Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-23, Page 2ttori keltt Ji stip s Pt. Plat re is jnudt treitneet tn. g With pIr e'Ssulator or a ealatitta of In *Rebel lit Useful. Ths inte- ot OW pain netially diniInbhM * • it *nen; 4 1101404 1fly k44 an talP4tIeat ;V*044 Lfl0\ W44t04a 14t400 When PT4 ern he Out P ** mit or 10Monst if 1 (4 ccognbe4 1* ell- et itortte ilaYbeit * • 0.• "1 t the Pool ol Ilettteettel, �rn r, r . e Ott ittieS dented.pa better th ,U , 4 :Painfid �rt .struggle Foray* linenaft, aini at . every stroke ' the einarte ily, .eta the very fibres of cote ing-quittee under the 'conoseirra. %tin is horn to trouble; nom of us May hope to travel•Very.lar or very Jon g Withoet &Oil* it ,i''.0434bt, • 1 Ilut it MOO a, greet steal ot du.; ference t� us • in Oar walk .through lite b,ow We aeeept these.hlows of in I fortune. If you hew/ _the idea et God that Ile is a giant Thor, a veg Yikkan of 4 deity, WhO delights. in ewinging the ittremer, On our hearts ag orten anvil, *and reit/ices to state' ter the eparks of Ourhot grief, you, shall rage and rave all year titlYs- tatirittc=tri.. rtiftwoteurt-writ .. go. ' SOIttittWketti TO YOUtt-70 V.141; _ . . . If, however, yeti are wise enough to discern ben* stole/it • purpose in all that God.'doethi, aild'reverent enoug to acknowledge, that "Clod aftlictet not INfilftafir nor gi1*vctb -,rruzAnar-.4n -,Your ,sorros.tO joys, your blows to • beneath, your troubles , to advant- ages. . You tettlize, ot. emirs°, that th . does • net; hammer the Iran arounti_hts. anvil hlticle,; he ,dottt it to. hardeOhara .the 'inass and fit it for tit& purpose he has In Mind for it. Is it not vette' plausible, then, .to 'believe that the all goo Altrtificer of your destiny designs these, troubles to .eltape you, strengthen your fibre. and make you more truly useful? You know that. 070144154) hardens ' the Min:cies of your body, read ' them larger and stronger, "Itiiii"kno tbatt-y of its. proper kind or it will stag- and to be •cam essiotiate . with afl fellow tuffemrs. %/to earrett ot the raIeunderstanding that hag severed you 'froet---yenr-----friend will deepen Your nature, and you now re411,70 afi hardly before how /meet and how beautiful a thing is' friendship, ottd Yon will work for ITS L4i,ST1h7pi 11,F4STOIIATXON.. te sharp struggle that has Arleen; within yourtelf.. .duty warring against inebriation,„your betteil eelf rt. inst your lower self, wM clear, your vision and either 'teaelt,you to lift:your head high.and walk hutettlY elate at the contest You have witted or.wlUslzaw.oittliat you were tQQ. ▪ orn too -r gwou , perhaps. with yourself. Men and Women arertrequentlY-overseruputous- tMtteeessarily--"sett.donYing.'-` in the - name of religion. You say your hopes are shattered, your wisheri de. flied? Perhaps you ought to be ttetx, elite that they aro. we shprt-, sighted niortels do not, as 4, rile,. 'ttltditititdtpltrittforthirt-whiehtistbest- for us; ,ite satisfied to submit your °Peg to God's eel/crier judgment. Did you as a ehild•ever tiy. to catch the glowing sparks that flew. up so high from the smith's inVil? Altuir-thetrz-disappearett-beforet-th fell within your reatalt. were arks no-morer- vanished infor- aud nothingness. So all your 'tram - 'Wes will venish into nophingnets if ivith childlike faith and trust you accopt the, blows of Whet you call adverse fortune,' realize that they are strengthening and forraing your character, making you wound and tense and sterling. to the' core. Ver- ily,' "Juan is. bornito trouble." but if he wilt he can make his troubles; • •The tiose„ larynx,-trachett, bron- • 1%14 Wive, lungs. and air cells aro art included in tbe respiratory tract. Any affection of these involves more or Jess seriously the, whole breath - in a arattis. For illustration a growth in the nose has caused' iat4)1.- inn which has- disaPPeared .'11 0 r .. — ---, . lie n y. '''---,----.-7-77-7-----1o.ttithiflistterMittititotIttit a the bronchial tubes' Is liable to shut tiff' the air from . certain regions- of ---:-----the--tertgrerwritett-Geo. Jt -T141107-11. ' " • D., it , Talkini about the nese-y:11Y is it limit to breathe through. it rather ---thrtitt•thetzturtthrt three good reasons: First, it purifies the...air, that. 4,t4, the....114e_ hairs In. the nose i strain out: • the particles of ,dust. Seeond, the eir has a longer pas.tage to .tratel to get to tbe lungs Allifutt inhaled -cold -air is- Ire. -taties,_,-Third„, ,b,y,,,,viettAt-qf the -S4106 '-rtiiirficoil 1 ---air In violate/led by co tact with •the. raucous inembttne. , The next question. *het. Is ..aelied .inttivoir- 1st- Why tio-we-hreathet The ittainterittrout of litedepends upon the absorption of oXygen and the ' .eicretfon tit -carbonic Acid gas. The _.;,,.....,-L-_---_--.,--,•_=.-iungitAa-.-titht----4nteeetta..Atreutly medium of . exchange, that is„,they • provide the oityzen anti. carry away the .:.-polson.-Thet.-ialood-irt-the.- .-dium whieh carries, to, the varioust Parts. of the body and gathers pp • the Poisons and tutits them over to the lungs " for elladnation. There.- • fore, the 'abtorption of oxygen it dependent ot only upon the lungs • 142 but the bl od. If tbe Litter hi not rich ' in , corpuscles 1 e - blood is not able-totteketttp--the tikb matter lioW ninth a it uptilied by the. lungs, ' 'Why do we hbOti tert'lten? To pro- duce heat to•assitt in the "Awes* of nutrition. There can 'W no combust tion without. otygett- -Thig .Ity... -ls that makes the tires of lite burn. Why . Is (Jeep breethieg valuebte't Not beetoeie it Supplies' more oxygen to the blood. rot the brood in be-gAting-more -oxygen-fhari-it 'ran •.take up in an ' firth/carp inspiration. In tact; men can live with one lung,. •' and many' •are living toglay Witit • Such tt hentlictip and are a'tir and otting ettough oxygert. Iten why breathe doepte? ',lite etecitest velar!, ,Of deep 'breitthitt ' is the effect * upon abdorainalTito tilu-,; Pheagin 104160,4 itrger excorsione up- on the elitletitileal vontolts and thuS, cause* :a 'greater blood supply. too; the aSpirAtIon of tho egs, tiVects' the cirinliitiori. •There rt.,great„ „rigs nit-Aoubt.,ttee.41.1 11 4 Ciiii-Tif7iiiit7n-eir�e aer ed. to .eotitre, Oceth' oceurs lute/0(11 It then the hcatt is iligsected afr b01)1/k11. areatottnd lit the right -ail of -the 'izcart,' In tile neit .Plate, deept. fills up all th -tellt Tit ,thi';'19ligs4 kiltOit 'the *Ie1 of thtt idelt.'"i* iitteekest re bluCtd it Jbthlflg fie r..“1.1 e propetiii1ji*. to ittiToo.th4 thorax lit its sition,, and enlarges its captieity, giv- ▪ Ing the organs of circulation. and eetpiration freetioni to work. X notice again that becauett a num, hes a goott -chest expintsion le-- not evidenv.e that he.. has a good capec- ity. ' I note, too, that because he has a good expansion be. is not In roper- • r r In the third place that targitlung....capacity. is not ,necessar- , ily indicetion of what we com- monly term "good wind." t Many Men have wondered -what _second. winille........Timtnettrest-to-the truth that:we have with regard to the initt,t_te_e_,petter,Queeettt. a retie runs dash Ancribe-(0,-fn great pressure .his arteries are contracted And tome antriter7151d-lebttent the heattr. Thus in the early tmet of a. long ,distance.race this ,conditionlia present in a .less marked degree..-Af- or blood veSaeI all over the ndy. come dihsted-aMl._thug-relicrect.. the heart of the congestion and the blood flows utore evenly and with lees pressure an over the body, thus perraittieg _the... batt and lungs to dapt the -t9tttlitro-ar., HENCILE• S.- -..- This- irrir cur oustaffectionrseeniihg- ly it disease of the; skin, but really , one of the laerves, and even thought by some *doctors to be an eruptive ettert,t1lakttlitWtirraertelttslattiffeit ttrvO. --. • It reeeive4 tte ailboat- and b qUeathed the °teen llner: •It .retelved th�. fireplace anti be- toteatited //team and thegas range. It reeeived the, statreeee and :be- , 414,04befl 00 .0'0610 and esealator. It received .the hand printteg,press sard begneented the Roe cylinder. It received halid-eet type and be- queathed the linettItt- it received the gepsequiliand be- eitieathed thetypewriter. reeeived the painter's brwat iutd liequeetlied lithography. the 'camera and ,eeler Photegraphy, .r `vetiortli ' quealha-the. Itoet -- .It received gtinpoWder end bee tilleatIVW nitro...glycerine. ' It 'received the innttock tineathed the automatic littXiAl.. It received the billow dip and be- qttea,t,Vid the arc light. It received the beaeon light signal and-bett1tett1terttttre;44ta1ett W1releett,t4egraphy, It :received wood and stone.- build- ings , and .bequeathed twenty -story steel structeres. It receited letters sent ty, nett. otull messenger ,,avid-V'etifeettida\-, oeld's.--poptel It, .receiveil tbe medic/Val city-.• ollection of, btillelpgs huddled with-. In Walls for safety and "bequeathed the modern eity,lighted. paved, sew- ered anti provided with ave -cent •traitsportation. It receiVed a woriff Without free public tele:tole ,and left no civilized country without them. It received a world in which men Ameert_and, _loft (11914 cou 1. It receivett a world Withitiit a vot- ing woman, oe left it .with some measure of tiettnan-sufferage in hear - every civilized country and • full eufferage in a large section eif the eartit'S surface. -18 the twentieth century going in tor breaking atter this style It so, it will haveto lorttle. But, really. at times it seenas ” as ittletti-eenturtould-uset the di3ci/Tv-01es of the nineteenth., • Steatu heat, gag ranges, chit-Stors. In the World. Why not make them available for 'everybody'? The there is the land 'l'hat hart *Way* Wen in 111) wor Mit Make 044 avnitetttle for 'eve*. IroWtr nInctentb t.a.att the kndgartn- - „The tetentiet,lt .couid usefully make t a deble 'It diseovered* .the Itoentgen ray. But bite el people Can't airorW te pay for just pleiti, .ordlimry sunt,ight -4The---it-ritentorsr-am _gentlatnen_wttmentoo noweare--fitut it really seeing' as if the .tteentlith Centuty didn't /teed theni so ninth as tonic plain. priatt! tient „1-eteple_to /4114,4 what they'd. ne .--aireally. • • . ,..And then .agairt, it eometimee seems .10711f :the, little•youtg twenti- eth century heti all .it mould do to * rinetheentit bequeathed along with its Itlegsinge. " The reiteteenth tetitury discovertd 9,1Vbi�pTng. gether one ounce of hone of cattor-41, end the lake on. 'The dote is 4 teespa tour .Itours- * ner_ otite, - it to'_11,doit't litre ny longer without (tr,Liti iencing its perfections. . Cut your -it fruit into diee, removing. all the eters t*bite,-- pith -like Substance. and 'Pro- - reed as if Yen were concocting" a, .,,111:hrAngh',/kyt:ooksii-tnigthavaihtarerstahrstd. antrie.04bgaryt, tshracakrastefruirthse.anordaniaVtisis, Terglischlwalitttheasti°fourik6"*LartdIsinotheSvit.""ithel stiltlidlYtjt'erie celltte:C'04.cutr, wiittSh PaersipPilerYoon. blood; pour away the tititte The banana stands at the head of baste with driplatt- all fruits so, far 03 I00(1 value is from articles soalang tu. a, se- i-xl,,t'coneerneci, Its. very heartiness is against it. for to eat one at break - Mildew • staipia mat? be remotedi fest is. to take away the appetite, for other food. is ,so hearty to distress many delicate ttomacbs. banana should never be eaten hur- tiOU ,bUtpur, quarts ot cold water and one tableePeeebil of chloride 1.cot W sit well in. clear water afterwards d. hang lit the sun to dry. , hel • to re o dandruff. .o sca p-„--ruti night with the tips of tbe this stimulates the._scalp. a . to_ltienete the 11#4*.teff..._ litittantsg the 'scslp will stop. failing hair and increase the ainount of natural oil-- . Before ceoking tapioca. soak it In 1i uept ed the ,..clirlebilamlownhVwilaged ,the iuirIffir‘vliraMilriittt , • htless. 'meity.totherittelonging-te- wit of these types. Ilut, as the - Cbtist reveals Witte -elf more fullr. being • accepted by layrity, the ruling party o "t , ow/qt.' NI? ose buence with the common people dintinetites as that el Jesus increases, bemuse more and mere 11m/tile-toward him.' An iestance pt this hostility is Oro en' in the sequel to our lesson nar- It Will be, necessai.y, there- fore, to read the entire chapter in order to get the point of the evange- liet's narrative as 4 whole. .LESSON HELPS. I.. "After this -The events nerrat-• • ed=. -An- et' eh others not 1nent1onoVbt Tohn Mark 1, IA. tc.1 2, 22;. Luke 4. ke to •A, 39.) "A feast of the Jews" Which feast is here, referred to . can- not definitely, be determined. 2. "Ily the sheep market"e-Neh. 3. 1, 82; 11.• 89 mention a "sheep. ""st ,gate,". hut 'asideArom thie nothing is ..knot:I=oin concehiting;Thazit. Pool. Bethesdar -Probably the noel be- neath the ruins of the Churelt et St: Aram, north-west. ot the temple area, .on the walls of • which is a fresco showing an angel troubling the _ eater, -wench shittes that Gig 'site •aken----to-be- the- place-- referred - to in the New Testatnent. Here also the intteunittent water supply of the -p-oo-Yittrd the ruins 0 w at seem to have been "five" atehed 'tille.mbers; or "porches." efftee with the details 'of the narrative. 8. '141 these lay a greet multitede. of. impotent . folk, of blind, halt. withered" -Tho rest :or verpe :3 and air of verse*, 4 are omitted by both the_VeVish and_the_Antetic. Apszon r_ ito't-W---4.--6/nr1n any. ' - • te-oldest-'-nmituscri -.5. "Had an infirniity thirty- -an-477- eight years" -He had been sick thirty-eight years. What his "in. amity" ,was is no; eiplained. f. "Knew"--Terhaps supernatural..." ly, but Possibly not so; but--rether trout his 'withered form: which point. ed to a long illness already • lived through. "f --Wilt -thou be- made whole" -The question Was 'doubtless - _ tier), and in a tone ..of ,sympathy tended. to Win his confidence. "Int otent"..--sick,. "When the • watertrou e wa ler ow into the pool from an intermittent spring, ,and was therefore -changed al ttr--intervalse--Thlat-PrebablY gave rise to the innation su es 11 vet*se1-0added to -11°,8te„:"4"ntilr7.eMY-41-4-4 Phu this e...orninand. implied -great:faith on -theiiiFL 10, "'The Jews- sabbath day— not lawfullat--T,hat is, not 'according interpreted' the Sabbath, la -w of the 1. .*uswcrccL them. He that made me whole, the samesaid"-As tol say, ."II.e Tat% able t. o ' MY' bed en _the .:Babhat,h is enough heal me; his authority for carrying 12. "Then asked They him; What 'Man ft that Witt& ettlet-Without -heeding- :rduerfu1 pow,er they challenge his COM. &Mild tO, tweak one -Of their pettt les. 'vast not— for.. Jet un1ess astica Is apt to re- su.nsIttirty 4tiwnalotrotin,edess._;onmenrraientisea,ver when e 'Dotet- fool with an ninterrips banana; it will get the bate' of you. Vnteu hewing, look for the phnon water tin !t is eertsidevat out.i4s,44bilredrt...,;.banenvtteifiviaihnasd_,t.hbecola_engwteh. :A. long and p cli.ektty" as ---to teste. In preparing a weighed before soitsing.' etac and no matter how it has iloweit-tw--t4ettaltiti=ratttlie..4-.÷.14in miSeacVer"r.oniorirt7blienk butter'Gl3r-to*-"tt dark brown" color; stir into it one ounce PUnat4 to cat raw, pull off all aU the Of.711our.... Gra(lUall3r da dstiscrinogsloreadr 'Vag cut 4upeot :nut stamititt_ttroP.Pkete_huenp.11.a-Les;Itt-.:itt-obola',;tial' -bUantr7,:ogitelt_wieelittht a lie 1,11 'Ulm. Amin an dr eaten, cold. When tea, has been put into thel. : teapot it .should ttt once be filled IV! • with boiling water. It is a. great; WOMAN'S' AMY' GAREER mistake to ptit only a little drop of `. water on. the leaves first, ltitis0 the — • p!'zit up altorwarati,trt • stort.v. People are More ;likely- to c• atch:. iThrtirES siatrz,ri.o. cold in thq baek than they are. gen- . erally aware of, (Mot if neglected- It Alleged. Daughter of George play .ptoyo seilotm nisktter„.„ The served.- . _ --Irc • PiRt4r4r-b4Nve." _ South Afrieft. • 8. • covered,. and never lean with your Some new and interestinglight is back ageinst anything that , cola. thrown on the',Ibre story of a woinan Never sity.. with the ,back in n. direc0 '-',010.• passed so nuccessfully as , a. draught, and • when witrmbtg 41 by Men that she entered the army as a the. tire do not contintie to keep the:medical -oflicer-by an arttele the, buck" exposed -to • the heat alter it christinas number of the "CAP* has- become comfortablytwann. • TtO Thies." says the . London Deity Mail. Welsh rarebit is made as fellows :t.,t "4° 'tsse PI this women, 't--"t--Ih°- -..F-or-ftve=-pereorts•-onetpotirttt---ttt-e''lugtw-b--IPT-tWsertit4 as James barrY 'a - 1 fl.w 1,92tti,mitntione t _Years mild cheese, as tbe itavor ' seems; o rabliet-Serv ce, 4 00 -recently . stronger when heated. Unite alto published by Major ttethur Ortfaliths. lar.tr-it-in-a-porc_lie 'Writer 10 the "Cape. Times' aets euflicient beer to moisten it, arsili t°rth y,_ , stir . constantly over a slow Are alanuscript of' which recently ' t4/The the those is melted. Have restdy, 1st° his possession. e-slieest•c. , pens-with--a-Seddea-Vis. , 0.18(91041 Bye, to the house of plate, and cover each .-iiittv-sturyttlers tee ,not some rite 'IAA& flour. 'a little butter.pepper salt into 'balls, tiour tide and fry in.deep fat till a golden col - sr. e *1. .41 The disease attackc. eitildren ung --perste:4S tepeciarlyr but -the -and,--,evett %the -very -old 43'0 not exempt. The eharacteristic feature is an eruption ot blisters, re, send/ling cold -sores, .coveritig only one-half of tbe lace, tbe body; verY rarely wooing -beyond the mid- dle line in front. I./receOinge the a peetatteee.ef 'the eruption' for a few houts-ttrtititt4 -or-even-e week, -tri ismsually more or less. *Woe polo of it sharp neurelgie tharacter;, ed quite distinctly to the port *116' the blisters are to form. This pale vot considerably In degree, •from sensation- -to tor. unbearable stinging neuralgia, being ,of alight intensity, or prikett,'. -tatty absent; In the very 'or,ing,"antur ncrokiiretwith the_years. It is iline ted asitrare. 'to the lialits where the 'eruption is to appear, bnt in some eases it is more general; the bow to in-alce 01 dinar layers. elt other on the end,. as they sed o, a e pro e. o eongetted It diseteeeeed the oceittt liner and ittetulttited the steerage. It took the'Ve out,-ef.Oie hands of Womari rid sent her to the factory. It tliScovered how to make things by. Acura -end -bequeathed -truebt- rades strikes,' leekoutt„ _had •, It did aliValt with the Slave int serf and bequeathed the prol ' nt and itequeethed intperiallem. Pfle. nineteenth century 'yelped gleefully, over tile attain/fleet of litical rights. 4.111-0 ti.reet loth ceettiry sees watt' that pelitieni 'rights are only 'list 01 t.tiq road to ec,ortOrnic rights.: *Wit OVer a. 11,4(10 *reit Wink Paintut end very sensitive to the • slightest tenth. 'There is sox:nett:nes, also a 'Dirrrovvrxr.s. -too yoi thihk OW* new servit ill Sta,s7. asked Ur. Itooral. *Itt 'afrablnet," answered hli wife. "She Sass h'k family ,d ljk the,thiegs we have to eat, and don't 'bOlikt-o my elothes lit her ver IL" fever ,of nild tiewgme.' The eruption • begino Otte and PregresSes Thererapadly, pearlirt a number ot pimp *Orally gro8;:' n the: midst -O 7firtlt ,Of reddened sltio, flteSelto -'1,,mop• :into ltrin •blisters 'With tl1ck• -in ppeareiteit.e!itactly lik nuttr. _ ng and caril tiff the doctor, then itt_thet_Itrineets, will." • Finding later that her lath- Ltreiti ge".. gent. Dr. Berry tailed on him at Carlton House, and 'after an angry acme informed him that the shame these balls Will be spoilt. . o tree , up a ar co • rt-, tete- *--liot.;:inustard batik and gO to • bed, •being earful not to take' more -cold afterwards. Fltsztecd tea, with -plenty- of lenieri juke ..artd loaf sugar --la very soothing- to sore ton% .and will often cortrigib-1.01--tiono. Equal part* of hontT„ and pure horrie,nuede- 'wine inside , froni --- ,outtffe;i:t.tilcitor curt -twig ts 'bet ing and stre:netheriing- for A. handful of salt In the 1Sit .ing writer ,greatly simplifies the Weather. .Ati intlt prevents . from freezin at the usual tem ture..• clot *es t us Itesited ran 00137° bill hung .on freeze, tut If the -sue them they will partlaUy detingd•tet, • eiteumst* • 'Iattudrese ought to wear white isttfiret"no`st do: toid Itunt;erin: itte'hweirei"Lithe'u6 lallikedb hi:den ik'Ylr:11. vents' Much :wear and tear., bat. .ed t _gttven as bit • authority for earOles Cb(C tr to dis- be. no .bitiger Joan Fitzlioy but James Barry. Per' the reet of her life it powerful, Clandestine. influence was tocerted on. behalf of the pteudo- man, Whel rose to the tundlion...tet ititerat of ,41111trartr-- • FOUGIIT .2t. DUEL. ... • Joan took her medical Ldeatte at Idtriburgh;--liet 'tree --4-eTt-7:never hoe ng sitepectdd, and received a post in Cape Colony. Ilete a rOniarkithie orativenttires began. teltifirt,ofattotheeffirtn Lieutenant Itatinering - was deeply .„ CI itud won hero .Afterwards the ere theyi dispistd, woman taunted Mannering,' gin 61'11 who thing a tuff/bier ,of Witle ht her 'uttotl"-t; fate. . A di felleWed, In which. Joan 'allowed herself. to be stf 110 rna( o_ioVo_to a, givil onto _iv_ pt.rforriva_the_ralmela- t--- - Pintared in lhe' crowd. ti 14 "$hl no--01.1.0sitttt .More" -Another p sible translatioe "ContInue tenger in elm," "Conte unto" -De lea ''"DePetted. and told the Jo* lerl gloves when hanging on clothe. thAt Abe I.- h -obi t rt. white/4,- - • .• . Jit*„..atiettiaim..... ittkltreive Vrenelt cOld nitat P"Ming 41-4101".1. etentnally Married the lieuten- a46 *ch°1°' and 1"*" '111"4161 good „dish. third bon two ant • "'tattled that flirt person wag non , Otietts than the famous teacher iron Galilee, he contra/lee his dellanee' ehop stitelt* threetquarters utb tn uu .1111 er its on en #3 ter with $ tt,' pound of c'old meat, freedIros";; out .Joa*316 n waM r1din uddettly said at And gristle; eitOp Otte moot* to her, 'lly the poets, you look pa_teleyt-amtk twit tettimett. titortst-liketa. , 'crumbs in some init('*0O1 Por this -he received a savage tut o to? and tett with tero ounces*Li-room the lace With, it Whitt, end his shredded SWtre* eut the tglits,`" demands to the Govertior for„redrest ices; grease it basin, decorate' itiLtketo , met by_filk_ifthstrtotte it th13-04g- *A6Wett irarsky Triclar: - the logreMorits 4, "The seer'et ,of the doctor's seic was pttirri"' in , the boom. only after ber death.. team far toarty an hot*. lr .and pour at gnod gratv .nd Lanashre trot rot $44:0014. utkt th one if bccf rid Mutton ieto neat pepper andit, nett litat ,Ot the ne�t atthe d rv.11,..Afien o Otit, oti:e WIIVIs1 !A, /ON ettitigov-Now. that you're raising a, lily, I suppose yotr have to work ix -der. 1 guess it "early tIt. tted gat tatlY to riser with you now. 'OPleY- -'llutt'ati' right. 1<seareely settled In, bed the.a30-ragitte befoul m u14 again With the baby. the Jewish authorities ren tor his action. • • V9IrlIzIrpt -Why you WM* ott , that torprlse on li'rithty, the tb1r' "We." an3wered nthe let101(06 Matt "gibe elltarce . are thet anything 1 tindeVittlie be It ticems, and 1 rike4o fiave sertittid4 to blaine -114 .1 Mire fere", coMplained oiro, ettt e - , nt At to . t igia .cur trjorie-*Wrfl preparatiof,,. uti (rul. d vett • 0:3* 40 ite \*Ve 10.101Aeit. Innaths Tittr.ILZIA uiy 41011, 'Iovio St Id Ur. t outing out o t'd di • diet '0" sir," repitII(lalley (Ilse .If 4 edit for *outing out old nun! Wcfl,Ise since the old ' roe around cks. .Ah. t1i4 :fool t ',91)* Jrtri