Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-09, Page 3fkitn* cwaclate4and Wins et most -unlit for ' active sork X 'wastreated' by doe- ro• iud tank' 44Ver:t1seel •Medietn day frlend Urgedmc to try. $, Mains' Fink FiHu. 1 heean their Vaa. but 1 Inset !confess,: that it was without _much, hone- that they..ermild cOra„Me. Atter teldeg a CoePie boxes I couldsetin improvement and this gave InceneOuragement. I continued uting thepills until 1 had ken eight. boxee, When 1. was torn- PlePgy timed' and •ahle to eat any kind of food 1 -desired. 5 1 r. Hams' Pink Pills.' as they,•seVed nie from such misery Only a dyspeptic knows, I might add that My Wife has Algo used the pliJs for trtes-bles that .ioniot her Isex, and !, hes been fully restored to lorretiAwaterr blood, • is the,c,ause of nearly, *Very aliment that afflicts mankind* it is becstise 'every ,doe of Dr. Williams" snakeLnew,--rjrh..-04 iat they have such wonderful power' cUrC such •allinents as indigestiem, rheumatism. nenralgia. St., 00.-dance,-••heert-troubles,7- -fddn. , liver troubles, and the special Intente'ot-W-Ontert, young and7,• Yoll...MUStoget the genuine pita' ith.,-this--110,1.--...ussius-"-L'Ors Willi Pills for Pale People," on the rapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or by Mtvil et •-0 bY Writing ',11;reLLI)r-....Will effietrie Co, Dreamlike Ont. Ai C sSPEOLSVSN..., , A -Phrenotogist was in the habit of nviting people of different Avoca - g 110 :WOOki . dilate 'upon the Occult:3A- ties, -of their cranial construction. 11 lie had come to that portion of his • lecture where he dealt With the mini-. ,th*tt at previbu tieeline has latest attributeea"1116 In pert !J. ',04:4tvry , eterribl4f 'to the coMperetively -heavy ,m Swollen and ugh trim •t„tnerny u p' cellC 00 11 MO OW re - *7' 844 ripori, 4 --tor • atso parity' et-tribute:I to the sPrend ?We' boxes , of them cured Me so 'nf education and ' the cousequent eentlgetely that Z have had no. re - "seeker hold wider), the ee.esnee es. tura of the 10$00404 14 years." • cotter! have on the jrnesexistion et itheumettiam and Dropsy are cans - the people," it being nerch.less easy e1 by thepatent: disordered \ kid - then it was formerly for the mem- neYa fell to strain out of the blood. eon.- IfiDoddshers of the 'various .begging Cure the dneywith De =unities to unloose the ,Sitirse ,strings Kidney 404 ttio cured of the people. Kidneys will remov e .eurea,tism or Dropsy. Without cause there can be no dis- ease. lieve that the changed feeling enlacing 'the educated ,classesitt filtering dOwn.to the lower levele., Tide *di le. not: confined . to one. partieular community or religJetn. 'i*. an rampant among the lifahossetans as sonoug the Hindoos, The Aver oira.! --rriletett Paper published in tipper- India, dealing, with, the question* of social reform among Mahotnetanse hatt, been crelbtr-ealling thenatitentio its co -religionists to the necessity �f et reform in their notions of charity; • _SENTIENCP. SPAINONS— Love leaps over the lines of liking, e-- =liar liead- needs 117-haught# air. A frozen heart does not make a stiff beck. --droned*--Itteraudience:--, • there is nn* person present Ithro ;at •any time has been the in- mate or a. prison he wilt oblige. Me hy comi • -upon the la for •eav .7 t men responded to ,,r1; • You nchnit that yeti have'been in , prison. sir?" "I have." was the unblushing 7wire's :**Would you klazdiy, Atli us_ UtlflirrtiMr-y-iirTiavis aim prison bare?" "About twenty 'ears." unhesitat- ingly replied the subject "Dear. 'deer!" exclaims* th-c: pro - you sit down, please?" Chal In the Centre of the stage. !The pro- fereor ran his fingers rapidly through-. the hair of the subj-ect. ' n Ca r Mendes? saint. Worry is the worst wolf that vomit* to our doors. . • As soon as you are prou of your humility It dies.. The mere helpful the deed the mor:3 holy. the day. • sexes qui ship. Trickery in the pulpit Will not lead the pews into truth. Many are willing to lose this • • A little -sorrow may. tenth •more than many sermons.' Kickers hide the best things in life in the, dust they raise, • Qui:led charity may feed the bun'. The gloomy church is likely to be • filled erlith tombstone sainte. I The great thing hi rtot so much to fill the pews as to flil the people. The Insin with a big sign of saint- • hood' usually has something to hide The -peopie- in the ptiliiiirr s of life are always the first to show the • graduates how to do it. it is ci, good deal easier to stir up hornet's nest than it is to _ nd the right place to crawl into. ,ittle our feet, is worth whok- lot of sorrow that never soaks deeper than our ifeetingc • NOWA -ammo er,1 are verYTPlaitily--7 -The---Cirgarts ot benevolence and esteem are entirely absent; that of destrUctiveness developed to an -inStailtly-withenat confession of this ilia* that his life had been erratic, and crinkinal. Whitt .was the critter "I rtev0 committed any crirnee" owled the nn In the chair. you 4pidd that you had bosn nat. al * prison for twenty • ' the golfer-caw ot-ths-gatti-.."-- , ghte---140-5Yrap- tom that ladkaten_•any„-of the ltttle aliments of cblldhood should be el. for s votenent without • proper attention. 11•10 little ail- zneet•may soon becomeit serious one, and then It May he, too late to save 'is pledge* little lifit. If Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the hottsee • the &offer of 00104 trouble can be averted, And :the.. minor troubles promptly -cured. An oeMeional Tab- -let to the wdll AIM. *wilt Ilrevent111 - nes*. The Tabletsare-. absolutely ode and contain no PoitteindeolsOoth- , stuft-they give Children healthy, aleeP. %imply because they. banish the CaUSO otatiespkiiirterw. 33ishop„-Lantretteetown.-11.8.r-m * "X *hays found Ilialtra Own Tablet* just as yon.roPisiestat thesti-the.vin best of Msdicine for young Children. Vott cart get the Tablets from drug. giztz or,107- -toot at *5 .tentst-* - box, writinglthl Dr.;.W&fllsma 310k1os Co., Brockville, thitU Pedleirs. how mu Peri into tnq !Z swans eix hundred 4 six thottsa' tacit dip CO --- Mal haw1gured it alt o* Pedi Straitens are commonly supposed to be -medicinal to the mind of both mempounder_and tongregation: but .ter's servant was right; eras an *ex- • ception. One Suaday morning the Duessehat, of Connecticut, • eeling-decidealr-til. Alt • futile attempt to eat tn-estkfast he olet-favetite -eolcired ser- vant- ter' lxinIonl --"S'ant. go around- and tett Sini0 mons" -the. sexton --"to Post •a notice -on the ehurett -doer that I arn Inc ill to preach to -day." s'Now,* maim," said Samuel, ***don't you gib up • dat w . -Just" • • . The. *raiment resultedin the._ rnir ister's deterutination to it. He teturned to t e house, looking tuneh brighter. •'-**Efow you feel, inaseal" itaid Sam- uel, as he opened the door. 1,"rietteir---much better. Same I'm glad 1 ook your advice." ' "I knew It! I knew it!" skid Sam. 110), grinning from ear to ear. ut knew •yott"ct -feel totter -when you get dat sermon out o' your system!" 'We n&rket te "fte4r, ‘tO ''tiriter'Sr tour 1.144-10/11'riela'AttPa* 1:171;Mi Ali t sliptate in ached*, no Apply to. J. hicesilum. • A4ca. 13. DBPAP SOIL PO -let ;hero she had• been won -that is, ostensibly won. 11 she proved* to be a truthful' girl, she would in time be his wife. If she eitercnot . 14,2no,. men wants a wife who is net truthful. ,That's the Wa3i Sento Mei it -insole themselves whelk they 13u(, she seemed to be' truthful, and as ,he drew her closer- to him he whispered:-. ***-4'gaittniltert---viewre- mart -Ted. &lir we will have the happiest horde- Its all the wide; wide 'world!" . "Yes„ George," she replied. . , • In our 'home." • NO;„-•,". **And when X coma honk tired and • worti out -witk-work-at-the-fileet anti the worries of business, you'll be kind to mo?" George.** ---"1--knew-you'svould;,---Yoult-tobtite" tne-and put me in better humor?". 1.4Y -43-s; bUt, r say, Georgel" • "Yes, dearest." • "Why shouldn't yo,u do a little of n • (alres, that's all right.: But to c„orne right down to business, as papa says -why shouldn't you also be kind •to me when thingsgo wren: I 941,10zirsant.40,40„. You're not looking for a Wiesto. nurse, are you?" "Why,' Mabel!" "When the cook leaves unexpected- ly to go to- the bedside of her sec- ond cousin, You might be Just a '• now strangely you title. Vett" "Well, they say I'm papa's girl. you know, and 1 notice when anyone tries to make a bargain with him he generally gets some stipulations • his own interest put in, just as eeeutiont" (1eorb and Mabel have now been married exactly five years and three months, and at the 4101404t 01. • 014g. -ttsAfrak**----41*XtSr410VOISAntlier-- quarrell__ AND"1il3ASS • farms for a* e; neer Yorktots Assinibeia: on Crop payments. James Arrastreng. 4 .ilichnumd streef east, *Wont?. AIpt.'wHom. IT. MAY 0014,0Eitiqt We are ihoup side owners and tkiensesitof all patent, and • right* on - VIOTTAM PROVE A • TO PAItli pitmovszom- ▪ ri the oiler% of ceetsin Part_*14:„..re OUcteaslul, the farmers ol 't-ialUtoo will have to fate very urdeet and burdensome tax. A. movement, te •foot to have fence wire. whielChei* -into-the country duty free: put -en the dutiable list. Th�,. gades sought to be affected are _galvanized rotr7or steel-wirs- No. 9, 12 -and -43 Practirelly,•neme of thee* are .ntade in Canada: and *Inge enortnioue quantities are used each Seem in re- p etc rig-tbi primitive rell"7-itrietities and enclosing prairie farms, the in- jury that a tinty-weuld-stalVse'upera he euenl vseetsseitt-_onkl-not-be readily -estimated, • -c• Since the admission of wire "duty tree; Canadian& have -enJoyed-- the- dadrati1nd. This has not only re*Kr„,v unproVed-tho-i-Weiralfee-lin • value of hundreds of farm houses, • but 4t -bas-sohl cendorts of winter -.travelling over roads that were -formerly 'very often iMpassible on eccount of Snow bteicle- sort ef improvement by at tax that could work only injury to the rural ,pcpulatfon witlaqut benefit to any • other class, of the peen% Would- be ki n z, i0 4. annex, the fencemenisfacturing industry would be dereoralized. To increase the cost of wire, both fence produc- tion and consumption would be re- 17-"Ifird—Tiir-..uWits—eireryWh tbratighout Canada would-be---hin-- dercd in making improvements upon their farms. Standing jokes are common enough 4 V tiftet ittiou --the ,young . man -,•wtio sat down on ids sweetheart's new hat and Warbiesk "nu alttitag �n the style, Mary?" There is no medicine on the market oseare---with-BirkhNs--Auttar Consumptive syrup in expelling. trona the system the IrritatIng germs that 401de engender in the air paryeallea. it Is suicide to neglect your cold. Try theAchwiails_ experiment -of rlddlng you' a,-eini le-remed 4,1 ' a .sovere 113 •ne. nip VISWs. An Pnglish traveller stood looking - -the-4 • - -• the first time. lie had JourneYea 000 miles to see the wonderful val- ley. Before him in solemn grandeur pathedral-Rock=-thesTit Brothers, ' And•• the Sentinel Do The Bridal Veil Palle, dirreelving.In arfeatherY .Wat icended the tremendous Preclideo.itt up 'With -varied tints the sombre Jrna7. -leafy 'Orthe seene;lihire 1i elt,pitsitne mighty. overpowering, nnapproach- 'able, 'teemed to frown sternly over all. the traveller became conscious e OS n • Won er, st a, stronger,. looking at the' marvellous stenoflc addresscd tho stranger I* not ttasi stolsessal Tito stranger bowed his head, as if he felt the inability of words to -tie- . CliAMPAGNE: CITY. toast Of F4Vriliay, 13 France, Is tast, subterranean oar, this.41- tot miles And miles 'bang hewn out of the solid chalk. fisiked With pile's o cheiripegise of *11 Wends and ,ThereAe_MS--light,frt-thl - lebytieth of ettreete, erotetings,°., artd 4urnings, except that which titetout, tering oLnino afford. All is dark and dart*, with down *bent zeires lite largest otielleze*-. Peigne itretnufsettirerer in. k; Ivret,001) 'intlerittoUrel •caltere whfrh corer no itiait [their loriY4i***tee:3, a contain 5,000,000 bottle 'to he e y g oran 0 age. scribe his emotions. "De you think." Pursued thetree yeller, "that. this terrine gorge was caused by some Titanic upheaval from below*? Or is it the result glade' action? What are- your - views; 11 /my, as to -N. -Pi "lisr7 v1wa Ifitindiy bated -vie& the etranger, openiug a tag he ear. riol In bis bend containing 'Ovoid - graphs. are only one donee fifty Wooer. 111111 $11 to $I1OW O1 • err beseplces" Yes willie,"-ste-sakt- with ,tv.tort smile, "our engager/lent Must be kept secret." "put why, deo?" bot ed. flleettswee silty boy, Jr 11, WIt-O meete pubile, Peel) really intended to 00/110•00.... a• deilantatbrakatheita Milm•1111.1.111. Indignant Stabeeriber-"I say, look here, you-leirewe what do. you, mean by announelnetheldliteartity tenth child under the beading f 'Ditres- Ing dearl itahstremdna*ut.sttdoings; be t; treit mmir be . tied- mart liltefrelr" ' oleo --6T-Isiteriiiit• ailiarder, Pane Yieseteble P1113 *hold& he raeort.cl to, unesenetely. . or three of 'these *lute Pellet* taken be ore_ tailag tO• l'a_ffir'llittTer74" it: in suceei- vet:the of at tack* of dy,pepsla it all the discern. tioo ritadiwkair.olis&r. .the train at that 7cise mesas *re simple When the W3 i known. 1' el.". Saki the young student. thoughtfully; "when I get Interested In a subject I* never stop-entit. Z - have embraced It thoroughly," -"That's tire." was the hesitating* reply. "Do-sdo you think rpt an its• tooting louhiett," , riwr„=„„ttr.---n-srr separator called the 'Uneed*' has in 40410 10Cahttea bean of- fered for sale and suite at law are neW ioatliag ,s.gainet the • imanufeeturers 'thereoftinder the Isw USER of these in- fringing maablites le also 'Hebb) for *11 danwtgeit 1.1ein-Itiiiiiiit-the -- patentee through* his unit, thereof. We hereby ,inform You that huYing or using" 040-01-441ene---so-calted--"UNEEDA-"t-ifolAW,,- ' tors you not only get st- very- inferior separator,,_..14Capalbo:- givirruyou7---such restitts as you thouls4sive1, trait Wou, bay suttissith, *11 ita '-expeiptlifeZittendance •Itrid-- with a practical csis tainty of the early lois of the machine and Sr verdict of bean" demages against you. inliirmed on Jsc*beforobecomlng Involved write to Tho Sharples Separator Co.„ West Chester, Paol.U.S.A Inquiries may also be Meek from' aur Akifing a* lesson on the animal kin Om the teac k * ' cent se an . triple of an animal -of---7the-- order or edentata-pi0 is, One which is without teeth, **1 an cried Tommy, lab lice beaming with the pkasure of assured knowledge. "Well, what is itr" a1d the teach- er._ "Grand a "_heAth • Z"-. • •Levers'ILN-Z ,(Wiqe 4..e64,) Aiiiinfeeff• ant Soap Powder is better . ttran other powders, as it isboth- soap d disinfectant. . e'Vl can t d any oth- er way to make trouble he Imam, girl 'marry a man -to reform him. - 110,llatinl111B1811----Trilre-COMC" When a girl 14epe on buylig more underclothes than she needs it is a alga she. goisur to be married. . - For pains in the Joists and limbs and Inc rheurnoticAmlne. neurnagia and lum. haws, Dr. Thomas' Emicetrie Oil ' is without a pen. Well rubbed In the leirly-ans-pet- manently relieves tbe aectd Part„ Its value iles in it* msgts proprrty ot re- in, ludo from the hOtitt_aila for last gootL4ualin ty _it la_ For the Winter ." To - CALIFORNIA, MEXICO OR ^ _ 7 f' "isend of _Sunshina„, Pruit- and Frowers.",. itotoul trip tourist tickets •on sale daily. ount-Olemoultinetaillatbr'-- situated_ on direct lino Or Grand • Trunk: • 1, spend a. few ,days or weeks delightful- 'resort. Best of hatel ac. oommodaticei, 1--at-any-Gntncl-irunk-Tick tics. • Amulternentsre--to breezes or *W to * -the flame -gentle " onetwIWlan it, Wt.' itrelig Curie pu it out," • • Arnanda,t1)o.,,,...4ton-onnember-ten years ago when yoU esmfeesed YOttv` . eN aIlove for bow cruellyrefusd ouuuUmit n C01$ 'You? ,older uorte stnet1 differently." ' lrer.wer,OWItiets .Wttnrt owitleetente niter het hooky it las yds* rigeletee ers;Zes 11***Wrset.owee4wrsi a ei« • 1 "Do you think Mid for yOtt at 011*?" ." hog:14414g to tare a I ealth." canto I ,think *holt t makes youthink that'?" laet time .1 railed she onlY YeNerted twice, and two weeks, aid I- eettetted five y*Werf la nee teretting." --One of the greatest ,Islessissos sar. antaririlltithnr-ornwes' Ezteiznln- Stor.Itor. It eitecturdly expels worms and glees health, in a marvellous manner to the IlttI. One. • Only those who haxe had experience, tasts telt the torture corns • clause. Vikli" 'with your hoots on, pain with there oft: —pain night and dal; but roll*/ Is tuft to those Who see lloitowey'S Cot* Catnip PUbliaher '11 eta, gee Anything is that Mandecript ot yours." Strut, gLig Author -'X preatftee not; buts u„ know!, some of your "batten maybe finite intelligent.". blisher of the best Par Pitt Prertinees would say that I do not Inedirine that has stood th. tert of thaw like UV/. e it Itatrbtosn an inour hotiashold arsr.since ran rereettiber„ avid has outlived dozen*of would- Minpetiters and imitatioste. A MUM, 1NS1NtA110N. -• zat paper that ne o she hes nese for a. long Peek (recklessly) -No doubt 04 fled the tendency from moth, ho was in the babit of makings fly. journey* through her law d'spOkets. • Pe4,11 wrog o in Sct-ed tt,c'els. mods' et t!,. sintstebit girt' gsts-.:ed•knife 1004 tvap•:_s•nf DNE iht,t3„.1 ?t, H t):4 L Ibili.'saillitto. • inc Vitt. • ---to trim and often makes. in' the beadger eves it Id thal Work of ibe