-
the. death 70t Ctun. - 'fIio vetigetnC0
cording to arteleat notions 1,.imuld be est:.
cuted by relatiVeli of 111 muNered nlon.
A fit 42 for rain -4' -
his pioteCtiOfl „and on olitlY attached'
directly .to his person. .1.ustwhat this
sign was, however, is not statedand it
wholly useIe& to s mutate
the place aitil laslc of .man -in the 'world.
The author's aeocunt of the fall of man .
from a state of pritnieve innocence
. wonderful hetet in its peyehologietit tn--
algid and its- petite power. Witte &pull.
kiU ..heenexteportrayseileiettpid, down-
iiellefild jeieteireish; eilteleist Ilepartf;intetnis ..bee- reserie
amnion a laye a en n
.0etege.areeelteeir Mow
tftr'' er-ANeektre-eit
plies-Ate:beet' bleachers in lee form of
eintlifett and the oxygen of Ilie air. .If
ha deifies eke- not -thoeonghly rinsed,
lor.will bewoye *be lin ranee
PA#1"E..TIIIA edox ow' K.
"itineMttiong pie trust, use' littleAva,
ter,andfold °gaff for Ieseuit, as inpal
iNttid as flour will bear and little wot1-
," - - •
cake the, batter to t •
'benign a letra-Witile-•10; Mike a fin
Brod must have .even temperature,
and •flour should be Warmed in iortteri,
'Cookies should have as little flour as
poesIble, •
'oven* a o-oqo CS.
Brelati-d6es,beet in tt rather slow oven
alefitat, Paqttagnir *x.loWly., but never
Very het.
Pouts require 'a Very hot oven at
first, and *lower latior.
Sottp4 must elot' boll, 'hut Stunner'.
Pried things need 'the grease irery bo
before they ger lit'
should be tiatiea fr
Oently.. ' •
, The Middle Aged Man • Emancipated
' From the Thrall otVelliThings.
11114 I atn now, in writln , mere and
arts and tuncni. , rieer_vkien_4_;v48_444,att-
ties of civilization' are raced pen.' tise, wet o• missions•wined to me to sen enc
*4 4t4lke
'done those of the two girls:three 'years
bTor:Tbelinirdifer- carried liWity the
heart of one of' Ibe ttethns' The selin-
Pra*UtOtt* with lithielt the bodies
'had been d'ssected ;indicated that the
mr erer to us •a • rezor at -id -was
skilful in wielding ./t.
The prisoner's opening stidettient vyrel
ntlot44tE411ing=t •
parents separated early in their
married life on account of the father's
kirtinkenn s. , After religious confirma-
tion:and a Carpenter's appreittieeSlitp,
Te,ssnow wandered about the country,
worki_g_at many trade* in various
'teem inataing---Weitirt:- • VAiffe7 in
*Dresden he claimed
gine,-hot Infer I* deidrnyed 11
Shortly once leaving Dresden he was
These who keep .young' 'longest tire
liVes held' stlfrok
Teat g interest. 'fhe woman*lie be-
lieves that she cam mean most to her
-tort4,,hunity: -by_Autting-herselt
ay from all society, ,end secluding
hexseit:Tatit evett.lnliutnen 'Outside' ibe
Its ot her.,,tnyrt.Aotnigile; xisual
(Gilt: 4 23: tee tiMegit altS Alarklevbealitlit- rilet"1"a ""4"itick of preper co*41U-rr4111444L1 di*erti.1.1.‘o. n
ground of cruelty is not unlit. by a' gleam Veal
otrougem ,,,,,ec;re 4. .$4. 04ner th„.. ia,,,,e, for the*.person .addressed; but 00/when
octori_...inetationss fora eh theeeleeeeed t.flnd that I ant myself falling leio such
I irt.lxv_dor.,, ..„41, ., introtrettatoree,. . . 4w.iteee
ont once thought
reined ,te,... deeeeey aft .1,4(.4a initoaoan ,;ilebnoti:t.reti eorioscrNynodt‘iTgiaird those
cause *Noah WO no, lodger seema to m. e that
him and -his household and., resolved' failure to, dot our i's and troSs 0ur I's
rinfiltasig Is -laid on ,:the sacredness ot
the blood of man (Gem 9. 147). Though. tridieetter carelessness or indifferent*:
rintgract;ucoerisrielinp.igregall:jniktinhitge?Merisi4:1:17culitnPatt, 111-1,.044e.1.,,itc:Ilati,iii,--rse!gil!--;--stellihfi11:11.1:1--.:11;116011:616.•:100,400.4.110.84_4404441H11 ,r,._ , ... __, _.:eve,sheilatiten.rnottPd:.?3:41.ithes'..eaftiteltt:^ns.,te..lifyort°e. itrtrnt:he_4),nott°gtidrs,rvot_tlaflteivtttl:ot,:
.aboUnds. Nosh fell and his fill revealed '
vi,hooloctlia,orira,,,04411;. spoof Iiiiistps,t.),(Itidorcio7,kiitolltite an- is tiecrowalolotiltiledot; tertaostilell'Iyirt,eitatenwttitteirtintAyrectigaurncli
ItebrhwS --spreiu, :13 'bleeeesle ise- is eiStre Met Ineltete ble shares,- ',. ' . .. .
Japheth,. while the ancestor. of tlie been. . "As we it oli' eider time, which we
fel:Anguilla: Leseursedetteope:Wet *to---111190gtO I westo In our eolith,
• . ,
' -l.14147;f4mity'ile-o ll'ilwa-,g-4'reittaa-seonfonnimtdta0e ,rouxohow aiee
anibilions• wi.,..ro ' destroyed by Ilie 0,Tra,:i t-Netsii itteetlit eeorre'oeerethaleitad--so;
Ilion, of diverse ilanguages (chop, 11. 1-0),4P° "ii we gpoo_owor-it blosod with good
...sfermlyert; fit this :. accounting for - health we find more end Tnore joy in
early lieginninge, fellowiiig the story of exastonce, .
:the creation' rind fall preceding the Abra. "So It . is in my growing yedra and
1410 neriAlltes, the character .,1110S1 ' keener knowledge of the value/of time
prominent is. ,the rightous .pittriareh that t find one, reasen for sey'edropsting. .
...lottau.vh. 6 To otilieflierkwaaecotivii4t., Oshat Its 11,1,1 it.:6astiptvirtilettet t:Ii) dotsitt1ia. and odi I eorro zestiltilitutth.t _ecanol.t tido111141g-
itQickt, in ,ciu,...0.0,,ri4, ki-goft;••• - . reason for this Iles in our tonnnote later
,.,, .„._•.; ..--.., . • side tendetley to 'Make lese of details
•'crse S. to prwss' of time-- Tim pee. As We groW older We come to diseo.- ye;
c1ingeereee of lids thapter ,mord.the i that 'principles ,are the thingsnot the
birbh• f -IiifinTSlitilirKixisfilit-it-erti- ,."tallitorrvetty-detti ,,.... ... ,..7... ....
ittlx,:oft,tihnoi*nooltotidukniii.tocoV gr4;*uoits'ngt titamor-lo_,,itideitiThin ' yo u (lire, "witivillpti• otillurninia-orILS 3m1 ree visiofty,,,
;atlitlgef • ,gre;litifiemiteteeepec f.it!t.s ottiesteuieenill:te,41tel,iftlit.).0 *;n6touitayuss..*se*:,44,.:obitti‘vil*rt .,tnailititi:crii.07dportittiytr.ani),Iitth;triitotte. itrrist.+tpusilterttiottii
'(ii br(ug1it the' itilit otibe tq. .i.i1.1:'.0'It4- 410„ 4 '1)._rOad:er _View,. vo etyt
„ .. _
old 'he 1.41 , k I "••y nog,
lex the liOtlie; and h se in�uem
family Is, ever wk1efling, 'At*
"keep pike with lite* ld's pro
thetas, Or eil "itiS alid
Lions. "Ifellitt!fitist a sbay4t-hthr
b**4 'Seto° Mush
l's tho &IMO.M thltt' C:Vtte 1114 lime we 'icvosted 'end the wOr.
!do ,,.oblalto o, lies eke eonee pre ourselyes -„ottr.... tn.
it r mut Alf `I'lliwittrilitelliingilliirit:, It. - oens'el-T
'oil ineen *ert et:: ,teekte e .e no
haps, *0 are to it,iitik k Calti*.s offer:in count 'at all. M. we grow oder we
as oonsislin); (it Selecited groins, Mould,. . gettoittat tgr,,Nit advatitago In Iirt$4..o too.
. nit' 'Wonting ot' ode tekt does nol-exelude lion* allif,.',pciAVr 'Moly to tome lo• us;
bflier,tittits'ind Predllee ot-thq.sy‘, ': outy os 06rtshii, ot observation and ese.
' Clio Jehovah - Thif iffilidi4 "iiitko'S it petiorttentt Ability to gtt, afoul: without
0,sin that It I.4 Yottovelts the- Gd elf Worrying overAriget. • .
.iledi tlio. oto -404 iiiily Into 6,4 'WhOnt - sAytd, 0 i am ' inclined to think' that,
r 14 itrd tiraityLiit not' so .liueh the '..tils-1riraltiii6-::.
rtio Cain *led 10 tds offenng ho thereby as it 1 his laler iltos enittoef '
moves,1110 now manner itt
ting. 1 ion no Itss tittiui: of the
s Eluugh,Lful as l:Atli iiidoo01 rid Mklhjt : am
his teirri went to Osnabruck, *here the
• rs nn r e titled. II
arreled, but %Vas 'soon released, be-
eaus ilie evidence 'was .found net to be
cone nsive notil the :subs tent murder
it 1141 1.• -
Meantime, he had -amaitiled and at. •
templed la mnider a denteidie.,itertiant
at Nfecklenhurg; but he was not prose. -
tided because the gitlizeould not stiPP4
an Accurate- description'. of her ason.
ant. 'Not WWI, after the 'Outten Murder,
.did site recognize. TessnOw es ilia man
who had 'picked ht,r.
'rho trial Is .expeeted to list many
days. There will be morthan 100 wit.
nesses, and the court' hasiitvorn in.ftvo
tintelvency juries. 4116 parents itf Tat,
now's fenzr viiiims are Present. They
wept bitterly when he entered the Court, .
and their,akahreateivia•-
whouViC "iirAktat IIOIIC
d. beelleeteleittielett* .entleis1,1,0
thair,Jtito which he iS 2,0tic.ed
THE GOLDEN IlteeE Of: T11118E. "
Three things' ee bee -pure, just and
honest. -
• Three thlkee to 'govern -temper, ton.
gue and eniiducL 1-
Three things to liveL4o0roge„sageo
tion end tentlene;ss. • -
Three things to love-zthe Wise, the
virtuuu and, jhe innocent..
dus1ry ',and promptness. ,
ttleallt -tied sterility. .
lIireO things' to des ..,-eriOly„ pm*
gsove nott
. Lll
iee tilintts to
tibul *rid the
t , ten
ire*, • .ififogs for wliklt 10
'.110210r, tioto6 ansi country.
Itit Hiroo &toAitt
heart, integrity of purpose
nem of di4tpoittioit.
'rum. things lois to Ibi
nee41,,,e0Mtort to lhe•,„***4 and appreda
Three int/ Or $
thlng* fn *Iiittt to W�i
nel mtnd, a Skilled 111114