Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-23, Page 1I4 Janua qtober t, o,cockitit and gait you on ttM titrfinigrtr—,, vc ranchesin Iforo 000., UES4LX o ,t: „ wife uf the ;otitis Mew,.and. tetirctiug, otorrA other very C of('arty' a that death; *w toffocation, Item gio4 th*t.there .".dence of 104 play,andthat the wi whoracOom s .00 ,f0.00g.', .M100)tti rna arninution .of., suspictousIookl auti One elide 0' rnnrked ' etfurt t ti's itt Ch1'. end 0 bythe 11 4 OverY ttk:t *flown n °Mub g�o bein 'Ono. in �*ssIlng has ea tohinning Waa SeUery,wbQ0 4 le t Jiez brother'a_ for about '' th. I tbE going cardioe. _ _ - Waiiitils 010 guest suer 'Mut Station Agent. .14, Ivingvocal and i. t ' On in ninet0 in Reinvill for tile, o +e,1144:440$041--lier-clatioe*-41tre-- n excellent teacher and Much At!borne betng: in th ottoindother leas asdEduationaI o$ .ng terr1torie to repre *bed buinesti bouoe AV VW' rthiriffitb but.sylurdstwiltit-iist ,..01,401,Ornt, *mowWi - in 1oca1 sards.,es igseaq, abouty was , lig° fa , ,foraboutai hicago sani dreg te-Olv ethodiat isirsousite,1001.4' 'evening, trek 1004 wiien Mr Win. xter, of this town. ' abIp and Mise Martha E Lamport, of were united in the etrimony. The inlets; esting 7 was performed bi the. Sutcliffe. The bride was. beautifully owned in * oreitin olo IctitAth of chryssn- r. Jamea Bell, fPhilitdephbt. is onTirtiti" -101011161#,Fallilli ery openh) itt London. -Mr rlgg bave returned totbelr Wroxeter, after it peasant Vrelt, itt the an 4 owes of the fortneee sistere, Mi8 married itnd Sh.61t:Itn4 110.0p. McArthur, -N. (tfl- grain waireeeivei tine, of $t. Joseph. hnH dasosed of bis tbe deceased wan Benci nol- blind Argo one iuia in to 'the, line. t---- ' The Vintibotifea 0.04 ety, was sold lest-week-fortheanni-of 411,000 to a Meddof Situeoe, 'Ur. Medd IS apt* eat hottermaker and is going, t4 coin "'Ilene* operotions en the, ore, atu • gath4 oring• system. We Wish •liim, gYer ,success in his new i'naertakink an welcome him -al,* oitizen'to Our, burgh Mut, ,whO hits 'worked in thie -VicluitylOr the -13est two years, leivitee next *Week for the Islyorthweeti...:Bietie Francli rbo*Itoet his driving horse, in: -Williimes -lite Idtittsumtnek- g ng hi rnsuranoe, aIvhougtft PIMA Wass.burned away from It. own - we congrstubte Mr -The Fatutere bottitut.0 zneeta urIngsuchawtrLhy IWO-0100*i nin witb thelr host 0fa.vali tbemae]v'eitof-theoppotunity of tating-lhe-diticn*Sionir -007practical 1140,,in farinlogo'7„tressot• Fenton have *avpniiII and plenint mill wit ception of the engine. to W. Kelehon, nianufaeturer, who brought the outfit to EenaH-The Rev Mr. Smith* of Egmondville,,le reeoVerIng from hiere- . Ohapinan, Sr., is on it visit to his sister et Grand River— Hugh Buchanan bas gone to Toronto where be hag "eecepteil a position at the printing tatein-ese....-Two monidere and it petteraMaker were added**, the Keletion vim**. -IM3t Dr. of Argylewilt .chtiveh ,on Siinday nett.. $)0,00 Of the 1(ippen eircolt,„ has."been tiout-Ty*T-np4- Re*. Dr. Medd, has been Lnvited back to the Hetnsall circuit for .the fourtb The Vijlagela- very We*: this :nearly every We* have 41.040 'entertain. three or four tiines..-Ladstireek the Otiose was quiet, very- little husinese .doin , no freight trains all. Week, and 4Veelluil*one,tpasee - ger train eich.way.it day, 'whitest the • adref-the-iernictheiveWlinurid or about 0hour/if OaSaturday-ev ening about 10.80 theettotv..plow with three engines went. north. and, was . . • ottestkr J" :posting On Monday and Tneediy the viUape was livel untistuaEliuMberojferm. oinib •time.agt,, dth, ;Cern aniedtiteboc it trandspited.:th ,omined the boc donee* of fool, on. the deceased 'bOtit was only anitin.Oo.otse To Dr. Lang ti as to becape,In Uie woit&ztnd went ti _ found tint suffocati about 3 OrS7 yeas eiCarty (11 t tele. igo mat dded to tu t "Us yea 'bad ac- iiaving .103° ie .rape e e time , SPPedi the. death of to formerly.Lumley at letterlro other lifteek. *Olio li.'ishee • e Olen in treborne to know that he is, livin and well, :The Account, of the death ;Of another Mr.'. •Stacev. evidently bas ;Went mistaken fOr,the Vilierne Man. 1oceaaed Lts been in ;Oa ,h,0001 be 1rmiedi*te caus.e of,d • . M ties 0 four: eitsies e th blin • .„ Wald not. Atter hint . from, n oheerftil es be ,deeMed • it- to be 111 of his :Maker. :vhoto... he 41 trusted ak, all .timee. When :quite a , y embarked to this country font- . ever the temple, Ite Ivisr#400,014001ifut.4Y rileiatehrolon. t004e.:r t,'Whot ti,011.ttog, nddbaye paithed death. Yr", - 'a 'Also Ism' silooeed- Silo* t stvon , N 006 of thettiostoonifort. able honteatftcle in the County. besides oitin ,Oinitiderable Of this, world's -- reeks ago t atn ecemin nfTo. esiingoid re Ond Upri h •eliitieeei we, iv.* • ,eefity, ey h • • 47rOdlitOtt . • - '• 1;4ot .wttle0$01.74413 fieree one. Thet. prophet*whoTeald, We would have 3 an open !Winter Are_asit,-d_of „them- ** (-a-iTy7111, a7,0 -**Iltik-wfettdaYs on account of tbe trains ,heinghloeked. ,Dors LInk its-sttendiewthe'sPrinirtnillknery inge'nt Loudon this weeks -The r ants Bank have their:Material, on hand tii"Ciiiivert the building. rotinedy ed -by Itegfet, into3a euitable ingfcw banXtvigporpOSts, WOrk, Otedotoneer7-be 'rein 4 very a#1001010 'condition " for travelling. . The tornieft hove been lowket And ebovellinK thesnow- slnce itit frufe- lees-ofttellatelitneirtUrcon. duoted1n the Methedist churchIast -See Hender- son delivered * very appro date doer. too 1 of the, workmen em. WU' o good position'. Success 'The Albert, Zettel ,estate hae been finally wound up. Forty-six oWn-the-dollive ereditoririd h Mtobilogierovivriell sou, Yoseph, Goebert line south, still continues very poorly. -August Viredie. tending • Jona**. o It 'G. iehol who Doosue....We have once - more to announce the death of another of Hu. thWer-e-ovrarridinii Coleman, whose funeral • Wok place eree. from his leterresidente Tuesday to the Itillsgreen cemetery.- During timpast three years Mr. Coleman hos heti! fail, ng rap dt** and Terely yH7Cfr greatdifiloultymovearound.--Deceated- otos it native, of Hallow*. and was bent Yorkehireoleai-Unitlir ty YEREX, C. 0, Priacipel, 18$0, and IMMO to Caned* eV the age' wrItio and Aelidentiti elate. In Writing. for catalogue trig ftilipoticulariyAdd'reest- of '23. *telly:0d in York. toWnsharrd: nest Toronto for. two year, When_ be re., to-Stanler- andsettledonot 000. Where, he revealogil until five eats ctwhetthe retired, from farm inoia7,-te' etude 4 w ere r‘osided ,Until, his death. Ile WO MU.. tied in, the year 10$0 to Elise Mine, w.ho survivethim. fled be ,„Deeekixkbet next they , would had-thoLivotiso.tt ot,..ietiebratipt golden. wedding; -1.10efteatottl:"Witeir'*0; greseive fanner, deeply inihned with: t hclove--of „Ile- Ws* an 011404 *MA dealings And had =my friends and few entirdee, if any. politioe he wits ittennott neervetive And he eonaletent brn Of the Methodist church. 11 1eaves five !OMB and fottr daughter* to mourn thelorn of lot. )ng boolbintl, and kite, eljectron fath- er. - boreikva* have the.. sincere itympathy, of the community 1LJ. .IIJUMJ WVLIUU, UL .JI tobn#re tg. Stewart, of now WoodRtock, v ited_wfriends in. this vicini e Ave to 'atom-hos- consideRibly: ;Um) - who bow been apending 'the winter bete vath friends loitte Job°, tg forbis tedto.Montreal and him - Laura. 11 bus returnid homeh— Arthur %del(' 'Of Dauphin, *felting friends -in thie, expetienceit *yeti cold enoplast.week, Th ' -logo zero nearly every 40.3y, the loweit bs- ing2& 1hestormertistiethe :count , roadswellnlKh • C. McLennan will preach. his ' ,forewell Beemon: at Billsgreen on Sunday. - We 'ittiderittontt the Rev, gentleman hos take a poeition wltb the 1.0.EArit To.; foittii-onU*111- earitnen—ei-: tro*,-diarist 0.0 Match let. 1. 1. eminently *quell.. ttuott thocco;ork.tod . mis- take not, prove s. greet euteern. A Onenotee 0134X014 -4, Wanes* .1601430 has taken plitee In the Village. ,Mr. John Weidelois, who for many years ;Conducted a SueetietfulbI*ck- smftblnglioalutie:L vioid.bIi Abp.' Oita- Priing; who has been work laid-whotakoelioteeitel- on-ivon vtlith Louise, "try 1000055 10 bis 'tikittg.„ We have not leaned wbi Mr.Weeelotee . Intention* los whatever they mity be, we trust it *I notalrnessitittehie remtivid' born t whobta-teezz utch, ipptm, for - ti ea tlireernonths on 8unday nex pua1ion in the ;ineuran $I200 it year and expen 1,10011-thTelvork on Marc Sound.• • DaILwoOd Rev. O. -D. ThUnLn, of Crediton, oc- ingeiical ;pulpit here an Sunday morning. taking Ihe. work ot tbe 1tesidingEIs1er, who 'is 111 at. h nine in fler it Poring the, niornin service in the Evangelical church,no Sunday Mot, ;oho Schrader ,toplit it feintingOa, and has Sim* hoot' ton - ' Aped to. her :home. anyttiende , , wish ber it speedy recovery. -Atex. Held, 603attended • , 0 Ilan _ , . t wee , rlittle are ill with meas - any have not been 4140 toat- ni for some , 'One* yiiaa been removed. roto,„ our midst, after an aloft* o too r.74Ari mr411... calledfrom this lito to ' the great -W- end on Monday last. On Saturday - Mr. Wade came.to town to ,do Bowe Ines* and ,w1)ilehere was taken sutidenly 1;"7 -it PhSTiehtn7waur entn- twin fLelso.his friends. - lie was removed to his home where zeceiv- ed the hest possible attention* but dew. pite all he gradually' ;tank and On the hove day bis spirit took, flights Wide WAS it man- well- advanced in was 43.00/pf thevidneere .of district. and was much and deservedly respected by alt who knot* MM. neral on . Wednesday to,tiltan cernetery W85 10 charge of our taker* oc.' - The bereaved ones aveth %4t s n't tbo entire e angel, o death bus invaded aur Midst and an. that, , been eat - debt. The subject ol our: sketch is . John liehl..who died on' Thursclay' at the sge, of 10 yeare., 11. hati n inIfittling- healthfor some tiino and hie deitthwas not unexpect. ed. The late Mr, tradernnson by arid benevolent disposition and was mucti beloved by hts friend8 and alt avea&Jargo-gr*wn-UptamflyO1 sons and duugbtera who feel theirPk very keenly. :To them we eaten& our syzn- putby. The funeral was held on Sat- urday, the interment taking Place to ,the E.0. cemetery *MOO. 0. Lundsborou of the Weat End; . , intends starting0101 trijiI0, the Na- tio coot *hoot the 1st of .liferoh. If Mr. Landsborough likes ,Britlib may decide to 'remove there, In t,he itiesttline We With litir -alittie and tend,:cotigmtulatiOns, hat* Litik lit visiting. her allots Afrii,Wro.Ktini4of Exeter, this week„;,,4,41111as Leek . Young hat returned holidi$3;irfr4rirualfZug • , • ,leusant *4‘ .Theannivereitry.'lliervicee. of the Svao... church *MU, held next Sun- u- Dierlommiof-Virat4 _ n 'the Germarrangu morn. evening-, . and EngUsb In the n On. Monday evenitist-ett. 'excellent program, will -be ,00,aerea*: toneletin/Lot.addliikese* by the rito 'colons by Mitties'Ellil Link on4 .Pearl Mittman and solo by Mr. Morrow. She cb�ir has seteral epectal inthems prepsred for the Ittooas -aol. lectioM irlittertiken' *lee. XII are heartit -Thi.Oredit‘011 the .holuo of Mrs* ening.of reho 1 er, Rev. ltfr.. Undsborought. fit 1104 4*ft:trifler paittor Of. Olio* LsYsrtio At the Arrtrir- Corbett, oreFeb. 10th. by Etelr. Sutcliffe, Mr. Wm. ter, o port, of Stephen. Malt I eltwoOd, on teli.• 30130* brooks *lithe Way. k the -Re will , EUSI The oda wave *re now evil foris grip bu that th Peotri o Corniah bus .old - tbe iti thie, their hour of., sorro _ pas.ed' away at :hit home Ilunts- vilte on Tburedlity, 060, Welt* 11* of, our clarets. Ma*garet Mur.. loved wife OW. daugbter oilatnet 140004 was born t old homeeteadteir Bodgervflle -, nearly42 year* ago. About ego * was united, in marriage, to her now bereaved hoshotod. who: with .two .daughters. partly grown tiK remit:40. to 1,820, Input!) her death. lier,dembie remove* 'itutriutei, evot.34,4attiaof ottd.4 titottlitni *130' bo, Tt-h be She was faithfet 'helpmate - was ritepected by Ali who knew, her, ntuena Ana model mother to het b solo* iihildreti.end, to, her neighbors Wootkind and 'The reitiOins ervived " SatordAyitutmietotitititiog toe*, otited on Mondu to the 17nien: ,ceseetery, aft..LO &t1 tel, so** t IX 'brothers': ptl1 bearers, We con:me rowing ones to he.,ciare,of the All. 'remov Me our painful duty ofonenYttompan '4113Stits:10Yrdaming o of MU S. 1101404 Bhs I9 irI 0outstoot4 rowels Colemitittaged 76 years. Hay, eolu 16 oit Feb 14, lifiebtel Miller, og Drought, beloved ;will* em3edy, Coiqvuoii.-In flibbert, on Feb 11 months' and, 8, Geo