Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 7iz mozilhs. mud the sitiocka litY
ihed..... all that titne,.`
a, palaig Vas ati a
. ..S.• ,!!"*.
,ea badsone 'alltraY. an4 it-..
nunwet-hrottiiiit--44.tu ,....ee ,i',4 •
it It,
IdiO:l 0#4# 4041,14 OP4l he ouliL floLt venttlze"
- • - - •intestitest•Pont, *ftleate wltb a. atd1es
bitt brought : A ..t'„O'Ct.$4' '*.! I,. -
oe than, to Secure Asti
ookixi pat; and as
Oftgeglebtrate their.
WlILCh'ate twrne-Ott ties esti.,
4 InatIX nillei'' 'to
APTIt' 84 tlettleattle at ' li*-
ar444 friendit may share, ,the
inr(3f thos
., se,
:inde,bles *:
/ Blittlf**0..
• :spates ajul 'Tor . eign., huil Ott; 4'101/ .
CrosS' iii. 0 ' her.: rttnintiss -.7attirally„ i.
*witted to see it. and tterasile4-ttui
• be 1J;htnd gIrJ.,l.„0c_91X,...q,,•fttt-ene,4_, . ,
. .
. a tit -*i 0 s. ,
, mat fervor astonishes 'one. is
horribly afraid of 'the vengennee of
the ;S,'$'*Ints,„ and for thie, reas011 the
1 t dr
eIotitber sttll-co-eet .old style- •
Is a b01101Ter in feiries.AIw
-spblts -be -gliardeit
het Who May be coaxed in-
•gOod humor by little gifts. Ile
is eXtrelnelY afraid of *!The rvil
:Eve," astd Manyred Weird 'are the.
• charms practised' the qb:Jelit
averting', its • ' •
tS,vifl riever sleep in the dark;
sior tvI he 1,1V* 4one Ilits is nervs
ogling over -the: bedi-was -a tittles_
eslylickilifisir "within'
he peetmadell to touch it, and silie
would ritit belfave the exploitation -of
the matter, not even when the res. ,setris;
'Witt of this mark of Mane favor
dsheethe-sstatteTsidtr'S',' -
Very few work' -men or We
are able to readtOducation is back-
ward, though -improvingend tizere
are few children now who do not'
attend sehoelflut we must wait a
little for results.
They are crying out for a, Coast',
tution but they do nest underidend
the very meaning of the weed.
" Largely owing 'to their ansanitisry
• ts u ti increases ve
othtt$ to 1ret flrltjurk'. 1ttT
Count - Ostia:: tac:tri.
!ittioti',;: 0.400•!-01 t,t*::!,
•tI*noV nOWt.k.. 'Th.e,' trfl.40.1,
Is •t .:' :are' exti•elneW
;hest* and estplerit*:. partleS; halrq'
'neVeis oVenttire,lar frOM the
. , „
- , TraWetilt take their lives -hi their:
sJiqra. gf nt1j..
i,llrndL, hitt rarely venture out of
panainville. the largest island..
sea taltItY Miles away the great Kroft -
Prins, RangeeXtending through the
centre and rising to 8.000 feet; but
hifitstr aire----7seeese
ns-- --for ---centertes- no -wit
n-itas-ever-ssisitett4 -
.catiee the region'. between it and the
I ist densely peopled by the most
warlike of savages
Carl Ribbe. a German neturaliet,
has had the coura,ge to spend • two
years, at trading -stations along the
alasta. Re has just written a book
that brititlee with onformation about
e initabilant1.
s s•• 4,„
Witbat. livispit able, generous, '"1°•"*.y* ''er-vuer"""'"..i1179"re-er&-41
Russia from thirty-five to forty
.114 14.10. Ile. _ILYA rarely work °vev
. -eve- de,ye, the weeka. and be •cae.,,," Trer gerit.-Of infauta"pertsk. The Oov.
not be depended upon. Employers ernment are trying to Comfort ilia
111pert terrible'ekil, but the people are, so
understend that when they -lea
atshfring is done front day 01 day mpseTvattve that tile$ • difit-
I Was at
one time 3sosoow. cult task.
• 4..agotite44404.,• Unoriginal. Like the people of the 1Vint....1t.he. swim.= islanders.
thing given lo-thern. • t any time.
his 111*11,.401.'48nOtall
,Wrgeoft in Iii lund,
tied% to. thr.. g.g11.14:an
, in .the.' SOO o
groOW'slui nd'the reatakatter",ot
hia life In so itude.: Was._
tired •iirl and •.'9)
JIve and alone. _ • '
,„„iises,*).14-1 .11.**.saslAgst4t4seta.
fitt910anil 11uch i1nrcuLents anU lire;
"'Pla s Paten **
0'.$4,5tt, • iiseriti 4(i41. 1a5f;
west; 15e to higIter‘
itobe,:45.5010.'$5.70.• for , hrst
patents.: .41,9 to. tr',41 tor 'on I
Patent's., arid so. for.,
Mmreod-$tI.5O to S14 for brert
a tra,dingsschooner, for lonAY'llaggas 448 for bran exports.
Ite ptit his house together in 1880. Barley -46e to 4U. for 416
*Tulin the course of time be had a to 45c for NG $ extra, and 4c for
well 'tilled garden. massy" hens and No. 3 maltisig outside, -Toronto
unffIer-orir1itl7W1ire1Vite hail rer s Welk , s.
itor.a-ttrOj±4w •brought *Ws hhx1 Itye-Easier at1c to 72c*1.sr
, -en-wassseitsthat•ststitaide. - • -
though his island was uninh,abiteils C01 n-Canad4m hot& firm at die
Might ,be visited arty dar. by count- advents% 461c to 47e for yellow. and
eft at .,4. ea
4.1)0'4,e:ring, bit
34c: to. 0e
• .• -am* irttn‘
-an cm -liege
bals.•.who Would. doubtless kill him. 451c to 46c for mixed. f.o.b.; Cita- .
rie-said he believed the natives weuld tham freights; American firmer. No;
respeet-hiswhite hairs anti anyway ese -ed r
he WKS not afraid.• . •
But his eonlidenre-was mieplaced,
fOr he want and eaten. One
day C t. E. Pratt, Who had heard
over to Banns vis -Fitt to the• island
and found thm
at he had come forty-
eight' hours too late. •
The house had been plundered and
it was , easy to identify the spot
where the old man' had been killed..
In those days warships 'very seitiom
visited the islands. and the murder.
0 3 yr lows ; to It 5e1C on track
tials--No. 2. 40c to 41c outside.
Rolled Oats --Are 20c higher: $4.35
'for cars of hags and $1.60 for Lar-
s c es- • e
the vegetable and animal life. and
•Ltis book. "Zrtvel • jahro tinter den
Wanitralen der '..Salomon-Inseln," • is
--especially timely.because so little has
been written about this archipelago.
The! ,had set in. and ectitgs-ef Work.- The Ilussiene are, as a ride, very Ilibbe says that • there is no tnore
dangerous trade in the world. than
trete!, snot*. When- the chide Sti/ • '471-t-----"e'r---ea1rit/Y •any jenekect
nkion Vhey tilroWt down tliett. -toeits d
A friend of mine had an English • LoA.DED REVOLVERS
in the middleof the street, laY lamp welch went, ont .01 order. She
do'etti. tettble them, •
brought it to a lamp shop and or- are alwaYa thrlr belts
N1WP,NT TO SLEEP? " tiered another. She was told that 11 the trade were not extremely
- A)
to a it -should bet Made to• , tr.tifitable white Men could not be
. Greatly surprised.' I turned
.at Owed?, These,men %Atm be hut. came hrone. but Site Could „.not light• therilityge-quanfttic* of -cocoanuts
• ci Merely shrugged her .slioUlders Ittlid the re rioter was much am, their conunercial instinct do -es not
sas.ing: llsat in the' model eesu tradee if they _catch him off his
l',41120 are such fataliets. tome brought us. 1.he screw .did not WOrk g •
• nossin_ menti_ and Itaidt_tean_ that_ Nome.. thile_elmsett. and the lamp. induced to live there. The native&.
ed .the passing yelticleS.?' it. She took, it- hack .to the shop,
• eme:mod: .*Evee so: it iv the wei of prised that site was not satisfied. eep them from killing the ,white
° uard
for • a
Will 01 Gigi" 11,11VityS their crY. either*" 'Thee sell their eoramoditiei
song in comparison with pric*'s. ask-
* thittsesses have- the right of admin -et, by other 'Pacific natives who
Is mit* corporal punishment on -their. - know the whites better. The trader
hasubStaidens. but Indy be lined :ati toaup FOR THE STATES. in the Solomorts buys 100:cocoa-
-must as lime- 'roublese(about$2,50). 4. __.., ..s. ..._ _ . .... . titss...for.s. se . plecg_-40----
„,, Skths Worth
elteuId - the - girl complain_ to the Are Lo-oiiii
ep So e as is does
• riot tectarily terrainoto the en-
gagement, . Although- the right ex-
ls.ts;';it Is very seldom practised, for
Russian sirls of that clase are, as a
rule very anllabip andgootl-ternper-
the mist .re,s6es tinders -tars& them, and
''. are forhearirrg towards- them.
In the Russian palaces, no man-
- itervant-does --duty-foricoecr-tharf
"triitle;lii-zie.lken goes
shit for, another w
ages max_eeeni loW to
seer -ng man
,ti not so poor As many People think.
Their standard of coinfort is low;
.` eit
visions may be obtained at a very
Seeking abandoned farms, which 'hellions disadvantage in 'exchanging
nay be used as homesteads for Boer other commodities and 'so the trad-
ern continue business relations that
exiles, Major-General Piet Van Zey-
are so profitable to thetn. They dry
ter is touring the United States,
nays the Buffalo Expresspntil the moot of the cectianut under the
' tropical son, turning it' intci copra.
where the ell_fis expressed for seal)
making and other purposes*.
It must be highly exciting to live
aftertsthes outhreak of thisqloar war•
• sat
smith. When the British over-
whehned the South African reoute
jichiatL.SouAfrraa1kLwent ,
o Etrzotie..........11021.1Munich,..'Llinine fla a
',swims -was appointed the leader of tws=tY "I` "le larger -C4 a- Pear or a
'the Boer patriots in that cite: 1.4aillet. The reekless traders finding
"It-°f-thtt--Prc-rill"-trre-tigri"cuiti 11:11-r,firtestbar-mrnttiVsell tem to every one
tifield for their work, e -a""alinust-erakh'
ists. and in Europe there 1; but lit -
they decided 1 who tan praline° the many thousands
to Come to this cotiOn.v. 31 ior Van :cif r.4"emeutrl.donianded-
• tl5"i 11M 1110
iney_lhe hatiLfor • tWeive kn
ecs (about 0 cents) a pound of 1.44
ouncesblack bread at 4 a cent, and
peasant lives largely on what is
called **kasha," semolina. rye. bar -
et; A% tuilk. Amy
• SOO IS misc.* largely eaten. In winter
trittde Of salted callboylie is
also a fish eater, anti fish is cheap
and plentiful throughout Russia.
Ives genet a Ily-speskities
likely inundated -at - -"Because 'Orilie many Germans in ifoscs. •
„any times lorssflooils are frequent in the Middle West. 1 LIM trying to se- If a .trader smells mnoke during the
St. Peterebtleg. in the floors above cure lands in that section lif the :night he is very careful about stick-
•.hltrt The counts. barons,or princes, country. As we were much int- Ing his head out of the door or win-
, their , *lees itisd daughters. poverifked by the was inn; oh; dew', for he has learned that it ts
Drcsexuakera milliners- may _live liged toe Iltel abandoned- Wine- istier-4 ftriorite-Aelck•-- of -the •-bleclat-tei-rr-
t,he flat systemsvres aver. possible- .
tr1finista7 t grea po Les s o severe • sun ret 0 t e. 4.R.F-1-tiliu-s-inity be tempted out at doors to see
irlit-eliterfully let out -part of their n_ado, and ast-rnanSt- more,. In. In,- nrning.........0.n..stich -0 •
.1i0I1S001. • thane and Illinois. For the past they are likelY to be killed by their;
Shottld the childrenin the cellai-4 three months 1- have been pursuing unsetob enemies.
• '!dits, or their wives get crippled with icy searchIt ie renuirkable that tlte traders
thearnatistre, the father says. with "1 hare rereived most excellent rake their wives and children to
great Submission: "It la the will of trealmera since coming to itnerica. these islands. Not a few white
Gott" • Everybody I have called on in the families) are living along these
etnplo,yers prefer Prench or towns end cities have made inc wet- coasts. 'Iles women and children
(eizn.tn Wort -people, to whotrt they come. At Wnshineton. ead-no--etree-elivesi.--frie-tfiey ftr4,_ ea.t.
'higher' telt, t The Laud- ')llic ufteut1 gaged rIist.of...thesday- in spreading-
tussia-n-,-----an-ii • with profit to 1.about my scheme. roceived ever, -iiioanut meat .for drying or helping
• themselves. The reason is obvious. i:es_ras•less. The 1;ertnart Antbasstt he awn folk itt many other ways.
'e 1rench or German will *iiite ',dor libsiATed -Mat t u1d int *et hi Mae says notWhit ° ascent* t ere
week In end week out. fls. home my heatiquarter4 durine., my is surpassed by the :nun in pluck and
an' le incapable of no doing, .tay at the CAPiin1 courage.
-.the 7hIs work is tr
a. superior to "lly Noyebther 1005. Every woman i't:arries ei-revOs-Fir-ari
.thit, of the Orettna.n. that the tioer colonista trill I egin to for the- women sire in as much
who are the bed come to this country. In it. few !morn ger as ilte men. Now and then they
atir!dir*orkera ,in Europe are Amoy ,1 hope that .py ernantrymen i1I lie 'are ronf.rogited with situations which
ee1rit In workehop., ite gen ' PrOSPILTOM- TikenSigranitS if(' Iher requite. •quirk thottar-,ftrid-rtetintr
11AVVVI' birTr-ri ON IVMdoped Ottof ey"
Thca Writer_:ztves a number of 15-.
brit -ti ro, hobv linen tenrAon9e 3faior Van 'Veilpr fou t ell rstarace .of the courage with which
th-i most of the Pelvin,/ for the
Mee ramitalans since 1$4t. At't thp wonwn awl even girIS ineet
•et-hoes-414nd.- loVrine the rot- 2441"6-11411`114°*t--4)nr'-`6°14'''''ttu""1-. dIttr' -• ----;
jfl4ttjlothcr • was. killed in the siege , of One day two traders named Itnee
• r(PrpS5 iikaft,SO far Ladvs.tnith' donald of aftastict Island started on,i.
Ij" ae peg- '
•tlraitefed WOO
firra at $67.15 to $7.315; barnyards
$5 to $6.50 and ispt_leimis_4 to .
3.50 to $4,25; oilse4ar_e .stett , .s:t
flog -The run was fairly heavy,
-Pekes are quoted unchanged at $6
Per cwt. for selects and $5.70 for
lights ar'el fats.
brokets lets here sued 40e outside.
• Pea.4-s66e to 670 for No, 2 west
and east.
'Blickwheat-560.; to 57c 57c east%. and
west. •
vrasneVer--Daitd.Htlie7renisity: for, th4r- ".•-•
r pros:omen ft t receipts dUrieg
. -
orile.iimManr.84.0•011.1.1•01.8101.11 has lost nutchrot-ite firm tone
Creamery. prints . 2ric to 27c
.WIDOW BURNED TO DElkIll •- do irifileirtis: des: 15c to 16c
ilo • 4.7c to 18c
- _ Belt, .good _
HORR - -,,setrTrira, STILL tholte_.. to 21,3c
PRACTISED IN INDIA.. -.4.4) large' z011a ........ 20c to 22c
do medium, 18c to 10e
rive Men Sentenced to Various large C7a.nof.Irtoilidsc tosttetowidynivaittaljlocb lot
Terms of Impr1onzuent • Egies--New laid are quoted un -
Despite all efforts of the 'Indian changed at 20e to 21e per dozen.
Government to stAttip out the hor; Puled are sbledy and 'quiet at
rible practice of burning widows Potatoes -.-Ontario unchanged at
alive on the funeral. pyres of their I -66c to 70c on track and 75c' to 80c
litnitssialse _ ecintsta. diStriPtil„. _tin/Lout of store. but eastern 5c cheaper
Suttee. as the tinaticol titteTetand''85esst
' ' atit.• store-
all the accompanAng cereatonies quo
prescribed by ancient teaditions. Of steady at's** per ton for No. 1 tun -
this a gruesome instance 'has Just othy and $7 for mixed and clover car
come to light Width shows. incident- 1018 On teack here,
ally. that the atrocioue 'my:Hike, is Baled Straws. -Is offering tairly free
8tH regarded as a pritisewertity act IY. And Is quoted Unchanged at $6.
for the heavy restraining hand of Here. '
British authority would probably
again become common.. liffOrjkl'IsilEfil, MARKETS.
Decay, Thrta.teno. tit- Destroy. the. .
Edifices -Other Buildings
• • Affected.
• The destroying hand of time15
striking., Venice heavily. The ,world
RI011.61ed _when- the great Cantp.artila,
*Ing waft it 41 cOrnet-,.--Otthe _old -PA -L-
ice of the Prociurators..the Men :next
• In, authority to the l)oge •the by..
gone :day's, Venice; in her mourning.
• reJoiced that a merciful fate ordain-
ed the fall in -that direction. Other-
. ttuniding....-mathes..:W01114., _
hare dop irrepar
Co of the Pogea Ascii n To
the great Church- of St. Mark.
Now the experts apRotuted to ex-
amine • the condition or St. Mark**,
have come to the conclusion that the
famous building, the product of Eftt
many centuries, is itself in' imminent
danger of collapse. Its denies are
sUrod and are oitt of position„ its
vaults are s'rietdiree to the pressure Of
the sea and the weight of the piera
splendor of 50.000 square feet of
-matehlesa-mosalesertainhlingsasul_tlft-•- --
coy are suspected. The building is •
leaning over, and its foundatione
have sunk., This report le not the •
result of panic or 'hasty inspection,
It is the result of two y"cars ` diligent
loving work by two 40 the greatest •
Manfredi • and Signor .Luigi 14laran-
it is -known th-art griikr-•
the only . building itt Venice whicl-t-6
in serious danger. In, all parts of
seen leaning very much out of the
• perpendicular. Some of the.finest of
titer-old-polore.111-a"- gilesSitif
• e e
Zeyler was commissiened to fini e ,
the very. puns tha`t ttDey have sold,
terms for ,the newcomers In the :
ekes -241416.4X
•' hough-i-t-is-ert-ther-t - 4e' Itt bus -It
-beign., an eveei,R1Th 4orrhoure--or-e4ike1y t -o- lurk around'
sio I betus6 in. the darkness in the hope
that's the fortunes ef
Major Van Zeylir. ,nf shooting I.int while asleep. '
Now and. then they are caugirt sPy-
fered od farms to us;
"The OnVernmesrittinhast chf,; ing around the houses to find tho
not think there Is on nit 1n this7-4134ket-C4141t4°11-°1-th"wd-in-ws_ hich"
1 the white man sleeps. 'They are
colony at Munich who would accept.
• :0
C e 111 e 0 ) Igei 0 gve r
which the bed stands for
alliapce. to the English, while pilnerp(OT of killing the trader ler
they rettirii part of the ;iropei•tV
taken front us during the war. It SHO4TING TVIII0V(111
iaitardly a fair ,tutrgain. and one 11
the especially dangerous stations
beds -every -night
-w e aws ; thou r
Brahmin who had held firmly to the
faith of his fathers. died in the vil-
trict where the occasional visits of
the tax 'collector are the only evi-
dencest of -foreign -dotal • tions with
w et 0 rn a ntan s are aoquatts
ed.- _Ms miattives ruillins1 So _give
observance of idl .the core-
incinials of his religion, and his
widow, apparently, was no -titin
to ciffer herself as • '
--111nWii-lt I .-Gra a-0as
'are guiet. here and unchanged at 46c
for No 2 white. and I5ic for No. 3.
cots, $5.60 to $5.80: strong bakers'.
*5.30. to $5.50; winter •wir,...at pat -
mite - 0 tibi- 5.80* SitraIslitseetterg•
e 0 ecays any e auto •
churches, . besides that al SI. Aferk,,
, torts, (J per ton; t ntar o .win er
- Wheats .isettn- in- litilks-317- to -$484
itsis_131,9 _to 112i1s_nesuil1ies_424.
-$28 per tun, as to quality.
Meal -Millers in the wc5.1 are still
asking $2.221 per ba and 1.70 for
_ •
A.rratigetnenls were accordingly Made intrretr-s. Int •
0 it '0 ther of the fix- Rama on spot have been reported at
mg and the qaci on. the banks of a
was quiet and prices unchanged t 135
to $1.45 per bag.- •
a $.
small • river. Some groti
staked off in the farm of a • Saint I
Andrew's cross, on which the funeral 11413-4i0 1. $9.'U O. 2. $8*25
pyre was, ft; Rt. After the body of 1.6 M741. ek'vcr S7 to V-50
1.11 IIJinan_ititFiven_laitFun!nt_i d ure clovt.r 6 rso to$6.75 vet*
t9Itelin inne--tearlilisclitces. primes. $1..40 to $1-
45 pee bush....1. $1,25 -tor $1.27*-ssint
ear lots.
Provisionssetteave Canadian- short'
cut pork,$16.50 to $17.50. light
rdtortr-e-uts-. $14,50- to -41% American
cut clear fat Initcks. $20;-rointiound
ighted SOM.& wheat stalks and after .
TG o.itnw4an 1ad Tc
a1kito 71e; kettle renderell, 81e to 01e;
applig'••,`'h'e i'l'eu9trot;lacc6141-fig to etiIiisr ni IM to
.preseribes, to the month of the dead laer batarl" tr) 13e: fresh /tilled
Man. This failed to ignite the pyre, !abattoir* hoes. $8.25 to $8.50: heavy
however.: Then four Orate -tins, lialk-ifat sows. $5.15 to $5.25; ittiXed tots.
$6 to $6.15: selert at $6.25 to $6. -
dow-hathett-thes-river - and
then, adorned as for It bridal. seated
herself , on the pyre alongside of her
'husband's corpse and called upon her
scm. Juggernath Misch., to perform
his filiaLduty as 4, devout
- In 'the' presence of a -vat*
tiosfrr.e.7s _trit14.qt the endqttg 0
he the G rand' Ihtehes':1 es'
ItOngafinville, leaving their, Nivei02 1
Ittlan croplesod tot
d'ilkehters lit them ewlV built ettbitts
'Onto litre Pnloctis for the which *Ses's net .S'ep p101141041 With
ad boeli placed- With title Windowa.• A few nightig
rt twelVeserassold girl ;11945
Ll4fld ity tellohe Mowing titektegit
31d, the tiativt
ot the teen -kers) Were
.f fess
the little garment 5
*I* t
o jr Wo
14) continue
o ' -tired ti#11 'Wanted
0 hAti saVed threo.
to spzInt Mont.
, up -on
fie tot,
' fbr
A cheerful face an good for an
NnIld as pleasant weather !live-
;sin -
Wit nate
Me l',1 a t
Id it of i
e over de the
lat. lienr: le1oc 11 the ttvd gilia
I lc tI t411al. Meek 'ilgures1
livti, few fget front the 'ItOttse
11 iv.' 6•.
1 Tto eldrr Id 4ett the 1
, r tftig ' lilac*,
riilltaniittg tink .0thivra nitti*Y.
, 11011 SOLOT0N•1411tNIIP.11% ,
kill *tractOrs, tint i*:
r itt th'etti if Alit, jorkitorttit
31P,St but not hlt.of ,the
rft,W:i.,t4fitte• rtimWaters,,,
„00, xp "lotta , ' ,,
, ,
an 'tl .etonOzfly.. the raftral
374.3U -1. )1 , - ov(e gave it iady
tvo nt14Wffli rif4cripts a:aillst itel-
boi,v4...1 0 :,a,,tt 7
ei.:17X4T 113 aft the,
Itinglt said ‘ to 10*' tuotlnr to. .4.oep
ii bOSt Of *NtOtitS1\g)ti. the i1*ntp-'c
C41 a ' tet,tilts ilintfiterit'S -he ,hob,,,
filitse aro , ttPtilat thtsgs th:Ftw.
ita,e(!o, tut litels made up of tho..o
fiii to ,1)1c;Aft:1:d-5,,, 10P1 I Not* lbotilt14 III,
(11,1Z*4(.4 t 'Met1 of t11,1t. iteettwls;'
PC' Af ttl,*litg" battik*,
ishun Mis1r, Dwarka 1Lisir, Ram
,Charan ltrissir and Lnehnwn ge.teftei ars IA tar: country dressed. $7.25 to
-the thriss fortn4 peer relatives- of $1'75•
Chatentri lilisisireeperfortned the Hu- Cheese-t,atario fall while., Ile to
life; colored. 11 -ie; fluebee. 10e
mad'. "'his consisted in the burning
Or itte4vse 111141 ill° Placing of righted 1°Ititer-Pirtest -*radon. 29e to '30c;
chips of wood ithellead been dipped ,
in melted butter beneath. the 'pYri; 412"--0,
Meanwhile. the *Mot*, seemingly /Lb- lat's""ra dai". .21Ze 16 22c; ron but-
nt151 Jni41 filnim ectasyt gave no tor. 234 to 24c-
sigrx if fea.r. .1ust, before the -flames, -IiTH10 ttri7r: Maa1r'-'31.
readied her she. stood tilt and turned, "16. 17c to 171e: 54.4e:et°4* .241c. to
to the, setting sunbut inuttediately 210- and n'w laid. 2:11c_ to 22e.
fell !leek_ tit .J1tI_..nymre apparently-
bi*,•breoitie;irt-k flit! -ft,at ALOA-Sit11rrs7N,
in her agony she uttered any cries
they were drowned by the • , ;steady. *heat -Spring. dull; No. 1
SIMIITSAIV. Kin*th"v". 81 -194 -
the clashing of et-alb:xis, bating Gats-rirri. No. 2 l•-hlte..:qc. "to 2;
01 droiss 114t4-7ttie. of 11)0 11115* l, .115tc. Barley and, c•Ye--I-e-•
Arel thus 'her %,esites schatiged.
Olingtrd with those of 'JO?. bilInd "
The atitiluritio tNit ,vglitti of tile of- . 1A.;'171% 1 \I ti'P
fair" and gta1te11 en inve.itigotiun, yrowitatt.1art1a 91 etr:qs,Cit" 01
Tintl,- Isere met wills poinM
t eath doss
that. thew hail !Soso any ere. ',I,;.t.s4a)t,,",1. be7ttisir.k!.1*tose'.110
toStifint either or- ifie living' .0i* the' sae(' .t!o tn
ri kelt_ °
antta itt tor4.1 irs rug)
INbt, bit
or tiiiiiti*: o$*trne fl- fl. 1.1iv4t10 01 olio I'. tj17
t cos- of tlti.,: ,,ovivottent 00-- , 1,o4 qualitY; cii-vm'..5!,
itt „getting at lite stitc;54 %lift:tr., ivbiteaitf21 t 1,43,41,tir4'po, rxte,n
teeth of lite eo., ;Ttleiivituttli1.144t.
.., 1 improf,- ne toof furddiiag.,. verT,
iltt,"6110,1 rrtn. `.!aitr9.-..i'sist4-.'st.4O,d fq 4.-4.'!..•,',thiSt.St.sts lfirh41t trj4t41.
;Privrt*---Tni7Atil5:6112i4i4t: ,-1,Ite-01lti',1?-: ;, ' ttp to thaa7.e'quoiej. (L't11 al iniu.
it* got thzee yeare obiete; Levitt :,4e% at t1,„110,40 VI, gottil it itiNtInvil
tvati, li! s.4,40,14!mid .a. roialt -MO
, ettO a eia41Pk1 Of 4rontmer3 Will $34.rp fd ,
,'• "‘t• to:Tte :11)othlo ill fait. ' ,rtlie.. „Bloc:bort- +:11tere 80,s. a ,1131':-?-,
alt Ito repx.4141.41 AS ttarit‘.„..rnIVIten d' tik;m3;tti .vetttte cr, titg Vit -0,_:4
'tigitio •theit7 'frottott. but ,. 'not" , vt,..it wAe Hl*t, 4e41„t1te lior'reett,..,
PY 'Srate. At'ill- ettethee vritlotf,. of poor 1.'6 mi mit tiSS, great a! '
1 r ' NI rit !.i103...betri 'Or the ,41(51.. . 1 ,,t. 'or 130 1114' tiiinq.,, 1944Vs taor
e4ab�tit, , .Igfter...1013rtilft
foundations. • "
The Italian Govermitent Is s tully
ljvirto-thti necewlit-rtor-se;tton:-Tho-
'Palace of the Doges is 'undergoing •
thorough repair. 8evra1 churches
are bein stroll Mined, andr
mens rfil Oil are being" ,
replactd. A grant of rnonty for thls
purpose s ma e •every year„ a
small contributions aro levied. from
visitors in, this -form of nominal ad-
mission feeswhich make'. a .substrux-
Hal total in the course of a year.
Many--causes-are-sassigned foe -the
state of affairs. in Venice. The most
important is the neglect of the past.
Undeterred by repeated warninp,,,
nothing, was done by the Venetians
to:ensure the -sfety of their histor,le
bulklings until Veliiee was merged
cause1, the action of ilea water OA
hesplaster foundatioes. -'Ibis
as a mixture of lime and sand,
which has been removed by the ton.
tinual oozing of the water. I•:arth-
qeake Shocks. which are frequent in
Venire. have also contributed to
weaken many structures. Undoubted-
ly. the origin of much of the esttr,
can he traced to these successive
shocks. In some quarter& the wash
of steamers on ths Grend Canal has
been eiteti as tbe catke or trouble.
.This a •eunient. however, Le scarcely
worth serious consideration. •
As far as the Chittch of 8t.-Ifirk.
itt concented-tie-ceilte. rtaAtilhete r _
port distinctly state that partial. re- -
storatione ranges:sly undertaken in
the past have Added SO considerably
to tile weiglit of the -buil4ing that
they *have, dortitf *poi. harrit--thatv...;;
'Mete Ica 1ittTe"ittrahr-trail-4hr-ltr-------*74.
titorit len 11411 aet .pronipt tit tito .
szt .0f-St..--"Ntafteu.: It '.telt, ',tit'''.
the church is a .witttos of the Vistore
t'esire. The "city ,was.fotandcd.In
,Near- i121; the larst Tinge Szas el -
In the s -ear 097, tte (In:set of
Mark wag' heguia, in tir*,,to.,ar Sao.
1'fflt 012 this Stater/Si fib ersti •
-a 1w1 destroyellsit' itt Os se:sr
3. The e1*11re11'09 We tno* It was
rat attccr in1tAnj. 111
41 to s ktith.ir 111.41its fanie.--
(94)i� aro e.,:tc.
1 , ere peritiled. 4 1
,. .1,-
u a4ekr.:
, i iti1ileg resit
?Vie is so , s'eryS•Slitist. ,
;:1.:0.:t.'1'"ir sAtIP!')Ils,Yith ths,IA:
lo.4 tc1hrot.-4.-
:' 4 Ir.or......- .0„,,,, ,,,.\
ne ti:ttals;;
11:',:lit, ,.