Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-09, Page 3"
tit Vitus Douss
Itnonz chilkitsb, ut:it
,• t�netbg trout:4.14s
httt,1 oulij. p4t take et drink
WMter .1401 idedrdd " could not
constant involuntary motion
•0f the. 11131h$.1 1104 at time* I cauld
*Mk nor14114.,,_t_grew
ernaciettel, and ny life.wei
• fe; on. -,Dectoree treetmeat.
*Mr es, 'Viking almost continu-I
ouslyl, did net de me a Particle or
geed Ititkelmoat_comet_to „the
'e0uc1usion that there was no -cure
• r me. I Wes JflWhztt nitt6t be con-
_dered * desperate condition when
X Wax edviged to try Dr. Williania'.
• Ina Pills. IA% the course of a few
Weeki lifter I had begun their use.
'ere was *-marked improitement In
cenditien, and by the time 1
had teken nine boxes every eymptora
se PP
-1. Setts_ a .beitby andactive as 111
" It is because Dr, Williams! Pink
PIIIo deem ,,Lte. the reel ..91
tbe-treeldii -tlerbleed .tbaj-„they
'etire teleh, diseaset. Vitus
Thince. s nterialgie, nervous preset-et-
ttOrvi. Inaeaia, bacicitchets• and heed-
totti.i-* lona etneekidney---trou
gronbIe ad other
niumt be careful to get the
Wile • pills with the full name;
ittr. Willisene-Pink Pills. for Pele.
People s" on the, wrapper
box,- by ell inedicine
1.--r-hr=ma i1eat--50' -cents - boz. oIx -boxes for $2..5
Williams' Medicine Co.,
llrockvflle. Ont.
. • e
00 1,110NElt HOARDS.,
Mucb Wealth, is Kept Out of Cir-
• ce-baton.
amount Rt the gold
--is=leekerieHespArr-- a..
Duringa visit to that country a few
ysrs AIM 1 found that gold had
�pe out. Of cleculatiore The people,
Sties, jewellery. Girls dress -
cotton 'often :wore gold and
diver bracelets and -anklets, and
tzy .a--bat-Rooted girl. had , gold
jna 'd gold belts on her toes. For
igPa the Beet Indians.were oppress -
l. not dare to lean their
fr fear.theaL would lore it
but- 11 lb 0 or -
• This custom prevails to-.
✓ though there is now, under
ish, security of property*
ong he chief holders are the Itt-
• rejalts"---who-weeret
VO t jewellery. 1 erter ,ixteny
prt11.441010 and Upweeds, and i
014 " eheink. -for-sale, vent-
IlitVid Darbour estimate.
, mount of the gold 'hoarded
during the -h&li-eentiery
4,10,e11 to 1885 01, 41.80,000,000.
(iia1#40 the Am' utimintiofi of over
• • •
• cl •
rAugemtAPON .))0.g$ NOT
I 0
uteeira0 :04 bereatter,ce..
enttate oC disorgan7ttUon tied, teis
. al
: '0,$ter
* Gee
and,Vite\ of '4416. nieet
:demi ,arteeittent, to the ,NrY. 10111144'.'i taiositied-iilsii in this Pert -cc tho
on% Father Gaeoa! Is the men WhoCountry. „Aliso to 'give lee exOri,,,
Peosniees to jultiV the conditions, 1 oleo *HA./ the"great Carta:digit gle-
"I lied been troubled with ray kid-
neYs for a-number:4 years. I tried
erti-kintis-.13fLplasters-rind -ether
ea of tbe London S•tandard.
• George 'Gapon was born of the
of the province of Pettey*, wheal' kin s of Medicines,- but tlid not
atom to get ane
Hearing Dodds Eldney Pills eo
hi hl mommendiel_1„.„.decid4 to
try, them and they made a complete
cure of me. Thet-la t.wo,yeare ago
note and as 1 said before I have
baodddfor mddneykst4141hune.urer since Used
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure once and
tor all. There fa no stage or form
of Kidney Dieease \that they do not
cur e 'completely ,autd permanently,.
there are myriads with, only acre
or twQ. and where leduetries do not
flourish; As a child lte tared the
talent• in the con on school, and
his tether found the means !Somehow
to centinue his education., }Io ,seeur-
ed admiesion to an ecolesittificei
• haerdin wheel. As is leen known
thi?se, eeminaries are not wholly free
from, political agitation.'
In elle of the pertedical outbreak
• a-7 ve .4! RIIINS.
seriously 'involved, though tinly itt
the fourth chose from the tweet, ;suet
• was expelled. The boy
was takes Thought to be Relics of Old Xing -
back 'into -thee-seedziary,- ttuV wai ---- of MO
graduated . with such a lew ratin
for conduce, that bis edmissine to a British! scientific 'circles ,are great.:
university and a carreer as an official IY inteeteited in the explorations of
became out of the question. Ite' ert- R. iv• F. rt. G. f3"..,• who return-
-I. **-10ndou-:tecently--frAnn-114..,4od
-ea-a-statiiittearatek,- These creeks lifee-Where '41scoverieer-fw-t-th
areterteteriously'enerteng-theemegreeree± .eate-Zambabwer one.
ical eeznents of tbe country. At this hind, are believed to. shed' fresh
period he carne under the influence of light oe the deep mystery enfolding
.Tolsteyien altruism, though. unable Abe ruins; .of ft burled city .teting
to accept the political hives of the front Solomares time.
great wrer TWTrn1ngpo1nt o ee'twiryearer Mrltall
is:-eareees-was--his--acquaintance-with ated4.-lifes-at-hiss-hostilquiteterst,--ree
u er.u. oun women , feorn the outposts of civilize -
who 'devote titer lives to the service time 1.1„antbab13 beloved to te-
a the people as teachers or physi- preterit the monuments Of a calm**
claris asSistents (teldellerits3)- el the ancient ,entpire of Saba
pressed with the notion that the (sheets); settee was a powerful state
priesthood afforaed the pest, pert in Solomon's •time,', and 10fer before,
haps the only; leverage by which the It was in Its day the gold purveyor
inert neesses of the people could be, for the known' world, and posseseed
inocid„ she pereuaded,Getpon to try nearly the whole of the east coaeb
to complete his educe,tioe in the
to of Africa, The occupation .was
-ecclesiastical institutions and melettained'until B p;r4b. Mr. Ball's
Little ussian imagleation was.stirr-
ehalf a sit Wifliam Itilt00.-1,1310
d, eiid irmtl
iediaey left for St.
1 •
hrough rsonal
rainestrator of Rhodesia'.
Petersburg, where, trie„hese_vons_were.240iotint.:44„It,
r'--T411/e e
tissuestrly. Portuguese- in 1510, -the Arab
„Synod e e orders. for seines -
sion to the Orthodox-Academymeld ivoevs• and slave traders first
that city. ' --
Mention's:1g them, Ships about that° -
Period the ruins were tompletely lost
PRISON CHAPLAIN.; - sight of until 1868, wiles an ele-
Ile passed- four iears of the most pliant bunter. named Addle Renders
determined self-repressionin this re -discovered Thant, and later infer. -
deadening atmosphere, arid tied • no "nation game,- to be circulated In
of his graduatioe, Ris thesis, how- were zneager and scanty,prolethlY
ever, dealt with sociological instea,e owing to the fact ht this' ancient
of purely theological questions; and city had in the course of long con
for this be received a severe eepri- turies become binged in the soil.
niand.e-teceived_instead of_rs --The-systern-ot-tho-orientatien eit
pastorate, an appointment as Prisee ancient amities was commonly
.ehaplainvelle-Siteniseto-have-accep --hr-Asier,--Arabletrlisbylon,
its-thirbest-ineries-ef-euev oi,laancillit ther
in Contact With the .werkleff vetentation_of _the_tenrele_that.
1le-untilis-er-if0-a12d'v4t1014-being approximate dates of their, construe -
subjected to troublesome supervision Wit can be steeertained. TUX le Oh-
tho-POrt-otAls-ImPall"L' tarried by sittoiviiiittar. tveastrob.
Ets hid been thor,oughlv. convince= the oath in ore couroe 4.0tett440,
elf of the .gold sied silver
Into Indi* in rattans for
buy. but little from other
n4riee. 11. lives on rice or coarse
n Meet cases
All the mony
tod:lf this board-
lbg 1. • continue it Ss certain that
tcat rt 'of .00 gold will mutts-
ani. 'The ill*have realized till
ter 4 They- have ,,ato:
• tempted to r.ni�dy it, but in vain.
the hoarded gold are sibter in-
-, berates -
of Inteceet for money, but the na-
tjIves • not i*eeposid. There are
about.40000- *Wee bankers In
India , *Ito lend to the peasants. but
tlto most 'of .tOir business Is done
' MOlitY44ei4er advancing so
with the understanding
tb.t he tilt reedit(' so Mitch beet'
wben the op Is hervested.
Tablets_ hiv& saved
preaous TheY are
best inedleirte in the World fer all
iestkit end 'WWI troublei . simple
et nd teethlrer troubles, and
Mrs Elbridge
* says
sickly until /
Ing bim_ 'Y*4 trien Vete,
iiged hlm into
b'eelthhlid. I am
tett the_ Tablebi the
Tabiete eati he siven
feW-to 'it 'neW 'been
are tied through eve**
1,, If ekes do not
ahlets atyeur Medicine
'd 25 tent o the tor. Wit
t that. would
in*ir&fl ii
1Lt tile
te yeti
aut tb ther.,'*
Ils ttot
• •
• •
that the - conspiracy groups would cilantro its relative position to the
cessitrily excluded the masses of the
intn_teisyrr Ton, belitreed to be
wor ing
he bent every energy 'towards • scent -
Ing as his following the great masa.
pes-oyteeihe crzt_ivcernmun.140,090 ;eetory.;rory_s em- .Exolottcz Ta.ztEso_ Rt.
ered a'bOdy of-iiiisted Lieutenants
who loved and revered him as thelr
ouster. and were ready to .101,10r
him to the -eoftffold'it heodeMalsi.--%
:attended-a._flurither -of his jeeette
Inge sifter the 'strike was declared,
and had occasion to &dual hlz *Mg-
--tter-Werk en.
tlielr cornpkte subtitle:non to his per-
suasive and lierY oratory. Of Set
*pewee -making there was little.
report -let- others talk-- more
than. hintselL When heseek°it was
' ••••
fatherly remarks;; adroit coestions
andanswers shrewdly elicited: Ile
felted -lee lellewere-tbirik-ther lt •
they who were planning and direct-
ing all, and that he was merely their
benevolent. adviser.
_ _
The scene will linger long is my
memory. Eager faces peered ever.the
shoulders of those seated farthest
from the corner where the "Bat -
(Akita” (Little Pathee), was seated.
*Chefs' eyes glistened when he' spoke
Of -great events- whidi would soon
ishake Russia, to the centre. soveria
of his most devoted disciples knelt
on the floor before him. pertly ,Itt
inronstr*lned reverenre„ partIy to
ate • •
One face •t hal1 earl, to m
A youth of <nineteen or -twenty knee
ing, at the master's fe,et, puffin*. at.
'4.-Farette.• iita drinking 'every,
expreion from the Datushkies eyes
end ascetir, earewore fates ' It- w
a face ter et sculptor -etude, sroig
isaturei. tecipient moestaeltei the
eyes aglestin, and tbe whole.etiuntetin
stnee radiatieg with hive youthful
idealism. • -•
'AI shall 'probatalsi -die on Sunday,'
r4tri14?r'.001YiuT. quiet1v,. "but
0 e & th,
11 libette -be belight t.
er 1 't •
yous evrr
it Is bttto
oirt," Itt tht
se t
Retained Woniatv Wale the Picture
, of Health. -
Wben Mrs Ilcmy.Eipitei. -
lington, isle,* Jersey, left her
,. -
seta' homerin -1890 to go to _her
d_and-sins,411-4the Kleindikeeshe
welglied 'oniy G pounds. When islei
returned last fall after an absence of
eve eyeare eke tipped the malts sit
-She eras tiros tdctereref hestith and
herimproveyd„W„Vad_condition. was
cocnted�n- by lierT' in71C't er: frtenthr.'
A few days ago Mrs. Eipper again
• do„,gotielyee-to her- ihtrentft -and
other • relativesand started on the
• long return trip to the XIondike
lids will be her ond journes,
alone to rejoin her4usinted and sets.
•°Klondike alone, es she west ton'
• The Ltlippens, father and son, live
twenty utiles above' Ihreion and the
son has live good- clithest and the
father six. ,
Ifre. Eloper likes her life in the
ber north, and is much more Connor..
table there than people hereahouts
temente . There are plenty of neigb*.
biers and quite ri .itumber. of wometi.
.1* often mere than 40 dejrees
ow zero, and summery
o menthe long. Per the greeter
part, of the reffiaineet t,of the, Yea
e Pcolde wear tura. EVen itt Mime
bier .SneWelad peek* are all arctund
them. '
_ _
I 1
t.'„'ziros Al
Thu' thU latveit 410:
44f*et. Every
onlid4fr.e'kishk-nLwals.*ILionnw:if7ettbILLre° Ught gloves
sive W0inan, would by, 40
Sox,ely tit* her itblinclant• *1
littALctifiluatittirginied about her w Yet
uetil quite recently 41,Ite. in common
with her brothers. was wont to con-
fine the lender, threat -,in
imathing bands and bonds inevitably
productive ef evil reetiltit and condi-
tions. The beauty culture:44 started
the revolt of the throat by loudly
prochtiming that too clesie dressing,
*cant *loveliness, dark tintiefe%
wrinkles, all manner of ,tezdeeirable
troubles. Now conic the lotienie au-
thorities' with instructions to dress
the throat With eetey loosen
eelditeatheth_einelkaisg -
at.. bay. .
Ilere is.the'reason for the dictute.
With the throat Closely lecearitted free
circulation_ Jes... _.,Intreetled
nerves at the base of the bred* rein-
:dered itensitive and Unruly. * feeling
of fullness preduced .about the neck
and throat. • :When a warns atre00-
Ithere-le eeddititir-Mta17-7
unduirliettettivereW *
to adjust themselves; to con-
ditions. Shive.ring and anilines* i4of
the entire body ensue promptly. 210v
matter how close and sling are the
„neck , ,ter
of riblion or stock metered mit a
severe cold is endured. Inner sie.hr ght
Winter day rendered *comfortable.
The soft and innocent seeming rib-
bon. 'according to Mlirty' physicians,
is frequently a evorse,often'der than
the lined and stiffenert_etock.
De -
cause it appears so Innocuous it Is
adjusted with insidimmtightness, the
prisoned threat often 'beating vivid
the day.- And of couree
has found the cold trying - I
thee -ugh sthe long hours of its tie .
• * 41-411*--estperiesenteente-1
plead -thire,----hygenie-referaters wlio
have 'thrown down the gauntlet itt
reference to the stock bondage of
feminine shiterers. "Leo
collar half an ,inch this Week, and a
full inch will soon become!, desirable.
And in addition to the blessed com-
fort ot no longer ending- the-'eold
Will grow plump and . pretty • as
age an ows More about tea
- 40043 WOO thirn
1 • w
1 r
.0001 0,
'0 •
• e- Oda Plenieti''
liesiter'e*ibefere ft.fiti of aqu'rie[Obeciou,*:
to ;blot, tinderierites" berth, .his halide
pays about $15,09,9 arinUaIly itt thio
way, with the result that if sny-
thieg....!werte wren:110th. one of his
precious bands at any tune, so-iriet
he could no longer PleY the Owe,
he would be paid $50,000 by • the
Fort, ovzit SIXTY vr.A.ne.
uts. winsumts sooti4ing syrup ban
been used by millienS ef mothers ler
their children while teething. ,It eoothes
the child, softens the ileum .411111 pam
One& lifirttiliette, regulates the stetes.ch
an arid is tee best remedy for
Pierrhotra. Terenty-ave cents et. kettle
Bold by druggige thrtfughienta, the
world.- lie Ousel and ask. for ltret.
Iffineloitrit Soothing fdYrult.". 324,04
Vorh;l1aVing nueflo * wager tk*t he
'would walk round the world In seven
years. Ile hat failed, being now six,
• et-Pzrlefvhfe-
he has worn out 141 pairs of boo
• •
Lifebuoy Soap disinfectant - 14
strongly recommended!ey the merlical.„
"it d
' " 6 .sal he would love her 1 his
We." Do . you ssuepom he, will?"
"Yte, unless she ins,rries kiln,"
Eft* orditat you oho._ ince th..slig.6-
fttnatloee need ifitSrettO as aiSt-li ita say
part of the human anatomy, but if
they'r* •dolicate ,give 'them the • *id
:Abet Or. Von States Pineapple Tablets
afford and you can eat anything, thet"s
wholesome and palatable. -60 in a hex.
35 cents. --8
Direct telegraphic -communication
has been opened up between Liver-
pool and Teheran, in Persia, st. dis-
tance of 4,000 nines.
HOW to . Cleans.. the Systern.--Parine-
leir's Vegetable Pins are the result oi
•scientidO study,. of the effects or ex-
tracts of . certain root* and herbs u • on
demonstrated in many instances that
they ulato the actio .01 the liver
e kidneys, purify' ,the blood. and.
carry off all accumulations
'front the system. They -are. easy .to
everei----their action_ie mild and Oita**
One hundred years ago' the fastest
land travelling in the world was on
, sossdi-
when the York mail ° coach ---covered
ninety miles a day.
VX.krd arkditAte, anket....4anke
'Sesysriti Ali bin Ilamoud. the youltg
Suttee of Zanzibar. arrived Oti Eug-
lir& shores 'ors ,Freb. I on * "Private'
visit. HIS chief *Weds are to 'see
King Edward and nsult a pbysl-
'don ail.
6 Ivoviinot yet twenty.
and owes the tact tikat n.4 e, , the
nominal tiller of one of our, most
_lath's& _East .-Africark_profeetoratet
entirely to thei71Yriusit GOY& -
who chose him' to succeed_the.re_
glutted hen tbe,4atter Wits ex
-ilthreated at Narrow and **ford.,
where he made satisfactory. not
brfllMnt,progress, be Weg ithrgyie
pcmular.---and-U7thorotighly Itegl
In his ideas. ilet made many Mei&
while in this country. - and will
doubtless reiteir many agreeable ac-
' Oat ntanceships.-.
&is -id -Ali is by na meartereen...
approachabloHe 1* very
fond -Of
tine reeideneds, s favorite° country
.seat being_at ChukiranIA
v. -
She -"Don't you dare 'tell survone
you kiesed me." Ile -"All right.
But repeat it, it iou don't
mind." ,
Pleaniastitpestg.-1*Wherte• I know
tktug worthy et recositmendati
Itilevillit°3`resi.:1,111w4rardoethik?of 11-asailt-terg. "
"lir. Agnew.* • Cetarrhei Frowzier hate
cured ow. Of Catarrh of live Yettre
Stier:ding, It, is cerfounly illogical in its
',fleet. The first,......„...sprilicat.ton lowneltiod
me in five minutes„50 cts"-t
Said her rattrap*: ottott rintiet
fleet ." A d brl
rep 'ed.: 'it MASH. be. Tk,sow at ,„,,
take him a long time
rata have Ids own, w
Mother '4.irave0 Worr
bat oo tiUel ,for
dditerennuienned wudhetl.tstbe,purch
mown** in
Yon ig*
e faetest passage between ,V„f
end the 'et 1xd1ts wets mat
VO.rt X.iP/C40.N.„0411.4
bank pr,) .dos, 7 burs
tee 1
itde frc
iment Nide ete 'hoe
Mont., Coler040
- Springs, Denver,
Butte, Mont. „Ogden, Salt
• Lake City. 'Utah. Nelerm;
*Mislead, B. C., Spokane,
Wash., Portland, .Ora., Se;
attle, Wash., Vimeouver,
B. O., San Francisco, Cal.
Rates $34.26 to $44,00
Tickets On 004 March. Ist to
aut4---Onev-10)** -
ng, sine buildings, convenient to echool. •
churches. stations Wharf._ etc.; nalY-.
$2000. easy team!. J. R.- Robinson,.
Warwick.- Ont.
In -the-TO
scito7ole-- and churches on crOp
Write Pie to -day for the fulest partici?,
tars. James Armstrong, 4 RiclunOnd
St, East. Toronto.
. --ifutho-v&vd caves -of ifiphysta---
It is easier • to prevent Stan' it is to
cure. Inflammation of the lungs fs..the
compel:6On Of neglected cold*. flnd Orkele
It finds & lodgernett 1* the system. It
_diGleolt to deal with. Treatment wit%
Hicklii.e 'Anti...Consumptive Syrup wili
eradicate the cOldand prevent
rnatlon fromsetting in. It code lite
tle. and is zia eatiefactoo• as it is our,. .
prising in its result.:
Mrs. Closefisi-"Oh, 1 saw the dear.
Who_ ,140.-- 14-4,L-ar ..ClosclIst
Thiktaiilasit like you; alw&ya lobk.
tag for the dearest instead of tbs.
L ••••••••••••;01•11
.fratattyKidnotrek, Ilex* You bark&Olte4.
Do 7olt feel dioriese, Do your linibe,
feel heavy, Have you frequent bed*
itchw alive pu„,-fedling-thflelon7 Hive
you diree tee Me.. Are you depriented7
le your elan dry? Have you et --tire41--- • •
feeling? . Any of thcket-isignis prove
kidney disease. Experience hits proved
that South American Kidney Curs ntiv.
Miss Joy,to---"Yosi-J-etrik-.-stod-1--sio--
to become partners ....
Meana --••And you will be the senior
partneri Now nicert
bar -Lhkeit—CorevOntiro
time -table: "The locontotive .will
*we depot every day at ten
ceeroar, Ih�wtatht$tilW
Weather is hardly considered even by
-Thos. Sabin �f F3gllngton, says; • '1
have removed ten corns from, fest
to thou and do likewise.
filue-e"Before we rn Ieyou can-
ed me an *net." 110-“I kncw 1
did; but it was a case of mistaken
• • • * •• •
No. Alake--"Ilow- Ho you " 1110,
bor? Mo. • erinks-"Well. it AMMO
the 136Cesiltr-- of -buying- a ;daily-
poitt!'t •
- -
of 0.4)111 le the strostanCe 'which frefol
mass. eiest et • Pareseletea Vegetable
1*s�compounded as to preserve
their isOistiare, and they can be carried
bito an I latitude Without impairing
In order
wit rein zutincring, ars ro 0 '
powders. Whieh prove riasuating to the
,testa. Parezeletee Vegsretee rills
ee ereperet that they are agreeable to •
th.•Proet digitate. •
stinittele,-"Pighting again, .
Didn't 1 tell you to stop and cdwtt
'V* WIlIfe-'But 11 wazn't. any
good, mamma. 'Zook what ,the
Jose. Iboy -dick While / $0,4utodt"
Illternheci eltret&olog. Ovattedite
'Skin Diesetie,relleviti'hiLA feet atinet
by. Aeittersi Otiereient.-1r Agn.w'
CHritment reliktie Anittantily
Tettelt, Stilt ilbenne, &aid Itioafi. Eszi
usa 121140410 itletChiSt, and Ail ErvpU�a
..,01 ..0.-13.-itooth13g and. teI
-big_ and, MI& .14tEllistkr,
nuetues, Irritation of the Sc*lp 0
Bask.; "hiring !•,estritistis tint& 115.
& box. -'7 •
- !Sin' sobbed Ulna Veselinovitch,
"Ivan Ninespotkt Wed je.battle. Do
*as dying?' dying?" "Part of It replied
the, soldierle .**Part,
Gentlenien,0-atty daughter, 18 year
old, whe thrown from a eleigh and
injured her Oho* so bad& it remain-
ed AM and very vidotta, to 'three
yeare.Four bottles of MINAIM'S
LltinigNir eolliNetely turret her and
she has not been troubled for ,two
— Yours truly,
8t J.i P. O., 18th Aug., 1900.
"It ' *t• always the 'tenant who
pays his, rent, on the first of the
Month who la most, deeirable.".•said
fitiellerd -the other day. **Vette
reittpttenant s two* to held Yeit•
bis debtor for that ,Virtue; and feel.
freeperfctIy ; Itik-Atie,,ninntitenie'
y bet Pelleit, :PF
who 41S'ai,
Stir* a
4 re,
Mr. Prieer-arbere'S a. cdunterteit *2
hilt in circulation; YOU don*.t.' want
to let Anybody pa0' one on you.
Mtn. Zneer---You know well enotigh
rm Dever expeeed to any-Ada/4er -of .
that kind. Xobollett ever going to
give rue a $2 bill le exchange for. a
50 -tent piece.
S t 1,I II f ' it I Cit
.,0 211'h *1 Me, eittal.
e, but remembpr, 1• Melt t net *1-•\
wave* it- at. $4*, it „tiretkl":
Marie -'- s Pitt the.treuble.,You
may loa, *o'er job at any.tinie."
. •
• • •