Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-15, Page 3iivery :.organ
in the bckilS and the, ow ot Itestitit
to .pale, sellOw cheeks. Thousands
naernie part of
CanicI b.de1I: an
Dania lis. .Mrs. itachel JOitif-
sOn* ileraford;, N.S., a,e-"Aa a
• health of my d.aUgh e lien, bee
tenni greatly impair Sflo ,grew
eeetremely nervous, was pale end
thin.'arid snitter:4 from most severe
• heedeches. She had no appetite,
and notwithstanding all we did for
•. tier In the .way • of medical treat-
entent; her s.uffering motioned, and I
began to feel that her condition Was
0 elefis. Inde*1 I began to leer
• r mental powers were lolling, One
• of My friends strongly urged me to
g i. ny mg -
migh help her 1 Out for ei enP1437.-
joit-the-epills for lees than_
• . ewe --itaW t.heteher vier • w
returning, And in less than three
IInsntles her health was fully rester,
Coruilderinge She fact that she
• had been•ill for two years and that
new reguIaton prescri
al be it: PexatiS
Selected cOtrOtete* e0#
; to`penal
Bervitaste;-:tsho on•voniiiCtiOn
4tr.t.4e ogtc PttWentere'014.yearil, S,0
hi: es 400 • ait'ifeceellitS salter , One
vietiOn enet !atter a 'full enquiry ",faito
the . general .character 'and. entecee
dente of etic.h cenViet. The claSs.ifieee
tion he tits follows: elected convicts
ously eouvietedr
corupt hubits,end te %are consi
erd to be eligible for tho star class.
The classes are as far as practicable
to be kept separate from each other
and 'from the elder convict, and the
governor and chaplain ere required
to devote Special attention with it
view of acquiring personal influence
over -them. 1,71tey are to be taught
thd ordinerY subjects of the elemen-
tary education code by lectures and
addreesesand by the provision • of
library books and useful literature.
Separate treatment is no longer to
to be env/eyed-in, asSOciaticiiirin
workehoPs or in outdoor work such
farming- amt.- specially--instructee
lnrizaefuL etiselerrand -indteetr-ies.
them after their release to earn theft
livelihood in en hOnest vra,y. The
work. that is dove by the various
Discharged Prisoners! Md Societies
. i IS
bborbAod E7e'"living , proof that
4*' eirkeis Xidt-kcithutti.'"i0 It. d:1113-te!... ie
cures ietIthlitt
t. .11:f4;caltr",.. rg
ItinIchaarr447 -
'tee the stiat3, or it
.goilWaY System
bOthig "very handsorey'
let 40.criPliva44. the lloYaz lklus4
•Olos that 15.-sitUatettl infleake
Ilosteeui, .he the .1turikoleae.
11°743calintAr_w4 ..veari"-Illghlatekk of Onterio."- 1%.*
&X-C #11-4771-cl 42tt-to"-"It-if-OolttiUti----&--ttilt Wolff P-
fter' ivn'enatr t, etve Leaagrelstietr*LeIPQw1V.barcrojelos°retirt.--.Print:Qmott,137411;
t th.1 '
(11 tItRt(I?See ",
up- -my nu 4",e1 -f •itetelf
1°4°001°. HeaSISPIf of cures by 1,343211:°fouldthteherhipe. ittritaptrUiresntedth9an't
Dtktd"s Vieleey-Ppls tempted me to
fine ei
try them. I did so with little faith. naMeled Ps. mund in a cover
but to My. greet surprise I bad not igteavtin.F 1.wh4sPrkpictuure: picture of tb
taken ,mber. ith
ore then half 4 box before I and Surroundinte on the. canoe. sad.
felt relief, and after the use of sevei
or eight boxes. I was fully cured and tho letcot. of febet hotel eMboesed In
high relief. . A glance through this
"Yes. Dodd'
al new marl' \ ' ' Kldney pule cured booklet mime one long for the eke.
my LumbUgei and Itioey /*wise.Jourootpitummernary . be
secured andou
outdoor atluift:
and thO"best of it is I have steeped itd co
etrely by • applying to apy Grime
(prondly),-"Yes, gentle --
tide court with unblushing footsteps. ' 4.---oneeleeturee-ove
with the cloak. of pocreeiy_ a , s eeeleendeedeeceeseceteeeeeedo .....
mouthand tii-draw 'fifteen in oe ii „ismer; eteelyeee-ereetes nothing., y
out of my client's pocketwith ine• wife has delivered one lecture to Me.
punityr asked. an Irisb barrlsvter. without miming a night, fax over
4 oeVen years."
There was no reply..
, • --veva so et .Ylgik_C*irrfl....,Chitgk._.
.--0$pqftl- -C-W-:-- O -Q-0 •lnkef.1.0,--e---_-u4_-clreeOe.siore-that.-allows......speclal-eterengee
s- -voluilli "nlisee.eP'„ntentei-toeba-inesiteeteithe-thetneterette,
wettttre-Ol'thoeo-- who have
The met_ blood which Dr. Willie, served their sentences. - •
elem.-1441(-1, s ritiS•44/4"„4, 3.413t "the' l' _th P1101110TIO'N-itNte DEGRAVAMION;
* - secret ta.eir great powe. to
re diseasete That Is the reason
The division and cla.ssilleation of
lows: There is to be an ordinary
division, which consists' of three sub-
divisiens. and. a long-se:Acme divi-
sion. In the ordinary divide/A the
convict who ha* not been previously
convicted or who is not an habitul
criminal or of corrupt habita is eligi-
ble for the first or, star class. An
intermediate class - includea convicts
who by reason of their general char-
acter and; antecedents are not con-.
rheUroa,tism, neuralgiakidney trot*-
. LAOS. And a host of • other stilmeetsi
due' to bad blood and weak nerves.
But bo ewe you have the genuine
with .the .full/MC't`Dre WIlliains'
inic ..for` Pete Peteple," on the
• wropPer aroundeach box. ' If •in
Vionht, write direct to the Dr. Wit-
. lisens",Medicirie Co., Breckville. Oat.,
nnd the pills will be sent by mail at
,S� ceuta a- bar or six boxes for
To California aied Lewis and ti4. relstetartriumskrNiniratial,-,heithaaeen ttrrthuhetenirc_ieS
. see been etoppeo p-eend-341?--VerMitio
'Clarke .Exposition, Port-
, _ truly miserable. Within 15 'minutes .al.
land, Oregon.
dteerr_Lirt_esingiv_pinreiL fretlia. A new:* , cat taborrbtauesoi phozt.,
A personally conducted, excursion
tint__ Rwrix4„..._--itteur_igaz,..evir-iiiie-c, - :..,---- - .. - r-_,- - - --.,...4, a- --
big lines leaves Oneleec-444Y 5* and Do you...like a brass band?" be
'llontreal and Toronto 'July 6. The asked, as they were listening to the
route will be via Chiatgo. thence music bo park. ..0e, yes,. she
throseh Council Muffs to Omaha. s.1.athink
„..•:"..pirstrkWU s band is very nice, but
Denver and Colorado Springi. Stops
will be made at each of these Places -:......rar'-' w"141........... oath" ha" ei. g°14
, .
and side trips takeu to Mtudtou, `''''''.-
Cripple Creek, Garden of the Godimpurities In the Filots. .
etc. From there the party will cork- ,actlon of the kidneys beel.oittes in:Ipairthe
Luareaser„aattinia„ur • , to follow. and gettere]ai,pdersa meet of
tinue through rite famous scenic IMPuritise In the bleed *re' tamest sure
through the 'loyal Gorge to ' Salt tab they TDIs 'will rtgab i U• • the kidneys, no -
that will atalretain healthy action
ke-City. thence • to Los Angeles, and •resent the ,cornplicatione which
'' 0
..e,., ritiese- --- -
.. .
sit te * seise see see stliiittiiii
__Alibby',$.941411.11 rood Products ... .... _
- wiirotormr-00.0-suopor.--- - --„,
Corttiti II**1 Wash ' Brisket IlOot 'llonoloito Chicken
Veal Lauf - ` Soups' Vienno. Satunisgst
Thor Or* 44141116P nol.tiortm-Yose Grog*, 46a, Meet -
e Libby, McNeill S. Libby, ChltlitO
. •
,01 all • pitiful things. and of all
osteeneeeeseseerebeem ie_the-reeeeeeettealteenje, or whose records show
• breaking of topine m:because of 'grave or persistent crime or Fillsoli-
a,leeeeee fe, at once the most wool ers whose license under a senteece
'and .rnost unnecessary. .'There • 'sere of penal servitede has been revoked,.
Parents who ,have meek every wore, peomotion to or degradation from
fice'for their orlaughtexis, and are left the intermediate class may he earned
&I000 in their old `age, waiting %aim hi' Proof of relormatiotes or by, the
tht„i exercise lot bad influence on their-
. Olean associaterr.----Whileeall • -male
prisoners serving a term of penal
servitude must pass the first period
of their sentence in solitary tonfine-
-ftalihr-begin'to -think-that sicknesses:lent the periods vary according to
or, eveneemele bee eteppedeteleee the elites in Which they are placed.
JeererIt should.neit be a duty mere- An renntre- conviets peas the first
-to -write And- keep err close -touch _their .sentences
w I
and whoare yet not considered bad
enough to place in the recidivist
been previously sentenced to penal
quent letters, following in lamer
-every move -Of the thoughtless chlIet-.
rot,. "The letters may Wino at auch
Wide tritervids that the mother • and
;open -money r- e Ong nen nce•v s 00 consis
Pir*11--e-V2Z-,-1111-V---01--tile-ratek. will ist convicts, akelbe term denotes, who
•-,-noverthin1 -VCbityltiFe eletegeterme---of
land. OregonSeattle. Spokane, and
borne through St. Paul and Mennett-'
polls. The ti UfIceupy abaft
thirty dare ten days being spent on
Oa Pacific, coast.
The price for the round trip, in -
eluding railroad fare, Pullman tour-
ist sleepleg ears, ell meals- in the
dining car. hotels'. side trips.. eteetsr
4145;50- kora' tliiebie;TQr $11341X0
"from Montreal and $150.00 from
Toronto. This first trip is dealgued
an a vacation trip for teachers, al-
though many who &re not teachers
Itn_move_t_k_e_opportunity___ -
Ing the trip at the remeeknbler tow
Great Increase Showri inMores
for This Weal..
'Ilte_preeert. year bids fair to create
recerd in alien immigration •into
t)rois country. says the London Ex-.
press. , •
For the tour -months ending April
30, -the- total -number- of-alime who-
teredellritiale perere----was--accortling_
to a return ordered by Parliament, -
67,078, or 17.096 more than the
any little man?" Newsboy -"Nearly
leug h.e.ve you been in the newspaper
liminess?" Newsboy -"Ole ever since
' Faxra 150 acres; Danbury. renII.;
-Soused 70e tons- cutvtt hay -from -
meadows !alit season, Very desirable
Terme r asonable. AP lin- :do
New York City.
3VOCklEW 0104‘re:E1.
` Two Airadre bone rising One Seer QM.
from deep tenting dems wide gam ,teats.
Pries Slate each.
101110 & 00 litationlourWent.
1 617 Warty Persons die annUally from.
holera and kindred *emitter torripietrits.
'who alight1_ hex* been towed it 'Groper
remedies luta been used. It attacked do
no?, delay in getting a bottle of Dr.
J. D. Xelloggier ,iyeentery Cordial, the
nierlieine 'that never fella to effect
cure. These who have used it say it
acts promptly, and thoroughly forelimb.**
the pain and disease.
"Well," said Dr. Kidder, "there's
only one way to get rid of ineotn-
plaee" "And that is?" • ueried the.
patietrt-e ter
about it."
A bashful. young conede
In duo 'form contracted a inarwIch.
' And at the urgent request
Of the police, riot it
• Herart.illek Pereploi-Dr. Agnew', Cure
for the Heart Is .a• heart tonic that
,•never fails to cure--filir-owift TA -its effec-4.
--gots closer; to the **border lend' 4
snatehes. !tole/ demise .giip more suttee,
ers than any other rernedY tqf enY
family- of di:teaks- and aliments in the
;attest:0,, et bumen .sufferings, epees
relief hi_ 80-suiniate&.-15--
_ "Do you-er7eiver tell fibs?" asked
the lady who had advertised for a
Zug& "Not for . myself,
answered the applicant; "only tor
.thes--missesZt -
- A Cure Me lihtuntatlinn.-'Ths '
sitni7Vt uric laid into-ther-blood-werueni
Is Vigil .,:uts,...eL.7 enttnaki9s. etke.•
berninth These. RS ar. as
e, are to be kept in a'
for lngratltude AlI through Infancy prison or par ortiWsoreeriet- e
aneteshiblhood the mother must . lav- for them, they are to wear a special
leli-cOnstaiir care upon her -arid, of -7 drati, antriho ssTeTis
ten at a greatexpense to herselfof their lot is to be relieved by, a
MtdIn regale eite. too Wen receives provision that they may earn by
heertless *neglectspecial industry, with good Conduct.
a gratuity continuously threughout
their renitence, according to a pre -
HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY. ecribed scale, and a portion of such
ateley may he 'nsee) for thepnr
th.Y thilditi a Army child. -chase- cif Certain articles of comic:
lo' digesting its food welt and is free the prison store. The remainder of
front ellments. The geeater the gratuity will be applied. tater
AII it* 1tttk trouble* vanish when it or relaxations: to be purchased from
teofetheeeeesitine cargul enquiry, for the benefit of
Math stiltrjibceittel troubleS„. fever- the convict. Meals are to be allowed
neat teething and worms. Baby's in association, and tconversation, per -
Tablets ace like magic in these mitted both at hours of exercise and
Lr friehitnil„ --he-p
trivlwi_result degreeoiltheyenreeivewendreof egea
tg eutterto-the ordinary
Que.. sot: "Datiy"a Oitti
Tablet:* bad marvellous results in the
,egee af rny two months old baby. Ile
• 'erstre ttervoute troubled with colic and
badly contitipated, but after giving
the Tablets he began to improve at
orke and is 'now in good bealidi.
-stitto 'gate the ',rabies to my three
• Yew* old boy who was troubled with
Woetne and itottor cured hint as Well,"
children aro now the -plan e of
%NOM., OM 1 nol, antiwar) praising the
Tah1et to my friends." You can get
direct by mail at 25 cents a
bot bv riling the Dr. Williams'
. 1lrock-01110e, .0nt.
you ever thought what a
Would give to tee the
r1�u 'beauty of Nature? Maybe
oz have.' and 3.vt you do not
the ittportance of taking
your eycs. -TO enb3:0„t the
easurcs Al lite It is nr,--cck-ary to
the-bealth, and in taldtig
igrynerni heelth the cis -
very cs.S.neide-eably.,
kitibtr that etrainitig et the
-Glare and gloom
tee.' Work in. 2 the
on 15iek
, 0.e vhile,
t nee. The
rile.. be
oping cattscs an in-
ble03' to t?se head and
- flee* to them,
During June, July, August and
September the .Chicago and .North
Westerly Ily. will sell front Chicago.
round trip excursion :tickets to San
Fraficisco, Los Angeles, Portiarta.
Ore.- -(Lewls & Clarke Excursion), Se-
ttle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. .Corrcapondingly chest
farts front ell points In Carsada
hoice of router, best of train see
vice, favoreble stopovers and liberal
bit irdorznation can be obtained
from 11. It. Ilennett, GeneraleAgeritr
2 East King St.,, TorontO, Ont. ,31
"You ought to know something
about hortieulture." remarked CUL-
eetui. "Tell rno.what 'forget -
"Why," replied SUb/itihs. • s_11
Piece of string your wile ties' arOuriel.
year finger when you go in town on
an errand.**
lumps and blemishes from horses. blood.
'-elar,VO. ri nsbolve.
sweets'', stiffies, nimbi., sore and
ewollen throat. coughse_eiti. .811V4 150
by use of on. 'bottle. Warranted the
mist wonderful Blemish Cure over
Mrs. Casey-"Suee see goat has
ate all av Magee's music!'
Mr. Casey -=-"Now, if herd only ate
tit* plartny,. Ord pension him Jai
Wetiterk iti11211111 feverishness. meaning
and rettlesineetr during' sloeis. Mother
. Irou, trruggn •as
t hire to pr
Of thiaeyear4--number
kr;• wn to route to other etrun-
. 0 our
total in 1904,
that dilate: the first four months of
country has been increased by 28.537
persons. or 6,831. more Qum cittne
here to stay in tbe first four 'Months
of 1904.
The greatest increase was shown
among the immigrants from Finnish
•rtee the total rising__ from 1,724 in
'The first tour tritinthe ot 1904- ter-Ze-
006 thle year. From Standlnavieri
ports the total of 18,056 in 11/04
ben est% to 23,4013 this year.
Over one-third of the total or 28 -
'ICA liondrants, l'endttl 41 INA The
trs:Ority t'orrting. from Seendistavian
ports. -toation a total Was 13,816,
ed and unhealthy' co dltiori- of the liver.
1 rid eiee's ve
-table Pills. Their action upon to
Knicker--"I notice there is & 111*
epot 80,000 Miles long." Docker-- -
"Yes, and look at the lussea gtrL
makes about a freckle."
is there anything more annoyio.- -
than having -your- coresateird upon?Is there anything.snore delig tful than
getting rid of it? Holloway's Corn
Cure will do it. Try 0. arid, be cofl-
--erfoettsid be tt 11Va witlirmt
her.." shee-accept- biene" 1`01)„,-- +-e-
yes, after finding' out. his business iefe
• rid findin that he could."-
thej vornest impurities in the bleed. cure -but_ Dr. Von stews Pineapple
• --
"And are ;your thoughts always
• ut .1
Africa, dear?" *Ares, indeed. When-
ever any other fellow Itisises me 1
try to -think it in, Charlie''.
Itheurriatlans wUl tkisoCurnsb to, South
American Ilheurnatic Cti-re bedause it
goeS right to the sent of the trouble
and removes the 'cause. hinny so-called
,ceresetyet -deaden, leilaetemporitrilyetneyee
to have it Wert* .1Weht with .tionble
violence. Net so wiW thistreat rem-
edy. it eradicates irate tho'system the
. lest *Indite of the diets" andits cures
are sptrinattentr-74
1"Ilrinkles isays you 'eWe him Ave.
dollars." said the =en *be hes no
t et whatever. "That's very true,"
wir-the /4)11.-7
long ago.--efily--1-1was-af raid of hurt-
ing hth reelinkii.4"----illnliat do you:,
mean'?" "I was afraid he would
think / thought he needed the
money. /
LEGEND OF rnt °grind/.
Among the Arabs there is a curious
legend to account for the ostrich's
residence in the desert. "On a Cer-
tain day appointed," so the story
run's, created beings met to-
gether to detide upon the4.tesp`o4tiVe
order and .precedence. All wont
smoothly lentil the ostrick pleading
its inability to fly, teethed the
birds and claimed to t ke rank with
the mammals. These, however,
nothing to sayette a ere*:
ture elothitt net vnthiiir but w
feathers, white the birds, wben the
deleticle 'we:IV-dejectedly-buck, a epa-
-flinty(' it also ete a traitor to its
the °et:Wonand declared that being
neither mammal nor bird it ritueti:be
an:angel. At this -an qte othi'ant-
mais indignantly rushed upon the
ostrich and drove it before them into
the dessert, , where it has lived In
.eentude aver sines, with riti one to
contradict it.'
K titmott FAInte-if,
Little Ch, sine. Was Wary fond
fetching his wither .dreee. One
hen she Was, brushinglker
does your hairsa
Is 110
odkieg at her ftr
tew morecuts„ very thOughtfu and
' then he could contain hires riot
longct, when he buret out "vitt;
***hat ngtieer tatp1y titrtsi;
i s th
you have iv r e y n;yolir,
Feed Your Brain, and it Will
Feed lOtt jiroasy and Patne.'
"Ever since boyhood 1 have been
especially fond of Meats, and am
convinced I ate too rapidly, and
tilled to masticate my rood letripteler.
"The result was that I found MY -
self* et feW years ego, ettllicted With
leilinents of the *thwack end kid -
in* lertineee. "
friends and began to eat Grape -Nuts
lestead of the lieitt_v Meat*, etc., that.
,had. constituted
"I found that 1 wart at :nice
fitedby the ,01...ettge, that 1 was soon
tailored 'front the heart -burn a0d tbe
indigeStion • that tel to follow my
steeds, that the pens 10 ny imek
from my kidney aftectiOn Mid teased;
ltlialtilog that those organs bad b -ten
'healed, and that tetee neves, *lath
:need to be us:Steady, . Yetrein, .
tthich was stoat aid Ictbargtc .trein
a hes*?y (ikt of tales and POLsy'.
eds., had. , not in a .inerinent, -tont
*OW- Titirnnri tho su ay.
bern-rest- eeteremernialeenreTo
Now evee'y rave is Steady and rr;
1 ram .atid thirilkirg, fatuitiesare
uktcer **A mere atute than 1 or
pairs past.
',IOW ray old *We iotoAtiatitt..1.
ottd to /miter dnlng tho forenoon
from a titling cif steaknesa whielt
ie fferlotly la :my
have made the cure, giving Tenet' in
one day. These little' **specialists" home
.............. .
' "Of course," said the litalbsrld.•
who made a'sPoetality led" manufactur-
ing excuses, the truth it bpund to
leak out Borne time." ,:"iters." re-'
.ijoutoin_oed:rtr-is`rr.ifonuch.t.......bitgetta.ere,hal,f: ::a_71 I_
, inclined to believe that it leaked-
._ _
Pain is a Punishment. --Pain is & pro-
test of nature against neglect of the
bodily health, against earelecsneinit rou
ardlilir the 1.hyueaI critirlitioerit steals
n----.-cEt-the thiL, import.anity and takes
up its abode in a Iiilla% anil it is tome-
.-ItItteteceeetrtliciniettonitwrit it. ,Vr. Tisoiniur*
drise itout in Short
to 4 4 -31-1.2;1.3 nom 11 _ 011,11 I
used, but immediately *lees a
. ,
A 'doctor was' attending & dangere
out% case, where ---& Scottish -butler
*as engaged. ,
On calling One forenoon' be said to
yowcatet_timi wcaulot or co, ttoirpeloorteryeer tinct,dagteorartehtt, tetimpcitra*I.Prits,
. .
. -from the outside. You inttst lest\ lathe.)
'Pm -no sae Very sure aboot, tbate".
replied the bUtler, 'lot he deed. WI
Ofl Darnley_ "I now
Jett under diaeussion,
asked him whet he wa'
htIeawhidiwj ti
he eyaded nt answer by
, tit he had know.
,-astteltding to their
hate to doubt he
should he Mention it at
Nuts lead 1 tat" 'trot); till Monet,'
titre *Oh all Nets and eoftifort.'t
Name teatum Co.,* patle the di
matt like
.doing the
Spirit( that -
get tit* by
but *
at titneVA
I/AI l
Vergers ol ttfi;i itteibasbilit. ,
Mid thet the Mete
nature Will be of little.vitine to (beim
no natter hots sidirallY Steekluirltfav ,
id,for the tldto-A-la 'tooting .when : 'a,.
gigigtiire 'win, nut W3 1 1-ANI!vIdencO
*hot ahroad,,,,
Ithtit itt r
ronatO intormou
, they