Exeter Advocate., 1905-01-05, Page 61 .„ i • cwdrabbr RV, ,4 sir*, o,s‘ 1 , 1 . o1 thci• ''WhOlObE htiinge wa inade%Other i • I ; V' . • , 1 , s • iif, V I , lee Width. •• It u te:�rt -the etitOt 'aQn 110* VS% Width pko e ftu r an -the tipsof the growtb. 1 1 ' otes its the Ptiffne iftermee• riTh-7-eirli-er-Osn 01)4141 pie or. peitch tree. .Like:wiee 06 c I town of Moreton Wellie was*. reeele __Ittediteleseemese, and the sLrct Where.' " e"•',. .1te th t nee' cupier of the 104,44 tett e ou. . used sive oiet UC horsio.f way, , alai/4W" n foie; flee Myselfto the poor it10• E741. Lth u ay w h was smoking and button the un- - accustoms, stilt white cellar round his throat. Merritt whipped" a, tuMbler under the' table with amaz- ing celerity. but no cunning of his Could remove the smell, of gin that huts; pungently on the murky at- raosptere. ,Ilerritt dodged his hod back de- - as 11 halfeexpecting a blow. Ilis eyes Were -strained a little aux- 1' v over Ilelre_ishoulder as if fear - u In% bel...,_o_ree--„Mervitt Was uncoil: odiously looking for the •police. "I am so - gled to find you nt home," Chris- said, sweetly. hardly sounded complimentary. it was. quite -evident that he Was far -front-returning the -compliment. 11 Thad' essesee 'MCP 'daring -fearfully if the I ture--0feldentilY-- ereiFedenothinge-Allethe saner heevnes following Merritt's uneasyeye till eestext „ore ee- roll of dirty paper -the nan es if. Thetereell of ' paper was the miming Rembrandt. awl he knevreit. s• "Won't you offer me a chabl" :6bl-is asked4 in the sweetest possible manner. Merritt sulkily "emptied a chair of a pile of cheap sporting papers, and • demanded - none too politely whet • 14 t I I 4' 4. :t rr; ; ".o.uiLL *%Otbi is _all • - 'het •-threa;"liirn ,ewee-7:the lad. itlest ,tho„. , heete Of _lite _Pre7 . „ th-e4410.140w,,„ ,,eleee nt Sees n Preduce thia year's crop„ 0 tel - 'hence the Me , ilittrilnroatitteretee, ' et0 . 0 ,0 etv,, / ,114,m,„ m aix i ru t reu bout tho whole 114 0 h & nrier in which. . _ --l'ireeel- rZe . I'll do whet 1.- can to "01 • 0 \--"Then' you -willextine, with ea to -your fastsner of pruning. . -- ftlfrht?" • Cbrle. efikW---- *AWAY- "Abfiolutely," Cbri crioi. eagerly: In a. general way it may" be said Don't say no. 17 -met -a 1•1140. QM* "Tiro long, irregular scratches lead- in regard to the fruit that all dead with.a'peat like yoUrs at Lady 11.09- ing up in aeroweheaded shell° to tho branches should he removed and the liniettam's4 and he:was sO intercede big 'diamond in the - eentre, Ruth tops of the Mee be kept seffielently In We, win van for you in an told Enid all about, that the very open to admit an abundance of sun - hour's time with the wagonette. -last time they distenfsed the nater light for the coloring of the fruit. Then we can settle half our plans be- together." - Reasonably open tops are also • of Zr e dinner," . "HOW came Ruth Gates to remem- great advantageiit spraying the Merritt was graciously pleased to ber it so clearly?". trees; and in harvesting the fruit: be aiFeea,ble. Mo..r.,eo,}_e.• .• ve]*.:. be was ute ',Well. slie .did it 'hermit. ,She was The rtateiral habit of the tree should the forto,,,_beeeedePted hY ...-: , • •,. ••. , .•i ..1 .. 4. 4 me Olningd w, overpoweriteg autioSe the last MOIrtent, the ocra.tifies tho Peuner, la eithef-ifier-d0. It Ire ity„ it seemed:also to him to he a were ratiele sceidentally with thelehe branchea • of which naturally sheer waste of providence to placard stones iti-one of Nei- ffngs.Tir'r- Iiiroop .aniT a tree -with a strong -tene such an offer. .And the plate at Lit- Bell was fainto admit that the dency toward forming an upright 1 Ihnee..reuedeeseeuweuperbt-------„e,fieeteVeta.-ittee-init ns -.0 eeeleitaileec,annot-rettelilY-49-Modo to as- 2.10nOWItt1l0 QUO and Bell walked "Areirletive it for the insolent," he mune, a deadedly spreading ITaihrt. TeT down the street toge.thor. • He was i I aaid. 4 'In . a small place like this so course these natural tendencies ran. teirzled over the Rembrandt, Chrus valuable an article ie like! to re- be infleenced iir it measure by the s' -!S' i-rg that *be- has' elArlAce- eauthreirr-stoek-for-eomeethaee -I'llemanner of-prineinifr-but-theeeenala ture eeee,,, ._. irr-egtetoliettrraireetnetheeekreatiretreieverreonaelThetsteashettit -el oubteaboatelt. The epie- Waco' of ..gettigg lurther_goods andesle kept syparnattc01 igt-4, as well bat 0 was ro s uP-flat-d etbod on flee obte_ feerillethe.einforamtion there is I aneed as pos`Sible;wrillo-pruning--ot4he-. manteishelf. I followed MerrittI. TO be gained as to who sold the caeo various 'kinds .of small fruits es based „ gaze; knowing perfectly well that it and what he wag like. , — would rest presently on the- picture -if There is jteit time for it little' lenelt • ewee_take-txp--eceir. reverend- -Merritt that hitelitexids were -wait- Its"witeeltretheers ,erea-e---A-teth tenceeour entere.stinge friend. in chuck, friend . Where shell we go?" - Ing for him at ' the Lien. As his MIX VS. „BEEP PRODUCTION: _ ling ov•3r the way he has-decei-ved us CWW-74-fould-Hit.V-Wftee Mb 1..Tenpowerful- figere was seeti-eutering, the ' • dean fergot the yellow pawetictot 'MOM MIS a marvellous coffee -room hig -Norman porch Muscle came .--The _question, hes often been raised lying on the table." there eich panelled, walls and it ceil- neon the street driving a dog -cart, whether e pound of buttce. fat - can . . "Dr. • lien, do you main to say Ing by Pugin, ,erid an ingle-nook fill- at a dangerous rate of speed, , be produced /from the same feed that ed with rare Dutelt tiles. They had Our mrin is goingto have his will produce its equivalent in PrIco "That I knew where your diamond the beautirta old place to them- trouble foe hitt pains," Bell chuckledi of beef In a good steer of the beef tar was led:, ed. Weed I do, ?ler telVeS, 00 tbat they could talk free- "Ile has O011/0 to interview' Merritt type. Dairy ;nen contend that it re eerai . metal, s_Qt ordinary, size, Well "T Twee rn hiOrite• 401 OWed to reererin on • the •tre oeV't 10 g the sake of color the ge, fr .otild not be so . 'reeritugs I s are now the ru T 0 main .if '\ Lirtnch should he so' situated and hold best in cold storage when de eloped as to hold up the weight bloont will rub off, leavieg the of fruit and lealTM that n• healthy tunooth and shiny, and the some rule ' tree should have.. While the headof applies lese markedly to 13aldwins. a tree should he sufficiently open eto Methods of harvesting, packingtand allele the free circulation of air and handling in tranoportation. Neve the an abutidanee of light` to color • the greatest • influence, on keeping gnat - fruit, orchardists arei apt to cut too itY. handlers of apples sometimes freely when the ttees are young, not ,roll barrels of fruit. allowing them. realizing that as they get to bearing, to strike against other barrels. This ago the weight of fruit will . cause trough handl.i,7_ni maybruisethe fruit -. brancheseehould be cut Out 'AS, BOOn II e varieties are more caaUr as- discovered: Eve!31 brettech should iniuner hy-rougir handlingethan- aroe grow away from the centre of the others. Northern Spy in one firth* tree instead of toward it. -No two easiest to bruise, and. barrels ar tilitheWelfituatitetheteleibeemeteetoeeee_ oweveiweste against each other or to grew so ear1- onAltis account. 'Taman Stveet close as to do so when tending under, and Yellow Bellflower are very 0 a weleht of fruit.. Pruning eat/ never sitaie:e_.xttv_. ;to rough iltittuttnItiblieltiffiv' ts., eedoneehy_dtelif-g.7,te _ xoxo tiiiIrtiliiriftiViirg' the Sainte rferM, •,f3 . P es-shffohfmgrr-ftfto-storftge-afrso lir esW--------f.- It ie ii itrattor-forethee beet tte, specked. OtliefeCbdieves: that with , judgment of the fruitgrow-ir and de some varieties it new be well to al... ficiency can only come •through prae- low thefruit to he on straw on the tical experience and close studyj ground for two. or three weeks to secure higher eolor..It any disease - be present; the eboner fruit is put - into refrigeration the *better. • With varieties that ripen 'very ine• evenike-lik,e -MeIntosh, Oldephurg and Fall Pippin, it is probably hest to make tev, o or thre,e pickings, .so that fruit of fairly uniform ripeness • may be stored. II Is impOssible to give rr: Ptei 4444 " ts77, t ' J!' e- • .g`e, eeseefe'eeesese eese r p teens enable length. As, Merritt listened hiseyea....gleemK, and e-breadenin grin s read over his -face.• ire done a this:age -hee-fedini —Since had taken him up the police hod not beeneanythireg like to inquisitive, and hJ preezet poseeliat,..s.errititfuiflUt ereelateri gains. The -latter fact •Men- ,t kept to eauself. Oa the whale the prospect appealed to his imagination. Henson wouldn't Ilk° jt, /tut, thea Henson was not in a. position to say too eleuch. ' "I thought perhaM youcame as- • • " Chris suggested. She spoke slowly and thougtafully, with her eyes on the ground. 4'Say to.rnalit. - Wili yott coin" Merritt Oeetited extensively once .roore. The Weft or his diffing" to his own liar SOI1S0 of humor. Ile was itt hi otiese, *vino that Bell failed to recoge. le.„ -to eee=frit tegeogregetelepoi-irl-eds.„Te of 'tiff trout perfumer onser-re--vit10iT-1314` tnouth watered a,t, the thoug4a. feetta-ann neer)," be suggeetctd. '*There's ,anst....therea_pictures," • • "Nothinglifies ever been stoley from Latimer Castle,," Bell said, crisp 118 4. a 2 14 . LA- I fu 1..a. he spoke • of pictures. "Nothing •what ever," wielat, not lately?" Merritt askett "Dela hear tell of Ile ieumd,conscioua el saying too much. Bell shook his head again,. Aneuteereeneptizzled exproitideate. trept over Mr, Morritt*s engaging eountene erre. At the prweitt moment an art of-vrirerstoodHrt---, romne and here' was a party Lt - „the east, u er of. •er• 1Y. „._ . , "; love the pictures," she anld. laity the prints. IThat brandt, 'The Crimson Blind,' for in,- otance. X found a freah• light in IL this morning and *tiled Lord Litti- iner's attentibri to it before we start- ed. should loek that up if it were Mine." , Merritt.* Cittie fairly bulged as lie listeuod. no be not bait-suspoetod ' -z- 4-';. er setn-x-a, 0 Monit sham ed -in w ' e us co u i n b ‘ , V? we entered. The pawn- s r tS"r ticket wee* on the table and relatedabstraction viously suppreesiing a 'desire t - Lewes and ath libert . on e question. d scussed here. . pocko •: . oti diamotal-edgiette-pa.we'ed by ono' 'A groat IdecL•,is, farming in my touch his. forelock. Thero was a These ablest of experimenters, who AmmoomomAmom _.. IOW-, haVO Vpat.,,./...beir lives at suck work. it- A 4 1 t I V s :. G A I. is 414 EVIIV•E rotil.,TnY HOUSE ft, ng of the man with' pkit Messrs. Rut- What, another one?" Bell snit 0 pressed triumph in bis eyes, He had and in some cases m sy years a a • 0 o can we make our peultry ,..., Ver teial.teo., 1,11F-IligtreStreete-That "Itt-itetbe-ale-of_the . A a ...4. .., ... ..;.. , .., .., f • qatre.426iertni -•'014,;"•9•".'r."44rrd in ithelf is an exceodinly Valuable Really, there is a brilliancy about scut. but despite" these improvements, sults as authoritative as any knoSee house warm et low cost? We huilt• elisreericeer and one wei cab afford to you that is striking." . the la new house last year, but the fowl* ond -despite his clerical garb, he WAS investigations. They ' find that t-_ee.,4.,eee3,--ehe„..7.eeeea,_ ,_ete.47e,tAmeeet0_eratele,,,ft eltt,meje‘:_egedeeleg 4,5_,Ipouods i freeze and -do not laY. The house is ' •keepetess- ourselves -for sthee-preSen . a• gbetlee-She-was -full-of - oie At t it same Mae I, shouid very Toy of life to-dity.. meet in it dark lane after sunset. lifeeof 50 by 15 - feet and faces the ne.ekly, yields 1.18 pounds , th much like to knoer•whate.Rutte.r and ie _0 -freedom," she said ulf Chris, however, showed nothing- of:trogeneus substanceor e, A not ina.11,0 any scratching- e Co. aro like:, bet me go .down to Zfou °WY 'mew what it ig to feel free' this le her greeting. Long Were! free 01 waterwhile the dairy cow as we. did not think it was n ecea the shop and znako Bonin .clopi!,p,ur- after the dull. uphing, mortottkiolis- -14Ittirner Castle was reached ahe had in the same time .yielding 1:0 quarts sarl•-• ' elitist." misery of the last few _years. To bee eneeeeded_ lo putting. Merritt_ gone of milk dailyreturns in.this milk The best way to Wake it poultry Rutter and CO. proved to be a constantly cm the trecedmill, to be at his easefie talked ot himself 6.6- pounde of nitrogenous substance. house warm iS to paper it with ter,. very high-class shop indeed 0 --, I - the gre-8P °f 4 Pl.tiless acmindreld aod his Past exPleits, he boasted 01" or SIX times as much. Again, the at red paper or some other heavy .and . - . a iteevesiotestieeseunnengeteesesonly-exoweeareckl.s.00keseeomeaveee-poundeeseemielerae, durable paperek‘owls wilt xiot freeze there wet* a pawnbrokkng branoll of atelY, with a longing to be dottig again that. he pulled' Wiesen up-and'n at the zero temp the business. The -plac'o was quite something. and gradually you give, piously referred to the pew life that 1.35 matter while the cew would secrete In a house eveture, provided the wind' is kept be was, now loading. Bali was st -' w ' ' pounds over slat times as much.. out. We would advise our eorre- etvorthy-01.--IktruleStreet, the, eteek way to despair. Awl noiv the weight _.. e . t 0 . was Wiliest and todAtantial. tho is dirine-ritliaoTara Wee, :t1 tagAtivn carefully- te reed the o pen ent teephonte te y: paper "fils . tante quite above provincial to act. Fancy the reward of finding mind like an open. book, When the fat, end the cow gives 6.43 pounds ier h "milkabout tw thi d house. and Also place abundant stranr ales. As Dell was turning over: 4eginakt -ftenson-ontr` . . gonetto -finally ,_x•fil__L____110 „b ore 0 over. oftso, 4y in. the house for the fowl* to scratch- -• } 1 n . o- r s as cereelitides-Vii , 4 4 ' ' Henson is the blight tle • I ettimer strolled up an - . ".1111.40 ,. them warm. We ettoecases' and. the like. She- ltiehed 1 cartnot ten you. It is a epee unds-of runic ',tug the sox has id al t Red i ' ing a case of silver and gold cigar- %Won iyour house. In what wasr?" stood there regarding Merritt qniet- resume oer correspotulea ha is - • ,crele„&qoal to teed ca tee steer. fetint.;eqe Wry:al:Int -roosts' on _the stair orders. dad•the ri op fo'biiniewg-o-s-Th-E-1 this t au /rsotoeclitsv _ • Ire ' ,,, . .ereethosseeee*-.thatehava, ce -At-the :-.mentio le flf_. et ong ourselves, But be hes .1-hii* '15111447 1.-.**. 417r44144 :41"17 . goiug to bring to dinner?" he' said. ___. , . e h ineas-shesdreppett.... a with ' Power ovs—T—r sai7,-fiFliwylirighted-tdt: griiiiry7-"r-hereeseeeeerfeltitirellefore in r--...,4,, that 1,'-`3Th,„. ,i an tit- - ",--ar treethesseroef anti--thee- ,et-W-IIves; nut Irtleterihrget1101d-ilfe—ebinpirtiert-RVAUld:r— ---"-----,; 's • emost-elentigartle-Itterelraftwe'-- Th • little moue of surprise. .. fate the cow equals the star. and roosts should be plated ott it level, eeteectiFeliteereteeinol-.- ill prevent the fowls froft ere._ wding_... 4 .. 3/1_ GO AIM pitAKE. Vigo, on the west daast. 07 Spain, s- a rort.. which 'figures prominently ritainei-bu the present le the first tixne that we have settled our quarrel* there by emlerence and protocol instead of bit the gun cutlass._ Ottr Elizabethan eroes were welt .sicinutintel-With the bsy dui port, Ahem they frequentlY ' called, if not, perbalis, for the pur- - elerMeir-eittigee'eltr-4589-----------Drakt4lese hearing that the,Sportish Plate gene- na_hadearrhsetietheres Sailed into _the P ; • "It 'Oaks as if it heel been (used." of a certain thing the power would I also-- -------------- be-broken.-aliat---le,---*Itst:-X OP1.- a. C,seeeehe,eeoee • - In/ mineral--and-thee_valnable_,..nitre the price is low. But tile gefiLlere. hat .the new idea &one to me." piloted the strarge guest to the lib-; -tols oefog toe case. Ure70.all'iltire atter ft glance. Merritt gritmod in friendly gem)" f°°tIs exceet 'It is net aebsolutely 'new madam, ter, • what I on -working for. •Aed yeinteleltea-feweelay,e„„Abeeiet elector esPelfe•4041,11,reletettel ..wayegi..,mes. ,__ _ ,-_,-,0,,,,, tix„irk,c.cicirk.. withemit endeavitzratedene who stold.it to useproved-thatim I riaha that dairyin is necessarily had ordered him not to Smoke n u turee and so—" , Chris turned away to something else, DOI copplotog his Parebase, mut togel,litite they left the shop. Once outiklet 'cluis gripped her compen- Tafel arm eVeltedly. - ' -.' •• - - - "Another great discovery," fehe w. 3*. - 1 t I ree --"eale-trigt141--gi-V-0-4Xte SMYIP id.a. „rel./011 reeked. friend,- lewent himete-imagine, that ata 'much of tot eeventuress as he Is sto edventurer: I Want to let birri Ace. that_ Leonid Pend hint ,prison " itt '4 UUIVrO reached th0 flea .eiho 'former, polish-0112°re profitable than the raising of -ex-ogless-wol-regerded C is:‘cattle. for this depends , upon the 're- eriticaliy . -tllitivir"'ddtnitritt-qfor-tkef--nm "My deer young lady.v. be saidiiproducts. Peoples' tastes do not al - smoothly. ' originality is it passion:ways demand the food that ie the wive me, eccentricity draws Ins as 'cheapest. Beef will be bought even magnet; but as yet I have refrained 'though the same ansibunt- of nutri- entecanebe: purelasedlo dairy_ pro- ducts for ontelhIrd Alm 00st. This, however, le true, tha as the pope - "SO tAtr tr-tontrief the• Police dram eating elteretreto-tteldete of the toss of Of your. altar." tieketeof-leave Men.- Your friend hes - "And getti arrested, and yeerneritrvettelsAeee upon his face," a 71-&---Txtreirliregredird1Weell is 'admitted cheerfully. (To .betereentinetede), t 1 tro V. _ that cigar-crtso-* gun -m diamonds? You reeo lect that Ruth teem 1,-t-tit"----1111Ete•41-• arteicielislentee thought of iti connectioii- with . teete-- The -case- IttieX 4-littletearrow- plowed wrath with the heed of the arrow, formed of the 'biggeat dia- mond. ', Vnid told sne all this the *eight'before tett Losiqxleasi Grange. Or. Bell, I ant absolutely certain that have had itt my hold just now the vet's- ease bought by Ruth from LoCkhartea in 'Brighton!" ap at Any, Price Benefit • itt 11 Y-1,44 ate thee ieiIthy on afford' to bit 1113. ley alone tan beat the expense o •tent, issttentlasiee by doctors, and t-ditIed nurses, tithe it your capital, and, r your daily task In the. d tissuo i iieiflg added to the dy. Met, Leonard Miller, Catiliont). ditohod Co.; Ont.* 1vrites7-, •Cluise's 'Nerve Pried and Xidn rdver Vils did wonders„ tbr me. as Oily seemed etctiv initel to tn u of him? o. no. The thi --vague-iii-my_mind 411•1440-Wovit-tt-Dtt-t- story; fis -Tifivid' Steel, would wWk It out, Inc ittstaiice. Ah!" Chris elepped her hands rapturous- ly, end a little cry -of delight esca ed her. "The very thirrg," she exclaimed: "If I 'could lay•-tsit the -farts •before4 Mr. Steel and get him to plan out all the details! Ills fertile 111111011a - I would Gee a'' way out at once he Is far away a4 -there. no le to be tost. Is there no way ettlng t him?". t • V' resort to producing those ' hinds o okfrOni which *nourishnlent, „ .son 4,........440Asopotrtioally. Actor( .7$.0.-..t--twon„ _ g y we fitui - dairYingesiiiipieeitlile itte-or the batteries. ii7men eveitit-e; the raising of beef iktitese localities 20 000 inert attacked at, once and lo'• where the population is more sdense. „two , hours ilestroyetl and captured- - As to return i for feed cOnSumed toe combined gefq of Ilrant,0 a•ti fa each ease, the Ohio station finds '.Spein, thus setting, an example whiele t in 'enable the averagettv'erage ' te4k••of the trewaire was [aid to Itale tlir°G ' Nelson was to . imitate later on. that the feed' width will add weight to the dairY'•'-beert thrown Into the sea, nt tt • fat. Taldfig this am it '43-51':;. ,ietch ',mete .igaitt •atttiaed , by Lord. Col one -can figure- out for ._ w to !trotter.° one pound 01 17;:tirt,olter:.rinen:nin,....,,i..nuti 1 to he eistovered. The ri ftee eleiiiet des r 'ti:it current prices received, .for the e ..,. ,s( oduets, and not forgetting the.; • . e.!IT) insAtip 01---sialifieuetweetiteeetteieere5leleee „ -,--------fr----- • s the most profitir.le for his' parti- , iatena s Itibte from it r(eeflt. itiection was Ifull. sttiug, and on' pf Vie eandidate,l- for 'a. eertuln •tliVisiort 07e5. holding' '1, forth . as, to. *hat -his.' eistircti OT . at, va- ' tios. %valid ibe in •the„ event elf big 1t1C , icing elettell.. Ow.t t f 'hie f neation- to her •coinfoariott. he made protty picture with (bit old,' oak eu- gnavings behind herilkir smile 1.1hi� iwiped hitittial to, asparagus., "Why not adopt the eeme method I y tvbicii you 'originally ,introduced Ourself to tbo(UAW tiialzed iuwitt tst" he a if n .er's teiepl Chris pty•lized 1 e .1111,..te away im tnousig. "X amoo excited to. eat - n il snore," she; tt'. "X um 11110d witi the new idea.' Of came,7' eould the telephone to speak. to 'gr. Stte1 1 to ,Endid Well. If t1*is.1101-1 rkg out Og1 antielp*to h a tood•rnedicint for the, baby that is thin and not 'well nourished and fir the: cuiar • Itf:liVilktO ny conditions. 'aside- from thara.ettristies influence le baby. IVO It is equally,goqd for the y or ni who is thinnd k and no 'well v .44 • t. n. *ttt ',r;ou to8* iiti-e 81: t P' bour ‘of itt sotriebod , tyaig, Mi ;t , ..4ireande7.. SI • t V .6 ich at „the orchard, .0dotibt, wbether it be sod or cultitiatetil .ryou, ye leek into thfvg9 ly Oil 'latter part•of it, pretense or i"7.row,, would e'en 7 ha toe4istrialigr0 eather ot growing season, 'esi,,,eciel-iitletroneltief,",' commented abisenee of fungi, degree 01 colors.- enough to go down into the seict-Ts -tion . Of frnite a1ic ripenos, 'inanner 'tend. eee the disgeaceful.,state littsrodiv, knindeoof ssatolirdefe, Arc!. or was• ,the . replY. aVelly SOU ripen to . the bottom color thr.t dp not koo, in wehI ApP hiaher to/ „ b factor, pr tot di , 0 audienSe. You ted in that -when the *, , n is 1 s• i, ous dleeas10fst 0 ' is ;, 't pay, rfed ' it 1,,* . 0 • • dieter** '