Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-09, Page 2e
t V
ee,.„,_,„„„see„.eeeee-e-,eSSZr.;;•ST•• • -
Niatrr ALL
\'vbUt neente !Serie, molting
�ut4e tiMe at liOngclean.`
;filet% tO,
the,•, dtsc,IatiQfl. were °Vey -,."thetie, the
'‘ gloOtri -brooded .illte:,an;cd pirit.
Aiial yet, it,'„Weas but 'the Calui, befdre
the'. storm that ,was, coolitig to •ban-;,, son in Dere, On account ust
ish the 'hoary did speetres for see our unfortunate eisitois fit, cues-
ei noton to not possibly know that Van Sum*
0.pot in ome IN•I'OexitZr!,
nex s'Mdtnent•Sh.0had
to occupy her. it:44;I%e&ia3d Jit
#49/1 WAS, ealatrigil .upj1i� detVe, JUit
lon enetitetant 'Odd felt, inc1iiutI to
'despair. ••' • -• "
she cried, "Urs
f country. and 3-ou are et liberty
LIP hiuk 21Sseem p!ease. If we had,
antbfj tO gain by the course yoa, ,-
“An,ything to ggirill" Henson
burstout ainerily. "Enerything to
gale, the ;Show X deemed to, he
Oca4 i -e to o fellow me to•Pry late
soeneelli-See, 44161e, -1'presulue, If
?Q12 and'your- aster and. 31inh Gates
?eta Ltuiglit
•Iiu'' Chris.eOld.S.
I. '.fltrs IIk ashere,end need likoeteed with a gall pig ie I /can, With
'Ilut. '1j:111941 *1**Y'' a tgeritiglOg. tv1,71,ten' Pot,411 a:14We*
, `.*.11,r4tetfritO
Q titIo cae Of ;tali p'igs Or ho wi•
*4•4) ".1.)'VriittlsktesAS'-'1,04: bIL Vig' •fl
P.telninnlin, fete the,
tarD yard, ea efUt..•.frA •••#.10. #,;"•4:"!?:•*
1, P 28 a cojd. Ueat,-*tt"tVheiva neny
*el), ig several' InOrAhe old
may:do thitkif, he lkoL,s_t..- plenty of cern,
and a, ,littlee :Stit" the.. young
, .farrowed stik in Getober.Anust,
•:_and Teed' in ortler
to Make a,reeasona e g owth. •
A... woo...
`money i , fall pigde1 b&ti,Vt,'''''Vne
settle:* an W4*.growth „for, the *ape,
',Yoh W. in
s U 1 oily darod0,11c0t!
ripen:for tke.,hosTor of tys
' • s'
)54,m eguld.,:•Aiify ,get, ttio tin
sahi il'ehgen; •Withi.:a heziticiOUS:sheet'.
flut the rng s • 00:: The iruby
ring' i. at the:: bottern of - 1110
Nen-thS'neis'7 - •
•S'Omes paneloi4te 'Wort%
rose (,0 Ehitria lips . hack d
them. 411 she rani() do now, was
to watch'and waft till darkness. Van
- be as ma en ng as ver._ :-.:',.4 ' ',;-... , .* OP . .
sionately- 1 . , I ant „going down intb the
piesee ' hall. I enall •• eonteive ' to ga r -... , a la . More pi tiiiik-te-dinninse of durin
.against the solitude of the '- - • uhl not dare to use the telephone the cord- anontha..than during. 0
There were moments to • her when it 'Henson ' intothe drawing-groomyet. thouoh she .had made up her warm ones. During September and
seemed that her mind couldn't stand Without dela3youmust snauggle Mrmind to ask Steel to coine over and October a large number ef my pigs
- .
the strain muconger
h l.
over e sta.ble. ' You will be Per' could send the tnessa,ge.
take Van Sneck :away. L-ater on she arc farrowed. 1 must 'have them
Van Sneek into your 'apartments
But she had hope. that blessed I thown the back ti. utilize. .this by-product of the
Van Sneck had eaten a fairly dairy •profitably. ' In ran
e sangn ne and the young. staircase As soon as., the drawing- 'good mean ao Williams said, and proved that necessity is the mother
And there were times when she -
room door closes., .go. had fallen into a heavy sleep. There et" invention. 1 ay a 1.1
would creep out an see Ruth Gates.
Williams noddedlie wan essen- was nothing for it but to wait and' had to , solve the problem of grow -
who found the Rottingtlean Road
tinily a _man of action rather th-tm wathc. Dituan• came in due courSe. Ing fall pigs. , thIt has not been Very long ., since
very convenient for •cnow. e fanner was censtired for letting
ycling just
pa_ ords. ' With all the coolness she with Mrs- Henson, ragge.d and . am- For 'nature hogs, the temperary, his poultry have the range -of the
And there eas ahvays the antici
could summon up' Enid dencencied to
thin of a telephone Message from izept as uualtaking no notice of outdoor hog honse works very well. ft.ed yards, where was always a sup-
Chris. Originally the telephone had the hall. She gave a little gesture 14
--orison. who watnhed her furtively but it is not the Place for the fall- ply of .corn. and of the barn. with
hold could be -run without the in- sight of Henson. , her own room directly afterwards, roomy pen that is. Warm and dry. source of /sender to the town breed -
farrowed pig- Ile needs a good its wheat and oat 'bins. It was A
been established so that the house- of •serprise and disdain as she caught dernig the meal.- Enid escaped to
---- trusion of Ondesmen arid other 'So you came down to welcome, and Henson followed hts..h...9.stess to Pot weeks ,sat a time he ought not, er that 'under such conditions the
•----seeentrategers.----Whati...--Seenatifissve. leel:li.A, atdeencildlyeeeie, _.,....,,,,,e4/he ..4!!!!" Mirrnante, , , ; , , , . ee,,,:gelepten,,peedepreee Eiremeeilerietant farmer s flock laid so egg. yet they
anomaly at the tiine, but, now l',''niti ,- A sudden light of rage lit upi'-'0-
li-ei?-thi.r4i1;44"6"tatit-.4ilt-66; day the .doors-brour pea liye,Offei2-' - Ofitifitterritrit-Wtherlooter..---
Were like •pollits of steel, atrhsi! /13,a'n. ed to give the hog . house an airing there Is a variety of gnains it is not
blessed. it every moment of the day-. Henson's! blue eyes. - He caught Enid°, Uncle-. His Ups grew firm,
And t4he was. perhap*,. not quite so alinoet roughly 'by the shoulders and'
f*O11 was paving the dusty floor. mut- and to allow the pigs to take out- very different from the dry feed sys-,
,,, d _troonh4;settr. herself. H. door ,. exercise if they choose.' yet- tem if chickens are supplied with
--unhappy_ as she deemed herself to pushed her into , the drawing -room.
ey pre er tee remote* in --the- pen I pure- water, housed- warenlY in dry
be. She had her lover back again. There - was seinetbing coming, . s
tithe holding some gilt tering object most of the time. Some days they quarters and -really. have a:ccess to
now., -with his churacter free from neew. It was a -relief a minute or son touched tier ann. at the same
every imputation. . • - •tano later to hear, Williams's whistle gt . out in their yards, for a short feed bins. If they are 111upp1ied with
The nun' straggled In through the as he crossed the courtyard. 'Henson 'before her eyes. It WitS U masiive
, ex -,1, rater- via& with --totireblock-pearis-oir time. But they act as if they were grit and charcoal they will dounstiess
'dim,. dirsty panes; the inimotoneets knew nothing, iii -Van -Sneek's _ pleased when the, doers are shut rky----tsd---well -tor the-Yancieeirtowls---on
_yoiee ot Mrs. Benson droned- ins -the, Bence,- nor evas he:piety -tee do- __so; either bide. and the pen again assumes itS-ri01,111-- •dry feed and -free range.
I "Look h&c." he whispered. "Do - - •
drawing -room. It was adult Williams 1 nonv. ,
dark sraood hung heavily upon her. "By heavens," Henson, whiapered, Mrs. Ilensou's lips. She was trona, '
you . seen it al temperature.
' called one of the unhappy eshieints •-"You nee -forgetting- ensurnelf.' , . *
.., .. -
• 4, you recognize it? Have
A pitiful, wailing cry caino , from ration. Ile. should. not be allowed DO NOT MARRY TfLE-• atm.
The fall•pigeshould have a -balazeed .
odays." SoMetimes she -MIS quiet- Enid salth "flow dare you touch. helore?'' i, ,
to at tin' muen corn or. too iarge Who nags
and -reaeonabte, at other times the me liko that?" ,
She 'saes eueings-uptiosen----th einently. "when I coeeider bow 1,,' hung front head to. feet wee, le a proportion of s IT MI* 1 3113r eX,
-11--- ' • Who is lazy.
' deaaringeroorn. _wringing_ her hands have been fooled -by you I wonder; strange , agitation. She gteeed at ' ..." et . .,,, '-...- 0 ft iii -
and whimpering to herself.`„ Enid had* that I do Mit strike the tire,. oui of-sthe tine -as nethirstsetnatita a---tiert-la-aham---ute. rawo °I' "Arm T4L4 ''.' ----3Vh(Catitio,t_COntr_01:_ter_t.g.vrippr .
4 lipped into thee grounds for a httle tia one pound of corn. I never fee'tf
you. Where Is your sister?", . Who is not neat and tidy ini her
' . 'ert mi lit have looked on a drau ht
fresh air; the house eppresned• her Enidassuined an air:of -puzzled of cold spriug water- She stretched the skim milk clear, but make a
Who is deceitful. and not true to
terribb to -day. The trim lawns and surprise. She raised her eyebrows, i out her haints'but Henson drew slop of - it by mixing Wheat raid- drees- -
was busy making out his report at
blaving flower -beds were a_pleasing coldly. But it needed no very bril-' bougb
ack. dlings and • dried beet Pulp. ' The her friends.
.........-eeneiniteast to the misery anti dieorder liant intelligence to tell her that! "I tht you hail. not forgotten former is splendid food for growing Who fusses
Pro- about everything.
fumesand ildgeta the hospital . when a similar • call
came from * Leonard Street, saying ,
ortbd-Tifigiie: - - - - - • • . - funsou had „discovered_ .seeneteing. . ill." he, Welled, - :It. ;AMON .. **1 WO . to' youeg pigs. It 'contains the
Enid pasted on into the shadow of "I had only one sister," she said. You. ho or peace. happiness ---;„'our ', tele and the ClirbilihYdrateS " ill Nat - Whoselaigbinit inlininition Thanthat - hover- -- Bertha- Signosseof 100 John
. --
ion Avenue, had been rue over in
the plantation. A little farther on "and she is--''' . . son restored to his proper place in about the right proportion. 'Mere soared above self. .
almost tbe same manner as, the Wa-
ne excited about something. 'Wile ant.. A Ace little scheme you brad wanteid 112011eY., a mere bagatelle to I better than a elop de in this waY. "horrid" to her family.
Wil -
nearer the wall the dogs; seemed •to ."Dead! Rot. No more dead than II the .world. 1,,,aigt, time 1 •was nese 1 is nothing tbat a• young nig likes Who is amiable to suitors and
linskie boy. Dr. Samenfeld rushed
---_,e_seseseeellemsensiern- • •. • ewer; ate„ -is eentlee_t_ nateseendellingievol - 'Now I want .C10."000." ,E.e.,Anout cnce a week ,the pigs are Whose. chief interests in life arts,oll and cut..otef_sthe citoe4hild'.44,347„,s leg. !env-
larinentilr.m----,==, , eel.= ----
Who lacks thrift, and has no idea and took tne girl to the hospital. ,
o e value of money. •. ren reconnende though bad
Who cannot bear to hear but. her- they been permitted to lie under the
car a few minutes longer they would
self praised or admired. - ' „
Who never Wens that her mother un_daouoboteedo,r odsitedr.as
taurarite in Paris. last:. spring. a .
the needs an outing, amusement. or a -1 loshable,res-
• I .
change. , .
Who humiliates servants by snap- man's life was saved through the
ekill and quickie<es of one of the
ping at them or criticising them be-
• guests. It appears that a gentle -
ore guests.
Who dresses in the height .of fe.sh- mall. with three friends, was dining
at one of the small tables, when as
ion when going out but does not
end he fouud it impossible to get rid
Who always comes to the breakfast
of it. Ills friends in alarm slapped
table late and cross. in an old wrap=
eeetngsjeeeeee :wile heeebeie birn on the back, but the unfortun-
in curl papers. and who grumbles ate man became black in the face '
and scolds at everything and every_ and fell to the floor.
A surgeon from the_ German Ilospn
0-Xoniaue but simp4 at's svidetics of wt 1-11nOMPPTISIA0 quaflty
. .
Anselin-Mu fert,ilitystiethilig ex
neits-A • nOlis ,Ditifttns • ' ' ' •
' ' * Ss OF .011,Y PMIANG,:`'
.. , ,
-The dry feeding:watera.is meeting
with increasii* favor. Breeders who
have.tried one season of it, says the
cnintene,elat cl t!, --
production a c n • ey
1:1-1WITIO119-9..WIOrta groWth--Witla the
young stock. The feed boxes are
kept filled with a variety of grains,
the grit box is full and also a box
of charcoal. From these the •fowls
take their choice. *balancing their
Owe rations as they do in the\ sum -
• -
"OPERATiaifa' 1'E30. MI
Children's Lees A.rapututed-in-the_
•11111P t..mo *4
'Restaurant. ,
Many a man's life bas been saved
by the quick aise of the surgeon's
knife. and so it is not, very astonish-
ing to learn that serious operations
are sometimes conducted in queer
places. In the streets qf New York,
for itYance-,--rehere 'statistics go to
prove that a serio-is accident occurs
evecy ten minutes. operations in
public thoroughfares and in the pre-
nesece of crowds of onlookers' have
become so frequent aseto cease to be
looked upon as remarkable.
A curious coincidence occurred a
couple of months ago. when Ambu-
lanee-Surgecin Joseph Sartienfeld. of
aPilluttrated the legs of twei children
_Who had been caught under different
trolley -cars. The first case was that
of little four -year -alt Isaac Willin-
skie, who lives at 365 Brunswiek
„Avenue. and, who fell in front of a
trolley -car. Dr. Samenfeld arrived
as- -tbe railroad employes were Jacks
tng: the car up._but they said it
worild, be twenty minutes before they
could get the boy out:
On• hearing -this - -Dr: Samenteld - -
threw off his coat and, crawling un-
der the car made an operation -table
of the stn. t. soul in a few minutes
appeared with the unconi'ekine boy.
having-ans tatint-'-the-theleg runt- left- •
it still pinned to the rail by the car.
• h
. : elesfre‘
postulating with some intruder. ,y ass David . tee . . ut t • s- going E. 0. . ellS .---''''-tttr-'-VrTafl,,tlt1*Iri- trldLiir'et/VaCtitilrar-trei
. _
ithri stood a man whoe-•thoirgirteirlysete---getest--leeisonenot. -to inter/ere in_i_."Yeu_s_sidi roin -ine-X-1-Q4,000le nehieetereeee, the digestive or ans in good
well dresseu, looked as it Sae had my affairs and 3 -cm are going to ,get• do you do with all th-
s e in his arments for days. There one also. %There is your sister?" probes to giae it all to charity.
monne"? N 01-1 j condition and sweeterth t le s mime 1.
wood ashes
was a dazed. puzz e a st. it--espreen --Dee . , ' ----Alltaholattlersitss-O.N.ta..m...pui inteeetheeir treeighs. This
But' Every little -while, also,
was soniething, ntrV011n and an:LLCMS! that more 'may come back from it.; else helps to 'keep thVaigent la e ors
sion -on his lace.
Williams croaked'. "If -you hadn't; was not quite like fietesen to - let (pilaus public.' And I could expose good condition anti guards
- you • might have been killed,"1 abouretheetone of the question. It. But that money you get from a cre- gems in
stood still thee dogs would have' his advernary see that he had scori I you, ah, how I could expose you. against intestinal worms.
pulled you to pieces. How did you a point. But" since the affair of the; Reginald Ilen-son." • ClIOOSI NO A BROOD- -SOW.
get here?" , . dogs Henson had not been quit his, "Instead of which sou will let nie
. "I'Ve lost. it," the stranger mut- old sett. It vies easy to see that he' lune that £.10.000.-
t ... _. 1 I % • .1_ ., Von •„ill ruin me
.... - -
liave yciii 'not-
me the ring." . 4 developed ones will alw•ays come to
Henson smilingly held the gem the• trough first. Prom these , se-
ontrifts-Mrn. Itenserreisrisedeirer-arnieteethe_gitteneleeted
with the Oust Tieing . in choking should come from -a large litter and
clouds around her. Then with -axel from a seai that is a good feeder,
„activity netonishing. ..in ODO of . berlgeritle and easy to bundle. . For
years she sprang upon I -Jenson and,' if she is gen tle-aliff kiiiid-d-r issfe0011
• tore the ring from his grasp. net feeder, she will usually, be a good
-thitrg-oran-scp-totally-imeNpectedarouamak.er__a_very essential point in a
Ole -1:Salialst_. geutie_la,dy ,_ that Ileum:in° brood sow. One eYnnot-liidge-aca:
-iiild--thilr-g-le---ttiseistoritihmen . ne-•-of....tie..-111nineg- • afftlea -la
. ,.. 4 • 4
---teretr• "retrityst----it=emnwherai-Eved att---vuirtit_„0 •
• I shall have no rest till I find it." had not found out where Chris was
“Well, go and look in the road."' yet. ' ,,
Williams, suggested, . tlei00.tfAIr • ' ' I kqow nothing." said Enid. Ist
shall answer no estrous."
"Very well. But I shall find out.
Accident Put me on the trail first.
And -1 4utve-been to see- that Anil*
Walker.- Ile never saw your sister
....noinams_staeted_teesexi lain volubly. after her 'death,' nor did the under -
But Enid cut him short at once.---tifiliW.-Arnd 1 wirg-TitThltVe-tilet—
“A r."-F-ArrfainilMrthhir-hoo-lkatir-vit-lhe,.-Sanger of- that- tiog_ey
at She said. "It is amazing-7pin u en me. What a Via Walker
o was.
Walker said anything. 'about a second 'Henson sprang towards her. With
' shert legged sow is not as good a
-Enooked- -up --anstiously. „Ai . and i.ora. freer'
opinion?' Had he atrayed to Hen- a quick, fleet step she eroesed to the milkerasas. anedne iwitshroa loteler sides.
heetaenethae-heeteen-been_nackeeerindoseeanetenetneeeilesne_ito the nial t. eircu anees avoid line
possession o sere s . - that is wild. or nervous, or as a
PheI, s must be stron
ed up by liatherly Bell?. Because A • raging madness seemed to have
a n• he tau heti turd
mar tee go.._ hardir i ill 11 i M. HO in the house.. - bushes. followc-d by Flenson-. --In hities° eetiyraight. The sow - enlist stared
ginald Henson finds him now it is conceal the fact that Bell had been she cried as she sped on into t
Steen I think .. -116 tiltIgt lie giftlsac "'Mu imin *as ttio consvittel, o i• lusteti-al -round himself and Atm.
f ri 43in tbe midst °f thein' `'''''Y werel on the maturity more than the age.
" a ! ten pr
Tnust be taken into the house and i "Dr. Walker should have called In ear an evera ion . 5 a on her toes and ehould rnbow
ea e,
eorewith semilbenly,'I eon trust- igri. IY. 4, --(' -51 Therage at which to breed depends
looked after until I ran command- another opinion," she said. inocking-ii quite forgotten the dogs. II wa
to the hoiipltal- ft is the only place that. and you know it," Henson, Henson before he was aware of the A gilt that has been properly shand-
where 'he Is safe.'' growled; and finely yeti played up -4 fact. - led will weigh 200 pounds or more
Ven Sneck seemed to be looking on on his vanity." . 'eGive me the ring," lie Raid. '•You •
at eight months. and ought to raise
istabfled-.- 'Milker hal le_it. vet.. Some da I will a .good litter of pigs if bred ' then.'
OU sow has only A few
less. Ile suffered himself to be led evidently , said nothing about Bell; restore it to you. Be eensible • ei ,
to the house. where he was fed like and Henson. .though be bad Just anybody should happen to see you.", pen •
irs or is a poor m 'e
a clikhl. It was in vain that Enid come froth Littinter. kuew nothing Mrs. Henson merely. litegted. The,
'less mother. she should be sent to
- *--tiliWiditis-witir-alieitintisent•-•ntuelneseillouts-Chriss------ - - ---- ntegn _Wereeessetrinellingeeroired like htt.4.4_11,_00txt_iniucer_amuittentbr
, the meat barrel at once. But if
tions. Ile- had lost sonsething-he "You have made a statenient," slay eiS. many kittens. ezy 41i1.no ECM .
would larives- -tin - -peace-fill he hatt- said. "and in reply I say not11ng4 to heetl Henson In the joy of her pee- to her, young. she should be tried
found it. This wee the one burden Itou have chosen to assume that y,.sen le. -e earne on again. e ade
in • •• v't * h m ' a '
all be larger than the first. If her
gain for the see*ond. litter will usu.-
second litter shows, increased "lum-
bers. and the first one .developed in-
to good bogs. site Might be retained
for it "breeller until cata better stive can
he obtained..
"Nothing ever gets lost, here. Just
you hop over that wall and . try
your 'luck outsude."
-Enid callib leeward. --E,VideritlY -the
intruder vvas no stranger to her.
a t 4 II
When selecting the brood sow, go
to a pen where a number of gilts
that this man should come ere
itiT pluems.
Van fineek.
' hat, the chap as wius wounded
b dy.
�ptitheraythtti g- 106- - ran 0-tch-a- -taie--who--htippeaect -to -be-41-11114g-
the cafe. pushed his way througt
back, so that she may make a ,good
the crowd. He saw at once that thi
appearance, whils_t her mother is
sztneetsereteyeeteteereandedeeteerneek epeedeeneg,s_ande_if rouipt mein,
-u'e'oideekmee. geweleenedereeeneee-e • ures were -not- titken-hic7woi --quie • 3 -
-suetsimh-, Tie ofileredone of ths
svaiters to bring him a -small funne
such as is used in bottling wine-, and
then., without a moment's besitatioi
took out a sharp knife,
"The sarne. The man is not in full
of his , cry. Enid crosbed to the sister is still alive. Wellit is a a gran for her dress, but the rotten
Wien- 'parti-el „like a eobwen in his
, -eee..-,--
I hand, A warning grunt came from
I _. - e
_ one of the dogs, big Henson gave
no heed.
"Give it. me," he Inwood, "or I
will tear it from you."
(To. be- Continued.
You us coo o
• .__
If You Would Hass Good Digestion and Good
Health. It Is Kept No :Ivo by-
Bile in nile blood is poison.
Bile in the intestines is neceStiary
to digestion and the healthful ac-
tien of the bowels.
Bite in the Mood- muse bilieus-
ness. headache. laundice. mlne.14- com-
plexion and is the source of -intiume,
eral.le pains and e.elieti.
The lack of bile in the intestines
brings on indigestion, constittatiOn,
kidney dere.ngeretente and a clogging
of the whole digestive and excretory
apt ems.
Barer separates bile from the
Infoodwhere it is poison. and pours
it into the intestines, where It is
of Inestimable Worth.
For this *reason the health of the
body is dependant on the health add
ar ivi rot'
the liver active. when
- teentnee tortiviruggivirver:
Chase'S Kidaely-tiver pills insure
ft-hoalthfultfloW of bile into the In-
teetities and the cure of all ail -
Molts 'whiff*. (torn "bile poison,"
• Set the Wirer r ght by usjng Dr.
Chase's Irldriey-Liver rots and you
will remora the cause of many pains
a11.1 aehes. ol ttkanyr atmoyibg symp-
teltria. of irritable tiover aud
pressed nplrlta • A'
Thnre is no liver reguiator so cer-
tale of action; so quickto re lee
go 1astli1y beneficial.
Mrs. Janie* Oriffithe, Geneva
Street south. St. Catharines. Writes:
"It gives me great pleasure to
smeak in comfnertdation of Dr.
Chase's Kidritoutiver Pitts. For
some nears prior to the spring of
1900 1 waS !afflicted With serious de-
rangements ,of the digestive func-
tions and liver and kidney disord-
era 1 triad many remedies with-
Olit the desired results: until I be-
gan the use of Dr. Chase's' Kidney-
LIvet Pills. After taking a lest
holte* of this ,Meditine t was again
enjoying all my -Milner health and
tiger. and. In factfeeling better
of our family have also received th
medicine. and I shall .alwaye
eider myself under lasting obligntion.
to fii-..Chitse tot. whit ,it hs done.
for The and mine." .
r. ase Piiitt. 25
cents a hosat rill dealer:. or Ed -
Manson. 'BAJO & Von/WM:F. Toron-
to. the 'portrait Ond signature 'of
Chas`f*. the famous itih-
(Apt beot: anther, are ott 6Vrii,11*
• \
Miss rfairryup-z-"Ah, Mr, Heidi:AT,
you itralibt "te-At what troubles Et
girl has aim is receiving the atten-
tions of a gentleman."
111r. lloldoq-"Tronbles Mies liar-
ryup? . Of what, nature, pray?"
Miss 11 --"Well, one's little bro-
thers, are altrays making fun of
oneand one's relatives are always
staying. 'When is it to eetne of0' as
if the ularriage was a prire-fight.
There's the inquisitiventss di one's
parents: theywant to know every-
thing. There's pa. now; he ie r011.
St a,nt aehing• surly coecetinee •fts
'Carrie what are "Ur. floldofre in -
testi' n% tiiiy does he call on you
so reg0.11111.W.4,- a.uti *A lay so late When
he do,54 call?' And he sometimes
I make, to
r 1:412111...-"li can't make any an-
foe. vat* 47 -At yow
't aaid anything to me, 'and
Then Mr. Ift*Idea whispered some-
thilag in tta.rriv's ear. ,atri The meat
ber father quastionS her she
loin twely trtth sr tisfaelory
actually tremble.
enientione, ' Miss
\ .
Imo anillowe
Statistics show that more people
live to be 100 yearS old in warm
climates than in northern countr es.
W. removed the piece of meat, and -tai
ow that in Meeico there_
wa ter raving returned -quickly in
many centenarians, for in towns not
serted the funnel the opening. 'Mt_
forty miles from the capital are .,not
100 year tine. Germany reports 778 the hospital. where a silver tube was
inserted in the 'place. oil, the funnel.
centenarians. France 213. England
1,40. and Spain et01., and the popula- and a few hours later he was pro-
nounced oet of danger.
tion of Spain is relatively small.
Last July. Oliver Holmes. While at
,work on the Postal 'Building In Neal
York, one 'of the; modern skyscrap-
ers, was crushed by mass of OM
workmen shouted a warninligistoreibi°4-.••
but it was too late and he was
c own. m on
robf and sent f r the ambulance.
'When the surgeen arrived he saw at
once that the only chance of saving
the mates life was by a weedy oper-
ation. With the assistance of never-.
al of the workmen, who brought
diJies of water. etc., Holmes's leg
was quickly severed. and ne saltp,
then gently carried down'''1V the
street, put in an arnbnlance, and
driven to the hospital. lie tide in-
stance however, the operation did
not save 'the man's life, as he died
before the Journey- was over.
1-10.1DIN'a onctiArth TIMM-
While this is done by some in a
ostomatic way, the great mass of
fruit trees ctre not reeeiving any
special attention 09 to feeding. Often
the- orditaid_has_1474andare crops in
Ole farm rotation with only about
as mnela plant food as the rest of
the., farm received. Thin is better
thao no feeding for the trees will
appropriate to themsolues at least
a portion. Too often orchards get
abaitt the same attention as forest
totes. Many state crop correspond-
• s*y that stable manure has
proven the most Satisfactory. Thisi
may be due to the- fact that by the
use of it, both humus atiil plant food
art,_giiten tette soil. There may .he
soils, so rich in 'plant food that fer-
tilizing would be wasteful, but they,
are unquestionably rate. Mary crop,
of (mit are ft seVere drain upon the
fert,iitV cif the soil.
U rops are
jenitegronitnnepto t t I
the fettility !I tiffirn
tion still fondle': add the resi I
twf unptoductive and nnpeeetalik. 0
thsieds-. =4*-Irive-to this!,(44•"iiPeurb-fact
fotei 'as is requireei for the develef)4.
'tient a the tree, or fruit and the'
fkeilkag itilestion b," solved. Hut 3
7-soit rich In all Ithe\eletnents of plant
food. but .deliciunt, in teatime Or tieg-
lAtild ,os to cultivation, trill niit
tir:ag the tirsbrodIrteStilta. To igetPi-t
• • a •
-Scrofula- may be described
as 'scattered consumption."'
To cure it take cott's Emu!.
sion. •
Scrofula -is consumption of
the small glands under the
skin, and these break out irdo
sores. Scott's Emulsion heals
these sorts,
But theres more to the
Story. The loss of fleshand
great weakness that. cores
with Scrofula is a regularjiart
of the ,distase—the same as in
consumption of the lungs. -For
this as for the sorts, wes
Emulsion is lust theltmedy.
,flech and strength are
se4- se'...eeeesee
ry way,
The' ptate-roorn at Marlborough
Hotiee contents what is prdbably the'
most valuable collection of treasuree
in..any private home in ntigitind.
room 'is under-graind and is lighted
by electriCity, the walls being lined
by bookeas.ee containing many rare
volumm presented to Xing Edward
and the Prince of Wales from time
to time, forrnin a very velluatile lib-
rary. In big' iron entree in the centre
of the room is Stored away a won.
derful collection of gold ahd
including two enormous silver
pilgritti bottles presented by. Alexan-
der III. of Russia to King Edward
rt a priceless solid ,gold enibose!ed
thield which *as it,ipresent to th0
• i,stisI.ody on board the linerf-
'MI if Ts -flier-enatileSn. -Captain Qs; le,
Coptnine--"The fact sq.
• me *leaf toentt lady. we've brterev
r's rieldsie" • Voters Lady---" ' '1
tig.se 0.4 rr tylto r that 7
4.1 ',oPt‘r t*"litVr. VO*1.
4 a* Q'1 (' p.'64114' ty,t+11