Exeter Advocate., 1905-08-24, Page 2ft rtrr 4:*4444:tt„d'Au0O *o, Usti -a PUMP, aitdI .Crfl 80this 4,61,06.i;'but 04 01.4n ei '11 'stay .41.!to eit2right;. *Pt'd• 1`4,M ho -td liWit. ea get litMt Se it;,” • teble, , " , • , • • , , „ 09kot, rg011ittf)rf) Alorton waited. 'onlY: Jove) • ye* ought, tci- gave ,heett I.LIUJII U1. 0 '0fleavA pg113sleed' titeeij/hbOa.'llgVidedb."oFt '44.thuf°d'kil Yes-itgdeltlivill;/..11t4; d ; u as fow• di. rim wet with peranirattrint ..„ Perietee could have,'Shatiott of the lodge. AS he put.be :the watch to the .door t opened, jObaell. 4 'araint** paid Guildford. „rarer lout.- He teatt.'-itt ' itsyoti-immethi _ irt 1eevcs and waa'aolokiPg Re -t t the uphotted and • wen - or 4 .4.14,- Itielatritz-VrA • -• 44174 it it back In its plao. lcd bis forehead as ho Ir*eNfnizell Iiircr- of the bettitsi containing sot veintilei Berton- • tAs sh dlsu she might sight of en envet040 In the ,kreast pocket of his coot. 81to nut her hand in and took then he Paused, 91100, emoting a quick • "Good evening, sir." he euld. *glance. full of hate, over his shodittl_. thought I heard voices anti just shit- er at the weary figutte mi. the, tittilo. his -hand 4went gaging to the email bottle 'hiddeit in his breatot peeket. His fingers cleised round the vjj like so mitny aerpents, and his heart: beat quitsitly. He had drawn it almost out of its hiding plate when Cyril suddenly stood upright. , • tricking -trouble, Mr. Berton." he said.' with a latish. "I'm ail right as It Out, end, leeking round again fried ottt to see- who I wait. • _Thom •Warii.Y., ritad . it, bY the light of the !darned tramps' be atutut a - sight .moolt, ,There.waS not much to it to lately." . , "satiety- her burning eurioltitY.• —1 An invitation gashed into Berton'e . I'Diier Cyril," it ran. "I found on ' Mind., to town that your *picture. He stole up. to the man :and, ley - pent,' was ma aking stir. I legit bend on his S hl rt sleeve, drew al. Ytold you that It was Pet bad1. him forward. sen 34y -enough. to -catch -the- pub* 1 . ttilustsr"-Ite-- said. with an mused' Do, tiatti. Moses, the icturo dealer. smile ."yoti did hear voices, but it has offered illid for it, and:I've made isn't tranvia," and Ito pointed to, the , nine ellen -note. end I've, got :ail a bold to as . a.'tan cr Ir fawn' it I cen screw him up to lt "Why, who is it?' he said in a suiF _UAW, you recovered from your mad- dued voice to match Guildford Iter's oess. -or.ler- the dottster still"; burning? Lion's; "Ah, it's- that young Deceit- . - I don't ask you what you are doing. i "Yes. - It's pretty' little fleece and for I know. You are just, loafing iher eweetheart. I ,suppose," was the aboitt, smoking* dreaming, moott-'' answer, good-naturedly spoken. Ing, anything but working. Oh, the It*Just the night for lovers, eh, Job - brief teadneas which men call love! son?'" • ' - --- - - tt . eie„" her . . • '. • OL,,,,w.irse„,-. liecea-ceuld notilltdAre what a 'girt that thi- bid - o avO - ' stand/the latter part -ZIT the,b-iiee:but 'fumed -tEs74i-ii-adit Or -air the yenttft -..----,--,,,---,-,-----ther-,--- rick-.up-her-----fetiowe.-4n..-thos...villase, and. thera41- ears. Tho haedsome gentlemen, was be 'mischief einem; Dem presently.' I Atot only riMeeing _himself by pataog oictigcs. ,!Ait getting, A hUi144i4Id , coui4 419t.flnd&y.; in „rant. _there_ Wan ttuntyeise-to-rowa.rti-her search but • ft 'faded and, dusty rose, which: she found hetWeen, his "'Waistcoat , and itie shirt, lying upon his heart. Indeed. She looked at this with st puzzled frown on her warrn, classieel brow. thenwith tr, little siznile put it back. • In doing so she touched his aria, and the pain caused him to .conte to. His e "es opened d his lips niov- disturb theta; we've all been young am.' 'cones over and , an 89 ' do think. 'Ishaes_ the worst o pretty girl, Mr. Berton." *aO--'-'48heatittents-to-bwable---t- ndon-head-4s..we1 one,saittGeildford Berton, with et - most a paternal angle. •'The young r , tJi. * may. havb.to wait a ,feW perh*pL only tt, lew•ItOnrii whichon to lead -6- ' ° . JO (led On e -car.ther Is ten :delay JO gettingthem lnto• •the *vomit of - the cold Atcirese lioti$048, '"-ortt- "-situated- at a dietanett trent, the tithe4tora W _ estrous *Area � taarhOlir. Or boa- ;An he 'to,Pitieti heeded up in a barrel, thus canting thent to go into the. etbragltkeustriin,trally 'had condition tor stbrints- With storage facilities on the 'feria .411 this -trouble Is obviated. and , it is possible and practicable. too, • to leave th,e apples on the trees until they etre well colored and in Print, condition for gatherieg. Then sett's. er thent end place them In barrels Or boxes w1tbou Peeseing, pot them into the cool roont,'"theee to remain r u ht 'out in the The linger* unclosed trete round t bottle, eted allowed it to slip to its libteit;ant taking- the -ettpliefted swiftly, Guildford Berton came hack tO the table. • • "Very well'," he said, ""Oh". yea. you ere all right now. His faro, was so pale, so white, In- • was n that Cyril looked at him with sur- , t;e0141,,...bo • id 'fir) • f q • "Ne„ no," .replied Guildford. "Me 'over to the consumer. or to the .ronunission man.. ever/ .barrel and every apple good and firm and In 'Condition to. hold up in good shape until used. These, aPPles, be- causo of having Item left on the trees untilwellmatured, have- the best ttor-and.j-the_liest of , keeping elute tibttloit /Quad �fl whu lase it. to 1,e "ry neces- sary" in .the preservation and 'hand- s -of -sip lee. The_teachinery use rt 10 1r, _Zet .kri,b2 - telt rum wbo ran mans chime in everyday use, can °Potato this ,otter a few lessons Irma the manufacturer's experts. 1 find that es* maintein any -deeired tempera, - tuns ond my fruit has been preserv- ed equal to the best that. I have seen. ' CSIOINAL4THOUGHTLESSTRESS XVI* the Cause of Many Serioue Aesidehts. ainall things. ,Sted Z au t gOing you heck it workrit. not you will shirk again." LearPnte-74iatZ-LAlatt A Dangereus Place on the New • * foundiend Coast. ' Bird Rock lies out toward New. foundiand an4 Letbrodor, twenty-two, miles from G one° Island. There is enly ono Pitesible landing -place under the tremendous clille; a pile" et -jag, ged recka which have fallen- down. Oftentimes, for weeks,wrtte, x Mr. Job in "Wild 'Wings." there is no in- terval when It is possible either to Teed or to launch a boat. To this Wand ltr. Job salted in aseventeen foot pen lo istor boat. nitcompanted •It, *eras jar. past nine. under the trout persons who have caused MIS-, I last thdlimerays of thei 'day and " the chlatb3r thmightl°3s""-or cakr-01'19*7 Silvery Oat of- the welcome -moon. mos. It is an "excuse Which. does ;when -the-greati.Tistately--ettes-a, . not eseitite,":' but 18 offered 49 often ;towered above us, and the eteiVhitds' -- as accidents happen. Not long ago screamed and issued forth to meet ue a Western factory Put in a now set in clouds of ghostly forms. of boilers, of great newer., when A form hneried down the Wider, en. inspector from the_ inserance cent- kociee,_sigrialjng_10 us wheee temelte_ pany went over them. • He found the venture. • strtflange-otetholoint-eit--the• -Caira-'nrwae-the..nett-nuteide, Main atiailf-pipe abOve-ttusibotler rf-was-reil %-olCs had been used Which did not Wo miirst rtin the gauntlet and take!, go • far enough throu h the nuts for our chances; there could be no hack. STORAGE ECONOMICAL. -3torage9 on the fetrit-aleo ITaW-5 it possible to_ssive_the400re1 gra •of (reit untili the weather is cooler. -it tippet _my nerves a littio, that's fellow who is with her is the artist, Cyril looked' e.t hint 'with a feeling Mr: /turtle. who is stopping at •the rather akin to reinereo Atter till inn." • "You don't say sot" exelahned Jobson• under ids breath. "Why, he's A gentleman. beang ho. sir?" "Oh. well, gentlemen admire pretty •giris, you know. Jebel:in. Wo ,Won't this sullen-browed individual; with the strengo rvelling manner, 'must be a better :Sart of fellow than he Cyril. had thought him. "I've an t,homore reason to he grateful to you." her.„.said. "And I head, heard tilm trituntur a nams: "You're young yet. sir. But that how, you ought to have beet! doe - ed. '-Sh bftd discovered something. ton. et Mitt rate. This- handsome, young -Geed night. Ike. 1" said the old - in . Y:-Iho Ilittestrt--- -II 1-14Ftnistrees- * - ', moment later, ' th bee . hat . and preeently he came of/ the sweetest hutocenco and sped ,.., Site reised his head and fanned him, i. She returned his greetleg.in a wiVoice rowed • completely : and e3red -her- at- ore but Jobson waited,. and preeent- first tvith a passionate look whirlt i iy but walked past. -chatigecUto-one-ntserw:•_ _ __w too ectful to ad - "why. )ou are not--" he said. "I dress him, bfittook a good...lop a., thought it was- Ivo Ilecta South, him as ha passed, then went ..dowo, ._ _ _ isn't it?" ' ind lathed- the gate. , •' "Yes, sir." said Beet*. Guildford Berton had drawn back "Where ant. rt" he oeked confusedli.• • .the shadow .of the trees beside "In the Court drive. -sir." she re- the horspend and wetted nail plied, "I found you lying here, ,j.ust Cyril came slowly up to MMthen tePPed_into_the light. h it.'•.41titf____' _ sa . w n ng Ski . s arm. "Yes."- teas the quiet answer. eyes, 1 Intistt, have fainted, like it thought you would Paso and I ..womars.„!!--he....4tdclodr--* ited4,0,....ask..you.,..whethec_you.-3Ter --W-ve-hurtLiny-arnsialecca " hie --t -and leaned. egainet b83 atm slightly,hin' 'it a 3roirtiee-r- erhatt-twien-r--tne a •lantern, lighted, his patient to the gate, and with" another good -night ands---tepeateel: outside • The gate droPped. to With is dull clang,. and Guildford Berton Mil against the wall, and, shaking 'and shuddering. wiped the thick drops cf. • -"Heaven; was-irteturatio" he muttered braenbr. pAn Ment and I should have done itr He raised his hand, as if It "tete ed fist after his guest, • "Curse you!", he muttered. "rake e-take-carotlt (TirbirC n ketl-rether -surprised at -this -friendly tone of the -speech. The mat ad-iiitilittalnett-a--sornbre-eilenccreat dreem!ngtbat , "110W -did keen. ••down the- drive." ; "Loe,eir"setd Seem, "how did And I was tempted by the tine - it happen?' ripen of the night to Wilk round, by "Too long a story. Bocci. But tee bridle path," said Guildford 'Ber- ton, "But you haven't answeredmy • question. Are you hurtvt-Can I help ,y,eur,.." • - • "Well. I_ don't know,' se yr wearily. ITe was worn out with the pain and eXCitement, • "I've done something to my arm," and he •:touched It. "1 thought-tirou looked rather pale and done Op." said Guildford lier- tOti.---"You:d better tome to spy bite -AA& fet-iiiiiitrewhittrsi--lh er with it. I'm a hit of it doctor, ' "Ah, yes, so you Redd. Very It's very kind of you." Guildford Ilerton led the way down the gloomy lane and 'unlocked tho door in the V1411 arid Motioned-, Cyril' to enter; 'A lantern stood behind the door and he lit it, rind holding it above his head unlocked the door of • the 11 It had seemed cold and dark and why he should choose the grass ol;grite to Cyril on, his• first vieit, It the path, but it was his habit to appeared doubly so now, and a faint shudder ran through him as he lueover _wanted Is would suPply it in ell Its drefikli-W:-. Int host Ut the lamp and motions ed Cyril into the their.- As 64-t- dowit he rustieed *gainthe feint smell I'm all right now.'t -That you're notsir; you're. all of a_tremble.' . •"*es, and my heed ,,feels like leait you‘ need not tali:lane ono that .you found mo like this," he "went. on; • "they ntight think that I'd been titio Ing too much to drink." *Per certain and mire they would. • 'Lot', sir, how sorry my mistress would. be eo hear ..ot It!" . _ • "Yes-, the Lady, Noirih," yeuit' ' titistristert"11 - raid. "Wait a minute," and he sank • down on the hawk again. Bocce, perfectly content to remain far many Minutes if she could glean reny further information, seated her- e; self Weide hint. . As she did' so a stealthy footetep• mite over, the grams behind them and Guildford-±Bertow approiedterk-- There was no particular reason move about as noiselessly as possible as he walked with hli hmsd bung bow and itt deep tiwught. he 1n'[ not see them untll he Wig clbSe Opoh them. • (.11eit he pulled up and stepped be- hind a tree. "Yes, sir. tidy Norah hes•tpeilt me of chtemicelli, It rittilek upon his to be it kind of eorapartion,' • said jaded senses with .an iiftese rePug- • Beeea, with a teech of pride.. Well,,LadyNorah havet. "Nott...then,, atand_up:!_seld Iter,r a very pretty corttpsielon," he said ton. I ornho•oiettif-.V. tref Was ill/104141 Cyril dict so and the -ntoteur doe - whether, he could trust' this girl *ith7z.tor took the injured tt, message. far Noroh. /le 'most seal deew a sharp breettit' and a, glean of her agttin--inust lay his, lutert harNusalignent. enjoinnent. __glowed' Ia. tkt her. "Do you think eou cait take,'Onildford inestage 10 Lady N'aritli for Met "'rake your ceit O.:" -he °said. „Itecen?" he said.' •-• Ou,„: might, It liek me "Vim •tiust Me, sir." she said, tort- :take Oa' the roof of. the hOnge.". .0' • ri r-4-." de - 20, you' /ady ,Norith thet ' Ut1 theft toniorrow 0,0 . t his hsnd in, his p It to britwa little pm, rio t. isra be *refill and telt her 1 " the *dd. "and now 1 get eitittiething for_ you from ,Cytii. 1 *ill wait mInut 'It tny hcad teelelea* 1monw, stesic •" . ..„. tirikz-a 6. nib* ler rtfe0 a long, *harp blade, e. it Vat a nuiraFurmti-iss,do9tomkett. _ tood 1:444 rend the 'tonight ' gashed through his .lattipattiO00 mnd he have- 404244-tho-knifo-4n force;:ther-,Weaporcittera itt--Otente* ' the owerIbtiso • to r furnish this fruit to a. class 40 nearby-- coniiumers.-Who cou not afford to buy ai better grade which has been • shipped a long distance. We have seasons when the apple crop is light, and perhaps the quality ' is not ite good as it should bo. When the buyer or cornet-W*1°n dealer does not come to buy our apples at pricking time, but goes sontewhere else where there ia a better •crop. pays the grower to pack his fruit and ship to a distance to store. etr-agaef---1it---yea• duction. when .1 there le 'fruit -• every- where ot good quality, there is a glutin the market at _yacht...nit Theo. With tho facilities of the mcidern cold storage eel:and, the fruit can 144mtit-the-warm--- ;theinitt.fie °reds e Even if the crop is, sold to the commission dealer at packing time, the deaf& can -Pitt -12 lir-tipples •:Into this house ebeetpy and (middy. thus delaying, the &ens oratation until market ready to receive them.. The fact that the ppleo can be packed the t-Itern, Then sit.--111.--orics able.montent that every barrel of the_persos,sal itoaervtilon of an ex- perienced and conscientioiii Man. Tere are many.,_ other advantages that might be mentioned. and While my experience is, somewhat It le in accordattie to a very conser- vative line of reasoning, and not al- together thetiretical. - L7.4itt In an undertaking orithls kind. the' disadvantages should perhaps bit more carefully considered than the advantages. It•ie always the thing we ere suit looking for that trips us. In the tssist place, the Cost of ' the V-ggM1,1917-7 -that Some of It Ay. •peat!ttrenjiltr) Blue. •Satoke-cotedsts-ot minute_ particlisi of isblid .or. liquid matter aOspotuied in the air.and its color, depends partly.upon the chemccia constitu- tion of such particles; but also largo - Ly upon their size. Exact experiment. has thown that. s.s the 64001 minute particles iiuspentitid in air is graideel- y•Lieeietitited-they...40a_riiia_. varying from sits! •blue dower „through. the whole range of the spectral setae. the causo of Amulet odd sun- rise, colors in the sky. Its siteCts can also be traced in the case of the two kinds ot tobacco innoke, modi- fied by the murky tints of 'the car- litinittems_products. The, smoke_ von. �Ti frolit-tlamilltattkr - --tobamo_ in -the -boil -.0t. the pipe has been highly heated and Very fully oxidized and decompeSed. It cosi. sists..nsaissly , of exceedingly small. solid particlee, exhibiting. by virtue of their .smallitess bluish color. On the' other bend, that smoke whkh has bren drawn through the Witter.° into-thermoutit-of_the stitoliet Car - with ft a relatively ttty or writerand hydrocarbon, Which are condensed upon the solid Pettit/as shove mentioned. "Th. relative -1Y hidge Sire -or .MIc11, Particles explains' known,J4ityl8h color -of -- sjk WhIc17-liteues kt1iimu sI e innoker. 'DIFFERENCE. "Illeirriede :and eennyl" isiterr;- gated tho bneiIkt. iThy. Men. be fore t wattled 1 was broke half the -- • ",told What now?" asked theyoung bachelor. 'anxiously. , •"*Nowx ein broke' all the stinie:" , on-t!rtito-PhteoTand,O- rdered-it u°st-th"..""1"4--our-feet4-virtt-ha.4-•'- - ediettr--- - - The contractor bought a supply of follotvirig -wave "picked us up and longer bolts, gave them to A workhurled us against the pile. We leap- , an, and told hitri to take out the 1 ed out and held the beat against short bolts and/putln the now i ones. the undertowand with mighty it - It was a trying task. The w - space forts, he3ped by succeeding aves. , over the boilers was nainvw and got' it up a tow feet farther. • hard to work in, the heat WAS very Tho keepex from above was lower - great, and it was altogether an un- Ing the cable by the steam _ winch,- Down comes the wire cable with a pleasant place to work: But; in two _ rope to gird under the boat. A dash ed that the bo te wens in. and • the inspector . Was sent for. . Ife booked at the flanges and found re -a -or -7104r -eft 9 •truding front the ond.-of each • nut. At- •first glance ev • more closely, however, he sew the,-7ot-8--easr-- "cress ,the end Of 'each bolt. As was not-netiessary-that 'they' should be cat off to a uniform length ho was astonished that It had been =thirgovirirstitit'lled , Now hoist away! • Slip and craeh! The store goes o ing_over the rods", , ar ere convey Um intelligence above. Ths ns: mitg-alit` a ro secure and the heavy boat goes sall•- . - the- ditrieneerr-liket-Otantom---..slii They enviiig IV in upon a ledge. rind - at bust we are eat°, and we • climb the ladder with Kee Per :Peter Itour. t10 -who-bas-come-dow come- us. - ind tit/hie amazement unscrewed the. It is June 23rd, and since Novato - stub -end ' of a bolt nix or seven ber eth' last _the keeper's fattillY threads' fong. • have not teen any other human be. The others were all the, same. The logs till now, save some fishermen - workman, trusting that the inimee-;" 'Who landed on Mity-29ttr.- tor would merely glance' at them, terrible winter they were frozen • in. ot tIn w�riLint isX atinn_.wered Ali thew_ crampe • apace, hed sawed off the en cou o was • ittitterter-thir-strogi. of each of the new bolts at ids !tench gio for existence. The ice enclosed. and inserted It In:the empty side, of them lit November. and_grented no Iher-ant-7---0_1171710int,T.„„ oitik•. release-until-themitidie-oPlitay;-Even— etreinge-i-,4rfbre...-111t4.4ffifiteeCti6... o careful man, had• detected the lin- Two hours atter otir landing the pos ton. e ca e e contractor. th • a • • •lkia1tk-LBACI80-1Wn-On1YAL-littie - ifiett here." he said, 't -See - what ater,"-our-Preh-t- "tFould-EaVii- hem; you have 'done. -That was ordered 'something In.1.1deasaiitlo-eontemPlato. rebolted tomausit fit, endangered the tire, of -every man who works on tiiELFISEt ALL THROUG112 these bailers and' in this factory. . Why did, you try to elur the Job?' • George -No Matter how things go„7 "Weil, edr," was his excese, "1 tho poor always auger. hurt -any --I • -Jack-Yes; the nabobet who owe toolced---stremg-enougirlo-ntee -and ' twayee-dong----think-anything- far as 1 could, see it Wasjust a for- running .Cr a poor inan's hones • mallty about bevies the bolt • stick -"Yes; anti the mao who carwafford out., 1 didn't mean any harm by to own s horse runs down the poor , fellow on a bicycle." The contractor dismissed him. "Just, so; and the fellow on --the ' Within a short titres.' the workman bicycle *Sins down the poor ,clutp • ... - ctunices.. 11 p1int fr greater in, proportion than it is in a largo plant where the same promisee and rnatertelis are Used. !this Ennall, plant is apt to be situated where it is not convenient to be used for other purposes than that of storing apples, thuit,leaving yourbuilding and mitchiiihry idle during the _sununtily months" Then agatittr-the-otootr-ot-mitintedning and twining a mesa _pliant_ of_ that kind on the farm must he carefully' con- sidered, for there is Where the pro- fitor toes of the venture is apt to appear. Expenses „roust bcrpt fortho- apples in the tarot storage, 10 run only during the 'apple Rea cannot be handled profitably on Mall Morgin as can the very large stock AA a dealer Who has stored in a houise of ltnritense capacity, which. 19 Yull'itit 'the reit toUnit, and which" doitc,not_depeod one minting ap atone. 1 handle My tuned) fere° of Men that 1 :use on my farm. Attienie he ber have Atinte *741?; Are ry rt Methanice, as welt as ng tr, 0* handling and pick.- - ri f apples, By doinig-this- I do rteleen of * special' irpt did storage .business. I see :that Inging & copy of n. niwnpspe r;•-1 "That's It; and tbe man who wal ther-tront-page-wsot-the ccoura1 of a stetribles against, the. -poor horrible holler exploelori" in a Massa- who goes on crutches." chueetts Moe factory, which, had. "That's tho way; and the cripple " itettised the death' of scores of work- on 'crutches spends nkost of his ;time Int men and women. jamming his sticks drift, on •other 'Look at that, sir."' he Said. .people's corns. It's A sadly 'eel "Lilot enough some mem slighted world," imethet dmra boriletiar iigostntthate.idatirig4y tdydurs. /6"14 Divo ,ThernovEmmrs. night viinte haffpentd. have The folloWitut,hi tottlii:tof a Patient,. a, it:email woman, who. taken Seri- Ously 111, WAS Sent to the irospital In the evening her husband in- ul,m4 .14,°h_e.***, ite,thatsbrn,priwithoroyittlPg al01.1if or talked *Ith the bleat day' ho *called again, and was'. °Armen s. while and then put hien "tall,hd ts,2111:tnittnoonlitPrrb:ohlritte: um; tut . back to WOrIL, "1'rn" he Mid.. "It was earejete illt3t the report being that his wire risPOcilUff -that left 'the bad life -pre. %Its Servets ainfard the SIOcurn. but F11141136 046 tti*bt when bo call toadt, them. caret" inmweirs tweeing the - doetoe, he wen to thervwero-thtrushtleter Worktnerrw tol-t014Ott Us -wit ' oVerloOked the fattened skylight hint and said. "Vell, doctor, vat did over the Irottubla Theatre stage, and 4,1iii-die of...iroprovernentste• - is 'bolted exits, but, * thoughtless workman fattened 'them. You tnt- ierstandnow Atm** etes4 tmi SIMIARITY trying- to- thirk, if anywhere there is another piece of' zny *fork Which wileht cause such a wreck. It's awful! And probably it will never 110- eatteed---. f4bibto,i-X' Would like to orne of toy acquaintances to4da W thoOt tviti-• to the trouble of #/ti.P.p.. :"Thay r&1 thi-se tiri%ed thet man With titer Wilted to ar end odeaf fan., 0 ,spring. in order that the.work o bandlintr Oft old crop nisy io int iLyo. production of the note uop and wttl - the general orchard work, Many fru% tams are situated. *htro Tar' -et 4.7-zr.g.„0-647trtc.6111*.eatert.„__rar ite obtairaed. A.-atii4iitritif , ;*,,tater a fa, titeldcd ditadvaritaigo • to .the motion -4'4V romnins. itt.a told 'Wage Want. ),(y hotite, at it now statult,,luoVithaut 43.000 folitere toot intulated and OW voids', for • 11 rt,hnlds about 3,300 barrel". * ' ventilatiOn. intiment's perms. Cult& etit atit. deetereuelY tho thit coat tilt rclied up the ye. - ttt your ann, ()tit! / alto lit..T34.ST.*- !"Stou WIH tOtiti:S" thrit Ois,oicario fan turret roitiontnt one thnc- 'All l'i'.u.c.zi;r;ct ' IS11Z; r.40 4ne-41 , "-±"