Exeter Times., 1909-11-04, Page 4'three years s sident who, o ote' *Ito int* 'LJonfl III 101:10411vir on or '404-ro wnty per. o th0,- VI* n VO o a' ui hiub, ores Ithe curtive'rpex 6 *Of , 'ShOoP's Itemed 1ctvo Jave the Tower' .to calrn the mot 440114144:1701104A0c1-10-0000tr and oat 00. MOAL 104$413V4 kort740#/gtt membrane. dstothers Shan for est- , t, . illitTOI old witb foal 5 week8 by . her , ir 1 . y draught rAlly, riaing two ' Id. Tho above colts are 24iirett ,. Ing'Thomas,. . attaIrr . draught **log three years ohl,-. 7,a vt due to Calve in Merck trrow 'OWN 2:he era rising 3 /ears. OlfOra tnd one Meer rising two .,ca1tes4,01t6rOek8 Opts on'i hnhaleig -0. .,,,.,. y plow new, walking Plow* land cultivator. Iran harco*so 3pade !Mier. -t'agon box,' gravel lUfei tre vir-o Dpu1per wlxeel`" ttlos xua a number of articles too mOraini to mention. the above *Welt Will positively he 14 88 tbo ProrictOr Wglyius ill) , arrn to 'he ,solid Is a grass farm,' on the dth Con. of Ha*, • 00 Urea. The h the abovo farm,' fa- grind ---HoWne;7 raw,- itot:•dotible- josrujass. whittle - pp*, 2- inig* -tortner and CP,.:Pibera). whip, was on Satur- dux nominated by„t410 tibergs, North, aleeX to contest that riding' In tbe 00047--10 okctiOn mode nee "mitiry owing to t1on..13. to* Sutheriona 1401)11 appointed to a.judgethin,, e assize4 Sudbur Pded-ku44t _110 cfinle 41031-fiA tht. -.031/0--chiklre &Iva* osentenaed to 1.8 year i untenir 34ililroitin.* "NV ift;'4- er-Oenteneo-o.C-40,th frix” der of the Infant. Tr. Duncan INnean o liorth-lateldlesocr-was- omntLei1 bytLiterk of- -Ws Middktx ?to,conteAt 'Oat, riainft-A; the 90orolorxrr.tlnn to fill „the.. va,, oine frtun A _rid California, Tbey had a iuos!. lightful, trip and feol beneiltteit more ways than °one. At Vancouver they found their 160. SOUll all,tioing splen- did. Richard is the uldieher of al Vancouver giaturday Sunset, .the Doc- tor lo pract-Iclflg there; Arnos and Glan r, Station, i X had • ,00mp.ate Witit , e00..natit fit 1 rUatit°41111.460C0S iNgetablo,Com adfor 41 • 4, tor* diefin.o no good. suffexed dreadfullyviitaz.b.ggait salting Your modlei4e, Itlias also belped,OtherVomen tolivItO lat X•hav recoinxncndedit,"-l%IrS. iienryC1rk, GbnfordSt4..„ttopiOntiolo. coney ° by- plx-7. being appointed, to the , National Rail- way Commission. Mr. ..Robert Laughlin was nominated OS theCo. Servative candidate. - The election FARM PRO rill take place On the ,I0th of Nor.• • , taiattitsr-incteatied4r kn$wlng t1 _exact condition of the Unties mmxke and by learning of the 'heat Mathed o tbo'preaent claims is than over._Tlxey al8o Salt Lake KaiSan Fr itosa„anaiithe41 Onal tut7'.,TOoolior lound-the ciiniato fitlrly_agre,eable, `.030-ouglKout ,the ttip:bot.be !a still weli Vilo Med. %Tit h 014.00000«: ' * ' owing faster ted Denvei, loco, antilt itte latter 131.11,;:n01, -Oorn ••••,,•• , n xat.ock and 'nitric: ts. alI sUin$; of $.5„00.- arid( under hi'OVer that *Mount. 10 months -joint -Potts,- or :ft ..discount:. vet annum off for coati • on punts. , • • a. Of gartrt-r-Five. per cent. -of. price to be paid the any of or security for the same* and 15 per t ,of„thispurchase price to be woltthslroralbo, flate-ofet. tbe ante may. be Ieftton, the farm, bmade.kkflOEWP the r of sale. The -purchaser will be allowed one month to search the that his own expense* and if within furnishes the proprjelrol, in*writing with', any valid objection unOteor unwillingo 11/0 roove, the aepoitt money Ith1 /turned to the PUrcheser, Tho. Otim- Auctioneer; John .Case, Prop. ent of Seat rth for upwarda of 0414r • years had ,ben in the eniploy' of 'the "Onaa received in. a runaway accideut at Mitchell o- tow days tin -Mats. -A-man-iiaroed-Itobinsoi, of Ashfield W33. before. Zudge Hat, at Ooderich recently, on a 011arka indecent assault ond was sentenced two months in the county Jilt 'the three Italians who got into trouble for loafing around St. Items A few weeks ago and were pat in and nitchmds.- fitted -by Stan- ley, ure not likely to. visit the stow ,T031:41...mgain,for..-so hove just been sentenced to ten years each at Hamilton' for attempting "black handl' work. • • • After a severe and painful illness of several months, hfr. James A. An* erson,-41,.•Avell-kno forth; departed this lifc on Tuesday of last, week. Mr." Anderson was ori years of age. Ile had been* a reSid- our Indian summer took' .--aj -very cevera cold on (Tuesday', Mr. William Shimmer its hitvintt &IA houSe. reshingted. s'• • Mr. rrank-'pallantine-Lhe- matt driver'betweet Exeter and St. estorri has 'flared to Winehelsea and takes mail has been staying In .Flimvitlo nowfor a good many year& Mr. Vohn Tucker land 1r. Ocorge aerslake- are, having -their houses thoroughly overhouled,..,before moving 0 them. • They ' are making aulta an Addition -4;o our tW* r. James Berl is -having. as house painted by Wm. Mack, ef t IlaIkoween paised 'of very. quiet around bere. The hors did ntot taker, be.trauhie_ofLoovin oki wagon .nother -wornan says.. Lydia E. 1 IlallY.—itetabl..". mpound is the best remedy world Or wortlent o Oro .,1 bave"alwals a.weaknook/Imre:..,..4‘And otter* aftbr my nica i myfood would dia.(' trcss 'Me, and"eauso sorenTEWtil• Xiydltr-E-,' :-VOgOtikhl omPotinil baM done Ino-inUelt -000tlii- erf-dIgestOn--- it vitit-raMbitiO 0 -amour Aitti i • ‘4.4 Ittariii4 - remed 0 woild fo. worncn-. You tan publiar3lits-in t . Wiilltuii flourquc,:V014rooki 1414 canad CTED AT ALL 11 RS' o14,, and money transferred , will p4y a handsome raiva4to any person who will pve to::0..that .411e§ejetters.4r0.40t gepume and .truthful - or that 07thet: of, thoso,vitop30.1.),y0:0. pOd. in ao',3tNi•ray-for,L their otitdootals;or...that the Ietters are published *4hottt • their. ,permission, or that..the,.origWqtte:rirorq each *: notcornc to .us ert4r6ly unsolicited, ' , Eror $0 Yeafr$ /47dia-• 40 in aiu"S Vegetable .., COinpOrand has 'b00B the standard remedy for femoi. ' ills. No silole-3VOUlart ,iti000 ittSt106 to lieritilf *IiiiirWrifOrtr,* this $40104$ itiodtaltev - * fOOXelitsivel? trona rOOtS• and bterboo, and .. b tlionsanAs o curei-Viittroredi0 *'Ivtim.Vinkltain -illitteslalitekly ' . to .virtue her for 'advice, Oa ; bas : taws_ th:AdOulanddrcss 4ro to health ._111,1„Zei__.:.0 'Oh:argot IIro a Plcasurct We utk-.;ri.b1diiii1Lrosefling *great inanthigh clasti pianos -014 our. MM.' eroutcsatisilod, eustonierS' Is the strOng trU4flt�8 Of tbizeJUOn., „ Os ..he beat ;/' Plano .wakei produce our priOrs areviglito • N :0 not 1* quick to believe per- ione whole) different from' t 4bovolo urpose,--of u ebOape,vain,10, inezasewtraiiby •goode 41318PrIceir2 ' all and see U6 XT r 4 ' I *iv6.,of Ontario ando raduate of - Toronto Uniyerslt7o -01tor tolokeoil lk Carlin cos irt r. &sones form ental srlora A SW/AN; 14. ontir gradUato orrorOu I A .4 Art CI, WO -13., r. _ .Vitto .114 vstetty ottke anArgodentocic =late Coronci Of ti 00Por ',Graduate Toront _ i'versity, Two year* resident physician, an IrstitieAstiezaenCade °441-1hit,t.°4P, Azni olfMOWITO LOAN A...4.4,44.4044,4444. , Ewe ivine ettdtitiktites!" 614 jun__ 1117 .31- -4 RAI -b �nie P0014C w,-.41-ila-gt 'it 000a-40 0 know Avhci their. oneestorts were- reii in the Ifri t an an ero, e y 0 , " Would give More ad know who noway.. Itio.doce4sed was a mon. and the-horSe ran awtii with-th n'ere not. VtIEF--;—tko"trtiVirter,.. ..tar Mat nt-/110,kflt!W Mw..:watt-411-#41 remains 0,411%1 inter, irpsett and Mrs. Andrew And the , out, hr of the Ancient Order oLevy f Vore5teis "'upside awn. ktreuo h t red the horse but, the bug3Y r 1133 10 • 1100110Atc4- ti7 thelConser- mempry of deceaskd brother the- rew chi Olivet 4, Wilcox, a wealthy farm -1 lond us. tr'ibute of resp4ct to t e was tit • Itoribly tanctsbe,d up, and for North Essex to contest lodge oftended the funeral: tit a bpdy... betid, , ding-IILAIlk:-41114_,I)I11.4 ..,-.1.4r, VV7tu,.•,'CooPer of thelluron roxd.1 Qutrterly meeting vas 1101'1 I : .' '41tollett. three talleSii-ear.ork2ii.tort 0-0-eut,T -chnrett-00-_/ I dee °the polarcontroveriY .cata' is not one of those tartitirs who think' n00u, ineneed there is sonic itiration as to the orchard does not pay' Infactbe .1 whether_ UhriStoPIC.,,V, C_a_4019atis ever A sip it is one_of thebest :paying de* cheti,thmeriea, and a . coramittezriartments oi.i -thir tarra, -Xt , 14,: appointed , to. mo It be lett o br.1,10 4 121.5_harrels a ink.* far Whith d whom b' Ianthd. of Xartlit - -th • dolne; 'ate ricking and, ptovided tha • rt arreIuyer barreN arid all Mr. Cooper bad to. do 3 'Pull -the trait. Last*pring nominate facandidate to n naceisary ocon* frt iti., owing to to • the - est t.;tikling-iat the towing bye., -.1 o riratvit- IttOkt Ieegnint to itatItOSt WItat, 0: .tattlIttlott 11.0ta:!.. ' . V.ndin Chttrehtuan 1,4 Vow *natty .readers ara aware that ging per r.ti lbjs not ,onty „nourished but had the -effect of -killing o of the worm's 0Orl' c,:its° that. as, a result . he had atOtnr1y ns much wortny fruit aSin former years.. He says it certainly. pays to keep the trees prep,.,rly„pruned and the ground Well cultivated., t result, being- a aril,is a clergyman of• the church I bigger returt . in money . fax the nglatid. in good ,blanding, 'ming , ground oceopied and 'The tittiry ot t.1,13‘,14's- in Waly.,A.,. laired than for,#,, -,any other, farm crop, • • -ycar, and - - .1; (--- •-•-- .11-` tu -tacit one t..r,tnoti., irs aytb ,1r2, c 110/14 f " .1100a. . Way,. at Into nc n Ou. tr4 isigwd io 8t,, .0.ne 'of •Mintorel, dest end" t oi rAon% praying ogt raveled eitizeha.7 cX. iNte. tiv C!`i to'ency in th:,, cas'y „pont. ,0)). th Lndn Uoi ObiltiOn4/ the nanrintilt(iinvdt 'Ilrgtetiold, where I* pained hi under Set:acute • of ,efealb at7,.h3yhooii,, ,r,cmiveci little Ilia' front W.-01% tii•r„VmitItted t,1to. the Lotto'l'g 'ot that - timo, :Y44 tatti, wo WtuttlaY113 ,uurs,tcn iz a bok-vvng hom' to awak-i• 3r:1 tt :lave or pi. try tutd learning) stanitbc Mtawa, tz,bre.f•of wilt& mover Iva win.. At 9 ho, woo ,iineeus tranctivs u All:, • Nago:ii.t.1 to. torottou oat., iidt tlo,. long Ceawil et Wor-- bi.\1474,. 01.:,?,61;apgraititoship..tatteted, then oath:led, ibe ItOtter 't4P.' 1100; • 3.1*; ot..-Eeranton, Detroit 'ant lororili,..110intse'a 110i (313 r,l'or±-14t/ier dmeriesn.. eitL,',!A. In 1860 be inentl:tionSrnL 'oi'd b,,.,11r,V.Mt-ti1•,,,onto.-4,1#1 ow, ,.c.r311,44. t tkIetaggart to the' "counc44' for.4.11r„.. ,•cett.qiitytatiz-m, lea.. remaining', yitlt •.thcint untit..t Th. ttartOrf,. catada A ',tor of Abe littrt, ,:to,b. 113, n inttol*ti ezinw, toPtaWr or:'tit.- aLdfl prs- I$fl 7; SO •tox, t h'th411.1{7 ed Z.1 , lonah lobby ,autx t' id oil nIght SVU I give tau. oat look at tilt toll rites (no trade, and no ttuck lisge 76 c, per fai 'dyed OId qbberboots it'slioes 7c. I Copper anifbrasiOc. per 1 Ors. heir 80c. per lb, Lead and glaci21/2c. per PLP I a rt. * snsb1sUtbie_f�r Ii --"poetsibracing boulevard • evity rttne.ti lie L)Ut ott .nr* • , 4111 ke! haw yoa ViNsPith" tin* r /e #$1H 1rot% OA It :MU*. 110i :IthiLir • •outior..3. way ,be ve y y nao of *bolt $1," *it $0.01* t instant 0. In Orel*** sr* bateh,ot ' tzut4t.t little' Chins.* "016:000. ,ce ,out itt 'the a4tuirivito. .!•.11,.e poina #ack..*out, tWG s• 4'44 long. %veto oki G looriti "mad ti- Htth atornat,bs. Writ ilittiek• t r4411 ibe;WII440,V1000, took • 0mi-ono, poo,oet'Of Ittar and a urt of r*thj re. bottz office, uhars nt14. nts-Vir„ Any it a' foullyi or any jusI. ears, oisl inay hoaiemtead ottani "or tiVallabisi)ominio Anita* 800koto4woot ar iLbrts 'Tha-ItppliOortit44avat-lappear'In the' Dorainion Lend* Agoni b.003.0 fax the diatriat, .s1 mat be had at filoa attaa v.ertajn condi tiotwas fi, fithetiirnotbu dangliter, litotkir, or Igitto todiolt bliwoototiori. Duties inonthe- r.M4enO. it ptnil cultivation of ,the lend ln * uf t A bointetead '01 Jili 0 4