Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 7iz mozilhs. mud the sitiocka litY ihed..... all that titne,.` a, palaig Vas ati a . ..S.• ,!!"*. ,ea badsone 'alltraY. an4 it-.. nunwet-hrottiiiit--44.tu ,....ee ,i',4 • it It, IdiO:l 0#4# 4041,14 OP4l he ouliL floLt venttlze" - • - - •intestitest•Pont, *ftleate wltb a. atd1es bitt brought : A ..t'„O'Ct.$4' '*.! I,. - oe than, to Secure Asti ookixi pat; and as Oftgeglebtrate their. t. WlILCh'ate twrne-Ott ties esti., 4 InatIX nillei'' 'to APTIt' 84 tlettleattle at ' li*- ar444 friendit may share, ,the o .. yitIrn inr(3f thos ., se, 1flvant• ed :inde,bles *: / Blittlf**0.. • :spates ajul 'Tor . eign., huil Ott; 4'101/ . CrosS' iii. 0 ' her.: rttnintiss -.7attirally„ i. *witted to see it. and tterasile4-ttui • be 1J;htnd gIrJ.,l.„0c_91X,...q,,•fttt-ene,4_, . , . . . a tit -*i 0 s. , , mat fervor astonishes 'one. is horribly afraid of 'the vengennee of the ;S,'$'*Ints,„ and for thie, reas011 the 1 t dr eIotitber sttll-co-eet .old style- • Is a b01101Ter in feiries.AIw -spblts -be -gliardeit het Who May be coaxed in- •gOod humor by little gifts. Ile is eXtrelnelY afraid of *!The rvil :Eve," astd Manyred Weird 'are the. • charms practised' the qb:Jelit averting', its • ' • tS,vifl riever sleep in the dark; sior tvI he 1,1V* 4one Ilits is nervs ogling over -the: bedi-was -a tittles_ tatnts eslylickilifisir "within' he peetmadell to touch it, and silie would ritit belfave the exploitation -of the matter, not even when the res. ,setris; 'Witt of this mark of Mane favor dsheethe-sstatteTsidtr'S',' - Very few work' -men or We are able to readtOducation is back- ward, though -improvingend tizere are few children now who do not' attend sehoelflut we must wait a little for results. They are crying out for a, Coast', tution but they do nest underidend the very meaning of the weed. " Largely owing 'to their ansanitisry • ts u ti increases ve othtt$ to 1ret flrltjurk'. 1ttT Count - Ostia:: tac:tri. !ittioti',;: 0.400•!-01 t,t*::!, •tI*noV nOWt.k.. 'Th.e,' trfl.40.1, Is •t .:' :are' exti•elneW ;hest* and estplerit*:. partleS; halrq' 'neVeis oVenttire,lar frOM the . , „ POO*. - , TraWetilt take their lives -hi their: sJiqra. gf nt1j.. i,llrndL, hitt rarely venture out of panainville. the largest island.. they, sea taltItY Miles away the great Kroft - Prins, RangeeXtending through the centre and rising to 8.000 feet; but hifitstr aire----7seeese ns-- --for ---centertes- no -wit n-itas-ever-ssisitett4 - .catiee the region'. between it and the I ist densely peopled by the most warlike of savages t Carl Ribbe. a German neturaliet, has had the coura,ge to spend • two years, at trading -stations along the alasta. Re has just written a book that brititlee with onformation about e initabilant1. s s•• 4,„ Witbat. livispit able, generous, '"1°•"*.y* ''er-vuer"""'"..i1179"re-er&-41 Russia from thirty-five to forty .114 14.10. Ile. _ILYA rarely work °vev . -eve- de,ye, the weeka. and be •cae.,,," Trer gerit.-Of infauta"pertsk. The Oov. not be depended upon. Employers ernment are trying to Comfort ilia 111pert terrible'ekil, but the people are, so understend that when they -lea atshfring is done front day 01 day mpseTvattve that tile$ • difit- I Was at one time 3sosoow. cult task. ' • 4..agotite44404.,• Unoriginal. Like the people of the 1Vint....1t.he. swim.= islanders. thing given lo-thern. • t any time. his 111*11,.401.'48nOtall ,Wrgeoft in Iii lund, tied% to. thr.. g.g11.14:an , in .the.' SOO o groOW'slui nd'the reatakatter",ot hia life In so itude.: Was._ tired •iirl and •.'9) JIve and alone. _ • ' ,„„iises,*).14-1 .11.**.saslAgst4t4seta. fitt910anil 11uch i1nrcuLents anU lire; "'Pla s Paten ** 0'.$4,5tt, • iiseriti 4(i41. 1a5f; west; 15e to higIter‘ itobe,:45.5010.'$5.70.• for , hrst patents.: .41,9 to. tr',41 tor 'on I Patent's., arid so. for., e?gPOrts. Mmreod-$tI.5O to S14 for brert P a tra,dingsschooner, for lonAY'llaggas 448 for bran exports. Ite ptit his house together in 1880. Barley -46e to 4U. for 416 *Tulin the course of time be had a to 45c for NG $ extra, and 4c for well 'tilled garden. massy" hens and No. 3 maltisig outside, -Toronto unffIer-orir1itl7W1ire1Vite hail rer s Welk , s. itor.a-ttrOj±4w •brought *Ws hhx1 Itye-Easier at1c to 72c*1.sr , -en-wassseitsthat•ststitaide. - • - though his island was uninh,abiteils C01 n-Canad4m hot& firm at die Might ,be visited arty dar. by count- advents% 461c to 47e for yellow. and ,tW delnaItLI eft at .,4. ea ettiVea' 4.1)0'4,e:ring, bit isde_p 34c: to. 0e • .• -am* irttn‘ -an cm -liege bals.•.who Would. doubtless kill him. 451c to 46c for mixed. f.o.b.; Cita- . rie-said he believed the natives weuld tham freights; American firmer. No; respeet-hiswhite hairs anti anyway ese -ed r he WKS not afraid.• . • But his eonlidenre-was mieplaced, fOr he want and eaten. One day C t. E. Pratt, Who had heard ILIg over to Banns vis -Fitt to the• island and found thm at he had come forty- eight' hours too late. • The house had been plundered and it was , easy to identify the spot where the old man' had been killed.. In those days warships 'very seitiom visited the islands. and the murder. 0 3 yr lows ; to It 5e1C on track Toronto': tials--No. 2. 40c to 41c outside. Rolled Oats --Are 20c higher: $4.35 'for cars of hags and $1.60 for Lar- s c es- • e the vegetable and animal life. and •Ltis book. "Zrtvel • jahro tinter den Wanitralen der '..Salomon-Inseln," • is --especially timely.because so little has been written about this archipelago. The! ,had set in. and ectitgs-ef Work.- The Ilussiene are, as a ride, very Ilibbe says that • there is no tnore dangerous trade in the world. than trete!, snot*. When- the chide Sti/ • '471-t-----"e'r---ea1rit/Y •any jenekect nkion Vhey tilroWt down tliett. -toeits d A friend of mine had an English • LoA.DED REVOLVERS in the middleof the street, laY lamp welch went, ont .01 order. She do'etti. tettble them, • brought it to a lamp shop and or- are alwaYa thrlr belts N1WP,NT TO SLEEP? " tiered another. She was told that 11 the trade were not extremely - A) to a it -should bet Made to• , tr.tifitable white Men could not be . Greatly surprised.' I turned .at Owed?, These,men %Atm be hut. came hrone. but Site Could „.not light• therilityge-quanfttic* of -cocoanuts • ci Merely shrugged her .slioUlders Ittlid the re rioter was much am, their conunercial instinct do -es not sas.ing: llsat in the' model eesu tradee if they _catch him off his l',41120 are such fataliets. tome brought us. 1.he screw .did not WOrk g • • nossin_ menti_ and Itaidt_tean_ that_ Nome.. thile_elmsett. and the lamp. induced to live there. The native&. ed .the passing yelticleS.?' it. She took, it- hack .to the shop, 11- • eme:mod: .*Evee so: it iv the wei of prised that site was not satisfied. eep them from killing the ,white ° uard for • a Will 01 Gigi" 11,11VityS their crY. either*" 'Thee sell their eoramoditiei song in comparison with pric*'s. ask- * thittsesses have- the right of admin -et, by other 'Pacific natives who Is mit* corporal punishment on -their. - know the whites better. The trader hasubStaidens. but Indy be lined :ati toaup FOR THE STATES. in the Solomorts buys 100:cocoa- -must as lime- 'roublese(about$2,50). 4. __.., ..s. ..._ _ . .... . titss...for.s. se . plecg_-40---- „,, Skths Worth elteuId - the - girl complain_ to the Are Lo-oiiii ep So e as is does • riot tectarily terrainoto the en- gagement, . Although- the right ex- ls.ts;';it Is very seldom practised, for Russian sirls of that clase are, as a rule very anllabip andgootl-ternper- the mist .re,s6es tinders -tars& them, and ''. are forhearirrg towards- them. In the Russian palaces, no man- - itervant-does --duty-foricoecr-tharf "triitle;lii-zie.lken goes shit for, another w ages max_eeeni loW to seer -ng man ,ti not so poor As many People think. Their standard of coinfort is low; .` eit • visions may be obtained at a very Seeking abandoned farms, which 'hellions disadvantage in 'exchanging nay be used as homesteads for Boer other commodities and 'so the trad- ern continue business relations that exiles, Major-General Piet Van Zey- • are so profitable to thetn. They dry ter is touring the United States, nays the Buffalo Expresspntil the moot of the cectianut under the ' tropical son, turning it' intci copra. itsel where the ell_fis expressed for seal) making and other purposes*. It must be highly exciting to live aftertsthes outhreak of thisqloar war• • sat smith. When the British over- whehned the South African reoute jichiatL.SouAfrraa1kLwent , o Etrzotie..........11021.1Munich,..'Llinine fla a irt ',swims -was appointed the leader of tws=tY "I` "le larger -C4 a- Pear or a 'the Boer patriots in that cite: 1.4aillet. The reekless traders finding "It-°f-thtt--Prc-rill"-trre-tigri"cuiti 11:11-r,firtestbar-mrnttiVsell tem to every one tifield for their work, e -a""alinust-erakh' ists. and in Europe there 1; but lit - they decided 1 who tan praline° the many thousands t; to Come to this cotiOn.v. 31 ior Van :cif r.4"emeutrl.donianded- • tl5"i 11M 1110 iney_lhe hatiLfor • tWeive kn ecs (about 0 cents) a pound of 1.44 ouncesblack bread at 4 a cent, and t peasant lives largely on what is called **kasha," semolina. rye. bar - et; A% tuilk. Amy • SOO IS misc.* largely eaten. In winter trittde Of salted callboylie is also a fish eater, anti fish is cheap and plentiful throughout Russia. Ives genet a Ily-speskities likely inundated -at - -"Because 'Orilie many Germans in ifoscs. • „any times lorssflooils are frequent in the Middle West. 1 LIM trying to se- If a .trader smells mnoke during the St. Peterebtleg. in the floors above cure lands in that section lif the :night he is very careful about stick- •.hltrt The counts. barons,or princes, country. As we were much int- Ing his head out of the door or win- , their , *lees itisd daughters. poverifked by the was inn; oh; dew', for he has learned that it ts Drcsexuakera milliners- may _live liged toe Iltel abandoned- Wine- istier-4 ftriorite-Aelck•-- of -the •-bleclat-tei-rr- t,he flat systemsvres aver. possible- . tr1finista7 t grea po Les s o severe • sun ret 0 t e. 4.R.F-1-tiliu-s-inity be tempted out at doors to see irlit-eliterfully let out -part of their n_ado, and ast-rnanSt- more,. In. In,- nrning.........0.n..stich -0 • .1i0I1S001. • thane and Illinois. For the past they are likelY to be killed by their; Shottld the childrenin the cellai-4 three months 1- have been pursuing unsetob enemies. • '!dits, or their wives get crippled with icy searchIt ie renuirkable that tlte traders thearnatistre, the father says. with "1 hare rereived most excellent rake their wives and children to great Submission: "It la the will of trealmera since coming to itnerica. these islands. Not a few white Gott" • Everybody I have called on in the families) are living along these etnplo,yers prefer Prench or towns end cities have made inc wet- coasts. 'Iles women and children (eizn.tn Wort -people, to whotrt they come. At Wnshineton. ead-no--etree-elivesi.--frie-tfiey ftr4,_ ea.t. 'higher' telt, t The Laud- ')llic ufteut1 gaged rIist.of...thesday- in spreading- ... tussia-n-,-----an-ii • with profit to 1.about my scheme. roceived ever, -iiioanut meat .for drying or helping • themselves. The reason is obvious. i:es_ras•less. The 1;ertnart Antbasstt he awn folk itt many other ways. 'e 1rench or German will *iiite ',dor libsiATed -Mat t u1d int *et hi Mae says notWhit ° ascent* t ere week In end week out. fls. home my heatiquarter4 durine., my is surpassed by the :nun in pluck and an' le incapable of no doing, .tay at the CAPiin1 courage. -.the 7hIs work is tr a. superior to "lly Noyebther 1005. Every woman i't:arries ei-revOs-Fir-ari .thit, of the Orettna.n. that the tioer colonista trill I egin to for the- women sire in as much who are the bed come to this country. In it. few !morn ger as ilte men. Now and then they atir!dir*orkera ,in Europe are Amoy ,1 hope that .py ernantrymen i1I lie 'are ronf.rogited with situations which ee1rit In workehop., ite gen ' PrOSPILTOM- TikenSigranitS if(' Iher requite. •quirk thottar-,ftrid-rtetintr 11AVVVI' birTr-ri ON IVMdoped Ottof ey" Thca Writer_:ztves a number of 15-. brit -ti ro, hobv linen tenrAon9e 3faior Van 'Veilpr fou t ell rstarace .of the courage with which th-i most of the Pelvin,/ for the Mee ramitalans since 1$4t. At't thp wonwn awl even girIS ineet •et-hoes-414nd.- loVrine the rot- 2441"6-11411`114°*t--4)nr'-`6°14'''''ttu""1-. dIttr' -• ----; jfl4ttjlothcr • was. killed in the siege , of One day two traders named Itnee • r(PrpS5 iikaft,SO far Ladvs.tnith' donald of aftastict Island started on,i. Ij" ae peg- ' •tlraitefed WOO firra at $67.15 to $7.315; barnyards $5 to $6.50 and ispt_leimis_4 to . 3.50 to $4,25; oilse4ar_e .stett , .s:t • flog -The run was fairly heavy, -Pekes are quoted unchanged at $6 Per cwt. for selects and $5.70 for lights ar'el fats. FAMOUS BUILDING* IN VE1/1031 brokets lets here sued 40e outside. • Pea.4-s66e to 670 for No, 2 west and east. 'Blickwheat-560.; to 57c 57c east%. and west. • COUNTRY PRODUCE. vrasneVer--Daitd.Htlie7renisity: for, th4r- ".•-• r pros:omen ft t receipts dUrieg . - orile.iimManr.84.0•011.1.1•01.8101.11 has lost nutchrot-ite firm tone Creamery. prints . 2ric to 27c .WIDOW BURNED TO DElkIll •- do irifileirtis: des: 15c to 16c ilo • 4.7c to 18c - _ Belt, .good _ HORR - -,,setrTrira, STILL tholte_.. to 21,3c PRACTISED IN INDIA.. -.4.4) large' z011a ........ 20c to 22c do medium, 18c to 10e rive Men Sentenced to Various large C7a.nof.Irtoilidsc tosttetowidynivaittaljlocb lot Terms of Impr1onzuent • Egies--New laid are quoted un - Despite all efforts of the 'Indian changed at 20e to 21e per dozen. Government to stAttip out the hor; Puled are sbledy and 'quiet at rible practice of burning widows Potatoes -.-Ontario unchanged at alive on the funeral. pyres of their I -66c to 70c on track and 75c' to 80c litnitssialse _ ecintsta. diStriPtil„. _tin/Lout of store. but eastern 5c cheaper Suttee. as the tinaticol titteTetand''85esst ' ' atit.• store- * all the accompanAng cereatonies quo ti prescribed by ancient teaditions. Of steady at's** per ton for No. 1 tun - this a gruesome instance 'has Just othy and $7 for mixed and clover car come to light Width shows. incident- 1018 On teack here, ally. that the atrocioue 'my:Hike, is Baled Straws. -Is offering tairly free 8tH regarded as a pritisewertity act IY. And Is quoted Unchanged at $6. for the heavy restraining hand of Here. ' British authority would probably again become common.. liffOrjkl'IsilEfil, MARKETS. Decay, Thrta.teno. tit- Destroy. the. . Edifices -Other Buildings • • Affected. • The destroying hand of time15 striking., Venice heavily. The ,world RI011.61ed _when- the great Cantp.artila, t-trt,-thCreqUere-ef--tit7--Ma*r:et- *Ing waft it 41 cOrnet-,.--Otthe _old -PA -L- ice of the Prociurators..the Men :next • In, authority to the l)oge •the by.. gone :day's, Venice; in her mourning. • reJoiced that a merciful fate ordain- ed the fall in -that direction. Other- . ttuniding....-mathes..:W01114., _ hare dop irrepar Co of the Pogea Ascii n To the great Church- of St. Mark. Now the experts apRotuted to ex- amine • the condition or St. Mark**, have come to the conclusion that the famous building, the product of Eftt many centuries, is itself in' imminent danger of collapse. Its denies are lis- sUrod and are oitt of position„ its vaults are s'rietdiree to the pressure Of the sea and the weight of the piera YeeMstaiNsAndstlielsissAhass:goldenesss, splendor of 50.000 square feet of -matehlesa-mosalesertainhlingsasul_tlft-•- -- coy are suspected. The building is • leaning over, and its foundatione have sunk., This report le not the • result of panic or 'hasty inspection, It is the result of two y"cars ` diligent loving work by two 40 the greatest • te Manfredi • and Signor .Luigi 14laran- obi. MANY WTI S DECAY. it is -known th-art griikr-• the only . building itt Venice whicl-t-6 in serious danger. In, all parts of seen leaning very much out of the • perpendicular. Some of the.finest of titer-old-polore.111-a"- gilesSitif • e e Zeyler was commissiened to fini e , the very. puns tha`t ttDey have sold, terms for ,the newcomers In the : ekes -241416.4X •' hough-i-t-is-ert-ther-t - 4e' Itt bus -It -beign., an eveei,R1Th 4orrhoure--or-e4ike1y t -o- lurk around' sio I betus6 in. the darkness in the hope that's the fortunes ef Major Van Zeylir. ,nf shooting I.int while asleep. ' Now and. then they are caugirt sPy- fered od farms to us; "The OnVernmesrittinhast chf,; ing around the houses to find tho not think there Is on nit 1n this7-4134ket-C4141t4°11-°1-th"wd-in-ws_ hich" 1 the white man sleeps. 'They are colony at Munich who would accept. • :0 C e 111 e 0 ) Igei 0 gve r which the bed stands for alliapce. to the English, while pilnerp(OT of killing the trader ler they rettirii part of the ;iropei•tV r1r., taken front us during the war. It SHO4TING TVIII0V(111 I iaitardly a fair ,tutrgain. and one 11 the especially dangerous stations beds -every -night rolirid-theti -w e aws ; thou r Brahmin who had held firmly to the faith of his fathers. died in the vil- -Sanehasi trict where the occasional visits of the tax 'collector are the only evi- dencest of -foreign -dotal • tions with w et 0 rn a ntan s are aoquatts ed.- _Ms miattives ruillins1 So _give tprt observance of idl .the core- incinials of his religion, and his widow, apparently, was no -titin to ciffer herself as • ' A SA.CRIPICE. --111nWii-lt I .-Gra a-0as 'are guiet. here and unchanged at 46c for No 2 white. and I5ic for No. 3. .-sprsseteat cots, $5.60 to $5.80: strong bakers'. *5.30. to $5.50; winter •wir,...at pat - mite - 0 tibi- 5.80* SitraIslitseetterg• e 0 ecays any e auto • churches, . besides that al SI. Aferk,, itt tracess_otsthesactitni_ , torts, (J per ton; t ntar o .win er - Wheats .isettn- in- litilks-317- to -$484 itsis_131,9 _to 112i1s_nesuil1ies_424. -$28 per tun, as to quality. Meal -Millers in the wc5.1 are still asking $2.221 per ba and 1.70 for _ • A.rratigetnenls were accordingly Made intrretr-s. Int • 0 it '0 ther of the fix- Rama on spot have been reported at mg and the qaci on. the banks of a • was quiet and prices unchanged t 135 to $1.45 per bag.- • a $. small • river. Some groti staked off in the farm of a • Saint I Andrew's cross, on which the funeral 11413-4i0 1. $9.'U O. 2. $8*25 pyre was, ft; Rt. After the body of 1.6 M741. ek'vcr S7 to V-50 1.11 IIJinan_ititFiven_laitFun!nt_i d ure clovt.r 6 rso to$6.75 vet* t9Itelin inne--tearlilisclitces. primes. $1..40 to $1- 45 pee bush....1. $1,25 -tor $1.27*-ssint ear lots. Provisionssetteave Canadian- short' cut pork,$16.50 to $17.50. light rdtortr-e-uts-. $14,50- to -41% American cut clear fat Initcks. $20;-rointiound ighted SOM.& wheat stalks and after . TG o.itnw4an 1ad Tc a1kito 71e; kettle renderell, 81e to 01e; applig'••,`'h'e i'l'eu9trot;lacc6141-fig to etiIiisr ni IM to .preseribes, to the month of the dead laer batarl" tr) 13e: fresh /tilled Man. This failed to ignite the pyre, !abattoir* hoes. $8.25 to $8.50: heavy however.: Then four Orate -tins, lialk-ifat sows. $5.15 to $5.25; ittiXed tots. $6 to $6.15: selert at $6.25 to $6. - dow-hathett-thes-river - and then, adorned as for It bridal. seated herself , on the pyre alongside of her 'husband's corpse and called upon her scm. Juggernath Misch., to perform his filiaLduty as 4, devout - In 'the' presence of a -vat* tiosfrr.e.7s _trit14.qt the endqttg 0 he the G rand' Ihtehes':1 es' ItOngafinville, leaving their, Nivei02 1 Ittlan croplesod tot d'ilkehters lit them ewlV built ettbitts 'Onto litre Pnloctis for the which *Ses's net .S'ep p101141041 With ad boeli placed- With title Windowa.• A few nightig rt twelVeserassold girl ;11945 Ll4fld ity tellohe Mowing titektegit C. 31d, the tiativt ot the teen -kers) Were .f fess -11I1*ift the little garment 5 , rotibles 'Vora *I* t • Ettiotic.r P‘t o jr Wo 14) continue o ' -tired ti#11 'Wanted 0 hAti saVed threo. to spzInt Mont. , up -on -:,-,-theF fie tot, a ' fbr 11, t' *it A cheerful face an good for an NnIld as pleasant weather !live- ;sin - Wit nate ""t Me l',1 a t Id it of i e over de the lat. lienr: le1oc 11 the ttvd gilia I lc tI t411al. Meek 'ilgures1 livti, few fget front the 'ItOttse 11 iv.' 6•. -jlit.,-..,:igilltita,-th 1 Tto eldrr Id 4ett the 1 , r tftig ' lilac*, riilltaniittg tink .0thivra nitti*Y. , 11011 SOLOT0N•1411tNIIP.11% , „,- kill *tractOrs, tint i*: r itt th'etti if Alit, jorkitorttit 31P,St but not hlt.of ,the rft,W:i.,t4fitte• rtimWaters,,, „00, xp "lotta , ' ,, , , , an 'tl .etonOzfly.. the raftral 374.3U -1. )1 , - ov(e gave it iady , tvo nt14Wffli rif4cripts a:aillst itel- boi,v4...1 0 :,a,,tt 7 ei.:17X4T 113 aft the, Itinglt said ‘ to 10*' tuotlnr to. .4.oep ii bOSt Of *NtOtitS1\g)ti. the i1*ntp-'c C41 a ' tet,tilts ilintfiterit'S -he ,hob,,, filitse aro , ttPtilat thtsgs th:Ftw. ita,e(!o, tut litels made up of tho..o fiii to ,1)1c;Aft:1:d-5,,, 10P1 I Not* lbotilt14 III, (11,1Z*4(.4 t 'Met1 of t11,1t. iteettwls;' PC' Af ttl,*litg" battik*, ishun Mis1r, Dwarka 1Lisir, Ram ,Charan ltrissir and Lnehnwn ge.teftei ars IA tar: country dressed. $7.25 to -the thriss fortn4 peer relatives- of $1'75• Chatentri lilisisireeperfortned the Hu- Cheese-t,atario fall while., Ile to life; colored. 11 -ie; fluebee. 10e mad'. "'his consisted in the burning Or itte4vse 111141 ill° Placing of righted 1°Ititer-Pirtest -*radon. 29e to '30c; chips of wood ithellead been dipped , in melted butter beneath. the 'pYri; 412"--0, Meanwhile. the *Mot*, seemingly /Lb- lat's""ra dai". .21Ze 16 22c; ron but- nt151 Jni41 filnim ectasyt gave no tor. 234 to 24c- sigrx if fea.r. .1ust, before the -flames, -IiTH10 ttri7r: Maa1r'-'31. readied her she. stood tilt and turned, "16. 17c to 171e: 54.4e:et°4* .241c. to to the, setting sunbut inuttediately 210- and n'w laid. 2:11c_ to 22e. fell !leek_ tit .J1tI_..nymre apparently- ' bi*,•breoitie;irt-k flit! -ft,at ALOA-Sit11rrs7N, in her agony she uttered any cries they were drowned by the • , ;steady. *heat -Spring. dull; No. 1 SIMIITSAIV. Kin*th"v". 81 -194 - the clashing of et-alb:xis, bating Gats-rirri. No. 2 l•-hlte..:qc. "to 2; 01 droiss 114t4-7ttie. of 11)0 11115* l, .115tc. Barley and, c•Ye--I-e-• Arel thus 'her %,esites schatiged. Olingtrd with those of 'JO?. bilInd " The atitiluritio tNit ,vglitti of tile of- . 1A.;'171% 1 \I ti'P fair" and gta1te11 en inve.itigotiun, yrowitatt.1art1a 91 etr:qs,Cit" 01 Tintl,- Isere met wills poinM t eath doss 1110 that. thew hail !Soso any ere. ',I,;.t.s4a)t,,",1. be7ttisir.k!.1*tose'.110 toStifint either or- ifie living' .0i* the' sae(' .t!o tn ri kelt_ ° ri antta itt tor4.1 irs rug) INbt, bit or tiiiiiti*: o$*trne fl- fl. 1.1iv4t10 01 olio I'. tj17 t cos- of tlti.,: ,,ovivottent 00-- , 1,o4 qualitY; cii-vm'..5!, etietT itt „getting at lite stitc;54 %lift:tr., ivbiteaitf21 t 1,43,41,tir4'po, rxte,n teeth of lite eo., ;Ttleiivituttli1.144t. .., 1 improf,- ne toof furddiiag.,. verT, iltt,"6110,1 rrtn. `.!aitr9.-..i'sist4-.'st.4O,d fq 4.-4.'!..•,',thiSt.St.sts lfirh41t trj4t41. ;Privrt*---Tni7Atil5:6112i4i4t: ,-1,Ite-01lti',1?-: ;, ' ttp to thaa7.e'quoiej. (L't11 al iniu. it* got thzee yeare obiete; Levitt :,4e% at t1,„110,40 VI, gottil it itiNtInvil tvati, li! s.4,40,14!mid .a. roialt -MO , ettO a eia41Pk1 Of 4rontmer3 Will $34.rp fd , ,'• "‘t• to:Tte :11)othlo ill fait. ' ,rtlie.. „Bloc:bort- +:11tere 80,s. a ,1131':-?-, alt Ito repx.4141.41 AS ttarit‘.„..rnIVIten d' tik;m3;tti .vetttte cr, titg Vit -0,_:4 'tigitio •theit7 'frottott. but ,. 'not" , vt,..it wAe Hl*t, 4e41„t1te lior'reett,.., PY 'Srate. At'ill- ettethee vritlotf,. of poor 1.'6 mi mit tiSS, great a! ' 1 r ' NI rit !.i103...betri 'Or the ,41(51.. . 1 ,,t. 'or 130 1114' tiiinq.,, 1944Vs taor e4ab�tit, , .Igfter...1013rtilft foundations. • " The Italian Govermitent Is s tully ljvirto-thti necewlit-rtor-se;tton:-Tho- 'Palace of the Doges is 'undergoing • thorough repair. 8evra1 churches are bein stroll Mined, andr mens rfil Oil are being" , replactd. A grant of rnonty for thls purpose s ma e •every year„ a small contributions aro levied. from visitors in, this -form of nominal ad- mission feeswhich make'. a .substrux- Hal total in the course of a year. Many--causes-are-sassigned foe -the state of affairs. in Venice. The most important is the neglect of the past. Undeterred by repeated warninp,,, nothing, was done by the Venetians to:ensure the -sfety of their histor,le bulklings until Veliiee was merged sintosibesidngihnnscif.atalysss'Asnettier cause1, the action of ilea water OA hesplaster foundatioes. -'Ibis as a mixture of lime and sand, which has been removed by the ton. tinual oozing of the water. I•:arth- qeake Shocks. which are frequent in Venire. have also contributed to weaken many structures. Undoubted- ly. the origin of much of the esttr, can he traced to these successive shocks. In some quarter& the wash of steamers on ths Grend Canal has been eiteti as tbe catke or trouble. .This a •eunient. however, Le scarcely worth serious consideration. • As far as the Chittch of 8t.-Ifirk. itt concented-tie-ceilte. rtaAtilhete r _ port distinctly state that partial. re- - storatione ranges:sly undertaken in the past have Added SO considerably to tile weiglit of the -buil4ing that they *have, dortitf *poi. harrit--thatv...;; 'Mete Ica 1ittTe"ittrahr-trail-4hr-ltr-------*74. titorit len 11411 aet .pronipt tit tito . szt .0f-St..--"Ntafteu.: It '.telt, ',tit'''. the church is a .witttos of the Vistore t'esire. The "city ,was.fotandcd.In ,Near- i121; the larst Tinge Szas el - d In the s -ear 097, tte (In:set of Mark wag' heguia, in tir*,,to.,ar Sao. 1'fflt 012 this Stater/Si fib ersti • -a 1w1 destroyellsit' itt Os se:sr 3. The e1*11re11'09 We tno* It was rat attccr in1tAnj. 111 ,s,.k3r.k.c4,31;tn,nArz,tear.!xzo•,3go.,,,,,,„,„_, 41 to s ktith.ir 111.41its fanie.-- (94)i� aro e.,:tc. 1 , ere peritiled. 4 1 at ,. .1,- u a4ekr.: , i iti1ileg resit ic:tthe ?Vie is so , s'eryS•Slitist. , ;:1.:0.:t.'1'"ir sAtIP!')Ils,Yith ths,IA: •pt lo.4 tc1hrot.-4.- :' 4 Ir.or......- .0„,,,, ,,,.\ tet'Vt/ ne ti:ttals;; ot••,... 11:',:lit, ,.