Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 9isaur -datig,Ittee, 4the fleag Oared verbs' taft tlft teatit-lia Shas tiet, like Me in Cite Last. Is. sherstelacatedr littOSts tibruPtly fur shit0. "That: la eVident,, spylord., ould ferny that Lady Ntfrah Wits - • eo- ulg etlaelttefl...bitt tteeernPliett stMay 1 abk IIOW q. iti da 1#' filV 41.1111 i/1114.1 /1. 'S .044 -4 : ..1.1ray, .,,,itettr . 'to.•.'„her fa • '''' •t,-. . . °,•• • a •raleed' .f. , ,.e.: , 0 ' it'.. note•.":,a htr „iitt1444,.t.,..gtotttfad)ite,:loili.):pttoeinitruzot io. ti .-ififiti't;e4.111.‘.le " *Tilt: adiriitn4t4a, w ,ther ,egaitt„still ' without;tie word. .eart. . ' 4:that. whati.: Y A feo an s ed nuiselessly ---i----.:-. . --,---9----- Serandad reflrneut,woul :been Aoflo uffielieat o ossais •auii gu ud1d-tbert --the small country cottage. But Newell poSsessed 'spirit not asily .cowed. Somehow or other .she diviried that the stati ly. patrician old rnan facing her at the buttoni of tha table expected hoe 'to dieplaY tiOrne -confusion and shynessand she tesolved, that he should bo -well, dis- appoIntd thoughthe room scented to Pin rOund, and She saw the faces of -es athasefeestesitarterestneitughs ba ma atth,tisfares retelling - awns d ower gartleus, and tor -the first. time now that else was elonee-her ''••e$`ea I,Trew -dim with teers, The dinieg *vont had scarcely clos- ed on her than •Lord• Fer handale , ex- cined in a low and fervent voice': . "What it, lovely young creature, Arrowciale!" . "I am grateful for your approval, Ferndale." ."Approvall Adiniratioe, eV. - think she Is most exquisite: 1 know Jeanne' -'-that as Lady Ferodale-e ueetsesestath - , thsher Isssfirst 15 kind of haze; She made no sign. of' efghti emigra u et e \you On the emotions that\ swept/across her t possession of such a daughter." . ey,.1. yoting _heart. _ i: A _ _ , _ "Thanks!, thanks. 1 think -ea ant Ails actletleAte-11.-steith. true. delicie Hot sate -that this wine is iasiiig_ its fully avoided looking at her tor color. Shell We have another hots ine minutes, and talked together tbar . . With the hied of vivacity which is So "AO. not The isbie'S all right." 1 ably loretsis....a. mi. •it wall evident said the squire blialv. "1 utust say 1 o te come Ferudieles Lady Noralt .esse-arat-of-sorreett-pousTire-enest---mostschartairags----Gatiessh s,.....sheysisero one_andsaasthinntualrerninds me of"---hte looked round it ft tr iiT to - And- some -CoriflSon So a _pi71- . ------ ,s1 thought you sveresgoing to Say that sl•te reminded you of one of the oup, 4the butler filled her gloss with Jeutily, squire, and I was curious to wino %Nati) countenances as expres hear whom von --thouebt-she recent-. ineouress as if tkos„ bad- been in tee ,•-•iSed:"*" ' He' Itioleettsroutet" at -sitaiir habit of waiting onher for the last family .nortraits which hung- round welt y yet , an or „got t , ough• 0 btl her :soup and sipped the costly wine sect no likeness to any of them.". , in silence. -1- "For my part, I don't/see one of ' She knew that they were all think- them -begging your pardon, • Arrow - Ing of her and she felt the heen gray date -halt so beautiful as your daTugh- eyes at the end et the table glance ter," exclaimed, Lord Ferndale. ' toward her now and, again; but "NO" ' .though her heart beat tumultuously • "There isn't one with such beauti- - and • her face teas 'pale. her hands foi hair." remarked the squire: • -1 _tiotstremblsisins 1 s vets •SliTor such -eyes " 4.I the rector n rt tan at the stake could no thaegirl-wilit-Ind 'heats _introduced thussudelerdsessout strangely to her kilter and her home. The footman brougbt her seme - he.vo behaved better.• ,--s-TakiOetttisesLotd--Ffrnda/eeltwstat• next to her, turned to her: "I hope you/had a pleasant Jour- ney, Letly llorah• ." Ito, thank you. It seemed rather. long, but it was ,pleasant." • Let We' •"'hei-said.'"11-8 he thought, "A lovely young ermiture, With a fiVMet VOIce!"-"you -came from -'1 - -"Nortors-sin - Devonshireia!S Norah. "Ah, yea; 'a very pretty place. 1 hope y011 AVIP-4,10, Santleigh. 1 sup - pas 1 oogitt, until* say that it is as pretty., but tit 'course I think so. My wife will be so Ideased to show you 01, 1 our ons. - • -•'"'-'1111-tit1---y-aii,"- said leortth ou Li ter s o crest •, it istaiiik t , •:-.4., good.Frained Atil ,. , n'sted Itateetil, naied;a poor,.nse - . while . if buekwheast, elitthiliPt".0- are in terse tpiantitiete:se • taiftter ,. lif-stlif-We illicalt enoug tito nurs.e, Catherfeksilat'esS Is 011d1 all tho 1(QdS in uutking GLai e dead, and W , burled?", '• hard 'elites Mr. Wefls W. Cooke. ftens once a day, "r $Aw her grave* tas' 1°111." The phase of the question most in int of the Inixtui The earl was silent tor a Mott -tent teresting- to the dairyman as, what add to the egg -pro or two, then, he Bogert...el his glass should. be fed to luerease thesasnount: •The power of to pounds of branemised lett pound of linseed meal. eta! \ one I t ng, half '..a. tO\ ten. hens, will cifiePs. toW to' take and rid, without lookieg. at thesold law- Of tat in the 'mak, So far no setts- digest large euatt ities of tood• rogue er„ Eraid: faetory allirmative answer has been lates to a considerable degrile . her • -1 wish to speak to you about oven. The present, belief of thoeo value fa the dairy. The small eater that -that Other matter upon . which. who have studio(' the problem mOst is of little value, as it is impossible I instrutted you •\ thkroughly is that feed does not of- tor her t6, make milk, and force On - "Your nephew. my lord?" said MrPotherick.. . . . *ect the rithth eess of e Milk. that is, ergy and Milk out ef food that con-. ' . r the pounds butter fat, in each 100 tains too, little of the elements fax A- gash of. anger 'rose to the earl's pounds wiik, The present doctrine' is farce and milk makin face end Ite•sattshed the wit-to/glass that each eotv has her OW11 normal The hers° seldoin fears g. .s.,....... -, * ., rt...,1....n.o. Y object "Cnn ldm the viscount, if you duality ao her auct,etry. s rieli-' break a horse 'of shyness p ease." •Ite said. "1 dislike heti% noses varies ht ditierent cows; twee/lie I o witipit when, it obeys the reanintlefi of Our relationship., I*On it is tbroe-poonda- To, per '100 pounds instinct of -its ancestorslids only saw lain?'-` • .. milk, othere lourIesundw.„ 'svanessfree litaltes• lts-worseestorsit24tess "Nomy lord; he declined an in- pounds and it few still higher. AnyI remember that if there .hael even been tervieiV." • good, healthyfood given in proper jisO reason for this involuntary mo- . "Characteristie insolence," he quanulty will bring _the , cow tte . to tion, it is liable to get a whipping •eatd-enTo-ali'lYse-'WW?'--- 7-- toi normal quality of milk .ana afte aliyiN1W. Tito tatty. •reftsunable IL eels, that...noscheatge---of-to.od-ca.n ebang to break.ashmsese of tide belt our lordehip!s - views. ...g quality. either to make it richer or is to require it to stop. whenever I explained -tosittnr -that-if --hit---would,' poorer; . • - • •,• _ -_,---- --. • - ._ ,., _. _ . ....._ snieesa,ndssee. 4,-seo-that--tberess, vonse.nt -t0 444- Oa 1.110 entails :gait .'-trireisbOtarsaspeevitientsthitt----whertsrteituiahing_ludr-stsa-sbosaftrktaFittd-Of..t•--MitialythinshiTg would -meet Itite--Aelewssire tee.rnatte 8 are -turned to -pasture , fa or feed to the clearly sem 'and understands,. • of money -that, in fact, you would ispring the change' be willing to pay him a large sum wet induces a ler novesof • Poorer front dry So fax OS 'dairying is concerned. -murmured-- the -earl, '4 sem.A.tishay.shiar a very 'ergo sum it he would give up zo ground_ thes_ gr.eatest----Drolaletn---4 • s she ler the -' urin of eerpeeeted .in tee- laws of stenocows of great producing power. By • •A • tesete-t-lateestet-teresehi 't , . . . - . P otherwise be" his when -when I die. , mak to be sold -during May and June 4113 labor and his feed bring hien a You made it plain to him? Ile must than during- the rest of the year. 1 far greater returrs than is possible want moneytie is ' a spendthritt, have tasted this matter both with ruatistiteig.Preseeotilvt8 tiismo4Le rithatact::: hoof has always heeni one. A lorge sum my own herd audW of - ready money should tempt hies l cowe belonging, to.S. OVietiralk ,I. 7.°ine3 differe(rt', stedied, and the tint° tt T ° o tree the eState from any claim he farms and, represeraitig widely varir- study of it will bring in nPlieret7ellatb° rs bas upon it, to be able to do with ing environntente feed and care. 'n than will the settle amount Of thrte It as •**1 pleased, to leave it. to some cases the milk improved slight,. spent inrunning about over the whom 1 ebose, 1 would be willing to ly when the rows- went to Pasture, ecoraa.ountrzt, jokhin,e:c for cows that will - t •t. . of expression.- "1 mitde ,, that clear to him, 1 direction. The ttver was_p_rit,,,,..i_ii- usuatoulningit-so.of-se_ slh.ntfabraitlyer_exisalts:.1 as • its -No -no -0f the.'Arrowditieslhavielta nk.„-any- lord .le e . - , _ s_._"_ sattlysaw-clestage- a*Well?" I'' loft% ol• Securing the cow ho - sete hair of 'that shtide." • WITY MILK IF.S. ' ut to buy. " '‘A bronze gold',' murmured the ' s*/ am sorry to pay that he de- —. s. elined your lordship's proposal." Yet eve "del -man knoies th,a,t "Istot one," 'repeated the eitrl slow- '4 hi* earl's thite lips came together milk varies in its richness. If, tlien, •ector. FAItat NOTES. this -IS not due to the ed what is ly. We are, g rally speaking, - a , shathrs ply, as. 'if they had, checked an. ; -he the cause?I`litost of the variation is. •Iting manure is very variablo in tlark- inceNo; she jiik-S-110t tAis'ea.**, he declined," be ,sild dryly. due to the changes in connection composition, owing* to the variable roWdale face" On , , xay, Ie,rd. He remarked in with the progress . of the peace) of of food but but is generally rich Perhitps Lady Norah takes after vs . er mother," said the rector . 'his_ letter that he would rather . laetettion-. .'llret alter ste cow esavesssitithough emitaining a high Doreen- *s • , s .the trink 11 the thinnest it is to s be,tage of Water. It generates tittle ._ The, _rensarlsssad seipp-ea yea_ uns etarve. thee barter his birthright. time_imille_year aud it rentainssheat in .decomnosing. ti'? tit bait little change in quality 169---YOu can t afford-- ..tei be ancient; -1 til the cow get :4 in calf again. Then I you expeet ts)earn the modern dol- es the filleity of • milk gradually de -;.lar.- There •are :nen who •SQ0111 to IA creasm_t1e_per_Celit4 .ist fat..5tosely40e afraid _ laf_prezressive ideites, Aw 'Hiles -and the. milk is richest in -fat i. they wont -4r he of smallpox. -There Just before the CoW goes dry, Thei ores tWo kinds of conservatism -that extentrert. of the variation differs widely ' :nholietitilosi bwornhchof fiesarboarnnn d oigi ok:1ra110c:: awaress it' a* gt . e pro ga ,0 . • e , and as the remembreoce. of the separation fleshed across him he counts upon my dying shortly, I reddened to the tapots of- his hair. presume!** _ But the earl turned to him with a -"Ir-I think profligate rather too perfectly serene and placid smile, hars'h a term tny tor& The Viscount though his thin, clean-cut lips were has -beep wild, it is true, aud-and, essysss sempresseds _ _ yeu. extra-vagant; but of late lie A 47 -iiitturaTib--tition LI---- (1--1,01401#04. ..t War brokeeitt, Seen WasSent 'farther into interiOri . et where distin Walled ollkcyradee wth ses .„.. tv trio:sie, tod tl autpeirefuotvrm•ith. t he corn- danger:Ale pleces unharmed an un attacked, klverywheee 1 was greeted as a preacher ltoly. After I/WAS made chief commis*, SiOner of Baluchistan-, 1 met three Afghans who said they were old friends of mine at Atukker. One • spoke of his wife as my ardent ciple, another of the tittle I had spent at his'house as his guest.' Then for the first stime an explanation' came tomy mind. 1 was indebted for this. , stsetor-difine.7_,,amkint--otsinlk w hate tuet on the - road. --My lhappelganger had disappeared entirely; dropped- out' of Ji.(0_,_111 less tnYiterious way. ''Who be was 1 shalt never know, but for sixteen Years got all the credit of that Saintly tuesulxnan. When I denied the iden- tity I was laughed,at. Some of my oings•---nefetsettave swum& rank- apostasy to to. thoseseativese, but theSsre faithfiiI to their ideal. In thna s. of d,,maruelliwtellottlactve amaienieerysvhereunnte.jloalt°4 - coMrades who wondered why 1 wti.s not captured or, murdered. I recetv* eresents into that holy mates life and reaped te ene sswt 10 t0. s it ow • a claim and all on account of the strong re -semblance between. us. NEW CONSUMPTION CURS. Essential Oils Introduced Into tha • - ,,..„414_,Itnportatit_ste ?vim 0 S0TIBInn7.-1911 as eensanst _ by_. She application of the' surgical -method' sit-ifrtr*f.eettsesr-T•nitetitftrs-ftteit.:'-'"-. means of • administering curative agents. 'says the London Leader. • Suet( ineclieinei as formalist, form, oitof chmatrion and other es- sential oils, which are fatal to the, tubercle, bacillus, have proved ot only small effect when administered in the ordinary way, because the drug Could never act directly :Ooze By the new method, however' tia, tnedleine is injected into the 'vein* " and the blood going. to the lungs ti Iresitupply. _of ,4).107,gens carries the remedial agent there di rect. • In th,e Leeds noose for Column*. ot_alsesserietts leaser; are ak oussan e chanced to glance at bim. The dark, penetrating cyes bcippened to be t tat tn-oment a strange fesling • took ' pOssessiort of Norah, a feeling diffi- cult to describe,. It was not exactly irearelsiem., bat_ a _singular sensations • as it she felt that he was trying to -read all that was ' passing in her tnind, and she must at all costs thwart htns She onghts isseatit ortlinarY, rules. to liaVe been attracted by the young man's handsome face, bat there was fitotnethieg in it which Jarreel_amon her, tfargh 'she could itit bast told _ 'a space in which one could "You all snake me very happy, hitt' feared--" Tie stopped. Lord Verndaless:rished his glesse away wittt a movement half impa- tient, half indignant. 'Wadi" -lie Bead; "we must all try auutmakelwr ran• sure,s_she. deserves to, be. She must feel strange and-elemel,y." • Ile, too, stopped, feel- ing 'that he had gone far ,ereaVii•Th In r-ebuking,the earl fax hie colthfess.. Al'iSrillistldtaMlettk,"eliveo•11.roulinf&-tvIpcittwilithi.iv "My life has always seemed to me worthAiving, flid you go to the Swallow Farm Guildford?!" he askzi, end there was a peculiar tone in Ida 'Minded 'twenty they looked tn. yake. ttrAKre.07:1571=7:11)Dir- • or , Ova:- wititdreve--histes,-sand- urned to laiS pit, without uttering o Sags, 'but 1 arranged thnt be 'wordshotild.pay one-third of the cost." "'Manic you. It as very good of : The dinner proceoled. To Norahi tita:eonrpes or endless. She had You to take so ranclt..att _trouble.n genetoor two small -tirraiiierii artgri-Warir Arci'FrojeirY7e-titiii; and it is t$eelergyman's at Norton - but the an excellent arrangement, far better Magnificence of thisher first •meal in 'her fathers house. W3 fax surpassed theta: as a corporation feat sur. eases- sk_tviawamIsispeany ordirxtrk. made 11-0- taike. If the earl had expected to �ecs r eat with her knife or commit itOtn Indies ` vulgarity he was dis- oirttedeeorseelieved. le -for °tam it stead of for the time, her manner could not have -more perfect. ve4,---selse--aset-thett-. or tIte reCtor spoke Co her and eSeeet's loW voicesmade itstatit •• ' • ••' dessert seine than I . should have/been ttble to make." "I'm glad you npprove ofit, air. /Icing the nelgIborboo41;4---rodt -ter--Vatisdranr abont-thretitriber.il tias Collie -to ray -t' shonitt say our- terinS." • "f-tay yours. So they were yours, and vert.lood otten,„„lhettlso. yeu-7-1-A-O-itse help yourself andpass/ the rine? NO wine. Fern- dale?' Will' none_ nf you 004 an wine -1),ih, X 'Iwo you are longing for your tigarsin' • • Smake on the terrace." It i lovely night." "Very well. • Mr. rethric)r." BIos myself, alasi has not aciivaretl rt." tirsr-ildkii rtz take another Loreracss'thIfor- drordr Yo4 knOiv, ..wifeaf to fliul the , . Thou' 140, goitly• pubited the" 440111 'to; ititt- retutehlig to the table " avierttedre- -stud reflflin bis , I aesee thing of his iyent utoventent.s. ex- cepting that he is not moving in the circles which, he used, to Are)uent.*! • it money lenders. We wilt' give aim a little more rope, .Petherick." "I venture tctthink that the"svis teamtrrrth1 riir,jiilY have his letter here." he drew *out bis pocketbook; but the earl , put forth his hand with a 13hake 4)f the end. "Thanks, bat, rather :tot tee it. I have,never aecn the_swriter and have no desire ntalce acquaint -an -Co even With his handwriting." • Iteeit-le- -Itittf; - pay that ,;herie .should „fie -IL -hem bad 1 , must v . • "You forget that 1 might marry again." "Yen are r_tght. In:lifF•fri-wen to spite court. 'tut weare all mortal." I e went • on, in the eoftest of voices. "and. after all, be might diebefore me." • . --b-ut-f- hours between mi 7 If the Milk- ing is done in the winter at 7 o'clock in the nierning and 5r 'o'clock .1 To eVtliti4i,G- It 43. ,eWii1ig 53111 be the richer. for -there are only tenhourS. between ' the taareingand evening ,milkings. After allowance Tula niaireT tiff all IlieSer-reausesa there is still. a daily and ,Weekly fifictuation in this • richest --of the milk due to causes as yet_ uanown. But the:144 of this; 'eitrialiine he:Fere - Fright. has a powerful inglumee to eepting a part of -the nitrogen are derived from the soil matertels, both mineral and organic of 'tibias -- __ornia--Wre—d - .. solved in the still water and the water is taken in through the - ‘roots , of the plant and thence to the - leaveo twhifre "Illi-r1oliti-afati7laIS- aro teem - 1 strncted and much of the Water thrown off into the air. From the 'leaves the renal:titling water, With re ieleimstisitted-- iiibd' moves' -'out rbligre-tlirtiliiiit-dtiS -Vie- giii*Trik parts Where, the food ie'• transformed itaid•sta se,ftie en - sent to the sanitarium, The introduction of the improves anent In method, in consumption__ treatnient is largely tine to IV. Mure phy, of She Morth London nospita,l, ITC stead, wiso han bad straklng results in. spine rrtsas. thnflg.h isa. t110. - whole the, effect is not likely to be revolutionary.„_:_ • The new mode of treatment ,afe date -the -most -411"Pactemethod will ttake a permanent Place in tio armory of the consumption srpeciat rilge_lbo-fat.,out_of ,roilk; It the cow into vIant tissue. or is stored tor in- . IS -driven t� the bathby a bariking ture 'Use. n the hoped-for. specific is dill cur, if she Is beaten wit.h the milk 'covered it Is likely, Manly exoeete bo • -po DOI/B7Z:- neve, ,thet -- (joality or 'milk ie sure. to OsItit.11 ° • intravenous injection. ' cord statte, ottnex i pa for his lack of ,kindness by .ei deeided The late.. tee Sir James Browne lack of miM and cream. In general, was t3tationed for a number of years o 110,4- had 'never tasted soda, tarit_bEt_sidti that-aaything------that-,in:Betibetti,statu-InitiOg- that Period , water before, $o knew nothing nhOut makts tbl • cow -uncomfortable in of his, life is very :strange thing halls the after-effeetit ot thai foamy drink.? mind or. body *pa -both lessen the pened to him, go stran,ge that its A Uncle Lewis took him to tho :corner quantity of milk and deeres4-,e the, reading is like that of fiction. drug 'Store and "treitted" him tit per cent of tat, . 1878 ir James was in the political glass. and Bobby, gulped it (loam:. The quantity of niulk can hie varled employ Quetta._ Two 'yearn of then in. a Moment put his hand, to itirgo-extremeS. and it can iti.andering life had Weatherbeikten- h-itn, -his --tate,-saying: _ ts- lace" was-itunburned 'slur m &seareTtrilk ofl, trtio dairy type gives tnors abi 111101.0 :food she ingests. If a rie uteri% andor ha ing, Petlie ray don* apologitt," tus ,lawyer grew. red and sta "Let us finish our Vviue 111 - PTA A farmer recently paid a visit to eighbor, and is .be passed along ,by he side of. the- tickle lit ;nide a xnental note • "of tile014 that no Aterews %too. visible„ ttitjlig_the_tit • I Os attklY,, he opne ragged. acing one day iTh 10W ()Meer. 110 SAW a, Man in nilk is desired, it tnust be obtained costuthe sitting by the road; getting a different: cow. / 'side. A big book, (Pt•esuntittil the * .and quality by hitt something about him, hiS/ brown, beard fld bine .1*, pnke the Europe*. tha story'. ittrovr-tioNi tot-mtztd-- heels likta native*" X said. COTO:lel' Fellows* issented. '.And," said be, "he, is th6 • of you!' ked at 06. that lt was so, 'spokei 10 with him an( er was nrt by & frietid, apparentin 4.11123 Is , eft ye." d men," quoth Jamie. 'she'll (1001 witiirthiiii that yet.".. itichat leant ran P1535 dii than , 'that eies*--nns* 'Shell moo kotel; rood oljett si atate.. 41- *AO 66 ea, X don't b1l 41 da tt llama an Id *hid'