Exeter Advocate., 1905-01-05, Page 4nin ng o t e term 3 work of,the Model School, �bow*d excellent win* 0» tbe of both . stud nts and le cher*, "3eate e1dsti II, of tido villoge.. uive been residing in Ailaa Cra g f bepat year ermotee-haVa reniovell o 9 v•Vil , We Wele9t4,0 them. to 'our midst, ardine, of the •Metthen BanL *Nimble has:beue ,k not oft:0i* that ministers of th lel** out on pOlitieel questions. me ministers in Ontario have en within, the jest, Arse dgy.s. Rev. closAelg,' lo a half -Page letterto pre, hztu declared that Premierby hi , lure. to ,'hie -, ' tem pledges;004 by bia.acceptunee , Ort, •Wtt'E)gn, itrat burgh than tha preen nal Knot vas seeurety 'ThouJas, ofLuca% by only. the neiu'etx contracting partie,s. lations the crnnpany pi ,ty vast.. , The gifts and yeti pretty. Naughton left. • on tlu for their future Irome atuiable brlde wit4 vez V': earn of' h HodginsS. enuin noon, t presenttesidence and i t of dinner itnivea, and„ fork8rto Mr liodglnaztgod.e.,; •tsPitarto.,and to Mi. 4nd Mt8. flotlgins :and family ren To :thief, fine tarnilylee Olttelld a pond int. Imiettonle,.- •-th--fo1IrwIng meerswpre ete404: Hon. 1,1'ro*.1 A. on,lifice4.pros, ri**;0`411ItifFii*;•Vice PLeH., Jas onne1ty Sec' .,'Clamn • departure. ave moved eve ot their of their at their Bodgius e e byst known and her :many , friCndbjoiu itt withing kt:r.f.p1,C,411 • ozthy-11;';happiuei and -PO* • -Iiini-reses: ed tbrough These Mr.Roftleyc,: thewove veotomk. sa foviftt-P, ttr t1 at 11 cris hief t he —G)-5-spel responjbIe ought in Atter coolo a. Of I»'t1tte speakeri as well as local of, Cers itt difteient parte of the Pro. . vince, ‘the Superintendent hes decided to hold ittntinkai Iho s op' a ,olTicers, and' a'gr _suited t aka, (-1 ,!ellrLeAlooresiot ird to put in newim ter and xpect& to d-! 1).usiness next. _seams sent the very inc well sathified0 be *nni meeting in S.S. tiong_was electe trostee, in .No. 14, John Nicliels,, and in IT.S.:S* Zsr.o. 18, 'C. II, 'Wilson wairre.elee, ftartle and brother, flenry, s ntlizzAhl;' ria visitto-friend IrettAr-miiWITrWifield. rthur Ittareturned teModerich, After n ing the hididars here witkbhrt*other, . re, Graham). of 'Brans ton, e owe o • er aunt, Malcolm S. Aitkenheiiii. left 11on- day for Obievale, where he has ae. iited the principalship of the public school there.-Aliss 1,44tie Grassick left Saturday for Dundalk, Where she has secured * erhool.r. and Ott, jail100 fitivotatra. Or Chicago, ate on it r ery tom Nit t ante at and tile snoceas Meetings, IVO announce Jeen nut e -for January, lists had been tt.ii tit Vets bas 'qi rnadc, and tbe same ub- aiittetl to'the secrete ri th various ridings. .The revised,' will -be an. flounced in PieutY;- of Owe .to allow local secretaries to do the necessary advertising -before- thedaleof the t meetin s. The re tiler u i orgiuri 1 be - 'held its all the ,ohler 'section* of. tbe Province,',Ifut in the northern -district* St. -Joseph's Island, .gast And West altlitotliim onxiik:1110hving,Ais outi rsakok0 ,arranemento . will be. made to hold -wettings ot lune, not. July or the fiThrnnthe. t the holidaVe • kens. helr customers for, the d oods decoration o Sutton :itt sehoo/is* teera guests o after isnd Mrs. W.T.Viensi andfiwily pend the the e Year's holidays, at, the howe, ofl Mrs, rims* fiAlter...lerriltropber, Ws:01)11w. December seems to be _ ee-Vera hive takettplice In muoity during air WOotb. Th41 we retord the nzarz'hge• of anttbex our popular 7uung ladies in the per -141w-Artioni and ws, the happy bride of Mr. John Hay: IL progierottOuig frnier of 1 townbip. The interesting eeretnt .3vp hii ;ivy 0- itearly4t-yeo-of ,a sairitiesztal is on hothisideS and tbe dc if Bt-Urnlifitlit,JVIZO Wsrfiry ofthe atlaekiiig and defend. ,-fOrces is well known, - Probably e was so strongly fortified, _stilt' 411iny hni, that of Japan _ _ artielei of capft.nIn. Al has been made. *oldie --marine* son And prisoners;, all tor le, munitions, eta,* Ara to th Japanese in, the bleb tbey. existed -at _ LnnuHrnent of the iie Jatiatiese -arm reeaetkn vat •a**thds-itieen 114, or, mil Id the .Inumlvtli af 01 ltieT'etillitiet." of bIrratoa and occikk t*Wt lit tbe paieut .arritrigeMeritefar tis • 0111cere of the arm milted to -retain the' Biddit ihotomititfutp., teittlit t,wisleitetittig,, was icradit_reinembotber itcho1ara,..whor1-i-e41 her wit , beautifol• geld ring, *gold _brooch. A -th...telitine *Tat necklace. The •gifts w00,ae.POM tiled by ark,ittlaretb& .*i,rwas Wean* $01Itrieeti -IOW it waa it4 much emotion that be made, reply. •She is an etltelent teach and f belo*ed by her seholara left on Toesday for Worth ere Ale, Cots has accept- Ptikitie,' le here*fl tWiliit#.-4Alr, -Walkerand bride have returned WIC/N�0, Pretty wedding. was 414.q_ linnae_or._Mr.„Land n y Annie; *** united in inarriage to Mr. , Thigh, Aikenhead. At. the 'hour of •12 04410e1Prii40.0 and -1» the preeisee of a uninerons coluiRany of friends and neighbors, the ha py eon letookttlicir ‘,0*- perfornl • under the guidance of- Ihe* 11, Sowers,. whose .roost, appropriate words but added grace and lustre to the nurtisge vow, The. 'itie400ked-ellunitng initerbeatitlfol, attire..,,ligrotn tier many genuine goali- .tiesof heifil. and hetirt,,, she .l*nei 4 Vri- era' favoritelts theveighliorbo4 an although her presence from our 'midst wifl be dee 1- rated vet ' _ _ the ,. e young u le Are..lie , , our-wis are, the Ith,,,: prosperity, .a.nil • a high degree.' of earthlr happiness .nart leriscl,ttlbtirs.... nist.,hriteir • - was so earn at t e rest - (Wee of., Atrii. Wolfe, on when lieregratuldaiighoter• Alms Lilly M. Taylor, was united „marriage to Snyder, of trita.v_illaite, J. "(k eratied Ibe onotial. Tbe ide;„who ***given awarby net hrotber0 Leviria Taylor. of London, was attired In it blue ..broadcloth Virritici• * pretty. b0uqnetnfwhj C.arnatiOna, Atter the eettiniony, the griesite tat tInviess to stimptuont The preeettt.ii were _ uti u cres. tent satwithireal &eel,- The bridal ity t, n --the onti,-#4144-, _-poiriter-eastti---after 1-.1filLhet,_*.Mions*--to- Brucefield.„. A. pretty wedding tOok lstuiui Eve. at ' the honie of in.ily*Inpi tsetobit, in iceofafew relatives. The ig Uesbeing Ir. Ernest 01 till*. place _ena 'e Me% Atha_ tithit the ar tdi setiteUrs ArY. ()riot sd -tied. of thise ezna etrit t; is Tittli onto; ieb..ptchert,Detroitt BrI Fr riXerlin; Chris Weser, Ren- tal* Alois 4ettletnlithwbo 'bite .epent be past OW _oaths at her home .her • '40..,.4). ,q . ativeS here. - Mr, Uneven, .4010000M Dakota,, after an abeenee, Of several” menthit...440:gust itoeh.Wite and family* of Elkton* -Mich., are bore Ou a lr,ttBjt*.'".1. Q. Xi:414/10.100ti is now comfOrtablyeettied 1» hI commodious re*Idenee4.4ienrt Geiger, of Pembina .w4n.b•ofteen,atoent. ten *arra.; le vislting attbe:boino.of 1118 Parent4 Mr. and Abe. 4101 John Pre - Mit the Invkile, She* rat t1*elinv$01 the, .best bre:44;70d can secure....give it to ail RHuebo4; byfollowing the Iaccpt ta;other. t*ste2ess aim- . Vt4onsi Yams o., Mmirazter,, X oa the in ern Sour. Send for the iecipea. Send•now. Don't .wait tjl to -morrow„ We send thew' free.. ,t1 accbtniz- tion for School Trustee8 on Monday, It is with regret that °announce the departureof thof -ger*, Foither-il"onaili from thi parish. The Rev. Father left of ithode, 4%1' t"":44411n141X-frin-0-tro uties of St. Boniftwi Catholic chore)) for more than it year. Re made tuntAX friends- whir .eizere•and.M4VOinuch 0440effeeted,by-blir-congregatiour Veil* - WitiV'MCOtitir vtil-Otaitif SC- Vathet1r0.--Londovbj131$11op- has- n appointed to Si, ()ones,. re. lobo En:land n r: herecrw tearsti y un erwerit n. ser- - eeiln ton, Is rapiditrecovering and will re- turu lioine shOrtly, : • Wonnpn.- A wedding took place In Mindon on Vedncsday, Dee. 24t1i, when, Mr, t nanalth, with A. Charlesworth Son. WSW' unitea1»_ marriage, to an e8timftble . *AM *S. W, Stoneman. The oer • erforneed by the.„Xley„ the village, and. are receiving the heartiest congratulations • fronuheir 11rt-I001-44. Arofir czbeIt)ins wishing them, a happy married life. • it 77- • - The foUoingpent the 1i1idae, here with Irlendis Mao Batt, Torten. lot Mr, and -Mrs. Moorehouse and Woe Cooke,- Grace Davidson, Toronto,Alits Alice - Petty, TarrintoiThisti.; Bodeen), Mar- ette, Mite Mettle Ellis* Har - mw; _Arthur McAllister, gin biirnt ,A. , Chesney, Toronto; 'Jno., Ni7rela and ArriTi14 lioArthor- and sisters. Carrie -• and Alma, tiToronto; Hugh tinehithan, Mrs, Col. -4.)ert.-Of-Bgtriondville;TT.-la.Meliitre" Alvinston; John lilawen; , Tfz.iroeto; Thos: gut, the Wes , on a vie, ve e *nos and refr AesfteOo1w1fl is home njf abeettee of three 41) 0 itt Otre,On IV vs t tO friends in , town -fl. Arnold spent a' few Ansa Craig duringth. Lew -Air -3 Sett lery and wife' spent • the holidays' in and Mr*. -,Tehn, Mc- Artbur 1» Wirdwreb and List -o. wel for the holidays. -Mr. and Mrs. McHenry are here from Portage Ia Prititil60,-- Will -Tapp. 01,171itten*_-X044 is on a. visit to friends beret after' an absence ot twenty-six yeatti.-B. Ran J.,_,Estftnyitnd /oho Coulter will be ongrittbe echtobouttritetee f_oexter this trnaed to Bbtlr was iniftedr/iriiiiire tie o to:Duncan #tetaareri lehi. ting resided -with - Itwisitter, 1104,1"Annth04 vnung ladies has left our village for itich4Lwisire, elle is now 'home Of her own. We refer o ivzi Stoneman, daughter 'ot, Mr. W. Stoneman, who on Viredneeday. Dee. 24th was united In maikrisge to Mr. Thos. Ictityt Onoinith of Zuticb, Tbe hippy eventtook pittee nt TMn,cIon. the ceremony being pet0i-inedlieltev0 W.1. am** As they Inurriev brongh lIfff may hsjipinese and pros acs to*93" so IV 'vet y '' pretty edding took plaen Wednesday at high 'noon. at. t ta*.of Mr, arid Vat. Wm,i'Vhspintin, sr.", .. when' their daughter. MIs.Pittberine. wee united triage- Irtriiiitd-MiiielCiti of -)iU irn DOMINION' tl ____....-.....ali ..., On/6g Mt, 14,m, to .. lit. GONEWit ANKINGJOVSIIIIISS TRANSACTED. ""irrtner*s Sae Notes'ensited or collected, Forms supplied on application. DEA PTS on all points in, tbe Dominion, Great Britain and 'United States bought and sold at lowest rates. of Exchange. -47ADVANORS mode to IP raters, Stock Dealers and Business Meti at Iowest ratesand or inotit fay treble terois. IN t.* • owardg received. Inc d added to principal 9 :0 HS 141:17,0\ • Ste .waa•.***1314004 at how' Ilse' sorra -keside4,--,e1 tholt rOar Novi' Alathod Treatment for A istiOutAi blood alaeasa with winloh,_ -1=0-tea- fbr- year. bad conzutted fir,seors. of VIP. .idolani. -taken atrixsizt,Is of blood • medicine, v.i*IttNi,\,._•pit -.sPrlogs• and ottace ,.nkinerai WAtar aorta!, tut only. ea' tezaprary relict. • They, - oraach„ •0 c. el 11*Olt Yell, ** tytad tare I of aairsiwnwar dicteereito4s*Avairs atm 40 110r., but took his aiivice, in thr -weeks.tsme_thot iorols sYtti rater any Person to Ina :_prurar , . -kontrifitfa Off' e* tidnir can recommend- /our:treatment, s on my 1.*6311. Tett tail, seas* *Inca Ity to', .thre 3rears.old, ig ,sound and heolithy._ I, ter-, ritom had dhirippetred X was.cared / yet,ra.asgo and no show .onany ..„ „ :caw use.. this teettinotrisl. lanOr; irsirr-ceeefe. - tiiiiiiier. *Het riva-ealLe-e-m0' - Ant lou ulunrilearrii n:„..:lattder *ad 1041*er OQMOI*Int* of 11 vit treitt--1i • **A Ski* Men irOtriett, rename= for four .montlan and at tbe end of that titne ttry IIIJtULU reasio:ittitirra:rtri":'Ntew%wit Chant** rFliterritc!liw14 irt74.417coritiintzghtturltdeo sieuirtk.rf:GiTionys;rgrel.ari 1ttrateo Fr . 2n IL ilti4100 of um. ottiat4 noo.k. Gra_ *Ulm Nritti tan trigkted OW Ks ogdft* Mori Qof, 14 TbC MDrvocattis will 14 tutht , Hosing papers at the rice set positet Advocate and Malt • d forme arid Mite, 4.. .4.. Ana °Vratte &orate Mid, rm. Adirootte And omv Advocate and Mtn AdvoCate W''ektv San • Adirocate* =mate:811d Daily IS Adsrt it* tar, Toren ' Suhseriplitin or all foreign paters taken at' this. orrift! At tot/N(14 t -Ate*..,.., 1 iVe spet,billy recommend our readers to eobsetihe to thri,rattners AdVocitte -