Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-29, Page 4in
bleb_ t0 To the Chains*
Sir ()W.lsM Exeter Publie
100100 Geotlements-1
tO .1 In tha foll
Are ill .11.
, as he thiekne
)ng JLflIIs
sboulcl be no • olsteettOnable odor
• the Wood, There•ate .r.tospectitc,ttion
as to irlOtt grade offruit shalt be Paeks
ed in boXess The market reports, bow -
ever, would ,discourage the shi tnent
the very hig est grede; the rest of
the fruit can be more econoinTilly
shipped in. barrels.
* *
• 113:WIAIMED stONstir.
• The government publishes a report
of unclaitued money left in blokes and
from it we find that some people have
left, balances in th,e hanks for a good
inany years: Thos. Berry has SO.02 i
the Dank of Montrivd,Goderich,which
bas n there Sine:4,1850; Geo,Hilliard
ha $7,80'in the game bank which has
been re *ince 1876, and John Porter
has $8&55 which haa been standin
1nce. 1802; M. W�tson, -1. le
*1.46 In tbe-Bank or iTorth
America in 1876, and it is there yet.
0. P. Hills of-Olinton, had a:balance ofi
100. in the same bank in mg, and it
has not been called for; Annie Row
Auburn.Ieft $160 in 1800: ' MIS; ?darks
Bayfleld,left$1L78 In ;-
Woods, Bayfield. left $24.20 the same
year; O. Brine & CO., Exeter. left 4110
in1,878. The Huron. Salt Mill. tloderich
Lif Inixt* plessautgatherings but tser thOpIlv
.i„ti,s:' ti Ott .. the gr*ncla o
,.... gttl 1104 mi.A. #: !oagtpktif !TO
04 Pleasut*,griflt.Oii t .
it- ti it 4
•of Mr oxt Mra, jobn V�Ie eIest. '.ece
Ori,;*ntor ...
' • . t.tii .' th
Ind rna
o WilteVa'
.taktngr •P4
,t0010.• '
.:tiwia the.'au
be.ut eipoi.ive ebovds
of• ndeissiohn'a wtddingluarch ren-
dered by Miss 41:arld W ison,`Fullarton
the two pretty flower girls, Misses
Rath and. Sadie Barris, (cousins of the
virposilearmostrierwssh thotli
a ea t utbriVitIIIVOuret-s-Wlitirt cow
-awed the *Wit, followed by the bride,
leaning on thearns of her father, to
the pear tree's tastefully festooned.
sheltering branches, selected for the
occasion, and where the groom and his
brother.George,had taken their Stand.
The bride was attended by her sister,
Ise jenuie-Lind, The nuptial 'knot
was securely tied by Rev. IL Rice,'. of
Montreal, cousin of the bride, assisted
by Rev. 11. Knowles. The bride was
gowned in creain silk eolienne, trim -
Med with tucked moosselliene do' sole
and silk applique, and carried ashow-
r bouquet of 'white roses and orange
• "Frown silk with brown polo hat to
match. Thebridesmaid was fowned
in cream mohair and carried p nk car.
nations. Vheillower girls WOVO wbit
Silk chiffon. As what might be ex-
pected-thegifts were numerous, varied
and costly, including a check from the
bride's father, a beautiful Monogram
gold watch the groons's gift. He also
-presented-the bridesmaid 1st
40onamerce since 802. -rings to the giris. A
was served to *boat 80 guest on the
*lawn; Midst time-honored showers of
Seaforth town council has made a rice, flowerli arid old shoes Mr. and.
live -year agreement with them local .11ra. Cole left for Sarnia, thence by.
agrees to furnish new and imp around likes, afar- sibleft-iiiiy
arc lam for $0$ per year per lamp. will settle down in their new home in
lamps for street lighting in different ,
parte of the town, the lamps to be `,2 Lucas), \ •
candle power. 65 cents per month „per, DIED. --A telegramwas received here
lamps -The company Also receives Friday night annotating the sudden
from the town free water and an as- death at the Windsor Hotel. Ottawa,
.seasmeot on their plant on a. 'fixed of A.rthurAtkinson,a, prominent grain
valuation of $1,000. For private -dealer of Winnipeg, and a formerres-
userirthe rates specified in the a ree.s.ledent of Biddritptftorsolibi where a,
MAW__ 9 -
1,000 wats for churches and public Acludisg 3 sisters; his brother, Gen.
halls; 12 cents per 1.006 vrats With ten sides an London. Deceased * ant to
additional reduction of 5 per cent. and was expect here Saturday.. The
• will be made to all private users whose remain were taken to Winnipeg for
•' monthly accounts exceed $10 and are ' burial, where his wife now resides. 's
-- under $20, and 104)er-seats on motithl--- FELL 0171' OE Wm:ions-Irvine the
' r7 arcounts over 120. -1011-iffid youngest son of 'Herbert Gibson, build -
the first of July the flat rate will he mg contractor, fell from the 'second
abolished and current rate will be sup- story window of his 'home at 1140 p.in.
plied only on the Metre system. The -Sunday and sustained a fracture of the
cossuisenyswill-suppl arm and tee- otrii injury. to -his head.
ments-certilled,reetreesand-cha 14-yrrarissaldzsituds-forst
rental of 20 cents per month. past two months has been spending
* * his hours after school with G. T. R.
agent Maguire.learning telegraphy. It
CIRCUL.A.R RR ram was is custom, when a through freight
The Department of Agriculture has was passrng, to lean Out the station
• honed -st circular to fruitinspectors win ovrtu -catch -the -engine tin-Mbr
and others.declating that the minister for the purpose of booking the train.
is determintsito enforce section .5 of From the fact that at he
eeting-thespackin ough-thesdndostalteightswent
- sale of, certain commodities which thundering throu h the villa e, it is
is good. e
Sc oot Departmen
discipline and inter
student takes, in ,t
-*SMilsttsttei '-
while the individual 'attention given'
to the pupils is superior. In the third
and fourth hook Chossersthe work is
done with the usual neatness. Mot-
ougimess and acenraeY''. The energy
and experience of the teacherof these
00141 guarantee the progress and
proficiency of their pupilsss. 'The teach-
ers of the first and second book classes
have been faithful and diligent in the
discharge of their duties. They bate
striven to promote, the itdvanceMent
of their pupils. For the Jirnior divi-
sions the Board should engage teach-
ers of experience who have proven
junior pupils. The finest quithties of
teaching are required for young child-
ren and it is a re, istake not to secure
these qualities. Your principal has
done excellent vroils in the discipline
and nianagement of your school. The
parents and trustee a shooLgive- the
Principal and Assistants their heart
• upport-in-nraintainings-peoper'slise -
line- and instraining.---thespupils
rm-torrect Education -does
not consist* so much in book know-
ledge -as it does in noble character
and sti lirs to . _do_ebeerf ruNey
shown by the
schoo work.
Brarhe bOteeya:110,cifiln is not tobed-
ient, respectful to those in. authority
ted. Pupils should be trained to tie -
, I remain, Gentlemen,' your obedient
. Elgin Tata, P S. Inspector.
e Prize List. for_theSmutdisn
Toron o ot.,
which this year will beheld from Aug.
22th to Sept. fith. both days inclusive,
xatelind eybgma
actureti arid Offered for stile in Can-
Side. shall be pbtintsr marked on the .
side of the box in letters at least 'half
been thoroughly revised and in mhtty
cases added to. The premiums to be
distributed amount
plateend specials. to upwards of $40,
000 in rattle'of which 05,000 is in
attual cash. Field Marsliet Lord
Robei•ts, V. C., is expected to officiate
sit the opening ceremonies on Tuesday.
• •'tb,andtQbeacunstan
or during the week: The anions
band of the-frish Guards, considerei
the finest military musical organiza-
tion in the'United Kingdom, and the
favorite household bend of his males -
,g. will give two.earicertsson.
the grounds daily. Pictures and *rt
treasures loaned by the King (Abbey's
great-Coronetictr picture being includ-
ther:eorporationssof-thes-eitr of
„tendon. ..the Re bic cif _Frances
14-44tratheorrit-And-Lien ,
Clark, will „contribute to the past
magnificent and mosthistorical dia-
• hiSeustorn,w 1i ott
epot e amiss eons is and walks,
iI to the-operiii111ie, #1.
who was in an adjoining room, heard
his movements, and listening to -the
.urileamit_eerttaina when_ tore Alit as f ee bim go
isearlr exactly- as- practicable (a) at Km. he
Isaat four-fifths of a
fifths qEuatt. ur (b) two. faontab17-
of a quart. very basket of
fruit offered for sale in Canada, unless
stamped on the side plainly in hlatk
letters at least threr-quarters of an
inch deep and irides with .the word.
ssquartZs_insfult- preciedeetwith -th.
_ mini:num siumherta quarter* atrunit-
ting section.", Which the basket will
when levet full, one or other of
the following quantities; (a) fifteen
sauartsor more; 04- eleyett-9nattes and
be five and three-quarter ouches deep
odieuleir inside rneasessrement*
- - _
.third wiaets, and be foot and
inside measurements, al neat* exacts'
as predicable; or (d) Pro and two -
the quarts„ as nearly exactly /us
Dr*tc*bt. 8. Every person who,
neglects to comply with any provision I
of this settle/is-and any person who
-vas or offeeli-tor sale any Obit er
herr* bolt., in contrearentinn of this4
• ‘ssection Air sum/nail
•stistivisetion, to n finis -a -0W less than
• 26 emits tor each heaket or box aold or
• c-Ofresed ode. .
• Zurich
Mise Maier hes returned to herhome
in Blyth.-Mis. D. Bock Is on it few
_weeks' visit to friends in Stratford.
issEthel Williamataws
her vie% to London., ---The members of
the Zurich Y.P.A. report a pleasant
outing at the Bend on Fridey.-Miss
Lilile Bletehford, of Hensall, spent last
week:hereswith. iriendss-sMiss Vercie
Witwer was a visitoratNew;Limburg
anditerlin last ...wesk..--n„Xnercli
AA -a S., ts sor friend bere.
-MlseMiiintellartung,iWi)eJos is
on a evr weeks e visit toiler home here.
Garnet Steinbach hes returned to
Atwood, after a few days' visit here.,
After a few weltearried bplidays,
which were spent athis home ex*,
Deithert has left for Armada, Mieh.-
Mrs'and Mts. Oliter Kinzie and thild-
ren, of -Berlin, were liiaitora it the
home of Sem Rennie.* last week.-
AndievrTlifet °Mrs villaire,hout been
*ppolntinmtable for tife drinutr ot
Koehler lost Is valuithie
miss ressentlY,Mr. end Mr*. Chas.
t4reb have returned flotti their visit to
h'is molt house*
of the D.
on the
riferel .h 1.44 T
of the prize list and entry blanks can
be had on 'application to 0. Orr,
Secretary and Managers Canadian
National Exhils, City • Hall. Toronto.
Thoitsands Of women who their own
know it the ix** by r y don't care about
the reasons—but those who have not trid;(I it May want
to know. tisz it is the bsti, .
Of course any maker ollopr—with .the same
mune /*attics for seledting the beg ivbtat
the -same sametremenilOnii)lantr
process, for Elearical *Purification of flour
-good-as-RQYAL-HOUSE. -
1 -101.1>=41 -he had the genius for flour ,inaking
BiT no athit flour maker Canada has all these
therefOre no-nour—equal::40.-
119YAL141)USEHOLP7iC ixizaein--this-contit7.
- -these talks we Shalt you. °Lid reasons. why
ROYAL *HOUSEHOLD is the beitilont,andwhy
ti erweapeit
, .
---virs-it the in-otit
dal' Wad talartiviad school in Western Ontario. The
eoursts are up-leg:late awl tit,
vara t_ho,
eoni from leading basinful house* than Ate had
sot.dents graduating. :
Write for feati'catatoine.
' -Printipabs.
ie under
bdittitia In otit a
*tenni led
is Petit °
pc that tfi6 lake
-Mrs. Charlet
rpertion for , arts
he hospitals. She
her &tighter,
"ttiltt the May
el-ttottki oath. ,
f the S.tuble line
Wheat (old) Off 1 00
-Barley 88- s 40
Oats 30 41
• Pets. . 80 05
orneE nom: 10 a. to. to3 p.
A alifillitarl NANKING 1111.51N1155 TRAW5AI61111).
Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms aupPlied on application.
DRAFTS' on all points in the Dominion, Great' Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Partners, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
fowest reit'ef and on roost revorable terms.
. DEPOSIT Receipts iseued and 'highest current rate of interestsilowed
mug• Bank Department: andpoperls:ec411:14/111tberilrot.alluP"dirlArtbstkiedrectlivritt/PlakintjuhemilaaCti;
Aljejips at tzeter for the Dominion Government.
Moo= ok CARLIN°, Solicitor, INT. 111:71th:Oli; lifanager.
Flour, grade per cwt 1
Butter...- 15
Eggs 15
Live bogs, per cfavt . 623
Shorte per ton ... 2000. 20 00
1 Man_per ton --;.-„--,46-00- -1O-00
how oft -1i e itsit nt
test xi
Furrntute eyer show Ontario. • The increaee in our bus nests •
ng the last three- thet we are carrying the QUANTITY and ,
AMY at the LO
Below eire a few of -the tiiingsTie clirry in stock:
13 in
*se .tkoid et
tee lota off the
. tau&
o John .Pleeter
the field was
tinimet fist o'er
buiitess. Vory buta gust.
chin w