Exeter Times., 1909-10-14, Page 7tif(.4re m nwet 6.'14m.t43; 1)4' 11 11 to d the intr4r.4 tt ii t -:,,v1,^3g..7 • 11 PUTCI ilr$1,40., ' . artthe „Iii-onStruThe Ontario.. eu Mr 0 r -.I t i 2 rxo no' e tore hnd 'smock o by on 'W the11"1 tmcet ,f;44 A ' or. -tho -'11 , of vf the Board a ors\ p , 12 Airship Arct A t4t04 voy, the, tharge of seI o be uttertakan nnder the tingI Ki n. 'holtaet oices . London 44. the tri of the'. Gorman Sxiety t oration of thi)' 70,s . Mrs. N Scott for ..shootin is. It 44, dc1de4 at the m her ' lier-in disagre an adv.ance the sunuzcr oflociipatty UV- sday. ,,,to „,..-.., • all Ak. --ti its to preparo fur the auec:es.8 hisdan ath iv ui k of rt.ot .and h.ive beea occurring at To inorc on matt of the refuL the etants t,o payrent. r it 37 tt) I 440 outside, Wet oats, 31,,% to, 3cfiro ports. 04$:out' t ' eat -55 fo 4:c Qutde. o. ),'eL1tw , 'pronto. , utsido in bul ' While no eeisione re4e1 je asitiVti %Is% ,l‘er,:emswur:aiitzbsolla 1l bill h. ng ii th o ght to ber Upon thO:tiotrl:ra to ask rAtit4tatut to ,eirtt,der militi h (1-064abititty excxidin the rnilitary .iu.V42 „,,,0224or the, 4that .e be , pac• ked Out okl qui'ekly froxu $ 1.85 to $.5;fair lum loads:a . $4. li . -oth'r gra1im were easier,. vert.Mng on offer sras soid. Tho rte ugh itoek e were a shade I iortJy pay vst , „State te at II Natio , r ifl be ready:for it Jannay, 1911.The arriedout between oldhig btt 4cofl- rls ,DAC051:41; nt.ob, toiler ul The Frctnians Journal edztorial artiek, the ob4oet estraiu Tri 0-; el Lough , apd the a1aabie doek ztud ship, - 10 -1)1 etLouth rick', I ,. h . . to the age of 10 nu .and it vonths. The docea 1 blacksmith. 11Q.11- ' a ,A dwelling Betein ay fn iped frotr4 rn.eks- - Noe 4qUOUt ni ...NW/0.$ 0„1"--W47-73U-14-47,--V404 iy tda awatere ,: NOT -rrriwourx mootreAr# Tatev e; 'Absolutelyo*tr ntrea s rg • r, Jur 111, namea sed1e. ,4 .arnish .40Mi Ott bekt;-Millington wa fata11 playing1 while footbal Onon` ce.uceoded,-afLer an 1 - citing raid, in.eapturin an 1. t Aliatillery in full O working or amon the Done al main ns. reporta of nateria :ownslup 0! hi n great i3 tl* interest that al- aotording to the depart. 'a advrees, there .are.500 pros - in the field. Theroute to ld fiat' is, by the. Driftwood a, tributary of the Abitibi. field lies west of Niht Hawk near Porcupine . Lake. Mr„ W. Gibson, Deputy Minister tes thLtt snp!elott Ian ' curid more eoin thanr-la3-e-Ontl TT home *tme tirne. Their value,ie estmated at $50,1 believed the treuure Was!buried by persons. who stole it from the .1tritis1t army which tamped. near Champlain during. the Burgoyn eampaign_.. The robbers -probably lost their area silbsequettl no out knew what they bad don Isithi their booty. eterit. •. t1alldsii denly nt i-o5ton, Thursday. 'solt Thdversity was "given tho dogree, of Doctor otlawa by tfarvardAlni. versity. GENERAL. .A)rtugtia will tadrkl, London, and Voris in Novenaber. , Albert rulitter, a"bro the. •proprietor . of The . New York rtd-contntitted-suivi • ontL Deliberate ,Iket of A Itassion Boy of, • rifteen, , • • ,,. pateli fiora Caner Sask., zy:'GeorgiaDowns. an Eng- ' thirteea ;years of Was ddisetnboiM'Ted..hy om a gun in tlie hand'of s sday. lte de!iberatdy et gun at the g y or ,s -our fine_10111 *Seighhom-4 he -girlielt*fatber orking in .0* Nain- irst etds, c3rn,4tJ Canora • who went out worn- t)table 'Wilson of the investlgate, toe Was clari. ipeg zays. o -General,. a 0-4rey,*.atritd ittlin4 5.1 Wedred*y * noon. • Earl Ore Atnd party were rnct at the station, guard of 'honor from thcRoyal Iounted Hines and 00tfe.Bsitta1 ard storied to Government 1,11.045 they *ill. take nbthOr re. e for thle. net two' weeks. .usinds of peuUs • lined the *treeta on tht' route of mnrch and r Kill Every • 0" from Chicago says. Elevenpersons on the average hav ren *njured 'daily and one person has been killed every' othdr day for the last three months by the Chi. o strett car.' • • JJutter--Pound prints, u1arge.r411s,.191 erior, 17 ream 4te11: tA)'f,:,2r2511 bee-4lar Lor tiie .rnurdr of his Alaughter..-nis.wa tion- in the eity The •Countoss, of Aherleen -sent silver ,thimbles mot - foes in frisk to ithe little ,g/r!' eon - posing the de#utation which pre- ented her with, an...adtlre;s- in, Lur. gan recently, andi,to,th'e boys a new kind of .autograph book caeh. 'While' some tworkuKt were re joiit# I�QG PitOD "15--t6-To eizk lots; mess po shOrt cut, $28 to evor, and thi he ,may havc the--inen he They wore workiu the buildings* all * 4 to be auce,watnot noti '4, I in ar -14-02-0-70n-ditto city'she bowing Al ' s nflt for drinkizig,The re )rSt. George n1neneew that the ,city '-'.aftho ime is getting almost all It rom the, Ottawa Rive '1.4ight to medium, ..15,4: to ▪ o., heavy. 14 to 14,14e-, 143118, 14,4 -to ).5e; ouktos„ 1,1114-613e; haoks, 40,'„ 11 to. lf)e. 24---Tierees, 1,5e; tubs, 13 that:the 'Jihad dn t the (ly is uthealth me. 1trjs v his bIiet ab 0poasib1'01' :1 ' wring ,.,the provs 6 v * the ex - "44h. been -data.,_„a al tr Indeed, couditton oE the §OPPI, Van b0 judged from the fact * giveb that he had; Jefraudcd .6 thar5(W} pror' by his-Operat oas though -the - auk. It waa *lso od- Aue.ed that ho had swindted 1%000 -Other perSons by means'Of th.1 th that ana1ysi shows there are no 'less than 96,000 bacteria Lwwlatrx vueturitie*4-CorPorAt114 47 -r- e 41-7611ropw--4---waterrief-,the wilole teitor of the report 10 to that the water is 41,6014tei$ , the Crixnina1Qour :he efibvit43.r31.1cs agilallinft. ankruptey ie .1kitiOh he foun in - ZeIttArts-lho saered- ftiffian eity., tri exv(b—l'etlie-,•loan to fiock to the 3looritilt ttiiiiair AtitiED TATii0-,0( STQJIEI A Li eitdde,,,cnot'A.ttesitiputt to Col:: mit Suitt/leo. .. te(1 to- from Quebec , says r, T. Eobitaille, ag.ed. 40* A..i.eidelit it is sa,td„ was suffer._ ' - I distroji; saippose tu bo used lir-over.rodulgelve, enLered -1.iii:haikiware:stort of Mr.. 1 ,. ...,_ 1) hitaillo, approaching one of the elerks, aiked permIssion, to look at sonamilrevolvera, which were shown_ I - -11e-Preked out, a.**11 atvert- pli et _weapon, aud asked -the 'lerk te-loul--it;--Th'*`111(Vdofte:. Itobitaille then:picked up the pis. toli and pointing it at his right breast fired. ".The .store was filled with customers at theiime, and the intident created A sruall panic. A Alootor. andi the eity ambulance wet. .immediatoly sumrnontd; and the 'unfortunate Inen was: tonveyed to .. i . if whu he Ii in re loii ondition. pre:tut/tater .rotit hantahle .11`LAke isabou at says:, ylestitute 'and Recorder, n: the ten. Uow Hi* Taste ts-- Abt-Ilastrate4, 1)1 the, intervals of, rest Arid -.re- ratliaiiwhiolt nhlow iiimStOf th*ne.ve Ii rn tiou, gni bearing upon thc forest,44er's t s land then for hur • When tire4i- the, menu provid dian Ve tern,. 4.1, to 441,;. Mativela feed ikt to,: 65e; ',buawhie4t,' "6 to 5544 1'lour7-41-anitoba Spring nigt...),7481 8pring.. wheat, patents, pe owls+, Winter wheat,. pateAtli- Manito1i4 strong .1.aaker3', lution t for e oat. noto er'or wild 0010Pit t t , and then, it modus operandi is velq interest- Th4 venue is, thanged 'from dep for4'sL to cattlebreedit strel;,,, whore this itXget.ieistittlY tiO3 on its deprkdatiorts, until shot , an operation which* h'i'rever it 'might shock at10- I • M ba- LII folitcallorits, MOnille* t:0' a-4- 40 so., i1.54 to 11,Q; eastern .-Butter.;;;• 'nest, Eggs-S00.etetf-stoe (f. carT41,04 lt to Itte per 4.r02e11. • espatch fromWinnitv Prairit tiros are raging in variouti. tart 4,!Alhotta and-4askatcbe- but -0 - o ornmelit Park teaY w1ihL.i" a14, are ale. ,Another tO ' _Tireset lit...both Alb 1),e -suffered -I. t i oorth *osterns, 11.)4e. UNITED STATES 'MA hiagot Oet. 12 -*V1011 when 9 rod 1:18; `No, 3 rcdq 171,4, to$1.4t 1. of k Point. it Wi week ago- on Thi Since ,thc 3 lwginning of 1910, the Tage itS-fiitartetat-. article, ,to-cUver'deficits. Tb ae- eonuts according .to the newe- r, for the recent tendency to elltiniperir1:cnrtbe TUTU liEVOITELV Marne, Meet Note* .;,- 2inilii,;.WiTili-o7)-turi 1 i waif" _ s start,' tided to aumm tliament Crook 'despatch of -bsiness on:Thum:la:0 .. . .. . li it has: Nov. 'ilth. . nt bar hjs'alre ;'.a destroy Several settlers have 164 'stock, 'houses and stables, and turrowlY- 00001 fearful deaths. On three or'four•days of last week was completely hidden 16 tonoke. . The - wholepopulation. in that, region is greatly alarmed, he- kauiket nothing 100 heavy, yitinaii As.the iirite ester tar; tie slaying oi great at 'human beini tiger ha* tas velops an e for it. And daily feed. it !;keh of food DiotitV ftangooit Riei width, and lar _ 0 MansIay - Where tat ted ht o Abot; , 4)11 the Swe r.i n 1 , ,Vi Ito' ntry he. Lk Manitoba n nip*ma $ become tbei, e. arnea. thing nog Misie talking vitha risoner itt t ,tontiary„ potte r asked t "11 .-,or; -,exPeet to be awia politel ,tIie (1 , /awyer itt Mexieowrtei of a tertian elien teth to Senor aim inents, and / ant awaitin /Although there has heart plenty of tme 1 hear be1is in pal' atia,ttatto twitslit him to 40#10 Passion ust hive: Ishera in Ur son the le in Cc trbia. s pro n grant the iiirbm 'an ini* ver sr it, has, dwt to, to r perIb.;IsretL 1 t4 4%e; cora o per ihk. '-About n lean old it4,14,12 were *,3I4 'a ,or 1e, per :I (4141, Se por 111. II4"p rto 1,,i1 tellAig& r*.tIti4.0;'N ,utof tk 41,y, y