Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-23, Page 3gagto cleat'
MV enValired, b . •
ncceo, so tar aa aa* he gstl
It has only riocentlY hittoomie;
that Atr.,I was the leer&
ell es the detective.
1», when three myst
Era ayted by Hawauaft citlofo to;
Capture Sharks. WO
• It appear e thet • the IfieWeilitit
tele of sortie years 'ago Were niuth•
addicted( to the • Wte- ot: teInman. n
b�t ,
•et 0 ,intieelthing
• ire-elev. eV PItte,
;OA!r fQ4'fer
'400,54 '
e ealet-ertfira Vi
10„e iu this northreifeY-orkettire. -enter
• rat,* tileeke to otelt other., and 011
thcfew occasions Whim they.. met:
ihe :treated each other with oeil
feethioneet eotirteeer lend ewith the re-
, ittetve becoming. to an old' bachelor
luslitivn lady. W. Batty, w 9
then AN* ,
$0;71-eretet1Y diod, 4114-"Wheli---the
otteof, hio 'Will became knoWit
itienisired such food for gossip
as the-eilloge had not known with'•
in living" memory. •
*Itie Batty, :Who had always • breen
• riegeledtid herhis neighbere tto the
floRt ereeter. Of baohelors and rei.
; left all teee -estate...4Q. y Iawfut
kinren as 'Wee
Jackson, of etose ;cottage, In: ends -
!titer,' to Whoin,rmwrecetrried In
ettee of 'Vox* on Aug, 9„. • 1849;
but het;; for reasons which need not
be exp1aln'ed hes tun* lived with
me or beea• kneverceaseeeervelfe.et• -
rt,et Norbwnlferisnd
viUage in whlcli he had lived for
.enore. than :y years. Although
he was a ,rnaa -of Considerable for -
Ilene tie lived In a small cottage, at-
etentted only 'W one man eerv.ant
Old anSteCCOntrie .h.lanaelf; and Me
%strong %%s bb*. eVers.' ion to the fair
.Sex that during the whole period of
"lils life in ;the .uillsgo he wasnever
onco known to tspeak"to a weinan.
, TtnzTO W#S..natUrally meek siveule,-
"tiOn Ott tO the reason for sue& a
440040 aversion, but the socret.was
• only 'Weeded on his death, when he
bequeathe'd an tumulty of $500 ,"to
#0P,viit0„. on • the same conditions as
,..eliatre -under which' she has enOd
r nitetletle114ilire1yt tha
mile* of me, dead or Alive."
was the first*, eintiniation. his
-ors, had that be was a Mor-
o; for he ' had invariably
poscd.1'44 -Only as a lege-helor but as
$a matt wfrom nothing could induce
even to contimtplate matrimony,
Tia 4T00731_ of a welleknowne
was while-exereisieg a young
'horse, to the grief of the master
Na-onee'boWever, mouenedhis deft
:-.-more deeply than
'SWee i jtez', 0r
Ue party• witit the bleOte. in i\s
pocket.. ' •
Ile get . fOur year poled 4014 -
:oucover the• Orme bowl • wit.); the
a an ten of thaf. place thc
sheet. of blotting '.paper. Ttiep upoo
the paper You slowly pour the cream.
en the blotter and the towel bo-
th it hietee'beconte saturated -the
mor fluid art of the cream (skim
will gradually d.ribble, through
,owl; 1eav1n- -*hind otete
ins paper 411 of hut-
t was coritnined le the
fat hen you have.siereed it
a. bit. , with a tablespoon, iti
enoujh butter-nevertheleso, our-
,yediffereet from .ordittary but-
te.he a gratifying dietetic novelty
.beetier, and 'Yet. it istile-that is
WA* prostrated with grief. She
.itietiestixt on following his body to
-43e-and-eirtireiowit:to-1ier-4 '
• ,
titurPtiee to herefnelter, who Was pre -
Ind Who tonic hold of her firm
o iced ter atnV' • •
said: "evilly did you come?'
0'4.10:0" the heart ' Woken girl
e. .
The .de• ath of a -well known mind.
gen ennui n the ,:44klanda had an
,elmost equally 0 dramatic sequel. • It
WAS cottunon knowledge that some
O .Yeetirs before his only son 'and heir
fallen in love with the daughter
of teetredesznate inetlie neighboring
-"tillage; tett his father had so
letrottglY oppased tho match - eVen
0 • 8 5011
anew for a year-thot it was con-
• ,cleiled the roninnee' had long since
%porno to a conclusion, especially as
yourig man seemed to ignore the
O :existence of Ho jottuer_ktalooye,-
- Seareely, however, hod the father
teen, buried when the, tradesman's
datighter was installed as mietress
of •the lutU. ane it became known
O -that for the list five years the lady
liad been a wife e
• IN TIM erne.% OF Trim LAW.,
gxpoeure of these secret marrl-
agea comes about in an
O -eeneing way, however, its was the
'With a patriatehitt:_. old rain
Wb�e*bie- - to leesidie In London, 0rie-•
to Weeded by hist granddaughter, A
- tty nod attractive Young girl of
18. As Wait perhaps only natural, a•
AtOort attrected wooers, much to the
grendiatherei annoyance. The crisis
tome •recently when ono persistent
;Sung, man shadowed the girl to
Sikh an extent the att g-eit-tleman, in
st`moment of anger, threatened to
leomethip hint' if be did not cease
ba OnWele,OMer attentions. %
44f And Whitt, . light littere you sir,"
the ,young Man ttiked, 11'to prevent a
paylkoir honorable attentiott
gramidaughter?" .
• tart Make Wfutt loVe you
the old gefitieninti answer -
1. **to my
but tainly bot.to,'iotv wife,"
mi *ut th ucr. socrety; • am
#egran.1ttr", nor
Wreck 'Near "gentle of Mersey',
le.ores 'Strewneliifith Fruit •
h - • • o4:tu
oa,- for -Liverpori ro
Svain wlth a cargo of_Spauieli.events
and one:twee .end Varian* 'Undo 'et
, fruit, went, ashore •uPitri- one of- the
,many esieridinipeee in the mout!i of
Alto Mersey, about a waiter of
milo. from the Wallasey shore. On
Thursday- night ' hest a emery' storm
- the cargo. Tlie wind blow ,asbent
iiblititr330-Ceeies ° of oranges*and
ligs, and onions. together with Ave
,100-gedlon ,casks of p*ort wino.
Towards Friday evening the villas-
eroeturned out -to view the debris left
on their shore* by the receding tide.
Many of the eateif of fruit had hem
burst open by the terve of the waVeite
andethe shore for miles° was covered
with rich -colored, fruits, •the prevail-
ing tome of which was a bright or-•
• At'. the eutt 'Impel to • sink, in
the West its dePartieg• rer caught
the 'wetsurittees of the oranges, and
epectacie • of the .moot dazzling
brightness was the reeult. • 4.
. • TAPPING. %Tiff; •CASKS...
de.teethin __w_ase__ereduetel__ to fteeirei_ ni-
mune the -villagers crept out of the
dimes, silently Appropriatedthe
cases„ of orangee.• and carried or
dragged 'them home.. -Ali' ,night 'lenge
Mean beea ittlisoid. a through tho!
quaint streets under the *burden "of
'bags of oranges, laying up stores ,of
enjoyment lot.. weeks to game.
•-eThe---.-denouonente,Was reached- whon
the. -firet -brave man approached.
cask of port with a bottle in hand.
--coastguidels-alike. he---soon-penetured
the side of the cask With a gimlet
one.- -steeply filled -his..botelee Uis
example was quickly followed by
others, and the. casks were Pierced
with itunierons small holey', from
allcd ttlmesmntreitekeden
eeeho1eu 1raent
tapping became oo s ow. .The
-bung a evereeextriteted, and out pour-
ed -copious-% estretems-ofe-ered
cured, and men were ;seen trudging
home carrying the wino in bucket
from the PPmP-
Dottie* in the -village iver6,- soon
at a premium. SiXpence and a
shilling each were given ' for
empty whiskey bottles,- and the
owner weehed-them -Get erith
port heroin refilling them.
Some In enious sons hit u an
t device of•tnvesting 1 betties: of
ginger -beer for .the sake of the empty
bottlee, atid ofie, man filled as many
as seventy-four bottles during the
evening. Thee, w.irte .was consumed to
geectuantlti • ' • '
if It were 1xer. I1it shor sooli bee. -
came the scene of an orgy. Men
'ewIth ieVered brattui sang loudly and
danced round the cask*, and rattily •a
roysterer lay down to sleep upon
the damp sands. The more seasoned
-topers paraded - the streets' on rift.
steadr• legs, and the Village resound-
ed w th the echoe* of etheir drunken
songs until the small bouts of . the
- 'The shipand-cargo- are supposed
be -uninsured. The- -renteinder etif the
tarois of contiderable vett*, con- ,
elstieg of ,whiskey, tum, and ttibaceo,
the whole being valued at £20,000
' When the vessel, went seller the
crew wile reinov s, u t ca,ptit n
resolotely stuck to the, ship, and
when efforts* were made to forcibly ,
remove him ie ton to his cahlit and,
threatened to shoot *etym.* who
On Saturday everting lerge, ereWdie
of people owe from Liverpool, :and
the coostgoartio Went, So far ast to
dot*. their swords in protecting the'
wine casks, • •
, .
A11011T (EN.
„..ko honest Men,iteui tiothin to fciur'
*ftetti hellcat trina,
If a. Mart. *its to do
at he Wonted to he would zot
creamy flavor about it that iiogge;44
seam ,purpoo, Thew is a .delielous
the home,dairy „and the cow.
Now,if it so bullpens .that you
fascinating butter product
Jca a actual butter,, you can Me-
w* and Varitable stuff
every 1ay re-eneureettleillit-teeVe by
utiUzing a diminutive churn' %ouch as
von onr-st any store. The churn is
Of ease.and the paddle is actuated
by, a toothed wheel turned by the
hand, workingeatueli after the faster
lee of -a Patent .
YOU tAlt-4 the 114111:110.' for a few
moments: the paddle. revolees at • a.
great Weever speed, laid, almost be-
fore you 'mow- it the cream you
have put into :the receptacle begins
•to tux* to butter., Scientifically eon.
siderect, it is the bunthing 'together
of the fat globule* of the cream thatto confer infilinetilhg
peodter ..2•Oreicomesth.t::. •bixsti,tteh% tphrase ish.0 byuotu- hvcrrIta8velt.v1PIZI:: the
actual captor, that •ht, the one who
Peseestior, end the
fish the lutrips ot it out of the but
.eeeineeeeepre. zee_
ways victorious.
sl ed the necom • over tbe niuhr's
thod of 1apturinginitreeniu
untie' .. They Jirst of aflcai
„,., .
4: ,
en Ii leaves. and baked thenw eteeler,.;
ground. From 'fifty to a kuiulr�d.
eanotee were loaded wtiet Uie keit
meat and large quantities at the
poinded roots of awn, mixed with
a little weter and, contained'in Urge
gourds. -The fleet would sollemetey
Miles out to aea in the direeeLoti en
which the.niuhi 1 known to appear.
Arrived at • a comparativelyshal-
low plaee, the canoe containing tile
head fisherman, and the priest and
the sereerer, Who was supposed to
be indispenSable. ,Would east an-
chor; Meat arid the baked itke
would be thi•own overboard, a 4617
bundles at a timeto attract nhorks.
cent Or -et-ie.-Red neertiee wetild
through the water Malty ,ettiles ,In
-radius. The nited troillet almost *If
waVe_ Make Ate ,oPeeeranee after the
third -0e feturth day. When himelles of
the baked meat were thrownto it
as fast as it could ovealloW them.
.After a while it would become coin.
-paratively--tenne, and-ewould-eonicrup-
to one or ether of the: canOns he -
fed,, Bundles of 'the livee, With _ttee
'Pouledeeteeiefit ifOulfrffitTrilui given it
• and it would beeorne not only Retie
:italbut also stupefied with area.
A noose was •theo slipped over its
heedend thee-lieet eitissdeonehor-
end set veil, for home". thie.- eltarkefole
lowing, a willing prIeoner, and the
°coup/tote of the nearest canoes be-
ing careful to feed it upon th.e. same
!neater° from time to tinie. • et was
led right into shellow 'water untfl.
it watt etianded, and thee killed.
Fivery part of the bones and e
»r ant -
•' teMte
rIottel . iete
t;41111$1 eetieteree
ne itee
1 eeent to, bli.n1I. W,Ith litt,
cur ous o "costae** of a- %past age
rusiting civilization and r etieesen
ergy of the 20th century, says Mod-
ernn Mexico'. In .the Viral' distriels
many of the natives are doing now
as our ancestors did -more than a
century age before the factorieseend
theesteam looms came to- centralize
ti'oi j,hit had been previously done
-- the h me*. • .
" It AIN oix ou'romi.• ,
May 5i the /Wientribes. still
%-keep- t ir aqieient languages, their
distinetive dr we.. and "their customs,
and the stiperstitioes of their anci-
ent religion, if not the spirit of the
religion Itself. Among these pried-
eive ' customs referred to are more
ter'12iiin en° r •
for.-4iraneexliortsee, -
Bar!le-ef;6e for No. 2,• 40 for 0.
and 42c .for .No. 3 malting.
oetside. Toronto freights. •
Itye--"c5e to 7642 for No.
Cora -Firm; new Canadian e-ellow,
43ec to 44c; Mixed, 421c to 43c f.
o. b. -Chathain freights; new Ameri-
can arti. No. 3 yellow, 51-ec;
51te en track Tomtit°. '
Oats--Contibue scarce, and are_ _
'quoted for No. 2 at 38e any freieghte.
Rolbd Oatoe-$4.1.5 for ears of Iags
and $4.40 forbarrels on track herd;
25c mom for broken lots -here and
40e outside.
ipulater it with a spoon *for a few
mined -es; and, lot you have a fresh
"Pet" of the most . appetizing* feed
1p2reiy on earth. - • '
The but* e'ott Make in this way
is remarkably digereent from the hut -
tee .3zieo buy In Ithe Outeket. In the
Arst place, it is notyellow. but
!white, or pearly so. Secondly, it
5MM. whe.n, try it. to be
objectionably saltless. To supply
the salt is easy enough, ;bat one
sa u s teirreWlefUltelar
a mat*. of habit-, , 1%1_0 most ex.
peotive hotels arid restatran s
Ae„ 'the butter served is white ansi
net salted, the coloring substance munication over long dietanees of
wheat the "trade" ordinarily de" sparsely settled Country. Ile was
ma ete_Mege_111,0,eyeem„,_ornitted egeamiong-elue-leitioutos-when-h
elef.,811 DAUM FLAI/Olt. , discovered that 'Abe oevellagee had
Productof the household churn
Method 0 of ,Communication in
%South Africa.
eA sirstim of wieelese -telegraphy
hes been wiled on in the heart of
Ventions. The Itev. C. A. Itideont,
emery in that region, gives
an account of this method of, coin-
,centuries ago.
Tolexe. lirditaonst,..w_histo aelli: moat elwoen en -
V and teneciouely to their ancient
+tress and language . are those , _who.
'are- mot interesting --to study. -and
Picturesque from the. tourist point
of viete These tribes do all their
own weaving at home. You can tell
eeeeh tribe -ley -the-- dietinettve drese_it
wenn'. _Especially:, tertidono of tht
Scotch, theee have -certain ways of
weaving eller chilli peculiar to each
tribe. The tribe Is generally indi-
eated on the Uplands by certain
stripes; ' -Soinettmes-,, howevte. it is
shown. byintming_s_akirt_of eke kind
and e. robes* (a kind of attneW1) of
• anothet... ,
Xn mane' Mexican houses women
sylp. on ;curious antique-loolcing
wheels, as their -ancestors did before,
the Simnisli conqueet four -centuries
ago. Alinose •all the :cloth Made
in the Wider:tn. homes Is of •tattoo,
and in nerinY place* they Will tell
hat-thee-aLie-le iaseree
waived ft theelarally nine°the tib2e
of the Aztec princei. . The .eiitt
yaen is dyed In many colors and
woven into artistic patterns.. The
curio stores neike .e. very proiltrdde
busineep 'selling the niore artistic of
-the blankets and ditferent kW; of
wraps of the Indians.
Vim of the eiglies of interest Jar
the toifiliff-Ai the making of mat-
ting from enishes. This is to lie
found in many different patterns and
letteefriettetietteettly --e
0 01111rWIT6Ta7,.. tt 1
used by the middle -loss people In
Paceeier ”ordiner... er and -acee
pet. The long rusheS from the
sweenps are parially dried, and, then
woven into. mats. white they are
In nelpgjeneeellit_.0.. Me, oor
make a 1tring-by-te'e-*nowefae--
the piece _or b nig for the poorer
class, who stretch them upon their
eitrthen iloorse_to 'protect themselves
from the --dainp. •
„ ..„
loonts Mexican women weave saddle
girths.. These loome consiet of up-
right- /maks fastened into a rude
-arose:Irate Venerallye two-- weinen
Work at this loom, one 'working, th'e
teeof, while the other handles the
- ere
. are made 43 -that ca
'alternate strand can be . raised or
dinary loom; but ets eine women. has
to stay at one end to raise and
O lower the strands, it requires an-
other to paws end repass' the cross.
pretty- deal
out on those primitive lootne.
-Otittedertlitreillitoliiii 'are **Teel
tive tie 'they ere in Our house. /111
ninny places crope are obtained by
ittevelegiateloot:tryT;heanwdattpery Is octane::: In
open. ditchet, often °Across on almost
late afternoon One limy see the, ln.
dian laborets . throwing Water bv.
haml froin the * ditOies upon the
Tho pleuegbing here e Is also as:
Drimitiee as the, irrigation,- It ie
goteeally done ;with,. olcen, 'Arid the,
plough •eonsitte ofea r rudely
preperly speeki
eat th, for by %no 01*ttSv dalt It bo
'Called ploughing.
comnrit 'ritoDITCt.
But or -Mem are unchangedbut,
deal soy. likely to go higher..
Creamery. -prints 2.10 to 24c ,
Dairy - tetba„--_. good to -
1,8to-19c •
• S'-'-itstetnerreO e
do interior grades lee to 14c
Dairy lb. rolls, good to
'choke; 1.0c t� 20e
_do large...rens 1.7e.1.0 190
do 111gdi .41in 15e to 10c
Cheese-Ttade is -fairly steadyand
prict-s are quoted eachaneve at. 111c
to11c for large and ketc to e2c
for twins.
O E -The heavy stocks. of .limed ' •
offering here impart an easier tone
to ,the whole market. 4 They are
quoted at 16c end fresh at 18c to
Poultry -Turkeys, 12c to 15c:
ducks, Mc to 14c; gese, lie to 12e; ,
dal butter, which one
mordy seeks in vain. it is the Verit-
able en-tiele„„,undoctorede-nnd 'dceroid
orthili-747e; 1-14firelilderriTd 'front tbe
see*); of a Mexican plant, ,and known
undeir the trade mune of "'Amato"
tee y nowadays that much
of t, "ow- print" on the 0 tnerket
eau* lee has reddish hue. Adulter-
ation of this kind hus been carried
so far a* to bring about -a tendency
to return to the old fashioned
O creamy,. butter. like Aunt Bliefte- 'Used
and-theeltousewifet -who -em-
ploys a glass churn of the Wed de.
seribed v have the satisfaction of
-that .4 output, --o er- t
tle machine represents the most
fashionable es well AS latr" extremely
palatable brand. , . •
The great dairy concern s he
'ereanr-beforetehurniur Itewithe0gct
la of portlralar species, pure cultures
• which -they buy' lit little bottles;
Fade kind of germ thus put up is
guaranteed to produce a collide
flavor in the butter, the bestlatones
of *nth micreihes. being Oil tamoua
bacillus 49, discovered by Prof.
Conn. But the everyday housewife
wiU be content with the •proiluction
�f APPetiztair 000 of the 'plots'', old
fa'hioned 1.tuff that goett.tioe well
wilkestealletheolAton*intide bread.
'Butter, hoWeivet. Is net Pie only
dairy prodect whkh the housewife
the Intelligence of e eta vic ory.
qays Mr.
large-sourd. is-bollowed_ out
athotteinglilie direa.--Thelrlitdrir
akin, as hard and thiii as parch-
raent is r aeroes the hollow'
of 'the 0 gourd, When beaten with et
O padded drunistick, this gives forth
• • sound which am be distinctly
;betted at ii....ilietaticeeof from ,five to
eight miles,
eIn every village there is a class
who...4iro litilizodeeta .1wintee.
-Araoree• theim guards there are 0..
way* two or -three teethed to the.
prattle/My an Aloe ,"• orse
phatfet, and is .beaten on the drum
in the open air. The sound hi car-
ried across the -alleys and 0011'S to
the next - village, where it is. inter-
message is for te distaet partrinire-
Peato- it -eon- hitt, donne- -and- 80 -it - -Is-
erieried from village 10 villagewith
very little less • of time, until it
reecho§ the person for whom it As
itetierelede •
"1 was granted the privilege of
tieing the gourd telegraph oysternt to
send messages to ,eur tniosien Work.
e rs, and often availed 'Myselt ot It/
1.-d4Yn!t_latelt ,a,alligle Instance %tern,
felled -to edeliver-ite-wordepeoper-
O "During' the Boer War we. Who
wee hundredof Mike from- the
wen° fbestIlitfeeote nil the tieWit
kotsitieem-Ontarin„---6r-oe on
track and 75c to 80c otit of store;
stern -'5e to 80c em track and
tiOto to 95c out of store. •
Ilakid flay -Prices are uncbangod
at $8 per tem for •No. 1 timothy and
$6.23 to 50 for No; 2 a,rid mixed
clover in car lots on track here.
Doled- Straw -4s eesy tone and
quoted unchanged at -$6 to $0.5 Per
ton _fer_rar lots Ani. track here.,
Montreal. _Feb- 14...e.Altelien--No fur-
ther change in tondition of local
markets ter oats. Car Iota ‚4'o. "
2- white were made at 44/c and No.
3 _do st...4411.e_Per. tshextoreB-
Flour-Ilanitoba spring wheat pat--
enfilee$MettreetetiecinerWl teerea-
he ,e,e0"°,„„ree.tted, known of "leveret, 1014°0°4 vd*r°
* with eurptieing,reptdi y, and have
. 44, 44.44 4 . 41, • Ai - 4 14
/1441 eart16 mr Ina Mira air0inne
ca* make for herself quite , 'Agit , , g
P.v inbdrig: lardinary tito,i4to.icith ,onvo future ahead. of iht Ayle**ge by field -
show: toftetto. , • -
tis lust- as well it desired. tatendlbnuctasettt: 11;,tritt"Whoiltottil. hothoentiYinetromil Otoo;
olive oilis - not -bandy
Creak front the..glas1 churn •will sti,tve, in!hototdrsiorrlvirliki•titndo
ur es. e he 110
eteellent4f- as asittstitute. • , ;A:41 message smd.r have kftoot orio,, to
of a
tin make the kin$1. 0 elk**
.as *.**Ohnilerkaset* 1 is travel ti.early one-thousead
Uke illeolehatet,”,In a.cJsflj
AU ion batte to the ,
i* the reeeptitelez,1#411 t
as cotapletc1 separated fra
al11eflt. In ng
, e„,
"- Stegistrate-eAh! thcy
,drinik again, 111?•liobo-
or. tirmersonatieear
time. - 1 gue.tes ;ley ean
ee, Currettee caste:Mr lois ltist been.
and in bows, $2.50 to $2.60. '
reetl-Vanitoba bran in hogs .
. ,
Vt-tqlfaiertsi- to $nottU1
/121 to -$28 Per, ton. as to 'polity.
Mea -'There was no improvement
itt tht5 IC-01MM) 0 US MSS n ro
oats.. 'het, thetone ot the reeeket--
was steady and prices were, unchang-
ed at ;$*4.05 to $2.07J per hag; corn-
meal was quiet at $1.35 to $1.45
per bag.
elte41 ILete ,
er. mixed, 17, _ •
o -$7.i0 and pure clover.'
rovisicr4s-lleavy short,- .
ut port,•$1-6.50 to $17.50; - tight
short ct4, $16.541 to $17:: Anteriesin
$20; cemptemid lord,
rendeired, titie to 130;
tor hog, 7."75;eliettvy fat Semi:
$4 cett$5.75 to *5.85, oft
ressed, $6 to *6 S0
, t, -Ontario tall White. 101to
• *3,01c,-colpred:„ t0c (0 10v Quo.
bee. 1000 *
Buttext-tinest grade., 214c to 22e;
ordinalei',.. 20c to 21e melAinin grades
ettitre to 20er. and • Western -
tree to tree.
„leetti, toe ltto; o. 2, ifli to rete:
'Venereal limed 1ftto 1I
iret llAitleV.T.. • „
co, *twitted at nAll
p. eat oseoW.-
the Mai riageable. et% itr,thit tow
ntied,up. On the -principal *toot.' detk.
kki.ont their ,shople ,tinety.
S-oung *sett conteMplating mate1010
walked "down, the raiii0s' Of..beauts
rtnd related the•Oris lit their thole
'Wrist It.esk .tr
Ntorket. • eo
+good toutelfm*
'facAuti. wtrzi%
tiaeA ady
ft IsOlibt,
vm, was 4.
City Cattle
y for all
ict export.
to $4;
• z•-•-,-1._
.30 to
2i� ...7.41.,
at' Mir Market,
and t•44or.ltkop .f Acta;
,ett .$3,51/;._
(fl)nsId ft that fun
uctloa should be g-Lv-
11 children
t true value
nd(ilons, se
alr, 'food
gi itartit,,($.1*
asiVtgleet. o
toot, the prowl
itotpreited Ida*
ths eatlo, 01 tbe
110 reign yam, rp
King of ,the COOS., * grnip
nit it nelqz*S'Utitatrit; , Itlitif
r' dioV0r0d about..104 1,.-eafs agi
t1weePtsibe-of the .,*Keellug," but
re rstritively
ett Mr. an
i, VI!4IIMI : thern, "was truck )Mr
4r besuty, and took p h1 aboJe
cap and
pro (T„t
'tits lest
It.' Mgt