Exeter Advocate., 1905-10-26, Page 3SiiiVireWirsaa0001440ari 'rhen hesettlekl b twit In ;nere It more posbii to thinking ot soriot. AVEttilr ttildfOrd" Ilertort had' rzua rly Oil th4 Peata ter, Worah;II van' ' 'Speti,4 tranS Verttd. rin re• '„'!.•*41e.f -tholneidenta It . .010003 • man b4rU"Iying hal ,B414dilatt. :cd"4••• rOYOXI)e,* •••• n [seemed -to. .o.oeleel). „. • /40.1; .,1,,etet#,; • -rttaadjo:, to get th IL 111 lan4J to, 1`, han, be had Over "Von 1iav . z);••Ve OW, to .then 'trOtthIe;' But:OyeA, .640,40,04i0,,iihe ..etett 'herself, asking *O. • II hate'. it _ , ; I A, iuS 0-. ,AMIASILWIrti • . h - a; to ingeoeuedeeliak.:- • .1' d happen 4 ii) alai von' mach .u.s 4 CIO =PON/ a 110110), 0 • , kr/114 and dog chakeei himself when 'NILO° Oen, andAherhad onty ex- 'nfoun'24 fr9n1 a oho"' _Pal)* - ee Otonged a fevir-mords, owl those, on ,Alyhy, my good ' fellow, I--iiearly ' 00 Patti (4 Ow goldestl IV at wag ' tumbled, over you!. ,the eneetniorgeof - it? Whiet had he '. 41.riet yottr eater the man qUietly. ' '.41.0114-• th4t. .sheot.ihoUldetyPat Iiim SO •'''''"I 'rcet:on- that tvould have been as Ioti her father, the ear), been . put- bad for :me. eel for you.". itiog, preelero • upon her, and pere' Cyril started, fro had. heard the' Intaded her to ,give him up? Iliaselie : vatic before tetenewhere, but he ecould 00 fickle that a few days' •Ithsonct had ' nof retollect for the moment whPre. eon . euilleient to, bring her forget- . .11e. I loupe- You, my friend?" ha .;tdno$s? ' • esheil; peering et .bine.• , • . • ,, . Viien be got. to The Chequers he "It isn't likeleo" sir," he said, In -1 1,Y4o- eurpritied to find tho tittle 11331 diiiferentlY. "I'm a strangtx in thcse 'WraPeted in, siiiinher and darkeeeee, lee.; parts. Irave you Got such a thing as' 1.3 NV lark .for :4Zit t 1),„. as cercier to .# Ws stoat .mathinery goad vorking to • ticn. who4c-fligestive ma. ecItitufry• i3 'heavily loaded needs more oil than one a the oil to ease the !tied on your animal's d;igestive inaehintry, be- e-et:Fe it 311g1tilSC3 the digeetive toide oiolugto the foodbeing inede .42 4 *Ns 4,140 is n),. -114,111)1.),x, auP Vrit fe.Cluek •a. Yo. viers ti) the goetl.ielk •ei.reie.e ae•Pit bitt-enti up /lie blood Tulate better, thcrch7 reet Ferndale, but hove just enjoyed with the' rest what has Jedoed been a, Iightful time, only hope tha.te you• ere Met quite worn 0134 with ail . ylor ezertions, It is -4-,pity that $1Efor4Olfele.11011,SES IN WINT1lt. y u could net have retired with - • Lady Norah, bet that would have, A 4:ouplo of *tours enent in a hee0 iraposalbler.I-Suppoee?..1 trust.. blacksmillt.".s. shop about, elle ihne-41.- Lody Norah will have recovered from freezeit up la winter can often . be her futigue toiriorrow," . -.put to very good uso by tho 'owner "Oh. hope 60.4 . responded Ludy of horses. The writer reventi,y read° Ferndale, mod oho looked at , hiln,Such a visit just as a drafter weigh - keenly, for there was itorrietliing ini ins in • moderate farm flesh 1,7:20 the tone ill he sPoke Norates pouncls was taken to bo t4Itod. A 'Acute ears. 1/anur which' conga her latlyeltip's.geldinx, • weifhiog, perhaps 1,300 pounds was u nhoad of h, n - S1tre3t Itsatiart Ses41114...ilia* • V4-4414,74.74,1 4 `f .sloottli 41!4,4.1.smiTim,•, urely, iinprioelee manner. !ells, - )121.1 va o tleiel;h: an unearthly hour, •he tititered iliA eXcleiniatie ' of, ', our- diztrlhatmg the .fleelt troere e.Vetly ,. oircr the. bruly incttead .0 iiito tbc, , • i,lhatys. la vonor planyal,nnii !:ounr(tierto bILeiv; atii! dthe'',Sm$theto--eledn'tend left it to **go ' e lenocked a uto door, gently at. i)risei. paunch, for lane* at; itc.pthepoun .., ,,,,„0,1314 ,(.,e,) _ it ito_laiew 4pm. inucji „oilvo..... town" for e, ogiethrnii or 'o' the, le . thou. anelo reveeze-tatrieemore -"4141-Y4 't/* Ft'il°2'gr7 15"'t it?`"" :*e . Korali diSlikes him!" lite ',smith's . assistant tot2k oll tho Udly. '. Ale stood ti:e2-0 for some aid• ' It makes the hide anti coat set ,ntaintes. nye or ted, perhaps, but if . A. leok pi surprise came' Over . the . arid glossy, giviog that "fre*Ceeleb,!' whatew'r hi.. feelings Might hn-Noe ‘3.'ilxiLees'cleeenplillbyPacor"nelavtlel°, eftett 01011x1V.tt tilt/11Y° The tekiei-lucee lead ,bete, ft tomb tyl, than's rup,'..Tell face. tied he etared uh- that fetchce feor4 25e. to Sac. 'Pcr bilille1 lienviell-e(terir rjrta-ouncliwalinliVvtihetc:gbe.'est7ori i IrcIg3 con .111.i..).114_ snarly. , ,_,_ . . . . ,47,1,o.t!, my ,31arrlei,...! be. reone,o, '. feeiHrite: _____,...... . . - „.-• , .... :. ,-,• , 11.0Tintaineetoettlith..ic -ehlomsolielefatery.elerace,earnrnritaelfe.,d..1,T, .a.-1; '-'9°Iniltc " 1:"I'''''''1441.1th-retli-Ca"riball:411;41-1"''tt--- . r:. 17.'Opexaing heel:3'v oud $o 'forth. 1Ty .-ro-all•-01:iiii Inn it could ,in,,t. -310.-ve ' er-bil$ blx!31.13.: brtn"a"ut-CYpibr- ' •d-a.10r0-44441 .froal-.-:call The tinie wee gotnoe,..,,co, and the end you' --_-,-4 You are tho yonng contains nothirrz inleriOur, inis• •",% . • oue as be coirefu/iy toor.,... ..,4 clgrari and 1.1 .• the ehoes were -eturiele seiniee el.cou o/9 ease oild. cut_ it, a ,!..n.414, .,,st what einaller than the feet, bit 111 . re -ill", thei--qiiit4-ajfeet tlu, •"X___areaiirti,doC.yril. . lItio ia 0„. -01.,ecis- . -. ' • ' satir,,laction flitted over : eniptat len to gis-'e up lii.e',,lourney to rano° meeting. Mr,. Furlong! • Mita . Lour merizy ericerfidly' rettilid-- bis dariz• xi ered* en. nthe nalle, clitielied and tlio-. Ilrittatty. giVO UV OVeeyt/c.king., i.ti:d Iv- the litet place in the vt-orld 1 -!•7. t1).0 dealer if you are not Satii* . 1100N rasped, oil to meet the shoe. , . .... _ell _eel( heve e„,x. wet('.:d t() get) vou in " td af;ter ftliediiIg•it' 84ille for all fil.;'(;:"(.!... _11.1An bi il. minP. When tile drcAlter's 1.L3 171 c, 1 ;to • :- -_,--, entitled to prior attention. • 'rife. e owner of the little' gelditig •, . 1* •No.#0,to., k PrOPOO 04104:! ttheel °••Itten •they, know the (Mite; th� sole' Pored awae:thit• fro hall ,his mon It NOTES. The overage cow gets far• more ex. ereise during the season of pasture and much more. exposure during thttl., Ammon .stabling than 14 iteeeSattr41" to either -11W-betedth; n'er.00/.41-0t1; ber profit to her owner. ' No business is it. suceees' Unless It Is thoroughly understood and tended to. The. farmer •who ,e4erte out with the idea that farming re- quire.; no Skill, or that the-faren will ran itself, . will very soon find oat, 4 ' ritelrer' 614 .84 "'"-- I quires more tact,, I113313 sense and good jodgment them farm. Jeer. Commercial fertilizer:a tibeteld be 'applied early in erring. .An extra half ton of, hay per aare was re- ceived for several years on the same land, as the reStilte of the applica. lion of onty 100 pounds or -standard .-superphospil'oter-hut- the- flelds, op, -114, leapt. the.:grioss. • weren . _good coendit,ion to begin with, not hall (rnnooeteee-As-- hay le fillet' an import -- -eta erdp oo moat farms, we sheltie', study. to die all eve eau to keep up C312 top feeding it witheut lutrinfal atieee was Roine distantie."4• oo entiernen view at Mr. Weeley'ee" teeSaileil erieiseeeleeite-ey statiferenla cells ul inn ngs that day. Indeed, a ie so e • ugs, but "43 41C4:11 Igrr . itt1144()1 Ln oT r two d oll the Ineass •wi.tiiin our power. 14!"141 1 T. 1 round ca!irolv: Cit.e4datt Oulmitut Anttscr,Ue eat keee ',Porton bed en"oved senteeepr tv you t band to the plow. and • 'Try ettecuLts poUt.TRY row) he went over it ta- es he walked wero• left entirely alone and the ' bee itself. It oleo iticreases the • ' 'T,i5ronto, Oat; ' riunt)sr. hoosou would be toe tion, what are you d4in,4 down- here. nurprise at the geed fortune which was all that Wits done to- his feet.' value of the oth'n• f Juni, -how ,a rag.° forme To U1 1* hack now thet 've fe:en woree. and'Ivo Se03,1 Let - larger feeding value than when fed et furrow Gut, would be almost. iiree ol ellut---hut. if it len't a, emus (woe, exereeeleeeo era= ttOop CO. . 011e;,, be Wag e30/1SCIOUS of feeling walls were rasped levet and that fleet to regret, it, if lehe 00 not (Well a8"t " Y g 4 fo heti atteade'd tTate SitOeS were beatem *loom , re_e_tirtemtreourts..weiridie-mireiritfe. Cylil hurried! • la tie at 1119 11 V teh. ..e.ollee-oeseri-oteewienting-leadero fittine !rnd-rolthrttrorextic Y - worked' out. Thus -on ex riMent • II. Cyril cotild &most hear a 7;3717tr-iroe get a. littlei fair merine-4 itoeeible, by-loul if foul 'the ririi of Alio well -and voting i4.-ernieeo oteoee him for alcep.,", replied Ftirleng, Lis tel,ri,neally ti.os • were • miceesitry; and as to scruples the heel just where nature 'intend:11d.. w$ka;:netilnaitliZ, Itnfce hg .0 pouud'3 01o :threw/1)5 'avolOY"' tire ' first, C1341140 ,Qt if it tvero quJIi the listia "Than!: vou, sir. I -dre sey. I well, no word- an !'ecrupleee' t4py shoold .rest. Whon the ' shoes • , 125' pounds. That skim When winuiree 'ante and fortune, • ,. paSs OW Ingot jrk the, oFen alr; beloee Ur. etdoer were Jo hio- lexiceo were again nailed on there was me ' no out theolea our . olo owed to. leave hie thing in towrieSeeare. lIe would write to turned Furl nee, tee before- - Irina -Londoo. • After all, be could 110 You 1:90w any 0110 p„, " 311 s iyita9i3Ogilt tny ''''"Pfiere woe silence), between them fur r neh'FITI ngo an ultiffin' ertoo h were eltach'e, 117 • Triffifftt" 'are alone. and that , Maxie • ten pound 'di - .1 ei e, byr-C ee uowe—Fra-, "well (3144' 4)1• -ellent ed goe 'shape the Job 'MOS dOne, own at clovettly; end he. smiled to k.)t.'31t malty .w.17-Itctur* slue°. Zie°17411'3 the ittier around the hoef just Above, then found bis• companion, gioneing tilde of lils gloomy cottege ,Ite had • ea -ea that the s.mith,' wiehed to run • reeure artiptie tools and some elo he an' cfli• litinself, as lie -0°44. that if 'kr: arrival "nt theeLeouite teyieteo, lo -ohe show ' . • jo, "I fife you're rather- curious 10. Puriorg :waa a had character, how find SC4110 Meens of See1,1141* her; but , whbn - .g•Ot to town. Nreuld he rathor awkward eraoelloo., knOve e‘hat 311C. thre out- easily -he could (4.. 41 Lim, h to -day tht'ed had actuallY• been, 1'4-'4111M SA -NE' Or ival4ATNESS- , in .tifess -clothes, hut he had ord ovine. ,Of"the.WILY Paita. Hir." 120 said. ,...1 t 't . , . F 41 0 W \anti' case Wm. of his Wilt ch roll heed for scheoilnee V.verytlking had :oi th harms were led Out of tile shop , il _ . _ ... . MA WI tVuld_kell it -buttnne ' ''re'''' ' ' 4."}* I cc)ii-f-es -- aCralted chain: - : 4 PlaYe"c'telif Inati°thtulekh 11:"lineLonl's:Tfirunsli.C111 'atiitli le-4;1•;-ateconteatniv'ed-thtentticL-t stepaa.plogp". F. . - • -. - ' e - "Itat the idea did not -alarm- blra l.'ime ..ov • his coat end gleaming grt "4/r11, - front. .1.1'herie N70,43 only jult LIMO itt . , ...4 n (1 Yin,: 1-,langed LI 1._could_o.--*Leil and he imeidenot -get ttri--any°Uvelini ; ' -II° f°4rell. -113"-"s116.11- -C'Yril ginger -1Y -And thf3' iiig one with hilt hint to eaten the trahooand iven • 1 4.-oe -tewid 1.urtong wan II "1"[L; 01•51rukit of that. gentleman- urriVed n u ould: keerk onte-lcoraltwO trono. solen tiaihnin it,t11410L-facti---la--on41- r e ng )y. 11 ear/Y . •• • off as f it. curred w ii -04-'' 1 1'1* - - had kept them (trait,. end then .bad come the seeee betet,xeri , Cyril , and fleece( • If ' Cluildford Bt,..rteri could' bavo '‘ningetl" it Perronelly Iiier-e ' 3301110 tittle 111134t ehipbe 'tem%) she-, and • I, ilon't CL re togtther for lavg• train ...id F1100111. . ' Could got divined. Yes.. it, Weald bo j1'. It'S well enough for a. town -bre i e'Ye3," St;aid corn, le ith a 'stet, • netteb• better to leave his thingn and man. but I've been a tea/Wei-Qv all •''1 ern going , to leatv England; 'for eater' tile train. Pelay woe always MS life, rind after I've 1.30 '11 shut up route time, 1110. afraid." , )1,i -croon -be . his stato el _mind._ exe in one of • ypur gret!t eitieR lew. a wee!t; orye, Igo 04 pje45ure. 1 hoper, ecKlingiy BO. , i or two r-wcif, r eeet- beiLein ter Bat *No:, huaties,u, said c.yrii. , P •• ii., ams Nara 04, -cc, L.& NW i4 44_," :-..:-...........=AAT e-eitth4 witutoweleoferTher—J14 "---Tee'ling----°1'--- WI". riiarkes r. ur ems, pliiloil-W-',, ole...ait_i(- v_ijouoii, ilio . omook tier.o.,_ ,i..N. • goy eto „attch . t ,..,riii:__,,rivei.0 near iv thi, 1403.101...._aiihts --street. • naamet, trroftryanMr-thnet-nbo #i anti -EC -3 fitet.riis he spoke. • ' .Fevents wero choping their course es Perhaps erou von't mind Loving: in _ . , '400Ing hnc4/'' said cLyril.,` '1 ing Santicigh.. without '51 4I44 Mrs. lenle:'s ' ylotu'r.:-d°.1-11:lattrhinier et; ltijkLo bolo you an enjoyuble holiday ' le:tete ex . (021 ,-r ' , 41a10-0-191"--tonnecottiPtiii17- pork. But when_ the two were fed together the • etepoieireetitero .. Were e surprised to find that they einache eighteen •pounds of porky lor three • until% Mote than could be exe eined. •' LIVI1 spocK NoTks. r. the -last five years--a-promirl, lop ration 14 'AVia ill themselves, h trod ' t li f . d.• • equal D'ilietteetei litey and straw, . and I him whether I coarse& focitleoa, u There la nothing now about -rhis "this practice has been Op; Ildt 1,t1 matter of sloohieg tlie equine foot most- profitable. . . I all to ri1ects; btit it recurs with such tiature dry cows land those ee tt.I.Ittela,rikt1. each_ winter_ thet • it is t0000,„447 torototocio,„„mik 1t, rior evortleesperild-og *lout. 4 WO etow tookem---i.g•aliftrerw- ed l&10 10,7*.tr,t,,ina.0Yrikinateroul, 1v4i.s d scitte at eAea's rs with- an a1in0t 'devout win to t ie shop. ft result the sole 'gets good and wo, or any yeestin who could tete 'agaill.*' • • Ei13,': ea;i1 .10.erlong; fulness that his "Wee had .proreptedff As thick atd In tom naturee$ to h1' his pretence there that. morn- "No, east `put my stiooze :food yop tvowt him itt that moment to ash Ilorolr , mention any -one tirts to proiride a strong reeistance • e- •,• to conic... into the tdr. To .1ter Cyril Wee but blindly fellowie vtlri‘mg. • tntil YoU iehatfecii Io` meet 'ends". Oeieeoe--. ee-Le-o .And_ ro volt have teatoped down t4 174)4 met ellgoote4ositelLetott....Ctoollee - - - , _ _ • --ztation -Wita"-tf'Y the left f1 4.r fiCji ;re - wolloe Rome. ,eGoadoiloit400r,orioto carrying on at lost a flirtation with eecte, 'Gui1ar-5rd ttertoo .-knew tleigh und Cyril Itft the .-Yee, and thaege of thouLltv; nioro er, goodernorning.'' ' road anti etrude into a, iwpath. Its ,cf the latter- -than the former, '31r. ° 'fitny, i)artcci anti Cyril hurried 0 0itr lqorall isould regard such a pri".. •• 7. - Village toll:. comiTee towerd -Elantleir-,b, leave oil tiehtkieg in a blee eller. and El a 417 that the of b nu -of /left the Wlt e! "I fancy 'that you "have put a . but. 2O did Pet stole, and went on has , I'm not to fend of my thouonta. Elt3 rty.d upon wh;fli they lied l•eeit wa14z4 spoke in yllutoown wheel, Mr. Borneo ' way is rittie%ly on pesePle. . - to want 'cm always with tixe." • .in,{ for vomp little * jinn .n. 13,1 Ii0 muttertei with et einieter rinite, e 4 ' ' iid-444rUCk-4iititY-41b..6-41,--00(1"-tttit, 111.4* ‘ .did so ha hearti tite 'O10.'12 o!' the Ittfrne- duticiat' for a man' to but, 11;1pp:elite; to -glenee iittelc,, he. ccOdiny. • at precedes cloon-nnd Ifeex e hint an to the Whin Cyril got to the etettion 1119 • ▪ otolletooeouneeeeeth 'neve ea :reat .deal of eNylatnitlerti" tit still an eoplatiertion.inigitiehe °Cored eittd necepted, tint1 he knit his, broun trying to eeleetne eotne way, eil,..proveat.ing it. :lie elideootelinetev; an 'yet, that Cyril woe. leaving Sarite.' be -absent ittr mon by tlai early tralio efid niight • Ovildforil. neeocilelly lee n eizetleteltie it,. Beery anteee.dentlii. fled. glaceed at Iiim tralit tynn just eoreline in. There were . r __..erartlelie tent -lietteeeri lilln anti Sant- .rather curiousi$. one 'or- tero potent; t n the platforate Ir, whieli wen 011171y • ;lel) ted --a • trainer t or two, and twio- or thrt.,e Avorrir91.--g4- f7ll to Um un!,rfcet town, • and yawn - frig einpliatizalle. ' eiL. ( ,_(7,,i_rji .11,'" .141-tTil' ,11:11 e ten. : (I1'i couple la - leundle-0 and IA 11:051-43t, ililil IVaS ape prooel:fila the ticket lioll., Jet oiii,_, Of . the bundles • drop. ....- • 1e101 Coort ccerntil to lengthen iteelf "1:vt what, tnade Yon ill000 'SOnt- oininouSly,• and 'his Izitrits, fell loftier ' e;gliein to (ite-',ett. • . anti lower aa ho neared the station. -fis theft elm name of this place? 1 There were no volealito be, heard 'didn't know." . now, and tho stillnese. of the weird "Tile viEt5g0 11C-9 the, Oilier fide of t, oe z,,,,--,--:-, -_7:,..!,..-4,-1.-----•r-z,._.= ','.iiii•FcsWire3-, it,,--5thvit-I' rlif - teeth Of a tarnerale. so ,eemel irryttnolif e, -?-:-11:117i1755). ),. an utterly alone niid tell -tune In -Atte "Satitleleli .court. eve i'l .140rd Ar-. ill nes? that 1 t . was with a start Tow dale' ti ----Country re'elna" teflied ati'd, an exelatieM„fon of eueorit:e thrAt Cyril, Liu! he stifled a sigh, fe,..t Witt% , the inentleo of tile iianie Lock came arikind would have to vent mllk.. Milk is, ernulslon—butter tion Cod Y ourish1ng, but beforo wo can aloes tbe. thought of !loran,' 'WO Well, I didn't ehodne ft In partietilor; ail plates nre Mite teerne plenty- of -green' velds oral -17rer..--',,h Somewhere I can breathe, 1-4,n4 etra e. etheeleelitigethet the Iiettreeot ore drawing together and ,contleg on top of 'me." • understand.,"-salt1 - hal you bare iletl.frent the ' 11 Piete'd it tip47&.* her, site too!: It and thetritiell hi:0, but he lter efforte eto get out Izer looney let the. basLet tirop. ' Cyril's. good =titre W•1114 11VE.11,1*-it-4, the frontla ttiteee the condition of his. Mints h they might. , "11;oet tile got your tictte....for you, Where are von going?" -' • • "OIL' that*Q11 iit � 1,,,ppiptl,,! reit*: “"mrvii thirds lesse,'"' 116 6 • ire Warr a 'little uneary, too„ abcitit his position with reeett. • - -clever MOO .Iiave their • weak:, rtioinento, 'end lit one fir moments Ouildford Iterton had at. lowed hirwelf to 12e steittert by .Ileeza Flotith's bliOek Ile had .begun Imr-reethtg--Inecretly -and ' vit.1 ligr, and almost insetteibly. luot..priftteel 14)tO ';hn:11;u2g to Marry. ere She wits;pretty tfrid troth': her ',half wild,. defiant „manner had, taken bis f but some time before Ilornh grown tired of Ilecerti• and torr b tied to 4 've fAnt eh in . very tidi 1014te myself, ' you'. #00,,,' Por- t4',......tri._4014#111.. for tee, Top t 'perhaps,. If it doesn't mete *.tlifirerence 'tt,? you, you won't "ntl4ftf•-*140_iqu'S#11ftetAna:_ ort,ttinti, not, if'you ,idon't • , , Vou're wondcring why t gbool .rtitra *Aid rtir14)zig... • it iscorms • rattier strange, said Civil. (tweet tee why you bould ;..iettro wborilier Mr Wttsley. os or .dos* not know that ,## elerk " " • "YOU Said one," retneitikel tired 'X ittfd •100, t it ter. I eratit two; orlY -;oniatte-fbin dowa etleirteone filth therefatiOa agent s•ao Mon)(0, and Civil looked rou thowomen. „.• fletourtd her just outt4Itie the boo lJu' fofEpe door; gave her the ticket, and helped her and Ur bundled, into 1" 1-% 1 itOttlitiThtttrldttlg 'that she had nintentionally-of -truch-usti,-* him tomfght, it, To ru wal 4t1 tliit*.1!(3tJ1!?l!L(1ith..- fro_zolee ground, lee- _hard u cloeeee-get- aeci the lee appearri and there Jo 'dire need. • for the protection beeeible.• these men want to. have the eole. 'thinned , clown'eto nothhig Tin le p ridingebars.elia. n wonder that many a farm Iterse goo- diel-ery whenI1G coirnt, out of ,ttie Shop rind striLve the rough road. IItetv eaube help it? Ilarring •frotlnot moro than lutlf an inch ' of . horn between the sensitive part -of the toot ••ancl the greinid .crottraet1nturtage_.,-4. orireiano4liefir Or • tIiie -rind sti it 1 left to protect the illtra-tensitive parts of the !foot, 00 Whotei very minute hearing Serrate tiler great, *eight...14g the animal tallSt itNt goott•sliard 740f 'tho time4 that. sore- netk 18 Ole Inevitable result, a4 least tintil the horn grOUlt ag,aitt to an t'Iticnt sufliclent irtterP00. 'et Aida against the Inequalities of • -4t 11I vro....iut O' IflJrn, ill0d; all that j* tb lta4 01a healthy - dimension* . . toot 0. loavin • wos 'Might' it h rller, itiiation tendon, by taking. Itetea mb ltht .E.otv 011Ac1ontd1r deittoslod Id* ob ottiort rill of'II& .itt that way. 0.8 10 ta0till1rt0 frOrt 11T ,Ottire' flf,S1611100,11r,01;th041t0tIght. , Vitt 1001'4400 ho inettrit; to 4130.r.ritw tatIY *004 net Itetoa. fietttit;tb e.tee4L-tu;L-ehsteinttee—e-ze--e'-e- blerfteeterematntaire present!: weight - -shine, plenty of young graes ated clover. plenty of clean Water and ' grit, and plenty of dry _broken gi...01to , and Eroduraiin- it. will grow liko 'Omen _as fast as the winter-I:caviled chicken.. Med is' Moro than Wiee-a-s good to eat. A geod dairy gow tequires lorge rammed of food. 'This food has to he flifeeeted ande-a ieted. "i digestiort of food nieaue the libiva-• tbrorealettoeertaltre -amount. that iriuSt be thrown off from th0 bOdy, If the temperature or lite o toble Is too' high the removal of :this beat is coniparatively slow aryl . concetpiently digestion' and ansitolla.. tien • correspondingly checked. envie tO yield the greatest Profit . should use of (cOnto112le4115r. and. for - that tCOSOfl the stable simuld not be • armee- than elects -eery' to Aeittker the animal comfortable,. litvEaoxo No part. of -tire butt rfnaking is °V More Importance than the riimning of. the eteata. -17-1 wliitafilit Is Ike. (lucidly atteilded with considerable difCeulty,av feve foreoltotteeet are Provided with conveniences for main- taining (Aviv temperature, Where there aro-several fresh ,eows, in tho herd tirvoti bottr, with lesstlaniter• ilintrOtincing.harniCul ,umtukfiz_ ,401 o out it, couple,.ot and' stir • this • tWent mAiotteratut. 1 purpote*. erts,eac' orowghly o ours or great ti' to ltis• mind. y:fartnetit Will initlift 'thus ng their bortes°. foot malt ' not,. ,tofine, • tVot 1t to the enrol' ' aoukt 1* 0X47Lt74t 1* e et at Mit, Ot a s way \ rider 1ii ln41.y b ; then 'h"itrae n **t T' 1 ierc, but Irii ons, ' hot ler sltngither' Oitnair I Ones. 0*1 /Mitt • 111# telling' yott.,.*,.. , haven't the' r 1- 1 0' our litivitito i*1- 11„ v7U 1U1S42 good rooSonit for outiottlwoments ilie.croto, that elfritiont ' tor both ot tt s,,s+1;,,,Aii'l lt1.A404,;* ipeetal)Ic clr n one (,f th ,Oitotio„, b CA WTI Jotlrr Mid* ele045# ng tnit IL 14..bois e get.* go glad to the iron* pleas U \hrov o Oilyttl n boto itro ;0, territory ithrn3- iwi hOt Wttetit .l. T (alt rponrj \ Oft, 0- /telt* t. . • .06 Short •