Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-09, Page 6A
114 er'a tireetbe .reativ
bee *lathe turiliel,
teletext portion .of
Y.1,41.0,044,•,,„ ho tricd. over on thn
Ohtteei �r btjI.r 'partehe tobk"7:u
erteh-tri01,!OlterlOg- rvi
-irisetes . 'wee&UIIeeheetie -tie*
nzest o wetuld do as tieb
olute *ft:auger?"
110Pe.'"' Said Jack,
one, "- X eeeleinnly believe.
ept ithelter, but net you
le coach -Will serve nitYe tnr..n
You van_ tzaiit,
Jack Melee up tile fift,. lirooght e.
pine hd, rug. aute left bis gest
to ret, He litineelt 1 ',fee
iitnzje•tontiltio pati.4;#
.and ever
.,You raleht
have a.
11* let
*e'en ni
'! or eeinetitint
a tet Wit reitriend.thitt.
fo'04 c'f.10*
In .neer :10
Reding Wee** In Zeett
. and. Brettelsitstite. •
tiv'er11*.ee. v11144111
eep net 1.ambe Sid ieet,
*ude-alues, were we*Ur.
-CM rao(irrain. •
' fOr tteberS' kct
ee"'s • *1 t041.35- steel' bet
Oh' lie
,ftn thd tbu.
n leoued,,Ase
' his brain ,Wee ".eitite different 0911v: tille
Oudience nor up at the•stege. the gere who ,teeeet, 'end .helitived in
The, gitire of the footlights above him. When het laid tdown the violin
hen and the sound of dancers' feetthere were tears in his eyes, "If I
• intereeted elm as little as 'the...peek.t dared," he thought, "to graspray
ed faces eatich watched t'he peratie fate en hoth haretts." •
Menet). it was not that he did not Ile heard the sound of a footstep
gee* for human things; it teas eine- the street; It paused outside the
ply -that he was Weary to death of door. Theethere- tame a , gentle
hearing and playing, the ettnerteivlai knock. Jackie landlady had hero la
inusie every eight, of listening to bed for hours, so without waiting for
the smile sena, •I'ide hearing the sante a evonst knock lie went and opened
laughter at precisely the sane* the door.
points. • .-A tnansztoodtnei step, • • • s
When the Miele/0 medley was over, clad and shivering.
and .he wait • carefully covering . the "Sir," sante voice, el, sew a lithe
new -board of his violin before dos; here, and thought that perbette there
Ing the case, the conductor canto Up` might be someone awake who • wenitt
to lXirn. not refuse me food, and _aloha s
0- '60, 4:0
If you don't pull yourself together Tbe 'mice was Pleasant. even *mitt-
, we shall: awe toput someone else in vatted. Jack's first hesitation gave
our place. How is it? )(bet c.' - Wtiy to curiosity and pity, He . had
play well enough when ebee o personal fear, and as for robber
''1 ttb certainle' *old not seIot
"But the came, thinhas 'happened tbtt Poor abode.
eio often lately." "Come in." be said, ."1 can Sive
"I'm often -tired.**
yott_inaneetoode.at any "
- "You work ,,too -beard eduelber-th-ei eine reap rolketrod bim intip tint
.eintoe • i.'0„
• seint hail
thoine door balite e
Vet eeerteri.iileisitlres,e to the
daye" -said the conituctor, ting-rooni and stood uiett b the
4:10Pre.herr.eilett in his hand a large
Parcelecovered• withea kind of water -
_proof material. jeek glanced at this
with curiosity,: perhaps ensPielete "
"Thi .does not
a, burglary." Jack smiled.
"I didn't. suppose it did," be said.
own- endeinetite.yoneselt
'fortable. 1 le•aven't muth to offer
you, but you re welcome to what
there is." Joel( took out once more
erelmOst • tintaeted eupeele eh
-*You ere very „good, site", said ec'etbrtrin
the mete didn't expect eueli kind' -*" ted,
treetment. I wrei beginning to doubt"
whether 411.this _great city there
• hY
"e'erhaps so.- And theneethe stuff -141 Y
7 have to play. here,"
tuft" Well, 1 admit it s rot fir
rate.. But it's Pretty enough, and
then...eft. pays.' '
elouneri ac,pc.
leig••'-up the caste. .‘"Welt, give. •rui are
. other . donee. .r 11 • •ery and ,Iteep
eivrake• to -morrow 'night."'
"Goodie -el -wild theitenducter. -"Wu
. remember that I meet tink ot • the
Or turned into tine etreet
et, by a girl. 'They kissed 'quite'
simply, Sortie of tee Imingere about
the stage -door coughed eigiefleantly..
'e girl clung close to Jack's arra.
"You ilien't expect to see zeito-
it gray to open ete.and.. eetilefy,
*elf thet he had been wofully eriak-
ed. Under the string she diseovered
,note, addressed simply to "My "And tee coat. Mr. IfeLeghlen?"
Entertainer" ' It ran those • "That:\ as my note pointed onto
"I have not stolen your. work but was left ere a' guarantee If you like
merely borrowed It. It you -will meet. to putItso, it May be CODRitleTed
MO at two o'clock outside the Sham- as payment on account e of 'terve
rook Res.teneent I hope convince fees.' •
you Of integrity. .In the mean- "I. can't arid words to .thank Vine"
time perhape you will accept the Jack etammer
contents of my, parcel as guarantee "'alto lady's' fate it sufaci nt,
of my good intentione, the more par- thanks.. end the 'rivet liropr
trculerly a* the weather is cold. The raised his glass, "We will talk tius-
gemilent was honestly genie by." ' ICOSS. Now to lunch, though
As 'Jet:Ws eyes reached the ties° of nothing We eat „to -day will tasteto
-this- extraerdinerY thinmeteication a good es' your cold mutton did lark
cry fr melds landlady caned Min to night."
- - n-
Ititaidie of intense admiration, a doing Plaice to that meal; but 01 -
magnificent feeeltrited overeoate terwards, when Jack and :Nellie were
The bewildereed teek the joined in the happy bonds of metre,
menye_ethee thew enjoyed ma a
good tenth together. -London Tit-
Alteeg. Jack,Iteeeed:t0-,•
not rxpepto•to.' alsgoy0- a' eto
of each :talent. I arni'111/4Or 44.00,10
and -at.
018 for brim enieirtte•
rie, and 41,c
75c to '76e
made e ene aequ, toted Witit „a man
witteete week A all be proud to see
sumptuous coat from her, looked at
AA A eneuething incredibly strange
and then sat down helplessly with
the germent trailing aeross his
"You don't` wan pleased," said nue
"Don't You enePose 1.‘ny music Was
Worth 'more thearthisie he Said.
but if
it's wp
know hest, sir, of course;
theft overcoat's worth a penny
eth..fifty pinirele. 1 know be-
y poor men wiii the 1me.-
00 W3fl 5 overcoat,"
. Jack. Then, glftating (man brought their titled husbands.-
note, heebrightened up. eel° Ducliees of Marlborough, Miss Con-
nd and see Nellie," he sal& reticle- -Vanderbilt, Z2.001).000.
ack walked .across to see, Duchess of Manchester. Arise Hele
is moot' changedThe owner n
carrying the • coat over Me. Zimmerman, £400.000.• .
fs Duchess of • Roxbueglie. Miser' Goa.
- a coat must be a man et lei, Z200,000. •
unlese indeed he had sten- Dowager Dothess of Manchester, -
which Jack et:mid not bring Mut Consuelo Venaga, £200,000.
seriously . to sespect. Vet Lily leitichess of Marlborough, Miss
the assumed poverty 'of the Piece, £690.000. •
Fortunes. They /3rongbt to ttitittd ,
. -English.
I; The London Star in elew of the
latest American addition to the rank
of countesse-the Countess• of, Sufleillt
ir&following- listeeet Arierie.
can peeresses, with, the mom*, they
Cornesterichaeged; new Canadian
yellow. 4130 to 420; .mixed. 41e to
4130 f.o.b. Obettbane freights; 2ICW
Amerman, No. 3 yellow. 51c to 51ec,
mix0. 51c on track Torouto.
Oats-Steettly at the advance; 37e
to.. 88c for No. I .white 'test; No. a.
870 to 870 low freighte ante, •filete
to 07c.north and weiet.
• Bolted Oats -$3.90 for cars of beg*
and $4,45 for broken Iota' here. and
400 for liroken lots out,side
. Peale -60c to ler No, west
and east:
r ,
0:•114140'15t: shki,
- port bue • '
' 4;25, to.
Buttereelleteipts of kinds seere
?Mowing, a tendency to lighten -,and
the market bas a firmer tone. Some
• The iituotatfo
iohe r. 5. were $5,,e
$5.g5 for g1 anti.e.fats, oil carte
LoaD .infloptowe
Wilton Manufactory Win. Go 021
44 Carpets Bette; Theo •
Before, .
Lord Pembroke has become
!lays :the Loudon Daily Ma
There was dismay little
-town of Wilton, 'near Sury
England, at the begimeng Of tbe
resente-yeare, he ecittrpete-factorete -
which employed poo hands, froth
g els of twelve to men of seventy*.
and paid out 45,000 .a_eves,.r in
agekee-*aii -in serious difileulties,
andeesentseAbreitieettertrieclose- 4: --
floors. • _ _
Through more than three centuries
the Wilton „leak have mede earpe,ts.
Working in the factory this year
are lineal descendants of men whose
mutes weft in, a charter granted to
the_ factory -he ellieGe soincee-ofeethe-
, present employes have been working
Ithere for fifty years; they are -all
village folk. not • half a dozen come
big from other' iteighnorhoods;' and
they have made. the well-knowitt Ax-
minster. end eWilton carpets
tor Buckingham Pnlitee; -Windeor,
and -innwiteralibe fatuous . 'Waste.
And now vuier` eonfronted them.
:Lord Pembroke, who is the enlist
1 od-owner of the deitriet titei
dealers seem, to ttXPeflt higher prices,
nOtafions - -yetearet unehangetle
reariterY. e4e.
'-ehieeeititbree 2$e•
Dairy tubs, geed to. cemice .17e 18c-
• db esee, .15e- • lac
•do inferibe. grades --7eX2c Ide
Dairy Ib. rofls, good.' -to • • •
.cboice .1.8c • - 19c
• elo' Urge' rails ----Abe • 18e
"do, ••••• 15c
ery. . «• a
ed on in elience for a time, picking
their way eastward through the
crowded strand. Close behind thew
a man with a fur -collet, turood up
about his ears paced musingly. The
"If, -you had only a fur -lined coat,"
she said to Jack. He laugh
'I'm much•more likely to bave Po
coat' at all soon, Nellie, To -night
----GritlinetolitAneetha '
prove, I'd have to go."
• **Shame"
eeelleetequito----tight.elittletegire -----
• can't somehow • keep my attention
fixed in that place. But never mind.
I have my violin still, and I've near-
-e.e.e-e-ly-einiahed-t-he-opera,-eeae-some-d -
we:ehn11 be rich. if only had you
with me always! But wef,rtiust wait
ou see, tgaid a . ;"- 4Peleget - avian.
lYir-4-14 •106Ple-seentAlardi ' Nelire-
Fee.* are. -__Drave, up and eat. file ey
'The stranger did as hp_ wae bid e
and his • host front time to time „be bee
glanced at him, thOugh always with -you
delicacy and consideration. Ii-e-fialie: _and if
and poorly chid.; was scrupulously ../, ea
clean, his hair and. heievy moustacheell tended, his heeds white and de- ..Nev
licately formed. Jack found it "lard/ tbia, eat
• ,. • . Miss Florence Davls
Usene to Iiis -teary with eseltoiteiger-lifereliitemesio e
es, and fewer interruptions Miss Mary Livingstone King.
ht_ineVe been. expeeted. When Countess •Craven, lilies Cornelia,
finished she said:- Bradley Meilen, £200,
must keep ties appointment; Countess of Oxford, isa Louise
1 were you I'dewearthe oyer -
11 you'll !teal ecxpecemettiowitarmh Granteoun. tess, of Bitr„enei-.:1-14-iss .eogate.
er anintleel want you to tee
raordinarY Pereen.'' Countess of Yarmouth, Mies Thaw„
U y. 00 qui e eren .
afraid he will," -said. _Jack -Countcstot Donotiglimore. Miss
shenet_like._ hire Elena M. arer,e. 401014-00._8.
Ileie•wereret forhe Countess o -tcoat -and --S-ffot
with bis his aPtiareutly- destitute. condi-
tion. "
- -"Are. ott- a musician?"--askeile therenede
stranger, •pushixig away his
elate the let
' And
and nodding towards the piano and it all."
"blest we?"
eeneeetrea-everlere, • *id.
you-irwt on treitC1-77.7-17-77-17-13/011 11-1
cost much to keep, and 1 can make
e4eir4hat-hy-a-11 • .
you kbow; and then think what I
shouldesave -by luarusekeeidng-.1.--- '
thitik of letting you work liktethatet
"Was it you -forgive my euriosity
--wbo were playing before I knocked?
"It - wait a fine performance; a
leasteseiteappeAred-toe •
llteesee-ptr Iit.ffatirwlytoesrtgeade ait4y 4134111c tato
12c for twins.
Egg -Te le less tendency to
hold stocks. tenithe market hes
easyetone, Frish..are quoted at 19ee
tie- 20c. and Meted at 174c to 18c.
Poultry -Continues quiet with
oriees unchanged, Turkeys, 12c: to
.15a; ducks', 13c to 14c; geese, lic
to 12c; chickens, choice, 12c to 14c;
Pistettoes-Are quoted une.lie ed;
Ontario, -65e to 704 on trac • AA
75c to 0c out of store. va-"eterri
75c• to 80c on track and !Mc to 95c
out of store.
Baled tlay-1.'he supply continues
adequate. Car lots of -No. timothy
$8 per ton and No. 2 mixed clover
at $6.25 to $6.50.
Baled Straw -Is unchanged at SO
to $6.25 per ton Apse car lots on
rat ere.
-----elifONTREAL.-10.111eVra:- --
Montreal, 'Feb: 7.-teraiii-rrheris
not much doing in wheat in an ex -
part -way In oas the feeing keeps
coentry buyers continuegood
wales of Nci.--2 white errere made
ter I should think I dreamed Leltere
Viscountess Deerhust, Mies, V.
the ,A11131S1ifig t,usIc." said, _Pone -nage.
_Heade. .
/LadyAbinger°Miss Magruder.
Marie Lilian• Listee.
, e -Mint --31
consideilition of it effect Lawrenee. '
ecided that it was too magni- Lady Paget, Miss Lilian May.
. leo
I shall, ,beecteuse heehad the senee
see that your sonata. Was • eat."
n ea oug
greaC." was
o; •
"And suppose I lose myplecb at
' the end of the Week?"
riTicey Were 'et -easing' Blackfriars
Bridge. Jack paused • and looked
• down at the Muddy tide; *ditch here
_AO there topk,. lights upon its
ewKitte '0440 and reflected there
"It would be tiladnese," be said.
lumst as inad,laa_to,,,iump.,..therc..7.
-The iri-wittrd
" d ' you ever think of ("Qin
'8 O. AM C
. Once, before t met you, but never
einee." •
"Then I've been some- help to you,
after all?"
"You've been everything to me."
Ile rested his hands over her should-
ers. And looked' downinto her face.
thin k if you told inc to break my
fiddler And throweit over tbe bridge
I'd die' it, heciinetr'1 sheitildl&t-4titat
ou had some reasoa which was
igher than any of
"'Why do you trust me so?" .,
"Bemuse -eye% befteite I sn't
fn?" .
own4its dart inade•
conies-stin arixious for t weenie . •
strangetes approbetion. Their nate "No 0. Von fl-• sinneebe rich
enough to wear it."
"If it'sto:wait fill then the
nuathaewill_haseesevallnwed Tint
dare sity, if it's- really worth a lot
or money, we teuld sell it. and then
with What furniture eve have' already
we inighte-ee". . •
"Yes," said Nellie. eoftlee
*. .
men ore e -res -0 a it re- -
**We'll 'have it made into a cloak
Thla rereartre--e." G-PLOWE-31,--CO
wow re
'It's a ritrange world,! *aid the
other- 'that ja whoeean write
Oath nitieitt Att that-thotdd
paused and reethed out a hand
'tower(' Jeck's niattescriPt.
"Meer 1 lookle/ am not going e -to
teli peit ray story new. but sonse,da'
you tiluill,tteite Thisertio Pear
e v .
matid -"tat-- arra prJccs. Manitoba
sprieg' wheat patents, ..80; ' strong
Not Herd to, Maim. White Cavite-,
then* Tutu, Green
We know' that heriiailitetrieia
crea oar .-wffl flowera of var-
lad colors by practicingMeted cul-
ture, , artificial Wet -teem hybeidie
ration, in this itiv obtaining rt,:• very
. extended scale eit .colors. Stilt. in
Any case, the color of the 'flower., al;
p t, , "eijie„ - etei
about what ou ve been *Awingit
we could only mensige-s-ef* •
*I'm sure we could, beautlfilllee,
night?" •
"I netst put in an hotir or tem,"
A few it -dilutes later hi. telt her at
the door ,of. a_ smell. houee .1a * ewe
etre-et, anden..erossing the main'
ehoroughfarthe. be *truck foto a shit-
- iler street on the' other side. As he
iiPettai the •divgy door of his iceitt-
lege a tall man in tt.finelined beet,.
twit 04*W. Jack .10011det'04 What' he
Wes doiee there. „
-e-1 "A simple supper 'Wee. laid :out • upon.
t, tribleeeltich he hardly touched.
en; After , 'retteelin the th
Or" L.
xelteelty thrustVette
; bands.
It"- he cried;
"Ifyou wish it a etnrat for
no nOt that!, Ielititztetiet.
�t Pure tornplitiletit to you,
," eidd the feeger. He roan,
41‘ew the IStwr . Softly' *mg* the
*triage, and glided lute the litellAta.
• g leer
hand for
away by its. porisibili-
tient es the ittrenger's
h 'ding .hlmMIf
I keeping exprectdon Oat was in him. Y.hen
he lsid-town the,vIOlill Jack said;
you. But 11 jou had chos.
en you -might .Ittive ii1aed st1I bet-
"You think, then, that 1 onleepeid
SOU it littlf,beatted ,compliment?"
• 'V think that for atone **aeon, In -
Jo Which 1,4in't Wish, to inquire,.
yOtt didyourame, not me, t an ea use
proached• the •Shanirotk Rettaursult
in 'considerable trepideition. •As thyr
cairiage 'drove up., from which step -
.e. I.-
. "Wily, that's the man in the
lined eaercorit whe was walking he:
fur: grat categories, the santhie;stries--
ladtt;;eorloawniisch, sgrereekon,... orange .ibrdeigdo--,.
hi" "Itt "'In 1404" 14uI iilgbt, violet. Never has it 'flower of the first
ithispetref. , Ile wits utransformir
ed; plate Of thin arid weatliereel` hearsiesthieuteaeredverseintotakthone sexplaotnel, nenvtror
•gerntenta be Wore_ the icOnVentienal' hat a gieedener, no matter how cleve
garb of the prosperousAt a sten ee be inay be, been able to 'obtain
from hint the coachman drove wow* bius roe**. •
• **Permit me„,"? he said. 'saluting • ...The florists. however, .obtain _this
itkl-to eeturnetteeleeetheTliospitite; color. Tie& Method ol'ettiti. -tertian iii
:fly so generously offered ,to rae Iftt1; that eiessie one elicit bow been 16..,ng
nigbt Jae1 einlid hardiy. e01,eeeee employed en the case of violets, for
himeelt sufficiently te intreotice AM' example, reeking the'm green with
Ile. radii whi tit v 111*
.0 .4, I 4 01
to milleons of varietieer, cart ordy be
Jae tee
re(ereuce, to this • fact the colors of
been divided into tw,
- reeu-nan*Loun nran In bags, 1T
shorts$19 t� $2te-Per
_winter "itheitt bran ire-buIlee 417 I
$18; iesorbe $19 to $20- mouillie,
_1t to-1,Meal-There was no clienge in roll-
ed oatsfor which the .detnarid is
Poinewhat limited, at L
t $2,05. to ;-
ille 'Per bag, Cornmeal is„aniet at.
to $1.45 per bag.
akc,q or wo g ondon
fame to take the business over;
t en ai ing in t is. e a a few".
friends decided to become carpet
manufacturer, thriselves. -Tog-ether
with Lord fitidnor, Mr. Charles Aw-
drey, Colonel Albany Charlesworth,
and Sir J. Dickson-Poyntler. be
,formed a small private ciempany,
with a cepititi of £20-,00( •itt g1.00
shares, and bought „up the Wilton
carpet factory.
iicatertheiteiftetoebee*---wholeeede _„.
hunineeit on1er11Petialetradeinarkeie_ _
to be devisetee the colters ewe to _be__
lutiii-terd • -
TeetibeielefleettrinereirdeS, Welleirifee
therefore ,grants most of the romi
warrants to tradesmen) hopes ehort-
If _tor •leave to call Ids new busi-
ness The Wilton IloYal CarW, FA*.
. LAST POreeetejeerjelaME.,_.„....„.-
Cheri nat'ehine
405.-Woatzlonr Or' •-fi
fade as tie their color in half that
time The etietly Axminsters,--liite
co s n uxur ous
are all hand -made, and the slight
machinery=reseettliat: ,
IX altered 8111C0 the ancient legypti-
arts con:welled their daughters on
marriage to ' provide at 'least - One
carpet each for • tWeeitiVeire,lelioxneies_.
, t?U 1»T4Mt iteetiliniteete ear-
1)ete....-Whiettecost eabotitegb ate per
VCLUart* Yard, have, *bent 1$6,600
Knott of' wool lee every square yard.
EV -try teePete wlatover stk.
n me, e n e
ernhareeseed vtolttht 104p/0w ye
. •
When Jack heard the word it seem.
was the name -
t. .impresario was known.
lowed him het° the res-
werq turned hives gatiorr. titrui /tome discover
tow the flowers Were colortsti.; It Ape"1 took .
WOW. :our senate 'ttde. peered that & yeittrig giri itecidentale
TOOrklititts MetittighlOrr$ -"hertais.e. ly poured. into jita- water of a vase
*Ailed to beer it pla!ted *by it eantalaing 'White :tarivittiOril Oeleite
greater ,plu'rertiter thttn either. you ing z•Itttlor • 'with *bith she ws
or 1. Ile taie alreitAie tried It; An Stating -it rose teat green.
it lila eit it anhour ego., was her astonishment to• see t
1 think t ten ffiromise you that he nations hese 'their AthitA,. color and
1*t it. in 'blie within •
eta, In -this - taaseeetiowe
the eoloring matter of
1telt ethith is modified.
tt green mroatioo Atp.
astonfahm arid nit*
Williegly paid itietimeh att
owlet** tor the 'flowers,
peleatitherities 'bietititted
per bootie' and $1.85 to $
.437 In e'er lase
Ole -The - demirid for litteedisay
_for ineee_,ic(nunitri eion_reetiteenteAir
and prices show to change: No. 1,
$0 to vo.aol. 140. $8.25 to $87;
•$7 to $11.50; pure
'clever, $6,50: to $0.78 Per tOn• in
ear lots. ,
Provisiotta-Llleavy Canadian , short
cut pork - -$1-4,50 to $17,0k Veit
short .cut, $10.50 to $17; Anierietin
tlestr, tot tat lis, Acompound
lar.,it; (110.tn _ .-14rds 0jc.
to lit; Ratite rendercd, -1 to 91e,
aceetelingto et Ileette
180; bacon. 1 Mit .killed
abattoir hogs, - rat hop,
1,.. ... ,
. Wed,
Car*. country dressed,
' Checie-Ontario
10 t* colored, 10:c to
„Butterw.loinest, grades, 2ijc to 1/20
ordirtar* finest. 2xnedium
adttl 1016 to 20
dslry 171e.
Straight cold.sto
17c to lt!e; No, 2, lfe to
Montrcal limed, 10c to 191e.
clettlisette lettaf . if it. doei not wear
ter 100 years.
'enraged on a carpetett tet h 19
1-65v;TO-F4n lntoTzanL loser
chaniee, who hits,' ordered it mew. etre
pet for hi room, ,t1toiigh., the Priki
,sent ono kilt* only been there for foto
ty-five years. e.• • e • '
With this somewhat lengthy period,
eat in-vitereeetuelterssare rigorous-
ly • tested before tele to see it they
fade. A kat iflchs f the falalo are b
put. in it email titae, half of it being
covfred up and the othifr half ex- -
Peetteletb- the -light for three evonthie -
The fitetOry was turning out £1O,-
000 wortb. of carpets:every Year. for
it *tit'
ter management this famous Wilton
industry shontil soon be onto'.znore
in- n
Carlon*: little fact that 150 year* •
:ago another Lord Petubs`ohe tame to
the • resole of the factory When it
bid fallen *non tirtiesie •. •
• „
t tottrattotio bpi teen roused
Unit 1)y the draft -tie tell, •
ng mw" • kitoWa eel*. lite Shop*.
Ot&ea Act pikt54 'SY the Sef',
t„ itho
touter kc1sie :that,
*.roverIL 4I1t
,•• tleth
'.1 . a pnO, IliSv
re Jerk** thief trees-
reeented poetibilities
„Alive in lilted. With
ild tonjuret up•Vi,sionit
itifuJ than anything
cnuld show tern?, they
itimsel he
-emit imore
A elock' stk1ng three reniln
them that the situatieese he
in embarrassing stage. 'the Aran
appearedto look tp,. jae;k4 for the
tiett- Mote." • '
eltheet eve tenni in." 4414 aiAt
ih lamItotyrio "Imo tiii4 4;045W
thing 404 ebellei.tialre MO on
:mereberee-lititethalt. is at yo'sr
1140 04
the!e vagaries. .The carnation,
(lath, ..or
ittm•„. cla**
4,0t. iri:,034t eltellt*
Mon gilly tiolteee plated,
;Of light ii)reell analiri, 4e M riu
tIw ows'green n4 th. rds
to nothing.,
dolt .y44
0 *Ptak with
1. siotil
tht thie*t day
or when 14 wa