Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-23, Page 7-e-_-_sreeeeeeserrieeere-eeenere-
Ibe VietitniCZeft Wit..4,". Nervelel;
444.11. 'trey o. pitadly plseaSeen
.'grIPPet, Or *influenza, vatiat,
'weeps over 'Canada overy- winter,
probbIy thel- Most •treashercius (11P,
4 fOr be•Salti. and
*gttc4 with *hat . el rthe Rene merk.
The auperiritendent oft the bat* nde
Pl'orOund bow,.
"Sins latinvs." said ha. "*our math --
01M are better than mice."
'Oh. net, at - retitled the
4J1uYL4:n in the. polite• terms •
:44:04 "
er) ponr'i
T)11r,. sst
.11 *
Whit MINK* your woolens?
Why did holes wear sosoon?
You used common soap.
„ ,1!....;f40,
.1,9 4,1:.;
1, ;litiv..04, ' .
-I'. il-` ;i; 4;.,At§ ,..4,itisf'd Jpoo -.. , .A theA-
Zttigt 1,,
. ..
WS, litteme,...• Ae, ',ein
ti" tb.
ho li1-04,. `1? *V, tto.,„:00Y0-, a .,. to. • ' - :',,,, .14 1.
. . .001, '14.tel• itqw0.•
n, . , tei'.1iet` O`' ei''''Ii.O.Offt. n'iPtAtil" ag. 'lit' „ t
4 . , • e
.. ..
0. '. v • : . ., . ..:W0,1*. 'sealo. Aievr etok0Allejlr4,41',10....hisP„Siouce ,i;ii.)).,:lvitt40,rivit,---.4.
I ' "1 't 0
rich- o
ealit tei,
the bOdy..11114 is:
03e' 10440 thankte. . pattiS "*otrh.ttive %leen, Man, Who, ' kars -tev-ttoiltrs' Kidl/eY
„we haVe fortnnatel$ -concur' ad, iff,•, Ont: Pale- lc ,
y , „
eq.lutrt' rOrkentrig," 1,• , "leo Azomrs 'the IUXd-
in COO: ". apt, t0lvant,;4001:„. p • mental. Strain, broke dawn mY
of a grippe, t he after . effects _.
et .ereory part -of my body. My ap- INSOMNIA? "MY TILIS!
Petite completely failed me; I had
severeheadaches, wars subject to The ides of wearing a pair of
colds .With the leaste_exposure, and erectacles during sleep is one of the
grew so weak that 1 was unable to
stratgest of the matey strange ideas e c
work at my trade as ihTSSalaker. A that haVe elalre tO our notice. The °lay
- tried several medicines without tho head of a large limn, who often trav- ••T
slightest success until a drug clerk
cited fr0114 one end of the.country to
the, water." e'
exteti4hig,,' intO
back gave out entirely. Terr# le' eager -looking boy, "can you
Sharp, elating • pains followed one °0 m04nliainfr•
-*woof-tit' tz-Atir-X-114V
away" Piecemeal1 weld° eel" 1,11i so Suddenly as to startle the
tired to death from a run- My !me and promptly resporftied:
desire would be to ieet rest atuki
motmtain is land extending 111.1
and they were the very things.
Id not get. Finally I had to to the air"
if work.
ou 1 started to. take Pcidd's WOULD PROVE , A lartiDnAzim
*Kidney Pills. and the first flight TO FARM IMP,11,0VEXCENT.
advised me to take r. Culls the othert preferred to do so
Pink Pills. acted. upon his excel-, 41 !after using them I slept soundly. In
t, that he could sleep. three days I threw away the bOft
IO1 If the eorts of certsin parties a.re
lent advice and the pills raPidlY antli g his siglit was
f -t, his nid.. successful, the farmers; of - Canada
i last aet, before getting into hist' heae;ePwillastncurZ Ymee01-'7. • 'Dad",
-completely cured me. My, strength.
returaed, the headaches and cough
• lyerth, was to put on a pair of spec-
tacles, Which' were securod to 'the
brideof his nose by good sprin•g. 1$1./LRVELOlis INVENTION.
Iree-iiiis adornment 1113 fell
asleep. Those who adopt this pe -
culler aid to drowsiness appear •ici
trettVWitlib-ut-ttriStlind: -tifitaT
as ome people do; they instinctivi4
acquire a knack of turning only so
140 , is safe.- and they awake un-
harmed in the Morning. with the
egeuralgia, rheumatism. sciatiett. net*. glasses' Just as niCely adjdsted )a,s1
ueeeKe. soyaeral, weakne.e,ema'r_thetwh--went-"'tel .
disappeared, and I am again. .enioy-
ing my old-titne 'health. am sat-
' isfleci -at4f sufferers front la ppe
USC Dr. Willi -olds' Pink
they will speedily recover from those
_After .effeets which makes the /Ives of
-fin-inany-people a '
P.,Th'• Williams' Pink P1118 atira aft
he tOtnruon aliments •due to Weak
nd watery blood, such. as aneeteitt,
headaches. sidedehes, indigeetion,
ailteents....that....growing.gielsorieneenteat of the_habit,
ten do not like to/talk about tea -amble to a difficulty in wooing
even to their-dotos--But theeelainiber, -and toean-aversio' n- to try -
'i pills can _0 this. and ,vou.ling ouch dangio_ous remedies as mon.
Would see that the fill' name '"Drphiee. spectacleq. when th (4 eyes
Wlflsazns Pink Pills for Pale Peo- are not accustomed to them, have a
Pie." 15 printed on the wrapper, somnolent effect, and the device af-
will have to face a very unjust and A
burdensome tax. •A rrtoventent is on
feat to have fence wire, which hap
_for a number of years been admitted
1 Little Instrument 1.trill Make War
, the dutiable list. The -grades .
the roillifisY'-dittk free; Piet -• --oil-
sought to be affected are' galvanized e
- -Army -officers, -civil-engineers. land iroe 4e- titeel wire No. gs,- eei" and la; '-
surveyors inspectors of noods and-- Practically none of _these aro made I
forest, and others engaged in .work it. .t,ahada, and sueee‘, enormous i
requiring accurate measerements of quantities are used each year In re -
long distances are cotigratulatiegs, placing the primitive rail structnres
. rAno,
Lieut. Victor Saporetti of the Ital- are eieloSmg prairie •farres. the in- it
. - , ,i1A-reaeilt 1t)vcIlt.j.9;1 . of ills. %hot o duty wolitte impose 'molt ,
.• ....
.,...,&,.......te..letacter.. __Vic „argent necesSity 4 the • rural communfty Could not b
---*--11 - ill Se . t d --. -7-'
coestrueting , an instruzsuent while Feat y r Tali e .
• _s„.4,tee. tie,", admisidou:' .rif wire 1
_ly long tlistan.ces in time -of rex fret, Caea.cilans have enjoyed: the
prompted: the lieutenant . to ,evolve an benefits of cheap fencing , of a verY •
apparatus which would meet these desirable kind. This - has not onl-Si
renuirentents. , - The ' sewn -are' of thelv est ly i III proved the uppearanke and *1
telerneters Which- have 'been in. use i ;catch, of leterereds of farm housefe-1,
hes been ever questioned, hence th& but it has added immensely to the
0 • each box- II Yoil -eannot get terward,s' beeoines a habit.
... he genuine pills from your 'druggists
semi .direct to .the In% Williams'
, ItTedicine Cie. Brockville,r-ant-,..
'they Neill be mailed 50 cent/ a box
Or six boxes for 42.50: - .
, The mother who give her itt e ,
one "soothing" stuff when it cries dilations are necessary with thei-could work mile inJurv to the rural
surely does not realize that she is neW instrunteet . Even when the tar- population without benefit to„ any
simply drugging it • into temporary. get changes positions net the slight- ,ionidheeerdclaass 60ofritohe people would be
insensibility with a poisonous opi- est difilculteeels experienced in re- us matter. Ilesidee
A Ex II t,
ellut.that- -IS Just what eire- is I coMlnK the. distarif.7-1 -.:cf....iett r!',71.e2orkizei_cui_lialurs_4,,Q..,,,thermar.,
doing. All th0.1 so-called '*sooth- sults have been 0 malneebY • 6-111 i the fence -manufacturing industry
ting” metheinee contain poisonous . strument up to 2,,uoto meters. , would be dernoraliFed. To increase
"st .o s xtant Which in tead
hearty indorsement giyen the Sapor'• i comfort s of n inter travelling over
ettl telemeter, which possesses all, roads thet were formerly very often
the- good qualities of a . perfect meas.! impas,s4,40 on account of snow block-
erer of long distances. including the tides, To put a ebeck -upon this
' s I I e0s- means of handling it. No cal..;
!sort -of improvemeht by a tax that
• •
• 2Xperience of Fathers Hue attd
' In the ,great "hinterland" of
China. the 1 ttle-Rnown region that
s.sou 1-0 1 teria an( ar u e
-eSt, of Peking, there is a mixed
commercial element is the Chinese.
These “Kettats," as they are called,
are continuallyon the _lookout for
- seine opportunity to. fleece the ignor-
ant. Tartars who stray in from, the
countryFathers Inc and -Ga'bet,
.FrensLe_prleses, who in ,the course of
e • e.
oBlue Town." from their dress mis-
taken-forTartar lamas, and when
-they sought to have a silver ingot
Change "short."
The Weight ShOtVcd by thescales
was correct, but, When the chief clerk
e eared added the aniouqs, the result
of them, dangerousaitid should never
Ale -given to -children; baby's - Dem!
Tablets are sold under a positive
guarantee that they contain • no opi-
ate or harf ti drug. The Tablets I
t speedily _ curt all stomach troubles,
constipation. diarrhoea.
lee-ers; they break tfP eh -event
•crou tite pain. of teethirlic, 'and
"fte y. natural sleep. Men
little ones are crcien, peevish rind
ailing, give them Baby's Own Tab -
I etse_anel.,..yeue-wilie-fiald-4
the Tablets from any medicine deal-
er or by mail at .e5 Cent's a ho* by
writtrig the Dr- Williams'
10.9 --eXange olik-Ligalii
Ilerseeee-Weettreethe---itellers_j T)t4.1LW,
- ev- tie -it . -,- ‘IA Vle She -reit -Lenient -Towa.rde
leulations; give us pencil and pa- One WoUld Think. th.e Drunkar .
, 'per and We , will make ours.* . - -
-"Nothing- could be more lest. :You The average citizen manages to Set A great deal depends an the point
it a -dt7iNt' . * . _ wail uproar -4.4'0T- Itifferlie •*4f----vle1141-4-8--- gaall-telane-1441/414-4V --
'GVIO of the Law of commerce.** 're- has to make a fire in the heater, but man was led, in a very pecullat! way.
..Plied the Chlitese clerk, confident.. of his Job is a trifle in comparison with ta revise her somewhat harsh jpdg-
ee , ' le i . hfinatv-faecs -men' le 01- the -Poor- 410441 wita-
t e articles. A very short-2caltelet- a nein- fire has to he built in a loco- re_eist his cups and she is now the
tion sufficed to shiny the Frenchinen motive. As a starter (tbout• 200 more charitable. She, writes: -
that they were to be cheated of a pounds of wood are necessary to fire -For many . ',Fears I was et --great
-thousanthsapOs. , . OP On the ordinary engine. The wood sufferer froni asthma. Finally my
opuperirrtentielit 'ot the bank." Used is .old railway licit cut into , health got so poor that I found I
;Iwo-. -Your swanpan is in error navenient blocks. ,e_Whene_the fire"! ceeld not lie down.N, but walked the
,rnt Tairilread-atie *--kg - - ox las .lieen-iiiteii viall -wood It Jl1oou - -Mist athers -Si --t1"--- ot.
.ttImpossiblet• Ilo you think that • drenched with oil and the match ale- s v nervous I could not rest wiv-
e:11, of aaUdden I've forgotten how plied. li,liere.
to -use My swanpan? Let me go As soon as the fire gains beadwaY "Fpecialists told inc 1 muet• give
iiVer It again.*t forced draught is appliedthe opera.- up the use of coffee -the main thing
1.1"e riroteeded with an air of great- .tion necetmarily being performed In that / alwa:vs thought gave me
tlie round,bouse, Where all- *Amara- seam relief. I e-desuited oilr- family
ems -for Auickly -producing high tem- Ihysieiani -atilt ---tia,----Uping a.--coace
est-Actiteaiglit---t*'--ho----ileclarce ttrre-ls-,wt---hantl. When a good -raced hernigoe tem rip lo Tray-nn-itt.
0* fraine to a colleegue, bed of blazing wood Itas beett Pro- tentton to their advite. Coffee bad
See. brother.** The colleague cal- duct d. the ill'enlan gets bull' with such a diorite for nne that in patAlog
painted, and *Attained the smile re- his shovel, placing coal in even lay- n restaurant am] getting a.trisiff of
. tult... . . ers over tile flames. This Part of the 1110 fragmace I 'Could not reeist &
Pike* ' see," /said the• peincipalwork is hard' on the hick. en I the
,..forbere is no error. How is it - that aggrieved individual whose -10,---OeSt a ----re ethup. I kit.. very lenient towartin
e drenkard who could not pass
lur ealctiletion dove not agree with evident on the whole block when he „ .
f. . Frionel410 ften urged me
What you have written?" labors with thewteeloon
would go "1
'It iit UnimPoriant to inquire why downtA..111„out in the first minute at t° trY Postum. but I turned a 11.13:f..._4
*Net---isic_rit_t_e,„„f_,..-,...,-Lib..., Fr,i„,,,,_,,,„,,,,_„ -, Taiimor—
e. teteee the \c -,--jar ph. to----whom-IVre-e-ir-i hailigul. but I
do fir
letit caleulation does not' agree with it. ender the fort•ed draught it bt car. saYfiell 4113t 1118Y
enialivIy. "This is tertaiw, hag 'icon. riNnwee_e_o et .sheoeeof_ .emelnet for nue-lcorCee and 1 will never
tee Cita' we have trac dr, ti 1, there tg primu li t , In, .rovssuro Idst, boti!eyer. 1 luitiglit
of showing the ang es to se inc. twit and consumption would be re,
ere follows the distance, squaring di ceri,
and farmers everywhere
tile'(elleal"' ---Twiu blicsratnrs 111.0 throughout .Canada woUld be hin-
required to operate the astronomical d Ted in making improvements upon
inserument. • Aside from the monotheir -
tory reietard from his invention.
Lieut. Saporetti's diligent efforts
protegee to bring Mtn fame, for his 'It is estimated that every year
dieeovery will make hint known ail
-over----theeciville I world._
Mile chasing a fulI-grown emir,
kangaroo at Ree_eieleSeteek
7. -1-filent was sneklenly seized
in the water. 'being only saved from
death by the courage of his dog,
• 0---fitially-pUt.--the--loto
In violation of our Canadian Patents; an imitating crOAm
separator called the "Uneed a'• has in some localities boon ot.
fereil ,for sale and suits at law are , now pending against the".
manufacturers thereof.. Under the 'law a USER of thesein-
fringing machines is also liable for all damages resulting to the
patentee,throulsh-his_use-thereol. _ We hereb,y inform ,You that
in buying or using one of these so-eitlled 7"UNIklidliA.** septira-
e, . •
• tors you not only get a very inferior separator. . incapable .of
giving you sack results as you should havebut. you buy a lakw
suit with all its •expensive attendants, and with every Itkellhoed
of losing the machine Yon haVe bought, and a verdict of heavy'
damages against you.
--- 'that you m ec_fully Informed -on -the
:tact before becoming involved write to
P ▪ Sha isW t Chester Pa. USA
8111101.10.11. 11.1110.
in Sumatra the length of time
that a widoW must Wear her weeds
is determined by the wind. After
her husband's death' 'she plants -
'flag is raised. While the 'flog re-
mains untoru by the wind etfoinette
or s a s e s ton ( marry.
as soon as a rent appears, no mat-
ter how t;iny, she can lay aside her
-lie There a Will Wisdom Points the
• Way.4.-The sicknum pines tor relief, but
he dislikes sending for the doctor, which
means bottles of drugs never Cantaitued.
Ile has not the resolution to load his
stomach with compounds which smelt
• villeinouslrand-tastow,ors -
hay e •
Malty aS r pos a e 1
ployees: the United States, 219,000;
Great Britain. 184,000. None of the
e •
night. possess 100,000 perital ernployees.
• nectehase-81,000..,-.A.nettia
itteisi`030-2-; and Je_kplerf h7,9
-Litiftneut ,TinT-trie Loggir,-2, Ifigers
perils laounds. cu and bruises can-
not be altogether avoided fit' preparing
timber for the drive and- hi river work
-• daily empt.rieure. coughs end colds end
muscular pahasi cannel but eristse. •Dr.
Thontaf 1,:kle?tric 011. when applied to
injured or admintsterese to- the all-
itig. Works forondeft
stid attained bis.
muse With, his
a meat, wisdom willidirect- his attention
to Parmelee's Vegetate* Pills. which, as
a specific for indigestion and disorders
of the digestive organs.
In olden days it was eu.stomary to
eXterfti .the charities of Christmas
d 'the I,sIeW Yettr the -
14 AN irrall ,I.All'ItOVF:D FAIIJII
AY& lands for «aleall located In ,tha
enums WitWaUelia district. The 8ourle
Valley is the garden of Manitoba and
the WaWanesa District is the Gardenet
sale at reasonabls prices efia onoOd
terms, ell located near marketsbelf_gools
and eherchew. Write for lists and fur-
, Vette
Land Comfit
-An ociniins, measuring 1.1-4-* feet
from tip to tip of its tentacles, at-
tackeid n diver in Cape. Town Har-
bor reeently. EttiVee and hatchet
tni,tn -trer-used-ter-entlh-e._ arms' -of
• the monster airily from the diyer.
FOr the
The **Land of Sunshine.
Fruit and Plowere.".
---Itound-trip--tourist tickets
on sale daily. •
Lot Minns if' Ifiiieral Bas"
311.1(4.4411s. C. C. IIICTIAIIDS ,f4 CO.°
teents,-After suffering for, seven
years with inflammatorv. them's:diem
err bad t fiat I was- etc -Veil month
nfined -to .4.1ar -room-and Sot'
yciats' could -not dress •myself with-
out help. your agent gave me a bot-
tle of l'iltt7AltD"S LINIMENT in
May. 1807, and *eked me to try it
which 1 diii, and WEIS so well plettsed
with the 'results. I procured more.
,Five bottles completely cured me,
and I have had no return of the
r.211in for eighti,en ninnthf,„. The above
atttr tire Well knewn to everybody
In the village anvil neighborhood. •
i'otirs gra trfully,
a.. Ita. 11T.
onothee. Clue., 16th '09,
IL.k.e.;..101)11g-allia o'n's 19 right ' here at u hit e heat , send by this P41rt".
00 e e n t ere _ g !... 4 o.,
0 trUn 1114' Awtper-ttre---vory---d _ nt-,14,,..mypereea-to.._riminit a -fti. 1,,„(),„,,rpackage of Postuni. although T. Wel,
!rent your isttanitao• It 1.9 •1111 )0ssi- tive being moved unacr ttg 'awn i sure I could not drink it. - I pr '''crown of a human tooth is
11* far theta to he wrong. Were all, power- Continuous retsort to the flared it SA directed. and served i I by a brilliant white cap of
• the calculators in tbe week' to, mork' sibovel on the part of the, die/owl:40r tivaidtrtct..° Well. bitter SS.
whch IS Aot o
,. bit tkble ,111.1Cil, ..cfn this shnPh" °Peva- itops tho eost. It e- .eeiy lenotte oteeol,', wait again -t
., it, I must say that .) 11.11'4* only - the htted-
I ''
e n
lion, the result could 'ho diirerent a _month thai. ei 'new. tiro if4-tilit tti, a ,-, never before- ltd T. tasted a ltiore est tissue -(*1 the' liureall --b°11.14 -can''
'hill% tO''slittrit that V4)111 rife 1" fling loci -emotive white in rervic0 riche delicious cup of reiree! rroin itinkt- istio..as it dors. of 90.5 per cent-.
A lhoultand s s." , balaree of the titni, the fire is kept ; da3- to tilrls (mare thrill 2 Years! T f animal matter. brit alea the hard-
:T110..tuOrie,V•cliti. -ts 'were extretiteiy alight l* lreiug lianlic4i rcher, the iron have, never hid a ilesire for file Did t 1‘110*n orgaPie sutstanco .
it&i1 ibegan to t11171 'Y: horSo •.is not en the road. • • et•itree. „Nly health soon retiirts1;.
y, Y%Ikoi* ne'tror• Weir ,.! 4,..
bitavder.• neeinhow li;aStanet disapPeared. I toInta ntyrtud pnacki. .
in on.
-the -situation, p1op0,' au ins. te Wkkli fiesk la belt
- 1111311*4 ' iirii reekOn it I
, i• Willa 111-lvtialt7S OF IIINS? tt).:0Te..ep troll etitd in a ?bort tittle I eters et Mae, tilt/Atria INA
ge4 . 20 pound, in WOlglit. that *ere the !retrial et other aa diti
Tv a &Ties of motirii,,ents .cot.a..i "1 he Ali I handet toy r iyedei me itreati vitetild ditrentetes h WI fe the
41 y 1 _I c Y rite
Tnan him) disteyeeepti tivetar,,..qt-T4.4 „t,, :Int.- telling hie!! I had no Alse for lb* either. iliiii have, hearriettlot Qatiee
i" t ht) conutriltiatn, ••111 hat bNotece of ,i '' ' -
ducted in his back orticei-.--Ii; gentieett" tablet4 k° had ‘nre-011)(4t tor irrI24 InPaturn,"wlmt :11:11,:ta
IT t *et! f Wane When Ifilts. "Asti. laht,efeelaii la tame**
y ter amay
template making "airships to order'
at /40.000 each, guaranteed fax
one year.
For Over Slety Years
AlluP.,W11160 (We S0311111111 ilflOYr bee bees loot*
ininioluicif **Mfrs NW tbierebnittler-eirtW
Atilootheithe eh 114. *elutes ties Pim allatelgamt 11q.
brdeelk, mei stee tbeetearamsed bowie, wiefs t.
bestreekedyfor Tymity.Ilvesseta a bottle
bold by dreatbea theyesbate the werlit. F.syseoll
sister Mx% Wtesteweeneetatselilliitra^ 22-61
**Oh. doctor." exclaimed a ritatina-.
my hands and feer.."-- u . nA,,v oar
sir." rejoined the physician. "Just
try to thfnk how ninoll ineeraveni-
ence you would stiffer without
A Melia; 1th.444,3_Ann2litardeheiL) -Skin.-;-'Eruittleret 0
.beauty_..;auee-itita-ressit. of Impure WOO
caused by Unheldthy • actloa of the liver
and kidneys. in correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the ' Orb.
ganu to their normal condition Panne -
lee's Vegetable Pius will at tlie. sante
thee cleanse the blood, -arid ,tho. blotch-
es and eruptions disappesir without
leaving any trate-
The Wok /of Joh Is belietre4 t be
the most ancient literary work in
eatisteroce. It is, knosvn. to have been
written prior to the retitatencb.
prior td 'the promulgrition ot the
a ew ya o 3* I3
deli htful resort. Ilest of hotel ace
commodatiori. ,
For tickets and. fun information --
call at any Grand Trunk ile.ket Ofe •
Ilea- . .,
More people over 100 vire old are
found In climates than in tho
higher latitudes.
.--.Wife"I don't care whether you
come home early or late now; I have
iesources of my, own." Husband -
'You don't inean to say you have
learrit to tinarrel With youreelf?"
,picso7 ito ha% fornttli that, piits'are P4"'41 hEm 1'14' caeatl.ctilir 14* rc" 41
Itairpins, while!) ir'atled si ant glad 14 '5('41ni Were' 11141°141" tV
• hp Vatcheti for 1.51 dia5s; dislipjvcar-1;.8°111.Lb C1148gh. 116t ti3 .411441artv which"
.041,1iy rtmtjng away at the muiEp pet -waded that ceglee vas. *hart* 4trittittra 'OW* *Stark% I
". 10/ ' This is the besteul of -coffe' *fir",ghinrar0641"erhttaii.-
Bickle"ft- Auti-Cortsweiptive Syrup- l*
the reel at of expert chemical expert-
ertaken to discover a pre-
trentive 07 inflatimaation of the lungs
and consumption. by destroying the
' ram that develop these diseases. and
11 • the world with pitaute subjects
peletaly stricken. The use of this
yrep Wdi prevent the dire concequence
of neglectert 'Colds. A trial, wl;lelt
costs only 25 cents, will convince you
that this fe correct.
Part Trdeban11 rateable- 170118e-
1150,000,000. ,Sixty years ago it
wag It sErntlY ifIldernese. with It
n1a11 1110ckhous0-4*-ita--triltiNt.
by a commando of Boers. .
yra. brciss b *lit "svood
rheri he
rahce; steel,. petre at the. *tied 'cvni1 cup him ha
ti,.. months hail ticarl:c7 gone, frainit r"tulli- Wes in
lotte. brit I CO8'18f7d bim.at*
thlif wooden hOld7t3"ItIre,stiiil3 hp uses/Vothiegr Post in .
.\ t.nw sittl has grratirlitititO
aft trf-rieW, IfiCiiii.m.
Jai ''k in'tiolt PitekOk for th
tIA\votl little 13°6,15' The, lload -tb
\ tillge* 'A
.;',:A1411II1'4. •
Lord. 3filner iresign4 his Sotith
Aft -Iran* pbqt he will relincrilEli aft ifl.
owl? tepte,eating" 455,1)00 44`.
This 18' the .bigh-cst, Algure 'paid ,to
any lIx-:tislirro-C'oiside with t17.ex
teption of the Vioetoy of tneliik.
tiemari, holding that ottke r
ist;a1 ant*,
Will *ISO
ither ititS6
'Acikert fit
S the.
LtUe IntorAtUnoltt
_Fromm_ th(;re aro
mnoktre, and of every 'fifteeet there
eight who smoke a pipe; five
wbo inoke cigars. and only° two
bo f.:e6 cigarettes. !Atli the
cOns.tene niorei than 800.000.e.
igare.s.ltes a. Nrear or *hough. to
go 'around tile: world GOOtimeli if
they wero piiiteed end to end io