Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 5,
014090,41 treal0 it it is poor
, nett 'et, told, orein
II 'Ooeioluegs 'Width')
.u;ntlyha:10105o .Cough ,ot-tOt"dAY
rraria 7,
00. i (.' I V 4 0 4!
. •upt.)- • ,,
e4 e •ttnlY).W4Y"
it li etiCr',Strtn.4 ertc
%tent te..:` "„t". triekt
" 'it'stre t Ontite
, Wilila S:. Pii104,
,•, e tr&r.s,iiilt.•, ''varitilu.
, - A1d ; gsitt fog ,P0U.'4*AAko
, 1iiniuzn W11 Paid.,
, o Zive Longor
tIu �ne. 'X ...
111 ItflDt• ,
1h tt 'eaved ecotes'
are. hopelesily dieeesed.
UI -konewliteretheetougli- ilret
nieebled ysLm. Ilere is
• ,
tiit,c11o t eat •Bfitol
*es, 0.teati* qt.eveietilio
-)tOtetsingt. nuitaitie or, ,
0toki"7:. *.pto.0A.It•Ugi•
goloottliariks Ore 4044' ••
O on and in Atneriea ethe1dal
gOertnioefit 'Ititioido-deVeting it*eliere
&So to .1z ceiling °pee' aeid ',M4king
healtilY IIOtties ethat doAnc*d'in
be lost 'in Ute
• 18
Sew CA'Ati.''
• •-• gar •
Iantiwage d w th Ding s to the .mayor of Tfuedersile,lde,
% , the edoetor, after treat- Alaerman Benjamin .1Iroadbent; that'. i Inc for A tinne. tho Alit I wasegtte too world is indebted for this latest
O. 0 0 mption. ew .pae and most, adVaticed ednceptitta. of
le , bed no lie. ivio' r ifr It
-tiorking, - fri,,,..vduty. liaa brother of *o
5 physiciate -Sit Williamellro d
° el that s test got to ,bente"and no doiibt has prdtted
tho, ,Neither o 0 10 kinsman's adtice en the subject.
. by
. eine eter. ottitr- Med n Then ITe storted the catimaign ogarnst the
took. .kerae4, to .help me, illiareti!•
high- rate of infant tieortality ' by tlf.-
00d , friend .4rged me tO taffe Dr. tering tt. reward, of $20 tor everetchild
,'intik 3?ills. BY' the time I
4 lohed four boxes 'it was plaborn bt his district thatin thet u.ttviviu) TWELVE 1%1ONTIIS!
tbey Were helping trot. I began to re-
cover Y tt,PPetite.., tind..in other woYe This evened the eyes of the other
eltSise 'firee--/--tookeeix.eboxesontar- town authorities to the' .possibilities
, ..3.4
feeeteo-OV e 1 „ ..74:. 4
, 5...
4f7 ow,r,w I. --
gaiiicd in
-.•:..46't , -4.:Tirc•-•,,,......4 ** &Sae .
N4ij rt - h 7 !If -
g .!te' . et ttd ir'' - x
. ... -A Wee healthy bit il tile from
and 1 reel very. has infinite 'pee-sIbilifies before it.; •
• dettd one .simely represents a dead
. .
o Williorns' rink, plus build loss to the entire eommunity. Taking
4 , .atie . in just ,one, way , 004 view of the matter, it was re- Scene* or. Terror - In the Streets o
actuafly eeneko new blend. Thot ()toed ethat. special attention ° slioniti ' Madrid.
7Itiffo'fiteyrtvelt.--- Paid- to...inducing--poorepatents-
to •Oteetlitobtewelse--Tn tetto.e000 of their little. _ones
itbe--S-ffereeo.se.4oPto. that means -should- be- :-proylded„
on.t„.oure, ans. 04,eivoe noit 147,0 rii-ria:45,71.rit, for 'felliKiiiii-tlitiii:
caue1,. by bad blood. But then, of part or that task, the municipal-
,, eleneon spook. ty,-toloying----the- robe et. a' beneficent
nint....,07 , rater --n -0- eause_rioneelia, .indie foster mother. . According to the
. cheme which has just been .adopted
-itt_mooneeeelteeebielieo,old . _ t
, _ __
al.iteormen I e2t's et* 1.- abeironalyo
a ' nut 0 # sciatica, neur-,''t4 00' first -p.erson AV
giat.tie/woo/mess, general wealtness the birth Pr a phild to the medical
end ttkt smetto socret . ailments that -officer within 418hours of the event.
growing ,Ittrls and women 'no .not like Me° the teedlinerY '19 t° 13° set In
eeto taik about oven to their doctors. motion which will give the little
BAyou trtuSt • get the genuine with etran5w the beet chance of surviving
. lee feu, eaves, eme %voltam", rink and waxing strong end vigorous, Tho
°fitter will seed to the e',-ritts for MOP People," on the wrap -medical mo -
per .aeneince -•eadt.• hoz. .11 in doubt Cher printed directions as to the
ntl the , trice -e50 cents a box or best.methods of raising babieft *Fere-
$0 for . X to the . inite health visitors specially ap-
. ...Le., ..e, et
• It •
Deed INV •iilIs Wi»,etit.0
T,fii4;'!%• .64':-,01:1=r47gFe
i the'extierielloe, tua:*, oT .tho .0g
itel* Ititeet-freAutrY.
The to of Wilitatre'Jahie Diefote of
this •Phteeis a fair temple ot •the
-the ' -greet: ---Canadioneladnot
66,!.. 6 '
es Exptton..
„. "eland,. Oregoro.
A personolly, sondUcted cxcur,ion
the---Itttelfio Oonet -eta 'tbe
kites (uebec at
;1 my-titek and t hp, n Montreal and, Tc_troati July fi'.. 'rho
nocemfort in sl ping. route Will ho via Chicago, thento
'I could no more than dross or un- throtech Council e Molts to °Mabee
'dress* myself for nearly twt\, months. \DOeyee old' Colorado Springs. Stops
and I\,1 as r .near \three weeks ,I. tiall loo nude at each of these,..placee
Cool' Itt my right shoe. i tiud----s ---tnitS tatelt Ig" --11-4 bitOu.,
• "ITY brotheradvised me to try Cripple Creek, Garden 01 too G0(40
Dodd'S gidney Pills ...said I did so. etc. Fromthere the party Will 404 -
After taking three boxes X,coulll Unite throogli. 00 ..tarnous sCeitic
walk around ' and lace up my shoes route of the Deriver and Rio Grande.
and dee nor work. Six boxes cured through the Royal gorge to 'Salt
no completely" , Lake City,- thence to .Loa Augeles,
Dodd 's 1 -Kidney . rills are 0,0.ono Sag Franeiseo,Mt. ,Shasta, Port-
surecum for tick ItidneYe. Sick land, Oregon* 4S4ettle. Spokane,and
:Kidneysare theoceuseaf enths home through St. Patti and *nnea.
_ ,
0 az ,441
own: . .
c Itteentery'6OdroOt..
M.eeeteoy ....cure tor deseeteey.
E)OUL. ehoteree,., summer, 0122140,10t.
'0014**410301 01.044 Otoplatiota .1noulentotto
children, •tt.ething. It Ives noteilleta
O f
MI A litt
nd • had
Lit , tall. •
•If 4
NEW SP TIE Tricarre.
4"4._L,._,_••••. •
IL elisastroue. bull hunt' took • plac
Threermegnifieenteeteullsoltied are
front the country., and about
'clock wereleing eentYketed in a',.00101
to the bull ritigo whereeee ligh
to take place, •, • . •
- -The- -streets reawddiand
,hope of catching la -sight of the an
mole. Suadenly. one of the bolls bel-•
lowed liercelY, and with a blow of
his head broke a side of the etige to
Thero Wa9 an instant pante ao the
threo bulls rushed out and. charged
into, the Midst at the crowd. The
• People' ran helter-skelter • into shOPs.
Some climbed the trees width lino
theerstreeeet___,,,e, erseshelteeseLtoom
the fury of Itiraninutis bit Ultra
cars and other yelacles. •
• One man was impaled won. the
horns .of a bull, which went through
his hodY. aed hoewas taken away. tti
hospital in a dying oondition
ett. weenaneettafeet
air as eshe rat, and 'felt to the
--zrekeeert vards-fr-ome trher0=S
Wa3 struck.
The bulls then attacked three cab-
• horses which had been deserted by
"their' &Nil& • -and gored them to
A large force of gendarmes armed
with rifles had by this ti.100 firrived,
antrnutulterTe employes --frilitutho
yak isalitt-earoireirtliriic760-.'-
iiito_o( 1ulTs -iharged into We
midst of the gentian:nes, who, fired et
Vofly anti the animal fell dead. Bul-
lets rattled against the walla Of the
ouses to le 9ree 0.11 O1110'
110141rWrirerbrCrk4,1 . tar 1404
'fact berause hundreds °temple et
in the street at the time.
A hunt for tlio two remaining bulls
then' followed, and they were glut*
captured • by the 'officials from the
bell ring amid a scene of tremendous
eXcl-ternent.' •
^ -
• each hriuse in the poor district .whero
births are reported and eupPlentexit
LAND or HORSERADISHthe advice thus given 'with practical
Imettife makes 'the eyes water to
instruction. erhey will make frequent
thevillage of Ilaiorsdorfcalls.. to sots that the babies are ro-
t ',
teivineee -proper cam. Pure milk. will
be sapplied by the-rautticipelitY.
But perhaps the Most important
tea IWO of the schemer -Is -to birt elms,
titblishnient of
Bararia, Which is celebrated for pro-
ducing the' finest horseradish in
Europe. Ozi all area of moist ground
In valley of t he river ltegnitz,
cohering 1,835 acres, that titillating
Phent-ls practically the only thing.
reeieled, and the Annuli. yield --aninunts,
' to about 6.000.000 pounds. ttorse-
• radish. ,reqUires a: great .deal, of ate.
telittort froint the cultleator, for, in
uinzuer tho solLnuist bt, removed
so; the stems And the side • roots
:.oteuts - are buried_
plants spriog up in March front
the end roots, left in the soil the
I &b
ne e
FOR C11LDR1i._
Ilethers should never_giVe-their 111-
know to be ,athsolutely +safe end
• bantams:, MI so-called soothing
inedielnee contain poisonous opiates
theite stupefy the heiples,e little one t()" assumhtg the ,functions 431 nnrs-
But .the. Iludderstield., author:J-
*10;04 Miring its ailments: l'hiby'sitr-
defendetbAt,, action on practical
Own Tablets is the only medicine for
and economic as well as on humani-
infainteesout-young children that gives
'Ott tirtOther aomsitivezugeenteer toee:tarirom grounds., Every child horn
it Contain:6 tto Opiate: or bannfuriat° tilt° Iv*" In this 14" Is a iltte"
drug. Milton L. 11cXsc' M Se PaYer in embryo and IIiiddersileld
(WVItolVersAty), hasomateeed theseeineitne 10 See to it that no potential
Tatblete and flays: Iflt hereby Certifycontribiltili to its funds "Atoll mettpe
Ahat X have.notne a careful nentheyete to another world before the time
otrilaby's Own'Tablets. which ire.) comes for paying his municipal toil.
•oonalleopUrchased- in a drug store in
whereetlitebabeselef mothersewhO hav
to work in the mills or elsewhere
tv,111 receive the best of attention and
the most -wholesome food. For two
ttionths-thisewilt bo-experimentalobute
„W;041,41-c-T.Poi=1Zons- or the it
A -orates of -this 13V1Vicdepartur
proposals are to be submitted for
making municiPal day nurseries r-
Of connate, the scheme wfll be lie I
crte1Lns fonvhinjv tcx 11411r6IPIL-111-
dilviatiiirTndepeadenee and responsi-,
IrS.5 0,nd burden the state with root-
ters that belong to tho domain of
socialism itt alsguise and ntany jokeil
will be mide. about Municipal legisla-
coats .
The prico tor the round trip, in-
-chiding railroadfs'oes.--TUliallift -tour-
lot sleeplug Ors. oil meals in • the
• dining car, hotele,.. eiltttrips, ete.. is
$105.50 from Quett t° eo 100.,50
from ' notttreal and • $150.00 from
'T&onti 1t t -t
Oets 0,0-"Vaeat101-11-- trip4or-tette4o*-7-ra
ilftengli many -Who-are flotteaebera
wIlt improve the opportunity of tak
Jog the trip at the remarkably low
Arrortted. -
For full particulars address
-11(ew1ereo-Genera1-4weet and Coxed
Aiyrshlre teel/S-ofpy , o tWe,liter,
meethe .• 0114. Ayrelate" • "'1-04 P.11 •st. :',
10,03; also Initroved Yeekshfre pies.
„ ,
' elee't I --ON14-ONS----
ie -
f" 04-er- the
o on, treed rear cbo .1f
hattto t1tht Inc:nen:it g,on-\.
13osn asked Jones one daY why a
railway. engine was. •called ''sli.e."
Jones eeplied:--"Perhttes it's on •00c.
pounteof, tho horrible noise it makee
whea it triesto whiitlee"
Malp the Oviaeworktad Heart. -re the
great engine which pinups _life through
pour system •hard pressed, overtaxed.
iron -Ming untLer tt load because disease
ties Clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Overt is nature's lubricator and
sor• siu deity demonstrates to
edical I
t ;
ron to.
' 0:1
0 -67
. •
ong.. It sittply earries me away."
h eorry 1 didn't ping it
arly hi the evening:"
•••• ,4-44
Geeito,-/ hove used your MX.
AID'S LINIMENT in m,y family and
idso in oilyatoliles for years and con -
• r t eet Medicine obtettlieble
average Weekly e rninga, •io-,
elusive •of all •allowitoces in kind, of
farm laborers the Ilitited Itleogdom,
are stated to be as followee Enloe
land. is 3ti.; writes, 3.1s. 3d4 'kbeot-
lami, 10s. 8d.; Iridatel, 10s, 11d. -
for slia erre
.14Ittre. Iletipeak-"And eall your- ,
self a man?" Mr. Ifenpeek-e"Cee... eee
tainly, my dear; tliot 1s -r --1t you
eiti \permit tooto "
/ '01,4 't 01
out- adtip-T,Iratedi-er--te-eo-ttieritee•°,
home.. It disinfects eend clean. at
the •satue time.
Poeto-"I have called to learn What
has become of the poem 1 sent' you,
entitled 'otTheoltraeteoltitementil-
t:Avetit to The lire. e •
Heee vote rotairreoteeetove you -any
Malt disease or eruptions?. Are you
• euiojeet to chafing or scalding? Dr: Ag-
'new's Ointment prevents and cures any
and all of these, and cures itching.
`.10ineding and lflzntl Pries besides. .0ne
• ;
Nervous Youth (to charming girl.
who has been ,trying to Set hint at
Itis •ease)-e'lle. het X always --Iia -
feel rather shy with pretty 'girls,
y'know. but I'm quite At. home with
Mild • in • 'Pbelr Action. Dirtringlee's
Vegeta.b1 PIUa *re very mild fn.. tuotr
action. Theydo not camas gripping_416
to many PilIs-' db. - -Therefore-
'moat _delicate can take. them Without
fear of tioffilessant results. Tbey
toobe itdotiaistered to, children with-
out IrePtistalf the penalties. which fel-
low the• use of Pills not, so carefully.
prepared. •
Proprietor Itoxton pond Hotel
and Livery Stables.
oxton Pend, July 4. 1901.
"Poortiro. Do 'met Her eye-
sight is failiug go fast. elle iff 01
very little use in society." "Oh,
- 4
Ca414,21 'Curet t
35 cents., --71.
Alice-o"itthel says she really
doesn't know whether he will pro-
ose or got." , jack -"Just like 4
novel iso't it?' Alicoes; Vet "
in a novel you cattle ttina to tho lzil t
chapter a114 ball out."
M ttfa •gurai BLOB etc
• amittaTo ;tiny..
ire Et,leel the eliod's 'share of that
eertinge.' Johnnye--"YeSt ma." kttha
la little 1jter}-.-Mainma b litestet
given me any -e" Johnny --"Well,
• Indigestion, that monitor" till human
b*Pina*. 1tj1ess ifl it.5_4.5501.01.11# 801ia.
$traqi.ci0r_eL_peti0fl$ 1t 7.1":
,e00queror Tra. Srearsin. Nerenla._
-This' -great stomach arid nerve remedy
stimulates digestiontones the nerves.
0004 Ciret1tai010,,/ driVeN out in:purities?.
edispete emaciation and Wings - bark
utrreet 'health...7- ewes,- h. -Un-
roll es 13
ne. 63
- 1111:et 20000,000 itublished. 4
'An Oaklaiid lady who has a taste
for good literature* tells What St
happy 'time sbe. had on "The Road
1.0.•••••40•44....m.*•••••••• to Wellville.", -Siteeseys: . . .- ,-:--
- . :.• "X dr* ' cofleo freel for of ht
tthe prOtitted . of . *ray 'Err TO ZLIO:Er. yeer gem ta peree ve an
evil ofhots from it, Then I notite
11nt nOtbera can give Oheer tiawallati Nethods Ts a. Vet, Des thitt--1 Vex becothlitg Very netvoup,
It el else 'Tablets with an as- tractive one. and that my stomach *as gradeally
:dilat1iey will do good -that , losing the power to properly estimi-
heyrennet possibly do harmThJ. M. Iterring is tho very .tePPrO- late my food. lo tinie I got so weak
. e
cure iiidigestion, coliceon. priatto name of the tsh irispettor at 1 thAt, Xedresideer tit leave the house-
one dokeefeeero simple rover. Mo. Ilawalian Islands. In a,. rent tor no reason whatever bet.eetbhig beeatueo
' troubles and nil miner ail), rePorthe say* that the food fishes , of the miseritble eondition of my
etts*, Sold by druggiets, eveiy.1 of-nawaii, aro rapidly disaP-Penring nerves and StOrnacb.. X firOribUted
1ure or
sent by Mail at 25 cents a becatuse of tliti slaughter of thoso the trouble to eavgthing in the world
X bv writing , the itr. Williams" iloirt fillilY grown. but cofTee, of course. X dosed My-
: CO:. Iliteekville. Ont . iltialnant: tativesr - and JaPantso,trielf witli-enWfoineef, °which' IlerthO iind
laborers are revonsible. Besides would leave MO 18 AI worse condition
using small rec,s411 nets they have - a „than at first. X WAS Mint wretched
method of ,tuaking a catch riillielt• 10? and discouraged -:-not 40 years old
deeetibeeteh,yelfr- .1lerrin _,... e. i _. e.,_
cotie them!'
7 *4
bgu8 'Ah ;ant tO
Wiet.41titittl. Vital e most
mart on earl?"'
xttire °lot Odle
UI "a -a "aleilithil;eleievying 111$1,tos, t
tihou 4ePe31- tit' One day Vreta the litti
mepenrisele-quAnted-by Iket117 4-ne- natizre- el/
fro, -A"rhe ttos.d t5'
'0 tea*.
a, Nal of
the bottom
- • chloroform. putting tile fish to ' seot ob nee -
wen, of (1)Se."
„ MI tell yo' „N'oole.wafs.'
Moke nut*)."
LICI3h tad two skeeters on
t=0, ili'ghts.1 fhe end re -
21' ct afelit% at! dat tithe Ito
tan on catrf.f-g
r forge
levee Vilten the On!' rise to. the. too high!
thei=ratives Ratner -therm -upetelseedt eoe
lite le
d cannot
distiely, quit
rion't# slut,
t1te7 ore sold or eatenlike othet 'gan to drink ostufn rood Coffee.
noticed .the beginning Of tit: iutprpve,
oThere does net appear., to be etre' znjioeseh-olee tone ofIney . tips-
hetrretul, 'elteet fte43 the use of this tNn. :atter only ,Wo deem leek of the
drug after the Cell are rooteel. foil tic* drink. 'mut in a very *hot time
the trowalints 'ait4t CPlia kiUd lntltliresueed thatl: vollid go ,Kbout. it
'me:liter evith itopiteity. tint' the' ex- othorifoiffe without tile. lost '
"five el tittetirt:g is the satne on 311111 teen 671 'mit tioreorusi • dread (hat
fish rithin tize rddius, of ite inditU# f treneetly gate Too -so eetteo jeguelee
rice. and the young sneer aloath as ( be lett my tridtvouguesq dtsgpritemtd,
/I ' ' . t I .. .,... - qt wq
li;1 itY uout. t Ito
with • • but 1 el &lei fug eeos . FOCII
tit* Arid My Ittotoieli is toi.v ,1
thipg, ell,: upsrt.itt
Lorlt week'. ding• Viz ;.bfg
eo I". . atid IsiOlit tviehoet tile :Ili
, fetne; -and, aa 1,-.'StuOtt ia,
crowd wpit.4-1P3- tip, 17,rsi
thclit laqto_ .tot bents.,
•to mintr.elt,t4.1r.kc_el:gtli• '
11 tuttl Voofft ...Coati t as
tit .110ovcco. by 4,1",osti,toN'
0 -
ri r4;1,513:1.
, \'*
)40614 '"I'lte V- 1.
le found Vi
tcr this Me
Ilsh."1 ,
Oe Mr. e ing's ilioggeetion,
" Waive,-iaw-r-LbstatzbeenArttr
1tho XfatvaiLlati ,"LegEstature.
r,dIr 1:41't 'a, micoblroolr.oilmi ,tttli,
ist • "Alladitii
mttt"* 1
-4,1:0;c:ht .,:
4.t Ctildriat , '
att A 11
' titat.47
"All he gi
Is want tier
Ti. a Marvellous' Thing, Vithen • the
cures effected by. Dr. Thorns*. E.:electric
Oil are considered, the sPcedY and Per*.
inatterOejefloraravel7-ttes been use), t
must he regarded a* at, 1000,rvelious thing
,sult from. the six Simple ingredients
Which enter into its compbsitiort.
trial Will .ronvince the- tnost siteptical
of its healing virtues. ,
• "Do you -e: -ever tell fiber asked
ohe laslY who had advertised for rt. •
r0041d. 'Not for myself, .enrOtera,"
answered the aPPlicante only teethe
• - A▪ ra 3rou a sufferer witliO cerne? •It
on aie. get a bottle of co,Uttall., 01,1P7.0.0,03:1111. •
rs. Gaildo.-"•Did Mrs. Jones ever
"The wretch has been proposing to
both of us. I wish wo could think
of some horrible way to punish him."
Well why donitoyou marry him?"
•Itereeves all bard soft or cAiloueed
lamps- and blemishes Irons trotsta. blood
.4.4 i 11 .
Mrs. Iliram
isit broken. Brifitgt? At that rate
my diehes won't hoit, mea month,"
Itridgete't"tikoe don't Welemr_ootiout
that. tint be le.vin' ye before
month. toeittie."-
There can be a difference of opinion
08 zrtost subieetk• but there 10 iottiy one
oetnion a* tbo reliability of Mother
Graves' Worm ltIxterminattor, It la'
safe, sum and effectual.,
Th (tenderty)o-"Itteet you feel Ail-
ly, darling? Wouldn't yoti lik'e rue?
:at* round t"_0111.*:,„...}Sii,e_
think your sleeve' would, be auffici-
• ......•••••••
s 1 ima t an
•ser n Me* • rstitto
• *WK.. tr 5,i -.VIM a. **44011.7.
b f one s. 'Warra.ated the
• ,011,1"0 1.4,41t '141.1E DUST. '
A. Lyle Itatitbone. Deputy
matt of the Liverpool Ilealth 'Com-
mittee. 'gives the following account
of the revolts of experiments • with
oil on. dusty roadie:one. "The sore
taco, of roadway coated with creosote
mixed 'with resin gives the nicest
appearance. starfare-coned--wi
ordinary petroleum is the least last-,,
,next in. o'rder_liein
osote oil ° with tallow' an
SOP13 oil. /Leavy- coal taiit
olt lasts rather loner than the
"foto oile and Is VOtr, Och ,cheap
to av
1 46 C-1
Sarah?". Mts. Staye--"Not one
word, Otaile. If titary Jones cant
say something • good of .4 person she
doiOt say anything,"
They - Aro it
mud* cause s del:awe:neat of th
me nerv-
ous syste. am nervous debility once
engendered iMcult to deal
There are motor testhnontels- MX to ttir '
edleacr--0L-Pacoiek**,- Vegetal/ 0- Pills- I*
'-ALTIreit'.=tn tp-Itottil
h'Ut the weather." **Yes." ailSWQ1-ed,
the men with the ,rbournptn; "he
is•alwayi trying to make dis-
agree' abler
Micard's Ualmect Relleial •Neuralgia
"Little. boy.
WV your head?
4 1
„lirPry ell=lotquivatualura to 114
.1Attle Eliner-"Papa, what is a
perfect et:tie:nen?" „Ur. liras:11_1mi
, per erergentiiiiiin4 nettr-is a -
num who., when you start to tell
him' your troubles, noes not break
lir and try to tell you his."
A Cry` foe Mete. A peen in tbe bath
te a. cry of the kidneys for help. South
'Vitro is the :noir cure
mow% -tailurav-writta- ''itgaluot--- •
it itt ease* of WI ht.* diebetes,
d a gentleman. ioilammotion ot t o bled:um grawei
ihat, unxreirit- .other kitiney. alleteetterieonite eteglect -
the apperententty insignificant "aisso."
not ralninif-tt powerful apeciee prevents
end. cures. --70'
a Curt is not shininge".
i'po.use *bon it tahts ita wants it.
and 'When the sun -shines ma uses'it.
and it's only this kind of weather
that X can got to use it at
t tO
of some
Lter 011 m
t bon
C •
of O11 in plate
edam roads says
0 •
o r ,tr (warintie-ettOli
emery-- -t c
trede. yoy Ioltave. lived Mee_
Toi-seding-houses twenty years Tor no --
thing?". Zetticilitify (frigidly) -
shouldn't be the least surprised."
roll, °von, sirrY YE:Ano.
Stec Wittalowei Seething Syrup has
Imem-ueed by ihtitions ot 1100:4na for
•their children *late teething. lt. sootinto
• •tiao thilali_itottenti the guruj_14_alla s
cares whadcobe. regulates the.* reach •
and folffelli, and is t et best remedy for
f:fold by druggist* thrsugbout the
world. De sure iotti leek _tor *Ito:.
Wisedow's tkothing Syrup.' 2.-(J4
In Aloe ot rid
' ItAto
do* without InVeotigife
d1MIt*Utt*lI &vet/
et kMrIpte of,ttle,Itoy
• (coated in 1.itko
• ekoket Lake*,
0." ' The
full •derlPttoa
,itt 11
'h detu*naed
to be here!.
1 X AlkIt0cfSrid
tltrjan iCtn :Victor
ttor ,tht.:tt Ira
nia.neis 44P613:!0;
' .0' heir ttre fOr etelaroo part
Pt.*ntn twd, the 01
See,1'40,-to ood $orwati is of licarnalse.,
antl '1"i'ih o�e th in ot,!;,:.*
this Pcilltatett
trMedvoitti toored
tid- iir.T:t1Try,11
37 01 titr* spalek
▪ ,
4.7,ion antl
-s ,Moised
is *by '6ta
oi.d tht tiraywte 1„.; „