Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 5were killed:14
uute exp1oion in Penny1ytnfa.
tightolog truk and- luinred ten
tot 45
hflf ect
leaying pdrof forv
efterartoperellen in•11
o ,sititi to
tNEOIAtT. I., D. ft; ft,
UorGrgrdtz*te of "Potato Xhilveriotr.
ogIstrot. •
Seth., withoiit pahis tio ' . Ott
't Moak writ • *Ma
DENTIST ---7-%
• onehiste TO:onto Dr& rrft, And 00314
tion *1 Dent. Surgeons ot Ontario. Alto Poet
Otifitritet Motto 'Wool at Walled* Dentistars
*(wltesoneisVek teeetien.)
Iwo*. OW *14 Yokstito ingot rok‘riv.
AnorPage1W, a'ortettly., .hareitsis a.
Ooe PP
. -
BROM% litinthelatak, • Limed Audio*
iL.- bight CooAtito oi Perth and hildditritz,
tor the townibiti or tithorne. Sao Prosi$17'
to Sul tiibts toisottbk. Wet sirriinstd
tt rott Mitt ArnAjoUto.,„
vorthit-ill* Wholtraii PPt1 .
' Depittnitlitt to OK ettahltshotil buslnesa house
Witt% iiiirotlia itattling. Sitairy se evivstil•
expeottt Ovikattd. iirth Monday, by, cbeck, (find
v . (roinbeadq ert. gortetti4 bugicy forth/bed :whoa
tion ' • •tiPttent. Addy*, plow
cliiesso. lit -
copitelValotlip • 6,000,000
itest & Undivided_Proilts 2.2111.9.5
- • :-- •-
dcpoiftil allowed las Stivlags Bath amounts sad
posit Itteeipts. •
,Oonirormiti Letters of erect% ittued_i avaUbJi 1.
Olt% Aspolt And other toestga eSsots140. -
• Travelling Letters of Credit Issued to travellers b
ill patriot the *Md. ,
'A gitiers1 Bauktoit bottatts tranatcloaL
smabit4 .
abed and
1ept poorly,bef91 4131th
nearly tainted. QUO or
dheert.beate very
fast;, then thst n-feelin
exceedingly depondent. Nothing
• pleases her. Ifer doctor saYs: 4..* Cheer
up: You have 4)1TO/its.* .; you will be
.alt right soon."I
But die doom* t All right," sina
hope varibthea; then cOme the brood.
B Os;
Don't welt until snfferings have
driven you to - tr, with yonr llerVelt
•-if-talce "Lydia sma • „ ege.
tableCompound. See.what it did for
Madame Josephine Bb,Ule, Masts!,
QUO. She write.;
me -Kelso
lath) 'tubes ‘13C1i,
, . „ . ,
and °Ma torterkso rene-h that X 'oulnot
. walk at tiinwand a .'-',:. toray 'daily datiaii,
Lite was iniserito Ms; rwas, so blue ind de,
spondenV4Ti a, not kw .knoor Which.wii, to tura.
Wed "Voel,
loriAle . )
_did not hie. . ,X,wesedvitedle.,. 1
. .- . ...
1;0;44 a bottle. • eft . I& id• se,
for I am well and strcng today.: and the .
world looks bright,- for! -My. psdectWidth,
,thauks to your
• If yen love, Seine dtrang�rnent of
the * female oreanisin- write Mrs.
Pistklumn, Lyon* fdass, for advice*
u P1,0 tt
rei4Lib�iije p, t •
,Fiatur .
MeF4vay. Oflion4mi.htkl
tone • ',of
• fect4rY
1iniig milt\ tve dost yed.hy
oil ale. 74082 ink
linprovemeilis o e ma
port -Stanley -harbor 11111 -make i
ot-the,Atit on Lalte•Ittie., •
Antlitor;Gen oral Merfougill ba s eent
in his resignation. with a vet-10st for
nereased superannuation.
Fred Brothers, aged ten years. was
shot through the heed by a companion
sat Strathroy and fatallyvinjured. .
It is stated that ..the Conservatives
will protest Ilytuanie and Smith's
elections in London and North Oxford.
Mesons W. A; E. Meyer and R. W.
Dillon Iowa purchased The St, Oath.
RA* Jotirnal from. Mr. E. 3.• Love-
lace. A • • , ,
• Mr. Arthur ilehustort, A victim of
the London street Car accident, hes
developed erysipelas and may not re-
TOreeleara ego tor: tOnot-,A
'loot beljeved to.h*vel*11,,,irg
she *gee to complelit of intens,
in tbe reghin oftheahao...00,
001 2iikatlirodo sy that Irmo\
mad to the X ras, which ieeov
inches in length. Another •peeetion
but Aim Meyer died Settirday.
Precldie Simone, eight and a half
years of age, was drowned while swim.
ming in the Don. , The -body was re-
The United States Government will
prosecute practically, all the railway
companies for neglect of cattle in
t *anti -al -nil -EWA the Hon. ,G
become Governor of one of the new
The Chicago Record -Herald reports
result of hide endence Pay celebra.
-JosePti, Papaeey, balf.breed.. son of
(Thief Pariaeey•of-Fort William, jump-
ed overboard from a boat and drowo.
ed in sight of his parents. .
Lord Roberto in the British House
of Lords said that the life of the 'ern.
pire .depended upon the reOrganiza.
tion of army inethode.
Norm* Twit*, aged seven years, of
Itingstonfseved a little boy named
from drowniog by bolding him
wlth het parasol till:help came. •
We offer One Hundred Doilare reward
for any case of 'Catarrh that tannot be
cured by 'Haire Catarrh Cure,
CHENEY &Ca, Toledo, , .
We, the undersigned, have known P.
S. Cheney for the last 15 years, -and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in- all
Mr.r%)...tt) M. Captin's perseverance'
With ard to $t. Joseph, on Lake
Huron, is about to he rewarded; if the
following report is true; ',One of the
hirgeot and most substantial of Canada
brick, terra-cotta and tile plants have
been Wog_ht, by Buffalo investax.s. ,
OliVer H. cabana, jr,„ the Well-known
business man, and nog. Lamle))'one
of Buffalo's beet -known contractors,,
beve secured extensive interests in St,
Joseph, a thriving little, Canadian
ttc4m4--Afteal*.xeeetilbig lite. -4;1*,_ tt: -
swept Torento_the_sca,reity of hrieXa,
made building a difficult matter. As a
consequence bricks were Imported
front the States; a heavy duty paid on
$8 athousand to • $14. While brick
were .scarce lin • Toronto. Mr. Cabana
and Mr. Lannen took a trip to St.
-ssinsidered one rit thetneStagril
"in that -count
Itint has been Instated for the nutu.
ufacture of bricks and dramn. tile, and
itis proposed to manufacture- terra.
cotta in the pear future. Extensive
• itiro
in e clay there, and the little town
irMpidlfgrcswing. e nves Men
of foreign capital has given great 'int.
petus to the place, and it now boasts
the fact that it has the only factory in
Canada that manufactures pipes used
in some of the driest pipe organs on
the continent, Ailt hotel has been
built at a cost of $150,000 and will be
opened As it stiolitier resort. Although
ten miles from- the railroadraaelectri
bus carries passengers to St. Joseph
through the finest.garden country _in
Ca -
lhirty-oine men wert caught In a
mine the at , Dortmund, Prumia, and
were killed. ... • -.4.••
Slow It Ailtepti The*
Antl-LIPirie guide who has had =At
you* experience in Mountaineering
tbuS describes the behavior of differ
business. transactions and financially ItAt_natIOneltgial_Wthci_getto th
fif(ir- Abl-eto- carry ottte.-ny obligations reQe
W. S. OBIS1101:211,11anager. nerw- t that -1°Ines 4"1Lit'l3'311i-ltVINI A ant he stilse " 11(421' as be ""
ANcrEt earnes-. an
1tmef• - his firm - t4P 44.1traPeak.
'oar way' is proof that our Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0, Ittlwnt,,_ "Ilintr461""vir-the
11.1dre Cetarrh Cure is let heightof the mountain he is ori• and
Goods, Prices and Methods are4taken inter-
-- - - - ,11,17,no tring,,direg "Lite blow. of every peek around hitn
, .
_ _ _ — -• • • .
lans l'Ir111•11111LA6
ow ready for nse the bes
gverybody ilat, the lowest,
"• prices.
= r -$3 rest
you fa Piants and Sewing
Machines. In new Instruments
and will thole the Prices and
Orals very attractive.,
A few. special 'bargains, in
second-hand Pianos, Organs,
and Sewing Machines that are
bourzdto suit .iton. Call and
13ee us.
Ttittimontatil sent free. Tistice 75 cell
per bottle. Sold by all dtuggiste.
ur -VOID ,
is poor tea.
-But the. Indian and Ceylon t s used to make
the Red -Rose brand are grown on the high lands
of India. and the mountain'Sides of Ceylon.
These teas are, grown •in clear dry sunshine,
. .
• they mature slowly; the leaves of the 'Ceylon teas
• -are tender, .clelicate, finely. flavored, but not strong.
The Indian teas thus grown are full bodied,
richly,flavor4 smooth in texture, strong.
Such Indian and Ceylon teas combined in Red•
RoseTt—ayrtAuce a cUp'of-a-rich rosy -brown, strong
ad smooth—all the richness and strength of Indian,
and-fr-a-gtii-ce of Ceylon teas—that •
rich, fruity -flavor" whith-beton& alone 'to Red
Tea—more qualities of tea" excellence than any
ridia&psi) Ceylon alone canssIsess.
The Illear-oldstin Of George Win- „A young Englishman named Ed&
terbottoro, of Loudon, broke :both of dlebank WAS drowned at New. Ham,
his arnls as the result of falling from a burg. and F. Johnston was drowned
cherry tree. I at Macleod, W.W.I., while( bathing.
muesq 1.1..T1.11k-ml-ravr 1_13
Vitiegtal!Toon. Adam Beck, London,
rato, and George Pat-
terson. M.P.P. for South Vitaterloo, to
constitute the electrical aver com-
barber, of St- Csitharines,. was. drown.
ed by falling._ into the St. Paul street
raceway. Beatrice Fowler. of Petro.
lee, of about the same age, fell into an
er ate taw.
The phrase 'the -length • of the law"
es its origin to the 141011tiOttli length
some of the parchment 011* apeit
Which the andent statutes ot Greet
o wa r o e an was town *rade were, Inseribed. ,Tbs pressed
In-Patilarnont,410n„ W. ft Vieldlittal. edictal WU- or the tsttlister-lot
,ing's budget speech was one of the Pale" * palmier' et thle alieleat atAk.
shorteston record. wry tiny ettanfess tome flotne faint Idea of the bulk it .
• in the titriff were amiounced. A p I the Engifsh mole 'may 114!' °waned
-.(Jobbiedick • 1101A11171.1VAS to enlist the Aid of the banks in col. tram us fact that shwa *taw* the
ectimi United_ States silver morme isioritt tamunaa/auca act
measures when unrolled
•,- _
. Seaforth::: While ' gable ,at Abe' 01900- feet': -
Maitlandlon Monday, Oscar,
Aat nisi* littAry. -
son of Mr. 3. Ili Reid, hed the oils. -
ether boy'c line caught in his lower 'Awn uo says Wil!N Wing ou. Ira. 7"r„ .
fOrtUne to have a fieh- hook from ono fa, In onsL_? t th,e Lvlb,.11141„,ed._, 1.4t___41,t1,1
lip,and it riquire4 the services of a g one of his ,playe he had mi• his 411XX
doctor to have it, removed, ... • ill est1147 04 &MI with a ocomkk* is
. .
tettfortlit While operating* Writ. it : Now ,and Oulu tile, 004411 Woilli,t
"flitpvoss-in- the News'. office lArednesgrew sick, and the author would ,throw
day F".trrepleby tad the misfortune to a Wet. Of aft fruit te it Wherapesk
get his tett bend caught as the prefs the scorphsi- *0614 Olt vox Ws f
was timing up, withthe mutt that taric.cabri capb, its .pasaca tato it aM
the.tidetzpger'lauss__lielltrelatialtraed then get well whs. " 'Is It sat it
• act r.ne nib. hlien were/rota. deaf .likt,\ filit, with iiii .r, Ibe
Mt. &rine: - Tho death occurred,'too:maw,:.24aaituottir-i.-
oh A* A 1 , 4 _ ,A0guiotan d, ;.01, ..tut_tott.itratei._t,
ed ell'rears. lie hes wQ*Ifl ent '
nI this district for about 85 zoos, and
leaves it wife -and twoiehildren--.Annie A Um* li
and .1$.1ekohn both at home. The fun. Here is it sentence 01 thlrty-tws
took -plate on •:Mniiday.,-- -- . Words-Y*14dt Some ha
tayflletters foat 1*
eiti-Olintort laetweekollio-liti ifiapnt it. C°6_4111ttnitiriteteal?out444 the.11'._*!,1114 .
eldt Rev. Mr. Shell
ng ab inniste at the hciepittd,. • He Dietiti MAD, Drinted X •and lit
.1er Tburday brills new fiektaftsher; ' 4134 a mad dente, rade nut Meld A dli
at Marthaville, neer Petioles.; _Mrs; , and dime and Mind A mine 1* A :
Snell will v,i11 join. bin% ehortly; ltrpeitire ittn, In trone,
- hoolognayri*htthe 1.64110e- Aid pre- • , • .trimiiintoW*140.#0,4ftwaiimilakiri •
VII 44 Mw.. Snell With st .purse con. , alit**4.
. Lathing 426 liturtnetobtrit4theehtlech 6illop.misbita Ito* stisk
Ott her a liatidatinit Olt Of krti'rets AO, Or hear he had teliaii it '*
(Oka, " " .
, bechunt the iiiitft*. a! fl
Ay, the docthers de
¥1 IH.7 11 I .5 SIMI!
Don't be misled, by statements of agents handling
cement paying "large Commission. Go' yourself and •
localitk. Our barrel contaimi as many 'asubic inches .
as any other cenient, and as cement is gauged by
inessure, nothy weight, your cement will go a* far.
Write us for information. Freight rates and es-
tituates eheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict-
ly- cash, f. a, cars, Quetuston. Go in with your
And' get Unefit 01 carload tAis.
Mr. Cart ill. •
avC been On this
eft long tlrne, itt
there 1.vie litho woidd