Exeter Advocate., 1905-12-07, Page 4scontsibite, IIL o ore. • Nelson *try Mamznuv.. Beaver.. mr *k. set. t44poIoH of ratefitts*It rititi.10.Tesell°tioi tt1 • Pio** 0, Bawl"' Fdmer Mabel 11V n, .01, Hot ors. Evelyrn illuett; tbar ir,illSotrety _ i.tsL Em- 41 n. 1 "tit ' 0 Uuen, rior, Ra un- or*, • R11i Pai,. W1Ungtm11abt rVUije rhitz,. EdIUI „ sr n 911,* o ngtonwe 4i'veigli • ,t. i:4,1*kil 'the , • 141to...it" or ece(iittis and th 9.1(40'04 tl'e--ina u o , '' ',0 44 'Ma' kor It'14:1° re, . : ls.tit.. MO ttr*tIlit4t . 9' 1 s York.— feel he elfee :4 okeo.t, an 4t.o. hitn*aii3Or aPpOinteda :Olks,trinzeo-Ao chant are be in 11) -fit comment, pro. au eves'. , papers of Shot teed, OhL 4.it .nd to WO% The 'Whitney tAt elaiinalhat tbeiravoif.'vet isu t terest of a. notepartisan ccierying out of the itcenee. law, midis siippinAed in toe matter oy many of the papers,.. ethers elaim that the aetion ol -the government is to be regretted and. ondemn the adreiniatratioe accord. nglY, The,ticense Commissioners who • were appoliitediast. spring have re- signertto show their disapproval of „ the dismissals, stetingthat they should have been consulted, thet the old in. A - • make room for otho men, an tha the government is ,exereis ng the '1p0118 $Yete A t or CO'e Following is the -report for fq:overa jr‘.'Leavintr Uriiitnell 87; N. Itnasell 07, U. Murray 66, M. Plait =Diuing • fi7, ,Armstrong 50,W.. 'Web- ner 43, ..41..0iiwer4 40. Ri Clegg 40,, M. - Knight 40. H. Workman 29. - ' Jr. Matriculation Class, ht V Sand1.. r7*1-- the most, partici'. ts of fowl hove .ek and no dobbt Walt Xen1is.--.8ever. al new tenor and hiss sim.;era have been ininattedi into the -einur of the Evangelical church, -Chris. Hetetis the proud father of a tine baby. girl. - Miss Clara Falmer has opened up a 'dress !Makers' shop over Holttinan's tailor shop. We wis.h bee every sue, cess.-Weddingsare the PrdeF of the day in ' 4tur burg. --Quarterly eervices will he held in the Evangelical chu h on Saturday and Suoday, Bev. S. I. OVIA -1 Inerithrittieri • Ostreleher, ;41 T401('ttI Hiitst,.. • 18 35 Ittenzle :Teacher. . home , of ''.017 A I i . .,.. n fr *... 14 . ' ,o ‘ ee b •f• i (Wed) When t e eIdedtugtet-, Mis Louise, became the happy bride of Mr. Eilberg The ceremony which teek,place at 5.30, woo performed by ev. Munn, only qbe immediate rela. tives-witnessinwtile -event. Gowned in a haudeome costume of white Japan taffeta,/with trimmings of Chiffon and net lace1 and wearing the customary -veil, the bride came forwent leaning on the arm 'of her brother, Arthur. She also Carried it handsome bouquet of roses. lier-sisterr;idiss-Marier acted as bridesmaid, bloke(' very wine some in a dress of white,„organdie an ar led k arnatio 2or e Several. *on . the pi t1I nalvetsary •oerviees- on Sunday ,emr1 Monday • ' ti11 ' lilt „e.4,1 _ ,. one,. A t.'S cam y. hu vitun- ct to the vill ige again, after spending .. the:summer at 1or4uime.--74as. 1Ie3r- Wood Intende. WWI ng his auction sale of Win stook mid iMpleinelits on Tues. day, Dee. 12, .,- We enderstand an in- . . R-.a...W.-, au - . appeniu0 thistownsilip last- week, ,.. will be ventilated in the Court shortly. Thos. Coward swa tik3; tine. 100, 'acre tarot,: Lot • 17, Con. , 8., on Mon- dayto Mr. John Duncan of nearFarun- ha; for a good figure. Coward will have a Bale f • his nip 0- mouts, 'ete.. on T testlay, Nov. 1,9th. The tdwitship Co o very busy will-coedoct the Orvines. Mr. Gee. • Lightfoot and Ilitse Bertha Dixon Of- insleyverrr-4141ited- Mani . The event took placeatthe \Method s parsonage- he . A.ndreersoiliciatiog. The Venn people will reside at "We& .while Working -in the bush 'Friday cet hi foot with at ; ax, _VfiliCh Wig -147 him up for a., tlme;..i.-:.After - lengthy. ,stay burghtlfre,-Ita,Plethaktlr7, tamed to her home in Find:lay. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron OrovItrit and the MisseeStricifier,have returned to Bleribeitn. . , Davis 81.-11.-Ciaedne 30;1,11. Fair.21, T. - 'Carling 20, Davis It.' `.,„ No. on roll 24, average 0..Plemang, teacher.- : .Cominereitil DePartment.411;igh Me - Kay , M.'Quance 80, It Welsh 83,--J. Cameron 8e, A. NOWard 78, 4.1VcOara 70, Bart Luxton /5, Dora Wert 70, I. tioiCay 70, McTaggart 00, Bissett 08, B. Spelled, W. Russell 00, E. roe 05; M. Mack 03, .. S clonal" 119, M. Willis ce, o. Fee 50. petty 4S, AL arkle---hemer-e, y Dec. 1st. The following program was rendered: Piano solosMisa. Vivian Bea. Ver; Miss Clara lialst; pa- per on 4*Oliver,Twisr by Ur. Rollin. son; vocal duett. Miss . B. -Beaver and Or. Heist; rending. Miss Lulu Rasery; v000l solo, .7.11. floltzreen; piano. duet t, Misses Susie -and Carrie Kuhn., The Society W411 meet at thehome of Mr._ J...11. Holtzinara on Friday. Dee. Wunitian.-The_ Methodist a on— -er Silber rep cred Lohengrin's wedding literal' as the .bridat parlor,Tvhieh was ;• ecru, • t evergreenand ferns. •Billter also played some,choke *IWe. during the ceremony. A, very invit- ing.ilejetiner was served to all present. The presents were choice and , varied. We extend our bestwishes to Ur. and Mrs. Bilber. • • „. Boxecc--ANnatwe'..,-The 'stately res- idence of Rev.I.W.,andlfra, Andrews was yesterday (Wed.) thronged with a large.company;who had assembled to w" ness the Marriage of their third ,It� 'WV -Regan,* liandford 81, Godwin SO, Lois BirnoY 78, L. Sanders Collins 113t P.Sweet 09, A. Davis Redgert 08, C. Miners 08,i K. Stewart 03, E. Al. Down 03, N. Liodgert 02; A. Dow 01, B. 'Meek 00, M. Awn' 55, E. loom 55;„ W. Huston 04, .11. itowle Ai -Stewart 544 13; Farmer -49, C. Duna- fOrd 40, D. Stewart 31 No. on roll 45, average33. , -ererw- weddieg, When Mr. James Flynn and Misslatte A. Stott Wire united 111 raitreikx-e7, The:bride, Who was attired In a -neat atul'beclomilig eastutne, was attendW"bY Miss Flynn, sister of the greorn 'while Mr. Foirest Parkhill( acted .ka best -nrianz-The Ceremony was' performed by- Rev. 3. W. Andrews. We wish tir:,,oind Mrs. Flynn a long and hap stnarrie4 life. ItorM I1.-11. Stoneman 83, Gal*Prn- eon 78, E. Taylor 74. T. glanders 60, E. °Getz 03.' M. Havykins 08.0. Fisher 50, A. May4:4. E. (.1 h -a -A heere 44; B. ida tin 424-1.f, johns 40, F. kinas 39. TA.. Mar- Coultia 30, I. Bowe 27, G Die ' 250 B. Going..10, L Walker 7, 14. • mer A. E. Dorr LY. -Alonzo Heywood 72. No. on roll 41, average' 40:- ---- Meteko, teacher. ercy e win 70. Pearl Johns 746,, ltovve 741.. Mary. Da - VAS 72; Ida Welsh 717,. Jr. --Lit- , Ilati Boyle and Clair Wood 744 Wilile No, on roll 40, -average 41. ' • /1.•11 Walton& teacher,. Sr. II. -J. Walker tO, W. Ford 88, L Hardy 81, O. Hedger', 80, L. Delve 78. W. Heideman 75, F. Shaddock • Illiddle.IL -M. Carling 96,11. rlelkwill • 84, E. Anderson 79, L. Treble 77, G. Mite 734 F., alaney 72. V. Howe 71, M. Oneidas, 70. Jr. II.-B.Welker 81, No; on roll 6 verage 00. Anna B.Mtirtia, teacher. 'Sr. Gardiner 91, ve Jones' lean Seklon $3, A. 'It Ray 85,8. Quance 84,11. Jones 80, 3rreolliek4SiIk1iOlve=74;77-2Stv-Part11.; li.::!.(ktdici-83,t ileeker. 77. a ..Tebtu t cm rod average , Elsie. A. McCallum, Teacher, Meek 02, Hew.91,, It. Fleming 80, E. DA? fi4, 1"4).ngi woo4 84, M. Knott 80, It Welsh 7, W.Matt.* 000 ert 12, Se, Net It... ey 71,tlat. Rieke /0. Jt Pc' II.-J.Ferguson .1114tche1l 1 teeelier, • _ . Clinton IL er./Itewervirho, for*iity years bias been the efficient:local min - 141AORIAGe.--Daring the past few weeks cupid has had his heeds pretty NIL and one b on adi .avi qr. our midst to geace and beautify'a home of tlaeir own; This ;week we, plea in announcing home of Mr; and Mrs.Gott vied (Miser, it being the inarrits.4e4if their estienw David triekler 'tin ear gowned in a n some wedding Itett*attkcirtled-bythergroom'stsi ter.Mi vs Lily Strickleta Brightirwlm wai1irn-dainti1attired. --••14--hele • was asaisted by Mr. vv. u. Duncan of Bright. Rev. Damui performed .the ceremony in the presence • of a lame. conclusion of_th ceretnony-Tfil repaired to the 'din ng roont where all partookofeakeitcellent wedding supper.- That the bride num- bered her friends as many WAS evi- denced by the magnificent arrayof gifts whichshe received. The evening wis.pleatiintly spent in various kinds nitarnuseanent. The Band was ale° presentsn renderedisicneeholce taus - lir. and tirtv morntrirgiiiiiiitutford, where they will make their future home.' We join 'Mt h the boat of friends -,In7wishing them all happ4kineesandprospetity dor. ing their weed hfe.. _ epeol„....-Kti the _Month Of Ottollee 'last, Much public interest and. exettemeet n tea Of Middlesex sad et tb*won.. derful take bf marve1oi. cures and in- *one:able tnirsolost performedsel-L*8s alleged by "Hail Ammer' Who operated in and about the Vl1big of Crediton. 'T.hst sick and ,:afflict, the deaf, thedumb, the latile, thetalt sod and sundryand timniattdi. of thou lislted,t*shrinit of the and as the story stents,*11 were h • Ida mysterious:Ai terve se MT np accoun .s. e 111PD111 pot is • n the fire an' 'ady we hear -uratUteilmen .heve spent lets of money, Ittitl we should heve_a_tiew,I:louncil. but as in the past whennomination arrives nothing Will 'be said and the old Counoil 01005- will all be re-elected by acelatnatign . and perhaps:it Will he no mistake either. - The annual election of cillleers of the ,0,(1(1.1v, will take.Plece -e - Tog, Dec, 14thir'' 1 4. Notet P. gfr4;,. wia .. 4 4 '1 0 .'1, .0 1 11 . • , tit 0i,14,)Atl, . -, 1 ,. . el 4 131i l .41.* .4i1cf. 1 ZtVet",te „,, . ,T te.$411 On , 49Sift Uggeipts is ied andlifft ' , .Ciirren 0 t tAPPIVeft ?Jilts iltiry Denere •haseeturceir to. ' •; ,yee, -o - . sse .hoine throughout was tastefully decor- ated with, evergreens and -bunting.- Promptly at twelveo'clock, noon, the: bridal party entered- the, di rooniito .the strains:Of Mendelsohn's wedding march,'. played 1)y Miss Wan'. Ales Keeler ofitingstoth, cousin of the bride. In the mono aif arch had- boon ei ected. whielt wee profusely decorated miltlitTeedar.baughs and myrtle, dainti.. 1:004 a eerei the bride's" father, lt v.3 W.An. rews aleiSted by Ry. G. W. Itodrewct-oi,.. „etWaiti, and Rev. 3. AIHn. The britlelooked very beentehing,1/4gowned in a beautiful costume of ereein with silk chiffon trimmings, • nd" car- rying a dainty bouquet of white car. natiOns. .fler sister, MIES Stella', acted, as bridestnaid, and looked very pretty hi a gp0,11,of ceparri AO tar, ried-pmk-cartratt, snpported through the trying ordeal 'b h I he-cet . oniony li very imp ci and pleasing past -was partaken of by all. ,The gifts Were numerous and Varied, and 'their imagnificeoce testifies to the etiteern in t. 133 e ie er man friends. The groom's gift to the bride was .a old watch Ittilt.,Ohain, to the' esintu -a go .-ring-set-,:w Turebi •-pentic-cmd-te-tirir-gf1i(----*1--11 - 'Pair of gold . One of the pileasiffigfeat tires °roe oemion_ the music rendered by the choir, of w -141-24r0135yce hag hem --a-valurd- in7inebbeetorn.ifrottiTedhe:, _soold'otairt:edndisupairbitaedndeoh;t: u,ses were very appropriate and were, cloth.. -with silk hat to "math, the bride leftwith-lierilitalTand-en the evening train for a honeymoon trip to London, Hamilton and other points. • On 'their return they will take up their ,resi; deuce, near Einsseldale, where -Mrs. Boyce will be home to her friends af- ter .Tan.15, 11)00. Guestetwert.., ire ,untsilite: -•n Kings- ton.. As the young conple havejoinedhands for life we_ trust iher -Me I* favored with earthisrehoiceat bl ing, health, happiness and prosperity. . with r. Cabana and a 'clay expertivhewere bare for 11, few„ days lest week, in gentle -Cahn with the brickyard, hey° returned to .Buf- tito.--Edward Bedard, hae returned kepi a, Visit to Conttright.-4aines Ducharme of flemiall is spending n, few weeks here. -N. M., Cantin ',has gone to the Old Country.-4•The fishing firm of the Village have seeured their, pond nets, after being Eta for. about They bed bad luck this 1 Onsemine Masse, who spent the, summer, at Biewster;, has returned. • . * WEDDING.-DttrinK the .,p'a srinc113 tit ' . . cupid has cortaialy.beert very busy at his works of love.and our young men believe in the quotation "that it is no good for man -to live alone," led -ging by the. numerous marrieges which hay takeuilace here tecentiv. On tie ayast r. ante • to tiul alter Miss Mary °barrette At 0 . . . .Aientirat4...8xe, C.s.ca.tmi 6 r..kpCl1t3 fet?*1 414 4117CM1401 rttlivtd, Inter* goi. meaela 4scomtiti, Sibt, - - -"- , - the oliHoiFernment. • . 14. UVIWON • -Our 'show-rowritim' rvir-packeittlA1---ot-L. , the lateet 411 kifids. of Turin. bQught at the lowest prices '1 'And• in ,orrder to n34e room for our, Spring, cow ing your than at aht otiterFtmai- urouseni tirestern. Ontario. Call before-1=0110We _and. get our .Prfioes.' Mrs. Thornr,son of Blyth was a visi- tor at $. Saltine's during the week. - Henry Cook has recovered from his regent ilInesi.-Vir„ Cook has returned from 'Winnipeg. -41iss-kIthei Murdock has -gone to London where- she has Aitken a poilithim.-Robt. Patterson, , a few days ago. la showing some signs • f-hoprovements-4an4ne-4leT-og has gone to Toronto where he is tak- Mg at complete cpanmercial course in- cluding telegrarlby. 'We wish our. _yeung friend every success. E. Ban - ante, Mils Anne Plant and Mr -Arthur Sreenan...drove to theTarish- Church wherelter. Father Loniselle tied, the knot,, iturnediatt4 a words ha been said that inscle them man and wife the bridal part repaired 1] oron as j ness.-D. `A. Canteion shipped $2700 worth of turke e to the 014 Country 'Wire -re ut-T-TfiM/r.ofu, astvve-e ma • en iresenti-after which -an erkee lent dinner was served. As each guest -at rived-e-giti.was-riresent - to the bride until •11% large spate in the -p-kiyro-rwii9u-oren-up,7-T'hese-girto-wii be everlasting ‘tokena of the high es- teem held for Airs., Plante. • The after- noon , and vvertin were pleesietitl . itte..jilios tallest wiahealor Mr -and - Mrs. Plant- • un ay w ' In. yds. m. -An. dation bai gone CO 'St. Marys, *here be iotends working with11. T. Gilpin In the ilibOo 4 store,-Antdirersallr ser. bel held the Anderson Methodist Church,. 00A/ft. 10i Mr. Knowleo of Pa 'n Will reach morning and trent On the 11:011ove- glicoulay_e* loorfial 40111- begisen by -the good' at is "being viited...-Thontast, pent Sunday ii3.1 of the town e purs _ tbe e v horses which will arrive in a Teiv-aays. .nng.:47-111Atn,itnt.stpialtirai,s-ifitta #1.• 0 the home ,O11' . • Velle41.2hisellinistan.d_Z-Bengeu arid`114 Camertm hav.,returried home trout the West. -.51r. and 2dr"ew•D: Me. Martin have „the symtilithy of their -Aitt tlitebotly wastakOitAr? Brustie s rep interment. --Ike Buchanan left a fa* days ago for Wtillaceburg where he has accepted.* s ition in a bakery. Ike - med in aiid-inusicill etre/ea.-IL A. Nixen,...train master G.T.R., whIlehoe reeelitir, informed our Reeve that, the eanipanr_Initended:erettitrga new ptia- .enger station 1. -Jack r - ton, forinerltbrthe vereigit .Bank. staff here, and later o Toronto, has gone to Itiooseaw, w he will take 11.411114iti011 111 the Union electric light at the G. T. station.. gi**T"Ieelem tilt hictr e.e4k0s, to guests el' a 'pleasant ening* 11 3 suranee. iluchinaii-Broe-lost-sonie---- - our, a qtfantity of sugar, raising( ,an • cuncantsp__ beside* all their „pans a outfit. They 'carried no insurance. Much credit is dueour fireman for the way in which they' toiled; also to the citizens and theladies Who worked like hopes to help. subdue the games. N wish to announce to the public, - that we have placed our mill a fo-Miti-on7tha-1---we-crow,--:---7pr- liour which not onlv 2*IA1FS TBE 41000414F4445MALE-but-la- isfaction to ourselves - • wire made the settpients of numerous gifts4.414selort- ary eermons will he Pre/felted in the Methodist church on Sunday. -Mr. Petty, the 2nd con., re:covert Use-eftrtir'arblit t acdclent. Nt.Petty was trying .re.cuo agander whIchlaad.got un - dr when the ani knocked bins down and tratopred-on hint. Fortunate', no.bones were br..-!kfn but he was tile'veteli -P1'0011)11, done,_„iill_kinds.of_mill.fred___ and. WitileVtittitreeenta y pleied•in oor trail a machine to Produce ReliediOate. vire lifyite.yOntipairOnageo, i„