Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-16, Page 3a• • SI • . " e ,a _• th nd Frzn,Eirn atiatei no*evil. Th DI aztd bolter in Am ithould ore not ivnbno us with IfIlight 140-N1t1%.A-w+,..3-1111(1. who. is *Med or l'ua fatber cannottruly love biro, ami love go hand in -the Lordthy requlre or thee but, to fest Oita •asid-to•love •'It • 1440.01 OF GOD ill cause us to eschew sin And in- qoyeof GOd will inspi 'ardent desire to do perform acts of riglites indispensably neces- sa• ry Us and for our Obit; to be the -two sub.. VI?, tear and love • sd.'„ ofueutt Which cells euteeS1 Sinn ,end substanee of true religion, is productive incal- culabtn aceideitio eellti PiVesede`that of secular educa- tion. "Thebeginning ol wisdom is For, while secular 'enhance- our soclal and matcnal-weltaterlettr,iltd--Iover of A will improve our nearal $ttndard and'frintibre .0 to 'become holy and ursobil. *Mile secular education has a ten- dency to stimulate us In our, world- ly 141r:snits and in our greediness, after -of -wealth, at And -love of ..God are celculated 1 _I •s1....nbUe les With., contentmentand eheerfulness, which aro the Wei re - (*Walter; of • 3 11, ular rVi; ; ,40 1fortu, 110.;,0, u.c:*witit '411-4 411 o•oWi4i*"4.11 . , is foefora'.4-grrovpus.:errop:,t4.attaeh' ro importinee. te. 4041 Cdzien es 4 t?,sed. Visit t t Olson* 'n, ou will iiost OVAlitelinnetete-- gcegraphy, utntheluatics, nato ences, 4c., yket- their education dld not prevent the* from•faliing a prey of- individuals Who l'cieremit trelf-de- etruction. Itfott of them were • en- dowed with tfecular education, but it floes not restrain them from the heinous Crime' ot*robbleg thenitielv of lifeSethe most precious gift that heaven bestowed on then). If, however, the tenets, of. true ro- ligion have been imulcated in our soul' and have impressed us with a knowledge of God's- Orfinipotence and greatness. Of Ilie initesettliable good- ness and benevolence,. of Tha affabla„ '•;i• .Ttre, ' • , 7,04' , • ioua Ivitr#1,40. 0 0 1,C* W;IstrOir•-.' -r.914 ;,t'aiiOusee**" 'of. tivq• ifs et tha Vinionn. raps �t meat'left. Clear the betith,- of fit. Wesson, -and add the yolks of six or eight eggs. wefl beaten.. Coo.k. tho -egg and We' stirring all the time until tbe - turfs, thickens likea thin boiled cus- tard. *rve In bouillon cups. This Is called chicken sasnbayon. 'Cream -eel liteehteonsie-sestirke - ,crears sauce with oee .0 teblespoonful of flour end one of buttet; melt to- gether and dilute with half a pint" of origin:4. odd a pint of smelt mush- rooms, peeled, season, stew in U, double, boiler for five .minutes aud serve in canes of puff paste ••ot ed bread:. - •• o0,1 'W ti requitre w o water :,*iterwar h "St tafentrporekilte. °J41 I• 1014, Vp , 11 ; * re .o. , , eh . ''.t is ... ::r.' 'eu cli - * `' 4 . . ni ,W00)1 a rine. 1Uns . 6weli 1:11'1341„,..S1C5*.iiiadtt 10 s* On . '''''lliirjtycerizze., the , eilMi. iiitig-- -- "- and - " Salves -Take ftSfir c of almond oil, two ounces pre- eittee-qoAtrtere ti. and ten drops of otto of roses; steep A small quarttity of kanet root in the oil and b fore using. met the suet, wax, and sPernissee.tis-togethers --thert-sedds the oil eteel otto of roses. CO)Or with a few...drop* of carmine if liked,; TEOi;jaitITINFASS. Ugh possessed of the. highest; GI1A.CItstIS DIIIMANG$ with vs, fitsr Children, we skull then feat and love Him and out Wes and demeanor will be holy- and esenip Our secular education will then be instrumental in attaining such ends •' _heighten out rm./Armee_ and feaute-our..love.....toWard, our, Heav- enly Father. In time of misfortune firmly believe * thRt event affliction Which' testnes upon us from Him, is a blessing -in disguise. And in, time of prosperity we shall not be puffed up ,with vanity and -empty -prider-for we 'Oa, all -±hel-ebbscicens of the fact that our possessions emanate from Min Who ha e appointed us as stewards Pee them not exclugive- ly and oafishly only for ourselves, but principally for the promotion Of godliness," holineett and humanity. A _ "Whet good hoyet." he said. "And 'to -morrow, wbet-i-wit-go-oiits • • -4 0 • • * • • • • • * Wow, En 'was tc.-Weatituni ettow-man! and Carl .and Bta) "lad worked an Ir 5pees. forenoon. Ile stood - o the 'parlor window with.'his ....ssLtAft!that , tee •,• • the Middle Of the '1 Wer -pane. ad•no-bands or feet, for the boys were only very lIttle boys. And hands and feet are •'hard stifeite; but he had ears and A , 444ferit-4•Atite--00$0.41041,moutats-itti b -11 c k eyes. These eyes were t "the soMe. size. bzwaitife'llob.Sysat. tWiefi to the Cellar for coal to make --rtrshr*ftlfrtird''''atrArt ara es boys, he forgot, how large tho - was when -he went -for the, _ at 1 - Is estes back agaite so he can SCO us theri."- " _ sidd ,and ,feeysellsedelssecetellideht 'as .sevirent off to -W. - Foe many-daYs After they rnoVed biz* eye* littek and fotth each day, so that bp, should neVet be lonely aby" more, A•fe was 'Yet* happz, was the snow- jjnn tlAhod by .the parlor win- dow till the sun grew so warnt that -7Tsegansto 'melt" szelleierone40; When the boys were in at teeth. his black (ryes fell, out for the last time. And before he sank down into a heap of entre "They are geed boys,' said the_snew-mari,"very.,.‘geod boys, ars tYflri Iry an Irv** Wile3 V017 ham. As hiniseit growing, bit by hit. • • • • • Don't talk too much, and try to incy something worth while brcrin societyrth-aii.„ het _ or She, Who, talks. incessantly. Others beside one's self heyeAdeas - to -ad-Vance: lobe . for f to look ton, en liejd ---was at lea lin- fshd lei te01-d-tesesit srOmettto sliiine-thetethere.eseseesleverssuch, •beeutifill 'yard as*hisi, nor three isuch. 'thae goy* Anywhete and •Caroad Bob.l --tiltt-hat--tttritis-bord mad then tried to knock it Off, Which -7ndtr&sg1ettelthe ilureW4mittr-but ',bs bore It verygood-naturedly be- '0Ould" not . help ..hienitelf. eny- way, and litiglit'ait well be good - *Steered over what One cannot help. "rift had made a very =ill- 4-4,61---iwit-' Or littiV-ATIdlifte-Cafiffitt Oro** when one has to smite. eoetans-seritigOod-b0 " 0044 "and if they like to **balls At .mfb, it must btt • And When the boYa went. A tench he Was very loneeome. So 11. Watched the sparrows- hunt In the *new for crumbs; and lie es* .* little,. dog come running up, the • street barking.for vtly joy. "It must -41„----theertut--worldt" ?laid he, the ;Walar terse 1 •• siternoon *Wyly passed. 'Ifs could hear Will and Carl and Bob at, lay In the parlor_ behhid,_hilai. and: bo WaJ, veiry lonely. The 111.01 shote hiM. And a tr ttickled sys, -They listve forgotten - ***he *aid. tiobbie Chi:yard- rtiSt-theri-to lost Mitten.; anil he Sri* the teax-. Being advorsf tittle boy, )i* Ufld&ttOOtI he *aid, running up to pat h can't •sets in the round, triii 8Uh ting, tthe dog was gone, even fro**, had iloWn, away. it ouId .SOon hit'fiartt:,` Ote.msn 11 41,00# *ITO hi*was C011ift. littie boy ran and caillNl Wilt 0,11 1' and 1., to 0 •i 4-0 relettss-2 -s flute and half a desert other cream candies can be made without lire, or dialing- dish; and Sh are satisfactory things to make en„thoee times when 'hosTet ,sersreiteressetresire-a-st revolt against the invasion di 'sweet - making parties. Confectioners' egar4ssiteatete-intostIM-„heeXells,FAVA. Stiff.creamy mass that can be molded into -Just--shefo You seep stirring put. in a few drops of vanilla and give it all a vigorous Islet Stir. Then mold between your lingers into small round halls and ett Theunbroken 'Ea f of the keg- *Ica- oriiii-'7Erati walnut on each side. For the 'youngsters form a Lit into sweet potato shape and son it in ground cinnamon. Part of your cream try be taken out be- fore the VahOtt, is dropped in; and a few drops of oil' of peppermint 'Worked in; the soft creams being cut out in odd little shapes. either with this tiny tin cutters the_slioes_shesv or by a " pointed knife delicately 41 cat.149 Nut or \Fruit • Fu Boil two cups of sugar, one of water, and as, slpoonine tmtters_.tqgether. • a &tip fashion. but, .,Wer-bilkire'yote peer it 'oets, stir:ins a cupful at 1ne- ly elsopped nut, kernels, .preferably •6, sr nuts or.wstinets ar perhaps a little 01everykind. „ Thin pour out. -and Or, for fruit 'fudge. ppur in chopped candied. fruits bot_the. note_ma It • eevveaseve.rovrer..+701*.v.e....."......... BAY SCHOOL • INTERNATI01qAt ZESS0N, 31.WL. • 4.44444 Lesion' XII. Healing of the Ilan Born Mad. Golden, Text, john ix., 5. slniracles "- -nutpifeetly enaeted paisible; its 'spiritual import nw*mietelysrspesiiissasidessall--other Mugs, and it- seems well to di- vide it according -to ,Its spiritual teachings. • I: Sin and Sciesice (verses' 1, 2). Virr story is Of a man born blind; by the 'Wayside (verse 8). The lute:rest ;of the ,dis- ciples in hint was not philtettlaeopic, but philosophio-eauttlogous to the in- terest of modern scierieS in the out- cast arid the "szibisier 'rho question concerning the origin et going conversation ntuot-firive taken least a part of the fore - this particular evil is not so hearing at cal as at first it sounde. What, alter ell,. is the Justification of hu. Place - man suffering? 'ate problem presses Clay of the spittle, and anointed's- liot par dkatel WW1. 010i13 t lntnt (Veckh 10 °;bat 'Oda was on the .Sabbeth„,tieenux to ftuit watt uOt on the -1;vamo d*y with tht ,e1Seetis prevI frenii' tb .11'14/001 r h rs .?re uftei vi iome...40tOt '•;;If •s upon_• fer• r. •ff Of, TbTdWnfl his parenta.--Werds---which! must not being eenderntood ma 'denythe sinful - nese either of the 1110,1‘ himself or of get strongly the belief' implied tit el (location of the iliscipleft-(eorep. Luke ,citl 1-5). 0.tint ()e was born blind) that' bia scaing__ thu Imre waff'ithdnly pertnitted since. 'thereby 00d's great- er purposes, both tend:ling this man i.hinuielf and others, ,could not, be hindered. but would in the provi, •dence•of God be only 1 urthered, Works of God --That which' God performs or does. - ads noinifeet in hins--bod is oet 00.--AtUthowNoPesz,ttlaisumforzes:-Jiut; Ho permits evil, always controlling the zone so that to the observing and thottglafor hiS-Iforier;•gondness; and glery are thereby made the more manifest. • 4. We -Or ."11„," as ha the Xing . - James Ver31024 the reading varying different ancient iminuscripts.. wroi.k. • -111,m4bat-sco. ,trtno+4Sattt-traat us, the Father fiends the Son, but it is the Son who in turn 'mods tber dirt5.1PWhiejle.n , . tirs'h) t of the world - Literally, - whensoever, or at the time-wherestlie -meaning- of -the-whisiee sentence being, "My presence in the world it all. times brings light to thts world." 6. When he bad thus spokene-AP- pareatly Jesus had paused. upon gee- ing. the blind mast, 'within whose t••• 0 V Ing the origin and CO1100qUOY0X13 of vIce and squalor have risen as high as'modern scholan0S4e An obtain- -detselaees...been_claseiiied organization socieffe-s examined- by sociologists, Political economistsoold psychologists. This " The questien aliould be _ • more and more. But learning witakstusareeseastted-upon-4t-ses- ,cept the study is mite° a first step _ _ _ esmapathetic.relietor_s tbe-Maii- &WW1* CahdY. fering. A Meat Me 'With -Potato cIIISt 11 $in and the Saviour (verses Take a piece elf cold roast bed or 84). . • veal and chop line about a coffee Out Lord iesnot to be understood cupful after removing all the fat as stating that either this ntan or s take five goodeeized Pee his parents weresinless, nor that tatoespare and bolt zCdfle4 'neither this man mit his paretitaltad h a* you would for mete/led PO- ontributed tI resent sad cone 0 h s p oes....__After.....,yon...hals_n_bed the Am.:,...bet_shatitsieern a.,,oltilo- patatties: eferdir -trot wine a for Art p-iisiit 4/5 view- nth "mums until very *fluffy. Drain a 7can of to might :have their value*, from 010 inateee Of a -cup 'or the litelore wiz& I PoInt't or View Of the God OF -slew. was o careful.,...not_tgetc...0lli..10:1*; ,imato-juiee-tegether. end Pu • ' " ion finet stir -meat; onion, and ito- blind !ithat the works of Mid should ed metomatoes.chop* ' small nbe -made blessed and happy , Tie . -- • a . eXistedstrismilietry_to re . h • . made..riettileirlirli irif.r-71-einTs offa;11-fe - ers. Viifirvate e low, well-modulate- ece, enti avoid excitability Tit • peech-and-mannet.- '-Don't he. egotistical over, any tin - usual *talent you may Possess, and nevetr_ceilt-the-attention_of _others, Irtitir-IttlinAiiir.--06Mtiti Is .itti own standard-bearer and toelf-Pralee - Don't be foolish enough to. repeat comp:intents others have paid you. It is 'a sive' sign of self -vanity and friVoloure mime s Don't be eloven in your drese. To •': efeletrooW'Properifteeirtlirra0 and the gentlemen, end is theoi gra.. schinthendsaltut-to_a_ - um entering society or business. - .DON'TS *IV GI11,144. n't he Trude to*ard your bre- thers. IloYs* feelings are as senor; tive as girls'. Don't' fierget that you owa this saltier respett and-obedieneetO- father that you do tee your mother. Often the rightful head of the'house Is aimed at the foot through sheer thoughtteserzess on the part .of his pon't forget 'that it IS 15 most caste the father who devotes his *lila in Work sotd• Worry to provide . for hit fainilY, and tuck he he deserve& Don't have •secirete from your *ne- ther. 'Remember that she *AS' . a irlsonee 1ik youreelf, and that she Will prove' the most sympathetic con (Want , , the woridlor she held* your hippiness and welfare at heart. *nit LA,,gotmors or INfitA Among 4he l4S distinct languages . • it India ira1ing' „-,or /time an, in, their toPIOUSnitlet agatod b, 0 1 1 PO, - n 0 u ld of, oth .1" oven. • Serve hot in the . 'Oyster -osetters. Yolks of_ four eiprs, two tablespoon - leis of flutter, two tablespoonfuls cef parsley4 one -halt pitit of milk, tine - halt: pint_ oli. eyster....-JicortAf tour timotptionfids' of ttottr, spelt and ray - 01)110 to taste. Strain the lysoo thriiner rirti and wmh /and pet the oysters in a taUcepi with gime of the liqttetr; set, on.* Are and stir for five minutes,. TeX Man' the fire, drain.. and choP\ VerSe fine. . Put milk end liquor- into a eauie-Oair-IIoslir-as-lirbe'tteie toe settler and stir in ,the.,milk. add the yolks of- the eggs. Cook one minute- _Take from _the fire; Mill PureleY. salt and pepper, and when cool set ilium lea, or- n a very told place to stiffen. 'Do this' several hours before you wish to cook theoi. Form 'into ertifprettes with -flouted hands, 'pater whichroll, fitstAn the yolk esegt wh-th has bet ad - 4d dOr a, tablespoonfeI of cold water. - then in • craelotr ditst, and fry in bailing cottoterol. brairt in a hot tollander nod oet*e rd. once. Cream Bhine llatige,--rtwo,-ett 01 sweet deem, 0rie-half itionte. • 01 gelatine, Soaked in A Very 1ittl Old water ane hour., on -half, o ul - extract of bitter- -almond one. glaze of White Wine. Ileat the, (-roam: to bpilioes ,ivratt edesnot pineh Of tioda'tstir lit the, gelatine and 1, *tiny, t11,10,,, sego'. anti as kohit $13, they'are take (ram the tire, ,m• inute, ar, whst 12 better, efunit lit cIaiIv • syllabub chum mita' very light itaYor and add by degrees thelti .rocing" it weTh. rut into molds i' with cold **tor., EI1N'l3 FOR Tl 1 -W'works o but while God is aLw ve.in the 'tbfxe Is a Ulla to the Saviour's physical presence here: "The night eerfietii.whert no ritan Can work." To the disciples' question Jesus spends, "Solong as I am in the' world..1., am, its light."1 To trace, these „two- r marks brings a 'long euccession af suggestions. , The. incidental .feateres of the mite *de are of valise inigniding ue in our Work for the selvatiotr .-ofssotilse Jews did not ,ift1se mestere was willing to would be effeldtfte on, the nosn'a erne- ouis_.,tm4 lierthi18 sensibilities evreethough there was no vittUe thems-----lIa__teltelaits such means would compel the inliti;seseelesbetote the cure wits performed, to recognize that ecilisething was being done. Ile selected enteh moos -as involved ef- fort and obedience on the Part of :the man. • It Was while- hewas yet that he thi pool of .i=lilosse. Divine Power. made all these personal *Weevers effKtiveit in hie tore. . 111. The einistiarei ireettimony treses ' . Scientiits: . and Christians' ere not the only pexpkt ititied tle r ,Alarge- part t idik4W431)0.18•43.'4 ehro Ito*. *hd degradation titerYhotlY itt.interestfr • like the .distivil the *trieigh -,ft". of verse thtsa do.Satelt queries.. ' •s hit4", nor the news \ ot the tfers eittottt4 tho tin:Mitosis hitt tutnon interest: 7There conVerivion but peopletalk nt 11 roViatA, a terror to the, id ng ("hrlstian. Is * most advaikitqc the rfl'r5tj s1 a 0 -;-, to thnit , 014 fr t' :Fact that Isl. esilor • 0, ew 30,10,4:7 V A* 01 O. , tut go to " or Wa pr going to 'fle efledts of this can be secrete - in tbe Closed ntilis of flo -t 00444* -004-44440 COTTON 11/III-S IN Iterstte. Alreafft folufedlatelVefiee the Ivo., With China, Japan began perchaStess eotton fabric-- Atechittess -And - dreds of stnall mills were- *WWI.' Immense amounts of tetton febrici Were made for 'Japanese consiineitiote; and also for exPortation to Chines - It will be remembered that ther„...-are something like 414:0,000;000 people in -China, and 95 per cent, td, these wear cotton clothing,. The IrtiegietAie-4-tatig b of the Ituselan war there wore 272 cotton factories' JaPati,,a117of - which: sprung 'up': • within -the ten years after the Chins see 'war. ,,The immense amount .cotton fabric purchased annually, 'from fIngitted by Japan and, China1 eased to tome front ray vountry. It ' 'Inoue' last& td-frorirjapamt'-54)uli ,S radial down, • • LOW WAGES. '"There "are _2.000.000. available ; factory workers in Japan. nide wages . will range .Sfr'om. 10 to 40 s _cents a -flak. readrgerftestal nients of tottsm fabrics haste been made to Chinese ports. -Many -Of these, have' ascertained, bore Eng. lish and American trade marks. Ths Japanese are -,noted imitators. . ,. will be iMpossible for England , or the 'United tates. to compete with the cheap ,Japanese labor. In the fish business also the asps tinese will be soon the great CoMpe* titers • of the Americans. „They are 7 - y Jesusfienters into _more direee_pete sonal' contact with the blixtd man. thus by the touch et. his'Its.nd em- Phasizing the tact, that 'the cure easanited•-ft-ontehispemoritiind mte as faith in Jesus as the author �f his salvation point in the knows ledge Of thie fact. al tank about. 18 b 53 feet and baginally about 20 feet deep. The smallest of all the Jerusalem pools. tecatter--itt-Alte-extreine--eeet part of the city, and receiving` its water supply by means of a subter- renean conduit from the **Fountain (B of the Virgln" ethesda), and 'hence like that fountain meshed by- the-in- _termittent ebtesendslow of_the water., Thesnamesses -variouidy spelled' by m ideel-writeite 'ess•Toseplin nae Siloam. Aly,interpretation-s-Tranllated our own language.- -Seet-----ThissfaasstlititssJesuit-ettoete to- emeloy -the waters, of a-poolbeere ng-thissuaniostoseireetstin eeitadett_tYP Is 41 fl he other fact iles see no e * ; .ermen. QUISA curl a living by the occupeticite----In a 'fele years, unless my 5reckottieg is an oft, this Jepettese will he &iippi tish into the',Ctitted States, instezd in• to Japan, 1%h secured from, .the 'Japanese fishertiten- will teat less than those secured !rem Ameriemee. 'nu the matter of the Priieeece Chinese development, the iron hitless tee is_meresgreatly to be_ feeeed. than any other. -In ---"Isatice,;+ :Grertmurys Austria, Belgium. .Italy, nollends. Great Britain and t,he United Stator there are 'sonia--12.850;800 men' rn god -in -the production stud menus acture of iron. One-quarter ter the Available -supply of workers in -China could aisistice orehese. s. , e 1.8 • a 'a, I d .ot r 4%4 yo powerfni An blind pan's mind hat riet,front-th but from the One sending him, came the power, rbith wrought the cure eAdj-iiiiiiefi his eyes: • 8. °A, ..begsoar-slly' profession, as Vero. so*Settey neforturate blind and deformed Pproons, even as that is ntflr,5111-6- 011r-Tivtite•-eitt& though the system of -Ohtietian ity has greeily lessened the number of such enfortimates to be seen among us. - ,Sat and liegged--.PrOliiibly at one Others . „ otherse-With those releited-, to ittlther,,preeedittgverse •intiking--three-gtOups-of -speakers in ell. • • Viterman thrit ifflied, Jsu The &Algae *aide ladle/Aft that the fame Of the persottiefetted to W$5 both great and widel-epread.. 11 t Isom mention' d&y, not exeirsiforsite States. The heat jage scale of the IreiteeStattes ralies the IOW' wege, fe-zeit7-41se-rest-of-tbeywor • 100 per cent. -to the 'wet& cal of China,and it will still .be 75 per. cent: -belew the wage acale--of--anse WA.*Itit An intetreiltziefirse7iit for water is snorted' from Dolmas - ter, England. The diviner ims lofts 11, Tompkins, ol ChApPetsheirt, alta party flotiut_10 , /0041 44xPorlIto, engineers, sinkers, tinslyistir., and Other*: and on their arriving at ge Istirc the party entotd-ra. field* here theldietfier ettidlieed.:14 titig .-61-w7ftnic-ant"Ifellownsd party,•by the . ;Made an eiteersion up aiid down tbsi ground. Atter while he 's Ted, toffstt Thld. Whete ihri: twig Wesreot to pi, 11 him 0.1;touti stid the lnfluence was trong that he role*sed it. for moments, :bele 'power airo,ata, Aito, diviner lit tied down to a part ieular spot„. Whete",104 declared the water found at. 150 (tett and a. f11l'1nIPp13t'0 91... tt., to 100 otipsins gotta. breeder oll a at 1-eact • --sesersiT$ 1 likm 1.01001 410011 membered in, ther e°1 trihseld°coal and trim - in Chioa necessary tit carry on great; enterprises for an unlimited pitied., The danger of Chinote competition 15, therefore, obviouti. ' • "Another dander in* Japanese ded velopmertt *long this::, 11 Japan *404* not 'seture*Nizi- churl's, through,which it, iiinttr ob- tain its Amenable wlueit supply, iti will, without a, doubt, put on a line of steamships to ply between ilaPartj attd Donihay 'arid ,Caleutte in anetk*'• skewer to obtain' breadstuff supplielf, trom-Indiasitkts4tstse-steAmsshipe,;S-•-- it coulil.. theme's, t Voublelheatled4- bueiness. It could alsofeeeure cotton., nteteriele from India. Mort than this, it. Could sell beck cotton tabri to India, wheresmelt tabric.,Its- sin great demand." PAITIMit AND THE CORPSE.. Gruesome ;Yoke *loci 11/ Iumati -et _a Workhouse. itit-eseist leaked mit of A gruesome 5intidelit •iit llontgolnerys, shoicre, e74norakh:ouielleroatieltiocrisebettievidoitisorbedav .tine herveauStisi- torte 44o. •trays, the tondo* r. !pita over* 4rnk1,afldthi8_nittia. id Intl :Aldo 144thAtPirilt7lets..n;it ortt. The other 4. liithe 0 th.bnl 0 n'.4bod? an nitnitinatit,„ however* Pfl, procee4ed ,,to itereelee hie Area ritoree.yiptitzthoditt7ttvrioiinetseattoott:T. totortot. and ring a sight: OM Int 1; fating ths 'So lir ,e:iihrtinsit 14,totaelt, Itt,r : - _