Exeter Advocate., 1905-02-02, Page 21
qe't *104'4 • t
n 4.4Etitl
s oet end" leformad 4 .
shreene. btewe
pei.iall . -,-- r
rig he .js 1. li i .could u t w J er
ceeld AO 'have ..been d0U0 itout %it l'ir'ir.iFt
h. tier vastee-biit I
ve ee telly be but for tit
es w,eee chertged. Ir nee of /ranee,' Ruth said, es tile tw
14ve 4ti Wbat is the date of that, went Along .K"Iiitth Street. "We she
- 1-anit lirteiently that, the Itetrolte
he b
Ruth . elowly, unfolded a, document; Ame.ricen end Ileginall *boson a
_...- -s9•11._t*Itert from the pure% .i one and the Sarno person."
"The day follOwing what :$01,1 Mil; **And e011. fanty that he made t
your . great adventure," mite *44. I. exchange a ochbart's?" '
r owe' it took the real 1
ca••14teel.pr .,. -ertein of it," Rut
se-trer ttesee-,bitiek Lockhart'a, replied. "A 1 tr will be sure let
end chertged\it in-- , . 1-4-11*.Etfon- to', her bad a ' -hand"
previously 'been adult l se,11-1 the purchase of 0 other eig.3r-ce
ettrtie bra.celett end they I tried i fitten's. Go to Illarley'a a
sell It to. tacTiorrom W
t MX. deur boy. don't! get NM h./ MOO Meet. lee as
to t
..,txu ate this Or elf Part or the Plbt NVflether or not 1441104'w got; the
j?iiii u deeper- and deeper into Leee4 we • ,...r A 1 'r
1ave yoti?I* are a fa le-ro ea' t do op without
autaOkt• terekluerVe
. leen e forth delay. Inspector 'Marley was
“. „Dav- -a ,t
roerse t etitintate sale °Utile Cigatel out, but idleft rues.,ago for
hjee. would he commueleete by tel -
proved, SeeInrtheer-rise. lied got bnael eleseea his dinnee wleen 14tarley re1.70.1f..
into_Stockeeeleals. arid at, .40 Salute hie) up... t -
tittle the Incident. of tinj ,t_toutze._ - fe-eietteeeT.,e0,-Typte---e-teeee--eeee-
-11)---stfrIl'ii4te..........e.44:..."°- .....419.e.t..)reiii.-Suggestion wee quite
otititstituttt-at Lockhart'a-as you-weete:eigetee Cusiztner had Seen . eigaremee
pretty- sure - to doe' ai Ramon' knew -el the
told are4exactly . like it, in Lockhart's,- -miler
---ile-lallr'-ulltrtil' , too e deem . Witten dealt with' -some
-----Anueicente-emptell niree it,--thet AM-
orrean woTie
martufeeturers . and got. case 'dawn.
'es r:teen' himself or some- Ob, no, never •stoe .Customer agetn.
body In hi s pay.. _ David., that, is too'. That sort *a thing happens to ehop-
etertnitig, mpleTtA
. rid soma -oi• eel...mm..1
. too co .
s eltinke .he woeld recognise his 1
,ngn. Votlilitg in -OW? (4-aorlenight
'And, etre,
. troub The 'throat and lungs
need a regular system of..educa,
le; tion to cure an old cough.
eel ,
711 Scott's E, 'polo iunits jo,i!o f oVailiZu;hsbOUs
thatwhife Scotts_tinuision4
dos 'soothe the throat arid •
se raw , • .
lungs, it also nourishes. and
ir heals the inflamed parts.,
It replaces inflamed tissue
with -healthy tissue. -the *Only
Jeat curelm ary4d cough.
- • sii4,fortiree
ItaVid. nodded thoughtfully.
. yet, .witlefert something 1r45$7
-- ' mid intricate in the way' ot a e
---.110•1130tt 0104 not have pirteed hint in ._ ....
nitie Protterit iht.. . • • `. 4. :it 10 hod Iike being: a lOnit, 1041
°"rherei is Ottly one thing to he evening. ter 8tee1 it he were not go.
, done." he said. 'on and I must Ing to ,the theatre Or anything of
. .
• ,' go. down 4, ot,Vart'S and Make' a'... that kind; ."Tie :'le'ebertedly, „reticle. till
e v .., `'.. few: I' i . • , ith thatdiamend,enbout eleven o'clock. after which h
hrace1. and,
etrerSukelEiioi ano(13crTeton '
, 'Veteno dfficuIt''I - ' TOttirt .-- Iiii't r
,,.„ ., -
. to-
,,,, .....,,,- ..,..-.....•,
, _-,,,,,,,,..,.. 4 4 c
111/VO 601/10 -tea. -i" . wander estlessly- abriet his c- 1 e
'1 ant too excited." -Ruth laughed. vatoree snipping off- a "'ad 164 here
"I cOnldn't eat *--or drink anything and ,there and wontleriner where.... the
,i "ieseitt. id, what a whole thing was going to end. , -
lovely house you have." 4.- 1 Witit.a -certain sense of relief reevid
"I'm glad ..to bear--thift you • are'rheard the front door -bell trill about
..._.....e.e..gt......zre._.5.-- iin r o Jike....ite:.:-Ball.lelesaiele-delle' "eseeetlevell--044:414T-Sonirherein -
-Lot. hart's received their .austomets ing to see him, and it didn't 'matter
In the usual courtly style. .. They"I much who in Steel's fraute of mina.
were- sorry they a no recollectioni; But he swept, inta" the sindy with a
of the transaction to which Madam feeling of genuine plasure as ilether-
Veferred. The sale of the beacelet•iTy Bell was announced,_
...---eteerpeeeleaere-4.ier..a .ueoethatettettroutrandretelitreleerefelliTiv. in- d i vitt t.i
properly recorded on 'the books, and,eee you," he cried, "Take the big
as indeed was the sale of tho gen-',`tirnechair. Lteiii
metal cigar -ease to an An: .r , a . w tiskey and soda and male*
tl Li I i• repo e. If madam f you comfortable. That's better."
said that she had purchased the rise] "I'm tired out." Bell said. Aef
- , ar-citee. .why -still the _polite assiseel.ondon aleiseeleye, An:CPA • .....
:•.-.- ------tanViy- as roost edorte-onglredir..f• :Cross. Can you put, , me up for t1• e
hers. - - . , igh '
" e production ot_tho-letto 71tuttle! "liy ' bachelxv beilreone is til -wit
a tiMerettcee There wee rt. passing et node-, eitelt." -
Iti- -11 4 4 alai s ,-1 r o r I i _ oz e,,, pia * trl i u 5 is- v t 03 E tv; ' ' '-' ' ' 1 Vi ft krr --. r- 'OW, :titi tr7tr --7.m
ii •
tel to another, ---and pi'egently anotte, be milder any a_pprehensloaegtateanye
IT af;Rifitant-ctutio--toric*rd;,441ftr-pro -belly has spitited -Van Sneek away,
• roundly i'egretted that theee.• ' . . 1e•eLeleer_ekeee4re•
e . . merubettef the ittel, to have discovered what beppeeicid,
'el 'ept perfe . • 'It Wert the day bee I Is in a -triibli tateeae, i
..... • i . . r - . -oz.- .1- sual---wanteoeveryebtally to remain nt. Lit.t
monthly visitto the iirm'S Pares-1-timr,. but -whet( -We-heard that Von
branli. - Madam had eertaltely put- Sneck had het ehe hoseital, he came
,chaeedthe cigareeaere bit bo1oteettite-'46wri heree-in fact, we trtterlied to.!.
• .-sale .rould ter..postede-in the -et - - .getheee 01curs-sail 'nothing
. locker madem had sent a gentleman whatever about Vett .Oneek. whom ,he
,to change tke case foretheetliereond„ is seppOsed to eiiew nothing about
braeelet ewev1ous1y_admirteLeeMe.24,1euL1ecoulti-eie-thate4te. was-ierri
-Spe-,--AeWebet-ir eitenWei le, ti -ah -theledisturbetLeellee-werst-oreltels------that
-Kale. and the Indian ii•e
-ieli •wart waiting for Jim- iluri on Sueele• and' itaititige,
tattek larldent .* ''' tiato Scalia wenderfuller betto, was
' I trust there is nothing wrongr*.' going to aSsist.“
Ii' atdted. areeleirelyer - "Itt your untortunu
Icate friend, p •tc_v
tIt in the least.i' Myth I nod that' kied ot thin owl" Pavii
...eyeete, •
Da'id hung „ up the tCceiver and
proceeded to don a short tervert coat
end a cap. In the -hreastpocketof
the coat he pieced krevolver.
Aerclet as well to be on t1ie sae,
vide." he eaid. •"'llibugh not
likely to be troubled \with Xs
with thci thumb again. Still,
on weer have other bleckguards. he
raay even -.410w..w.beire.,NAtr,•-antelceia
-t tIe 'preeent moment, for all
riow to the contrary." .
.dj feel rather guiltet-letting you
alone,' Belt said;
""Xot *: bit Of et." a Davi
: * '*4'...'14):ig t :1 °11%ougt ' 11,1,..b,".0._,...14: xxliu Ill- 11 ' 1:04.1‘1)91;:11---i*".'0t1,44oi
kt •
, o help for it,David muttered. oit.qn utPre' 0 at thltir •Vittite illt.91ines.
inlAt Challe0 Toy luck; I •pever The everage;rOtt oi re, single 'roma,
aw a dog yet- that I WAS afraid of, 'and • kitchen in the ceeirt•Wa, -is ot
Well, tepee gores," , %0,rliti hue,Ne twelve*, dieellinge
Tie .ranible4 ov„ .. vtito Walt and. tiges l';‘in, $t$7.150 to $67.54.
°dm: °the 'faCitnherhilsifIlt°,,Iteciftnurrledeafrotreit ---',.):A".i.'4;114)...Sla 114.VA,L, CREWS. •
ward a, few steps, anki then stopped rTit
-03461;41:11:1t:hetin13'.;111.'naird.elit'-'4i4(!iulfli•144:t4o'Phniics'h'athedir."Aet"113,,e1)::714:07):1"t'Acikvi:el's;Irrta'19y:tit-Y-yr:Q1::31:11'v:reo(-1;":1%tbiC.".71'1 :Nehrstyptt'ted:eet
for ettlietment. The.
(To- be Coutitteed.) .
Till feet 4 Ineltes--less than 'that'
A . _
1 you nced any upper ring
fout tan eefely leave Inattere-
Ns'are Sneck'
tallhe is lit and thee you shall opor-
ato After -that -he ought
o be As day In the handle at the.
potter.. So. long."
--eeknd- *Dleetrie iterife4ii *„/“.eeit'it
Ileeitage... loot_ yetera.he has hePt•
'eefte.e•UPoteellinte.. for...years he has.
Praetica.11y provided WM- ‘Vith re.
.borne, et .1141tUerlt. And When Her,-
itaget meetique nausea's .eame he &l-
ir a 'does so with
eritagc is going
to .he ioseful to 11$?".
"I* lanai so. =ilia you.it is only
Iny, 'idea -whet I -tali Intuition, for
want of a better word. And what
itatifi„you been doing lacier" -
David procteeded to eViain,
the eventlroj=lbe atornoon: in . • 101.1
• •41.10.1, -followed ;the 4.4c•iplut
1 n4;
"SO Miss ,Chris hopes to -hypnotize,
said, warmly. "No* that sheIs
free to act she has developed won -
worked out that Rembrandt businese
I ., aloete :Autumn o I .
000t, tineonelitino 0., , rtn.ans be 'OITA, ItrielY AND': AMUsieelli9.L
1..ey:.,.......... - e'Oh, Xr. Widower?"' 4 4 YOu, elFetteee eme"..1..AtiLt to toviy. 4 tasi oil
::_pttOtee:#1,44 Altalo.ttlro:01-..317.4.14.::4)..04_,___00 Plre:iliit::Irtennut:tadso-7,101: tftthi:II.tiabarywohrte thote_ ;:ft..,
you, are rettee-e. , ...." "Ole
Widower?" --"I- started. to,saystoiph:te:t., I, tholtrvittavnabicierien,,,optirot jletztiosenss.„1,3,.firix.,... lit
40011f011 ' feealle_eeworeemetee--eliein '.-
6. door. .. _.‘„tr „wanted to say. .,.thr D"'..44ureli. aeone 41rY
.0'"t.-4.1;e15'tret:e.liiit:k2Z1'!'.71' ill
I,. Widower.:_risinc...andi--making.1---
etc were 'pretty noar as old azt I , •
..extr..;,,,.._, Novi, .x. iti,s1,,_...„,..,„,,,- 4,,,,c,- ..,-,,, ,-4.'014.-$4.te." remarked Ireteitleye- jit
\ ...„....,,,....
'' '.' 7:7 -" 2'-'" ' ' ' . ' ' '4%4: a;lir sttlistiedt cm -;7„,.,...44-1;:fal'7,7,d,..;,!.
.. eery _favorable ecireunts.tonces.
: . ...
geltilt nt4,4„. 34(4411 tilito4.1iite-t4,,e_tta;:tg :)utrelt cher(i, ,iifitetLieoeserniTf,eburninegihe.N,epe.iiitne, ammrtr-Itingt:_4tele..emt e .
witir,,41;;1)* 014*ourukinnaonws ,dwolwiant Wiete.rodpi.,epoarniro. Difieei.hderes, 01.,,,urnlir illaternse,,,snelgtvybiant.
Reffe-"Make polieonan of them, 'le -part do fbu furnieli?" "Well-priue
sepposeie' 11
p:tott.1,,1lt..rttr' "vilfel":'ti
rh(ireetUdtTCt at
Orr ner0-0'141-11e144in- theAllretri
e„.puffv- WAS ,Orfe4-t.
ty' rige-wasenit ire
nees as he approached the lodge -gates
ot the Gruugc. Bynd the 'delve and:
Melded the"lemeee,e..'
crimsn lights gleaming hero and
tbere, • ITO could rata ttie rumble
and eceatelt in the bushes. and .aeor
*gain 4 dog whined. The big gate
iwria.ga f%ir°11.141411ritietv.14. peeped in 84314'eti".
he whiSpeeeil; "I
lleme, where .11re.Ittar
1111t io - 1 ... sile
ie man with the -thumb.- he said.,
"You have ,seen nun* of her than .1.`"
nave, Pell. 'Dues oho:strike you as
she sttl'an; • egieLecti..woruleefult
acute mind allied to a pluck tied,
raultetity abeoltitely brilliant?" • I
-Slie je that and 'more."
ensore an
-a eetteleed--i-nerto-e-get-- into-lat;
thnorg gond book* again without'i
lensOn even gueseing at the relesort.
And now elle hal% f th •iijfr,et) 1 ' tpa
has roLjtora_a_ga,a_41
which oho might, lave- thrown -hi
t anv moment -"she had et1nvt»ced
y-brilittratin tb0 way- of ri. adve
-threes; --with Etelfereat---. oiler ahead.
Later on sI o will- use liferritte •nrei
k1ec1are,1' said TJella street y,
'your thoughts ,run atactly. iti
irn with xraine, ztultustut„'" •
hese o AbOtarin my niouth.
eipalle: the . natua-principally the
Until October,. 1905
iy$ big money to bmp4e. in raising chickens with an Trieuhator.
Van4Wierts annually trtillions,ofthickens to the 'United States
. The consutnptioniof poultry in Cenada is increasing rapidly an4 the
poultry dealers corpplain that they cannot get enough pettleryeeto All their
Lint,of __0_1•Arly_thAtc.1,,,,xr eee4_4
. 'er el, tic v. i..
-Tir_e....: :it 44. A -ramify Joke, •:,,Ou ure..,, iferittige *ed to have a •faidy good '
'I'Attiflat. -And Yt_litl Anada.-t110-----es- ';', prneti:fe jtear-13111146"-Crtilitlii.T-1;ord
-.tittinge?"' Litlimer",' knows hint treit.• I- \yam,
'Mt. Glat(iti ntadrun. A tall gto. .11erirage to come 'Itefo'tilis. X want
lion/in. llresaed itt,.-
• r tolot at the reasoh %thy Itenson
"'That N quitt.....totintiont, thank has hcen so ciintottaro.rly • good ' trt
-she had -fiVet hatches. by Jidy-firet and bed -four ,hundred plump -
inTiii its tat. K Chatham incubator should pay for itself each hatch.
---AVC-litive pelf -et -tea' WiliClittator and brooder. We believe it js now
tely4hs-best4t.i-theivbrkL---We-bave'sti- firtiefittapitatterlirtt its, an
we are out for theentire business in incubators. We know t
Jet. m In eindon this after*.
neon," Bell replied. "Ilet• I haven't
thc- sllt doubt --itt-the- wOrl „
that he has made his way to Ilrigh-,
Ugh by this time. In ell probehillty
hats gone to Lortgerien."
paueed ns the telephone bel
ran o;t tetrillee The era Sound
0 et -,w•
ei temente And u It • . useful thin
the telphone had proved! .
"Ate ,you there?etvoe the Mr.,,goic,„It
5P21811 - • "Ts that
I lute --ilori
I ' .!tt fj as Hst'iilng lntc'ntly
Telleeveriigle-W- ,-groltrinijI, d
Iwitp 'filo prcsiek,ts of sonvothin '
kmf no atert. Anti Vig01101$3.. -
1'41110111 IN Imre )1t,11 Ine at this nure
levet." he „fell. '-eilltet wait a Inla.
Ufe willet I tell I 0 .11 '
4 L on 4t. go awaY
" ▪ piose. rot'or the eiceuntstAnceit
• utight he datvorous tor me to rift
.11;a a nitutteat. 1kX019$
pretty mow" •
• "I",to only a. There `inaalter
'1F.WIRLIeritil • .lietiNUit is atILOttgdCani rn
,IN1 art hone ago, and at tho•-•Pre--.1,,
it Bart et an ,top,
into ecelietts .0
- one' to 1,!jpe hut. thaig
With elitldren it It
,r,anav do:y do LOt. tg*ti7e the *
'ioto'no.* of it n*letted Old nor ,tho
010166* ef tibtailii *Ott', Aral l'attrY eee.
;41., 401 as,lut volt* oit)er and Ands Pri!„_1,
itimSelt a vlitlaz Of peon:tool*. r 0*.',iftli,,t17
soraptititt.- ht4taltitis, asthma, 01* 447'51
•tratiliiiig,'IrtkruloV;b0* see that
••• piqvuts *Ted responsible th'"
tthen les
Syrup Unwed
liar bor(
f:nd that •lir
t Tor.
• ought, quick
he first sigo
,ehtekoil f,
ths rerne0"Y
and, leol that •
t t,'
s Is our proposition T To demonstrate
htprep..),id, a
r absolute confidence in tile. Chatham, 1ncubator,
1flke your lirzt payment in October,. z
TJe fact a ' 11- our Inca
nttdau k you -mart
y usionand-asaareir
t time-, aad Cven thettyozt are uncertain, and ifyou reject the machine you wiltita‘4:.:, p:at:cyleirit: rte.-
3ghtboth ways, . But Mat US yen send itt your order And we slop the inachme prtpant When
alt -right, start .yettehattlio and we>411 give you until OttOtter;,I905,, before
.141 , 9P„11.PAcatAntiql or A MgclitliOLatig-dCregthre-r,.
tie *cam% mt;04,*littib.1.y.fris,,,emoistkio ft wtsu frt
It St iroory. 'way, wititattiti4 ot ow kat*
titontent, Is itaving supper int
1V Ii1ra1,'-•:hefor
mI by tht tafcs ' nd cn Oft
ith Acroyttt-
had clndied
be Nvalltad the tidos %veto holdit
tri Up. .leertuneeely., be ad_ no
400 lo to icorstions a hie dingo,
-stiont• stilt Ito hattilds did
iin 1 httrht„ Win:MON. We* goixij
o put the intr1'44;letto the road!,
si'Ift 11 gi 5.4 lietteiet crone - 1.04
itJ Whine: tTO ,)41',At 'zioippol,ty the root.,
-ring; tromp t 't"!" '
tittlied his tiger
fa»•ntiltrere,r*., and jtuuIt4
t*U3', mod tk4•
*I OS AWNrWeti1 *t*mi.
y •
irrit Tmws
*toeteekatis.sied ts*
thebtodt, wit kowt !nowt**
titt *UM thati, igtk tit* Attivo ***00-4
U gestot tootityv
erase .7
:de.• • •••
rAk4an. t
e thtt eh1dt.
* • henes,
ttpci 41.