Exeter Advocate., 1905-04-20, Page 1i0e
u 1ing „
atkeiiltieates.atia omg
ty hL _4.0.0
vt tri`
Branehealp fleron County 4.
#''PASANIT000,' (Um
y. nin
k. v
st .week for.
UStflL 111 ei:aline°
lei Registered in the ,'..Atiterican Trotting, Register, 'Vol -
town 0014 two:,vithite ankles, bebindz foaled In, '1001. Bred by
Lime,: Ohio. -No* oweed by, Tong** Xurix,-Exeter,:ent.
\ b$,, NORVAL 1143.% .
re�flount$*ve 2.0:04-• ,r1 e fl4014rvLn 41.11:0014, Annie: tentlAred 5 el.
Ii*-40•41-7-tatbera •
rsVroduc�cl 101n2lonet4121i.i Sire Arton-'2:
Othenifir2:20 . •greattanott ntare, by IgOrtlitil
nt 2t454, rt1 Al% and 17 'other stand_ ant .per,
formera Sou of farou Wilke" lakelre of Sump" 2fflaNi) nOtato"
• stela 04dared Bares 200g, Oaran Reaere ZOOM, and lot
214,Aleent"ra 213 '
Allanderf sam bYbalm* aoritallra:
2.01,4...Pato .iao_toilit" and in •re*
dama-olEIatawa 11..2.24%, Laurel 2:12%, and over 100 other arliii-
rrnmnalso owlet:roof Valor Delmar The
bott 2033,,zote 2:045tonni over too ogler standard Performer*
by kEtninliTOOL •
2:30 and Record 2:17%. Sire of &part* IteX #104,141111tVO trirtta
;218 11411:014 2:12%, and 21 others; aftlf tianni of Onny Wikox
210N,, and 24 other stmatard performer". SOU 01 dam
rergUSOn.a creattioge nisre, by Ateaftiac MOIL
by.1141fIlLETONLAN 10 , . .
2:12# iraan Sire of neater 2:1750L. Nettle 2:12, OrarateGlrl WO, 27 ot1ier; and
7 other 41aMo at Stamboul nava* Caltt. Greenlander 2:
100 otbera; *04 gramtotre of'Nancy' Ifooka 2134/ and over
"btr otindkOverformers,
wimps° w4vitrur.
by sia
Tbe.isp le s model la ontetuaktion: iv n etit 'with *atithstance and has
*1 *fl et 1 We ever tlytzet1Whatsi the vety htst al feet anct i(gs. ' With little mote
aataltaka4d, trotted* quarter fail,% oeondak
lea n profitabletkne ps*u,,
PxeMPliileatiOu og he, 4th
FlOWer anI, g$Lrden seeds...all kinds
%ire growers ptiielutges for 6 cents;
s Pair, :Exeter.
Ceatt• Cowl csautt
Having a few lo Ads of the celebrated
Itawking Valley coal lett,-stove end
not. -1 will sell in ton lots or over at
$0.50 and small lots $6.75 per tot.
First eOrae ilret served. .Orders left
at the oftlee Or A. 41 130140 will be
Torouto s '1
her parents, Mr. and
Mr. -A.Boirey 1eft Wedneaday Morn
ltig for Vinniptgwhere beiwill spen
the autotnetita ttattel. Workingat his
rade. ,
litrs. Jetties WaOless; of Dultith; at*
rived oir Sittiirday evening ti,o wend'
Raster vritlt her parents, Mr. and 'Aire,
L. Hardy,
Mrs. W. T. Acheson and Miss 1411111e
Witos.,-ToisttrAdliv, purtbaete" of•Siesl*ive bava
*Wok otapeelally sattegtolitiolMoVai,A1"ixe,
Oke leave this morning to .visit,,their,
brother, Mr. T. Oke,,, at Kingsville for
few days,
Mr. Albert:. oLneays'ho
flIod tor Wast; --L-•
Ur. Pititia, Mack, Ottown, Inst Week
received the sadnew of the death of
Ii is brothel!, Mr, John Mack, who died
on Sunday, „April ,Oth, at Carberry,
Man.•The deceased VraIli well and
, favorably known in the neighborhood
of iffensall where be was -horn and snent
e-early--psrtk-of-his,lifer-Over, •
years ago -be-joinett- handand
-thej-Westv---3-t-that-time' thei •
could only,go as far as St. Paul liy
train atil the reinaloing distance' bad
to be covered hv vehiele. On their
artd Nbithwest
or SEL1.6; '
Manitobitand Cora.
pattY oaf malisfst
°Oben ZaIway Land
in at the
i-mason-hwi sait-bia-farm.
one hundred acres, tafar'llrocefield for
the SUM of WOW, to Mr.. McGee, mail
rArrier. Mr. Mason intends ynoving
• $4, ,a •
r _
DIXD. A somewhat reinar.kable ett.
*e'er was terminated on, Monday by,
:UM -death who7•"
away -a IS & res yam, ' con..
after a Abort illness, 'at the. age,' of 72
cudbrightshirer Scotland, and. 084326 to
this country when 11 years of tge., In
108-heristineto:thisatownsti_ "
Onitedi • „Jane_
e ea ig rit •e e Arno
sey, of Tuekerowith. Be was, in mimy
reapects, a remarkable men. He bad
teen a greet deal of life and being a
keen otmerver, was a most entertain-
ing and companionable gentleman.
Anirtieterandientlenittilr and viutteir
nus In minute. While he took an in-
telligent interest In all publlc *Salm
, he neveraspifedto public . position.,
Re4etives,*WidoW and faintly of two
sone and two daughter. Lo mourn his
and -cherish' the memory ot a kind
tekekepitwortkrtether..._ The, _re.
;um mrarere-Tild Airiest In th Ma -
landbank ceMeteryliti Thuredny.
adding ereta /rem eine ittr"
tirete,40.16r.teded in secdring 1200. acres.
As a f3rnie7 Mr. Mack had few equals
and Was one of the most -popular of
that part of the country,. ' Be leaves
widow and nine children -4w° daugh.
term and seven sons -of Whom two
are doetois and one ' is attending col.
lege at Toronto.' The luveaved fam-
ily have the syinpathyi.Of theft. .01.1tarV
io friends.
Wiring t
Ring With, Mrs,
TS-615-rithfifilititrrli a neat, and ectirli;
ing costume, presented a very pretty
appearance, The Ea title woids
said and congratnia tens over the com..
pany iepnhid to the dining room to
partake of the wedding tea. The bride
was, the recipient of a -large mitaber of
costly and _useful articles.
held by her ninny friends. The even.
og-wairverr nietreauthropeet74w-vst.
Ions aluesenients„ After•a, short, holt-
eytuooti trip.ne, and Mrs. Bossenber.
ry will retitrn and settle down to the
sterner realities of life at Oraiel Bend.iuieaal el 4 steel.' e-- e raT. Ttprirp
Messrs. Thorn*
John iheito
art It to Jr,
Albert engine and the road rader at work '
Cha p Man. •
.0. M. Turner, Teacher. le4evarti‘,1341LheetT:gut 461PoLIVEllittatP4t.
work had\to be stopped until re
aattY- - could be made With"Tt littki- ro
vet the IA'
'mina "Oat'
WilbeVINMr Jinn F. Smith had hi traction
(Intended for last weelp.1 t • ,
ritiVirrY\ Want)Is/o. -The home of
Alr„,and birs. Itobei.t B. Taylor was
the scene of a very.pretty wedding
'Wednesday, when their , estimable
(laughter, .Miss Myrtle, joined heart,
and; hand with Mr. Bruce ,Bossenberry
son of Mr. ,lienry .Boseenberry,
and John
.Belli of thilairtie, returned Saturday
from the Wet - Where. they have been
on a prespeet og tour.
Mr. 0, 11 Hughes arid WO. Hughes
*8 15,t14.1n)„, of Montreal, are
vending alow days here., the -goes
elattell9a.4eirent45,.,;.Mr._and liks„
Thomas Fitton. - •
Milli Tillie Balkerill, of Hamilton,
,a,n0Mr. %Wu. Bakwfl1, who has been
t London for time, attended the
. _
'Mts. IV; T.•Ooodison and little Son,
of Sarnia,, are spendingmonth at the
tith M Centrailtt,
'David lOhne, 111. :Ooodison spent'
Saturday and Sunday here, •
, Mrs. 11 Windsor, of Brawn City,
Mich.. Or% S Lamport, of OrYett-,
•.ton, Mr& Thomas 1Cestle, of 1ltlerton,
and Mr. WiUiaau Rowe,".of Applegate,
,Micb.. and Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur os.
_-!-The-death -oferloving.mother, kind -41
Wire and valued friend. -is Indeed a.sad ay lHst..
blow, but when the loss is unexpected xtr. anti urn. oho Quao,04. who
the feelings of regret are much MOW' balm bort residents, near Crystal City*
inten.sigett Sucb la. the 'sax) te010,.. mam„ for Sererid have rentPa'
stancessorroundhili-the "t"'' their fatty iti th,e West and will spend
den death of Plerenee. anihnier in Ontario. They wilt.
loved wifeof Mr. ,fotin 40we, of Eliir txtak, their honie Centraliti. T
r hot*, eempetiitrwery. yeueg
age of 42 Vrtretvirld 2 months. Mrs.
e had en a ed..._tier, -usual health
u 4°7-vv‘ebitira: few 044 -
which 'was causedby pneittneu;e:
bent* her detuise tame as a shock to
a, daughter of Mr. Wm. Biilkwili, nf
town, and married her now. 'bereaved
thushen.,d abociuttvrenteli: Yttstie 11
and by her .gentle kind- e*
nature she leas beloved and respected
by all who had the pl ure of- her-
* For iieverid ems."
, , ., in 'ti ' o . p i ,
and 'rein there she Moved with Ur-
i i . tttwashin
or gay where she died. Pettit** lif
Sorrowing husbandshe les.ves tomourn
all Of wham bave the sympathy of A
lange circle of friends. Tbe fune*aI
.took place on Sunday to the Exeter
Ceinetery-and was largely attended.
. Drysdalts
The tee On 014 Lake 01111`00 is break,.
log erf and beginiabg to float and tha
shermen along the, line have heed
'forced to withdraw their nett.. -Philip
DuctitirMe, has returned home, after
spending the 'winter. In the Iumber
canipatltt _11014-00 the Oeorgliin
Sty.--41asineiticiitetw.- 'Joseph-
otandotillottur owing. to the cold wftth
er the Woritis not yet in operation ,on
the docke.-Wth. Turner has gone to
,Owen.Sound where he will tho
nan *re repairing t
pect to begin buninese In the near fu. pb
e Spark tb
nurse, of Detrolt Is speuding a few
• Mt.'''. G., Stannnty was
friapector Fulton of the So' ereign
'flank Isla town. .
nt. Teetile le tope tog 0014
Friday in I.OndoLt.
" 1,.- •
borne Op a_t .1110 1 t..‘ • "
F. E. Kern *petit Siniday at Ifs.
home in Woodstock.
Mr ; Urn. Davis, of London, is
Int In Exeter North. .
Mrs. /ante's liodgetitt is spending
:Easter at PaltneritOn.; •
'Moo. Ha* of preattont .1e the
guest of Mrs. (DO Am*
son was- In
Hatunlaiun I new., -
° Swan hes aecepted
Hill Ss eac hr."' Herb
i)eichr, of St.Thotinte, 1* visitingat the
Matt Ellwood him accepted, a posi-
In Ilrantford,-;Ittoia shitch.
ford, wbo has been In Dakota. for .a
iend Ibe remainder of his days
Sutton has fufly recovered
returned from Torontoandieeept-
Itinti With T. -Murdock. Ro t.
Moirat 1 con nu A , II foe
ethrrisivi.._ SU'
has returned borne. Miss Ford, after
'short stay In town, left TueedaY for
Fargo, N.D.-Messrs. W.J. Miller and
J. ood hove returned from their trip
the West. -Walter Lancaster has
t. J
(WIDE LINI-1114 germ* debility,rul
tIon, their:nation; ttiett thito doe 00v—tiviled_t.
tault one peels:wand a half of Y1TSE. Am (meta
ibut.2"10-11.00 Per Packageh-te,
. .
Sunday' looming made think that
We.fere th,e midst of another win-
ter as the mind was covered with
doom ea er. Mis
Eunnn ris n it ettr
at the 'mine of $, vi Ina
wbnWAS dialpia.8.04 from the
secticn hero sometime age, has again
ken his plaee the track. We are
pleased to see ,hrui JO, aeOtistomil
Sittips,ort, hes rented the
arm building at' the rest of his shop,
bonse.4- vh ti
• lved 'CS I bit Olson
Sundaynt the 'ho - r. 11 cks,
irlle Mrs. Newton Baker, of the.
itecittigh c0ntinuet to frokrov
tbongh venr Gm*
haa iireliased a'handsome driver froan
horse flesh. -The:vticiretid for It
;Curtin is beautitylirFFhla lovely; tom
here by a new wire fence.-Mlas Kite
ElUott, aftAr s 'ding...a few 4
,eph's hoepltat liie waray fried* 0Pe
e wilt D reetWer. Retake*
ittle.girl who r'eent1y fell off the door,
etep and fractured; .br teller b0110,..•
Is getting Oil IVA, itteg 4114,43ftrk,bo* eApeep,,
.---Chas. Chapman; safer a few days.
visliiteretc left, for Olftli Poland, where'
he bat been appointed night. operator.
. •• .
effeete ofile
cleening theleatetfit the_powortionstt,
he bad:the Misfortune to seaki hie leg.,
Albert" ram, who hbeen In the erns,
ploy of ever& Brown •rit Olotrica :oar,
risge inVitttutregflia741111tr .010i14
nt Exeter, al24111;0114. eft' rejiltnr OD the,
bitelneed there. lir. psin
trdeem*u, we regret losing
bim from our mklst, we With. hi
E. 4.mov.on8. e tiwort
tie, anniversary on Sunday And
roved-a--gratityla '
. Jlev. W.11. Butt, of Springfield;
ertner,:vastor, occu fed his o
pu pi a 4."
rrrYF "*T4(s-T‘arna-r--4r4411
many okl iend. It was evident from
the eongregation which greeted him
that he stilt retains ft Wetilii plAee in
the affections of the people here. We
artt sure that all who were present
ent home _much beneflt4, b the di -
courses , full house gree • or.
Medotot flensaltion14, L5mdayeveriing
his lecture' sod .duking the outset of
tho eireolOg the stullitoot were - **pit
repald for their attendance by the
quentcliscourne Which they listened',
Tbe Pr. rat- perfectly -:hoins.. loth
hin erthieet--t•eibeing-end 'V dirt'
the field will be in good Shope. NOW
is the time to organize the different
clubs for the coming season. -Rev. O.
IX Mono is attending the Conference
of the Evangelical Church at EImirs
tbf-we,k. ILe. Staelder wtil occupy
the pulpit nest Sunday morning,
There will be no service in, the church
Sundav_eveni ng. The scrap .iron men
pleiveft rid --of , their
Pigs and OK iron. NelsenWinerand Ohne. Pinkbeiner. of Sant.
lac 'Oentre.iklicie, visited their parents
for a few days last week. -Mi. Thos.
Morrow took -part in the program giv-
en at theOentiulia Methodist drurch
uu Monitty evening.-Therti have been
erg' births in our village and neigh.
bar -hood the past' --few-.--days, -Among
lioltztuan, Ji., and Mr. IL Mote, •Jr.,
T. Edwards and Mr. Wm. U. Geiser.
Mrs. Gordon Wright. President of
the I.ondott Britneh of the NiT.M.S„,,
Neill deliver add es in the Methodist
0' Ott a 011 • ut ay evening,
20tb, jo behalf of the. (Woinen'S
sionary society. A good attendance '
is expected. -The Methodist Sabbath
School anniversary services will be
'held on Raster Sunday and Monday as
on foriner years! • The Sabbath ser.
v lees, will, bp in chttirge of Rev. Mr.,
Oodivin, of Viterer, in the *lambing
and afternoon and Rev. Mr. Hannon. ,
of Bxeter,in the evening. Collection
at each -Service In aid o the S. S. work. •
o *venom in i01110
aring. there will ha readings by
by Miss Godwin. of Exeter, Solos by
Mr. Ourriej of Sarnia*411d On ad-
dress by Rev,. Mr. . Godwin. Donis
openat7 o'clock, coneertat eight. All
are.,eordially invited. Admission, sit.
ver colleetion at the
fe like portrayid of • uman
tutnatittthe excellent advice
endeared biotin the hearth of
his re**. Tip address lasted about
o hotus but was so replete with,
mirth and *it and the Iclues,thin
Wee of sitelt Vital importance that
noone elL The Imiguera are to
beeongratulated On °ht./Ming *0 able
epeaker and tieing so. entertain -
itzr,--Dawacm-in •13Ianshard-. on
Para- by Rev. A. McWilliaits.
• nu eY7,361003-MilibirtrIW-7-7,7
son, both df Blenshar41.
Blanshard on
A 1410- b lac S. AncEerson, Tat;
o +airs -Mrs
Atkinson, of Riotkehard.
• gOiti)
Lutheran church, Dasher
April 11, by Rev, R. Baer
ThtyrneyerThijr, p
MoNxcuot.-Wilsmaxs: In, Mitchell,
on April 12int the; Methodistparsoti.
• age, by Rev. W. Brown, Deihl
A. McNichol, to Miss Ida' May West -
e, bath of Ushorne townhip.•
noAnpool.irsiter4.4.t the retia644
bYllev. P. H. Larkin, Charles it
' Broadfooti-of Brussels, to-Miteillov
Seaforth.. : r.
an Aprit 140.
ROwE.-ln Hay' on Apia 14, Fieretiii
beloved waft of Mr. Joh* •
Rowe, Aged 42-yeenovi4, 2 szeputhor.
Wartatsitt-Txt Dein** „Cat, on Apa
0, Mr*. A, E. Warnen, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
tehford.rilf Exeterin her 434