Exeter Advocate., 1905-01-19, Page 2--941C-Ibet -tete
-"VW 'T •tTIg
that vou'Were her
repeat that •
id at once Ott
-B.If *boast r bWrdelY-
-mota..by that?"
• *se IlisatiVeared from
st ',Brighton told*. -
Ow, were extra b.
of that WO. *Any* •
the hoepItaI without
. seems etr&uidin-
mitt tit'SbD g&v�L2.:'11
t '. irt7O—Ufk
police. ate droPe Mat Vo the Of -
feet that ohs belongs. it WW1 taken
by mistake -40 other we
I.tfull::.L'IVA? Sirek
tkaIiv rccocreid.-
-thitiws tVhIes4I3rat p:14°.
rSeabled -en--irrespowtible lune -
• i mere than, anything else. Steel
is cried, "how clever
elk Aro •
'I have hav suspected 14% the
lie...,y,o-teo_y_rent, ilia, "Vim 'full
ed tiW
a. the ,'Police Gazette,* a . Copy
of • Which ceirery respectalble Pawn-
brotforalways gots regularly. X' pose the the People where the star was
"Highly so. Itey have quite a.
Thrnd--Street -neliddislOrient-e..ttacit--
" o ninch the better. 'May will.
.1i,1vertite12uont and they1 Will
=1 -v -
Reverend James t wiltbar-
retI"d"- • /
• SiCe4-iomos lthln bis net we
shell hatere a deal of trotible. 1 had
' hoped 10 get perInftedon to operate
*.n Vain soma._ itta reurgi-lloon him
• to solve the reysterY;• Arid now you
lurd • better go biCek to your tele,
(*brie' hurriedback again,. A whie-i
. wed word satisfied her that Steel;
WAS MAU at the other mit.
Dr tfai awls ai early as posai-
ble.10:4MOIrtow," the said. -",11 you
wititlts attilV orRi eve IOU
U her story
ii le.ctI,y and briefly. From little
iu.ida a,xid .Ijjna she ceilit-titrtitsit
- UMW.
litOrY Of t1 mon vti.Ot the thumb
isocitaited faint. It appealed :to his
Prolcoslitand instinct*
• 01.--*Istrillorritr-Wvent-te-idet
with him'?" Steel &skid. .
•.**VVO, you see I have in my pow-
er," Ohris explained. / "WO can get
tbe other Itecalbroseit any time we
2- It ow, trut that it tpute & miner
h • arrinted at any time for tt*t-
1hg int itAr. Ira lftifdis sta*,. as a
matter of tad- bkit that a de-
-Am' import* one, Intl",
iityptiotte 04 our dear h-
ibsonceir to woofs, 'it? So, don t.
zinse • 411 '
lettertrithis motn
lies going, beei
amen Merritt alt
ell .
reorAviet and
vaa goluyi4
,dict not sleep t, lefor t
.Littinier drew the line -OWE*4 but lies
undo that hoOpitabia rootatitvent
mown* the arat Abate he lned teen
"taken 007 -by tittv...****.trocrsteg.
his conversion, u4 11"- was
Arrested,- at---ttor-vaPtiev.--ietzowlo
his antecede/its, the ;police will not
'stand Vert any ceremony with him.
You wilt be filled with forearm. YOU
hevo plunged back' into a career of
criwe Saida a 'being who was slowly
cthnbieg itito the *trod • t pattt once
moo*. You ',WC. the blanieIIPOS
yourself -it, was at your instigation
that **vitt. pawned *he
.."114,4, really, Mr. Steel
"Oh, / know. - But the end
Sea the' notkna., You *ere Mr.
rr ""soligh;tott :nikathptae .ittiottspetto tool
to_tho old preitice' of
ould, advise •that th� Iticubetor be tear. up
itTence" started, for it,',Iai..daiereAs no-s\ollterliewn :in the a-
.01'r117:10c4r.:04,04i' nAPwriloor is. sittsoiggrthieest 4rwqreh. Ca44'-- - ":11riti"r-ett ate iiilirltAtJgralr-4ttor it is in '
bout, and. ''''t the 'willi$14. MAO* w ste in
party chicks and ea 01004 ita ' they
cl, Yet there is good _reason ark,
about, one hundred,houses have stool!.
• a AI ma LI 'rat at & sTOAtILLA.'.64‘.—
UP • Iv coops. .1fort tite$ *Yin O. ' r-7 : - ..•
t7itiiiiUditites-ilintL tiiive retiud
miseed. a day slues. hu
finelY, and. '' with eggs at 'OD cents rroin tim Alit roofs of the . hoides,
per 4074014 it helps pay the expenses nothing certbe seen but the ' Dale • '
vid-buy-lcied--.. ._ . ' ' ;:tye1low:--Sandrhilis,„,1t---wouhL,tie----in-,..,_;_
' One point .4n early lietehing, tivene ,rOtiltirable -thafriiiiniefiTe14* -66-4-4-t
brooder. 2iteree,m*,inhvy.liimis_:-..on..4i'Ve..in..eur.h,-:-ILItiace .if we di i,
sale- but We would not give our ,-'1.411ew that the town has an exttapr,
• °odor for *U- the. kinds we ,ever- ;finerylame nuautity efepwressatetio.11 .in.
saw. It is simple -and -EilWatys relit, Aremen..bccupled a d
-raisi atil-Aho-...:eit elts, • 4,..-........, ii t-iluxu 1---water-,-is----oh- --;-,-----
--- - - riipzaTWOrtixtWar
Oro .
er this season but We will not Wells, it 'is 4.432'4;1'''ndet,'411euse' -'414473r-'4t**e'tible *eeply. '
• - tientoroAliat ...1-4.410----chlekeLin:-4t,--Las -444 *tgriett4ix--ott---the-- Arita---rotx
'ISMS- Olktka_ +NW --iielt--, stand crontil - • o-iit . Tliektiktoo, and at Arauan oitir
.0 d len to Al le,
ure_are. indooe_brooders, aitit ',have 1403 It cos
iv. elield-for-itio-Cliiik's* to run into.
and when it gets cold they run lute No caravan.' is so large thritit
• Cali -
the broOder. During very cold Wear not be sUpplied ,there with all the
they we do not let. them out of; -tiveriniaill"iltift of the Itis
'eke. The johobt..
' .' the one tom -
breeder' We know 4 breedir••• - who tante Make their living by selling it. .
season for sig.. ila:PlaCell 4° Mick* peo' pie have not been -able. even. with
bought an out -door kr:op er -IAA I There are., _twe._reeseee why uto
la it all of which neriv dd and 1
- ill,,7- . .-- • 'boundless water resources, to citeate
,those that tired ere* tie et* bar* loi jeleoft,ot. Iteidee fri the midst epi. ,
y Worth to send- to 'Market. lle ;,is
disgusted with the machine and.,i't °4e4t:rpiiilfit'llteerater
.Ilito' tnilye
Ls one that .i., edyertleed,'Iri nearly- 6 t'stsce
�V. pouJtr. per, i the Mnd from. vory deep .!ella., and "the iabor...-
i' -•'
r -4041 in Part4,-
one of the *-thirgs , most
eking la tanning to -day. Yon a4kit
hardly . 'a trace Of lime in tome
of out and yet in -order for the
soil to -properly fertile to
Ways ki-we/ein 'extese-oritine Itt
not becatirorlitrie is such an, 'essentiat
constittumt of the OM% but becauSa
ot its offoct 'upon other constituents
4101w and, -upon,,,the-4tatute.-.tit01
esoii Welt; Organc.nitrogoa, like
driod blood, tankage end cottonseed
iiitrogeneite lertt-
ilzer„: but it inust ho first converted
to7ttitric acd. Theri.the-adtd-farni-
• retards the '*.levelopment and
tione ti keep his eyea. open with
,•S - there., 45 -
1114 A few ;days _titer 11nesten
parted to hurriedly frons -town the
stolen Itembreault d.pearied frcon
likvrift's roonni..Nobodj knew any -t
tiling about it; the thing had vin -1
biked. leav tra00 oLthe thiett
b 'Perhaps Xenia woild have!
bolsi , leas .014,
htul he known that the nrbsing plat.
Watt securely locked' away• in
tees atinng
titt. 'bees
th• ese „ .organisms.-- begin Lo conver
eot.tons, %meal:hap ultric acid th
Iii to maLe 141 -
stop it altogether -in o short,
Cliarg,e of. that .401d, •
'Thore is nothing so .gocid tor that
. -
as litrie.- Whenever 'there= is /plenty
of lime to combine' with the nitric.
acid and form nitrate of lime, Oltri--
Oration wili go on With the greatest
- rigor. and.the plants will have
ithigait 45APPIY Of nitrogen, to the
foo but the very moMent that
.11030 isAleiltiant then nitriticiticni
goes on with diminished _speed, -end
hnafl3r stops altogether. This is elle
"And go to giVOT int*ti
“Not e,bit. of it. The star you
very like it whoa You star Mis
son, when you were *toying irt LOA -
don at the sante hotel. BY lien:4
Melte* the leriebt got. .iz�d. You
are coefident that aw excange has
star that does not be1og to.
WS) liamalta sloso so, .beis Ns
kW* otiapolookse.,
You need not tell Msrritt how you
Presently."- Ofte 4.6,147,* g's4
astrintebed Littireer, 'as the laid
the Obtatelr Pietttreibefore. *If*. t
r the--orkolo. -stow -wheat
itt•England that have been under
inftiiiiitilift tor so many huildreds-Ot
a fertile amd you
There is ex‘cough, vege atioa to feed
few titheep and camels, but the peo-
ple teldoin have *ay fodder to sell,
wonder why they do no grow,* , •
and w.hy the bacterialorganisms. do
not cease to work. EPhe. reason is
that 'a 'great part of England is
ThikAttbe = =e -gr
qgrjvu1ttir&i station in egland you
irk- 'up lumps -et chalks ail
through the soil and it you pour ft
little acid on Pm soit it .eitervesces,
*IgoraLter frntn-s. soda, tot/attn.
• ==
hOisksur brato* der has top heat -which •nIF *--(1-1*
wo can regulate just SS We PleSSO. be reftelie4 on: which eroPe
brooder, for when yoit find ysinr
.chitits huddling you May loolc for
dead on in the, morning, tie they
w ilt smother -Whim" crowded.
Ouebideid-er''Cott'ue --about-1110-t0
make. We have an Oil _ono in use
for 25 years and. it is yet good ex-
'cept the heater Witieh' burned.
•ou some". tint it is good. yet for
get amt a
you increasebi respect for
Illtiere, that would make avexy
bktng at t atter the Manner • o
iley.we-may assign the lack, of
- the cause- of merly 01 -OU
•sour linter
hicit have- heaLirilr manure&
Spasikfne Want. of .the Use_ of lip.
e• •
andtrees grow whexe the&
roots wetilii penetrato no kind of
earth rninte fragment* of quartz.
So7the supplies -for the people of
from • Tliebucttio, 120 mike to the
south. Water :pays for evaryvhiew
they poksesa_ excelotlxqr_ the_ctiliy 01
Which their houseS are hunt.. and
PROfigtarrga Tale§, etendlai bitdstturgtt "16 -"nd "ritteet°
1Ik ...111161,1.. r vitt r t rout
ds-the-foll -It a-tact-that,---t-hs--people would
1 , starve, if Timbuctoo ,were not Weir
stifs'Allinit-tivrilL! e ptierotet *5104'rti-OmMequica-4144 granary d"bi t!"36:•'exPlain---.40.00rs th-4:1011rowot
. .
the co " 1 0 _ )tirg6 dlstrlct in the
Praia% Wis&ter4 Soudan Th native*.
all your ks1aes «oi*-
1 rang LI
461*-xxilitht I* ,ut_t_lfre
- advecutage._ l..., Amara -
Using the acidity a our sails-
lifhlieLjle., Wileyhas taken up the
riu & ik
.around. tbe roots .and.
in removing sheltie. for 'these ro,i)
dents. Take to, piece o IZU1100,
•1,h West
Itted-andianatiettpeopie-- have --gone
the' whites' tit beg for 'friendship
Wit Colk
Oae Irtjhe shot
.tiao Ark
Rt tb'
'E have sorndl
our .to $foit..
tot , both ili
Why uttt;
and ad dr.
Sulphur. . tout soot.
eti it. rar be often by. OVtriag
the with salt clay or graft*.
int . wax, also. by insorting clone
*hove and below- the wound'. This
I tilled beldiffir, and' Wilt--
sap-tronialruirtWi tot1*top
shove the wound. ft Abe tree is too
bently-tojuried,-or. if-diiictiver*t toe::
tote in' the *Print, cut the tree oft'
*toff -the---Wound. insert. A aft,
said Chrit..
' I•1$,f
• .tha- APpetili
• fa ltfred dlgetto it deranged..
ttap, towel* ere tOnstiPated. sad there
41T* tte,Wisitt Of fullness and soreneasi
eitkatit the liver.
Vou may hsive headache , and diz7t.
r.,4.111„ pains the, linibS, feverish-
yeSioctriesi el the eye arid akin,
4iepv.5sio1 of spirits, and irritabit.
et- is the influence01
tits other origami,
n it is dere*
to lie ups.....!
enstlt� ti I
action of
lood h
Iv. tiOgeti
towe„ Wore e
have ,osed t
"ft'" Pills.' and **Old ttzi
'herc it 1O tnedieirc;! ,that qiial
thiittAil, it rum torstont4cii 1rottiliN7
hilloasniess. fOrpid Iher arel
Avalt tt(,ti)l.'tt 11 greet ilea;
wit.kthrse-,ailmoots below triiing
Chases'• Xulney-tiver and o
un wrIttletially: sur.4
e alt but ont'. en
Years., With good euttivatin
e, :Vint •t* will be AS 1st
nearly to it any of 11* -other
itt tfle otekAtit,
to *0 tritt
fear 4,
)g1fld the t
Ing rnort than 2,,T
restingAnear-at-band-on....sbc. _i&fl_
carriages. was hauled into position
by, *tett ettibo; it woo rikPidir\motd,
secure, the rails were connected, ao4
Within tout hours trains were rU*
nl o at -feat still more *or-
PriOitig *as th9l 01 subit tiding -
new hrldge for the old one *tem
:601E-4/Mitt' otittutto-41e- -
grim:torewith itu tour liars ot roils
*tut:. tint:fact. lin r itS, all r ofir*
A ttatiplete fOrom 11* eti„t;ine,wai
Put -together . tor itwOrest 1;'•astet-
,Ilaltri.ny tile tqtrettord.Wovitaitt
inerfirii g.'. the; engine heir:::,4•1)110to.
4gestOett lkt the different ites, ot"
fs contirUction„ and Site 'Saxue even.
it. was, attnolly At:sterli palltAig
• in Vie
IIht to -An iU&tei &t
4.m .
-01 Arau*n Or'firOfitle
to felt tJaat .aa
on otn'e itot
' ter far Mao to,
•iettrWhi4 MO*,