Exeter Times., 1909-12-09, Page 3A! oallesrls„ a sIi r the hall, arid Alice w(,‘ *le hat place for tha (mid putOUt ii he east observ-dk, her eye fefl upo 1 cape, and sue ehuekled to herself. Back into the room they flocked, and at Orteet began a search for the ,roispladed elijeet. "Is it in plain Sight I" asked Nor- Autivs be y ,-.1v,oman„,,Abau.t n. this time received a pamphlet tel- "Ihisle'of it -,!..1141sW red re ii me • 1 h ::10W liert ,Coates lineOmekag0 ver aneentle _ ied by an LCC the 8ervies of tt,tne, cjc 7iakehatin$ le. ,i);t, ' an at twelve, Will keep a heating -pad hot fo wo hours. Will **orate*an electric griddl er eight minutes. Will: run the erectrie 'broiler fo SjXklUrptk VS. 0c1.. ,flrnutot 0 iva ffect �t the frst bo St 01300 . •ope .4 . ontinuin uit, rnan. All my paine andIs .are without 1 to do gene and my work Mr, Cr . one of-thowiand iFhona Dodd'a Kidney ‘Pilts havc ' stred of Rheumitisra,,Seiatiea-'and, , , - t1tntn are ",attaehx t 4r ards Traders Bank of Canada ps the fr institutsoli thi new Method,. Their stew* y years, eonnected the Bank a a Branch Manager who is .ppltofe$sed of exceptional; ty end experience. 'Willis's, duties. AS are to act for the J3nnIxt4 rec ors in the. way of ov'etc-; ;12114_712,7nr-tpx41,0ttewort"wevittlittruc, F 4/4011111-, 141Q14 Ar". lfr4/4 itt PIS 31E4 t.was ,CTRtQ 00 r,y• ismer WUt r OW* VAklufi ,bk" bit n ta,d*r brink* mini 0 KindIy Ion th� nme o aper Ia King' to . w 4 be diso ered af omew ,tronger or bi.g quetie Nor- petite much better.. Ds l'-' te:tair-L:41-n;Ition, 0 -, Viiale.44 .Ae4; - . , ..„..- AP.- % , . I ,, O • - , seeni Lio needmOro.. I'VaS ab -le to walk 'o .1 le open .' Zeit," plied Aunt Ruth. air. I kept on with: the. Pills, 40 ' 'Well, then- " answered Alissa, "I after using six *boxes WATS delighte 4--eall, -iepretty big'. .--When-i, tofindthat-I_ couldagain.attend- to. wanw.Lwas larger.shan_its,oson, .rots household affairs. I- took --two- er " , 'Mere boxes of the Pills, and felt. "Wit in the. ria*Atw. it -14.1','-' ttast--14 -ri-Us as welt AS ever .1 had /- '- , . been, and Imal to any -kind of exia .--0, -.--Norton, Von. I ..`-liave sintii redonarictiutt . . Itoup *nd d4nin in': * * ' ..i.n.k._ ,ffPi o friends , (litre , *,eried i'den : *Williams' "n ills' are sold :. "1 t,1d , 1b all dealers or wit' "1,1 .the fleXt, errt by* mail at 0 cents 4 ttOX, 4:r . sk her over. 0 iiit six -boxes for, --$2.5O by T1104 - Dr. 1,,? ..... nst #Tr- Un- T:71,-Stou si-alt-liTar-7113aiiie t---lifeilicin- - o-..-,-;:*-13rt--s-el„1.,s.s. , o "Cfry to find ib,! ---and 111 Ont. .' ' and get her. Where's ' 1.*thought I lefrit rght . * . T ,eodelt.' I'm ,surfa . arry' it up -stairs. Do .you '0111* Txo Coantries, fit the World is, i1.. Ace?, . , _ ..,. ylliPb CoisSuuld$ Ater • ° , "1'Il get yeii iny --j'aseket,41 , ,she it has been Supposed that th nswere "ieely. 'nglish nation drank more tea than' "Oh, I* have a big guets 'that's - , y *other but fecent staisties 4..ow • he has hidden 1--l' tried Carl, ' - __ Th - ,,ri, that- the , average .-_-..r.ssnssi ptien-. A tir r lal' IrVi. bk-tIt° ia,c9tLIS:Austrel,ia is 7.4_ pounds a Pqrson ' 0 s CO.- COut0 Olt aila lett't-unala year, 'NAB°. in 13ngliiitalt-i's on . Clcmentino calf wait for the r tra, ounds. ext to England conies next- gain A golf eaPo ea/1.1A be *in -etoztada, with4 pounds. Then It..box.P .• !there is itt reniarkable-gaisi as Rols e liedyr .4 the next -country ors . the lis - rrat**‘4 I heat an eleetrio' curling iron nee a day for two weeks. Will pinup 260 gallons of valor AT. foot III h.. 'Will keep a -big glue pot hot for an hour. Will drive the ele biJc shearing,-,-oneshore ill raiic°ten tons t the*fl -be caim1y inue have ahc,i-contended' that opponent's ginuents .were unsound." - the crowd rogited,---an. wisits711e Tenger molest Afony:inheilt Weak' Wags, and.a ate usually assailsibe TEktL °in perSonvare s .8ank in the in ;t few yec .Firtfai n U)(lrCd, 1 I}are1]o1dPrs andman The Traders Bank hv now 1 Dranches in Canada, mainly in 4. reported thatthey are shortly,- to open, in,l,tontre.ai-antt -axt‘inft4li`ei operittons to the East. 4,0 onik, 'wing tbt "That's , all fetter rePliea O rd at all Tatum rattn. "I was iusttying 61 Oaf 'mutes of t revs WOr *mind smstatte Co, urs -hits b customers. tits h thst&tMI , %%mint 1.1"4Ur lrthe'attentiOn of our tea tilkertiseraetit/of Gunn • - elsooliere-ii -thia:'*iiope .**01.t"heive-Anr pou1try---t07pla&ST-ou the market -during th.ijiltelitl take their A ron a7large. pats -age vator 'five storeys St minntc Wilrbrandejtri�auy 140baz IA Break Up' 4.'00d in Twenty- four Minn And .0#.0,.4-ny Cough That isc CferAble.; The ronolving torture is often Preseribed ait# ia ,highiy. recorn- ncnded for toughs, colds and other throat and bronchial trouble: Mix two , -,princes of - (311Yeeritter ar hair 'unec- f -Virgin 011 of Pint.:eonts- pound. pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky'. °Thee can be bought in any good drug, store ,and easily 1,,11....0 • I t .de r4rigem ent from exposure or abriipt atmospheric ,chanes Bickie's,Srtip z5 theap and gOo0 , RIS C4PicE O1 RMS. agistrate—"You are ;teemed o being drunk and disorderly. Are you guilty or net guilty I" nsoner— 111 p e gui ty, your honor, if you'll *send mc. up for ten clay.'-' k-- - - Magistratess.-!_clVb3r. do you Tian to be sent up for terdiger prisoness--"My wife is eleanin heuse," 1 1...6 eiether 61 11 large:bottle A)1,V (1, Witell ro 0, it ogfc -but or, poultry or divose of at any time, as they are known to*be a very reliable house. .nr Xot , istOttfr Ftvn 4lollarn nil cents'. dereslt. . „A, Requisite for the Rancher,. -- the cattle ranges of the WeSt, :fit:7 -41‘", tthre`Cm.t111:111C't echitsvherOeraenteaelillndoaffOnfifillyt-t:rettrSeutlyta:1-1: fTirh6onls' ep.-inUing,TidroOrlitfittcetZbfltliki.trrer °I*Te41., eZeijoettiritile,,Oritil 1..5. a r!_s kept on nuosi tame 4 dtk (mm14,001440. ' w . me 720, sviudisr„ mils send free to any „ „, motive bsr socvessfut home "treattnent, ' but llOrSe .1.40 02440 vial full instructinus, ..Send no toOlter, ettle of surpassing merit. A, hone but write her to,tlay if your elii:dren4 and outtlo rancher wiUfnd Matter* troultlf 300.4inshis way._ flonl blattne-the--g.-weat/y-isfin-rimoi by uthig- this Da, Thk .1410;, the chances Are it can't help it. trestrueurttlsticereS achilts and age4 .people trenbled with urine dillicnities by n. lkht. "How do you do, ear Faid 11 rrenclunan to an English acquaint. auee. "Rather poorly, thank .Oti ,answered,t other... - my ti e Int ars ws, • tiestori. Iluty tprceL 'your IssotWite.d. . :" thMl snit ex- lH4rge$; .in etairloto.„ t assnd.shitiping,tags .. OA, TORONTOr r-'1 Ale ' thought Agmais ekt*- blue eaught her eye. Shestep- pd 'nearer the bo(s4ca5e, and there, neatly ' -wedged between The ,voluntes ijiITiU every wnc w i� Roby's 'Own tahltts-are .Occasional -dotiregulatei the' . on Wel or i1iU1tj health if cknss concs unexpec COI10/1 =MMUS. Syrups --Pare and sliee fve to onions awl t4ok them in thesel erkae stroart through* thin cloth, squitoz. trst *11 he juice„ *4d a r - a . to int 1ttte "iTh V(U TZnU11 u , A doe for 14 st from four to t it Pa.:0 S%eyelikirs Id i s-teaspotnital ems sy, ,VrtYs tost boy31 u;intro.- to a tillespoonfuti 'Weill You 10 ThiS, remedy, sets on p towl$: ' X hAl'e I *,1uni. .0 ; it is rot I sold toss the eggs ''' . ism , 111 tell yoit in, fi. encesla Mrs. Wilson's husband wail Often' obliged to travel on business, an equou4r14-Ziaot TPA* hrno-o tr midnight. Hi wife had been u ty_ t these times; but a,* number bnrglaries in the'neighborh bat X ould not get ease w e 01Ivn'ivL ng d .. n s ar It re hi e. • *AU of all sirss: And so acute thit tire w*s no ea Afirs.-are v rts-- M2 hare O*tour per - n T JM M1r!2e cprjelit'tkfldrgit i83:r41-i Co tikOlnitftiOtt .Tro W 1 comante ri 6 .13 correct,. be s nou et; 'nhaythecIok kfast, **, ehfldrcn is nothinIx ' • flees..fis Inc 1*ontetalj -would not be awakened, Wherihe ber voice, bigh auttifisain ' 'floret know whetbcr yoii .are niy husband or a burglar,' tame JA. en t fafl rim zny own e ienee I can recommend.thera to 1 mothers." Sold by 41 medicine *iers or by mail at 2$ etntne ig riont---The:TWAVilatitntretit Co., Brockville, Ont. -• ,but 1 tIthk that it ss „iw1s .tinst;'-' . ht b.init't ' ' ir:keep. and 'he it ypit are, lienr on ' out 4if flie'-iistf • • .......460,44; If your rhildrers resttess-slurmg sleep, -eo *Wake, with a iost of appeti eountenance, picking of the to.t4ou,4411.2da ;the primary essuse •ro useIe tox and began u Without 010 eentir1y, and 1 trust my e 1,iente- ing otlfer -rt,tolate"rsisitSh-vil 81 r herbal balm." - - - ornis,• 0, er Uraes "o minator eetts11y *r pests, at °nee relieri sufferers.• tit -en vou 4 wben tn,jt-ninachui,* On:th reiurti" f the If *Rowe s nfrv- • 1 Ay* it dang'rou nihnerit, e. 0 flrst cc.nidratinn to re the toma-c'h to proper etiont and there is no restlicr reni- dy for this than Parmelee fltfl- IIC of these pills in erv'u disorders, ' Otttr6a1 ----- o.c ork '3rd, pauedSudbury, Ont., 430 teliehoNov.' nal. When ill be teach 'Vancouver? 133 prizes- uffered nearit_guenra. Contzt tee4 r te gue n postsl earcl and reeeive prize' .11St. Address AVALPOLV, 11.0111,Eit CO., LTD., lJin*. B.4 Moitxeii1.----. -- asylunt f�r treatment. oing to rnarry a roan thirty older thstt " Judie , Why,, arry Old As not mesid11 - in Autioulk-gother hotel t lab *have*ao fl'any ben e after added,. A 1?ATAt OV iefta1 fed r upp leinei kund tbst, n�t n the 8toma11 but ed -that iIh1Z eat the quiP'Pr k .0100001