Exeter Times., 1909-11-04, Page 6Amite n
14; Air ,P413`lienis
thrank from etin
!SB UI)Ofl the verge of Iezii
loot, and p
equaintanees until
introduced to
* only
that ho *00
nn •traiI it the -It
00 earc rcquitc.
...has 'mot
be..#1,1941,Y400....114.,-b4.:-Iirr_ikd_ (1'11 inportant
(IUC'IF; 7-
ii n 46.00 irikumAiO. °salon of
lie r
as le -that
ft Aux,
11 ,oretib z
and then ipt
end writ 1'
the old the i
• them
0144 pateh, he up
beautiful cycs' have'
1 sadness that sometimes
them in . the -'old da
bri1thtnt vith tope and happiness;
bearing 4110 she
flit f'n4.
ng woman, 1- o
her early,eare
eft -their -i
tain 3weet gravity and dignity of
marnier that is, -however, far-4310re
oharzning than any girish vivacity
would been. •
She has been *- pupil at
school' for yiung, ladies, inthe-
rbs of London, during the, 1
r advantages to the u
on't o;z think
littic out o1 Pao for
gita, like me, to wear so ton/
Intel" Esther concluded, with sot
oyage, and
ter -coming
--ir---2- .. .
ear, sad on the other hand an excess
o 000g1liZ0 moisturc is alto izurious, and
ali'ehnuld notbe allowed to iic
• s
witit aiucious Ileavy rainsunless measures a
ration t
h"rtIiat 1t
tons of suxoring the
battlefic?ds WIiCn night
S.,04 after_a. 0. 1-
been Praotica eteriiiined
that the anibiilanee,eorps,men_thall
wearlittle inesitles .en t glow.la:nre
in their hats. Each num is to -carry
* little priznary battery- in his pock-.
:car -mu look ,ots tno*it,
• fer‘:the r „Atti_eind..2..01,__04the cur-
isigett--74 to4wndar. disf th"ems'ti.ihie•.dinit
thezn-- •
1i naw ' inc forth to
r proper position 3
She s clad this zeroing' in a neg.
igee, robe f tomtit...white cashmere
embellished with greatbows of rs...
tin /see -
not .kbP'w how y&n may 1e
e matter,: but one thing -1 know,
)14'4 that is that you can never look
out of Place'enyWhere'or undcr any
circumstanees., Thotert has rig
ly called You 'Queer-lie,'u Est.Iier,,
the Queen„' and yon are lusty thst
regal *Vie that an ' carry any
over few the renvirkedriaslie
•bestowedglance of fond '
e grace u or&n and
love otite. her.. .."Let'me
she pursued, glancing at an
ancient clock in a ,cornet; "it' is
about time that necklace and the
twin rubies arrived, is s not.1
think Humbert said rjerin
vere vo ved in this rovclatiou,
it becomes. my. ,pleasiqe. to
di y� zintiniOx
ontains e‘,Agenuine etonos," said
Jenner, a ling.- kindly upon
, 4 me 10131,60111ig
nealiutee and I
�t*onder that you have feltion ,
hat troubled abouttlier-inatter,
the ornament .which, has been
e Irvingion
airnly or , rations that
there ie * 0 two -genuine rubira
•-which 4seems rathr toubt-fu1; for
it is nest to impossible to match a;
large, and . flawless stone 44 thitt,"
deluded,. liftid.g_tintArAlie or
1 nornentit for close' inspeetion.
nitrogenousublc eoni
pad f the photpliorie acid
should be dug round the -heap, into
which the superfluous- water tan
- Zoologts . ., that inhun
idred yearsii
:- the lion will be extinct
, -4 -
We call our 40, at hours, but
0 really'23 hours $6 _minute's .o.'ec
neie ' iit'of farniyar. .
Yto) . _
ecomposition- 0,li: Chaim _ ;r-
iots by draining At the
ro liti.e. *west breadthisnt_jr,,tiid. 4
k certain 'ainotii;t.erwarna li-in thef i.,rtarter Milet*eross. „
heat is,. desirable. to,. .proptot,:i- ettie:koilT..41i.heiviu
lloYsie/ re:sir e lamit_andlifuat.itrlhor.
fariner knows, rotted farmyard ri111* ar itt z-epairs,' -
emitis tbi fa
t h meant ,uthcu»is in
gement- Of farmyard manure.
peoplelesf) and the sIiort4st of the
wnrkl, live sids scide.4
tailors do not stitch gar-
ments.'They paste the edges" to. Bri
gether -.arta presii them down.
The hi410.,*f.st cow produces about gre
, _
tut 19c-14,
r vent
011 Si WIntogrUrt '001.014114 Sad,
His Skiti as Puri at E-1110..,
r. James Ltillocli, of Ito.'
Ont,.. Considers the Ds.
riptionof oil of wintet
All hmend prospers ,an.
, save
for a few doestjo troubles,
Iife runs smoothly. . Perhaps
has lost two of his female .tlaves o .
rather, one his beenbeaten by his
jealous wife/and fun -to sanctuary.
for 8laVes.g
child. treTVI'e?enlilr-r-T.Tt-isialiver'o*tei'enrisEhitltle
tresses.tThy are not bund kyaroxk
1i*Wi and V11130111$4 ...113447 '103117 gO•'''
unveiled in the -streetsand if iII
smoke in the'Aos.oine of his
•and atujrj&j
r!xit Sometimes,
way to the wells, of the city.
the party will tit watching the
and retvett;ing the claYi wben
istisn slaves were as plentiful
as sheep in lkforoeco. Our merchant
getsstout as he approaches middle.
his woi'Ld 'W-
Thc. easke
they ft fe
for years.
• "I canno
companion. -a
tray frontit
t nta1nsth
days previous
-where the
411.70 tliat
lifting the u
ms of value
it does uot sitetit exticLIy right
ra King; "1 am aure 1 do
not knuw ,ho shoi1d have. thcm if
not the-rigning lady ,of Inmgton.
tistlier, laughed and flushed.
"That is another thing that lean -
not realize," she said. "When
e doer, and, amoment
a pretty maid, in cap and
, .
card before
eller for- you, my
said respeetfully.
"It is Mr. Jenner said
"Indeed V' 4 -observed Mrs.
witJi .soine surprise. "That seeth's
gems are_too valuablri to.
be trnsted to eonunett- clerk.
are' -hinr-,eome right up
'Very. well," Esther ,ttl)
"liartha, ask it
said tbe lady of the house
A few *moments' later an elderIv
Mrs. ' Xing -arose and courtly
a1uLed bim, then presented hini to
13 CV%
"1 sce no nce, she
inc they Appear to be exitetly
d both are 'exquisite."!
e coun er eiti-wis'Very
arc'fuBy (lento"! the jeweleinsdintt.
er'but, to an expert-, the decep-
tion As very patent. I did not have
the pendants attacifed to the neek
A1% was --ordited r;King
o4ght it vise. -to consult with you
first. nes,Istve_all_been,-eate.
and nw, f you like, .1 will attach
pendants,both .or onlythe,genuine
if you prefer, to diseard .th
other, -although there -is not one por,.
AI luindrod who you'd, be
cannot,paste 10w
Esther '41rdet1P rcturned, but with 0.
scornful dilating ot her delies,te nos.
t ils, "You may fasten Ow One
'Atek1.0,04_Lit , you
Will put the other
uiting• the aetion t�
her word,, sh resolutely closed the
i& nne reeds about, I friend re.
iiAI; *tiding, with a glancts..ef smil.
ng fondness; "Irtit I can testify to
tt4 hayloft for its, heroine a very
weet little lady *ha is wholly'" de-
g f herl-gikitt fortune.
her bait -made her home,
ng hervitt ations, sia previouslv
znEd, with Mr. and Mrs,
,Iao, has ing no lisini1.7 attiteiri
tut bet lied to
ooked Mr;
them with
come eagerness, e
for she was eager
Magnilleent atones which had
-tent to the, noted $6*e1er's
Usti -merit to btelearted and te
ly inspeeted . for trills** to we
er presentation at court.
say that 'fOr
0 hn lust Ewen told/that she
biren rohbed of * for(une. you
- lug here .obse- rye
* tone'wonder.,
end, 'that th jewels. were
e •
famous, living.
now ge of how t do it, h
argel:Y *required through- years of
oxperience,':during which thri-cliiir
'of the, soil, its adaptability for
manturtng have been
-tots of-tarefurAtudy
without, however, any 'definite an
accurate knowledge conternin
i1elfr,11114-their fandiortiin re1a.
tion' 101K41
SOiI3VRTy greatly in tC!p*bilJ
n niaking th:tri§PggEtel thegraea
are tt ueefe tt •Isix Un100,*
ture.making.svine of different
- .
of the ear. Cotten should tie put
15 the ear when itis•the intention
ti e the head..
rcrittort population is
'O per 100,000 of Jieriiidiabitaiite.
thzt of Ireland 06 per 100.000. of
auppfying fo�d to crop
getout% ingredknts are' defieientJ The Write
different ,stoiii. Th way to prOpotii,0111;
Matteli;d0 &re propor int Mt); betit0
plant food a soiL fails t furnitili in
'abundance, and hoWthese lacking
mstetists can he- Most economically,
supplied is to put -the question to
tho &AV With__AlittetentAtztiliz•
materials and get thereplyin. tho
-04.0s7- ----
The ebief„,vse 'of fertilizersh to
ing to Ire the,most of t natural
t 'the Sot
-ures iteed on the. farm, and
o depend upon fertilizrj
oitI to furnish Whit more is .
It is net good eionoirty _to pay
Prices- for wbieh the
soil may itself' yield, but it it gwsd
onorrirto tupplythe laeking nnes
in the rhealtfeAt.4.://V.,,4,-1110-1:
(beTfkiiijaiiii*oftostlY cbminerez
ferLilizer slititdd he to select the
that supply, in the hest formathnse
t-thelowest eot, the plant fo,d
ildw7t 31,01Itic *a
1*tt1ci (f r, wonderful curt', int Skit
i• as- tvam a� It cer *mt.-
lit_fot 'raw's,. 4 1t6,414.- itot
could not area. 1.• could not rest for Ise
terriblo, iteh. • •
, .
As eczema i a germ disemIte,.
as the getnis are riglit in the $
blood medicines will. not enre it. Th
oiily , effective Way is to treat
iteh Atturre-this•-itehisi- 0;11,
Prcwription penetrates the poos
Ute gemnis *hie
- _
e &fuTUch and pe
• lotal-serom
itoice_and cricd 0.14t.that he was
-cmit hate s Thet &cousin:
was .terrible and
rang€d charge by an nemy, of ,
thc merthent, who philisophically
bowed his head with the ” saying,
"Kismet .1line'enemi ha it fonn4
me 04,theLtettient-tgliares
aibitrators are Called
bcen bribM previously,
Mz1irnad guU ad tee
uiuit punts tift-ilt
to &vers offalse *eight*. H.
• gibipet is,e4„,erecied. By the iron7
' I fato it is within sight af bis own
"uit ad ht ti ;hf
, ,
right wrist aiid he is 'hoisted Up
til ,his toes can ititt toots -
.ground. Here he AK left tilt sunset: .
' The idlers jeer at him Ah4 the gs0*'''
ilia a -0e' quartet pelt him- with.
stones and refuse, ,At sundown his '
. friends carry him home.a.
bruised itactiteilMettim ib y - roLtri-
,drtirritca;----th --#: . ,,,-----
ar iir a, repeetah1e "merebant Mi '
!teflfly *no
E*rsd1e France, w
, 1,011 llottites 04)
4114 4,
0, “
ther's det
'aim for t
pens! ion
)1414 nrr tile,
bat io
it. grows ea
_ .„
ofl oITI
Ir in
1 to beoplen
oat s, and e
red before