Exeter Times., 1909-10-14, Page 4t o rMl e
loge' 'f
riser 00 orfb. 'ere0,001,
d' no; to
On 'tills roPert7 them Ie
ink tarot_,10 Ores of failWheat
Me gunall fruit&, This is > : choice
►eU stilted for growing st->
(Y ening tory.
.icr s *ti atind,..beb g nor -
t, Orlyi o' 1.0t lit Von, ILL ,Town.
r.. Oa the
nd .nova,
t .aaa
propetty' • bstw $f
acs, io the-'? iIlageotake
r+ , there e a a►tablo
g supply of waterater and
tAr j ! g
t a 'xng
log Factory an'
Bu tation 'and, 0a UfB
r .•
. Ail that, i ro ty lying bctweon
lington .an ictoriaa streets. /4
4 and' :5 there- aro aortae
oleo building, sites -ar dwill,be sold,`
lots to ;;aroit.parclna r, ; This proper.
ion.~ s th* lthe M attrling astat0 and
axat_ . soli to wind up ,the 'estaate"
ding purebosers i
_a ail 'at
qx" �
cart s 1
_4cle'riptions of.. property"
of : ;aai -h id v� bs► « .tone
If a !argo • up a poultry
,..tbrot barns and, other bulld-
. fe erdra now
n`dt ?cfat numily
„wc1l~ . tuat •, .. it , ,.:o u
ill; ; from • Herman • :and : four• aK aakt
ansa r uteri. ''pia s : cbaioo :farm n, '
1, all art
is..mostly seeded to Itgrata
terms nZ payment. • W,
A Tit, liensailo Prep.
p or ail of 'these re rt i .lay
18th' day of hoer Trot old
vriv*atoiy before that date,
. 01d' .by -public suction, without re,
serve at' tbe. Metropo Ilatel, Fate -
yr, on -Saturday, Octo3 .brat ` ,orre
-'- Baca
fro rt'ieS. �.
+ar arcs . tin p+ rikicu1 &ra, app t t
the°Troprietors, or Mhos,. r
Auctioneer, NFalar. ubaar.
-; hr ate a •-•recelye+
C..=ir '[,Taaataai `hid
a �.. ► log _mai,
n . o. t �l
old. h vy' drau, ' t e,r as 7r
1 +o t t year of it - foah-..on °4
Ing f'our'yre, old otte_filly, for
tweeyt te, one seeking colt.. i
tttle Two cows Supp ed to be in !
farrow towel. on .Oak. '*teen . P'ur
yoltro oIdl th "ealr helf' ;f' v1
eariing tea ; fat c eeA r:
C aeon'; .pi�ew, •, �i�mher
ales" bas tcr�ea' on any sul ,cct Is
' `
y .a terest�tn apta w.e. t sae amu
' d , xaeil op ,tb,
cuaased Salome, and so char
o..etnnoc ,1 E oxo
eixz>!Ily lila cxtraaczr!d ,
_Option of - Salo l '�
follows MMS su mu in
aka ,aim it, es
arily 'Pirie t
00,2,tume._ ler
"TO Yet` 'hord iv ' tomyl' •Well
,n`>'. ,ualnt •,lith ` tle "thin/- d ' +a
to ,Uzi' lobnt intel, .Ii!`enco , tv grow '
loan .a—more uated tp cbll+her ani
ned .xperts,,,�
it :th" -other lazitt,, . ' b.(et w.a lot 111i
forzntnce' ryas : ,u doA't:saty.r
-i " a f'tt traaIy that -ba
�1uir.. ioylt tilt las1c b' •lure
otic pull down Or' .a aaea. l 'ow } e l
t tax fid,- aY k; a a
s :rote. Abe :.a :man that wz3n t 1gr►ian-
totrth : name, iv..ot retaibrow' o out
as mot- -to UMW b,y,—Oi--neferlA,
musaciaiu be tb' .nameiv $t Y
t .
nivel. bee 'd. _more thrill n' music. All
tb' time - felt as, thou; h X was in
ent t'-o'-}ebair 11avin': -au0)--tooth- lx-
ed be a oluamber' helper. !.Chiles i rand.
comer •. h' :first Man to to a►ra
Apace n scissors grinder, o man altin`.
ra saw, an* a lawn mower Into an
t th kindv su.uai+d a%, wvtlt
x i.�,�,.,:-
Moth ' trial
'Thous .
SC uth;, price
• Straits I ttlesne>nt*.
l boon'. aro; u t~ 1
rr ieao of *WM*,
-,.ia,.. .,^ 377, lir. ttiNa 4
brit of is lutatltia li t�►¢ .
and #fit Il i to n
t . ,
e deal' alio
end vas est come 034 attiO ta., and n m
toubucation in which . thla aavertieeme a1
ups . and we . r .mail you tbeetete
l ': trr b
. ee Ia`"+o . -t� 'rail � ��aR
t i:� rho Biu but . # u .
wonders. Plant r win ,mower o lit weaxe; !i
morly, tr" ted.. `1t'a holo' " n t 4
blooretg a pr ucia�' Up ds` of One 00000:
tt i
ere ' 3n a 00004 .1.0a' �, be, ,de ,,
t la►ea � u
it **tantalite e
e t
„,sad a -
- leL
hie ked aTV 0010 IMO
Ai ri�� 0b7 s p
A tVd Upon
yos r nh b Svc. boxoto �'. Shoop'i
';ata Tablots. ' ; a'ir your• Doctors or
i rW" t ' i tbJ. loot *
xrit ht - a opr~c t?re.: It a kil t' tai'_
eit`.ove on' rif;eppin' on tb' do"t«'aw taiil at
tb'• +reasons time,, but yo ►otfddvn'>t whistle
it. It's, wht y •c mi ht all .n,_$ uar
arelsorne kind iv .m le, with Ali 'th' a.«
• ti ....: il�r• %nasus ►-t•--- (aeb
other:. :Ilut 'til well suited tp ith'
'Th' play was taken
:Bible, but doubt if it wud fit into
thy', p.;ace iP 'they thried to'put It ,Hack.
• n u thor 'done :It over r way;'Ttbf t"
*kondbrin' wliat name ye will invint:
at th' station w'hila%-t place is jullecl,
`bY th' pods. '
" .l neve--was • So horrified an'.
ocicedroe life., It wits ..'worth.
! tears ala prima
.Atv dm un.
n -" 'than th. 411E4o .t_ but£t_vtr
rine. "r'e.see th' lady In.tbi bibiieal'
diorama, has,. a- soint'a • head out . N oft
bee .r. a shy is in, love` with. film an'
thin does a dance in front . iv tb'.
trea+rl. It, is a pretty cono'it • au'
c s in, ]y •depieted«,.;' _
ti sI+�t abOfit hat M_
etra to - age'
at,"to arc
t for nae,latch leare
=ice ataa t hew o
the i aaaa: "ixt'
• treee+rOm a r , at
the '
moor Tha(nt
tom. -conker, * every
.Jfiiq,t ,_distant* ,nt,.
ashes. or Vie**tag made. Ts •
id„ and .><_ .t' t>�i mite +
tua.t„tom ttree•, ` was ”. y 2t r
tot In d;te'r, auxi idoctaideratAl.
Inura than: VO Peat 11,6 ht,,OP, to et
these . d iertalatw 1st WVen h>ai dx t
to roll roll f
.tn Tablet.. Sold b:
Women l lt'"pa to co to*lemma tacos
wbo fool woo e
ot:h cto .t _an -b 1Ci 'v1 ++ '
•:tea `pt*te xi
M e r ♦ * �, it",( iK . 1"C`{rfr(, 4)')' c'C, r r.r "'10'139# ,,vi) '.)\J%'a ai'"4f-�:G?