Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 7;•, . <1' 4 *fore! nO eILe• ft, , • 10..- u ht t& hey. know 1014 resist touch ap- rnenbe of. the arm li , • , klr,f, -f"tr :l11.1 -her..... "1.,„ttrta._ktio,*# wh .fiatinitiOrat? .11-0, went e' B. eeet the eiWaiette diffeee. , aVe ,n0 Ideni.h' :Ate atoilirce, . 'it!t ntctIy. '"!..Elie eignietUre4$10044'0, to..i . * jirtit*OOK, iy inii "S." .* • . 0 doubt . .'::,314tieh'et l• 0 ftfred e .7.4i: tbe. .. 1 ' 11• or Lthd .4rg *1:- * , ). i ',.. „. t 0 1,1,4'.0 • *Oh* Itt , 1, 1 PtFLIUW ' , V.011444`,40 nt.tiy ,ind : 1 ...:•and. :discr .0,4,.;porticnCiaci fAlo, ;* goodk, Weil-011ed " r.-titee work yequiirc4',91 ,.104.01.•teet'diStiatei,i,' and , , ad. asked 'as tew.,;.AtieStiOna Itut the analogy CIn .- i le'd farther, c.fifir . Mr. Possessed ii,:heart and' -.a • it, ',. 0 •I ,4 • X. ,I1 . 'F'!'z • (Vit, thP' ' Vele ,Oleventir ; fotment; ' 'One, , at;tbe • itit'ot':.iia 1.44ti -at-;; the. eiltiablerlid, 'ii . pi.".4* hint 'en • break.- ite • ,draftd .Sre\eit ari3Otheete,Wiil.;"; Ale said. : "It woe te*.,,10, g;-titee age's but 1e.renteiptier2 tk.tt. . • ot*. are 1/4„1 • 'itity'th.1ttg,; -.00,.,Ytitieknow Uie' ltit •.'"Nti:" - *. . , ••Of yotir nietheeti'fliele eel", -•"Are .;i700* acquairitOd with 40 l'dward Strungewayal" , usin -•she answ , • * ....*** • *90 " 4 4 - ,• tlie ptece, if, he tintet, in order to tliseQver 3Iii. Vairfax's $104A Oldurge' uPein him, the abeolute ne, f. that „lady Defog provided Oili,i4)1#4t401404;14044$101,4tte ALF:loch Atiek, or imppY niatti*- U iii14TiV• 41Vit4r ifr•'ht tbo wicket witivhia first ball. _tat Wa4 ail. • • v"eifi:Orti IteS 11 • letter vc,40,:tro tCY P. Winston', .0o1UPAratlyt,.. Sa'slirsiike.,, 430 . , t ,• •,':pre.tieat 441.il)g4140' at • AU • sltie' the .lewyere. leeter -gone iieted a-rtquest. ,1411 $4•TOil ge• 690d" AA to acepiriptioy; VIarto tireeii ilitrocitieo her Mrs. 1'ttirfx. and SO She is well *veived, I shall be 'very geeatly te,W' itged..! ttie doctor immediately Put On .his hat. ' 0 11 R0 FOR GU T )OST 1100:14,V or SNAZS Xndian Cobra Vas a- Record. of 4tErn INty1t0190 1041HESS :Ca 4 29,000 Victim*, ti; Year. cipi'i191.0e4(w,,7 Naliita, rnvbt it* Iidia and Ceylon, fl(ld2U1•tIii1 'Solititera Chfoe, nde arel4h14:1pe'41e4g110.!blit'g, t•ttif');•li)liTilittlirty.414*. range 'Oteneis to an altittide c1 eflit• eat IOW .ii4enrets • ;tulle, for -*r t, at 0140; 4114 ' 41. ;lett' :itif , fileeleede, su the • Lmtdon . "tine ,Itny xtiMat§; toe's' *Ow ,cneii .ii'jftd. say 1Please, .itUthtCV.. *AtttC1414*.'t$'44,CO:n40„,' City. sid0 talke Caw talkee Mdikit ' "Mere,' lsieb. ter. ie,i,t'..•.telkee kis:e3teee. cutne ierit" (take dijetier)*' Thia befog earaniekl, th.# beelY drrivea in her; 'chair,. *accompaniedby two, maideemvaiits aed lier body servoitte I have to „o out and hake hands :•••;";•' 'et`' i tother deeired our , rriage. di 0 thia_ en-a:a tve hem -Were . Jr - or inetante, during ;Veer* o aid, 09 they walked down ,the met backwards over the gang -plank whit 0 itelele-po very very glad. of that.* 4 Oh, yVi; 1 know. Saxbridge very gress is slow. harmless snake; hut the moment they 11Y:we-Dull; 660„.olitaide. are disturbed they assume a menac- he bad' been writing letters p9r. not love biro. and 1--I--- " • her maids help Iter along. Iler feet ically and (tette automatically to Street, the lady. stilt cipeely veiled. are perhaPs 2* Meters long. so pro- Corn-(. 53c to 54e, Cho. - "I . know." . he interripted. "I am, letoraeoi.,.,„see •-i_oro,.. ,, eneteeetwe by • the question. ' , NIT11011, she led the way across the COSTLY JEWELLERY. • when thoroughly inoculated by a eliatfOtt P' Ice 64e for No, 2 yellew . ing attftede. The poison of a cobra, than) freights; A.mellean firm at une ante Wing:- "Why?" She could not help asking- yeti." *She' replied. Thet wile evident . a. Maylord, alwity4d very much Or jelient„ Mre. Fairfax. to acknow. "Because John. Piward Strange. peek .by a short cid of Which Dr; “Chlhetle ladles lOve to be ' asked fresh and vigorous spedimere•is quick- and 6:1:0 to 64c for ile. 8 yellow, tet ..Igtage the receipt of your letter. andl'vraya is in the most robust health." Johnston was wholly ignorant. liot. how 'Much everything costs, which ly fatal. Paralysis of the nerVe lake and rail freights. _ . . tet• inform, 4tosk that" she seta Ho 840 the Innior partner. enigmatical- iethellevi, it did not occur .to hint, in evilly a nice fashion. as they wear Amara takes pia& aud 'death follows rease-Scorce at. 71c to .72e for No. itezsmou to !wonoler the ch,emon sho'i tinn owes you reparationto put two and two togetherlovely stuff.. She hid gold bra . rapidlysolnetimea in a few minutes. 2 west and cast 75c for milling,' • to at tinte of your mar 'I am afraid you aro not 'Reding tete up tho middle of the forearm, especially when the fangs. having Boiled- Oatte--$4.7.5 for "ears of hags tnatte tbe,.... . YoUr last letter te your iriother you aSked her to help you .. kci have a very easy time of it, ' he valued at 4'1.200. and4pearls. all penetrated a vein. inoculate Poison and, $5. for barrels on track here; 2,150 VitifOr, and litarthrill." ' - . "Yes; I ant very poor;" went on,. **nor a Very pleasant oneover her hair worth e',11,000; Tier immediately into the venous circulft- ane•re tor broken lots here and 400 riage.-We are yours truly, Coene. illaa first instructions.badbeim etWell, I am going to do veltat I WM •Vairfax is really ill and very coat of lovely lightcherry-colored tion. The venom isharmless,. how- outsidu. received a. loos time ago. 'Since can. If I find you a suitablo post, irritable. If she takes; to you you silk /took five months to weave n ever i when tnakii;:ouingrtrnianllyco• nntoarct is sWititli • Cbt1NTItY PRODUCE. . .. might try - yeur 'fitted at bringing •cost a trifle 01 £80. She tells' std 1 -..aranetleutelatitieere-4, . ':'....1t --1.T %'-ersr.±MT-,Kratittlt" she. about a_ reconciliation between her she is No. 2 wife., her husband hay. a inurc_AntunStiwk17,4toinarface, cli::such as w_th4lvritix.. ..........- .> will you accept it?" "then. at intervals .c4 ,e,bout ; three Butter -Quotations all round aro Fairfax-.1mCbten../Orttat. o,, Whied."'1-1-Wic -Weir Tiliiir7so it" her-4,/anghter.--'1', . believe-- -;--11-ta fferomr-iiitogetheic - -.- --4.'** - - her more good than all the "Wo have dinner of 1,4 gouilee. 10 4 7 IN 4 ' - ' ' - - - ' WV* ..fitnt...:..witir Ake . • brief intimation; it3"6".14 10-. • , • cr---tki W4441 'V. INDIAN TRADITION ercatagry, 'pritita - -.... 19c to 210 "Please'ncktiowledge as before. hioe P t • • • "If sho will let tort tvill try,' at-iirf -hew° to hand her °Very dish relates _that -Buddha- provided the al0:-.0olide---“,. ....Fe -e'er. 18e to -1902 ' cobra With- "spectacles to enable it Dairy, lb. rolls, good'to - choice , -.. e o -sneeese- Peoph. : .0, 4__.am, te droge_itt_ rny'aurgery. -"She tonolieti cigarettes all tho time. . . body': in ,the 06100 bad evee tpooh-k.0 delicate. but I tun quite strange". toettade ethose-idongt c1-041436 to ward; off the. attacks of 'its . 'old e-Brominny kite. These- do -htege eons , ..... eau to 150 15c to 16C t "14: 6%0 140 &MVO , .ni 04,441,4all *titian 4' • da', L'S. frairs. ,11411# fkr,!int5,04. ' JjI U . .010,...... . 1 BitEALVITVVPS.;. ., 0 i 010;"trii1Y4tf.: 1 ,144.. 41.,- i „.._ rteft at 064p,h(t.kootoii: ip.4riliettof t,i, -„- v p tz,, toatiltan-Net, . J. :tier. , 14, if. • 1...-1 14 NO. 2 'itortili*o., 7.,1 ' .,0.8; N.0.,•:. nerthern. ittlIc . 4. I l'Ot 0+1. ,._e , ' lit... * * ,, _TA ., ,; 'W , ... , ,... ,r, '!htoP ttd VIVIVii. '*)4t..)' ati...itl:417(4114:: ,,O: .. . . 6404 iisui roosts' ...Amt.' MVP*, WV' '',:tot,' z30.e.1,4041-4 $4414 to .4.,,,,,- ,.. ' go. *hole. .,'''They, drit* *.g •01/0,- 4244, • ' 71114,11(00,11101,0 .' 4011 - tt4t4, .41 r1 14 ,water, eitlioegit tiler colt ilvO .4nr $172,50. to '$1.8...',MitititOth OrWift ,,c0;43„.‘ oe. •eii.ee., moletlis, in ceptivit $horta, • Coe,' ••eee'Toriritto,l• dad, • 40.k, a• Witlimit:: •.touching • feed: 'Or -Yiratti„r-` .1,,,oietA,-. , `,,;' . , . ,i. : • . • Cobrail 'on' Ofikb...and We -0101141M tiolipir1,-..,Iiimpr jitirehosers lia*i Paid, *aseeng tree in aeircb 01,1000. . '4"' aa legit 0,.9 50e for, No. 2,. but the . • it euie they aro not -aggressive. and.. :meta,' rico quoted le 47e with* 4do' 1• interfered , with 'or ireitat;ed Te4gotz'atmoto;bia.wrot,444._. , , 4i, k und ated. looking like s "o , . • , ,sheete, perused them, he said nothing abooti mean you are too-" he was goink • ..geways says: You won't; Alter dinner her maid gives her a, do tubs, good • to the fact. Certainly sre. marshal boat to say "charming. but pulledal- hi o an the Indian species; certainlY they do • nelrer-read_more t MA the signal! es. self up and -added "lady-liko." fie like Strangearays; Arid I don't think silver baste and her powder box and not occur on either of the African cuoico 14ic to 1.51C -Liravitiw-carried _ "People would." eald the junior said the nurso, with soxne agitation. , myself, and she _has to rise axids,bow. taill141 Tilts "110es---tbdituttliter- eiblec.t_ to, at_ re- She dritiks_port; sherry, beer, eb conciliatioret•' S Str 'argue. and then sinokes-te- -vim. • oapootatix pony:1mi_ th_ etelf_lika you_ if he mak. genthe. and she flOVS her hair. Then ,:ibr ell'iWair to bo-restiieted-to medium vouid not Itaveentlardiongth • doeinferbee-,:------, •120- , h eretew won., zet. eurer-peopte things-unpleasant-tea_me.....and _ber_to the _theatre. and we. Whonesearching-ter-prgy the cobra. cetentlyeto rine-at--161e-to- added etieh rame o •-the were waiting-,..S0--lieiii -had to bi-g-ft PU MY 0" Ut,Trod Mar eat-liata. oranges ital_d hlwana- k.-alut 441et(--.1y4 hit -I1e.---per-pound -for job lots on track eiondle kept An. a drawer of, his desk.to an end. CIIINESE PV.:ASTING. once extited ho raises his head and a U the red- tape he a, neat bow. re- ' "clientPlease coneeider y•ourself ser_lefershall very_well_Thnteueg e- kt-tt:int ace:un- e _part .of. his . body 'straight, in here' 147ggs..-Quotations a*g firm, At 17c: ' - _ee___oeH ar bc, said. as they shook then?"pany her to a Chinese festival at a the air. while-the'renfaind(e-iii - placed the pack -et, and thought no ." ' More a ,hands, "and promise me that You Yea. 0 a a g temple up the river. After seeing a ered beneath in a toil as a kind of ood sort. There s to 90e per bushef, or $2.50 to $2.75 Potatoes -New are quoted at 80c boet- ilut this was net to tegt. almeant_taimiour In tell ae---hunihng ah°11-"aranallre ur- rocession of t elate support, - 1.114 --next wariike move - WO 1.uousanu r barrel, - A day arrived when, having penn- ce. . . weertirVITrffirt• iik7--Tralif 1 . - . • _ .-1171171-' -- 00 a ons are i"iitie,• By this time they had reached the ' • ed 'the usual formal ackuowledgment dishes and cups. end with gold chop:- laterally. ex -tending six- or more changed at $7.50 to $7.75. per tori. of, a length epistle and signed it for II. mansion. which . stood in the centre sticks. There aro 86 cours,es the- inches downward from the head thus efS. .1 itots .on the Orin, bis attention. was drawn to . of the park befiire mentioned. . Bove it if you can) and they include converting his meek into a thin, or otimothy n car M 'rs. Fairfax dwelt at Saxbridge. "As Mrs. Fairfax . will 0 11 1W1V5 See . " . shark'S lin, birds' nests, doves' eggs flattened oval disk four or five inch. trackhero the !Tine whicit he nad written . Mechanically at least, half a score . She was * not th..,.. the only client of her doctor, A 11 talc° you up to nor .--, and other luxuries, We drink native es- broadBaled Straw -Dull and unchanged." This is the "hood," of times before. , Messrs. Colne„ Valley. and Marshall room add introduce you at once. whit) and tea. Another bottse-boat whieh is found ha thee Indian and, in at $5.75 to $6 per toil for car iota "Illaylord . M' *I I?" h relected. in thot sleepy little town. There was he wen!: on. ,. "Sho eoyou of M xects' • , ' arrives 'alongside. containing her smell degree. on the North ee= on track her% "It would be a, coincidence if she another. a rising young doctor and cciurse. ,. husband and three singing girls, one cobra, but is entirely wanting in the 000•0000110.00000 MONTREAL IWAILICETS. were tho little widow I met at the, old school, chum_ er tee Junior part, They were met at the door by the ,,,,, whom. ha. lvtil probably as.lorm !wrap in South Africa. Above Boglevs". *St. Anne's Grove. . street. 'ner'ee--elack Johnston. Two days housekeeper, a motherly, woman, itt 7-72c.. 5. !the hood protrudes the head, expec- Montreal. July 11. --Ne. 2 whits after tho lawyer's interview with sight of whiam Mrs. Clare shrank -- "I ask No. 2 if slie is jealous, and tent and held horizontally, lacing 04 -to sold at 500. and No. a white course. Wonder if she's he same? I ', loid schoolfellow. client disguise for tho moment. .1 tutu of morals and manners. Up to alone. which is placed at about Impelled by cutioeity', or sOmething Scabridg ? 01C 41010 d "Mrs.- Ltrovair-Mrs.' Clare. I s e says 'o, no a . ine if No. 51s really pretty my lh grobabi the -average annual nUm- ,‘Why. what on ear 'Inge yo gmen . • a queens - r e ) a.a arms ni a. know.'" •-atroriget...-11* st,r,J.A11. hr.cmght out Mr. Marshall' entered thee surgery. hope you will get on well together.' new we have not even' mentioned twenty thousand. would be- ver e " el d the oetor tor. t in ,ifleaft y . and rod every one of them.. hope''• nitre°, holding oot 'her hand. But . weeks palavering she Will eveetually such a. tiervoua temperament. which , b; rm having a day off. Mrs. Brown did not take it. She insure. It is a queer business. often leads the snake to strike at The sk ,we're written bY a dangliter to her mother. craving forgieeness in Thotight I would look •you up.' . * was glanced. in a ' fiewildered manner' ono riequires the patience of Job. a a moving obleet long bPf4ra it, le terms that would hetvie melied the tho rePIY- , . from the nurse to the doctor:- then' a cast-iron digestion. - .. neara-tough to reeth the object; effee- heart of a- grindstone, if it had one. "That s kind of you, and 1%n glad as if ili,strusting her eare,' muttered, • -sein-suee---"-liakt the patokot of Mrs. Maylord's letters "Nallurg wr6ne wttir-11*-1111aire. thLnir -aboat--threcertau 0 1, "Oh. triy tnother," one of them ran. -a see you; but for a -man who never '-qt -can t ,be," and led the way up- 40004.000140040400044140114444404,04 '40404,4 thus---wastieg -af- large -amount. h !Ida It pot a good stairs. MAN OP TEM FUTUBM. of venom. When a cobra strikes he hisses au- "-it--i---could--only-be-a- -child-.agaiat t,a. e -a- a _ .. 9 _. _ Y _ . _ •, If 1 eould ,only kneel at your feet They found Mrs Fairfax In- bed . enough excuse," and feel Your kiss of forgiveness nn I, •"That's not complimentary to you, andas the doctor had said, very el' toy ,brow. as I used to do in.thei jack," said the gunibr partner. "If and very irritable. in no very vete Ion, you won't believe that I've come- to For a young man, Dr. Johnston, . .qdi nner. Ile. i you wou on y ,see me. . etr'liie-t'OtteW'YtMkr4Utiadrr-.0t-AhOititL-beF-1i-g'-rhatla •ll- Credit Ma r..ai ,• that I've come to consult you. walked gently up _te the o a_y smooti-her 9PITike • • , ....._ . ------iiii-brigliL F.'very* night, every-nfOrii-- int; I pray thift* I may be forgiven. .. Z.....111e...ltare_a_* ti tt„,tergthe _reply, he h d ouc el tear - roi -cc- et • • written_ into very small- pieces and 1Takd."" , -. - ---',-- -1--attr-sir-• -glad--eyetr---suggested-- _ "Stuff nnd 110WIlses. change ... ..,.._fatrote anather:- ...maeittn.-We are luetrlieted . by -44*No. It hermitzery._ my- -father. '-_'TU.t.eti.tnfng..'"mil. &Ike_ nva , our client. Mrs. 'Fairfaxto teelenoweellY igrand-father.. _and_ nlY great- f dy. **I won't hitve a granti fun- ----Itidge-the- rewl... lit- Of -yotir-later. arid grandfather all suffered from the oral; doctor. Who's the young riti 9 reconsider the dectsion she came to to Ahat_she_sem_no_reaFort. t..._,Ine complaint woman? •'",., "`Iii-e-ilicke-iiir rake -tiff' Your coat 'Thii- -rse Str.-MirteiliiiII" Tien down., my dear lady -Mrs. Clare." fat the time of your Marriage. rt.! and waistcoat." hotkever. you will be so good as to' Vr. Johnston produced his steth- "Tell her to lift her veil. I want f . . Jitmlth. • man. With vou?" 41.'hat's the matter eirre sad: 5 get along all right now. I can see He Will Be An Easiest', Noseless, 'Eatixless, Creature. in the prehistoric period. even, 'Intent- tor_ grasping food; It i* still • , lees prehetesil , his teat ,a,re sine er. thinner and ess niuseti , dibly and immediately reassumes his erect position. and thus he continues to act as long AS danger menaces if a safe avenue of escape does not pre- ef to .4•44 V.I..' call at this °Mee and ask for Mr.} °scope. and in five minutes pro.. to see her ace. Marshall. that gentleman will be nounced his patient as sound as it 1 Witit trembling hands the niirse and at lost altogether abolish them:, pleased to nee you •& b11 obeyiki. Then, what is not needed disap- Itavitig signed it for the, firmthe! pears. What use 19 there for ester - `1,9 which the junior partner re- •"Clare -at lastr" It was almost a I trier it in his pre-imarlied: You would never make shriek. but not unjoyful. . ears, notice send brow ridges now/ valor lettmirctok, and / went -on- With Yotit Virtn00 0,14 lawyer. Jack. Sol ..yrether de.ar tho t lett' the The two latter once protected the wto r r b a f II 110 Igoe*" at the eye front injury* in conflict. and in xaeitibsc teiiiTLEJiir-rtid0-fintt-steet- -a imite end fork., ere s 00 rea.. things should stop at the irrtiat ttrtflieiaI-.divdsion..thus At - 0 1. . t.. . contrary. , to believe my statement that--sorrereeenning exterior Meehan-, lism wiii 'presently mosticate and in - Isalivate Ids dinner. •relieve his di - minishinnr salivary glands and teeth. his work.) But he could not give his You wpn,t me earn a .g nea y .nueiii e on r . otitlining_ lacked interest; he "No- ' bethilde.. eitlint. tict IL The Chancery brief he wri tin 41,i Pr . P - . Ide papers and went ionqe., lCVer (1000- /0.1th It thing ban' rf„ pod g assetl throw -11v the outer onto, 4,, passed many "miles from Saxbridge. silting' --i/iA'' --i'-n----1'-it-was-rentntlosittekly----- there tk,11-9 much nudging ofi el-, gossips got back there, and how s rthunigs the clerks and • many soon the junior partner aticertained 'tiers of 'What's up?" .. that Dr. .101-nistott's most, profitable Puttetually at 46,80 next morning patient was a Mrs. Pairfax,. who was the junior partner was in his place. very ill, worrying herself into the Altrara well groomed, he was partf.. grave owing to the undutiful conduct •tiilarly ll o on this ocettsion. At ten of her datighter, who had rnairie.d 0.40ek the cceninissionalre brought against her wish and now refused to In ., a card. !be reconciled. Ilad he been allowed of the house"' Mkt° add a codicil to 'Mrs . itayi-ord, sir, to sbe: you. my, tame to 'think about It,. II% doctor Mrt7-- rea.irrax!* lteilli which ho had eiripeintment, she Says.'` ' .5 might also have considered it re...also brought. Ty codieil was com- -*IOWA tvelfair 4114-910:nr the MOT. market& that his friend Shenk!' iiitit&. prehensive. It revoked everything ' --iittitt -Mie-litsiestialte- •• !Wen- to . _detpty. intereatted In .. • ' ittrielt-at-the alightitgabs_In,inost remunerative,patieet as to_pre4 or ir- ----w----iF" -0-= -a- R , , deep MOUrning was eriough. She was vent the subject from dropping by __.,eleee.11tGe4tiestthn _after _(11.14,9t foh_untif tiliei'c --the riVegnitinn -wai i ha -finalise* 'learned that the doctor _ fairs, but in these dart '11'0 keep on could not get on. to he packed up "Very well. 'Men la Mt tidk tor to - "This 18JusttliOaghts In IrItIro the reader "Great (latent!' muttered the doe, onr ler.fs and are at peace. Dieecting 0 bad ahmit tiones.•• I Fred' Marshall:" Th,en lie did it 'very may presently' conjure up dim, tennh th id la tier ihotightful thieg. Ile 'hurtled to' the strangevision of lattc,*r.,day fatee: . telegraph :office and 'wired to the "Ilyeslarge.'llastroifs.1)Jantiful. soul- itivykett-- - ffilyzheater-thea4 off. ihink you will be wanted." by rugged brow ridges. is the top of The junior partner caught the next the heed. a glistening, hairlese dome, exprese. taking with him, the in- terete and beautiful; no craggy nome streetions- his iirm had received and rises to disturb by its unmeaning letters. Ile reached Suxbridge race. no vestigial ears proJeet; the all Mrs. Clare Maylord's pitthetietshadows the syrrimetry of that calm goat/ tiine ,to___turn the writer of the 'mouth is a small, perfertly round instructions, Mr. Strange:ways. out aperture. toothlees and gundes.s, w- tese. untinimal, no futile emotit dieturhink it* roundlese tot 1" the‘harvent moon or t'he evening star. fit the Witte -11Viiiiimait face.:.! filieh is the. face the profetoor lipids in the future. Cr course parallel- moilificafform wilL also aellect "Overy day so titittO VOW'S nit much energy aTe rellideed for eig tioec e grotto torpidity. sk, itat'nttl lethargy, scAtes on Mortal nitin after' dinner. -This .mity and tali be ed. Mares 1#now1edge Of organic. 'herristry Widens dsily. Aleeady. sunplement, the gaistric gland& ty artificial daviets. Every doctor Ito administers ility*I0 that sisTow. f thzt bodily Itit;6tiouq*01$07 be .034 , that went before it. .S later Mrs. If thall asked her husband X tilleStiOrn. --r'e:41.1feir to see you 'ar you aka you said you were very, very 'glad that I did not love Mr. Strangevrays tind.to could not marry 4 eilaeed for her. iit did not. krioWi WAYS, described by tho- doctor pa, oar him. What were you thinking our you istre Mr. Marshall of this firnt."1; had lot." but so eittent we to his "Oh, was t just looking ahead," said the juidot partner. "If you had obeyed your mother.' you *Outdo have beat widow then and my. wife now."-Lopdon'Tit-Dits. • ware seeking a nurse tor her. Mr. "We have met before." She'said, as Morahan WILA also greatly interested took the newly -dusted chair be in Mrs. Fairfax's heir. Mr. Thrange. "VoU. tee I ant -Alfred 'Marshall of , aunt thttt 'he 'called every morning. litonliearted-"iirm of Colv.e..„"Vat.t After that information had , been ' and Marshall; lielleVe me, I ! elicited t'be fattyer changed- thee sub- neter felt ashamed of it before. I jct. Went back to old day.% and re-- nalttcl yOu to call.ltra. Maylerd...rn '" airteil ihere or thereabouts until i -0,Ilas, -.My matta1it tortiven. tile" *as tliffe..f.o. leave.- 'Olen, and,,, no interrupted. , the pretty fate, until then, be save it little iriforma- ng-luith-ii-smile-which, '41fe tion himself, II ' . or partner thought ailorahte. 1 "Oh, by the *sty:" he eald. ...‘your I hot* ebe Will." he answered. "I' patient, Mrs. Fairitaxi-is it client of you to call beeauee I wished ' bars: I know the very nurse for OW you soltiethinii." Opening her, a lady in ever sense of the word. ket he 'took out it rouPle of Sh 11 I.aerid her ilowivei 'rmfo - -- er.- --- . ii w s 'otr-iftifirttorliir-trIlli '''- 4tiona upoo ,,ske's! it fri,enit nit tor *beet *yeu 'bee hey ere' 'efi'-'hit111 to Pleaae,''' that -your '41'11 do . that. Vou needn't involun her teembling. fined. Hied 'of, this junior part,: lo •irtg 0 ,- ‘lisot, t. Don't iflltehltn wefl c to tell him anythings They Shot& lidfids .atul pitrtd th doctor convinced tlint bit tri berMitary affection ot thc hcat *to Itolt * the hod • 4# right,. as above Mentioned, consti- tutes the so-called "cobra- dapeing" w II inilatence, of muelc, -but which, come Wit, h earttnce of faint- -tlrewhietr-these-snak tionw 'fee 093 ne. .3 0 tt - able to the natural tactics �f defence and attack. while the "fainting"is - •• .•- • . dition due to its extremely nervous tind excitable disposition. PURE FOOD. There was established ltaly some five years ago. by private par- ties, an enterprise called the Italian Society ot Permanent Chemical In - erection, for the anttlysitt ot food proditetS and official certifieation of the* purity. The tommerciai firms subscribing to it stanip their food peoducts with its guarantee, and a purefiaser hats at any time the right to request free an analysis 41 a 1Y sample r.nay send in. 'the eat r- Anur.Atiatalned-tha,odberenca- 01.- a very considerable number or the test houses. controls food -• pro- paTations to the number of 500 au - 7 11 hi:113y the ilr--j-- UgilyIe -Plour Miits Company, LiMited. that they had advanced the price 10c a, barrel ta,$5.75 for Royal ereleto--$5•40-to patent, the Lake ot the Woods _Com- pany issued notices that they -would not admire prices, and would quote $5.80 to $5.40 for patents and $5 to t:.LW for strong bakers. Millfeed-Maniteba .•bran in bags, $10 to $17; shorts, $.20 to 4.21,, per- - ton; Ontario bran, in bulk, $15 to $16; shorts., $10 to $20; muffle, $21 tona$2tsel_pperricetson.arao'ilutni)(hqatnragi. edityat 4 . per •)ag. ornmea 0 ale° quiet at $1.35 to $1•45 Per bag:, - $7.70 to • $8.15; clover, mixed, V6.- 75 to $7.25 fend tire clover. $6.50 4 1. 76 -per -t ferent kinds. Vitt . . 51.56 to $1.55 in car lot*. . Honey -White clover lin comb, 121e extract. in 10-1b. tins, 7c to 'Tic; 60-1h. tins. (1c tile; buckwheat, 6c 4 410 to gic, as to 'quality. Proviiions-lleavy Canadian short cut pork, $20 to $21; light Eihort cut, t1.8 to $19: American cut clear fat backs, $18 to $1.8.50; compoend lard, 7c to 74e; Canetilan lard, itte to 101e; kettle rendered., 10ie to 11c, according to hams, 1ge;t0 1.4c; lracorie 1c to 1144 fMlieleilleit. Abattoir hogs, $9.25 to 159.50; 16.0 to $6.45 for mixed lot* selects, to51 riegs--5ltraight stock, Ific to 164c; No.. 2, 110. lititteisieehiaice cteltetiery, 20e to. -204'2- dt:dry. line to file. Cheeee-fintarice Oic to 10e. ani Quebec. Ofic to 0;e. •• BUFFALO MARKETS. Buffalo, July 1 1 .-Flour steady. WIIY'SOME PtOPLE FAIL. Wheat, -Spring firm; No. 1 Northern, The failure a ummt pc,0-00,hi owing $1.14; Winttr, No. 2 red, 51.00. Porn -Stronger; No. 2 yellow. (Ste; to the, fact that they look ttio Pigh' and toi; far away -from their ehances, N°- 2- c°r''F' 514e---r°ata."-thill- but They forget that the. itmatest. t Ann; No. a whi10, frit; t10. rrehtedi are the simpleit. • In 'hunting tor ti5e. Itte--4/1": "rEre. runs"- -they- +rample-the-ditisles- utedettfroVits-Steady. - their ,f4,4et. -They ,a,r0 ..the . nete,,and -Messing"; near --beeseuse iittrie•.$;„Tocx sea . Everything depends upon the power of the mind to see opportune. tieei. It Is the pitiek and determink- tion to lay hold el tt. and wring from it every possilkility that We lack rather Mali the chance of getting to the to ofelifess• ladder 4tirkersfs.fett- Vire ' ' ,t to penercatine, itttlilelM gastric rwitnesktid recktitiv in the eat.lerigation-p kraia-rtert-tiliatAikegrfistar -botat-0014clas-414.0t4-i, * i'xPenillture„ of • d 4 h 000.000 ho !Ion ,t4ittitoritod by, the theft. sliobl, not tha sion.ar lu to wide, 4trett, 0 Fon) the range of quota Export cattle. choic 4 00 $ 5 ta P0,,, 4 75 4 90 eee. wurt 00.• 75, Va.: light . 3 00 8 50 Po., cows ...... . . ... 00 4 00 , 4.0 • 'hitchers ,,Ipieked 4. 75 1 85 4. 40 4 75 siteditini 4 00 4 50 - ektirt-zt ,tro bulls 2 50 ..4.14,41et$,-----fth•Oete1eettessee-4-50---- re.," • 4 400, 4 Secretary of' Stati.Tor India. The thi'rst‘IY mvolmnuatcd altogether', snow has maidenly 4ecitt trao4fortried iight„ srea 11(104 by. ttie" • 1th h flintier t (i.4 ti but nu& is owing to Ili.' atria,. taillitg I/Puff- t4toeuenichoiCe man who could -not only Ivave bite, et eit„ sweep_ of let- blatk.• /his . • • ply. *I tkil rioriStriee: the lawyer sviit-ttosy-41:414- part'-oM wax itentor-trittr,..iiticf :Mtc4PriftWit nall _....nuntlfer of. years to eame. - 't;'41. • vcdtild have v a .atteli hitielt i ' .t. without, * ilr abotit't1,000 tespare relies Will 1.e Ir., i !id • . • ... i •OhQ:..r0i „l 0 •peririe hint to Iri i "gated. ., :.44....#; 1, ' enittest, ireo022 4 rassioatoss. tires. tWicti" hOpi;er. '"IlieNi ..tirt tvoetirt4 _ . . • S • %4 'it 1., Or • 00 area it is • tettimatell gottmvi ter, elvt,. 20ct4 faU 14 4ritig latulys 3 p1 ot thth*Ittctaa' Valves, t()W OP' ettItIA„ 10 ltetto* 1 1vt 1 st5.14.41 th.""! w of China." ltitenv tie4rIast it has c,itilfArof . its to,o's. 'fito n3W , - of fit', future (01111-4 clowds'thst • t he pi' Young tat 'pi a, tacit tor ot.e 4 iotti , ito **kir WO hare rate .1* formore than tusband "Advertise a 0 *elt 111 it,atitatio yoa,