Exeter Advocate., 1905-10-26, Page 2'rLr:9440,,x1 ,..; .
retteir,0 ,
„ „ t; IttY, 34
tut' o:J 44V ‘reasitr,qe.,1 Ickly,44,
. . 7 l;
,,r "her is ''tio :quieting
Ike .d isi-imittatinet, :betweeti
' hinde...,:l` ' POS*Acin fur eirialtes,10-
, rineloene; itIs Ort of 9yrrlefeekoe
, c• ntent..• '1. -right life enitee.V-
' hi 0 anXiCh 'Weil.' $atiiifit;t4011:..it1$
egnetiott.,.. .. Llro e001)100 (irOlit/t.
i?ath I;04tir tiOur a man .either liras
e‘,....,or,... fe is .no
- an -efforts - to -
levet,-they are the
Inward inpellingn f
re -too
Cop • at a certain.
*sfotn.ses to, - our
r improvement,
tes increase or life.
x'nett' seeksmoney-z.greater. pro-
ittereased wages-beeanso it will
larger lapportnnitlea,, will
;Anson him more life. But in time he
tasily -- learns to 'substitute the
means for the end, to think of the
Peue$ Mere than the life; he begina-
to heard yellow dirt and to store
up Seed to. be sewn for tbe feeding. of
,thingd, :arid call themi treaotiro.
fc gaugelife- by his goods« and mat*. as aaut,us- of meitiplying our -
when .sOpse digester sweeps All these selves in service, as that with which
*Way Ite,,eoUnts that:life is lost. • WO have 'been intrusted that WO Make
•ti inf lehett.1,4-.7„.4.hat--Atoe• -
• Ut .`
OWn .
l.sto, for the
nitj WO,
t the end in th
' delicate children
i , ni
O 0t IVO
. S ould 1 lu
O 0 , Or EAted''ZflC4t4,
g-004.. vege , 1 . egg% Iiimplq, ..• pude.
ditto; (reit; 'Igo, ' cuntuvis .' . AO
ball apii 4plezili. Voen it, the. toinily.,
104 ,:tn.,earty. 41litnee „the ,cliii.4"
410,3,-0, had ''e, veld .11104 and.
.. '10,:tite,
40/1 -,P4 -
lege -;
•.,(A‘. of Pe .usitts that..,ut
ezrth!y .-c'erroPt104.;,. ; itelter. to°,
nay bo either divine *newt)
treasures1 ir« heaven if it AS,InveSte; lietir
T -
life 'toward
heaven. it rot itsplt lifted there. "yhat-
ever, whether money, thought, love,
er an, servos hurrianity, paaketa Ode,
earth more heavenly, i44 so laugh
treeeure laid up where burglars ,t,on
bankrupts ere uttlenewh.
, Love lays up treasures atiove:.
fislueva buries then* bele*. • Trees-
ho:veoly exi4uri 01,)0tOr 0
ures et . all kitids
Sat* .F.ktiOg OlgtrINGEItS
atutare-44ist to us it they are fgo*ill.
ed ony b •Ifut regarded'
'Snakes all the. dliterence whether your
f -riches, ha they sm,all or great, heir
youp bless you with larger life, or, to.
Como a load which, like a" beast of
burden , .
• 101•1 'MUST' CARRY.
•,,,-Xot-ettongh -make money; the
..Mon*ey roust be made to make. more
wittulto-$(1. Ire is in a Stire way to
-roSe. UV-lied:sures *he 'beeomee
More than their beekkeeper, watch -
loan, and-drudgew-
Ilut laying up treasure in..heavttri is
. Inciro than a storing up of sighs and
1)1444 ' .Cueutube
';•ane a4;,11P-ttO A.44' ;;q cueimmnb'r: lar,
ehOiter.' 'hes q,144: oorope. out 'the ,seed
• ri 0
... •• .
09ikeltl- •LWI''•[O*
1,,ft1-tcr thiok, the hutmgry
:. • ..y 4 •ivait ,p.otietrtiy • ,.
Plci$. '.01.1..' ftono °Oftpr 4:
V.4 or -..043 r000140 toolreenr• witho
to, 0149t.. Seeds., :Sok); :over might in .A In4ke .the evening meal a:4=4er! -et'
' : made of two &floes,. ,of soft •Witter • hoporienee. ''One of the lira, rights
•t' the beStklotoVrt and pee en0 ' Next morning of every. ,child is sullicient 'Well cook-
_ •
district d has been'
and a p of oilier -pinto suitably
, Ur, aohn, 1). MeBeth,_":M.A!, has
been app.oleted to a 'masteraltlt In
Glasgow Academy. Mr. J. D.
Bcth. ,•who had a distinguished Aca-
detuicul cnrcer, i *.Sen
Dalt. school -master, Farr, Inver-
ness. .
While being towed. trout Dundee to.
'south Shields by. the „tug itenown
the tug 1.;:ieelsior 'foundered oft .May
Island, going down in 33 fathoms of
water. Iler crew had a narrotv
escape from drowning. • ' ••
fruitful as he wou a o « ,
.beentilifilose is seeured--t,o ferevcer. August the total oil herring blade
Your Weiftli. in the heavenlY are was VS5,092. •• Orono, 44 con:Ware
eoents dues not depend -on- YeAlY-11tc• .1.4)AMISPgrape Jpe the el:4yr.
,book iterer there- the nee of manhood .40eding period at last. year. .
gonels for more than monoY. Cher+. • LOrd. Itonald atitherland Gower
teeter above all the enduring trees- the uncle of the Duke'of Sutherland
ttre.. Your. value to Chid depends on ha S JUSt Cpt01,1:rated hiS,'SiXtieth birtte,
what you ore and on how. you give day. Iris- Lordship - - many-sid
rseif to the -lite about you. No man, an 'author. seulptor, and
man is really enduringly' peer who is keen, judge of art and bric-a-brite.
enlY -1.10efut-The.--ric is that The .ruonument to be erected as
fn g syruP ;Ueda; .w.ifh cri,ta,tt' of
yjneger, .0; pint Of 'auger; tau -011-kiCe.
tick -cinnamon • and querter ounce
,whoto clovee and. mace. •
not crowd them in the syrup. KO)P
below' the boilleg_point until •tender,.
theti skint out into . When ail
'are cooked and-Oot the jars may•b0
settled or tied up with. parafiln,paper
as theY villl keeP for a very long
time.. /felon rinds may. be . pickled
hi same manner, tir, if you want
dark, rich -looking Picklo, drain off
the syrup from the- cooked fruit when
it is first -cooked anti cold and re-
heat and pour over the melon for ,a
few days; thon.beat all together and
,Il into -- lengthwise stripe ' two inelfes
• wide; peel, then slice each' strip inte
• chips ttlikeit the thickness of.tt
rate --nine- fine* lemons, -saving the
gratings. Squeeze the )ulee and boil
the lemon rinds until quite tender..
Weigh 'six pmmda of sugar for. the
same *eight of iiiintpkin; at night
ilno linif the sugar ,ovor the chips
- • ▪ nd over_thayt‘pour tho lemon juice.
Next morning put into tho kettle
have we that which by its use end. Port. that (rem lst -June to L
Proveinent -of dociety bY the perfeet Lovat and his corps of Scots durin
vghich best attains litf.e'sy_eonud,s•xtehesititl: iebutittoicittiOtit:: igallantry of
• rinds sliced.' Add •about ono cup
• of water. 'Who 1 half done put in
teem than- :the lit -Vesting of a dotibt: th-e-nica' sOr --Y — it natian his
6 OU are tory As *ow n course •
61--atiro-liirs- go CO -on. n
_Aividenr1 of ' man Y With this 'grand motive a 'Mtn The Work 'or erect ng •the piers *
dollars la glory. Xtis not a matter Ought to seek riches torthe, enlargHf the North. gsPintustios,. Lerwick, to
of insuring a conlPetetity there by log of • his 1116, to 'seek knOtviOdgethe now 110hmarket i$ nOW belts
exhibithog. ineortipetextey here; thero. ttleney, lathier:co, *all that he may les., pashed ferwaid, se that it is exwe
Until clear,
Arg n a7-7PTOTa-11111117611•"?--rt, "it'beh;•
-without , saying that for frying,.
.1: chickens must bei young and tender.
* This' ,grnnted, there hi no more de -
It; licious way of preparing them* than,
in •,tbo Virginia, style and, servinholds g
thmerea_ek,,,gLetyz___4,..,11orthern cook
UP her hands in horror at be -
slat ,ing told. to **soak her chickene -
0451,ywith rawitin -10ttni;LLaL with
-7-0004,4 ot ain cold 'water . to extract the blood."
-▪ rt takes out the Jule* as. well:, site
growing elliicfreu'ilut of it
Doubtless ovary houseiCeeper,loiowe
the secr,et• of having fresh hot' rolls
out, ot •Ottale bees by simply wetting
them' and, placing them in o. hot oven
until thoroughly -lteeted through,
writes It, Wheeler. ,Ita«ve
they ever tried doing the satliting
with, tt. loaf of bread? This le \well
tet'do in hot -weather when -there is
bread on'. hand that might etherwitte
'become moldy. _It will make tr-c$11
loaf of it.
Giegerbread I huve often freshened
them. aro must be ,ialent not , to
Ieeve them the oven tia.-4 finig• -.for
they wili soon become bard. WArnt
only tho number yen'. eXpeet to haye
catch 'because those- that .are left
over • grow hard and' dry before nn -
other morning.
I have made' dalutt -Itttlo 7 -rakes
from *stale- sPotige calgo. • Cut in -
rounds, square or diamondpolutped
• plecesi, ds fancy 'f,lieta.tes. Cover tho
top_a_...each-pleco.with 'some, of the
stmltiv beitten widte of an, egg -Into
which 'has been Stirred two table-
'fiperal teite,e-e44"
Ultnionreeil,py any
'frikini, three esuniktr.,•
nd14.. hie humble
Tart in• !' Sere .4OVe«,,
43• ,1:..,14(sicrytat.00.* ieplY-,441,411.'
.44 'hs
befor ,o " 04
i'stho iuter of 4ettits uafly,•
ntbi aawoo:eh:LE*. lintnr.4
•le no Proutiea. that the people .wito 44.,,better servant; all' that Ite May led by- this time -• netwt year wor
. .
ore toe Shift -Wee to .keep . theruserees PhoOld be welt tow=rtipletion.
77.--.1 dliFt*will-ower-thtesivelitteet.-autos-*
. .,.. . ....- -
re. ',.' . ..-- - • , .. were registered , in •Scotland- ..les
*. renvedly treneures are in the pret.
-.. sent te • • - faith ie triore,than dealing
ilve the life of the largest use(u riess,
that great 'lifeof love, the r Me that
WO /IOW acknovele'dge. to be-eielt above
ell. _others; the tile that found these
.SC1/01:11 i with oil frc.ri a bowl ' or
. • . , pieced. above them. . from 'which the
' oil was conveyed:1)3A* thent:by means
.of seven pipes to each of the lamps.
1 .,..;_olive tree§ by it-;rrhat '10,,
OCT, to. • _ by the bowl or reservoir._ In verees
. .,-...... • 11 and 12 we are teld that thee
-t•Xesuort.::37._ Pewter _ Through; .tred'e trees.. had each a fruit-bearhig
-.-. 4$ ''''r- ' 111PIL__fillIdiai * -
SPirite 0 .•lit ex ec - ------ - .-
N • 1 * * ,* (that :i0, delivered its •cil) by moats
LESSON WOAD STUDIES; of a golden tube into the oll-bewl--of.
.... ettndlestiek. . The point* Of the
NeteeeTheito Word Studies are based 11"
.. vision Is that ,the Catedlestick, gave
. on the text of the Revised Version. -
The 'Times .of V..echaritth.-Hardly forth its light, and Was irt turn- sUp-
00 lby_ A , ,e entitutal and ' inexhausti-
1144- illt- wwk -761F rifblillOgFib.w -Om- , fl, -of-. oll-Witheitet -the es- nittattee
' o • any Intneut- y
le4 '-----$4e91"4-1-44441444**--Illin t ..--0WeSt---tehgen00"-0-t41•014-,;" '
„Samapitans, the northern neighbor
cortterthebrews-ttrlinthet-lut . 1 g anged.: expri.-seee .eurprise,
-ieuested-to be tilloVited to participate at tho inabilitY of tb° 'Pr°Pbet 'st°• '
In the rebuilding' of 'the teMple oe• liatitifet. The 1441(141-'17.44°14 42*.WV*
the plea **we seek your God, tut ye ""' . • • ' ' - • -
G. In this verse begine' the iti •
• .tlee" But -their ,rerniest Was perenip-
torify refus44:,. _by the jewie.. uent, .pr.etatien of the 1-fivilore, which lad
tipon the Sainetitane compleined at Iit'n6-• granted mite *cheetah- the
..:thej.:*Sirpt.:tourt_mul made repre- rophet as a messago of encourage.
.r7iiih-tiitrciiii--tiAtiovave qiii-tro it an Int
•susPleien upon Zertibbehel and lite might, or by , ''b illy'
, colaborere it Jerusalem with a vie*" SP1r4.• nalth Jelievall, of that
- to, stop the work; t,lyrus was no is. th. Work- undertaken aid eutettlit.
longer on the thrnno, ,and-bliAtme. tuided-ity.-Zerubhattel_Lsista_...toL..
diets aueoseors -lave ear to the ree eitrrIed ett and cootolotod 41t)e in -the.
.presentationst ot the Samaritans and, strength of those etiftoge,41 in it, but
Prohibited OS -; ContinuatiOn , et- the ,,by,,' Jehovah. himself. . • . . . '.4 +,.. '
Work. It we,* not. till Deriue the sou : I. Who art thou; o ..grivtt ..,1119.Orte
Of IfYft$440 700Conded 'the thromr,tairt:before Zertibbie.bei metmtain
that the_ work was permitted to go tot diffictilt.y ited hiedeitettie. inferrer.*
Oh. "the -:- dotty had been :one or ling -With the Work' fit bend,' 16 re.4
about fifteen yaws., it was .: at thisfereed to. , _ ,
.' critical 7tircel that Zleharlikb* *4 *10 ' Thou ' shalt betbitte et Plalu--SyerY
.,h1S. CoilteeriVorlsr7;') Illaggalo Pro- IMPedintent . and hindrance lohall IR.
' tested. Zetherialt in the item° of metre' e‘ed,a • * ** - •
the day threeigli, and he'elert in it
by •night. 'Around hint hitt Comrades
diod wore deatire than from
and sieli;. they died frotn the twin
,visiteetiff, starvation and Cholera.
And Ilfaxtin, tot a member of
burying party, 'dug . the graves of
inany. of _his friende. • That, perhapo.
Is one reason why. only solitarY. • /
survivor of the old Scotch Fusilier
Ozruaarrod:14. buieLitt f
uxs Ittelt rnmNn
This was lIerory Ilowes (4414,19
company 1st Onttalion, Scotch
lier Gottells„ now abbreviated to. .
osTroon muitts.
Ostrich -plumes that have become
stilled or fatted nto,Y bo cieaned and.
made new for trimming this winter's
.. Make
a bowl of cleatt suds with soft water
and ivory soap and soak tite feather
15 minutes. Than strip it hietween
th mb and fin r till clean.
stered-eadense-theflsegiran g -of -the - • inee-an
year. • in bright stmslitno arid while drying -
know their subject well, and tne ono
The pest (Mee are inviting Wider; Justiti.es . keep the feather clentinually moving
the means. Having Cut up
thetn halt 'an hour or so, they wipiT
alters, parcels and all other postal curly and fluffy.°
chickens and soaked or shoji, h h oleo
g; t at s w' at ut it
or the conveyance of letterti„, news- a Pair of young
them dry, season them well with
ackets by -motor van between Min-
urgb and: Glasgow via, Itathgate„ salt and °PPPv*'" dradg° thmt with ' •
, •1•00.11...P....410•00
opathiittg0.,,, els° flour, sod fry , a. deep iron skillet unx,xcs, Qr .41lICIEXT 'OPEIR
eited tis brief biograp ty
Old Aloinr$40. • •,
)'or'titierity-one •yeere Mart4e, had. -
picked up , 'a sort ot living** by sell.
• ing- flovrere: /Ind tiootlacesin • faete
hits 0( all kind'--iiiit,side 'the side
ett.tranee of lar. Leopold do Roths-
-child's :17 esidena itt licteellton piece«
litaeiy Lando:10re wifl "reeciliett---the-'-
brown tin box, his constant corapan,
ion, bearing the somewhat cryptic
" illaveers,
. 'Great friends they weretoo,"
said ficiWgS. , "Always a cheerY word
t ich rd _ rod • ften_so
nburgh Ilathgatte and Glasgow butter, or butter and lard-, or --perk Ithedestext LIItitne-INTet. Metre
azd oth.waye„. drippings mixed.. This met Go
must be hot Solomon Gut
heLeejsen 'rho ....44th0.404.,;.1uaethis_As,_ the ori
vest side of Shstland continue to on the range to allow the _chicken in Ilbedesia put before the British :Owns 'Magnificent EOM°, gut-
thing. else best• ca. It Wad 11;',: '
"'Martin's funeral, as he did for -that
of Martin's 'wife, who died ...six
months'ago. It is nice to think that
such a groat ntan vill iniSs rity c0011 -
rade of the Crimea, for all tiutt he
iive5.1lonely and was buried lonely.
13 re1atiotreur--intitrorte-frhurd-vi
ed his bedside, and none stood by. hie
grave." - • • ,
Richard •Mertin„ pettier of boot-
f•Sehare-t4o1,-6.44-.*4143 -
the West End. go invariabl;r: wore
a white apron. and under. it • a medal
With a bar ,which read; "Sobastopotitt
43ut- it yap seldom thartiwcoulti
be 'minced' to ShOW passers-by the
medal: • Ho seemed to imagine that a.•
pedlar of 4'bits Of itil kinds" :was eitte
*or y • o
hittt• •:na,re_04":4nieia_enicad: 04 the. let is then covered and peshed back and. history of the mysterious ruins •
eet with good spece_ss. During the to co.ok When- one side
whioes, were rich brown, turn.; and when both leaeIver are cerrect, they e.re net ree.
Is assoebetion at nuluwayo by Randall, • Lives a Cottage.
rot . week twettty...
r on t ko out and put In a lies of, ancient Ophir. and .we must 1111‘ t 4 I f SI lits
rought ashore at different, stations. sides and little village on the edge ,of the
o ra espeop e o. e g
0awtitw,VTesrditferonxxr-zts,-toF--plttn%z" Pea_ .Where w t.11.11411- k... elsew. ttelieJ(0...1r-tho re -felon whence ieby 4, lead.
•oraes171,c,ist the-pier.es-itre fried-
and-t'here rat- --f‘i
-g E0 �I
or ra-near k etre .
19 University Colic tidee, *Tit« Itro. *Fie t
witVerwri-thilatir tt-er-4617460p4S0140/-44-410Urr*-27 Aprti.„....nader_toosejelet_ot.A.hp_41, Prettisete-ther tiereltings--of
agreement. is emne to between. fho,. add a balf Out) of boiling water, and sedation end extuninimint/tthe..ithotlee truetteve toid-drt-tee- eVOyttrinerfor-hersel
parties.. enough rich milk to5-ittake the eon- aml xt o:1y tho ruinTh
s 0: Ough Mrs. Dixon owns much .
Scum/ with Salt Inyanga-i Niekorkle,(sixteen. ProPertY. la the. r.oeghborhood, In -
MAY. nalie Thir-Oness«....the-iteat of •orstenci required.
The Mackiatosh, where the rriacta of *rid periPer• and let it boil for ot- *Mice north of in3,apea), Miami,. eluding a magn.itleent ball cantina' rod-
. tee Zhu. log ono of the finest views .o -t_ moor -
Wale* has been .epending * week.
. fore going to Abergeldie. is of h
Prince Charles Stuart nought rolu
after his - defeat at Culloden
1746 , • • •
bras band competition 'open
Stotland 'wait held at-Itirktildey r
cently, There, were nine entries &a.
.tho _prize 'mono totalled AtogAhlit.
beitsgbeeldia tap for the
band; The Patton Mill ecnnhinati
carried off the first *Pitts for .the
004 yell. ituteesslon,„ Itirkeald
Tradee'liend coming a4qt* and ely
bank third. . •
At the Aberdeen Town Council
ims agreed hY A largo majerity
once more arise and. continue he stioutinge,_ 0 000 repreemts
-work, and Zilfihh4610 the prince the finiehing touch given t6. the torn.
governor, the joshust, the high pritat wor.k. The work bo
rsepoaded. 10411Ing tho iSeePles• ishol *Met great Molder. -
1. By way of further interpret*,
tion of the vision of tho ,roeseege of
tho Violets RV relieated. la &unit -
ie contained veilie El and,
t °while stereoli—
The bandit of Veerubbabel ;
*hell oleo littielt-ite-Johowiti-defiliite-
1,1 confirms the pretrifee to Zerube
iti the -sixth- year ot Darlite, the babel that hit work shall be success
Who at first she:Wed* general apathy
and •dielriellnation to undertake -the
work again, in the ertilattVor. Further
ObatIldeLiftrA, 0100 ..thO24,111_ 2,ytit
the -woilcere by the Settotifii ti
_and_ other . oersbuzLidlitors, but. under
, the. leo,dershiP of -faithful „propitita
and other's, Mid With/. the. firm sup-
- port 4V-thititio the king. Werk
Was eontlitued. and in leer years'
entple-swati-,,,totnp ,11,11,-3-',-.VIMOTI1644.4, :
1,0150- 1, 'The peopholie of, teehi lett*Of the *toile Oleg in *nisi t
Jab, out or whieh we are to study in that 'Jehovah , 4f. -boetms hat
• oldays.. leseon„ ar4s like thee* angel) ,unto, you r
tileT and 1.,,,iekter7iiirWSiiiiit-'4,115, •
-1414,1poeslYpiet.., given, log :of the_.;flio
ftirm of symbolic -al Vision$« 11- bin
' eirrembitlei
retation ,.of the • prepliftlesi
ter is given the gitb...of alto
viitions,' the ,eiploutation to , ,
k apperelitly inadeqiia
o Anydertiking, eud .th p
ott4titnoot kornostt;tthiflit greaL
-eteetex-e-i-e414-4iyee ol
heti bkeh , inn te anit
•13,. Whale earth,. per
and • 41 all things, and so
of. their work; ther-
'-that • tamik
le vermin iientionet In
heitsold melt wi
$iii*estiring- la hi* bend.'
1he sititilatity teethe *iium* if
n n on ---Ver-
4,additren granite meetalttry, *tang
an extra Width of It) fea to the
thoroughtere« • burgh surveyor
eatitiutteil the eost of ti*Ideniref the
Vele* granite at.4.11.000: and
the 'eoet of an alternatiVii-schente
iron girders ar Ot,000. .
reorient., or two. Arrange the . chick- 11 P • 4.nieiza _
oriiirt a bot Platter, and sari:Lit-It babwe.• After careful inveittigatioti, lend and, dale for miles', around, site
with a little parsloy, pour the gravy ho hes decided that hone Of the ruins prefers to 41*dt , ' in a humble Cote"'
-oyeetLAe.--.•---eued-e-see - „ tilieettlutt..b.040411L-.11-..-41.14P)17,-t_thrnit liiltive-,....---....-.,.,
sixteenth century, Here She lives 'the 'atittplose of lives
Deked ,potetoes and,hot biscuit or the •lifteenth. or .,
Cornsone or 'bread should. ;acconi. and that they are the handiwore of and works at awe jobs which her es -
y it. . • _. African natives of the :teem or ne tate or her .iettants may rook°.
Biked Ltheeee--Twe' tablespoonfula.. grold race under the -4.youltY . known
the ;coiteetiv,e name. of MotiOni0.• Mrs. ,Dixotee teaantS« 'that tho vi'l.
"I .41ti not wonder; said one of
of Wetter, four tableepoene of breed by
en -
crumbs, •Idne-htit" pound of Minim,* "Pe. ne-blust, -0 theik' wne1113Inns lige pe,,c414: are emitted ett. her et..
er.•tiever attitokft a__Porentilne
but once. it lid Stireitro** the lessou
iscrenough JO -Make-bint *Ise Iti the
Way 0poretiPints infer after.
•-•-end..!'reStiter- at '-estitev.--.the-4.1111.0
d.'.hottry halt of the -poretipine lie
flat 'upon his hok, but when angered
even to hii tcet$ and the tip of hie
plan of fIhtIihj
is • litr-dte
ireritab be,Yoritt
.atleeking foe that ever.,
th panther and the ',lye*,
eWS ite„ fear*** sod
6 hfilirti$, into elle
rtki .valogy's:riivcstigetes 'thiot0
1L0$ct to letrn tiett 110.,E1 *yid
111 1,0 4411ipic0.014 tilwrrifYg tieffr tirip tar i11i01'0 ifox
it? then even bait el . en.1 f:oteet.t,
theeaor,.. one« lop sweet -milk, three ic,,,,,.*-8 _, 4,.t()", -„,,,-,,t41:. 6_4 t:10;.!°_11".ingti, ,dirt.,„t4tt OlV.. other day I staked -her to -
*melkiril ,'pleeesteuti, bp-u-uttiltoor 44,721r;6441S"bowi-willith 1,,,,,,4-triTilc.nuulawind/,',6•Thit'sZPett.,77,,'"Ilitli(Idnintri:CignA:lr-it°.:41-1_,I'll' Which the-had'Ih4444""runk. 4-Te7414)4:tru.'41-rforiser"-, *
bread crumbs: our" then) pour milk --"'",„„, -.Z.1,---7.------ ---zi -ii„,.--ty-,0.- w,--`:17 ehe graved tat a workmen's overall.
hoe:tibeile.bateckecitoitdaintoirg.0 tUnilloWleills,,nut• ,pitlit. ii„,,,_' ;Ts ie trace ott insertdpuious --iiiLT,. Watitth000kil.ixten rii...p andAlirrying a bag
out • ruins: tho
atilici. r°: :id' -E,..:tift, wit.'lt, light« *divers ,Itair.. She
tatted, take from fire, Cool, then add the
too* had the- door, off its hie
yolk s of th a,. plith of salt, mho tr * f earl orietttel or *ler.
building* nor ar es. o n
Tfe*Whir•--.' - w''•-----"-' .3-- 7" ..11.ii OfWQd
In bUttered baking. dish of igeeto of hide one viteito rionitio, op« er geace .
fro , ,„..,
Serve Immediately« manufaeture Of the loWtest parts- of lit lior took to sit, on the gra% And
, ......d.se
....., tor Were the,buildings 'Were erected. ante dog *we lazbig done on
the parent* Who starire their Mr« lib-tettee mitinteilitt that the hie greeihouee, she ouzo .witit lier, '
.441drenAite „by.„.....tist-mitAmm. tit_ _40_01 ttiiiiiiriany fortified piece.; ladder aud tools and pti.tty,, and did.
oir-arty or Inhuman though this is usually inelosing itt"TiP7A-bitlitlirt: hot it- WItir ell the- Skill a an .expertbirtt-
*general inipreesion. There are -tetra of a rou.glit fillip*" folloWing, teazle:. ,
iseltoot7lit the lend, _sztd their sitOth. In% cm -witty.- Tile sotettlicolgelave pit". :lete of Sleights, itiewever,--* - eurft.r
ed, atirring .oafteionallyt *filen well =eats *ore found together; neither' She 16 al°0148 1r6E01410,
and :bloke akbeut, twetity raintitct, chino sod, 9/ -medieval most workmen« for elm only paused
- the t0ui4t1on „pray** that *nth eta a row 00•04*Ithel.
Tug blfzirlte. commeditlei were the objett of bar- When attether of Mre. DixtiO"te tette
htingry boys and girl* e•rery mainly the cont -our or the sutrotutd, It le not only the joiner arid glat4
'eta would be 'indignant 7 it - viyotta ,described as. Pit dweitiri"., Vier,- 00- tont Mrs. Dixon's- coripitition.
ventured to tell •thein the truth,. •ginally ettittlels cif their strong Places( ' At. dusk One eVettimf She 4.1141iS
* 1-4etir mid an atugr1r• WOmsot, 'round which, .. root:carte. ,ttrolOil . '4. -to ..lit,tri .tloptiat. _Wort:
_ot l0mig-a. -,;-:' - - ri,,00le - st ihaf -7.1*tu• e..,- etralle-weris huilt,„--•-.-- .„._ .-..,...,71.,-_-_.
at work wf-eiiirkilii*W.i14.t*Ilh ,tttbt'''pot b :it'
per tablet niir'citildrott are .dativa.. , ... ..
ed, -hot about the poor In citiol". • '41t -P- 4'.....' Olt 41-A . bitted .gitto, ,
t/ -*a . '
-it-Jiiiiii ......._ .,.
kits? wit
_.,....... •
es ortd,..,Pkk.:. :. ,. . - ' -----Itootwft:t.-. ' ---
tiLatt_A_Ilhe'telt *vlith_Lto. A clever Yon Aftet*I, 11a
angry with t tend Who had , - e ,..., .
rcntured to Ouggeat that ,•th e thii. ' in Anoutacturiug , I,nir of
were' improperly tottrithed;— booto.
yourslf Lliortot Aime _Ana 441.00._ Tno 1.1elviv itiAtOtlitori, ,.Whi fi has,
,how it"1- works.`", titt an ifordittary tthd 'witlitli6:-'grOttititt iikorinli-
breakfast ,otid Irntip .off sootevrberd istn of A Pair of Stout boots.
to vork with le'.•lefteh, In, iv pin, ui), f ielt is nothiu etore or levt
_cooing .boitio • 1111 44) tit, the ,iirelli, initif,aturts Moterette'titountd
es ''
, On you fehter. tho.doote ran. ''-`41.wit; of nIKEnt tOcit,
hr. The tVro teet work quit
ur usbend e'
otij•of oah other, ,end should,
boot break' ilown the otlter
rojoyii hot day ti
n unday, when alio, mil
at ion malting lir way to, th
age 4.;
of tho hi
hot own n
•t Wflt•tip
t that etur
fron coptivity; 2cchari
in gerattlfniltr, Wati.
es a' prophet.
. A c leithltyalt of golf.1.-ti
*ltst,lerupfiteotti... 1ft drin 11
tbe plece4
ixwoatitii belt's* sec* Imo
'1O40.111 wos *own
I et e ' 1.• -teonoitplititoF
rr.ttet ,f an •itte
.1.1 i
D. 4 ter
ntigIittme sholio-•
ling. ego. Pegg:
teuxp front tt,,,s..,11,&11.14 ,ot idea!"
1irr ot mt.9i •Mtd t.9i •Mtd hl4'ell-itztel, al. Itifa.
tpan nI joi11*ter. .Tittosattl•
10 l!e:tit Int
' tickled .inio.th :At.it$ ,
' the othete.: t 0
l ttlrig ti. e 4
. .0g *not ceot. ,totrz,-..u!Ntn It F StL.5,.
of o .eartoilla-' t.akett, tiO. eati . (11 t' fl1
•.,,, .1.Itd Itc•'11.0,h,t- tbat.'"
• -rtitut.'
1-41t ttM tz
lisp2cdily t4kr. ot
thilditn otlo., .
OM no
ited 'for tFe
gti, lo ihlti
play nett 4
oot chtldren
lanil subelao
that so
0 k0003<liteattA,,, ,
is daiinel that. sm
Itir:tirdrtyli.trtetovtoel,v;t1 ft
go "cl,:itt5ial:tr'It.Ftituteg,p"r7s!ttob".;."11
tspring tat40104 to te%
f the
rVo, 1a
".4fe, if
jbP not