Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 8Itch diin
• _,
et in the 34Pom
thed 'the -poi
nettedoes." • Ev
faV rebly.**
the ' bellro
,erktrett , otosLeading Peop1e. e
1740740 EWO
Zu JulvuIxgtbe. XAbiWhiii DQINC
-Chn 1 has Paste re -F,
Lvtd hie *Went tiecorlitiOn. iXissenreeirien'laay.*
,is4 recteril eves Alermeoy.t, ellsosaewleoto
len voO. IhtelOwe . 041 ' ze"
ont.'ferty Stara amt rQb(
' •o, •
ete kneel te eiti
ht rtiiiio
kwr ittree'
etestolor ' . outsir, the lt4ho e ont0.
,.00 (ley at SOC9tU two bOYS. 0
.... .E -cit riL
14ell 12 41;4 the 15, were, 9( Otte;
lIa 1Lin the streetT.wlier. they saW. tii SGv..,..31:init
bMIL *k ' I it tolitnit tovierst.,:cam ” 'NO. 1 -
Mt:in 3/44 taineteenth,
Oat hie withelat'
we or two' descri
�t tittle felloW,"
braid. Mated" "nod tfl
'with\ Mime
'Po notiest" se uiCe. so- welt bre:light
Up, and so obedient to my" Lord
a Is
ti an:twin,
aA iTeetv,eViitt41
Outheereetly'• • t
• ,ia•CaSe*, uYtbiltg ShOalit, hatVea.
routeet'aTsag, the grvat eleger
Wiite4 444
1,‘8th aefiom
r 'Or:Plant
of etsiditude"
lc .t1%t6II*1
(n with
lost so
alraite iVill'i,tittsottzle 40,
or n -at
7, OK , ,j, 0
1,1‘'4 ••SVA 11lI1Ii are Ateid.
the t,troneuter, ina ettientiste of shell:eh.
Pares, .telto ban -devo ed Muth of his trso
,) n
nt 'bine, miry, pare a gn" for her imminent, an °11'
e • . a,ken, through the though at iiret ho. thought. 1h0 wile irs;ceiveclroYt3n: 1'r:it:I °
ih\odt f;uittil'ile;
menagerie and rest b tree*. _jestee,assti hesitated --tee begin-- the -to
wood, as lifr.m „ BarnuWAS away. work. he soon found ohe wag n ear-, lightning a 'scribed in Pelice re.
At the Conclubion of his visit the nest. kte set to week, therefore andtrorts. Ile", lightning kills., t ere
Newcastle. ,,Every' act and • every Prim said, "Have- seen ali the modelled eketch which .it .passes With nIt karther
- - - f°1 on. it Ovule a solutely ' frolicking;
italk of thet thoroughbred -boy is- a "Vic/Sitie$711 to which Mr. green- h- op i not be 3,4 eked tr
,triumpls gerland on the brow of wood',lees" your Royal many a long day. ,
xaus moTnult eeighnesa, when to 'the greet 'dee, • Carson- Lyttelt011, the -new ,Isead‘ /44" Ittile;e4Itspe°$1'srrir .re/ed5;„4/e. ,teAonled
t t a
.ST1Mi'et it 'it
light of these about hint the lirunet, master: of Eton. is 1114- ardent lead thorn any conclustos ens o law.
11 of the robisSiettiss -et English.' ill a, tone cif disappointsuent, eaiti, reformer, A vegetetiart himself, hel
e-4•;.olnetintes it "giVes rise to the*Itypo-
ealth gleamin through that rich oleut 'where's •Mr Barnum?"' SUir- strong•
• _ e rad-
nsplesiene-ent ently PnIssian, with! sequently the Prince saw Ur. Bar- testily wronpnzons. as to g clic/rester of the exist- thesis that it Is a, thought which,
Atte (Wee SParkling with inrsoeence
. num and favored him, with ids auto- 'ing civilized dictate.% The moues of illste44-44 lieing attnehed. to ar brain.
and tokeneng , all the freshtless os geaph. i ,,,. . tue 1,7,0140.4o., he once obacrved ie attached to stO .tleetric curvnt.
adolescent interest in -what wan pa- oni ' 1 li ' i id ' ' y * are "All that can be affirmed Ibr 'the
.. in en6out_hime-it_was,. 1 in_thate he , .. Y. mr uni) eas-.6/1-t t-.1 ng_ 9 94 " 91.-e ---t9-P.-°tUrVY- Srtej14.•:' 41.-ktst-SAII - '
evis g •
'towards hrue „poet on visit to • the State.s. It occurred hunger ey stimulate appetite. Bleat balellelaiencei does AlOt.
oader neaven and is hum- when .he WAS leaVing the Fifth 'Av- the theese and the sweets came first 'act as iceetY as Wa laigitt
blest fellow, and that the COrlie eeue. trete.. Ilia carriage bad jus
t leleOskekeene --w4e1
14rthg of his iouL'
It is interesting to learn that Jure
•ing: his visit to the,States thePrince
-Showed* himself eetremely Tend • of
that :scientific .game .known as 0.?Iline-
iretFl!.., ,47-141r/r-deciSs,reil. haNOVNics*„
t,'.•74.10, WAS P.:'.9t...SAcli 'a* uxett at
his way to tine front, and. getting
near the step al the earriage, alined
a blow At_the_Jloyar heat** at The.
eame time exclairsdng, 41You '1171
1101rer .be Kin if ou Were to litre for
undred years. The time ot Ireinga
‘,.ter . I
ticr a Willow %ver(i Ituried
an four yardwithoot ,heing •
ra Oil shoe,
' r 6.e-'1,%. 2, •18c for•
pd ic. for .1.s.
i.oronto freights.
to 70c for' No. '2 f.o.b.
See 04, ties-No*4044*cl -oat thit$14--
It swejl keowo that dogs, of ver -
rain breeds especially, ‘have a con-
iderable amount of intelligence. A'e
the constaut companion of man
through generations, the brain oi the
dog' has been' developed until a the
present time it is erebahle that this
animal can , be, more easily trained
than WRY- Other, Voiesometiving like
eighty years the monks of $t. Bern -
lard have trained end used dOes to
- -
It'urcspe may of •thi . inspired
by tide idea, employ dogs to melt out
Rt Ontarii) points.
gats -e -No. 2 white 4te to.42c svelte
to, 430 east.
lied Oats -44.35 for care of bags
and$4.60 for barrels on track here:
a mere for broken loth here. anti
'10e outside. .
'Peaseeette to 70e for No. 2 west,
• mut east, and 7Oe for nailing.
Buckwheat. 59e to flOc east or
•. •. LIVE.
Blitter-gstotations ar !exchanged.
_ _ A...—.
C.rea,mery, _prints
• • • .11.1. .9 • . • ..14•••• c
Dairy lb. 'rolls, good to
\ choice ......... .......16c 17a.
t far iese meat watild be eaten. Canon hey t aws the wOnn ed art • the field Of battle- -do large rolls 16c
ii voided iltres and
Jing gun. Ono PaPersgives theshi-s-es-i-rriaga rapidly drew out of
lanavdag AaPaant at -haw he and 'Malmo& of the maniac.. 'Ile watepounc-
, party . distinguished ' themselves .at ed upon by the crowd and delivered
' "nineepinst-' while spending the day over • to the polis.:e
-"s Eit-liVest r ODA: -.411e i-, rince and b13evressed the _ greetest d.etireht
eesuitestpent- neteerliouwat exine-pintf,-fte-was 'preyed- that he was not
• appearing to take great a ,c untrvma . .
seet-t----"br-eins-werii. , • a e- gyr York Print° planted 0
-- ' - ' tong. low building with plenty of trces-an English oak and an Amer -
windows, and thoee who went and I lean elm -in Central, Park, and show -
looked in at the windows while' the ed his taet even 1 th .1 •
14 Deiltsve. -LL „4 till 1.51Welkr,111/14-0; 4114- it's nettaa$. !awl ttsus11(1 in the work of the .am-
- -
exemplifying - Is, 1.1.1a.nee eorlio\ ' in .(Iermanv . do s
holism seei sse y spessuir4culetteirsiinc
Prleions, are not the result of SheI're attached to the arnbidance sere
Sr DOnald .iitaacenkie Wallacesonee aiident --The__Plea efeeltame ' ia
:hiself at se. club in Rtlipburgli:,reingo for our ignorance, hat it ca lirp14110yedinlerlyt-rhe4rtilinellerrertstd-vicm
o nenxpee--lition
where insfelUritececonYmation_ithott t plain Vicsu-luittastAita-Phrno!' "nsAfricae-In Mettle:, -Prancereltalse
Bessie/ with -a -youth who put fore meta:-
tut acquiest•'e, "Oh. sithrthia per- reete 1.4-.1))r on ' ' artftgeriand,—ticalrink Trusita .and.
co -:Work, -
onage, "it. Is till Very well for you This is the meth.* 1 invariably The British ' Vetlical Journal of
say that you ..40 :not agree with
do medium • - . .1. 14c 156
do' tubs, good to choice...14e 15c
Owes -e-eQuetettions_set new are un-
ehEagngeklgs-Faitreal-i"ne retifflexecySiaq-lblici-to
-Pat.atisei-s-"-Ontitritie 60e, on track
' '6"b-c---Oii Inea and Oc to -.75e out, of
and '65:0-14 ,75e .0,ii . ittt„„ef toreee. _ceestee_re„
ItQllrael.ed Ray --$8 per ton for No. 1
timothy and mixed and clover $0.50
4. s o on rile ' here.
-Baled -Straw-3.73 to 16 percwt.
for ear lots on track here. .
, Montreal, June 6.-Atieent-There
was an improved demaud for Manito-
ba epring wheat, but, apt a rule bids
tweelz;I:ties°,111:1‘,5-14.*,31"40 tiot°$bgt,.5a0P:risiltVrowniehelatkerPsafi", ,.
*5.10 to $5.20. whiter wheat 'a -
tents $5.50 to 0; Meet .ht.. role._
. 0-. 1 0 „4,,a, as1 sti bags, ' .e
45mit;frect_41$2.50.abitoba 4,0,ran„,„,,ttr__i ;,_,
shorts. $20 per ton; Ontariowinter
veheat-Intimin -Wilk, $18 to •-•'48.50; ,
shorts, $19.50 to $20.50; .ouille, -
$24 to per ton, as to irp
%toiled Oath -Steady feeling - the '
$28 n •
' arket-foreroltectecrats-tractiereei-firif--7--------
demand for small lots, at $2.224. per '
bag.5_ta,Theo.4ena:kporet 1*_,:argri„sc_or_rins,:al _ ii_____
quiet arid pekes are unchanged at
Ilae-N-6.: I-. $9 to $9;50: No. 2,
$8.50; clover. mixed, '$7 to $7.50, ,.
and pure clover, $6.50 to $6.75 per
' He 111 car lots.
Beans -Choice prirnes, $1.70 to
adept in Inveetigeting anyeescipixtilic December 10. 1904, contains a•special
use, but I know all about it. I have su lee . °iv _here are a e pf t e arter
itist b
e *IP 0„a
havo.-4iut trave eufteed-e. debeebein-gliffre ItOgettfer- -Usin-g- dogtiefor this put -Pose. ‘' Witli
3" steerage freaks .of lightning 'wh c the methods Ittulnied in training- and
writing It'''' was Ise .netural epl '1 • trlifit Ile ". .mc Eitir.deP., hipaws&L,Q. 1 ,,zenderilig_Anit_gtilut'
Isv;herthe swiarsiRiir. a. lim. „Arteariviemiraitieo lam, Alu:gA.b2b9e. 3:780p11.11or,iTtiVi4Tiel,pakrii,rtAs4:1414.vth;t•islcsioeritu.e. nthe wwbratteraresti;so,t the
aus inventor. first left school he was a field durine u/storin when sudden- ivsasetisatti4ndprao. withth: : pwoectkeetetpra7tof ea /
employed 43 a carriage -painters ene • ly a globe of fire, the.siee of a billiard
ball. apPeared at her feet, Gliding side. In these poticets are placed
along the earth, this hal reached her eight iriangolaf:' bandages._ 'while
bare toes, which it app 'ed. to- ca- ,siung aroend, the dog's neck, is ' a
rss, ' then rose under her clothes, small ,.eask 44, brandy or.ertues, and A
opening out her &kites. into. an eut. -heti for ueee -after- -dark. •If the
_ ....--- _ ---- .- _
party tet rollieg bed a flee view cir4by planting the latter first .-London 'his ability with the brush was plain -
the Prince and he of them: •Ali ly shown by sin tocideot" width op.
petty smoked daring the Potent's-1' . curred one afteroacin. A, man eisiled
Aare*" an4 last eveateg any nuraber ofAICOIXOt A l'qlitE POISON; se Isis employer White the latter
sberry cobblers 'were ordered, mull. was out. On hie reture Uirain in-
the Prince's Visit to 'New, Vork.
Among the flags which were run up
In his honcir. One bore the words:
"Welcome. lecidie, for your inithefe„ things about it at a. meeting of
twice. This attracted. the attention! Church .01 England Temperance
of the Prince, who referred to it •clety at _the -Church nous*, Westrnin-
et-we Wawa es-ufd-the ioflfte 4,
in 'day it ressident of New York Mr It is 'distinctly a pelsoh, , and the
John Oliver, the author. was ,.pre-ilinatation of - its 'use Ameba be s
---sented' to the ct as thae'ef any -tither kind ot
It may_not he generallyknown, flfliStIMl
less :toe ',alcohol -1e go
Sir Frederick Treves, for a charac-
ter. Ile -said the following hard'
that- King EdWard had the first It is. •moreaver, an• insidious poi -
shampoo of his life In New 'York. son, producing effects far sthitie the
11 ives_abontelhat tharaPOointonly-antidote-Is alcohol again*
WAS first hearid of, and the yonngi It is not an epPetizer; and even' in
'Prirsce was
' t
an'xious to ry what it' ,
. nt—°ills
rtS41411=4 . _
1') - stimulating effect only tests' for ehe now "runs• s
incident as recerded else one of the'
xaoneertte_amLafter-iL.haR... iness„. concern, to
"7----t-Pet iterritt-tteretineer-----
• the capacity for work ralls-en -. trcr-the
RAS TITS IlEAD SIFAMPOOEDmisty.. nex the coon
That *ad. which SO- .4 -4 1 X 1
nveet oxestrernarsysettorts-toteee
.ert from et trista, tysfe.. on .
le-imme tie -hare-
tchen tsteneils bookeron
e -
• ---- - '
• t *
to ask his boy sa
sketch a beard. So lifelike was
the hasty sketch which Maxim had
done that his employer at once re-
cognized his visitor.
King Leopold of Ijelgium
•,...hapeeetheeonier. ee,,meet
has power to bequeath a kingdont
ht his will. 'This remit:loth/0 be-
quest. however, is not to he volun-
one; by a 'stroke of his pen
• pold 11. Cass-
tOn. natien-or,
to bo literaily or-
rect, a State to s Stat.
Aije before- ong--Fe-Stst has annexed to IMgiuni.
of, her bodice, leaping - into the
w Cro-fit-711-41r4:-,10,trall
It$ globular foil% eTtese-g-ireefell.
barkwarde. •• Two witnesses ran to
her stesistamee She was Uninjured.
ttedigal examiteatioe__proved that
thei'e as °ply a tsuperficiederosiot
,fitoiiirl'htneet.U-tlie ins
dle o( the'rheet. and that her -cloth'
Crit threngh where the ball 1111(1
seeeed out.
hand and biswire' were sleeping
quietly one night when a formidable
swipe stweke tijem. The ,chimney hen
Iltn, filling- • the room with -ae ri
bolt bad been as -terrifying and: r
ricably .„sceentrieeee• Just beneath ,
— i
t1t*Cen tit; bends for a Whole ' hot1r,.itack Upon. 00 latO Mr. Guy Boothbywho windows were ,stitasheda mirror that
end not only held it, but handledOs the march to Ladysmith the 504. was
able • to dictate 5,000 or 0.000 had become detacheti from the .Wali '
and knocked itt.about at Ids pleasures! dices who were drinkers fell out as words a day into a 'phonograph. Mrley un:njurcel on the 'floor. A chair
l'atet.. the clever and popular
coiffeur whoneenveryone knows. Who-
• ever has en ruSted his head to this
)t-ther-praheited;-; Ta"re'rk - wit dot es-tbrown bid been
he feels like It sometilues he cannot e.
The 1190 or alcohol Is inconsistent Pi teem op and. get down near the en -
anti- alert judgment.
with work Which -requires qukti l'eca Crockett's dalltr Tivork ors the t.ypee box of 4ilettch4 Wee”, foiled on- the
writo 'word. ortelitysee erateio door. A sOlan tanit, oe 4 ()retiree the horrors of wuce,
_ - * * • _
- Writer' -i-vast Tormerly a full -" di
Ablesartlet noses with wreet !Ightel Sir Frederick said that the 11" of ',Wardee but, Ti,. now dictates. 8P°Sfr. unnr' undamaged' ". *
bees and softnese touch, with eie-doi is. emphetieoli direinishin
the, bandages- andtense/ore
a isetsouadatn
triftit belP lefelseli to stimulants. Sup -
Poe -Inge bine •toelse too weirk--toertake
advantage or .his torepttrary assist -
the dog barks londter until he
attracts the • notice of the search
,. •
oflicer'e of the Britteh, ser -
ten experimenting with
dos 1st order to satisfy themselves
I.tt the role of ambulanee as-
sistants. 'These men have -reported
favorably, but as ,yet the .13ritish
co has inaile 110 move, flow
As the British War Office has-
-repuctittin - ng • e, mos
.litne-botoul and con..4rvestive - of- all
. ouslyeesernrcervativerseetn
deitriVitueu of iluttaaeeentry, this is
14ttet1-4 te -ex-
, ant12-4-eTeiS-__t_e_,._
on a large sc,ele. •Ite humaniterian
side eamnot but appeal tat 411, a
if the use Of -dogs is found peiacti
-an vet UC, t-rfrv im are
other step in the direction of emote_
cite lots. ' •
_Itettetey=_Wilite __clover ei_a
121c to 1310 per section in 1411. sec-
*heat -fie itte to- llt-t;
4. ; g
short” cut, $16.5'0 to $17;.• American
tut cleat. fat back. $20; compound
to ittc; kettle rendered. •Bic tet Oc,
ageordtfig to 'quality. hante c tor
14c; bacon. 13c, to 14c; ifeeeh kflicil
• abattoir hogs, 19.75 to $10; mixed,
$7; select. $7.50 off cars.
ht I
, what -profound-philosophic perceptionto. h .. 1 1, El,- ii '• 24 -,it ng MI* at it sprint and then goes for ,a !Ong- "A$ a .411.10.-7-thOso killed by, fight -
g Frankfort Moore . writee his books "MtitiVII;24 it, 0, 110,1.11t.
he *Malts hitascif- '°f ttl° 41411111tattfee anal mum -who -yrorkehartisaw,iall leolitisty.elfte- -Wi, '-We JaeOhseeconahle istegemaintaili an --041)IttItcliage' a.f., life,.
operatien, of Shampooing. e -The PriOce:.the* dity,_ a___ ,a _, :a , ea , e , e, ,,, ,
. vretr-eharmiel- both ,bye the' Iroveltte'tif e no c,ba-uticei rhis•4liteme with ma , „mei*. , , e,
•tirvt.--14-000-yordit-laite' iti'geed its -., itfayinfriff the attitude *Ma- 1 the
Abe thing ,arid the manner in whichtienowing,_
tio-wortiy- • ' . Lord St. IfelierS better keseee at hfid 'When s4"ek" An li:ttgl" "1". -
'Chet '01?.4911t1011 was' - Perfbralettilt:1; 'el have• spent the greeter part ot Sir' Ferman • ileum, •-• -IS- -ass o-n-ce---askediti ijostwerin:timetiln tiheatittiorwWnitor Irdver-dtohng fol
Vatet saw his triumplr'complete by
tho,_ goeietts jttatt,oit fer__a_e, illy life in the operating_ ream, eind,I sepeeeseeehieterusost„...ene•hiee.
ef, shampoo' lotion and orto of the, Can assure You that there are some experiences in the Divorce Court Iiiifh:6-tigte4".'sdlli.turinItclia-tiftitTerne"t"telhrniiinerg
"r exwilerst 'tonics of which he is tbeePereane I do not mind 'operating up- and he surprised the inquirer not e
--------• .tievetvestiseeet , 'r tetAtaserand-Otliersethistreieslorebutee ittlitelephtt eS_Thee struck -10A killcd four, f
men nrtia-a-Th-c1-• ar us t ee n ' to', ' . e*---T-1-fiwirir 0- -sow Imlay* na ure. riend.; says _es
note° . 'le eheree. dettatifig Athirot- enter the 'operating tlieTstro Is 'ffie- tin ,. that, oiLh. as *
. iimPlY rewarded for the honor done! drunkard.t* _ •,. ,,
i, knoWledge of men and wOmen
tn •choosieg idol, and the coraidier , .S-.........e..4....e.e...... ahrewd as Was ms onignient or char.
loonts that lad, beoet,heittowee vote!, „ trlig Itetorree, ao; FLA, il... . , _ anter,,..,11O,..never, allowed aa Unkind
.., ,,, if ,,, remark to• cleave him.. ins protes.
,. At the Academy of Artiste is, grand'
. 'lila. The Important. part played DI•sional acquaintance with the seamy
was abou-r-to take, no er a
little dead dog els) hie knees and had
One bend 'ott the Minfitl"st head« Whil ,
holding In the Other-.1xned some bresid
with Which 'Ise ',114,i1 been feeding it..1
bait was given iniihonor of the gs 1 • 1 e nte a si rs Maria stdo of bulitant nottities end with the, A third Was sittirsg witIntie eyes
G.t he over-estirtiatcd, nesides signalling., poledbilittes of unverlicittr 49 di,s4, 44)011 and his head turned. towar,
rrince. at Which a attic* or accidttit.e there are neatly other 1.15e.3 tO iviliell played. la• th0 witoess-box, had quite', tile stoc°).* '''... i
happened. which greatly upset the et be put. Visitors* to- any felled to .impart iiv ti I !' " I" ) II I
t or the C i 4r6 h"--- eml 0 et t ego o
i , Cr, erotic% es. fel
-- --dancing.. floor Ilia titen-littilt-ifor he# , t
A II-ortho bit oenttnets;---„ ificr L011(1011' ar eylliCi.5111 tO lila $11$110SitiOrk„ Ira _
=omen:oat:4- teeyeatterrelta inxisTy-teli-!rterit-e-iiirr-Indisigtis-Te-. ------14
---,e- pitiputc,co itpiutee-m-oh trettles. The',,, vessel *int 4 grig with a ;coot tied . .. , ,- .. -.-
' vvilhoYen4in hP4rettrernsotwaSof ciaohitaTrt* ttliatanf"ndi.in.„asse corner of it. It is not getter- ............ A,A.„,,..-- ,&............ ---
jest cts the prince was max handed, aby known that thi.4 sign is *med. to -Latz, .41-11.,u, :4, ii". 4:44-ti'sratfriaLES-
attract ,- the Customs' carer. who' . .
e e in
Good Ilesulta / Ilritiah
ZOO* the_koar.
:.,pr past, year-was...orte Att. unex-:
fooPled -
.Thns, in ts. sinitenre. Lord Cromer,
who twentsr7eigitt' years* ex-
vericnee..,efAryitt,„ suras . -up -his- most.
:coutprebeneive report on lite finaneeS,
ethninsteation, and cosidithen of the
gsee rat ,e sock, 6c to 16c;
ts, 18e; No. 1, 181c.
Iiutter-Choiee creamery.- 19c to
Igiot underamol, nit% to. liaiV;
dairy. 16c to 164c; roily, 132e to
• Cheese-41ntario, Otc to. 0;,r; Que-
bec, toSitc!
CATTLII 1X2t11,V3,711".
tte_epettellisitee n tessta,
fieiikeic,„etriterTn_Indielel met teree__
• iff 20,-"Is72,74 negro named Noe- mttie 41,
rig WaS to 1)6 hefted for thordee 91)4 agreetotes
leentueky„,- Jost tor lie Wasi stepping t ,disitt,peared
• on the, pi' florin' 4, formidable stroke tw __two
THAI rk)Itr#Otc. V16114,,q,:414 „
ban to give way, and_as thepeople. -
efee the whole thing subsided. In ore'
bacetea :spirits
dor of 1HJ
to divert the Priucese attentiete
eree:.,s 1 a t0 vete' CA X upon*
hilt onsume a ricanereorestee - -
deSrature& i es 'tot), Otonel Irarelsote, WItO-
lds Pratcace to' irs, Lotition after his ineteorabi
frotre- the accident he WAS talatieted;m11,04.:111Wftill.",,,,T. te.,,,;,..' ,„,,14.42441-41i1PL-i, ,,,;,;, ;,41i,,,,,,,,!: -1*.:4-, Pleareil 111 the. ColiWiFiftist- ter pig -
to the MApper-r00111 while' t110 rt,pati'S "-*- --''''' '''''''''' 41'1'7 ''''''' -•"".""--". IllieSk luta heot gitin,* sonle further
eh and.neW eve JO the
bfetory • or Angloerecnelt relet.iou
rallY toottookee". tiro dU
on the, promised wilhdr4Wal of the
liritish garrison, and. statee titiitt.tir-
entrntirtniteS of any' llovertuttatt rem -
de 1 it quite impossit le to fulfil this
agement .atit colt disastrous,
11-. 'Gi1AN1 1'1'P1'i"
,., ,
need, w t ail 0 nutter of etet, V
taVcr tsett. . „ Or poetaree stiller • cei
S ....... litidIf iiiiiiii " said.,;;*th floveriiments orthe world u
ork likraid, "a*:d. -itt hitt, to the preseat ttito is 19.24
W'as sl geandaloai thfik this /somber 205 have beta ss
Ouidhe served et't04,4treet Britain and 3.111 intI the'
e . few iw . roman lug . at? otts 11!h '4,11, onE04, and •-• p ro tectoi.
rcwdeied it :teccssary 10 ides-ilk-0in '13032tp for t e reSt;
loot) teVer thO beads or ' un.! the • ,, %v. ad. riudhlt . ve
clbott'S of thclx. te.1 i -
- the .
fethee p -terie
dote '
e : „ ,
obtl. pert
,A again. it.
80,flinfit ‘vr, 'ISA at .1to4.
_4 tnvrn ke'iter
iitotut -wlkn 11
4C OT tile ronn
bleletts for
rqrt, yrairS. he con
hout the! uitt, of.
lightning, e"pkod
nice 1..42:1;,...f!litivad
ves"cties or. pastatio
-11I ot
.3t rtnit
' 01it, to tieing% Il '..
. ,
.., .
e heigh . froth ioer feet.to
t llinte 40(1,4 1.444 ae.d, ctn.,.
is)rely nough, ee a role the woriten
falter ti3Atl the tittn.
°A noteworzlw ,Cirt, -wit%th
t•Slcure of it, 14s.rril4ci cori'gt,
a'o tlii
at- •
u four "
,and thA.-
it's.. n, r alp
tt-A-#4, fite
)-ifni lilt.° ttvt .aali
,evil ire. IN
alwayi 4 httriet.'
o." ':SarmAtta
it 4.4! '
. a vg.:.'s,,,,,,totil ,- co',r,
f.06tt, ,i vcrol
*Illi -4,
)IP PXnt
' zt -l1tcricil,,,.1,\
;e a f',1-4,
411,4-7#0 - -it
Igned. and With
fortion be-
whic -ittiyasitages have, actru0'.:.
-iii-TrOarit to l'he-Siire'''Or 06i;-er
nett land. .W1*Ich.1*„.ottw,ipecla1-in
- thettit- rnonout. tor
' elloiva: ,
.1..,.1.41(11:::1147:171,:ii)uizeitouriki„:(1..;:4,4:01....7.,.. :5...11'!4:4: 70•,33:31tr.55 :_,_____,
:Vecitli•Tif,,Sli-art-'ktittli „„„.;.„ 4480 ' ; . ,
" do *to.ii, to choice
•—loatli „.„ " 4.14 41.00
'11V4.1347019:fat:Prxh:t:ovt:g"*oo‘d****11,..::$41'f...i.i)T4074J),_ti_$4:4..4:527260:__ _,,,._„,,,,_21_
1 tio-t4)..,„„1".„.!':,.-;";.;:t.:3::*:50
do rentrnert and
rough, '..*.',.. . pAjo,
110 'mil*.
4.rtMl, • 0.00
good' 024 400
.140, flAtift
. 4.00
3.00 c.tp.so
tip ing or 4
elect Cresner voutions
o4I et It Wise the 10
tired. A8 itt'prevsii
I '