Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-09, Page 1mace Rio ditieUo the treatuunoaur small dcpositon, reekc the same courteous cobeideratiow • and emploYere aa those haringlanter account*. shallbe glaldhave you call atm y, time arid - our methods al' dealing with the public. Branches in Huron "County it 1, EXiT13k.E ITON, 1)ASH WOOD, liENSAlt. Zyntert, CI.zwroN THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA mho.* st.ibary (motor. r. IL Horse. • zgensiier. Eeter Cegat. • Dteasott CARLIND,-*Kni , 80.14C1- tore, Notaries, Onoreyencers, Oomodadosere. Solicitor* tor Molsonsliatii4 *to. Mem Man street. gutter. L, Lamson toae. *tares:twee seeitait ot vents teas te tom tux as..4 rillegeroperties at.low rates of GLADMAN &STANBORTV Farsistera, Solieltors.Mshs et.. Exeter Oat .-1•14(LTT,' ATONES_ - MOW et the 'Meet Mentorlid Gntreh. ber-Piane„ Organ. Voice. Harmony. • Metlerit methods. ThorOurimees . num, CONVEUNCES, irro. URJ&exnt ;footmen the Thames Read. edielainif Exeter. owntsdone. wheat in, 12 scree hardwood bush. degoocuonreidsnUi4u.entently toe eirtipiessi Yen= trees W*lteto w. n..itateiz Fateter P. o ,,XLITACRig P4A811( FOR LIE: thsrunder-i-grar"iiinitoiecafeit ilft.V•atZte tann in the Townillp of trrhereet he* lgut bora La 1, con. r. There to on the gond barn end fence,. an orchard and "eenlenees. 'the land le drained and Is Is *WO Of CUltlilitt" r Wilbaaii ll-temotuitA it 777'imcsri'llErs. J. ATIail$011", SAWA P 0. - UTANTED.-Lt1M8 AND VY omit aria orrItorI altNntxtvres repn-.1* seat and adrertire the reale and -Departments an old established eak VOW et solid financial stsading. Oidsrjr$3• door with expo:use advanced each itonslay trf f headquarter& lloresand buggy tarnished when ----WerAuure -a-poiltIon . • n or 'good man In tact/timidity, local or tris - Yelling', at $840akiyear and expenses . o i and gene yadverttelng a New Dis- covery. - . ence necessary. 13 I WI/ IiilS • e- rtmenta, ,In writing for catalogue on:gaining full particulars, Address, .410,10.0fOntleted one 1.:100,04, wa -1-4uffertdverys�vere licalthae eieitneei be intir never1beard to llit.trititir Or 'coeiplairi but Alwelta. too Ala( t had.* firm and abiding trestle Christ. • . ,. t„.a . ..... Ily„ , .. i . on tin ey even ng at e , orne M ,,,, r. • William Kirk, Woodbain. She -wee born neer lirockvItle;Junt,-, in the year_1824. and-moviSilto Kirkton in the year 1848. The funeral Wok place to the Itirkton Presbyterian*, cemetery on To&dity, 318t inst. She leaves- 'be- hind her two daughpre, Miss Lizzie Kirk and. Mre. John ..,.. er. Stephen School 'Report The following is a. correct report of the, standing of the pupils of S.& No. "847-13teWeri0o-r-thoitnnittleor-Jatitra The names are in order ofineriti- Vir.-Sitmuel Hicks. Fred Bearer, Hats ry Triebner, Ralph Virility), Ceeelin Ford, Thomas Penhale, Hilda Preszce- tor. -Harry- Personae Jr. III. -Sher- man Willis. Gladys Dearing, Edwin Tyzebner. Earl Parsons. May 'Sanders. Sr, 11.- George Hicks. Florence Rea- anitartelhaptonr-Fred-Preszcator Johnny Willis. Same' Stenjake. It.----zeordmi Sanders, riaretlee Vide ner,_Ada Willis. Alyyner Willie. Chet - ter Parsons. Part IL -Olive Preszca- ber.„ Wilfred Shantou, Gordon Penhal Garfield Stanialee. I.-fieFle Willis, Resrinabl-Parsons,---Charlie Trieb Ntunber on roll 31; avers e attendance 25. Percy S. Benes, eae • er. John McArthur and -Geo.- Jo-ynt did business in Craig last 4C-emptaa'gonetoSt.-Mluyorwhere - has, accepted* a- .position, --Mise • Vine Fisher, of Exeter, was a visitor in town for it few days during the week. Miss SteWark.:ot LoAdon..._ visited_ at the Misses :Cornish and .L. Wiseman, of Kirkten, were eetertairiedatthe ham. Of - Mrs. (Dr, Ferguson dering• the Lucian, are guestitat the' Manse.- r. and Mrs. F. IleXitggart.or Whitewood. vilio.birve been -vending Solnatime at. the formeee home,: London bud.. je4. Thureday 'morning, Mr..-MeTagge- rtter take charge of his oohed tit -W' bite - Wood and Moe McTaggart for Bow - *Danville Belleville and other_ noipte *IfeWe Miss Wren and Miss Shepherd ere on a few days visit to friends . in Lucan. Mr. Robeit Luker aml wife, of Man - *re here on .4 visit. -Mr. Joseph Swill e I ttoigairhome in WI ham, after a pleasant visit here will, who has been on en extended visit at his home here, has returned, to Port •-_Enise•Po *telt -With-Mende in tbis Ineal Ly. left e-f:Wan . on. Man. -Ike Buchanan Met with it in - u acci ent t e ot er ay y smas ng his linger withit stone hanuner... The Rentafl birthrate during the pest t worthy thecommendation of President Roosevelt: A daughter WAS born to Thos. Hudson. and wife; it son to II. a'110191 and wife; it son to Will Harburn and wife; and it daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Flannery. -The fasteat game . of hoe: key_ever geen Ibis town was tty,ed Wednesday night between the °can Crescent and the home' team ' The ;tame resulted in *store of 5 to 2in fa- vor of liensalL I. Donley, of Lucan, refereed the game. no ntwo eistere, Mrs. John Kirk, Crandall. Manitoba, and, Mrs. William liaskett, of Parkhill, and three brothels] Mr. Nelsen McGee, of Devon. Mr. *Minna McGee, Of Chatham, and Rev. Levi McGee, of Michigan. The family have the heart. felt sympathy of the whole commun- ity in this their sad bereavement. - e eye, Miss Battle Jell is on it visit to Gelt friends. -Miss Whalen of Iowa, Is vis- itLng friends in tide ' Windson, of Lexington, Mich., is be visiting her brother. Mr. Gibson, who is 111. We hope be will soon be re- sfrored to his former health. -Mr. and re.---Nevils-inive-returned-to-their home in London. --Mr. and Mrs. Nowt] Ifoftine willehortly move here from Mooresville, having purchased a house and lot from John Sinipson.-Mrs. an Aitkine has gone to Manitoba. - James Hodgins. of London, is visiting e-of-bis-old-frieeds-in-tblevieini -Mrs. Deacon. of London, spent Sun • ay wit • KOT unithei-here. -Bur ey Hodgine has secured a positionin Lon. don. -John Clark. of St. Thomas. is •horue on a short visit. Dame rumor says he will not return alone. -On etc - count of the growing trade: Mr. S. , 0. Chown has been obliged to enlarge his roetellente are deing-ti rushing business. -Geo. Siroplinn. of Parkhill, is spending a few- days In town. -Miss M. ISIcIlliargey, of Detro- . on a .104-0-ber-11014 Sinitliers is moving to Toren . Atkins has purchased a valuable horse rom-John-Sealea, Ile intendasped- ing him in the spring, as he pro o-fast—Lowi.s-Downing.la.atte Ing the Medical School a,t London. - The formers are ticking salvanialge of the sleighing by haulfit4 'unmet, logs and wood to the G.T.E. station here. Miss Ida Rhoda, .who has been eer- IntlelyilLIC-"Inipreivitigr. ther-wewir'--nf Which will be heard with pleasure by her many friends. -Things are now -running in the rut since the election. The only noticable feature. isthat our people are wearing it broad - Er smile. -Mrs. James Hannah, who Myr% Mje.b.,IforeArs_pleas0d. to state. teciereehig. Her . many oki friends will be glad to -see her hornet .phy.hes.theznatsfrisdo t e-groundlorthewectioniri Olinda-MU uiiderbis barn. " aided that WAS felt by Mrs.. J.,._McPbee 14 the death of her daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Robinson. it few weeks writhe-feninpiutiftedifith-dbli "et' trying ordeal in the death of another daughter, Mies AULT McPhee,- who awe on Tuesday at Detroit at tively short it nes*, Deceased was in good health until About twciweekt-agti she being home.attending the fun • of brritattr...butothile-httre_riontritde- c44 severe cokl. *On returning to De- troit her cold soon developed into prieu-' monist and she rapidly sank until death relieved her of her intense suffering. e remains were brought here for buriel on Wednesday. The very large funeral showed very erephaticWly the profeund impreesion her death made pou-ali-ciaseetrorthe , etortiradultY.' WeliespeelL for MrsafePliesithe. pethy of all. last week. ---14r. and Mrs. John T. nd*y evening V Mot terlY eon Otildtd connec tld Mrs. . Ire tiny nigh, n' on‘flet on Mr. A.' ' • ktins, 4' 'Amami s pft iumwsir,ito- his parents here. • '\ • \ there- • nt Saturday j * tsiti fornially hatitiO4,;.eveithe' rein*" \ of. fiorernment ,to the • Liellitenatite Governor, W, •MOrtinier Clark, and adv his honor to call- u on Mr. J. Mulrew on Thursda it wee in forth lest A. Ot4-e. WhO hiss been sick with blood poison - ng. -Roy Coultice,., who is attending the High &hoot at St. Marys, spent it few days under the parental roof dur- ing the week. -The Witichelsen Cream- beve,put in the usual stook we for the aiming season. Mr. ti. J. S t is, o Won BOSi. The factory has been 'edvertised for ness Colleee. spent Saturday in town. eale, hut as yet. no definite arrange- -stis.es itT tv t:int.11 and Q11/111et. meuts havezheen made -Mr, 'Welter are attending Millinery openings in Bern has engaged it Mr. CUM, Of Sun- London. shine, to work in the store and learn the hammy,. Dadimix.-Gn.Sitn,day lest the death took placeat his 'home here of Martin ..ThAeti_qL_aR„_.014eeAiesgteel,_„.,•reet_rie.trt of this v'teinity for many yeara. De- ceased Mid reached the greatr age of 75 years, 3 days, and had been in his usual good health until about one month art,. When be began inlet! rapidly, the immediate spiose of hie death beini. heart. trouble Many years ago he moved from the Eastand has been *continuous resident and farm- er-heice. He was-* hrothersin- haw --of Pr.-- Cowan, who sortie' years ago practised medicine in Exeter, Elie -wife predeceased him !game years. A faruilY offis*daughters survive: Mrs.' S. Martin, Exeter; Mrs.. Snell, London „; Mrs. Diejardine Grand Bend- • re.Orockett, of Dorchester, and Miss m -hare -t Miss Jessie Creech left Feklav on a .vbsit to friends 'ler. Londein. Miss Gladys . Dearing, daegirtier . of -Dearing, is edrY Mr. Alien ilykst, of Petinien.,- meet Th it red y last a t- hie home here. Mr. Olaineel Etattehaw. of. Toronto, visited rela tkves here Otis. week. dympathybf their many friends. The funeralt,Mr7place from bis late, resi- dence to the Exeter cemetery on Tote - day at 2 o'clock and was largely at- tended. ' -- - The next regular meeting of the Lit- erary Society will be held at the home of Mr. Brown on Monday evening Feb. -Simnel Brawn s bolding it clear- wg *ow •to the building formerly occupied by F. -Stegner -in- about it month. Daniel • Onset., the &viler of the store, at • nt tends to remodel me and. it more up-to-date appearairteet.- Florence ItZetit,second daughter of M John .Keys, near here, was unfteit itt marriage to a prominent young men of Detroit, in the person of Thomas Kavanau h. The happy event was rid* Jan. Miss Vera Hawkshaw left on Mon- day to attend the wholesale openings. `Mr. and illiNelson Sanders enent 14814.r. anttdre. Jas. Wright, of Point Edward, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Morlock. Atm, Etenry. Leinport," of Crediton, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 0. Harness, last week. ----Miss-Ethel--Fartner;-wlur-het -spen some time_ with friends in Montreid. -returned Saturthiy. Jir 1. & Carling was one of the guests at the hig 'Military ball in London on Friday evening. - • Dr Cowan. of Landanttended the di funeral of his brother-in-law, martin Mr, end Mrs. Chas. Bayley and ditughter. of London. spent part of the past week visitingrin town. • Mr. Ed. Rollins, vrho has been visit- ing for a time itt. his old home here, return...0 but ...weekte_Killarney_._.Man. Mr. Wrii. Westcott. of /3eaforth, is spending a few days in town,the guest of his brother, Mr. 'I', West- cott. 4.7r 4- Ititaqiitintifeird the t two ks at the borne of his i.lurtlookson, -returned to Loudon Saturday. - Oti Ttiestley afternoon Mr. was sillUMOried-AA. rum House and entrusted with the deity forming a new administration. Earl Wednesday morning it was announc- ed that Mr. Whiteey had asked the following to join his4tdwinistration:— ie son, South Lanark; W. j. Hanna, W. Linibten; Nelsen Monteith, South Perth; Major ilendrie. Hamilton. ‘1,1 i I lo ugh by. West Mort hu tn n d ; Adam Beck, London; Dr, Reaume, North !Newt. „ • Oreenway '• Wednesday evening, Feb. 1st. the church entertained the Leagues from Grand Bend, Centenary and Parkhill`. The program was given by the visiting leagaes„ after which lunch- was served. Everybody -seemingly enjoyed- -I hem - selves. --Miss Alice Wilson, after visit- ing friends in Ripley. Clinton and Ex- eter, has returned home, aecompanied y-herenuein.- Miss -Belle -St insoirdott- Ripley. -Special services are being held in the .Methodist church.eonduct-- ed by the Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe -an& -wife,. Everybodylvelecane. -The Sacra went- . al verviceltelitlictheMethodist church on Sunday was well attended. -Henry _Shank is erraiiginx....to_hayo-a_publie sale of his term stock and implements on reb:--23. with 0, H; Vi1on asane- tioneer. join in wishing holm • worthy husband all the hepp that tine world affords.s-ei•luiteanumberof our young people went to Exeter on *to- day and attended the oarnivaL They repQrt&3th:ea.-Our hand Wys -have+ big base horn. They ars hard at Work practicing new nui4e whenspring therwill-berread beriT thtee days. over the tarty of little son. -Thos. Itanting *till continnes to itnprove.--Mesers. Alf. Scott end -Wit, bert Witteon have returned Mini the • lumber wooda. Plessid to see you house again boys. -Mrs. Patton, who it attending the Business College, ton - don, le Visiting at the Wine of -her ft - they. D. Dorman. 7th con..Thitild, the little ,eon of WMIatn Morl�y, who bee fru ill, is convalescing. _ Watintsri day.; Feb: I, 1906. * vent pretty wed- ding was consummated at the resi.. dente of the bride's taster, Mrs. A. 3. , Ham] of . is see. became ha Wile of Mr John Lightfoot, o near Ails& Craig. Rev. A. I. Lang- fdrd pronounced the raystie words which Itlitite- them manand Wife. Af- ter it &linty iweAllioit rep -fist -had beso partsken the happy coritile lett by train for their biantiful hones on what was known a� the Viteh fattu..weet of Alb* Crai ,g. The bride is 'one a our poritiler young ladies,' is it kin& aol eniel favorite with all and we feei fe in *eying. that "she laitketh irefl to the ways of her hontehold and , . boom way. Th Is a model young me and temperate andis a gond tompittlion t ad vro,, 444 *mist tisof life 9014 itUth he aol t tenet as they for lile the b' and that the cbofrest ' Mr. Ben. Quarry left on - Saturday morning last for Tennessee where he will spend tbe winter and probant longer. His many friends bete wis him it pleasant sojourn. --Quite *thine - bet of our young people, attended the carnival at Exeter on Monday„Ortiniog and report it pleasant titne..-,Mr,Byrott, Hicks entertained it numb*, .-ot his most Intimate Mends of WbatielfditY eiretlitig nf buot week. The forepart 01 Oar ertaa.,10wwitsrmoriti4eitlentlt In ginner and soebd chat, after t sureptnolle oyster supper was and to whteh ell did leAlte theft restetive 116 ea f they. bo- indeed spent an enjoyable evening. The following 1., the repot' etientlint of the ptipile of the, Senior nt. 01 8.8. No. 1, Stephen for the montbof -January: V.*,tbtronel McCoy 4547, Alvin Baker 455, Elys %Vhidsor 448, Boos Wind** 884. • IV. lady* Emery 4* Prete*. Mitch: ell$28; Wilfrid llolgine 1724 . Jr. IV.,04, Margery lieehurn 451. Lily Rol,114,64: 438, Arthie Rohl to:fay, liott1/87. Sr. 11 kW, *Ili, „ !tin friends in Oh e this week.• - Bert Clark has received samples of wall paper and is kept busy canvassing rttsabusueraodtakta great pride in dienlasting his Give him an order. -We are p to hear that Mr. AtiguetSvireititer,who has been is ettpully _recoritri Admit Beck, M.P.P., of Landon, Oeverel teams drawing lags to Ceotral- la .troto Shipka.-The d&gliing la splen- did thwyear and large quantities of wood, tile and brick are being teemed -through the village;,-Iferity Smatter :hes received. * carload of lianitobe ,Wheat and cen. now ,furnieh etst7risas• flourtothetindo Manager_olAbe-lierolLattbe Bank of village has been notified to e of the Branch. sio piste is be- ingtakenty Hot*, of. Belleville. Mr.Chishohn hat beSII manager of the .Bit k siticeit o Aid up in thie rillage aol haa. work up * good Wetness. weir. very sorry to Imet him and •Mrs Chisholm es TO ,Tetitde trustftrende in this end neigh- SestoOLItswortz-The following pu- p* obtainedtin at over ofthe me glee* .dtiting the -Or” the marks Yaw nedeesary •to tramee are In order 01 --111;•.Coetthitiation: .11 Gsruet8weItzer,A. HOlention, • Mown., Eir. HilL jr. I Alfred %Tomah k er, rreldie Winer, Kevin Fab 'rod kteguld,,Bdith Hill,01014104, Boltzmann. Average attend- ance • Claude Mot, 'Nether* jlivislou 11.-111.4Itmorei iter. ilhlan Vinkbelner, FznkbeIrei Ingersoll on Thureday last. She had been attending the funeral of her eons - <Mr& Rota, Skinner; '13 Galles, of teeter, isspendiug sometime with his hrotherteere.-Mrs. Evans left Tuesday for Exeter, to it an uncle, whom she has not WO for " nen Misses Lilla and Amy Johns were in Parkhill on Friday last. Miss Amy sang at a concert there the same even- ing. Detroit's famous tenor, Mr.. Harold Jarvis, was also on the pro- gram.. • Mr. Nelson Sheereerrived here from Brantford on Wednesday eVerliti iaxt-ancl-wiltspentrirfeer-lity4 Wit rentspriortergoing:to-the---.Canw. adlan Northwest to for himself. Mr..And Altre,Aarou Ow1.030eewho • have been visitingOntario friendsfor 'Overel weeke Ieft„resterds, to leaving for their- home in tad City, Man. e - Mr. S. MSanders attended a uret-, • t Hervesting-MachineOompany in Toronto on Friday of last week. On returning_hespent Sunday in London, - • -4110. Tuckersraith. Duncan Stewart, of lilenitoba, hi vie- i'WftWth-Fhome o it The -illness of IL W. Creel's - ell at Medicine Hat. N.W.T., resulted.. fatall on Saturday, Jan. 28. The de-- - ffeeedtherion-pntittlou- ovine leg and in his weakened condition _was unable i� stand tlie strain. 11. bad attained the age of 75 years. The re- mains Were -brought to Seaforth on Wednesday. The funeral took &CS. on ThurOayfeoin the residence of O. tery.and, was I attended; A de. - patchOreesweil Heourho ceme, p_oktch from AU fettle Hat sale: W. Crewmen, or Dar•Cresswell -RenehitierCes, the richest ranther- in, the district, who died in Medicine Hat owing to grene betting In his foot, " left' entire witateter his boothee ner ortb, Ont.. , BIRTHS Ramat? lp Ribbert, on Jan. 80,- to Mrs...M.,Eaveley...e... son. _ IleGate-In Biddulpti, on Jan: 29. to Mr. and Mrs. FA ltleGeein son,. Prinz -In Zurich, on Feb, -.2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz, a.dirughter. `7) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Downs, a son. Berawitia.-In Exetete" on Feb-. 8,- to . Mr. and Mrs. William Balkwill, a licKum.an-At Cromarty..on San. ifilr. to Mr.' end Mrs. Donald/E. McKellar - & daughter.„:,.... • , , Bnucat-LAt Crornarty, on fan. 26' ter • Mr. arid Mrs. Jilivid Bruce, it daugb- ter. Goma:I.-In London on Jan. 30th, to . fervvrta- ter. 111ARIt1A13119. LIGHTFOOT-HAMILTON-Ai Fingaton Feb. Lily Rev. A. J. Langford Mr. Vlitt-w---V-61--Allaig, to; Miss Nellie Hamilton, of Brine ey. ---113fierlir--,erATErtitifeWon - -Campbell, offitsinlen-to . • E. Martin, (if Bit eld. BICIENELL-017011TAN- At Seaforth.on Fels. Mr.'Threr Bicknell.„-, to Mies - Hannahnughtan, all of Sea'forth. on Jan, 24, by Rev. Father Malone, -Geo. Brisson, of Detroit. formerly D settle. to Miss Leonore Repner, Sweier-i-Mootte,- In Goderia,- on; Feb. 1st, by Rev. G. N. Eaten Mr. ,Robtrt _Sweet, Poteter. Minnie Moore, of Clinton. - • KAVANAUGH-KEYS' -In Windsor, On Jan. 21, Mr. Thomas Kavanaugh, of Detroit, to Miss Florence, second Oreditou Road, Stephen. Tao$PSON.-InEilrnvllle,of Feb. 5th,. -Brum Th�thjn,flged 75- peat& and 8days. ICntac--In Woodham, on Jan. 2D, Mi- randa Kirk, aged 80 years, 5 montha• and -9 -days; SzaTox-rin St. Marys. on Jan.29,Jobre &atom aged 77 years., 8 month* and. 15 day& 011:2-111 lastYaBrelliOtt 1ieon3an.81,., John Ort, aged 50 years, 8 wont /A days. k7n Ert.1011. ..In retetet. on Februiltr 5th, John 13:111ott, aged 87 years.