Exeter Advocate., 1905-12-07, Page 6I net', but Ii t" Itte- tttit'eti OA"tliL ,will. hoh.i iA t.tor ter•• ittetet thcy tt not. ie 414 ' r lonate. ,atning 'of the it klfc. of l'i 'beypod the . r thin "Per ti n no longer delightin the felici- eeetesseseeetteetlertieTtlittlaneY-pitradiSit. 'Ittet-eti little concerned with golden streets, with wings. and _harps and: all the -other nekomtortable fureitehlattte• of 'the cruder pictures ot tho blisSful '" • tura state. Wo itaint °ceased to won- der wifether we shall be perfe,ctitt happy there. Men are not wone„., tear etlielit tettrelentr andedirtireir- tv-Sttet • 'by the -prorate -a of a 'Oar where •.-neithet- burden-tree:tor -toilseureeknoWn. -Neither ;10 Men belie for heaven be. eaese they a,ee paten up with the dread_ of hell. .reer t •_day_ Are _much_ it la 1r' , e V * t, i ' ' 'Atilt: , , Meese e , , ,. •„„ eleeteel It , h ti. tiefetrie)elli ' ., ,9 t ' ' 1 r ja PP At ti.° 1070441, i . - . *041 , . , . ' tit' ,., ."-- ntiLto 'itit 1.6snitee,frLlpi %i..47 I NI,: I. • -, •fruItt ,"iii.itati::*AXI W. • ht '", ',+' tD4, . '16 4 4.•,... 1 pi.',',.0. -What $rth, , i 1 fur. taftatIls,.' tOr a- . tj rci A ;I, 4' 14% :ti;,, 'Olin , ., C ..iti be*p , , ,ita--alid "J,A)414'.011d1001.Viii#,\Whict.. , trte 'ati' . or:Vanity , to ' et.N,11' is ‘00-'•ifie.al. diet ustyi :#4;1. arq_,' out the' best be his planned 111 '''.; ak4b3Z, 0° 01!•:te. t4t X.440re . in- u1'droat:4"Itr--'-'11ITTglir ii'frt1izt }t illietk,„; 40g",440444111-, illf4410.,',: • I : .initi _hare cOn_o'uilnP140a, but cancer,. ,tell eceoltet iefeetion, incompletion IS ,, upoa 81-11fiteafe-s,, Miefran'ttam • geftiirlit7ItiVPiiiaiiitil5rfirefWi**14'...Ark.vt..'short:;,*- tost;;;;kof*.t4o4.. Ittiiit •tiCzn , Q1410404 * t.04 tIiat excellent'. •reaulta liad ata ' t-44t.ti/e eat. bt that.f'ttht;tt ' tette .rigt4,. ubet!y hth ie4ri;:akiiikT oboe, ianx ancI mokti ter. bei rg"- out,* of.hOVv thc mat* Impuritleg. ”Wh-en tha WatCle goo* ivto - ground out, thietntlt s. strata •of earlh ftntI :rork it,gatters Alp the, ndixeral ,i4;!grrdiente .eontainedhiiu . t,,tht,Q,lit-1.0.;...140,1,1344.410,1!_0 . i es * o,a ' -1f4ther,\" tt ;SYS MIX", ; eWO "ttotet Me Itte Ita -.§,bedate retett •ltei'to ettetteteettee een "littOnei -te „.- , 01:- • q0:1;tfia.,Wt%ter !ma to jothr.ughtt, i.0$100,14"t.,:fthrough .litet,, .0 '‘-; Ittii can- notknOtti,.tt1; poioi b1y Ise41.Sr, 4'10001. 10t in -.--„4,:of.,0*....,4100ifor.P., .a. ,l4: , , ‘ 0,. '' -beitrigh';-tlerattrelcit,e4ritelt 0 Oar - se 0 IfFtrt.-!,* -: 4144,-tietttac: but --, C. - - _ - sbipe.tot Ittimanlove.riever act ityhhth human flesh is hal% t11-riPetf6-V,"tti.:.enialtirth urgir-wer, now1.dac3 it but begin to. know our friends • ctr geerns; arc not strictly or specilicate ther are gel?tie. Is it strange We long IY in a' narrow senee vegetarian -in their diet, but the term bus been used for 100 years or so to desig- nate the non-ineut eaters, and the name. sticks. 'Mere ib no tpirobabii. Ity-that it, will be chtnged n Abe ear-tuture-or-that-tr:better-one-wii he found. : ...nese herbivorous lii.unans. whit all -agreeing on the - one cardinal point 0,1' eating nof1csh are divided into manyeseets- _There r for "ii.atifehter timer - long r enough/ to ripen our fileasitiPs to perfeetion? Strange would It be if we could let th.ese toys lie where death „hes cast them. Most oft ell is this true of -11.41,t1 P13R$1.1iVOP-011-A-11A13TITItt The_ good man dies tell of honots but .eneetied of 4ir Selfesatitractiltn. ITC kritteve how great aro the glortea Yet, ueettained. While Men think he he. ttnen bate piety Is no longer practiced. Wo know theeeetieeets of 'eve lent lore,- er than those :Of fear. le le` Iceitir faetlft IttadtP,t4P to tvititeettt twill:Otte -than to -force thein- "- TO IMAlt TbADO i• • .1 _knows he is as a k r great hope of the future le 'that it ortletbe-sopper, fore -hl .'to be the gaud, the great, the puree .--thet-Steettikeeter has -seen -and- 4,00,0 for in his best. moments- here. Somewhere there rettist' dawn a dne? mortelityt_ pegiog they think little either of a heaven to be won -or, -a -placer at tbretieut- to---be"shanneellt We event to *know whetheroire Shall live and :Utilit*Ithat. ffi shall ibecauee no. one. Is eatisned to lay, dawn a . piece of work Unfinished. T1 pus- . - t lAre to , caeentp,,,relrneteseettfeeltin rigt-ete set upon -all, effert and lab -dr -um crowfl of its own completionvits perfection and rightebusnees. NO man ever saw his week, &lie remit/cite out here. None ever looktd over the_ tesks of We's :day withoet wishing he might attempt -them eie 1. • .-rs, things shall fulfill *Itch' promise. Vile longlageforeth ' the Mettle tror-entSee.--lore-thategross" pleasures of the,.er eTtital etiftedisee•It. is the fruitage of our Passion for pro - gross. Our longing for right,. °Ur diee satisfaction with our litspeefect selves ourtediscoritent with- anythine?' 'short -wo, 8%;4:00.ffW) be eiearer.,.• where right 't and truth shall ever be regnant, where we Shall • have overwrite . the, (hearten laud elute,» ea of the mire. and We'shalfbe what God meant us to be. the sons of the kingdom. ' • the thought of the grcatrees of their in and negligence in not having. kept Ihnelattee inettle-Peeete - 10., Eat the fat, and. drink' -the sweet, 'and Send portions' untohim, for whom nothing - is prep erect- gonie oettri it -in • 1 no LU Lessn a, Reading. and •Oltertng setter:4y e oore this Sacred feast . day • the, Lave., Greiden. Text, Luke meat , here rtlerred to l giVeft it! 11.26.. evident .faralliarity with the require- . merits of tbe law with regard to such T.,ES.VN: "WORD tSTliDtft,S. feasts maltes it. seZbin, probable that Note-Tife Word Studies of this his 'choice of day and: sea.soti wae c neeious hence . "I;V! 14: "And thou shalt rejoice inthY. 4 J INTERNA-12-01tTAL L.ESSON. -• DEC. 10. don. „ feasts, thou., and thy son, and tie; Intervenin vita. th . en'; VerSeS of et:fetter 4. immediately thytnaidservent.:sind the Levite. and earcepeding the lesson passage for last the ,soiourner. -and the fatherleeLuld Sunday, end in cheptere 5 and 0. the'. widOw, Unit are .within thy •eterecontlett_ it her .difttetaChka WhirILLuxtAuLt. , Ktihetniall inCounteted iis work ' • For the joy •ot Jehovah b your Jerusalem. Ire =selfish devotion tg strength - 0 word . "stie b" ma • . an'- a a so "e rough* (Li' liv 10 toy0 t toe 4 t 1110411 e Joy of the peIn Jehoveh filth& than J 'Ovalrs Joy irt the peolde. 0 at e WU'S all Ile) Levi,tef;-- le delegation 3vhich gath- the-work was completed. The ered---en- the-secoed- day -about Ezra contptetiod •ctit tho strong defense of to learn still Motet concerning the AholtyJjrohLgneenoruto • t....hti-et tinctudeelethve- lawnrtst Orbigis TO men of the nett -Orin if9. itatits the sees° of security, and with Avil,-religious-ImILsociel thrs-returtted. their-lorw---rie-natiob- id pride reed enthunitunn. At thie point, in the event* Nehemiah -.'ttp- yeetathus. atrd uro are by:genic s• -these are the 'primary lasstfleations. • • . There ere vegetarians who permit themselves tho use of milk, butter, cheese and eggs; others who will not • who real themselves vegeterities, and, eilleeneoceaslonseeat- fish and , shell- lielit=bittetifeetriftetenorevrertbyetsfethat narnet accordteg to the strecter ram., bees of .the melt. • SOME'. VItGETATtIANS bold' that practieelly everything be - t gond' eat, ' Seine hold that only those things. that groW • above grotend are fit,-fetr feed; they would eat no po- tatoes or other tubers; roots, etc. , .0= enthusiast at least has been ,known to livo---atui ,say. that he en- joyed lk--excluSively o : diet, '.of, grass. Some hold. that niushrooms, truffles and alt similar fungous and paraeitic growths are decidedly not g.frt-to he levet tha.t aareAln are very poor fo.oti and eboold not be eaten. • Alit increasingly large number hold 'ttla•-tfld-Mtseh-trutdeeo fruits und nuts.' These forswear even the commonest food vegetables, such as Weans. Peas, cabbage, cauli- flower* onions, carrots. squash, , cel- ery. lettuce- and of course, potatoes. Chattes A. Montgomery, Secretary Is a humanitarian vegetarian. yond that he has not yet decided to court, this illastrious governor „wise- • ly thwarted every rilot .and p/an the .1144•111•1114. • ..• .11.0+0.110 toot o stoli the worli' of the rebeild. 14. 'They folittel written in the law -It pi not unlikely that 1...1..zra directed their attentiOn to that which pointed hie brother, I ant, as , ernor Over -Jerusalem-IC- and ortiered thc't7 Eletivete •lisettvereeL that a census of. the population be 'low that •Jellovz.th had commadded taizeti, that tho record !of genealogies PY 3roses-The pasrages in the Pen- - might 1;e corrected to d.tte".'.ndmv tate4cli which reieee to the Feast of Gee put teeeezet, heart._to.gather -ept Vatiernaelee ID "the oeventli Month are gether tlietnoblea, and the rulers'and the following: t...tod. 23. le; Lev. 23. ;the people, that tilPy inight be reek.- 3943: . Num. ,20. 12-3ftteeltent. 16. •enett by gertealtial. And I fOttittl the 1J1 15. YriTio particular :annul:Int- book of the sgerzealeger _of there. thee Meat hero • referred to is given in t t1) atethe..ilitsett (NO(. 7, 5) Lev. 23. • ecifonttCorsMite'tifet, IteiteTtftt-4- - enrolliiienti of the', pieopio and tt ma at thick es-CorePhee „Lev. eUe. the beede of families la 'givett itt they'. d:titnd ye- Khali take 3,oit 011 the day • , longs. Mile he livee chiefly.' on fruits and nuts, ,he has- not yet reached the point of giving up cere- a o eittiee and other CalinnOri Vegetables. • tirberenloSis' as a:text, IV: 'Mont- gomery discointed to a reporter as • , gat iercil together unto Ezra,' the ,Paire t il trees, ,and vughs ot Welt ' ccri 0 and prlest,, end requested to tree e. and :Willows Of tlae brook; and te . tastr'ucted once more In the...7.600k, ye shall -rejoice beton) J.ebovah your el the law of Moses, that they Might, God seven days." . , - -,, • IV tho -character of their neigh= ', 16. The Water gate-t*Itist math -of .4, i i . Ilk as well an by their yo.eilitabusitel the aten:ipso telesurei•so coifed be Integritg al...._AtelititIon.__he-ind `" yeetiltsr people"- again unto Jehovah. ItIzra promptly comPlled _with „ the Wish ot the people and averse for -first-day Of thetreettIf4Sot 14,4.-I'Mt . the first . ditty of the 41°Weath rtiOilth. . '( 6 Voltrititrie4.go calletThettoteo ______,,,,o,... _ .. . ..4. . , ....,... .., .. „ , ., 'P. 4'0:4- Plr•Zhltthrlitig t . •Illi* till ' 1, 11 a d:aY *1' . (11°1114 'Tee, '1 factioritil to-F-iiiiitifittlf-Tert -4-ty &I, into tfie eame the, path leadieg Iron) the vit.- 3I'S sprifig4(1:41hon) entered -the nit-, .••• It eras a eornmori sight to sec r• earlier -4 pitssing in atid out it - • li6 tf tfowitligr: ot troMpets, a, hely eon. territory ot, P,Phreitn..-.The tibroed. a is.bettei .than a vegetable euro. 'The Pore 41st:filed Water int the 10110 takes all Our imperitles from tile body. and ' leaveit In, strat Condi- tion . that. Nature can work a speedy:, curieDr. Russell would find that ure tibia . Juices i ituld ozi much better, and quieker than hls veetable uks _Ilo_sleouttle eyelet fistits More and vegetititlel fess. t'Vegetarierrisra .is a misnomer, anyway. The Vest vegetarians the , tunkbk'r. 't •tirti0k, (.X)fltL , 411.1.0 'etuto rtd -14.at, '.‘hreak WO mai/ piece's, When, c 01 tho vegoteth 1Wor14w4tterors'eftelP,i,Witiolt.,retal hard centree -and Match Wo 1$oft; port ' en to a ptirtirbearup an. a04" W:fth bu444,44_1=-MAW-#1.- making. cake Pastrz adding o utlicitent-railketelettenteittetatecustard• ,14111f.1"VU 1 •-;4100.).; with 1,t1)fttl folise',..use : , t ' 19/, u1'Iled 0.L1. vi'ljk even with the edge,: of tne Au 00asIStanan 11Thra p1at With rieli 'dou0. All it -altneet with the pdr- : Pull) Palin and pour • over it the eus4 lard, 'You may strip it Or leave it plain and spread‘„ with meringue. Bttiten as Any ordintility ' 0.ystersee-Thisedry: fricaertee can be proper -eV in the elmini et with euccese.-• Dertin the oysters and r= 'Altera inte gar -tinder- part ot-t dish end fleet to the game or In a saucepan -directly on the ru. Ileat - stometitLthe- e peeking. . NITiittit-ttetr oysters 'are L11rnfl anti ruffled, setasmt with salt, butter AO pepper, ,eted 'earve with hot. erackere, • ,= 11 . Curried itpples.-Choose tart cook. Ina, apples and- cut in half the roloind . way, remoVing tile teore. Make er a elute, trit 1he ort‘ and fruits atrest exelusively: ts ,eontain---more nutrimeet 4ba any :other- known 'thing. -They con- tain "fatty matter In absolute purity; whereas meat,' 'which is ler less •nu- tritious, anyway.. often emetains Palmettos* u s an _micro .. ke an ideal- t. ettAttletelliertleettne-bottnetteltellitt _that fruits tend nuts are intended by Na- ture as -toed-tor Tune What eau -be more beautiful than , the 'apples. peachese cherries and other •fruits among the green leaves? If for no tett garseettletartr-ltssewirdeetreperfe plain that she .intendethe frulta to be eaten. “No 'cooked food of any kind :can ever be so palatable 'and to nourilsh- ing. as these snn-cooked fruitsThe best, chef in the world is the sun. The nuts and fruits pmeared by him are the best and the most delicious- ly cooked of rill tthe foods that were ever "eat teheeekinnee trait% enebeetis app es. •pears, p urns. Iteatlie 'an so on, should be eeten without par- ing. tlio skins. The skin of mot "molt es have coarse, thick rinee, Is gopd and contains =mere' salts that are beneficial. . "Whether vegetables, and especial- ly ;those which grow under ground. are intended by Nature as foe(' 1 • re, tpw, or tehete unmet! are "ineurioun or not I do not know. Some people hold that. tlry etre; 1 o• tables. •" . "1 am very forid of potatoes, very fond of cauliflower -but this is a • were ittoyeetier-tzieetterit tenter vege- tables, and " • ••FAT Vittarl. reAtt -2.1ZettAt,9 ey%i »e almost as good -a* n, In aa(ia 01 a sudden 'coke awl When ts quite evident .that the, plueetter will not, be as irettetlent to. get to; you LW youare to have 11i1u4 rabr, some yellow soap and whiting with vett:41g11 water to•make aethielt peSto* • dd.-eft-op up the leale-yentrsette-tritis Well auswer temporarily as well as 'der - Dents in fate polished furniture may be relnottede in lite follovidug manner: Lair a number Of laveaot otstet per -o. dent andput a worm iron over thern,•The ettemn generally eta -use' the- weitti to NWOII and. to -fie UJ) elle dent! It eareetimes - takes -- patience. but slight dents, voliteh, are considerable' mar to furniture, may be raised in th s wav. Maar- eb-r- ttd-4f--darkbroventaugareeitatteeeteup of butterterted a, temepeonful of cur- ry powder. *Sete • o cu s o o e apples with this: Mixt-4re, filling In theehollows, left by _the' 4remova1 of tho copes. Drake in a getele oven, o eervieg • the usual directions foe Keroseno is really, non-petploeiveif sett wittextenstene prudence, ancLita_ opeOles'--nre-nOt--hrdfw-ttt derstood, For oionnink batlituliet zinc, 01 porcelain, it -hos .nteeriverteeteee. and tite grettitmet kitchen Sink ie. - made credit and Wholesome after ft bath It h S14!1I) t-rteettedeter oranges, and-Leut each in alf croste wise, Remove the fruit, keeping the rinds intact. Felice and sbred the orange and mix with it sorne eeeded white grapee, thinly- sliced bananas, Also elle meats of pecae nuts if de. sired. - Add 'a dressing of orange pjonariapetolegr. oci:Tihilefas9p..ontillorinf:en,a,lan_dwiat'thiittotilyasel:te Orange cups placed on small tvhite - ttretirft—rettrOsel-tetttt.tettitilitlitelr te ties or to serve ion -toast. oysters May be cooked in et sauce. t Drain the litmor on to beat,--Qalfr-iteben•laho-t add the oysters. As Soon' as they -- become plump and sfightly ;Wiled along the edges take them out. and /with Vie firmer _make a saute. Al- -low three level teaspoons each of flour. and 'butter to one eep of the SeaRon with hall a level -,,ti-Ls-ponti of ealt, celery eallet • brtek and b then-- nee eit mire. The ilest cooking should be little more, than a parboiling, lest the oy- sters becomeovercooked- evilest - r heated Keep them as hot as pits- . harzn. And the Same abut cereals; I do not know whether Nature in- ert • anyt kind iri that time, and I ,have never It:not:0 a al& day in all those eterS.- ' --eirre----re--v-egefiiNan---ehretiy-trectint humanitarian. mations-. - The ,majore ftty teir etgetterians COttte In for by- . gienie tetteons; perbripe GO per cent. 'I Maintain that pure vegetarian- ism is the humanitarian fountle.t.icin tone lit tilterefor•ure. Most =vegetal -- laps e -re .peaceful, progressive, en-. lightened ' /nen.- Theer are opposed to- -b6tir-human-arald on !mai nturdele "'ploy : are antiovtvieeztionigis-; they ar,t oppof:ed to., war. oPPosedlt?.. inteniperaline. ey.are liygenle and econemicai rep)rn ers, toce. , "It Means, going back. to agricui-- ti •-•eese ten rt_teetjeetperoyettiettee--e_feor„tt ttletifinre will ttjvit m& -e men employ- ment arid better empleyreent th,..te , Iliat it; the point; vegetarlaniern i TITO 'TM -pie ItEr011B.t. "The inovenient is grOWIng tepidly. Many rich cociety Jettlers,are finding that the only'rellef for the indiges. __,.. ,_. . , „. gout, . ., ., arty 18ther-L-111* du*- to and - too rich food .its"' 0 be ,foiind in a , . • . . simple, .vegetitrian diet. - • . "Atany prOmitient leinge.t$, actors . - .. atid actreeses are betoMmg vegetar.• I . Tito* find that they. do "460:;\ voczitiod known as tho feast of tAtites' °V the reAptietive gates Wee trunird. the opon SpateS of ground plet'ifitide Verso *L., And ttfoy eteetteettioeet -the Well at. thee point. .cbeseo by 1'er#4 irr'nfinnc'-cI j_..L421,17.' 'Sim* JeSitun. "tile 4 And 7, together titti Etra htnleifie, Seri Of 'Nutt'. had'reet the Children It is not. dot front this of 11114461 dqiitt'ST.114, 14tXtement• daft. $01 egrtltria 4 epernUc sin trit. vegOtailett what ahe • re for , er. Aeso men Iva 0,141m er, Oro I .of Taajtqlutt i 0 ottoplo, IdlintinOottOy or *lather ,th6 3,04,4 not. wt.) kopto ) , ono ' oniir, re'zid at iv A* e4461iP Pr; bf4t, during '611 ., thate AltiT..' ' nit ' t that ther,detatteC In' the 6604 Ir0 the o , 0 1 laWlolating: t� f :. boolt torresp7Opding probablyOut , 0, P.MS!'; had ital.'. .toottlat hooks ,o;t. the Vert nth. 1. °Tema; aeettitbly-L-Or, ' , .1listinetik'‘ProhiablY rittert tig' '12. ; tt,sayik!„.## ,iti tho ttiatigiottt rot ' tittriltat ' ot Aittor*Ite6, 1."111In the IteVieed Virsiot* trsiolatzs. .tho word Inay fli h'S Alio rendered , , prrtation,,` \vet ,„ •540,' log dadv,, d ‘; would hit 0Tbpoltt. ' &idiot -;vti- They •witli insomnia who etrfett-Th'iletles out getting relief, promptland. per, menet', t ly. "Sornetfrnes people say to me: " should think you would find your vegeterinnism too inonotonotis for anything; a.diet of only nuts Mid fruits meet pall on one atter What you do tl-zenr. • • 'glut there Is no inbtroionY about it. These people hove -no conception of the possibilities of •such' diet. Thefe are ,hutideede of varieties of imeparations of nuts an. the? markets now, and neiv ones . are being made • "The !slew York Vegetable Club. f which. am .tetrotary also, com1-. nne9 g of one thing to Shove Tbe\poss baitY of variety and palatableness. • And the guests are alidayli (Treatly cur. prieed that so mars excellent and tasty 'Mates Can be made front one thieg. - -sir, there IS no ukce- -abx;ttt. yeptarlanisra."--- imps flour with -2 level- teaspoons baking.powder and a. little stilt. nub in 0 levet tablespoons_44eket ...eug.e..peetme To mile a soft dough that can be -roiled out. 11611 ou mac e an • -cut in 4 inch TureS. Fold over meth corrter to- • eard the centre and tilt tbelittlt 111 It; UkIjJ hdrd• In the morning ruh the oink dry and let the- hot Water rein tfirough jflltil evert). -vestige ief the 'bit has vanished.. An old dust/ clogged , clock is given a bath of kerosene in a 'shit& Way, 'by ing imidepiece Of abeorleent COte ton drenched _With oil; In ti, leW weeks' time tin, cotton will be heateit with. dust and the' works will be ...eleeteeated shiningt_ supp les Just as consaientiouttly as these- for the 'pantry? Few home. holds Nv0uI0 get along a eek with- ,„..- grair matey. letters are unanswe ed for Abe lack of a good, pen, -a stamp, .or. an. envelope. It. is net the expense but Jack of thought that keePstan Jae ' sufficient oe. meagre pupply of tlte. neeeseaty articles on hared. --Tfi-eleanse p carpel. wrong 1et sweep it and l'arnatva what you care of -the' coarse dirt 1n aneordina way.. Their eteipte it well and care- fully with this simple •mixtriree Take • two tableSpoonfuls of oz -gall and Well. Dip a cloth in the tnixtUre, 7nottedriV,---antPtee--' • with Abet Wim t o ca • 4 • • • If you wa t to moire the broont --- • last long an( be pleasant to ogee:.pu, tte these straw -4nto--boitir.g -water-- 11 1 rem ere untit-----thit7-777•, water is • cold. "non tit it o en air unti it beceinee dry as 'far as. you can see. Wheel to use it dip it 1 to water and et-444TM . , ltrequeralTIvettg the room a - vtith the Juico. left out. Quince. elicee- 1 fine (trite -A -011.710m fort this purpose, as are candied cherries and. raisins minced • together, fruit jams • or butters, and in the winter time we +meet Mince Truett. These:, “fruit crowns" ma.Ke.., good lunceheon or pie - •I 61c dalPiks• Before.- iiiatinr---they - aroi.„,brustrarter with,. the beaten ' white of an (qrs. ,,•_. ITest Way to Boil Ttice•--To criolt • rice without', a double boil,v, yet have it vo eVery, grain is in perfeA ; shape and iieparate.troin every.otiter, try, thig_,--Wai: $0.41Yt,.7-an-49, - 9 -r-t-itirtii-C6W--Witte)r„ to-tlfrit- every tit:31de of rico flour is removed.. from it. 'Drain. salt well and a; rt a nmelin bag, allowing , t enty room for it to swell. Place, In a deep kettle of boiling wa.ter, tover clo..,.Tly and let it cook- -stiiiely till tender. When bout half done, , the cover of the kettle should be re;.. moved to allow the,: water. to evap- orate Watch closely and When the water is so nearly boiled away that the Lag is no longer enveletiod with ;steam, _ *empty the rice into. ii; hot ' di. if anti ' at onC# it Will be WISDOM'S Koine' eteettitittifiete •riteat tmount ot in the ellOrt tO ithIngS Tart t Very tihWhO thor toughly appreciates 01.0,101 Ilt:aUtYoi being poor. •1. tak0;,OUrititte • ern* i Su& •Ocetieteertily tall*itt llre• ttge plates. • timl What ' motive whivit tironip ood 'et:t.rails:,toles.set°11illirieces::arorini:istinot o:ribroi-1;e:. e the carpets. Deeidte, tt'eatehes. ranch otfine dust Whew wet, and, neap su61,1 letting it remain at _least one Minute only,. 1,0,this with 1114,,./ broom' At leaat, eke a' ive7L4t, ,Xt makes at stiiii:4§. tough and- pliable. ANI)41,0•ALTIT. - one-lialf of ilia World fetnit4iini rink too little "Wixter; They do. not-- - thirst,an is, tt. should cultivete ortt •- by using pleett,y, of mit both in thole te natural Arab% *ill take tire ideal of a tonic. thp woman wile has 'flabby. fiesh an4 '- hollow client will fort the livabit o( eating 'plenty of Valt meats and tisk tbeteb,v creating a thirst for water, Rile win tnko on. 100d, healthy. nt44 Atu.. t,rounit iler figurer- In -an! tanishingly hOrt time. ' 1110 app2aranee o • Itt'aZitIti At' l'are at work in tho #(.,etsttry „ to bo 4:, to Xter birth .1 entletted. '",Tlie• Ittat itt god -ifraith and rxpolltni, tolobr*ted Ittr birthdaybY !, ,11111g C'tqlhricttleat,,, 'e th hat eonie.telativee; '$U ett to tht lLttty steti\ion 410) iltot,thno atte.Ait " tho .reportO'r. fIvelt, rot 'tooting to 1Xr,UoutgOtostr. "-We tho r.g.ttriaii dioldryp fri coot and votOto.blet. tr it itut, 11 trattitt Malta a tare of Alinott any diece$6, inridding cantor' and eo)stzrnptlon, Now, 111 141 yott vs .0 Ther_e_js,110 how' others '‘.Too ,tittit# o .is ap WA' *Melt rr3c1ueee. seitisfeetttlYret a. °Alt tktailonal Men for 'distatistat. anyettiere,. ,goods, rl pionee. tut )f hold ett_qt and roper ' pling; It $110.44: abut ' • 'sVcg tow' 114 worn, bti kaui to, *tot* Ft lif ttot it u-ai ri how ithort.A. tint* a tre- onvertetljitOo * tin xpttot;Wa 1 I 7',..,aro, Ctn. " thre frlhd and taken 't64, lore aprr" factory. " , 04:11 the flrJ h',et of paper is"in'rl' from the . It6r iititr 4 ttitlittfry . Ifi*., .-n ttk. l• hi! ' \ .„