Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 2igh Alto lebind the U' *040 -On od cfttmc. ° w�* the,0 use I'll -cote 1. 4, es Vo it . .eoLntrr,. "to .„ light '01142,, i':•• relf°14," aildtord lierton'fls • 0,541Abledt rinL 11-11%00 ' aftyluest, and had a .-Meittio. Ott(' tate" idtlieg.'aPpearanee, 'eingelferly-', out .10,ter tbLondon *J YngIi .derirS"M.40";. g' eotkiit -tErrt anittto folowedi'. , ." riLutmn of Milk .stelite:, redeetrie,oli\.,far encouitgenten SON T Ile tued to..-epeA.' tie and iawI ,,, ;ere:4e' •,..,e.I.;!e t--eee-e.eee, - d 4d0:., itrii..:4. 4.;,s',biselte.,,,,,,ttytlit$'11,-.1„411U0,00.- li u the '..V4tiIn 1.,t, ' lt, vo' the•04a orut.ct - —:••iti+4441'.". +#+:44)%+:, k, , .01:14 , • 011APTIllit lk.11.- ' supira4 . ‘.'t • •00*.litiMse e7,11.11:413 :.e. • , . • 4 a , ' 'e . • ' Ji& :CYO pi -074w *, liioo...d .loOlo4g ,eltit: .,:u1'—"you're.' it; PrOtty,' girl'. ," .44 .,..a.„ e, .4 - hTerali and . the earl for .Siointititiaini.%'',,v,",• tr,c4L* ' P WO; thOhtleSSIY.1 but „7„,,,,q-iff"Pt. ,,,14; tr SiiiitimY op , ,,,, 'entii, then'_hb wbut bacli,to his easel,. •4‘ 'btr°94 b1:10' at tho; tooni that --- 7' 1. . W.'''. 't ' ‘4"'"'' 04* a la* l' trihats, 4:1:4*11*":1t:t404::::::11°:;:...rtst minutes.; tee', door 1.04,0 oveno. wr cox rali,,tre 't ea '411.41.4,1-1Y. cenclUcted •.ueilk- -unt lid; could :opt wptk. The ivatity it -eVes' se4ree1yfs, wise thing:10' edd, -of the scope Which he hid so reveled: t°' the vanity atreadY existing tu'r ald "Putn.. Whi) .6Y°4;12 hilt4 :lath' 41111 4-4"1- to''''''' '.*16 •L I. e; i4 a short time 040 .ued mysterieits, hind „the prietty, thae0-4.4tenel. now I ,roireesxt,Aniy°,04nttol);:11740f7tipsylitiro;ui, *eSutt ''C'ectv;r.'''''fro.'instfilivrs4.-"ized"4. ktelassues''witdhaaira3‘ : ese-ther----eeneeatruttitt-qoak )1' -4- -u11741611- them- b- 0,,go ng, 4), stu trill dill: ,ixiliii5u—vii.nriiiitut-Ti,.. he,:-hegan402tTpac.lk-TTn.-yt-tikiwlihiwff:,, o-s!in. s s, wi-------,3ziettistif-Jor.-1,004., 4ile::' Ws, box er:". klir-b-dt., i-T-eTh°17‘WeTelk-fir--;‘7.------- -- - ---- - - - - 5-44--- '7 ::7 CA.40 joyotee''.1,1411i-VIIIWS .141 ,,,-714/ 14 .,44.4., 4-:-...$44P'_46:07-1-4-1,04t.---iiiiill- *a 44;', disatiPeartid at the manic i o a ors. and Be a q tnificowrit - •. :ItInittg-thetaili I- -- ' cc tine niefilialt p for its loss by more than ("retin- a. i t N r h . down on one knee to help in- their ar acuteness of the remaining fourlaw° written Urkin in our liV0 Stoelt recovery. , Mr. ilerton .at homer.' , end agricultural Iprepers than the ra- . "kuti tions for dairy cows, and nothing The -we -man -nodded and; oPenioff 4'13T:erre° livaariaildlieffieutillt,yll ttohebiro fl:ertinu,liatt. the door wide eeough for him to en- ter:let it go s elid. it fell to with a tlifs time of year that seems to have : sharp clang. . Then, with a slight escaped attention, that is the dif- fieulty of obtaining suitable green Deceit uttered a cry and let drop gesture. she beckoned Cyril to ' foi- the box, and Cyril, !baking up, fan- low, and. leading the way tip a pat food at our sumuter•shows for cows , cied he saw. 0 not fear. a leek of which was lined 6n each side by 1 tharot have been allowed to grass w --c- bad thick shrubs.. and wound se that it e„„ Vi0138 10 their being exhibited. The , recognition in her face, hi h sweet lips, his admiration had grown grown suddenly peony -colored; . but hid the cottage. she stopped before a ii foodreen found b 1 1 ties into -what? That aching in the Mr. Guildford Berton glanced' Eter d it . ti ' cl t hi civaries front lucerne and sainfoin to heart, it craving to ::see more pt her, hi a cursory sort of way. instead of preceding him and an- much fertnented by being mit_ too, ;-, "Ab-*---Beeea'-'-' he--sald-Plrelet'aIY'L ....,...,•,.• , .4,1. -.,.--re• tr-pet we call lo-ve. . - 'Thirifitob-d-Ter a. -rtutif-itet-7Wes Cyril found the door ajar. , and. -.'ea -.- His face grew pale in the intensity fixed upon the ground; then putting The safest coerse to enstire success is id his thoughte, and unconseiewey the box .ost the edge or the ' easel, ..,P1'slling. its. kInter0 - a §tuall hal. net to feed on green Mod at. all, e . place was remarkably quiet. . ,,. • and after waiting for a minute to can t,,,, ibut to depend onlY on ouch foods as he murmured: turned and disappeared among the A u "Lord 41.rroweiele's daughter. and trees. . woukLectioavotdiiiltttahloi.e_pn, osiiwihtthi tc3ryou, yiituhrereeabwY_ I n-a-peor- pain ‘..r -ex-Tea- room to receive him, t_ vri knocked Ett a door which he thoughti' i Or cows being thrown 02 their feed - she whom I heard last night! I either to ride on or to commence a 80me might be that of )a aitting room.tessestt: ullen you Want them at their knew iti Lord Arrowdale's daughter! verbal, perhaps a physicitl. attack . Will ho be angry with her for staying Lepon him in contintlation - ef that of to -talk. with me? For letting me the mortiing, but earthly Went on ar- ("°81wns° came-r-amlr-altkw -4111- --ite,regleitle eelt-i end meals. them nether spell of waiting-, he walked to .- ---Feait:t-lier?---Perhttpe-'tter_evitt- telt-it areging--hiff---Pababig-tools- . is Probably netbinglo (moat or sue - ere ,_,.. .,,, _he....hit...d_riit miri ,,... ,--"Tre:-... aSS- one. part of -best-linseetr c -a e -that she-sintted-agalnst-this-fetisheei --lint.---tte-his-surprise, au . — , conventionality and 1:roPriety-will ton dismounted, and coining up to ‘"" "`"l'af w . the winaing path, with it;"'t.h"i01,‘ I etoaktelptreenithpargoot: hdecorticated cott forbid her to rictignize ille when she him, said: shrubs.. ,efrectually . hid everything ay and water ad sees me again. And 1 must see her! "Mr. Burne -far I have learned in libitum. Commence , with four rorn le . ?flu, .not g o ou I Mita! I must,. Norah! -I never the village that that is your name-.. . winds - of the mixed ca4 to.,:daz a e coiVe Th-TriffriFF-Viliriiiritigi trirgY":434-41"lex" - _ . . .. increasi 0 e it or -tiv ve de t _ rforel -Oh, Jack. Jack, you .eidal, ar ISeenr eny 13 morning. "44, 11-44"41441-4141 ' ' r of the room at which DL...zr day. aceording ta the size and call me a fool last night, but I do- was engaged in -deep thought ivhen r ed --the- -49 appetite of your cow keeping, a served that you should! Norah!" .eame upon you suddenly, and, being he had knocked. watchful eye so as not to sicken, or It was a sitting *raotn, as he had Ile Murmured the name as if it (Plitt, unprepared for your presence, I purge; the cakes befell rather hard, were the sweetest music in his ears ;• -I candidly admit -lost my temper. suspected; but So din,ily lighted tqr a requires good tnitstication, and being 'then he looked at her figure in the I beg to tender you an apology." small petroleum lamp that at first greatly relished, causes a free iiiii* of sketch and, as if it cost him a. tre- "I accept it, Mr, Berton." he said. he' could scareely distinguish any - saliva, renderinu digestion easry and mendous effort, he gently and softly "I fancy we both -loot our tempers. thing distinctly. Then suddenly. as Be Sure tie ob- drew the wet beesh oVer it and el- didn't we? At any rate. I -, am sure he grew accustomed to the light. he 11;2- ' la VI • in your eaki - f m a - reliable faced -it. I di& But, you see, I disliked being was startled to see Guildford fter- ‘41----_ with a guarantee of purity. ton's figure lying back in an . arra:- -8"'""-`7* "I Stole that." ho murmured.. "It disturbed at my work as much as r Many competitors feed with mashee ou did at our. thinkitt., et:Lei:tali.. It was placed with its back • : some day---' Whit wait In ' tii-TCC-VerVirrr---d-vm oWrix-rd-tyt - - . in large qUantity , of milk of poor qua7 Yle broke off suddenly. becoming wrong, thought I am• glad to find that he had fallen asleep. wondered lity, and this is attributed to the conscious Vititlie -Was-not --elone.---A. ot_.(040,,n_r_riniinat whether ho had not, better. return as the right of him among the trees os-weii. ers-4--1011)Posed," he said, tiilletlY as Poseible-Aiitrraraln 'fr-detn-40°"wiag---artanoWedetoo-raPidi-Y411 not being properly digested: in feet, dickered it patch of pine. It Was a good-naturedly. for ho was going siking_iLlfs rost. who had „apparently to overroad the stornaCh defeats your so completely forgotten. his visit.** vroman's dross. , He looked at it with say. "as you tried to make sna oblect of obtaining the best results. But as he turned to go with a sens6 Out - - , er-smrtetiting lirtturattitude-nre-trorttmeftt-of-00WT-hoving-t girl, with black hair and dark, melt, -"1-he—amr f-thirro-d-eiferlitersiing travel any distance to shows require& the rooms at 'rho ChequerS?"___ _ thp figure struck him. and he noise-ing eyns, *breli -Were ligeti on i3ome- thing in the distance. She had not "Nes." said Cytil, and very ftilly lessly drevr---n--itttie neaver: - ---- - attention. • They, should be fed spar - seen him. and ho had sat too me- .. _ _ j_ltextat4 if—he- -wIltet-ititglir the (1437 `PreviOlis , - • little rooms they are tentless . and 'quiet for her to have wires. Tom living in a small cot- asleep had 'fallen int e slumber very neY, and should only get it little hay • 'eft:ordered._ ynguely4-,eetan--the-iana-----closeue-sudelea d w orning_lielet what she was looking at until he - ' will show it to you. ' Perhaps 0 you ble position; his head lay all one they start. To truck 'cattle with saw it waiting. impatient look: " aro not more profitably or pleasant- side of the chair and'ittsblegs were loaded .stomachs upsets their whole systems. and causes the attendant a A loyer has no oyes for any 'Other .13r' en -Waged you will come in and stretched out with a peculiarly help - woman than the mistress of his smoke a cigar with me this evening?' less expression about them. , lot of unnecessary work; but iflight- heart, but Cyril Burne was an. artist Ho gave the invitation almost iii pertenee a ly fed the animals will stand their, As CYril looked lie ex • d ,ootkes1--tinit--Lite-eit-1--e--aret had passed from sight. i Ile sat and gazed absently at the "You aro very kind find I ani very cyrn. aketeht but he,sa‘w not it, hut .. the clumsy," he was saying-, ' with a lovely' face, with &its expressive eyes laugh. when, as if from. the -ground, and the wealth of golden -brown hair. Guildford Berton and his black horse Be had been smitten by her beauty stood 'before them. on the preceding afternoon, lint now that he had talked with her, basked In her smile, watched the thousand expressions that flashed in the lovely eyes and seemed to dance. on the • Beport of the 'Directors Submitted t� tb.e Sbarelieldees at ' ttieth' Annual' Meeting, Held at the . Read Office of 4 Bank on Wednesday, 21st lune, 1905. Tha.Dircetors have pleasure In presenting the stiatement Of the affair* of the Bank for the year ending 31st May, Ooe, ' ',rho profits' for the year have been satiefactoey, and after proViding. for the usual dividend Ca 10 per cent. 4100.000). reducing Rank. premives and office safes find furniture accounts $17,394.72, the bah:ince. $39,60.- 87, has been carried forward to Profit tind Loss Aecouut, which aCCOUnt An Agency at the has been opened at Blenheim. -Ont. 'rho Head Office and Agencies have been,' carefully inspected"; and. tb All of . is respectfully subMitted. W. F.'COWAIII. Toronto, 31st May.. 1905; President. Beane° brought forward from 1.11t. May, 1904 22,513.90 Profits for pear ending' 31st itritY.: -1905; after deduct.- ing expenses. interest- - de nail and --making--provh. on. for-iivad and doubtful debts 150;995.59 C11. Dividend No. paid lst Dec. 1904 • $50.000.00 Dividend No. 59- payable tot Xune. 190r,-4. -Written- off -bank-. firrititSeS pjo�jesafcs end Carried forward -t7c. credit Of PrOUT-niud 1,0311-. Account:- -02.114: - morO than pretty. and he watched had offered his apology, aird-- Cyril_lad upon bin; that the 3110.11.,_Wa.S., ' ' feeding as soon WI they reach their her as she stood to • in he tam 11. would- have Tik,..L.ke_ ah3r,„af ted.,....duadt eree.sein,neail,_oe_4440_,140.00.41,43, .*destihatiOn. A c reful herdsman will the cheaP but neat lace on her dress eioue, he a.ceepted at once. over it like a all. and. for thirlifgrisee,••-that-hisarge is not disturbed ‘ but, thinking it would seem ungra- p oat on the ground and plucking at pes.serby. Quietude , time. he noticed a faint and eculiar by every curious a-Werh'iii-ir'abseriii-01t---- ------"1-fshaltre,---pleatiedere-rsee-,---i „Iy-Tei-eh-e--ne-ee,, r ci-r- tb.,xiqm-tfaL-±o-nbz3L---casrrr-- - ,_ ,, in en y So --tened her head, as I., et . 0 0 8112 4. one instinctively does when ono is "Very well, then," said Guildford istes 'seep. item, and upon which success much, watched, her dark face flushed and Berton. He went u •to th otiOnless f depends. The cow and her Milker "I am am to the Court, he said should be on the hest of terms. in ceal herself behind the trees. but as siow.Y. she mode a movement- as if to con- „ g g , 1 1 ure and bent over it. The eyes were, fact. and shall see the ear . thrtv, should to positively fond half open. the lips tightly compress-' Notes in eirculatiou Deposits bearing interest includ- ins in, tercet accrued to daue$ Deposits - not beats Ing in- terest .. 1,347.200.04 etoXjeit in- Great 'Britain Duo to other Hanks fthtnadaa United statqs Letters of Credit issued Total liabilities -tee •-•111--C-500:estr. Capital paid up 14000.000.00 Reserve Fund 1,000.000.00 Rebate of interest on 1 ---.1scousted .. -40000,00 rvidenti ero. ay- abis 1st June. 1904 ... 50,000,00 Balance- -el -Profit. *nit Loss Account carried forward ... oavisioa. 793,848.34 1 407 18 258.082.50 106.353.07 ASSETS. - Specie $ 212,357.031 Dominion notes. legal.... tenders .074.418.00 Notes and cheques of Other banks .._ -.- 481.233.34 Beposit with 1;dratritou. Government for sooty.. tty of note circulation 60.000.00i Duo from other banks- )* Canada, 259,512.77 In United States 1474180.20 Dominion Government and - other ilrst-class Loans oil call on Gov- ernmeat; municipal and other first-c/ats bonds - Dills discounted and ad- - minces current, 11,285.452.27 Acceptances re Letters cif Credit' 1338 id secuired -$85.235-00 Letters of Cre- dit outstand- -21407 - - - - ---- --105.3537.07- fircitel and Bills overdue t r .testimated_loss, pxo3rid_- ed for) 44.571.r4 Dank premises . 100.000.00. Other A.ssets, not includ- . ed under the foregoing 8.678.77 , $16,652.801.03 _ _ _ Ellk-44emever---4hte4 . T_he char was taken by the President,Mr. W. F, ColFitna. At.44 Mr. S ne•. --en-motion-of-h-r* ederick_Abld, hy _R. Wook Eskee„;____ eseol-etbitepreevleausemeetWee,- stepped forward and stood looking at him half -shyly, half -defiantly. "Tt. is very warm," said Cyril, for the sake of saying something, won- dering whether she was a servant, and inclined to decide that she was a farmer's daughter. • Dacca inclined her head./ "-Yesi"--she: said, -"W1nitnt you doing?" and her dark eyes wandered curionsly to the picture. "Painting," he replied, checking.a smile. She came up to him and looked at • .,the sketch, and the thought croseell mind ;that he had quito.. grand psi -irate Wiwi that day.. very_ pretty." fehe said; then, as she looked at him again she made -a half -euitsey and said, her. face • crimson: "f -I beg your pardon. ,sir. TirI didn't know you were a gentle - •111a11." "Didn't: you? Well, that's a take other other people often make. And, atter alt. perhaps I'm not. But we convey tti yoll lifg- TermiSstori - twigo about the estate." "Thenks very mrich,” said Cyril. Its very good --of.c.:you. But I saw . Considerably alartned, he ' looked milk should be drawn must be regu- the earl this afternoon and he Was round for a bill, but, not seeing any la,ted by the cow and not the Milker; ,Sign of one, be went to the door and, It is all very well for men to talk called to the woman. "Rif" tahoutlast or slow milking. but it No , -reeir ClirUir, -the- stillness' musteto lone- in aecordanese with -the. ""Ves.' about nine o'clock, if thites I*" "unbroken andi hurriedly retuerf-o f construct ini :vum udder ad- n*Ate, not too early," and Guildford Bee- ling to the eeeOnaCiOuto Man, het if the latter are large, and the'relitlet ton rode oft -Slowly la the direction loud caw 'hen by. Ida name. shook him gently by the shoulder the wanes free milking -may take of the Court. irers place, hilt If the teats are smell and Some feeling that he could not 04. failing of effect, he searched the .roorn the passage sotnevrhat constricted, it, __, for some water. and., seizing it carafe! is impowsible to force. out, the milk Plain tensed CYril to gicmco hri`''t from a sidetable:. p'oeire'd out smite, rapidly Without rinsing the animal after he had gene re few Itendred , o.i-its_onterets---.Mtee _tles pednee.att.4eis4taineettatxeforet.--slosteetni1kiree_ Yarthi..'sud-h-e-dhl--/o-tu uhrze Th. --144.6 -hands and bathed Guildford Berton's be resorted to. Be sure and get the the pink dress ilit close up beerde the f rehead wtich setvied last .drop out, that is often what, black horse. 'It Wes there _ 0 -, —Alter ii-tew inieuteS. mOthent, tor Cyril saw, or fancied ne saw. Guildford Berton raise his hand years t° CYril' Berton opened his with a warning gesture and 130004 gleam And heaved it long sigh; then a disappeared again. gleam of returning intelligence canto into his face and, making an effort 'If all goes well iit farrowing time, to tit' uphe saidstaring at 1 is the feed for the sOw new be grade- . visitor: Le - '........ ally increased after two or three Cyril worked at his sketch all the "The bottle-- Put it away!" days, with the increasing flow of *era argue the question.; you have Tafternoon with a keener delight than "What bottle?" Cyril riskedetpx- neett and the growing demands of.the .done nothing ilia requires my par-, he had over before experienced; for, Musty. "I don't see any. Whitt has ,., though he had painted out Norah's happened? Are' you ill?" Pigs. Until a full t salon is supplied. don. Are you vraiting for 801ne, one?' **No." she said in a low voice. a-4 i figure, theepicture was eo i I "I I beg your pardon," said Bee- tenerdgeshtraffsh;ouuldngbepih:saYie% "1;1: was looking at the dote." - • I fleeted with her that her presence ace. ton with an effort. I • had not seen her ,hefote. ami He nodded. Ile Wit$ThiUre that hei ' tutelly seethed to he in the room al 'The Met ise-e" liTils-1-1T;eilYstre4II;e-eettartool" tototareir fe°1"eurertles. Ger°7110 -peelet . aomehow _her voie0 'seemed familiar again to lean back and recall the ng efentething, and a tallioke;olLsf -re- iCbtirtusteellya rcitaren 0.artnido feed,wgbtutdeesupciteh td-t...e to hien. suddentr .there ilaehed upon , maning. which she had Made so de- li scented to Num!, into his Seca in. 4 „ ter'''. Cyril savr by the slow and lab- eon., so. ea t at the cow looks °red breathing that. Gililtifor(t Merton. forwarn TO the Veration as a relief. and comfort., the pace at which the Wag not dead. kind enough to make me free of the place.'' "Itpti saw the earl? I'm very end, Then -this evening?" • .., r-4....4.1Y-------e't ei had finished Ids einner-ea simple.suppese I have had at fit." r corte0.44.0stmdtrno r.tiaection uptiee the elem hien the recollect Ort pi' the .fragnient! i itieus A time for him. Then, when its eibsenee. "The Met is, te-Well, of conversation he hasti,-.41 1 th horse pond last- night, and he looked ,afisdr of chop and it tartbut which. "A fit!" said Cyril. '4'Are you sub- let her with more interest. . he enjoyed with the zest Which jeet to them, then?' "4110 You liv'e Oeittr here?" ha Mkea• youth and it good appetiteenlena Can "Well, rve had 0110 or two before ;" .. - “10....tho_itiltager-aiii ' eve,..he lit a 'pipe and tiethotight "Wen -4 auPPoso t 'mustn't nil; You himself of Mr. Guildford Berton's in - your nemeer1_. he said, with the frank ennuee. In feeding a brood' sow the 'herds - can draw 'upon all feeds at his command. Middlings, ground oats repli&k.--tluildford `Betton, aVolding.and itut, ccitZuttlidetil•beil"iVibollittriAtiCkillyatitliupp. tHrliOtill'ir his questioning and anxious ,gaze. " "Thate,..but...'" said Cyril more grave - "1110 hi 'bleu tlite. *CM about ilia Iiim lit Cyril had followed his own' in- ly still. "if that so. is it *is° , to .that was eo• eharaeteristie gird -11.'"- -e" dinettes* he weteld have Avoided any ihrti- in 'onche an °ntt‘t-tu).'-villY place " Siatible.. •,.. further acquaintance with the gen- and so'mucti-alono? 'Vire tried to . "Oh: .Y-041, 'sir; rm Berta Salith." tlenutri, who could be oitensive one call YOUr servant, the woman . "'Meese? That's short for liebeeca, -mw' who alld eorocillatOry the next: but 'opened...the dear' to no -but ail t�1.tmt- Cooked roots, potatoes or ' he had fleeeptiod and intended .geting, no • purpose. d I' f i I that a tPutt4._‘1""`" with " ration.ftomlibertad.mix"1:1 ,„, an . re a ra e , ,, though there was at:inlet/30g oboUt had' not happened to come in it is 01 mral. t"'''''' * f'- — lit two tr tilrev) ireet44° °4:1* Pigs' Ottildford , Heaps which epelled likely yo might have Iain hero un- . 1 0 bran, ground Peas. barley and. tier .grains Will•Itretire lielftfeli The by-produets of the dairy, skirnmilit. and htittetrailke are elffisYS in -PlaCe, and noiy, be used to* alinost any es. ke n hn Wil050 eyes ant Mustily sought the ound tp,tea4, of those eras. sind the3thie Which oiketded CyrlV&athi- 11*4 the 'fate been positively ugly would have forgivn it but, lit was the expreesten which criarred it d ol which be eernpleined to hit*- , elf. , Just before nine be pot on 14 hat and started in search of the tottsge. PUowIng 301. Ilrown's directtons, be Iralki:+4 sp OW -towed' Ind tS0' /Y0114 preatatt died? ,There was no 'fear of vided for the,* in h. Separate trough. 11 tsn't. fatal.' **Melo should be located at. * • Cow to the gs hut not tid the darn. An ;leek_ only .* pint or two of '1fcl'd in ilii(*trough; iuxf Aflievrtid*-4* esten lee . more. Skinunilk will be relished, but in Ile 77as he ti - through bird. f"yniI A looked nounil tho room for 901110 1i atorattre, Behind the chair erta cupboard door, and„ In the liop that he might find *onto.* opened it. As he did no thiS puagen odor A he had • detected before ram Out to uttot tato 1,tronor 04 hesti at the cupboatd Contained * ea *re -u4 fx ing it few remarks thereon, moved. seconded by the Vice -President: "That the Report and statements now read he adopted and printed for circulation eunong the Shareholders." Carried. . Moved by G. B. Smith. Esq.., and seconded by: Wm. Spry. Esq., -That seo erfSiferett 1, en 0 If- -1.-dinf,—ch- and the other Directors for their attention to the aftairs of the Bank • during- the- year." Carried. Moved by II. tangloio, Este.., and seconded . by Wm. Glenny.- "That the thanks of tho meeting be given • to the General 31satager. _ sistant General Manager, and Inspettor. and the other officers . of the Bank for, their services during the year." Carried. --Sfee.esS b.y1t & Iliekerstiell, Esq., seconded by David Smith. Esq.: 'That fite billiit7nOW -ppm Teat. the Cies:Alba of DiteCtors .1. kept Op‘zia. until 2 o'Cloelti Unless' flVe infrtutes tilstpett Without- a, v-otiit being east.. he it *hell be close; and -that .31eest's. J. K. Niven, and H. Langlois- . • act as serutitteerse" Carried. The- scrutineers declaredthe following gentlemen unanimously elected Direeters for, the ensuing year, vi W. P. Cowan. Frederick. Wyld. W. P. AIIri A J. Somerville, It. Wood, W. It. 4o1nston, and Weitingr ton Fiends. -'4%•"t"Irtieliveerei e4lected President. and Frederick Wyld, Esq,Vieo-President. - - • -GtOleill psvITOLFTFED. 3 Toronto. 21st• June. /005. General 1anager. Bence a thin porridge of middlings or sieved ground oats with it little oil meal will prove satislactory. !MEMO' WELTS IN CIIECIC. Our readers of 'this season' of the Year are planning a campaign against weeds. Prof. L. IL Bally and if the person hied really died from phosphorous poisoning, then "W—oxnan," said the -dejected young man, "is it disappointment and & fraud." **Indeed!" spoke one listen- er. "Yes.' saved upall my toteeete- err money- *rut ori pereidge two - weeks to treat Miss Truelove to the opera and it •supper. Then 1 *sized her to tniu'ry me, and she said she .was afraid I was too extravagant to make a good husband." -- • and' could hover discover the cause of death. Whet useally' happens is that 'a hint is obtained from some Uqftid or Powder found in & gismo or bottle. or paper. The appearance of the body, externally and internally, gives further information. And, with those' guides, perhaps the tentelySt goes 'Straight' to the point and di;e0trerS the poisoit Ilut it be hae 'nOthIng to guide MM.' then his tisk a long and tedious tone. far too complicated tO-desier:ibe in &till bore. o last 'week'?" Second Dante .4emplui chic W88 ' riot sea vo "tallY)--e"No, 'indeed, yot did Pale, ie,.to xJle, Pirtit Deine-"That's a pit;.', for "Is your husband at heves, mad- am?" asked tbe palter. "Sure an4'. he's not." meld the big„ red-fieced woman' who leed opened the door. • "You see. madam, I am a travelling • phrenologist. and rd like to eiramine the bumps -on your hushaad's head." "You're tb6 Istte.....We did have et bit of an argument this morizing, and my husband's gene down to the doo. toris to lee him examilie 001. Village Deurte---"Did I trial you back .that basket *yin lent tot lie." he aaid, feebly, •Si Par- oxysm of unusual violence had spent ,dt"1":11Yri*at:dila4s- . . .111-111"1-169144:LreOtt 71:1;1141*41 sa- ..,,....--rattont*. and.hOW it. ealm4.-Wsught ado, don't i'y know: he til- nit. With a **Wane at the extr ovi It it lied been ty latied.) Vo you think 00, tee4 to **atty. whew *Ert. 010 tette ot litift .406 Just tot 411,t -t 'We kilo* *044 prove fortuno-huntet ot• Uer*oke sti how tertk .f