Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-02, Page 6e et 1 it ete MVP ,'„ , ,- : . • " 44ene, 1,e_e_aii .. ,- . te., ebark* •tvere Neftitlit lee'. nueeto , e - g ehleo 4, ;: e oeieloaeoe, eeleeal;.140.0.dod To , ' 0 ,rainteetrations Of titts ..artner • of : i- ' ad 130,44 * 4)1elcase arid seeetieas Vorty ' ' rtatiVeS feet _eta ,,after, toe , in '' An :epedeude. of seateeeefeiver which . ''"` -mese Jam ;tea .leetietedy. sereaute are paid eifery" day. at the:but 'T. irot tto relief from anything he, ono of thteie Steety4peeelopie. atetetwo. itt..ragloir;g4.,.,9,9,,gta.ao„,,n ti-enr;, elktft,4.,:tiopego,,,,44,,ritHowithi.x4,44=0/ten.,••.•..---notgomee---m-0,--,,,,,-,-.14-1,10.t-rixiftkre./-0-0-t, iffy , -foot --,wfde.toioeswitli-thiir'',„-aivelir.-toir*iith,1 Wales., owes mueli-Oft itee.v i* o t . testinions to; the value (;f More than a ilaei A;411; Valet, the4husband itidueed me to ove Doeere arraugenteet familiar in ehe South. %lenge'. to the epirit of falitibine whit% Dr. Williams* Pink Pille in cases of eattlaa and its train ,Or. cars have Kidney Pill's a trial. .l, had use feetb Sen -5; and in the hose of the - boat iprevalls among the Welsh. \Th e woe ewe , mad. she plays: army done their !Nork they aro .promptieel in them, for I thouglitA.nev,er... would ,and direetinre„ tbint was an Old pie believe that if they • are fated, to 4igovat.o. iarioaio ft oeeere 00iti leteea eltbbed down and itttended.--tO, Jilati get .bettpr but after. tae,,feet three teltarternatesterefrom ti, ,Dritl,51t ' trod- eatch the fever no krecautions will about -eracen 1,,,e4/.8., 0101, we ,rieti Iowa, extr 14itiebeebete finished' Mee boxes vt,t'hent--,,Iwas able to 40 ro ill eeeloonee in the harleer. . ',. . save thOete. from: it,' anti-.' that. on IA, UUUy Pont(eor all 4thiete'-after--1* fttinto raeo--4 work., I havo kti.ligOod health ever .. '48P1011, MIT , aeeldeeltieg; "tut other bend, ' they can imant. in. con- t;leinesefOr ittr- but she tip- , "etete,..0.0,10e. The erew olthen „..-wil,rk work ab6a:rt-edi$1401' Itscd Dodd'*0 CitizietY Pills." tankee pup4C.1 ti" he , it; nas. tact Wit,li it With IMPUnity if it Is • 410.3 the canoe apitroaelietl where. fate to -to infected. This - Worse, ,ittid we feared see sees going, the tlYer hitt% nothing to de WAuli ' • . er - . - • . ..e..................e.-- ----e.g.,- ;ere= - --e--- - 1 Into tonenutption± Often titor. .ebe,,e 1,Ookapg aft, et et •the end .of tho, -,e- ,..--. r eeeee-e- . uas in the, middle or .;tha seinic tele spirit of fatalisneris thorn by . the bad a . ewe eight eetebea eaceeer',, run, SPegfal ..etarni, or, .Plen 414.0' /41)0, greut business, •Ar steal! „army, of of waiting ,sharks. liVelsh, custotti of holding ' leMittu." h th sh 1 • , ' *1 '. i gad spit Aulv Dioott,,,_ At thui sop. it:1,, for thnt purpose.. . eougbeel would got tiP 't° "Me it slteetit the round Ott$0 and , e car oi. enterers., 000ks. 'wine stew ,.itrils. . andi I lvas" a geed- deal scared, but -ful or -yr/wee-meetings. at -1,11Autise Or -10,1111t O1eMen3 waiters see to it; and woes -betide the, canoe approachedel noticed that a dead per,eort, ' ' • • . . s IP ' In number theY equal, two ooenlialli"ally One Of them II -the uiall lit ' . -frientr:attiingl: tirgll Ole 'tO wive hot -lesall of, U. tititive,e , that tverenst heliee„" The friends of the liteadecrowil„ into. ..tii_...tUatetl On direct line of area 31(.1 soldiers Mad they aro" aa Witlti chkirgo, . ot tho ;vele ibids ,ales,thi , i leg to poll the cantle were leaning. the house.and.remein for itii liteur 'or• Trollge'se ' , ng, ewer elm re month fe 0 the time 410 begintale .. .....*,,___ tir„ Willites* rho; glitl.,,' Within "ti;;'drizied as. anyteraletrary, foie°. eeaebe'ia/ssitig after tile trate hes- aerte(11,” i.,,t,-,•,-....,--- tb. ,Are riLeee, „Ond. slePhing ft0t1- • tetsT-1.:rOrti1es ,f)kath, ,1baarinakiill - . a - :- loot .:,. has47,00v,i,mon•-•-••c•n ,wliattrffn,,,,- ' n4rs4.-••trifilt,--.--,-.-;.,-g7ari:------.4:-t--,7------:-------------.-e::-,----...-r---'wetetC-_,-40t- :-.1rItit- er eelheeetitteirefheeserviceetbey. mar • ' ered ter usunl. '.1tenithe" Vittler a. Pare' 494, 41°4 kilOw-a oxeketlY. hew. 4 oott mis,ht -010,1 . inaln. That settled^. ILI, in procession around tticeogin. to he Asetreeh so"nniiii.ditsi a- sp ac - ti nee of t)* piliseehe is note 'Well ' VerY., NW ofdero . Pea. to, be,--givei , te, sharks dispers&I like a trench of ' take a. last look. Although minis» efit'frde 06 io! '''Phose ' who , need a rest should days or weeks At litie ealt cellar out of place there' is, " . . ..ai.t4 strong. and 1 Cali recerumend'ebot' When lo is tleceseety_it , ploeeehea.eie....retureee... stataUteded---*.ountaireefoatot and •----1 -tent-of •--religitnrntitt-ment*berir`ro - iillTiririf'h7Contlt.lence to•--eWr idoelighmtforeirestort;- ilestecif -hotel eeeterelefeedea -teepee; hatned•-fltilv----the-ennovTlintr"SeD ic. o es.. lave u er et in Ili at on • -weak persen.' TUE 311,31P. dj..1,0„, Evoit the af over of, on ocean ed- by., the• British •quartermast,er for pretests, the cu s. ;4,01 'of the gw-.3,-.14- ii.er; tiekets and .• full tato . entreation .1".c. 'Willirttne Pink rills are a COX- .. Uolieii.. Ale i4ocenteteva.-enters--- . .. my lolly entilweve pulltii op on . the teesan' eentioueselo_eenourishie.andele hoer is f4r.14$44, (4NSpotic.,.. far leee be eh . .. ( _ :ne p e fa 8 • , 48 ---,•-' -calt-et en Y-'13•. re042 Irrnykm61‘14 '.4:11" ...taln emit for' ll biocelLanIter4terite prone to owl „faidt ...T.,-.4..08. The engine a , That .‘, s rex rst ex eri nce more than, one st nee it h . been. -troubles, such as anaemia. ability,. t.,. eeottnilltOttee a. tompauy of th-ese clea e. eer Ian seldlers- immediately P.roved to be . direetly reepoueible to .1' tele, fee 00i001ftlete Iteilinials,,m ne,,,,,,1.1„,t- •'!' It -herr -dee. . Tring- 41tid PIA4,14tr lie work that, has -1,ween.:41one for , 'wile- *rum t110 1044/motive ,d04,?:' ‘4.1t.li the 4'"ardixe• of shaelee- tit t4i. I lag : theeepreadeof-the b7fettiree.----- .. owar•ol all :east a more Celt feel Opl--coiiter--t . 4110.,%.,.pfltv 4...,- It ftt 7 --uatil antr'eleet • - e - - . , - =maxi A.,,t-tr 66:0-40crat- ot the -inning eiAe,T4BeLTROS r a .ieeectiettiter--0.1 say, boy. 1,leels, . - , troubles -that': enteiceephe. Even the wheels 'are: rubbed ' ,._ . ,..qsai.o. Loole It .." eel. -- Bo - you r,,e(i tie fox run by herer - • . __ .... ,be 10‘:00, c't, ,14,i.9 ,Pla•PY ,MR410.4.-,PliSeri -Over:'vvittic -eitenntiletteee'ttike 'off -44-°"*- 6 '.`". „>..---- '-- - . ..,.......-„rs ....- -pon.-It" as Bad: abli.4.-,:._Ile siire you--get--the • mil . to Xill, ..One of Theixt. '*Yes, 'sir." '. liunter--*alti*. • long iful. lustre. •011 is also, Muni- to ' Vass° ger; Ilvq '69Ylletinl° indb9eil ' llanee' Pink rim" for Pale reople" war i•e--,--i- pilW-- -with the full name "Dr,. Wit, , ge----tIc'i beaut rub ' down the:. ‘outside of the cars.- to deitoUnee the meals- iley. got on pt -all the '..strange creel Christraastt• ... . •.` ago?" lloyee'It'll be •e, "ear last or.r.ti.._•,*--;--tt-r-a-roonti-'tliett- • • Itieve for it ele, jamas :thee jet . _ j 1 et ere_ nOt eta r$94, 41.1 VIO,Aillea ,prOattetionn, Al no toteger used...not ' pc, i -, w ti eee --- -of . the palace car. Of eoureie, they are -ravellerteetett. t , . ...• er ts'evngeler)-- .SolChee_?Alt atediritik ileslera:.--e-S7=,--t: irrewee• it, iv•04---4-: a-betweertneettf-et.110-le ti-Oisth by Mail. at SO Cent; 'a box eie eixt itnin', bet geeat. feathered -wanderer. eionte-. IIW1JU s the wanderin w Wien& i.--gurarimiorli- ----tia4,:ei,i—!.--1;ortztre. ge time -frigttttdiy.- i• .. . }when the ciremestances under:. which Unice trteaeuryig 1? feet from tip 'to, wel . don't see how that coe- . , . :tee:cow-far esi to b mimeo* -70-Tooreee` -- • • . . .. , • lthey are cooked are -taken into. ace William** lifedicine; Co.. )3rockvillee se) ' , , , . • . count it :mitt thonestly be ' tted . tip of 'hie etri.ngs, leille follow a ship radelcer-"X rlinember that night.: ski, ' but, it does. 'You soon won't cerne yoti." ilaeber--14Excuee. me, • the .teen Who ,swartn Ont. / . eleate. all the...Rues and • • in th 4 th Ls S ' h , a ey aro:met,* , yinpat v d , ter ays at a. time,. Some travellers The wind was bitiitg---,--".-neeker-,....4/ have any hair left to 4,1k,...!,lid then. . -4-etud.-s,41-16ra declare that -they o never knew that the wind • • could I Shall lose a eustOlner- ' seett a •partienliir bird di for • vi!letk'irs. never hear ,I0V4,,tetricokteru-tit; I t7ettttiti (;_ Daido . _0e,?u dampers. the tirepan and the oaacttin-1 la often bestowed on the cook eat an ' . - • , h .. tOtat'Ill1/4114 xszioate.Egrzt„ • ...iiod toe, aboard,goal and waterl °Patti ifter,;',but /Oa 'teat 'is a simple at ee-teme without ever being seen to ' ----Obstacle, -X'Iteterdetteltray or It otin' r Tul ' ' f -t- th • a ' • ijotesc eieetiat it genius tat the palace'ear • *tight open- • the -"WaveS. lt. not merely follotes the ship, but ee.eeeeoeve,soetetttehseeee tee twee teie no , One callipered' to that of the curia- „ / . t" ?: r the next da -s rtin;jet. others'. . ,,,,, . 1 Arrelisott Siete Ware - When the ear$ are ready ‘for the. el. ht,„y1 , ry, extunine the wheels, ;wipe doept _.1., run they Are taken by a switch en --.1.--''''''S 'a• ' 111- ,, .0 b abo.ve it 4 li in the air, as if to ., . , , beeetteettateltite,toltauktbo ou*.alissitlAtu, cares milliorior tuotbrts tor titoiroiilikon whiNs tiolhillit' Mexican Conplest . 410P. and iJitl.ier parts of ,the .mach- n 'Teat eircles etroued it and e *thin below the rim t gine doun to ' the-statioo, e 0- , , . eseeeetieseteieteeteeteele 04 b0111411. itkiiii Chi In none "of the ziatieue et CiVilir , ; 7 -Of ;--iiirli0 ' thba- oil -Cups on the coma ett. time.; the bird" wil bottvanikartcir Damlitel, I' tv=ftvlielaa* a este, around the ittle go Id than In.. drivers, tired generally' put the loci>. l000rnoilve Which meT:es the: - - - _ . I be seen to hang Atto,SR,S. o: o. itiOnAltns ea.0O3.. ' . ie. the aer with its winge apparently Gentiernere-Last winter i reteiv_otog 0us.... WIN1401:90, 111,44)prsua340 . - „Atexieo, Itere prok, : forbids motive la iirst•filaw• , .t. run tieVer„, Metter any tircuteetancreelemotionie.es_. die* --1 - ..: - . _ . i.-; re, .I. .11"- • lin .--43 ors-. say --flitt greet eneOt• from: the use :a. --141N- tr.ir . . - ' ' Mt ------- niPtt---ftia.- - - - - . 0 -varo -to thar ik traS,Thr I( if it. ' . . prosy of a courtehip in our own it must not. be. supposed that this , - ,... does' any meniai vybrk about. the.,,sta-;111:fZet--oinlyaltel4e-actant weather ' win ek Arm LIleffeilleelle in a Bever,' ate' et" ' * th* 'explosion? -Who broke tit' fieWS , CoUfitry. Intreduetiotta are not httrd is the . work etterely..ef laboters. ',Sevel p• ler' ifa"Tri ;in- to Agrttege. nteLrelate - time . It :would be. an inispealertble.i •ile. 0- ow a a - e e ' quently proved. it to be -weer to his %tidily?" ' Ilboneye-"Big Tim , eeeee, licinlihati." "Did he do it gintiyr' ki w . h CALIFOORIA0-1112Xi(i0: 01 FLORIDA, 414od ot Sunshine... • rruit an4 :north." Round. trip touritit ,eickets on. :sale BEY SOlt 011111CAND-(111--ASSI-- e-frertest.e .-ettercee-4telteeneetel-eirearktene et -4)444,4e; Cropepayments. Jantee Aireetrong; 4 Ilichntotad street 'cast, Torento;„- , • - teneive in every, town and cit but, ultli .1 specie' la ti h f k , 0 07:wc.,1.deg at1atmr- 13T T&.: must have se switch 'et tie to . re-. • le I:is_ ' '"Fi'd ide; . el.. b ' .at:rdrificiveesrsnalsjult thugugnttirtheue mi'astat after the fueit meetleg the, trouetee ledve., Ni t..iv,o. inriete,4surcis!. inflatrineitioae_ , ,....;.0Hoinadrirdy- bliime.„lrgan bY as) ' n er go matt eaftlitItl,fr.. over, all the: . • -14311;fri° tt, °, Untiring 01.44. in fact. to find aft r ne cif Ve young people begin. IA young eve-eau:to parts of fete engine aftert cotries into the Station. Suet as- the' / e W. A. LEUTCLI1NRONe .• . ' an altene in public until :after mar -e them. It is tiot a perfunctory ,exam-IWLett he reaches the-TOWiti-heuse. 1 Orize -a year; the female albatross: .Auti-Consultiptive Syrup hal steed- the. th.-.........ings. , albatrees otherwise than on the ntan may not' talk. to a young reotn-e- each rtin. Miami/ling and teeting! e , engineer bets a maneto_ take hie ideee erieg;„es., nee 'ending. a weasel aster!). . Time tries all and as iliel.de's riage and all his leve-raakii3g. laiust., et . , , e -. . Defoe the cars tare couple(' to P 41,c,,,,,, _ teSt sotrypirs it now :finks us a lead-- 7-ber'I4rrTC'd'Pl3117,it-hirrirriPiTng6; ' the, TOT 17, -he -i77161, know thtit. if there t9 I, (L`'..14.'gtii(imilili"- .4211)rcm,r.I".4-68' tiTirm737ii6-7"- - rtintp depending on. whether the girl. any mtehap on the run which can bet 4gain , , teeeed, 111. to the run, 1110 (1 &(.7P,'N'iliiiiti(i)a",eiviitSitiVitililt°selLitiller CTOS1105: • will soitert mid fubdilis the,..manst- dtub----- - -ale' - -o —tirrif-liftd-irtfltifftSTMM`i--Y—Ie--"'—',- .the in be tre trnetIt of all ail- _ljyc_s_ 011 the the „ground itoor orelen the. traced ',leek to theireneglfe.ene e.,e _they .e1"4"s i't 'tt'llIli PiPes Pi, '24;ed 11.1. tim)J.41.ate heed.„14:e-ienethe-Senda-Allanti burn, -t-trtioh "by relteeina - The irritatien, . -Seeotgl-storey.--- --- - • . , . • ,•'L a il . . a . A , a ., , ...,,,,.. ...„*„. ,I. , or ., to .ponee equelly remote place, - CARES, end re,,tore .114--istrectell--- eerttereee ---toe- caliess'e4th5tiht. Willtiveoliiisnint Tin -11.------1--1---s--.-"7 healthy Conditions, Ise wilt show ;Uppity_ for theloVersth.ae,teajor4-.,=--Wheneetliee-T-eussengete-ttdmerett e Taft. 4' - : e -44"1U -W *X"rti. -ii-i-u• '74'w -i there lays Gee egg in' the lmllow , y - * irei-Cicane housee are ouee, way: .journey,etherefore „especially it ecars are .i.;„,tipled tip. and tile run bee, of .13 I, oAt. inlit.b119iPw.liteed-LI fete tfefluviot tit. vec A.,Tr,y it and be couvinced _of storey affairs, and often the iron he rides behinti a good modern flyer, i OP.191 c'n sthedule time, with lecomo-i 'The albatroes has' alma. le "b. ;WO that's nothing . ... , . ' 7...ivc):41: MI)1JSisfinNiDirnti ..11S'reA:DvIll:,,47,Ei., _ „ whitlow bars that Everette-, the bee. exateeeeeees4teang ); teetLe„. and Coaches all beautiftli; tr-4_,-„,,,,t4..,,,,,,_411,..8,t,vix. wid......„1,4,, tfielotirel„my_.iipife.,-Ititigie. a ca* MUT , tell c are st-iillaent y wide whit"' seill and Aire:thought tan . del, grOonle-d- . , • *Part " to .tidral,t. of stohn kisses stral'. to ak th t i f _ . , ent e te r pit .Sa e one has beeni litit if anytidug is found to'l• les.,, futintiwnesar3in sea trep people believed that tlitese !night ertslir have beeil kePt ft year-, any More. ile has opened an testi- . one-artet ' embraces. If a young malt done. . , ' wrong wit -h, the running genr .of ne...-panitinsalit_ore4fretis Wtrmeratorin" 0 ryrtort. 1,11,74_24wipt• Ilusi7wear.74104_00.. ire-XntIPILI? fioitirrvoot ,ttlit! forIlearttn_Le"nesi; lias „3,1,41_ . .4....-- 1h,ii, 'Olt* "' **-4tr'thttr'Wr6Vrd--.jk-:. itlFr--(rte-ear-lion :beenettteeTe;:doeeee,..__i,...__.r„r,i!e:eeer'v-7irk._____.tiaie • • -..., who_...livii,,,,. 1,1214 to leielrittvi4---: --1J-W-3 -e:::-e--:::=L7-:'-'---Te7--- r:::----4--::::-. -erete eiiitileteleit '- IL • , lie Is- cempelledeto entertain the im-, 1* pieutic.ed upon by-- t'4101/txrViirl7frdifTITY7-4:7Ifyiittlet."-Wiej e.Tire7r-V-tkm-4-zialar 1114'7'1)":1'1-‘ ILVII"r'll'i'gret."'" A changed Into ' birds at the death o -cie -and Van, in Vino. tO the Pet' ,their • . Of .davotion end 'lleeepee tee futxont_ 13 fileJA. tri -i. .11 Vliat. of , that? You don't, have A 'SMALL ARMY 0;;" /am, ent Of the vetele_et_ie_sen b k When America was discovered and It is srl 43ritcer et the 144 et 11°4' -when 'caned tit 40 attend A disturb., a y ............. , ulefellate neighborhoodewitit his talet • feet satisfaction of the supeeintend- , oil o .artede it searehee ouLtbe hi tp- tir al . iiiid-Tikii- ti, -Uaraittu •ot . the pe cA .......4oussa.„J__ voistrIrattans,m_____ to ha_ve "to oeen si„. tialoon." • -• - -- eeeetellispere-failkt-o carry from . the" who ive it s another car is Ut lit its lace, ' e 4'1 0-r ng-ru own-. -Fifa- eift-et werde meat entitle bouts on the Owns," a lover; tlibrongh grOozning. Lefore it betake may converse with Lis beloved if she ens back to the station for the, next ^e as the Jaw Clete" Ifdpe and to explore the "see- et i"Noe waltil itepoees a //entente 01 perpette. THE comaxonx SELATIK. en seas" ger orally, the old belief el, birisetneet on pain, one Deg Thom. it • . v * , , ............ 4. 'third , •i a ., si en ou • bu their long- exid lOrieS0i00 Voy. • 410h, my rie,p.A0:6.P.Lorkutmed -rtho• ges over •waters. t't hich were cut, ,bYe-artitor. etati-tteakcet maenad. When t • , . a mustt the ear and blown by compressed 'South peas. alwaV eeittra -.117glir.e of the, air, a thoreeighe ' way - .:,..ot_eleit Zvery sailor in the South Seas, teekeel but -r • ti tie ceeni and, upon 1 eb.ine__0! eetebe_dasee.ehae....a.ro_egoa uee—lare --a * larifire-f:1114i, bali . hentr which Is not -adopted-even4-ein , ei.— 3. oso . vast -eitraniii-IWy saw ,no teflon. I -Leek, around awe labs the,Aild, •,-, ,,.. • ott4ticie:illsoittri :sou t• iotlittolursi.ogthtetPorrtrdooyr wirtittithi,Ifti.r faceiii used to Shake **Lade Young matt is - t i the most expensive liotew- onm,_,„04 Star ..1C"*4- ' thltt ib* tihad" .. lig 111,e7t-O"11;07, '• - ' vowar . IMO VC „rjitii;Ilk.4 let alone. Oben 4,- (tar. no 41 A- 1 Ild II" lervea e............e. . 0, la matteesses, Cush/oils, , pillows' •atived 'exnEgirfertYsterers navy tells of ILO t 'AV beeftulle, a great stnerce ' of •. . • tom stiort_Lef_eb estteIS.:° eviitthttarks at Tahiti. htatThet:ii,:tr;tupor:toie, ri bridge : in tha . • . desires ;to eikort, log woman -t hy conepresseil air.- ,The wood- worit,• , i h -luck to . leash c .eireegoa-e. aaaP list:eliel:bec-) thfrthiettre-he-eimet alio 00400: al.glass# aint tress Wei* tit Oyer the r on te-Asik't• si, beach grim, would 'follow any one rho, killed on tinket hir her ,ttiether or Other .releei ear *re. cleaned and pOlisitlthoegli they had e4 by dozr, d had not given. .a thought to of there' birds: att that 'belief -is eoull like -lt. • . .., . Li , , a tele irkii' riseen -five,. Nett* piaci iiit important part, ens of men, nod the retterior wood- onitrione_araint ; . bbed wIth o ter is fltflgttkr expressions at range. during de,ylight• hours. _ A, toox to .cnittatzg. ,....,..„... twi i, 'nlf.,,iir . thot will kOrP infit i ie• end young c ildren -plump, 1„004 •-titiratti-,with-stAklear-eyerend' ir akin, isle betOti not Only to 010ther but to humanity.' Such. a titEditine is ilabrit OWit Tablets, which DeetentlY Cure In , Ow _minor meat* bir Mire one* iiiildl fl*itbem eele Yell can words 0 the tliettsatids of mothersWho hare for inetaece. Mrs. J. lt,'; Bfan . Ifeyburie N. W. T.. 4,1 ha proved the great, veltie Of Baby' Own teblets in eases Of diar.rhoete. itUriStiPationtettireer, and witea teeth,. big. and --• t Would not be without .thtirt.", 'The Tilbiet* Mil equally $004 for the to/dere:0c little baby or *the Well „grown Chilli, and. they itnitteriteed tree front opiates, kf* harrn1o44.• Sold, by' dru Os. 0*- mut by Melt ott wt. by,' writing The Dr. nost tar!ullyr tilthan ever s servo, t., ----.-e t-I'eltibier-iny-ii 0 ,away . ear; but •other experts &amine in their.sp�cJ there ttets, . electricians, n 0 " voteret a man ,oiribnocei :catblvitusebtura4i.':',1711L0u117,4h1)::itnthnet_4111sulasupobetrysto".tieirti7bontinagi'bons<ut_binith that th-°e"rekrw-ats°. atrugt-bhnitsee-itatti"ate4unett "1114.11neeed- ths_Ansient could air brakes - are rigidly testeil.,„ The ttilltill"..--teftetilta4,1110"13:1117Trtiti-nft .14-csunobi)ut7a,A,...lurk:oti""Istitotuilysortil ileauatilliskost oro', It ,itnittlay,s, al departineats; *and the '14-4-fitit a, . k'ed plAtee.!* oil, every ptieb of the wheelie iiitiant* ba0tItectlivelte,tter' 11,inag°t°htlenittei*A01"1-beotell sac' wears in Preventin;,the slaughter of 0 . ilifeffroliterrtiowtieetattkioebnertIty:Wiaentit tool* on, the lourimit are Ailed *rahThy these beattlifOl and gallant birds -- test wade of ` the illnuitile Atte fita ItIllt, to ShOW . • , T went's wonder. oreeded to „Artsitsint .all the refit 7 the.tenor's friends. and the lend*. tIng th 1641 of atOOP and teat line etiverith the , system end thin/the hied. end, in shortit just es thorOugh o the „vie of tbe yoomoti.‘,4 iiti..t4 1 didtt*tori*tAptotosturri.toittonioltotk bLit4tatek litLirtilotoit_„.170., _..:!;,,,,,,_,.,15,_ 047:___Ikielt lfe---...----• - - - - --- - --.4- If there is a ease of sickness dur into the North Psei4e, the %natives. tncli. wat_kao. •-• that b,..I°edivhorl sogetth * reftl.yEilyekriette_trir t h.,:: The, Only reason why :II c/utilinle Pairtria /12 b (kit tr2!Int!'ly AW riiiiire Wine rimy d at -Arty ng it tan tho 'conductor must Iota turnedaround then was 'titeettse never •having, -ht,041. ot tee trepersete drug etore. !this sirtkle Ishfghl i-lvaI at the, yard; •esertly the wedeekaell6ttree,o' irei"eareetffiliteoteht stbe4 "Ljimuitt jilin time abOut th!, albatross,. eat!li, hi it. It is his duty t0 report, on . tn.-tied 'by ' e **mbers ot Bich- the -ole liersort-ie- , , reti--nstited---natives-itn4---ell- 4 todi tioor sood itiatt s4C1"I 1:igilL.'63111111111$ itteetiall4 oil title. is. al -.-o s tally good t iliii_tiretioantadeo,idel.i.tifiettt teinales. andt to who hat e Autloh brain It i Ptiltsaut 'to., th6. tits d• contithIS nothing . inlotrioni to th1S te constitution. most d....li•• lk tit Quinine, Wine. prelpurredr fr.itl orthrop t.,•• ' Lyman; TOronrg, " lind 0 hre Stire STOU will he' satioPekl that you have full value, foe your. Y. " ber--,,,, 6,4•111110, 4 *SO *4111 4 to 11* t° 14 ' thing 'wore Important than 1 04,,,741rtheir-itirght;-/Iitt. --I:' . ethetrearnesentereeee._ _ 1 1U er -312 1 u tplug uty at It h a and ofwwater,i, :artlinrietorme,tin:..0:764ttd.:74 ,w,liri hes, dto . , ung Moro kavro- lt ,seemed to ine n a, Stationer** ' stein "I tit ,tit a, . ( 1004 iti, litiniOrt IWO. *Vt *Jt1 ISIzi'nvi sh . . i . , undred Sheets of 'note -pater, and • to a O 't lit poke, otoili. L 1 of.,heirt .tverest-1110re than till yiii,. 4141ron aril tint 1--It:04'een *Pe and the beatit. SOM l ii r .. wItsrall't itt,or'lliol'v'ree•krtter -'p-nem' A Another large start attendsO lite AhltAltl• tile sho Protislottivp anti equipping of 'the . stol and "tUtitecit.fitift*U11 car from OW tClilinliOStirlikt' liletisitt4i0 hall *-do:ii Ment;'7elilelt is .Ottie ,:ett, tO'filie St** , titni, '37is, Oen it pile end other *Kieft* -to i fl o itbout ee. :cANvcor steertov.• tilt% hot to4 teelpess engage e ight." eeleye--"„teseetteelneetintoned something to ale. about ..**Ling old Milly'etes for his -daughter* hand:" e Sure Cure _foe flettettelee-letieus aetteetbee tO:' which **mot *to - .4 suelott 10014. tuteltitekes ea tweet tit sweet .sutdeet* Octet they einv Utterty jeco. etratecl. The eteenolt iftfueeet 100d, 004 ,10 tOseteet, *ad ,diSti**iiit err - avrete.eit'ttiet4 Motel ogetabto ins• *to * 44peibitlY AP; tetativo, sae in ileittreditinte tee tithe te et tee letredbor bile relieves tee elee- on' tete nerve* width: memo tee on-tre..--WhY thatice of tbe es-Igine :Wb*t; h*ut 1,01" 14"kr,si 140/1110 ikko that - .eto aliatt (t ,outd0er,lftNL '11212 c'ratetAva v ,°wittout ono . ort the ereelle. testi, tskete end thee l*to tare dot te poir exteeeset.