Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-09, Page 7'24,4
hat hehult1O.
a,q4 4'
e,ta1iIeztn r e
9... .
?parte' ,-,W
-•by• the Lottlts'jUitt
• Ile zehearied tho
' d'ittiQds
s• tit` ugi
Le t
_,0011100, 1
‘, Steed up . to queetidn and, really
conscience .atriCkeze and wining to
etify himself, in gond. faith asked
the question of the •text..
• It there be one lesson, that the
'Peter relterated more frequently
An anotherand sought in se
any ways and" 011 so Many (feces-
. 1000 : to impress, it is the great
.truth of universal brotherhood *ow
Otttatod, J.*: the .40est1On • "Who is is Ilne
Vighletr?' flc did to. dotibtIese,
not"',becetuete It. Is so eittlienit of aPt.
eleti•bnt leentise t le to hard
of applatIon. The lite, of service
only logthe; things that. per*
tain ficially to port ,to VOr*,
, 1411Pt 'OW. to give terthie OM*.
tePtilee: Of religion, to 404
n.10! 4lii, ,great veritiesees they apply
only t rfatY* 7 Air th.W.
for centiPArativelr, Iittle 0110it. 'Att.
ee after all, not verv 'e'er°
, 4
_ _ •
*---4Tfilerliewyer, and those he represen
. .fletrettritit)ter-Zestette„. Pitons in the dia.
-elturkr0. "IttSseAtttles'
. and yet-,-
. -White heing: 400 could coinetall the
*est of -the world - outside the pale
Of twine *sympathy-. Thev-lind ygott
old et Only _eine Ode of. eeligien'und
11011 Utterly zieTTlieted the other.
• Vito, titteit„ is -our neighbor? VW.
-sfre--thenfe nre ate bothed to love an
Surely not only our kindred
.- And those who are bound tc.,..ue • be,
. ties et " compatilimehlp and Interest,
-Going' thus far. we go no further
then negate halte, gOne, hetere. . We
are to transcend thia If ivie are to
bo worthy ot the Ohristian mine. We
— *tuft Cod Our neighbor everywhere
tard 1t t, • "es thh
ttiti.,:tjtePitettt'alt P
*Thietei a prId ote
ertJMfl. ease*" "'te1
itud at'Olded, itshi/a it
eugenders ire -end Malt
1 1
fa Wc eels Idle
on an American PePat one
Lay appro&dett * farmer in a Keine
ucky town itnil asked him if there
• *net'Pewitein hiserottiekttiornette-
, " (4 .f,L biti leintidethe termer. .
tfl..-tw., busy. With .our trope to
• .1
Ant 1 weld be if 1dntome"to
town ILO see the coroner."
"The corpse)" -
"Yes; want bine to hold tiP,0Inqut
on agOtiple 4,!,i tellers dean in eur
it an etec,ider)
ndunwovthy of those ;ho:powie
OitliTire' - ' r ilifiirtio04
ere is, nepride of position which
isvoeneetrilable, for we are all inente
hers of -the pante body, but alf have
not thesome ellice. flint when those
of high tot:at:Igo laud It' over those ei
low estate; . wberi social.. civil, finan-
cial or 'intolleetual eittention nut.*
men out of sympathy witb tbeSO Vith4'
lilt(' 'uviil 4 lower Ow, or When
:consideration. is ShetWO in a efilltit,
Of Centicsconsion it it deetructive et
srlurr OF l3it0TrEt.VR,Itom
Finally there is a pride of -charae-
-Trol.,Pflift0-9*0- --':-"ti""
.tteri. It never ' tnestimes the "holier
than then" attitude;' eft J''vreur.teth
tiot teelf`4"•-and '410 net tpiiited dp.;:tt--
If t Iiittekr had' antiererettlds.owit
eniestien it is TOW eertale leetvaiiisl
have &minded 'the ungodly and int-
tanrele, , but in Clisist's View- tile
elighbor we should commiserate and.
_oecuer1a-enoteonly--theeptror tray Irrr.
V/ 0 -1043r-rtilr -trot* thlitvesee--- ,
every one who has lost his way or
alien foto -the entreof geillt ..,o.a_
Our neighbor, than, is not the Man
• (:,r-ls-vpi..,andwhe can essIst useon
our 'way, but IR that is down Aneet
wham he can help to rile: heIsUV
Mali :who ii most in, need of our
sytapat y and suecort. he is the Man
who at a bruised and bleeding:
heart that only 'patient love tem
heal. If we go to hint and help and
bless him and make ourselves neigh-
hor Unto him we Abair thus:Milt •the
law 1 0firo. Christ and riot only be keine
in Il
W, commandments -.but living
'Vhe only p\
lockouts and
Tha ttetel?
:te. tantOrs, doctors "and .other
Lizons , tte04030, *reused anelettnitg-
Itenti at the efferts of the tittior tine
iOnttethratiighout th. countryet6 dos-
royytht business of one of ,our
104n8tries-tho .Postum Cereal
co.* 1.t41„OW at the opke- threat41,11
ed setts.
eetiOnt-Irki- et.
warfare is trap_
,ork people, Meet
the,,s Obeid 'Onion papers*, that . fhtt:
'anti**, power of -. thor Natleueil'' , and
State ltederations of Labor was be-
ing brought to hear to “puntsh- the
industries ot 'nettle Creek, and ,liAr.••
4 ntletw-rtistnie Cu. 7 -- - ' -.IV. Poet to °beer the"'"forticrall-ou,toet-eares-emierdered by labor unitins?7,1 11'14low.-
. e , the Apnea i the hundredz
.. This sprung from the refute)." of ,94,-,. • claws and " orphans of those_ Anted-
. attest to take the Post= advettit- dewe try to. protect the thousands
Ing away from various papers that t
0) intelligent .eitizens who. With 'rea-
eetused to purchase labor ot the b-
gtver the fellows & snow. Guess
iht,' too, 'causethe Beta -
os , didn't give Zekes tether „ an'
brother .afty. chance. Just hid be-
hind a tree and fired at 'em AS they
4:0444; along -414).•: That, Was yi*
tidar`.mornini,, an • hone Ze,Ue
• nite;
, 4
tlirustIng what I .
an ets 'whether a
uo.- - e. -----e- - -,, el-peoplertof -Bettl
self (labor) ParitI and *
SuPpese an American tei it foreign- Second -To energetteally aslst in
city sttould • be chased by, a In". maintaloieg law and 'order at all
caught and tneeten uneonecloute then time* andunder eat POO -Moat- .
his month pried open and carbolic.
acid poured" AIPWn hill throat, Om their eights to irrenageethelr ProPert
Thitezle-To pretitct it* members I
his ribs Ititkod in and.lbls: tsce 'WOW ty and -to 4140-0fie of their -leiter -1
stamped with iron nailed *boos raur- a legal. 'lawful manner withont ta-
bread for his children. By the
ilored because he ' tried • to son streint or Inte.
rference. • ' -
nal, siire,*-Seete of American. Mao at
Eters •..... .
rqurth-To eneure• and, permanent'
i .y
Wer would assemble theme clear for •Ikintain fair, just treatment. one
action and blow something off the bee with ent-tocr in all the ,teiationa 01
or the earth, it reparation .Wgre not -Kr
made for .tliti blood of one of ' our ritth-To preserve'. the evisting
citizens, ,,, e . • eigiiee of any .eapable. person to ob.,
mit a 0 0 niabor
partiOuliti church, secret society,
'alter union, or any other 'organiza-
tion, and to -slipped, ali 'such Per-
sons inetheir eitortacto reeist compute
Ann- eprefer net to join aro- labor . sore,
orgazdxnethods on the part of &MY
eee 'bsQ,,-.1-1,-be-,tseever. ----
en" net1r* to ru baN.
rn. Ne Teeke
luen."‘ bee.r. nrrelted. But 1 ain't
got tinte Ate talk to you; Oot to
get back to . haevestint. But
there ain't, no news, down our way.
anethin' beiP VII id 5-0o •
Tx no
.10 t,"•••''
414, 0
s • 4411 '
st 4
'her trust -the unions.
Mr. •o* was ordered to join the
ours eir eonspiteicy"leteulett
"put, out teet-businesettethese-pubs
inhere who had worked faithfully
for him for years, end helped build
up- his buttriase. -Thi--ty-liad" done no
Wrong, ' but 'had found It- lneonven-
tent and against their best jfidgment
to Mitt- rabbi -tilt-the'TabeiTtrilet. It
seerae-itereeleof410-unions to
to rufn anyone who does not spur,
eheee from them upone-theist_own
terms. .
An ink maker or paper maker who
tailed to sell ink or paper would
have the same ieason to easter Post
to help ruin these publishers. So- the
peddler in the street might stone you
11yourefused to buy his apples; the
cebtrian to run over you, 11 you re-
ftt h *ele
�der tho Mantitaet4rer o •
certain people because they ',did not
petr_onise.....hiene•and so on to, the ri-
diculous and villianomi limit of " all
this -hoycott nonsense, irt trying to
force people to buy what they do
not, Want...". • e
If a ntria„hes labor to eiell let him
Bell it 'at the he can get
just as he would sell wheat 'hue he has
no right to evea intintateethat he
will • obstruct the nu-eine:Is. or At-
ha_ wee
. •
FZB 12
. 'The Stet. ago 0ftEsk+
John. I, .36.
. The Samaritan wormin nt Jacob**.
"emit aetepted Jesus by fatth her
abet -.hurried baek into the village -
et boainc at once 11 rateseenger , Of
.iftanst ro, cOrdek• And bear and
or themselves the person Who .
0 • •••
Old English - TON= WU COlebritt*
Its 1,200 Years.
'Phis year is tho t3 200th anniver-
sary 01' the foundetioe of .the town.
.14*ga:eyrie, and the sehocil of
..Sbenberirei. ltingland, by St, Eald-
1d-'705. , - -
The occasion will be.marked by a
borne Park, on Whit Monday, and'
Wfileh will be ccintlnued every day
• for a. week. The pageant, which is
In the- nature of a. folk-pley, has
'been written by lite. Louie II. Parke
er wttli Ole settietterite of ilfirQ.
'bittleff IthOndee. 4uifti tr Wifitee
a final ,talteleau, and wtil be per-
• t
LW (berneouting a great multi -
heir eel
'the valley. A pictueereqoa
.1.t. nets t t
tIu Mind of oleitiU3 a 'field of grain
ti" illations by
• he *in& But, it was more tban.a
• 0- of speech when, pointing, to
tbe-ttioviig sevitying-throng..„of' hu-
. sitanitee. ebe saidto hle *disciples,
-4'L1ft-up your ass-atitrionk.on thiA `charterhy ShttizfOrtur"-Sch,• :out,
xh-fiy. 44,e,6- white *1ee-44yt'il7n1. Mae' with a 14We/ink sii;
into harttett.” Two ditys ho tar- ',Waller Raleigh, whose holed Sher-,
led bit thit_Sonlikilten. harvest fieldhome
:With his. &Of* 1101P -era, and many 'Mr, Parker read the text or. the
were- tho theft:vitt they garnered for ,nageent, to the Soelety of IS ma-
im Proteeekel hi, .L,-4/Cdt) 44 At Mir L4.4414641 -
in 0 Galilee, tution .just recently.
4i is•
4 --
It deal; with the coreleg • of tit.
▪ nt7,11117-tliett-tetelriZilbli-t5T-Ifie
ea' dr7
iopertatittstsee, theetnettit-
`itlfrod the- Geode. the introduction Of
t Benodietine ride. the rereetoteal �f
Vie ace eft Sherborne to SaliStentsi by
Wilitaineethe-Ooncitieroreetiut ---buitde-
ing. Sherborne Castle by • Roger
do. Caen,* the: quarrel. between the
timer and the , inoireeterY, tile foltrki-'
Mg of the 041.0101,1SPS, the suppression
will not purchase Ot
The unions` have beconterstretyran-
nous arid arrogant with their deepe-,
tism that a eornmon eitireri who, has
some time to spare anti° inneeentlY
thinks he has a right to put rt little
*tint on his own house ilnds he must
have that pa t taken o an po o
agrtin by "the union's. or all sorte
union ,and• be eubject to the tyranny
of tha heavily paid rulers of •the 1a-
UP011-aelirintreinsal- byelitree-Pest-
to join this criminal coespirany
general boy,cott VMS•CrcdOrCd- on
• Sixth -TO promote among ernplov
„anLdora=iortba l& Jutcrekef
their . employee, and pronitito
among worktnen the -spirit ot Maw
eerape.,N•uee---4etd-pitiumzettirtmerettuve- try, thrift, faithfulness to their ems
country. which set • the good. red
blood of our ancestors in motion,
biliffting forth the reply that has
-now-passed-into- bietoryt • tlY
to join any. corisptracy of organlzed
labor to rein seiblishers, nor will
WO 'discharge any of our trusted em-
ployes noon the orders of any labor.
union. It they can -mike, their boy-
cott effective lend sink our eldp,
will go demowith the captain • on
the bridge andin command..., '
Tilts set the writers in labor papers
crazy and they redoubled their abuse.
Final' 'one of their °facial organs
employer is ordered to- • se arg
, thittegroCerelirboyeetted-afeeelta
meshed and his wife
inore miserable than a 0 11
slave -before the war. If he tirivea a
Carpenters "union" ho biro. Re
takes a pipe wrench to stop a leak -
Mg pipe and prevent damage to his
property and the plumber*. "union!"
does things to him. Ire cannot„ put
littlelifertare.toea loose brick • o
;1I 4r
of monastery,' the receipt of the
" 4
•tar0 ,daess anent Ittntreg th6 Sitmati- Church 'VestiVid. Dees 1tot rollovr
run Moen 24his Tear.
. tans- tit. their . 'requesie See Intro.
luetion ftrad v. 40 of this chanter.). _
. 4," "Ivor Jesus --himself testifhid" it is safe to say -that ' there will
....00. Matt.,418.45/t Mark 6. 4, tqtis he ic0f0e trouble *bout the date ,Of
" OunttreeVettleribly referring to Easter this year, qa.ys The iitiver-
ot iota 0 his tells, *ewe pool- Poet. esvi Itteeeliry..- Good" ono' -
7 be, 'hl just route. • pie will find out from tho almanacs
45. othert- When he was -come-al1. rthnt tile moofl te.1011 on..theittotul,
-thinge-that 'fici---did!'---T LeTtteed&v, theetelistsittarch,..s,
referred_ to tin 2, 23. *"Atwill urge that Fleeter should be co-
al. the feast" -'That 14, tbe frbratI Olt the following, Sunday.
°Ver. (Seer 2," 13-254 e •26th. It will be re. Welle to
„eurionientereteerelieeetly. "It 1 .,- all 'objectione liy '
,e.,„ ,,
e„• efititni.,!.,ttienning sit latteitt.,of the kin
(fternii „Antinstif. '4"teripeitiiieuese
About tvresity.two Mlles north -fins
(tetnao the headquarters of JOU
a n. ere y W P1
i 4-teellt4.1"lirt,etttiSte.
, ritarierintritesil:' otiterva.then,
it Parlitittient. 44 • OTte•
i 1 our Itilopted an hie
,0 . ternity diitteultles end • pe
mirth iliscuselon. It eon*
an - iritegintiry moon t -elitiOt.
%.iminy call the eeelesiettletd .610011.,
and arranged for' tlieir ire* creation',
iii keit* aioraeirttere °tett, the reoil
' ,
- ;het Ohl net; trouble to eattnt .
, tolitettleteee , Then' Plielfternent .
«iaetcd theft , Eitetext ehtitikt be -.01
-e,Md nee ling to tit&-etelattietil"
moon v1c date* tee' *Ing Atli
• PP
ttt r. :Ye ivlIl
Ittplreel oul
by turd, , not trustworthy.
I tot, 'mill
4..144661k, All be known shne
Ply AS a worker reelee. . • .
49. **Stir* Ogee,* eee dist, chlitt
ihnpie o ds ot opts
west both the Mari had
In Jesus .& great lovefor hii
by faith -a
ApolntIng 18
appoNfl'' Probilf
4/ er faUi
and, se
4, I •
. • •
denericiatlen ,of Ilattia callbeg
It 4a: Muting ,eare on the feet .6t
Michigan 1 because it Would net be-
come "organteed" and'. pay in duet
to*. 'their labor leaders'. The usual
coarse, epithet* common
to Tabor • noon ----rrttent.. retro in-
dulged in,
ployers isuti good citizenship.. ,
Seventh -To 'so amalgamate the
public sentiment-eitealle1he'.1.est-eiti
zenaof Ilattine_fireek, thittae uatertre
tee cati'bri, given to, the World of
eceitinuanee- . of peact4utecieritlition.s,
and thnt under oUth guarantee • and
protection manufacturers and rapt.
,talists ran b*. induced to locate their
buiiinest enterprises in, Battle Creek.
Tbew biliowa Articles relation' to
Mendiership. officers. :duties.; ate.,
etc., etc. ,
• This constitetion bas 'been signeet
tho_great, maJorit of representet-
• numbee-efernatintactt
other cieia, wirer° t,hey have
sintering all ,sorts.eif
convenience and losses from the gen-
ern1 hell ref -e-tatior union strikers
"tetta-ults and Other inter-
ference. Proposed to moveproviding
ey, could be guarrenteekt-pret-ectio
-The. subject grew in. importance un-
til it bas reached a place where ab-
by the citizens of Bettie Creek .an
the following, tiroadAttrdeevenly bal-
anced termer guarantees -to
the 'workman arid to the inenutare
turere fairness, justice, steady work
itnd regularity otoutput.
to maintain the standard rata
*age paid ettewneee.tor tser-
editions •
rate det.ermined .from tlzne to
The result was to •teetil
tinfent in Battle Creek for •proteee
tion. A cititten-s **execration WAS
ladtd1L-And nutee_teeetteiffee held.
Good citizens who happened to
rneenWs of local un ons, in .soni
cases, gat-. thiele-untoessesttirely fo
there isesmell need of them there.
Tbe working people of Battle Creek.
are of the hignest order of Ameriean
ineclianics. The melorit re not
union members, for pract a ya o
the notaufacturers have for yeses
steelined_to ,Ite4
cause cc* if oib-X-Itl'errii
Itis, ellimite,__v or the, lerteltis _prase
weer* orlitid carriOits'initorr-tst
In arrits aid it be eareleely tate IL
Loaf of bread that has no "onion"
label on it the baker* "union" pro-
ceeds to make lite miserable for him.
• So the white elavete tio4 band end
00 una e o --hat
himself or do the needled things,
• from. ers-,-Iniughty. lgoortaiif au,
allusivtk ,tyrint ut orm Inbar *union;
it tv414 all •seten rather '
comic opera. it it did not rob People
of their freedom.: that kind et work
will not be remitted long in Amer; -
Some sMooth manager's hare built
up. the labor trust in the last few
years, to bring ,,theifisetiteil tivenett and
power •aoil---by-- • ,voy.-Xn..0,
this city o ers
tirst-class raltroed facilitie*
best geatie of "fair. capable d
citable nieclmnics Icreown:
Betails given upon inquiry of the
Sew. of the -Citizens* Afia'rett
The public should remember_ theft,
there are a few Labor Unions cone
oueted, on matelot, lines and in pro.;
portion as • they. are worthy, • they
have won el...teem, ter we, as a
tde, are stiongly in sympathy Witht.
:aZty right act that hail tor its pure •
, 03=4 •
orkers.\ But We de not foret
that we took the good et all and
not -those -atm:ie.-who heicingeto /Jodie -
organization, whereas even thelaw
abiding- uttio irriNow undeniable pVie
;vraraty Ala ,
*hen they are strong enough, while'
't.eiteAreforis harhor arid ene
courage criminaleeinetheir
taceeit-yolree-ot 0141V07-111POIT the
American 'people. As n public. •
speOer latehc-,--sald: "The arrogente
of the English time thet •roueed thet
fiery' eloquence. ot Otis, that inspired'
the iinxuortol ...declaration of Jefkre
'son, that' left Warren dying on the
-Slopes fit13110w---11111-warre11et-1nnie
outrageous than the. "conditionstbati
a closed shop -would force upon the
community. • These men burst into
rebellion 'When .'the king did teut*
touch their pockets.' •Ienxighte it you
can their indlgpant protest had he
eought to probibit or restrict their
oecupatieei or determine the ertedt:.
tons under -which they, should eartt
their livelihOod.*1 and to assault. ,
• t
7004, ,i•-•-•
••• SI I.
he date ,ot:M
pays as hlgb &vents(' wages as Da
tie Creek, no city: of Its idea is .es
epeopori1'azie,a..the...1foa verb"
mechanics who 0,01 their own homes.
So the work people massed togeth-
er with the other citizens in thee or-
ganliettion of the Citizen** Atmocia-
• ,01.4“Emon.
'Whereas . front 11301--to-1894 .the
strikes instigatetl .by Labor 'Union*
in Dottie Creek restated in the 'de.
4, re
ort s issued by t_ene.....Posexese
t artment eiteCornmerce and
• Labor can also be -Used to show tho
will furnish weedy reports of • the
labor trierket from differentecentere.
so- that the workman when lie' Le
read, yr_wtehero• se111048,111s ria0Abodry t,tinit•totwite eine
have reliable information as to
• b market or veiling price.
•1•• •
•. • •-• •04-4. 44. 4.-2, • 4,-; • • -
heir bounee and poison their food
if they did not submit. •
pu tiere
that good true Amexiiean citizens eart
be found in the union* and that tinnt4
denrectite tho criminal acts of their_
fellow. members. brit thei are ,ottext
in had company., ,
burst sore 'mete.
th lommt. letwablding Un1011 man
is not hurt when the criminals. aro
denounced, but when you hear a un -
4 * -404, ',fr.'''.
are 'made public, be has branded
s ---either -one -at the law
breakers or . a sympathizer, and
therefore -witirettmemintietefe theelaw---
breaker, And likely to become on e -
when opporturdty olleri. That is
such men.
The new -coining menufneturer also
ees to mnintifin the sanitarY tind
• struction„propotty and icieis Of hygienic condltionsprovided for by
large sums ot money in, witgen. th*tethe *tate taetti and to ,refentri • from
• Watt.,
hf ,
Iront the oniottelorc-es-to-kno-
r ost -would "keep. stilrett •-they, '
*Mild eeli off the boycott. on Pets -
turn and Grape:ttutti.
as seen • o Irr-ourws
es because we would not oin it " •
crintlual conspiracy. We are, plain
American citizens and differ trete
the labor union _plan in that wo.
do not ,toree' people to strike, pick- .
,t3t1 or -commit iturilm.• • -•-
w-0 do not pay thugs $20 to -break
in the ribit of any man who trios
to supPort hin-fainify -her $30 tor
a ye knocked out., •
Whemas, these tketh eaused **foto'
damage to the thy and ma,rited the rheli to aischitr
tinitS and. • The. eitil4W, &soiato*t on
• Whereas, ;sines the year 1894 the pert agrees to turn% Iti-aude I-WM;
s .
• 0 0 1,1
regard for sturdy an:d Intl” Went
worltrnen .by pitying the' higheit "
citizens UltVo been enshled, by public
*sentiment* to prevent the recOntnee
ttf ettikeet and tether thtlein dieter--
bancee .whkh ba* been prevalent
elsewhere; and, , -.4
liVitereati, the entliiiitiers orthit city
have." steantestly refueed to tilide the
their'infitineet under
beontiot 1,:.:141`16FINTOi*-
bae a Med. the higto-157-4 stan
tied of west*: Veld *nrittee like condi-
tions• anyWhere In the United Ste
and hereby unaniffeetetly.declatcd
and the employe* tble
ge of whom:oW
*mitten reared and
e Learned Weeper ,
oYment, hare totteditat I
ed thole rift4 .tree :Amer*
us to Work without• the elittatiO
ttoesottr of lekleOr eltniont leadeti
1t t
v welt,
, 0.
II,dd- 11 wrlI be d tbnt lh;
„it,* of
ll 4 144/1.441t 11411
that 'loottif
holt dein
Pt CM •
0 J
()ale citiOs ats1 0rl
citizens to Iturdiel
ing theright find- lett
inertia. - •
they ha'.e ilieirbOyeattltir,-,
aseititits `dynittottin,g ote lWlfl
ty end ifituttier tO tutorte' their
oils far enough to order the 1
dent 'to rittiOVe Ottitin cttIien
°dice because the "ttitiottet
pleeeetle '
- Alt**. Messes :they prop000 10
the laW. of the 'names,replsx
lett of ibis p�Vcrnment *rid the, te
100: lottlett dodnnt eVest thy chk
l'!Iseeutl)re„. • •
• Thi* ,t* a, 'govcrnnieat
eieeptee • tied', no tiro
truI. tibitil tiliPlotOe It.-•
iOfl%'V.V It-er.3„1 :nor
1 bees M. it i* noseible to Obtain, fltst
class workmen Who Wilt, coittramt to
tell their tabor- at the 'Standard
„rrice for such period tOit,30,' P. Mt -
ed ,upoiu.„,o,greelnir.,., not to strike,.
-picket, assault other workmen, de-
stroy , PrOPectr..or do *ny, oti ' the
criztvined mete cdnunen to labor u
1-eitititti:- ' "--Vakfti-Woirkfilattteresetv
himeelt. the Tit --eft to gilt -woe o
*wee: and the Oitieeror AreftreifitiOn
fnitbr pledges Its members to need
it* . ateckinted power to enforce the
tie .0
" t
tb taw et,t afl
it tatter 'Oettitt`itOte..Of
reason for s
iIncd1,4401,1 lot thredotrit. and,
Whtre*s. t1e sttliii4, tht*tli
on .hIs•,truhket
aeano of twerving posettOt tO0
iono and 1190001t Ot00,0014-4. „ix st
atrked St to 1bairtbtaittille,
k other nitla icuiretiefr'frn
vhat*oover. but
toritracts '
se tract* 1
guaraiiteed ori
ni"the ahneef5 o
on their 1nt*r*4 e�orti to
rtryon& 11oteo. net
t1ii pion whlf3t, repli
tions of 'Minot
ioreneer,. 10 of o
oj,crt,Y, out general • " In
• I
*e_h*v.: stead*, unvarying re: e_
erect for the law abiding peacitible
0010tt rutin end.* moot earnest desire
to ace bini gain newer ketinfigh to
purge theunion-crinittati
Preettte* that hare brought,' :dean •
entire them' the ”righteous denszticia...!
tion of a lorigesirtheing and otitra)ee
" Addle, bet we will not • • fotwn
ruckle, .benstthe knee, wear the'
rt.c�Ttar-of 'White sli* t1
union label,. nor pottttute our
A:intricate eitizenship under "orders"
of any lahoe, trust.
You offer' to retnove the festrktLon
o iri
otli, t!
1 •
P •
ke-•, -
Oi rufsed ine ern denunciation,
itt of .tho despottilin *filth trapiplert bc;-
our others/.
our -would, „g**
and . nitiftle thee
A rtean 'prop,* to h„
cries for btead Of the
whooe to trhi" vtI,l'il,111,01.44114610
*a s.
to - the
U1 childeen,
'WO .
tiartitig wo4u. *opts re ,
perbaps enc.
i •
ork mttd
rc&'Ione jewel- our ' tethers fou�iP.,'
bit ,