Exeter Advocate., 1905-12-07, Page 2,
ti a ., 4., ts
teriiii,of. n Si, , 0 0 e 1
ipetetteedirrttebl 0 I ,
, ITheterms_debstoewroutotif-(liu ollt"f4o!:1341
* fc*„red end:lifter eatint cend)001.);1140-0d:
. .. ,
deli Malang. a bait, ' wing to' the better I ,
• t
- This
Me=3 XPOre an.1 , pigs, aS.4 hedithy tipple tii a *
Cr-frnittinutaidis04q0 tree"---'- --L----4---• Q .
,4ti ,nopfot.2_14.7PIckit 11140 ' brie Irrii-iind inusele onwhich to put flesh,
'ug tcr f,r riug*nd - tt*s-c, ---- • Ontitgr * , " ' A."•,, }1,L ,
It inredients are absolutely harmitiA and Pure, and if You, .0,rc nt
, satisfied with reSults your money cheerfully 'Wontedly the deiter.
• e
-_...-____-_,rtY tiERCIALES POUL,TRY F000. ,
--CLimaswaas ST- "rite- samtnotzsovv- oftrent,0,0*----,,_.,,--, - -,,
t-,--- I
bevy 1hree silos holding, When
full, about 300 tons, writes 31r. E.
Van Alyst seldom that .0.-e
get 'in this amoun
-mans;-.1.04 0_404,..dePending c
ite-ralirdityw1Th whkh frafs-Tif<TTIV`
ed. Two of,thesei silos are constriiet-
ed so that we elm fill either - witbout
moving the cutter. 4Prequent1y We
are able to get then tiled quite eol-
, Ate ---11a.
excellen yeaulte. My comis .httve al -
Ways perfect - health,. 1!4,4nv
calves t live on Silage better than
on 'clover hay. • I•-•htive :seine ...cows in
my herd, 13years old, that litiVe
'always eten. uilitge Their general
healthla good and their teeth , are in
• think it • wise to feed-silego' before
milking and .elways guard agaiust
this. -
It will iiot hurt the brooding sow
to squeal for her Urea:Octal% *met) in
f 4o et up and eat.
'enI gbtoTh1y an
collar. take' your horse along and fit
him. You would, not think of gettliig
a new suit of clothes tor yourself un-
less you could be there' to try it en,
• 4 t t *
..ns i tii. urnCdthincte -'9YT' ,rt tl
4 . .,
fatitio.rbt4 :40404, would v0. glvtil *f4ekt °I/14d - . ,
ern:0041"K to ‘haN!'0 ' tiwgYi, a gel' tO, ,f4.4, tl pol:,,,,,,,thlexli:r'icw.4,3r 9,1110.e r4,3.14#,``,1Y ,'„
IOW - tho eztrl.e.nd NOrah en the TieOrt,
Or 'the tel -ter which' he knew wiiiii4 7:o4:97-ti_li_ttOnweigt:rt Illatee4cr, VP1340,1efl-i,v1tritt'
arrivtiler7N-orah--frensi ;t3:Tetillyirne..- 144-Ero--"tiTillrn
lay, biit he 'lia.d. to remain .to ivatelt
l'Ilir-fie•etfift, - IVIS -ed -n0-411- Th9.1' , lottor--''‘v41 _fro_ta,14 - en.•4
Nres..net ' a v .ry Ong 'one, ice -64110'N
tions •tylion he -requested that. the -
Sentleigh letters eleeeld he_ seat - to- 411151Leae- -Ne;ae,.' it raw in a hand '
hi , *although . such a course Was wbiob was at tua best , t' ,tinaes not
ag !last the rule; It appeared Quite
– - - -. too legible, but which. • otu in ' the
• soneh1e-4.o-hee4.„--Lseeing-th ?Me -fnrnie ev 1.--
Puildford 13ertire had virtually was- writer's agitation. ,
aged the estate for some time, past& Dear Norah: -1 .. cannot underStand
and aceordingiy,the pos.tinan left the your silence, Are you offended with -
letters at the eotttige as directedmei,.II so, tell 'Me in Nvhat Hee oty A.
Guildford Ilerton, might have taken I offense, and I will endeavor to ox-
lip his abode at Santleigh had he so' plain it way or. atone for it. net it
chosen, but he 'did not care to leave may be that yon.regret the bond that
the, cettage., Indeed, he dared not. , exists -or perhapti_ I had 'better say
In that ebeerftd poem, "pinwale esisted-between us. Ah, it cannot.
Aram,” it . 'Is related, in' bea.ut:iful 'cannot- be that , surelyi dearest! .1-
veise, that the murderer is eempelled 'cannotbelieve that anything, eveo
tcr:-.:hirtint-Lthe spot-Avliere tlia'body-.--.04,-yottr .sfattunt.'It., OpPeatintk-41inft::'-ittiMe±-:
ltil victim ,lies; and la like manner' brought you to. desert me, to fergst
Guildford 13.erton felt drawn to • the the 'truth you have plighted, tin.
heap of leaves. beneath "which :rested promises you have sworn; and yet I
, Id -the day 01)11 -most -part- -of-
nig tin this beastly piece teirtering
my elf with the suspicion. Noral'e it
morning than he felt bound to goYOU levo me, fear nothing. 1 hese
into the garden, and, pacing up' and the Means of overcoming oven yin:.
• ‘ • It ound sideways tied father's objktionto our engagement- ,
Bocce,- South, by- a -horrible- faseina-
thiti against which he taught in vain.
No sooner • was he dressed in the
with a shuddering intentness. Several .n y wai an ao r
Wee- ,derIng -Me 41-Y CM -wandered -t1 Uttic winlo- longer 1 would -4,41 -volt
ward it, and under the' pretense of 4,something about the vrork which
examining the trees or Phi44ng7 at keeps me here, but I reserve it nit
the weeds, heverefi about the fateful Until *I SCO you, indeed; 1,..an
spot,. and the last thing atnight,, be- only of the' pain which 'your eileeee
- AA2 it" '
r ',Athena firrird-e ere a a 4UtrtnertricirliTior ob n a tep ee w ere s aw r e,
• \ secret lay hidden. , ,, • -1.1tow patient I ami --four days orc,
have -no ( fix •' date, to -begin tomtit .\ e term el mg."' correctly in \ When lie Went -tee bed. a . r\tialicin4 ,,: If you have not written -a word wilt
, •
-silage. This depends somewhat ' 0 ter \eeted; meansupplying .the work up and -deritn_ trying to g .ti.c,ALI,oultlee, just '11 love ' you still, Cyril;
how much silage we have as cora-. horse with -that amount and quality' ad sleepy, it: was to commit the t be satisfiede-by that time, I :most
pared With other feeds and the eon- of food which will nutintain its body crime over and over again in hisconclude that you have discoverel
ditjon of the lab pasture. If' 014" in perfect order for labor. red thus. dream). with all the details •earefallyi that you do net really love flee, awl
supply of silage is insufficient to last the Iteeso should not , become , fat thought Of little else, or, if he man -1 that you wish me te follow your es-
. until - the' pasture lc ready in tlie eheuld not lose or income° inateriatworked out. - Daring the . day he; aanplo and rexnain-esilent.
eerie& we OM to supply it suilicierrse ly in weight, should have Mo. gnuti, aged to avert his thoughts, it was t. Yours, dearest, till death. ,Cyril.,
ly succulent food 'of some other sort. vigor and . stamina, it healthy„-ap.. .0ait-fer --s short • time; back they ;„ .Heread itagain and again'' until
Sometimes we have pumpkins • ant. •peaelag ,,coat; and muscles well . down- came to.015‘-,One supreme subject,like; he had :got it by heart.; and at
1,,,AzeltA,E4,..,04q417.V..M11W, 4).1)00.141014.--.414triausv--itilittote, --Arnep--lit,,ercow ,iw4 ,e-mosvo... :., —7 ...--.1-4-#.0vitw-pti .,
my experienCe the most difilcait 'tissues These ends eennot be attain- As a. matter of course he found it and ground his tooth. If, wily*. Orli(
time to make milk is the latter pv8* ed** -simply ittufting' the -horse OPoit necessary to pay -frequent visits to Burne -lay -under -tlia--beap.,of leaves'
of October and early November wheti geed fond of **Irwin kind!. It is 45, the brendy- decanter in the- cellaret, instead of, or beside, Bike& South,
-' and the cold: Whills chill th.e ' Cows either extretno Is equally detrimon- he wast.still :mere depressed niter thi-',--with' something like enjoythent; first
...:‘si-nallY as a Matter of course Then he carefully; 'and alowlY, and
the grass begins to suffer from ,frest easy te.everfeed\jas to underfeed, and and
Silage, idle this gap ado:drably. If 1 tal. . ' evanescence Of each nip of the soul- tore it tete small . freginents and
.pasture is, Short, we sometimea fee3 t In the average nese the to& horse destroying. spirit. - . then burned It. bit by bit.- -- --
right along from the time we pi' is overfed„hence lessened in *Wile There - might - have •been a, niere As he did so Tit occurred; to him
thci silos. This year We bege,a/feed. for tabor and maintained at unn4- wrtytehed, crime -Stained, fear-tiannted that. -Norah, When she returned to,
irtg October 15. WO had been feediu; , Fessary expenee. This is surely *Ale being -In--: the world than- Guildford Santleigh, might ask the poStreis-
• rumplans_L•to_ the vows _when they . 0 when his Man 1- nr_but4v,rfou1d4p4;45,_beem_d-
came in at night, -, 'When thetie were with hay from one tad �f the, 'year to Cult\ to find him.
• gone. we substituted a feed of early the other on the *self-feedee • prul- And yet, at times„ he was not "sorry.
- 1411 - , ha..-stufted man et means .ev a he had done. It was not
:flow was very marked, being !witty
4 quart nper animal. This hapeees,
Oven with good pasture at ottr dont-
- *GVOrO •
come until October Z. WO then
_half bushel or about 1$ sils,ge lbL
Per yew. . .
• it hay-stuffe horse,- and in that toe-
dition he is unlit to do a maximum
amount of work c ily and without
tatty. So, too., -the corn -stuffed
,horsa...11-=wrilLiedajal_rendri r„ • r-
• tially tinfit • for his •best effort in
• t-plent-iful-f
atILTUNtl.- -the averagn iorm.‘„are as * lite, too
iherally-suppliett-• trinsr-wIr4-
wishes to treat kis horses kindly and
-liberally. •• •
, The amount 01 silage to be given 4
cowdepend" largebr lint*
mall. When silage ia .aburelant 410
the sows are in thp stable. fin I
my Gueriiii,ys w1traver4e the
silage per day' with an additional
-grain ration orabont stx noun•ts
_ .
-141iteb"7-18 eupplemented, -lrigre&ernat
feed cif five or aix pounds' of hay at
noon. It is our mutton to feed the
grain just before milking. The .
alscegiven the cow* alter the milk -
Ing le dote, While the hay is given •
-them at noon. • This is largely a
platter of tertirenienee." 11 do
just as well after they getteecustore-
'ed to it without the noon feed. .if
they 'hexe on the roughage they
7 want at nieht ancr morning. 'this
ried _is no longer than from six
one getting up at midnigh to feed
cow', Ooiir that that role* suffemd for
lac.' ,01
'theoretically •I believe It heft&
to rd:d the grain on the tilate,,, but
PrectioellY hive, t1OV,49' been able
detect airy difference. The itrtportant
factor hi to be regular and. 1a�' ttio,
right •sort of feed-- at -the right, theset
/ have no set rules as to the amOunt
of- feed necettsary to balance the
age. When use early cut hay. I 4.*a
get along. with one poutid less gnra
Per co* each da than when feel
hay_ that, ItsA 4ora. allowed
mature,. in my experreace I *leo find
that there is-abotit a pound of grits
ilifferenre betteeett., clover and tim-
othy. Oats sited pee bey ..call for
from one to Oro pounds less grin,
,danzi thith, tit -Wee. r
earbeltydrates4. tki
but to+ protein, I the pur.`'
•• uv
-e-rne the most. diseetilit:
„the pritte art right',
lOuttil anything better
.c. "protein •and 17 P.C. prottrahlps
Ned half •and bait by weight. ra*
year ttvese two rneterial* were tOlI,
high stui I used malt forouts, drred
her en. it certain date, and he sat
• down and laboriously mannfaeturect
an envelope, so that -it might bear
remorse, hilt Aetna ear 0 ie en
girl. and the (horrible dread of dis- through the -post, •and, inclosing a-
covery, that made his days a, tor- charity_appeal, laid it with the other
.4 awl Isight” jiitlialtus bey wid lutt(IS.
NO ri1011.Eiri. REQUIRED
* trogAttht ttpff ortitto rox, Ite.100,1 •
ftikioesbb1ir wegs4 flirtslibolut4Ir nor; POP IFS .
rep wade before. • O.1!7 IWO% we 00
15 da It to 404 stano4 tor 1440+ 44444•Iss,
uys414rst4ko4tillsitaNgis In the puntraer Ind jgot Om*:
coil. TAO ,Itott fit 4t.Ittch#4, timr_Ormi
oticuipa vute, unae.,Tutgone.t.-sloa le.ve
•wrportl‘ilkliett imt *wall ktuldrit, littpt
itte iteurwoluiteof cittt tuKt O./temente*** rvi14 1944r Uri •
Leer Wits rot, 940. 81hi. Widow" fur Is ems
ftr•been ove4e.rvat, awl pott C. Ott% eo slap. Awl
*old ul3rtKrzakewim40.0411.4.1;44.0.17. is WA
lc tire os
$01101_si 20,..sott (teardsOli 041 low in, bun
wrg, onnts rese, .dPlke bet **kr*, *0 two
!of Ti$1 IrtiNtPii lnthi
nett ieu4iot is /mom 0
11t7l$li, imitormirs11ber.,14wou'ic* re* 1144 114.11.
4.041I7 W trot Yr* 044 4+104 ile kirter. rem
_ P4patt 101114 At% tli,09, NO. . Tors' *P
• „ ,
_Eatire .disposal sale of Maj.- ii. G. Theninie _ 44.- Thos. -II. Oa liner;
.. Stud, Col. ,. To. Sinundnie' AshgroveSOO,
,.- ....._ .
Estate Of. lg. VIT.1.00.* It. S. Payne.
.ALL TUE P11031INI3NT 1111,1DUDEAS have made entries, control*
log Stallions, Brood Xeres, , Yearlings -rind, horses to race.
--eornnienping Monday filqinizng,.-Deoe
PASK,teTiliTOSI 6t, CO. livilt"self at VA-NTAliStl-ti anti
r • SBARISTEVI4i .Naw York City, the entire.
Raeicho. del Paso Stud, Of Califoritia—
. r
Comprising Stallions aria brocid Mares of extrOme quality.
tlitivatt. ars •
Vir Oid3 • Time after time he told hint- Ile slept better that night .thefl ke hand for a triement .with la seitmes- I ilarman need be anxious no • lenger, .
"firttr-it---44-143-414406---hatt-ikar--Ifilng--0---th -"A-a-the -mu' Tessittilliti-raldrkod- -oven-. Ural rif - reed"lie evoke slo*ly and dellbeii.-'
ately-"and as thingS • hawk .'turiii;,,
again . he would do it. If twenty dee, and W.oke the next morning'
' they were business ones for the earl the same hoUse ivith her. _Ile had an
14 Old.. - .
whiCh Guildford Pertmi was trying
rettirSonttnnttoodlactii,een him. and- proportionately better Writs,- ' f A .
1r, 11 0 .4.
• .' -ritxa......W.ad-po4-haUo-e . ,
zrtii....-...........- - ' . . ,7, sty.ronajA,..„.. la a tea, conVir. that' yott needed a -6ange.74-tr-4 -lt-Atls*-14;aath.L'e cerem Wo-rieet7::
antegai,-t1;14414_41,0 Guildford,''' said the earl. "I 'am writo 'Finis' at the end of'tliis the
- t to- face, frgaz Silk no More, trdiiiiTeri-16-biere , a me
SOrah; lur -yrietid--,14eop--t cell: from - eked itiegyortm
' Thoro'-iitine totters each day, but hour; he would be ..tvi ti-fali, in, •111“1-4143•
andgetieral invitations ,for Noran4 inimOso ,belief in himself:and soine- with 4 s!'s-11.•ct to-snl"th its hagg4n-i" 'sri1-fi011:1•Yr but, with -a-sbarP- ' °till*.
The fornier he opened and laid asida, how he bit that he could win her. As ness, "I in auner his lids at her faceraid you let the estate a
7.thoztaitts.-11bore---1 , _..*orm_you More, than you ,shciuld.• A shiver ' of Painran throng%
postiriark-liti forwarded to Norah. why It Should ,not remain' his until be. -dr ..
-Fortunately .for-hirri, there-happen-ted._....."d__afterward,,Lv.. ,e1i4t a au,,,,,, . seem tobe a great many people In hex head ' with an appearanceof sae •
- '45- etitate--rit -that -particular - -time; with-foul-playi-thero.44s-absolutely .1 find., In my .day there -was it regti- ss....1 am
town, .rliAron'eh-T:inges a great deaf, iefiietron.' . •---7-- ' -----4-- -
ed to be a great deal,' to be done en picion arose that Bocce had met
glad' it his ended MO
said he busied himself' about it with .nothing to direct suspicion, toward lar season. awr-IrlickY1-1"el
.. h e-sho ti
: 1 I
in ardor vrhieh surprised then ten- ,hbri. NO one -knew of his intiniacy 'everybody left:LondonBet it isnot 'tarlatanShe will -is--/or
phy- ed; a
to exhatt himsegrateful to you, Mr. Ileitere- for /di
madness waii eSlf oti no ono wouldsuspect - .thst- and a great ' many tunnies.
ants. Ws only charite of dodging with 'the giri-of that, he was assiir-.. sa non.'
Ideally and' menially, and he rode he. the eminently respectable -Guild-, n.,?..ent, 1
remain why, I -do not 4(now-Parlirke thi„.1 trribta lot, 4ve, tiikva..„
soPP? 44". At aln.Y., r"'' 6°tr "It is tOihing," ' he said,: quietiv„
herd and fast:and lotig-eacirtley,e4re. lordelleetpn, *Mild have anything to triend9 .hst" Lquni-A* uo ('`.4'f' '‘"P -- -, tilt -earnestly. "She is,,,e.' depend*
tiries "mocked hi.* OWn, tiorstwAitx, do wi•th4ex asappoixantp. . 4 ttrineit.: Wittt,,' it self-satisiled -smile,
. ,
or yours, Lady Norali'vlind thereViir----
and had to fall hack upon tho hest Cyril ilurnei Would moat certainly and Norah 'has been sPort ing quits , I i . ,•...--
Teetil ht sh lif-getirrrAtts & t a al 'upon .'1i10.,
with in the speech. , It was-..resPect-
'lliere was ;not much to find fatql•
ful, even \to the point ot reVerentlall-
andt.in ,Norah.
,hunter In the Court stables, much te ture.„.„un. again; but. not until he, -,, It G Y •
the disgust. of the head groan), whd: Guildford Berton, had wen Norah for to e dente at Gore *use,- are you
extiressed his opinion that Mr. Bee- his wifearid even when Cyril' ap•i note 11"&117"
__141AIKLe.,411t444.0x..,a,...„hom, „pkaret._upoa ,the:e0.ene, little hanni _ Norah. who'Oi'a9 reClining liStleSSW
t t it Wan otesth hen liii: Cottlti- eiiSile. -Tater itittaa 6- oirirrdir-Tr....105457-hvi
One morning xiiieerl's departure, he saw a copy o Cyril had run *way with fleece. I "If you are not too tired, you had lelgh," said,. forit the -o 0 .-ay..
t, sent .
,..the fifth after e oun s or suPpos ,g -..........., , .
the Morning Post 'at the reading Ile continued laying this Nattering better go too„'"'rettumed the eitrl. Lim •sonfothind.. .
room of the club in the ',market unction to his soul 'until he grew i "I should beivery glad.",„ ?mid Der-, (To be (ontinued.), •
townand, turning the paper, about quito cheerful and confident.I ton. Then, geo the earl reed to leave
listIcisly, 'came . with a start uPoa "ICeeP all letters that come," lie-tlio-iiienc--e--liertoti said: "Here are
Merida:9e !tante. ' '•,.; signed in the deaf and dumb.. len-, your, letters; 'limy are all answered. FARM Nth -VS.
• It. was an account of a reception at ginkgo to- tho Old wonutn, his house-, "Thafiks," 'sai'd tjheecarl. "Will You 1 '---
the •house of one of the cabinet min- keeper, "whether they: are far me or put them on the ditVenport, please, t The genuine; full -blood, . therott,,e
islterst and the emvspapo man, went the Court:lurid that. And. •doti"tT-Wilrieele 0-• thenr to-tnorrow;!, and
red Scrub farmer never TiUes -lit4ht
Into ' high-flown, laudation -- of "the let .4spy one ton)* into- the house; no he went out. 1--- - ,e WS Stock, floe varietiesfef fruits
mei beriuty."ladY Norah Arrowdith-. .one,' be mOtionod twice Over. et 'At the word 'letter lioralt loole.
pretty home, or ImProved Prendst-
AieOrdIng to hint. Lady Norah was hate peet,ple •prying . about the Plate ed up, and. or heart lealled•• She' diti el. TO 'him any old thing is geed
not only the - acknowledged beauty . while I atra away. Ilere are the keys not expect. * letter from Cyril; whY enough. • .
of -thiii4_-..the. oft *casein,: but would ativ, lia' added. .. "All_ estep_t: the,,bark.gar-:ohould shel And yet—
til •,,-_,,, •'Ithere should be no. conlradniratio0
suredly holdherown and bear iway:::deur--gate.----tiiost-that-or locketVkk------ifir----'itiir.0.4tterii-T;.---40.011e",,--ii. ' the---eerthu'ji- -
the tietti in tho f farriiititt atid regular npf in my portmanteau; but iott• won't Istorab. " .. •.: . twee,. and the. $01,,!,11,10, honp .
seitota next year. Ile gave an -at*. *Ant to go In the?* Atli I 'moo' hick,, Norah took -le rand gieneed at.- -it;
he'TriCala'ai: fie siWit5ilront the tit,-
coUnt of the reception, pretty • fully. ' you never do, 'rcedkriow." ., - ' and her color, which bed' rineh, 5114.,, exe_a_e_poesible,„lidamaals, . feetet
but it all wined td turn upon Lad The. old ' hag shook her bead. 1.,To. &ply feded. ' screek and &strdy varnbli at -d• 1114-4
,NOraTt Arrowdale as,lipon * Via ate .aaldr it nu '01145 sitirand otel'it .I'lt is only le:e hankatta- circular* Ar -t-lte colors both of pairitieg awl. liW.,
'and 191 81)61,14. LI ' box as heti% ihrotigh the door in the\ Wall tilt be *It fl:i--4(P1111Yrr '• r t ' - ' . Ing. ' .: ' . •
• 1*^Ilt you:sal m – it (*life betor!' ' VI• milk has been fetid tO con
• .
-rounded ,by. an cagcr and admir back.
putvio each othe -tor ,tiondon.izt, d #411,ihur)\li Youp,7. 81* 3140P\131. '
k Idea /*or fan ho
.114,4 inttroot6d ikirs, and Ai diaail3ntls„ wripg n her arm With
the dItrifel
f the ,
d " the
-hat he
It was Wite ,
ug, thin h
ed Iteetli,
big handl go
hint, think.
lieVe fit*
e,,was going to Norah leaned bat fild uno
Noriih certainly.. not' *kit* to*ver' inovernent.
'"I' haVe ltonie ne*ST ntiId like t()
you.. Lady tiOralt.:1*
rah looked up, Knit An 11
hi,, ler tfgol.1)4161, SIi
wniild hitt* in the, prescrib0 four dos,
,Cyrit Dorris *Wad, * *Poe *bin.
.00tictUds that, alio 44.:311t llint# and'
ho, Ouittlitord Illetton,.vring ht. kit,
havoIward trom.lny'ag
is • At
a' n
Ly, titan it Ought.Au. fault is
at the dbor,.:',of 41ft tb.4,
dealeri,ibts niuiC4. ststioa,.111,,te feriae!
ar tlts cOlv,k btit. Many 103t4tATA,
It dOitif not occur to OA perAom 'who
findit the fault to 1aj. jt ° lafit vitart
'it WO -0,g3, but. where) it i,keldo.11
ought, Itblito, *did ttat is 0, t'it
thiefitEng 4,mt .1