Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-16, Page 714. omort,o4ittt „. AY• re night in, "rittestiorte'Ln .bavime 'Made 'tette ' food 4gVid "Later• the ant:Iwo*. Wo nt. Into the Contineetaltogether. n."Sneck had been'drinkinge' 'You did not ego, the OW -00 •gain? • . • Van SACO; WO * cigar 'whit* lie,took from the common rsorb of ' eetee ‘that they give away with: seven tigers for a ehilling. 1 asked no seemed Prett • °Cult- "up. egteinet. Tier* ial sotnething ithout -11* Iatter hftving erlotis. -patterns', and L-11 .guarantee When les looked upagain11.,0 WAS p1aied bim scurvy trlck and ' be o open the °titer, ten." 141.50.1ts in'd that v notAlititight of that"'Chrle eGo lea , "You're 1eaer thtn tor0 ee- and 13,.0.rtior him then IS not pre'tty oiled Vora it, • "flowteouId Van Sneek have got nto eel's berme?" •*tdre. *eked. ow for a feet that Mr. Steel was t at hoots, and Met he closed the or carefulled behind him, whelk be eft the that night.' • Merritt grinned at the simplicity: of be quoUon. It wee not worthy ot he brilliant lady who had so far got lieebetter of him. ' "Letteh-keya are very enrich. alike," en (hrii said. "In.any case you WI4 0 to Moreton, ells, stud ten give a little,. More lnfornrn.tion on the wey,"•" '..".Yati -tad. better'go along Prank" l'Attitner auggeated; „ruiUer lds brPOP34, 'IT Serval)* 'hope now tha the day IS not far distant .when you eatt re - tura' altegothori nt for the Present yottr protetee L augerous. W neatt 'givethat reseal 1 on no Cause for suspicion." "Yea are 4140.4 ht. Prowl; re- plied. And to --to shake hands, now. dad." • • LitUreier put out his band, without . . 9.044' fl s--.0-14114113.," golngto 77e: *hep's Wei; Or maa a gta rarrifirtW"0.'reliatTt top.", • . ;- 7:7 "Doctor," a fashionable "whut do $01 -le Aloetor 'Solemn:1Y reititede 44,10020t ill X Oari say is, that th,". ni_ore,4; woman's) walsk is stinpod.li a' an hourglass the tioOner val. eande•of Ue rite e • . ' thoug,1!..t.". • said' the victim in- dignantly, 'that yeti'veere a Paine leis dentist." am," replied the mailing operator: "I .do not auger 1 nd 111 epen One tiOnrlf Mit Of a the* world weuld have fond ie 411111- IVA lattlit14411,-. cult .utter a Syllable juete'thene • ' X 1_3;4 b it was 210 TLCW.. • _I any chance to- tell -you whet -eke by- A m on 11 . rensqn-to eiay it. low down. en., ., nil Mr. Remen.had •iicen quarrelling 1___ 4_4:10 drivenrt,::t_tvy Ot_krig. brought • a u ' • - -. -- - . ' • .erfiellAn elnlia4i0J,17,i, ete °the,. eLso ti-iit 'tlint, -*7*,'Xre"'ijiiirtnTwatvi-d-aile-ir-iaikz •-,i,-0,-;•wei fiour.. .I4Vank hau ••,..atteloateeer-, e 'NW 1-'•"",,,Fielner7-17: _.elre-:••.et-WItilWeil74 atruCVcjt across Cairiitiie- irtArn-dir- vial thing to, umething, ut 4 ring 4u, the -time.. ection of the neareststation. elate vould perbaps be of the greateet.-, 44:Witat sort of te". ring?" . ' appectrattee of himeelf • in-goretors tante)to er.s."' . • *. ' • ' "That I can't . toll " yen,' Mho. X Wells on the front of a -dog-cart from ttk•nitted hie brows thought- a Amy it was a. ring that. Van 'neCit Oa Costis would have. caused a WM) -, -' , 1 - ad enade."-t- ..--..--- - - I - - .'.. - - da ' ironder.-- o he a- ki ottalk 1.*. 4! -,r.,...., ,8-neek„a .werking... :-....?g-0 • It as mcntLy . an Strode, °welter or anything oftth-it-kiiidf" • , on , ou s thia, i .atud :Ikea, lett hho at lot bet- "Hese ,ono. of the_eleverest • felloits seeere I "Mr. ise W80 Sto)On and on o got sulky weer ..eay refusal ith his lingers -that you ever eawbeton o Van tneOle SubStitUt0d trete letter ter him to 'temp' Give hie.* Ault, of old gold and a fewfor it. The stolen one was returned - •• .1. ones and hell make you a heart to the shop from • which it was pur- od ION rOC011eet ' where et that \will pass fot, -anticoe. Half chased almost immediately, so soon, ,tter was ,Seldrees&-i tor he so-called -,antiques picked up on indeed, that the transaction was of eenese I've forgotten the lee Continent; have, been .feked. by never even entered on the books. WO pUt-was to some writing an Sneek. There was that ring, for Are pretty certain 'Oat ftleginald ite;er, or--" '• itstance, that Ilensou had, supPosed, ilenson did that. and 'we know that . o the rop.erty seme swell .at the bottom of tbe mystery. wanted -nte that- letter, traYi ' as it a po • ,d Ilene di'dtt t see It A Intik tittilietti,r at' las 4t00 nee an answer Cori* ea, . some hour Or --ao later. .. Van ck 'nod to be- greatly pleased Said hi • Wee golagi make' an • el/ening tali- late that ht. tliat would cook liensenew Sneek coPied it for Mtn in a ceMple • uuid44,40144th from id -deb." Chris choked the cry that rose to her lijs. "Shi-liinoril it, 1;410;16, who had dropped hes -glass, and was. tegarding Merritt. -with n 'Mod of. .eretzoti, 1,4tOmer to. speak. 'She had no words of lier own for I the prre. sent.. • ..."Itow, long ago as that?" L4tti- .. 040* Or P*04 *irk brought to ft at mUking tin.1*Prof. E. li. rarrington. 41 .lcOwitt, 100 *111414. MOO' i loose hair and dirt • figs '131a,#zilk PO. This- :ran .be 'entirely_ prevented by brinelibig and; Oa washing and 407 cow's 000 jiist bef.oro. niilk- Ing. In; deities wherl.sanitary mUk that'deen not. *Mir _for aoyeral • dayk. 18 produpOd. Oa' cow's udder Is at ,waiee enti dried. inuolotiintew, lk r then, 11814 it. painful -to think that the Chineso spend 'moro than. ball their eal'flins* in gatebling?" • "Stiliat's•see painful, about that? 'Other Chinese _ eine° „tame heel; goodlesee**Yritil," Irstridr'" did she lorikl". goadletie-e•The other Mitkins-el underetand Preshleigh is laid u Witte .nervous- PretittatiOW," thing- on earth could prostrate that fellow's nerve." tie is 4 MiPtAllter ot ingratitu4e...1' "Yes- Ufa If von a nurse in a hospital* and " after ..she ,had. got him throng, serious illness.' he married her." 'addition of tektlf Ofthen to: mUk, - cream; er.'h/atter In WIstentein is line. bidden'. • „ If 'milk 1$ Welt aerated and there mighty cooled'. It ciai- safely hF in, cans tightly•-toVeredi but when It is not aerated tits covers. etneht not., • to he Put pn. the cans tightly until it is thoecteglily cooled. 'When warns 'milk Is tightly Obverted it . has a 'tendency to develop What is tatted "SMOOTUEIRPD" OB011. .46. great variety, of odors are more or ens Common to •Among. t 'odoxo 4 sitit, '444 l'ams. into a covered a)ilic. odere. The feed odors cente • pail provided vliih only from. musty- or dereaYed 'leek Pasture °pealing' in the cover to .m/be Awe"' weeds wild onions, 'turnips, TAO* • Careful work of thhs. king neerteets the,: xrdik .from Many Impurities and _410 teadiagm.ar_saam„„i trot-- necessarily contareinkte tbe is thaXact that silage is being geeStantte teCto, esese thet asst. eitlein-i- SOW ,of firielat prlccd milk in the country and that wh. eli is Much sought for by hot:Tails bee causer of, Its purity and its whole some. flavor°. The obJectio Ithiernajority-ofasea-tontriefeo. poorly ventilated stables. wilL absorb the OW .odoe if it is Pre.' Sent in the barn, and for 04e son it is necessary to' have the 0110 closed except when ONO isbig taken 'from it at feeding time. . 'All tlio••Wagto silage-, that is not (*too by 'the cows pluinitt be reeMoired and not lett in the mangers or under •the cows for'. bedding. When. this ite. alloWe et.d.Liett ,o orthat t- '''.'-siiiAi-464.7"i0.01---i137 oink ute-iitilloner, -Ti*e however, will COMO from Silage t nemeses Jo consumer's desire tor- triore milk when he knows that such reetiutioreT:itWe -If" • purities getting- intothe milk. Many to drink lr they: felt .0 greater -cone- dente, in ..the purity the than ther'nolv have. Titolr knowledge in general way .of,t1te barn Conditions' Arbere many. cows are milked, he not. Some. experiments made by £'roles - so Beach in • Ceorteaticut . showed• that the amount Rtt dirt found ill milk when covered pails are, used ,at thete WAS about one-third; .,as modal as Was toned when milking. was done in an emelt: pail, the milk, pail toyer exeluded ,stxty-three per ...•, cent; and, tile etritiner heed after mllking.less than fertyeeeve4 . per sitrate-"You ' aro b and over gent. of .the dirt feud in the milk F-reet , , • and to P.retrYe our getting the cape . r, prvian-er eed, — • .• 0 go a - "Then. Ot pity the fust furrieee Bloody „ milk: and that from un-., .er. 'The case Must he beyond our 1,• ;decline . to b. :neve .that it was se mere coincidence thet•tookeaestranger , bite. Lereldiarre directly after tieneon had been there to look at samo. gun-metal tiger- CaS63 SU in (114010404, The ,strauxer purchased the. ease, and asked for it met s • he.alt.by. cows:ought not trete used at *hell the barn is Jet,ean and voile _ - :15:irif a "Were 'Yoe moved by; her mistier the diseaeed Iwo! 01" 4 eoW eased a ttliikuo,... • • • .. yes; it amounterleter- that X pia loss of about Z.1 'per day at Tnru4 lpand rave, Imo e480. be red we shouldhalf° kePt....the limo* lo r 'thee"' fact(Or- Itartreutt• Alva4. 4. 'Without • .tranernittiege tirele another year it it hadn't been .for located" bY l'uotua •ut It° sc"" teristic odar. to the milk It fed atter • her," curd test and when the milk- of this - to be sent to the refetrepole to 'Joint ' With the hundreds a let, y about it,: said -he had told on-pluntp_ste.d_plalet, g ter do. and that he was not teL-of_itsuson or any meth breath- ly1111111,1,1. avid- Steel toM4 ur- iter Snack, whiett had been- -est,or,v-,....Xr-ie-sse: latter had been Writterffneat beitriseely-.ttr-thi-mitte•-g • lia4 just retluded•to, but., hly not wrIttiir "—Vitt-8fee4. then. e'About seven yea*', spooking ,from. ' e' • nexe„ were two et:111)1,6 made -un 1n dmerintio * a thful. ere .were three copies, but I forget now. Van %neck raved over the ring: It%iitiglit. have ,beert a mine et gold foie th, 'fires he made over Littimer asked' no turther ques- tions. But from • the eerie° he gaVo -,,,,W7W-"mttolii.7.--Wilrerilleetite'•':-"Ier- thee Oil could nee . that he- Ives atit e nor!• a .as , e had done hie lien a -grave injustireee he knew the truth,. It neented to er,„lent - wo elfriost impossible to trace the. tits° - --i-eaVeeeearea_.might, help ,von?" "They bee as far as they . can, The cigar -case was sold to a, tell ---aleyond-that-iteite-41ppiee ,eible to go." , * 4,, ned on lifer.' - sick Co* ,verts Impt.„ out the quality O. „title, at first • I Mr fthinkeine-'s hero I %der ' men- thetcheeee made et the factory wns The • objektionable flavors in ntilic -fig6 7,- --Van oeg - s .-- . - _ ._,...„-...-- -, s'or 4.„-- ,. hotee---e e=efrotree----tb, • ' -', . and _dlareetnts_Insure'de"----------Vher-Bceer°P$478--Ter-4111,e ?,catt-al-01-fr'Pe , . Musty:feed, pasture wee s. garlic . ' 8' --T.-- . the_..40trag_Alap_. who j. gilic 'otight 'not, to be lased until -1,.4,,ud 4Thfonst _ tire_not_,,go__,..4sii3). . got._ plate -glass iesimnee department -is some -eix *diFiys alter raving -Ana ten rid at as tee silago all,ar , and .. "Pbe man tbat1 marry," oho said, "must be one who always thinks be. - might .have.--treleere<anore the gentlentiet....ltutter%":: seettitte'4. 'being -sr -ittrialWee sh,ff1tn. ,ItAtaiteLlitatt-Mand tend It belottged to art friend of "I want • oti to try and bliy ft for me.. r sa qu e y, flutter** wee reaehed ,soe authorities' prefer aLot, io cb,ailred up If; for thirty 'dap, before eaivingThe eofirtysiplobusilrtithoorzitIcedueo, er Its.*In 6.11117'COntag101101118- teroolteit to. a r1*1 oxten€ ease ought f4t0 1fl or, an o milk ler 'Others, and every,: 'milker by- aeration - * but ' ' reeention Is. eters. Snd gle altitt intd been ahrielf. al- eit'.41011' 001 i -4("t1OIEC gtrAt.1°11.aueat.,-.W ' his- te-.1iiio_ee ke'tiiiiii;:ta Milk; ' hit!"'0,'"4r-ecurViar,_1/niciv---itases; -.X. ' ' ' , rep .. - 1 •-14CF. , m tin 4 ways Milk with.. dry" hande. ' Tiitze. -the-nlie .Outeoretuebeeplates,..a, t to be ee - .. re44144.41.0thbot,. . 'tninirtzti- lftr‘a*---yon;*!:----. etee'-.40t.eV;14011trin*W.'-exp-T12-kr ..it.f.ii-11:-Ii/M11--/-4*-444-- lifeekly Yes, were' going wive. Swamphurst.'!' the t .re yeti/ 'di., t •with _ . ter -some eiretimineries •the tiger. 0 • -4 „ have tad her;: -Of. hard: but the gleam in them was for :rate was apprortehed. Merritt tools ut. nobody else. Tthe man who had done him this ter- it up. twrtet 4, ,e,ell.eteetea air of as- lrenson had started on, rible enjury. , " tonirthment. „e ... --,_ eleMPleign, witha, eioten! "I l'aveY ;We are were:tering from, "Why, this must have belonged to Prob•ably One Of, the sub*t," Chris said, with. corns __.old_trItno, ii„....,..144,._ggeiopli*, ol'icitoPlikt br - --titftriclitantlahle---isteatiliii3W'o'icrfilftrogiVo , • Jo 1at Nee to. tell .you.1"..toe meth, but you cngaged can lie4r„.;;Ine--ii.-little‘ 'rartliee 'Oat the 'e letter srayt.:: •Aritat tigitro‘se. you saw. In. Vati ton .10004 to eeceptod Ilention. 3y him, or4 by sottiettody:Ite not newr tant-reePlid We purchased it from a gentleman who stayed or ee ds y or two,here - a the Lion, * friend of Mr4 11100k ald 'Henson." '"A tall man?" said literritti, tentie JI . "Long, thin bea,r4 snd ebni ar esteelli to %sere tbe that.,atually brought Van .pregiont to Ur. Steal. stire-'01.1ba'tt' ti -nt1mn to Steels being on the nIght tion has totted 114i.„ .fettiei great' mpit ,t04 isa o :purchase ,leitileent-nre. liftmen heti deet trouble."arscory • by the -somewhat into- "Sectin A* Van Snedk tound +the,:',pviiinsse was made 1 oink *hat he was &lag halt dead in.J1fr. iiiteere:lionee,, and (verge, nad togttlielie atilt and queer companion 'left the Shop; • ."1"late1iri5 le an Art*1144' *wind of -the 'smartest Merritt. (411 yolk got hint itt entiltor rn Em • , - What be strut lieruetto were doing In Ainerira-soino-yearo-ago.••, lit this little game for retain, • Uut • r$011ought to trace hint by snaeans• of ' tho Lion people. Oh, , tidy Idierritt *lipped beck into an mntry admired that las piece you played prOfeesor, "immensely. It had • 14,4sd. of Wild freedom sthoot it that just suited inc. Was it a earteposle troll o onrown1 athirarrf. , .:•47,ifilttle;-:00. ,.-along. the 'istroot. dgtrk iunk of:kat* in 1 titcr 1140i the, , „. CAItt le' Vrifil '• immediate' after ittilking strain the mill; .through • four . avows 0 - c eese clotn- ,or r--it're---o• see. straining ought, to be tionet outside thestable and not behind the covers.. - As soon as etrainea, Cool the Mille quickly' to near rift degrees le. Sud- den goolleg • helps to preserve the ille•-esorlegiveteerit-4--xerFeacceptable flavor under !torrent' CenditiOnS. Fait- ure to rfenil at once after Ordlking is the tattep of a. great, deal, of sour milk. Never mix warrit cold, milk, but trier both befOre .vaixtrigi them; Werni milk will absorb odors p.. , • , growth and developmetit or is_ebeckALIevieviee w.,,e;..,,,,Thr,Lutilk at 4_ Iow temperature. , lionte sort , of Aeration is It benetidiaFto either milk or ereetin. 11 helps the ilavpr • of those. p.roducts .and .1( the aerator Is thoroughly aka' 'no haiiii Cien",icorne from mix- ing' intik with Pure air,. - !The *tree uir,Laicod,ityetitattigirk ,tion :nest be done In 0 eleart Placer free freitor. it -0 dre-and dustaka thrng tat,catf take. ispro„folog :or Milk .0Ver. so ittutit tette Mee -we 1$ necessary with many terse tOrs subjects. it. to tiny' .ettataniiiia:, :tion which the .stirroundine. air 'atilt • tuft). oftAr.tWattit:.iir,110r10* fced odors from The nillkstrictit jS sy owing of .chilling it *intin after ,teiikingE, tion now in . 11t*4e soniee , rive, 'those whieli spread, the milk 'ea in thin tiho..iets, as it, ito*s orer -aurfate or diviiica', the milk ny flee .etrearne' ste..• it_peese tirou Ahern. 'Setorttl, it aerittion jq obtitireei thi through. a ,,gapatutor. reem and toilk are,miltett to geiher calve from tho orp4e.. *tor hy tmiiing the, tfOotiiii. of ;the separotnr so that the skim tuilk aini• cr&am wilt'00*. .-gettitt darted Ova* itog h1ni •6 seit intos lokrAirt15 •rtte dark with passiont -the' alt-.eitase's $tyr,ip f Linseed arid Tut, ,fitood out Ton bis 'forehead -like torils. **nt7n0 ,Ottliit 110411141' for all forivoi tko Aurirlod-...."r`Alie • ma* old, of 'colds' *tad I • think tlist if isifirk cur! 1,Nt- Orrn. itith hitt*. $tt, '1* t uso it for their titti3O- ran *onl.v tau* the 4444 4t .the nost ones it woold 'save Iota of worry gold 4ttnction I'll be 1..otalon *is t And, it prornpt and .ihour And VII go *Iowa, to.Thighto, ertettl. have to; foot ,itell-the 'thrift -, vitingosit boys onve 1 Of there, 1m)11; to Strut- .' Whotiping, tough. title winter; and we;:tiegivald' 1toa8,00., A „huncirea paw nill ennid et ?retitle 1 oet • slim to i 'on with. „Yrapt When cants of -intik are draw an distance te a :railroad station or tO a ...factory ithey should 1* Covered sti p eituves franr-de$ • well as from beat and cold, -If skim milk is rettrtned,"' In the tans to the firn1s suck mill; should he entetied �ttt Of the owe so ,troort. 4$ they roes* tthe fano, berause.of sour odor from -cane it the slate/milk lit allowed to: stand in them. until It bee00100, sourWeelting the •cenet*- *1 the ereamene end returning them enipt$t to the farmers is ate tie pratite. ',tut 1*110/14- many tauter% of fitilureS to cnake, but- IttitCPS i1ESSZN6 New Arrangements for Travelling 4 toZur0i4lea, The wearers of the.Silver- houndeethe leireeir trze83'eng0es. lneerterioter and important pci •who flit -from toiulan to The cspi- tais of the wOrld •with clOS-Pataie*to- ve held -their journeYe revnod, *lays' tqlotiritlit)tonverilltra3YriiitigstoTt.ho•contirie.. ethey,:erert,.. use Now Verisele from their I be -by way' t ,Desinitehes. for. the 'Prowl*. inc- t7opo will trittiel, lile eirditta tee:Boyer" whereRtheY"' war met An Aft/t101 from Alit Iiritish „ :Paris, and taken on. Ingtond rkf the Vali* toutok, the t hal.beeo 4• 1.y. MI leit teotA tlie )20trtslith6V0pro*Iriel;r• (*net tftvosis the "'took ot It0l1s,10),511-6wiek Lo - catitoraipop1e„,*04 (hi nos 4p. lttcrpd,i1rr,h1i,1thrrr1 11l only lkrlin :iftl!.74*.t.trs1%lk CII1I8 (1051 h nity,ssou,e Ort• r vitt t, '0 dell no r*roront To, lisiltations4 the, ure of hi tog i atom • he ot I Third. a reltaln, o on may bebt*1nd by n ' the milk or I wlth • hantriki .c,ftvr , .1 LUc