Exeter Times., 1909-08-26, Page 4:
and proUt.
was .meichnta
*44 b 11 t anything
ii-,— 4: il.
,40.,ourtto . ring*to
OntOlk.,... , . • ,.
aMbitt ISAthe **eat, pro -
o 4;nrenty-feur 'tlwitaeru,
r *ate TA • r
-;Those who were.uzgir
ta 6.110w ew Zcaand'$ fir
s ,better.'
he hour 'band of. your watch
4014 the itio4th, is 'exactly
',betweenthe, boar • and the
If On the watch. For in-
* 00:Se • it is ;four: o'cloola
itznd iudic tng four to the
a stoPPcd in 20
one of Pr.. Shoop's Pink rain
formula is an the -2.5
Ir r-.3)00ttfrOrTirn
ains (lathes and_pains any-
',.',9131trttojtrr- ct,neveku,-*
tee triaL to prove value. of his
lee, or Wink Vein Tablets.- Sold.
011/41‘l .•
tirdlies all i -he. truer-
. Love of a !joke
harles Berestord, who . has
4. be' ,ore. n- to open ! the Cn-
1ation4l OxItibitionat Toron-
.. .
tto .ttcxpri-
, Ireland. Ile Bald that un-
rtuDtLtelY that, election took Olac
vilien they 'trete raending
I Er. 0,1400rtia-figne(i to
tta:bacic Of- .thtt.hettd,'044!1gbj-
o- cone of his support
c-tr.who ttb
t. • at ..am•-•
If.-..._Wasret it s gr&it stroke?'
• leiter). Vbe lrish xation was the
e r. court world. They
a nation in,
Even Polities Oro
to Old -Ireland When. that was
Week Of talk, nor forgot 01
eir'd1fferencc1' when: -they reznem-
thatthey watt -bath Irishmen.
ritodmiatt once told Vim in
to ste, ',him* • Sortie Irishmen
ere iiiretkp?'exto.ggeration, of cony/let
•untryman that 144 18'49 vet)* orrg
,but. •if
likd he --,*Alitgrisifile-nftte'trient
old coeval.* At route
DoreLaUtThtT) -A
I could get. Iola 'Of the.
rewthat &testes", ' "Gob
ra; 'a on gnicntire
l , "merchant reccLv4 ib valu
for iIrS Mauer And. atiliret
proflcunceder. fratid„,„a' /debt* ..a
nusace'by eV*
ere are
„men. who 'do
ise. live merehan
os his advertisement .ef
some ithought and brains intolt)
quotes prices wben he has hargatas tO
offer,„ ts, absolutely 'truthful and
trustworthy in all he say*. : eon.,
sequenee is, people read the vertise-
with' the . and whe
see n ga n v t ,tjwr
coine a neessjty in the tonne, as
welt as a source of pleasure:. " 'the
merchant* profit by their advertise:1.
ments, and the subscriber saves mon-
bra`fendiro •
a JOAxhraim
LTh argot' nie e
worldrov -0
o a' is
jot -
age 1) Province," frc'u1e it is
comparatively malt, but it is s large
44 flglend and Orat,land.
Vanda lis addin to population
every y'ear, byinullAxrationt, i nattet
equal to the population of it oronto
Omit& t -0,638 -at -con
thes throughout Canada, and la the patted Stats am! Engtaid
va...1.1m,044tt *bike
r.jkuit4raL .rountry, ittbogh
bare' orat wpalthin our torests, fish.
cries, And mule, 't
One ot the tpost eitenSiVe Caiidian
ApezfectRemfdy forCowfli
its of$1 and upwards . eteiv and llowe c
rates. Accounts mayhe opned in, the names of two. or
More .persons a la withdrawals made by an
, en you put your corset on
Warm weather dust them thoroughly
with talcum powder. To fasten top.
set corer. .in front use the littlestrap
that conies on the hose. suPPorfro,
To Make -candles burn brightly, rolt.
t nu ther%tigbtl bdore roUing,
in- salt.,
,TQ reinore tar .ttalas, moisten with'
03v0 oil, then 'a tepid lather of
Pot wring. A large bun -o taiga-
...onette, On the table where you hare
flies andyou will b. surprised bow
w ernan in the ' room. ° •
or /310$0 ,re
oton_after alias been,..14,01-watoti*It
fermaldehYde, Sprinkle the floor thor-
oughly Itith. aqua, Ammonia, the kin
• 440 grocers will do. and
han crothl bout the room wet with
ammonia. r -
Vor 'burns, .01)1)4. than slices ot raw
potato, oor if you hare time scrape
and bind -tightly. tehange. often..
For bites apply reseline and burnt
• n ---juice fur be stia
common bittiog for bites of any 'move
or vasotine. lard, And burnt abint
otynrno}jne tain, sok in cold *a
loblk-witni'61" wa rvond_finallY. wash.
r If 4A-bito goods, ut 'the ion%
-tartar will rerzrnvc iron
An; "let me come 11 OM
taik to yott.Abore.”' AlLaughter).Atii
he rant* and talk they did.
Atm: ..Wm. White, ot
ratt..cy., nave returned trove a
latt With friendeet Spring-
. t at
_Pronto, ,s the
. iW.1L Vitiele.
.. &rill. of NeitkOs)Bri-
Voiunthitt,who -*peat.' the -' 'peat
o inontb ith his parents and
`. blot tiOlAborhood..bas re-
mitd we
tist will i,rovLd omctbln
titat 'will tilt' a *long felt want. .
Miu' Francis aeyttiolds who
kere isitioX at her bottle,' has
turaed to ,tforonto.
Mi Ittlietr Swan. or Gederich-, .11/
*itInr lier uitithdr. ..,
itederiek Smallaeoinbe t'1izrn-
- Mt
been eptinding•o- month or so r
latlievand friends. •
isli:t. --o ,'r 1
tv , visitin'
t' Ivre last
proap-A‘tia` ag f
trArrililting ;
"Edgar 1)/0.1
esley LittOore.!
reh and covcr the stain d t en
tore. For carbolic' Acid barn AP Ir
vinegar nt once, and then make
poultice of stale bread and rinegar.
bis lzoldsgood for n berm -ire -at
r4r acre ieet, .throe parts oaliOlia
acid powder, Lt1.0 parts starch puleri4ed.- and ti9 per cont. of Intiveriord
soapstone. .Sitt into:shoes eild'Atock-
logs. -For a canker/ irt the mouth',
two notices honey inixett with one
hn-IT p—oi-vtritx or Eorje
wder. .
o mend airober, warm the suttee
And *Iip in linscedoil and bring Vitt
together until *ahoy- orb -Atiety, then
let cools otuove gre Se tro& the
e cr Is hard useborz-bne
mitre zninnonja.„onatfourth e
ltPetreiiiiii;balf ounce oL • ha izig ,
fottio cut fine; mix , ell* to ether...
Put pailof cotton or paper
under -th:' pot irt the garment when.
rubbing it.
.'...Forthe hair; ilire'41rot4 ot kerosenet
gt, ,drovS Of tore oil. To this add
ten drops of extract of violet, And
rub .fin ..tboro.ly withfilo tip& of the
fingers' at „night. lispeciallY good the
daY before you are going to"shempoo
I it -iraffli!. in
t theca .ottt in stila alio. Vh.n yo
4ftZ',$idling onilsto..eatA,_artd_v.us
iorrIto4 pnitor, 'Init your papr ov
For ivy poisottina. wipe off
aZcoltol .‘trod wittirt or:view-P.1r and
Pio.,0011. tut ion -the- alariztek. affected
and ,,et olt,retztain untilj tlz. 4 and
thou put not anoth:.,r
3 a,on1nitt4 otae
VOLUrty on.
oeony uiriceirrietze.
ay' Lind; who reie her first f:*
poor. continued throughout
te a series otchltrities an4. pie.
tX3 • regard'iotbe ' leiter
141, assurance 44 %-a-C.o.4end:- that *bls-
01' sitigem deliberately ent
4ii*Art t'os public ,:oreer white .her
vt,i;41,-Ir Iv till ti n. It Nva
ip.Vtm tt4" who Oun.d
1 1u1 sitting to r,ard evening on
'..*-contli emit .1tette1t last after her
loolcawal. %%Ids u hook in her lap. -
g inks of I er resolve 9 'Nand
rettlit,„0uu-ns be
outing less- to one 611-z1
o..11.pit, 16 her lap '‘v,ns a Plble-eitswas
corning nothing 16 ine. nodi ktoeur then •
orly ,lite " 1...Poidou Standard.
8hrtat ..„.. 144423
$03..4 13,912.07
ltotherobtrg. Co. ,.."1:448184
'These figures 'afford about as cone
v oclog proof .of the fact that it pay
notirt...tlieliabit of sPencling money to
things that 46 not pay, gverY DCfl
ny or /these enormous approprietions
r.1r hem experotted. ,
. • tilitiicatt.LOtte.rY_
_ Neatly11.11.13W. Ta_Apent.tn. tho IH
POilro'gvory Wet4c Iti lottery' tick-
ets., and -in tbe"satue period' *bout $70,..
oN):13 pald'Uek I pronlutna,'..pn tho
weeks hot0010telk. DreCeding, the big
driitriaga the. sale!, or cent** ;mounts
when the $200,000.' .draWing4 *re beta
there are 20,000 tickets at _ ch
lug -t1X5t=t
au average, 1
grcatet yield per aerie in tbc co-op-
erative eXperiMenta throughout Piti4'
tario in 1907 and .1008, as well as in
190% It also cattle first in Portiori0
ztperimenters In..rnob o
xain be distributed-446a0tout
n arta, MIS autumn .as onoat the
arieties ,tor, CP -operative .0xPeriMenta
e distribitted the 'Ittiwson'it Golden
or co -opera t e czperuncn
✓ I IC .TumN
Four bandred,, and ten farmers
throughout Oatario conducted extler.
meats vjth autumn 330Mat erOPS ,our-
Ing-itbe---prist year. Reports have been,
reeeived front thirty-six of the coun,
ties ot the 'Province. Those couties
whiek,AugoUb :A:tatain:
good reports at au ally tete,
ttetvit,hxpor_tuionta,, were fldds.e,
1furon, gird:104
it fur th. 11-work-tti
;; ICIOSMAA 14 D. 00 1)
13;00 rfainor ;graduate of Toronto
ory. lbw ratExeter
root° and return $3,85 Auguit'28 U*,
September nth,. $2.8 .&ugust 31 ajid
September 2nd., -4".1 and Oh. kettirli
lhnit September 4. Special train aer..
ItOW$1114, At;
oughout Ontario 14 each of twelve tokoocasocy„akcotoc, • .
rears, but" within the loaf.U-14-,'Corotrair-orflift;r4.
*ears. According . to extensive -
he 17awson's Oolden !Chaff it stilt t and o re c
n„ the rrovinee,
Inagt 1)01)1314r and:the most exten- ••ir.S:stlidTwo
grown.variitr-of-WinterAirbea era. tY*
iVirinter aVeral;0- landowlitteets
tette* of winter ry.e.4istrihtited In tbe
AtatImn of looa is as .04101%***
tooth White .11 .111,101),` 224, and
wit re
04431i °OW °Ijitance4
'grain per acre Of each of tit ee Ver -1
• 'TO- LO
.............. . •,•••,••••,, .... .......... •
rt 1?"
ara Valle and ,Buttalo, N. Y. OflD
$ arut4lthe
Tialt11. LIMIT SEPT. Stbt
• Volt la a a rrer4--
. Tt Lieict Agento
or Ay Of)011A1411, Onion
dowa. appear thdioa 10.1* sbou
Mats more lik&y, to,sOntraet
theta thOW*110 Bleep wlth ti
tialra shut �n cold and damp
or at lee*, tho those wit* il
:doted *10M:we ,,tlaint
er vart,,Of the /6004)4
In WO* Press.
trile ('xper ru"n s wt A ahi tortan:ao
or here Presentedin- ft very
, V.1 ter S Four varittice of
winter witeat 4ere 'tlistri'buted -last.
"titurron to those fernier* who wished.
to tt...st vaillo4- of the leading varieties
o their own tams. The average
per acre of straw endof Amain
os, 0441 'boa.: A*104411100, 1.3.' 'ton*
bus.; lialgarian 1,2, tens. 214
44111111131 I
.ter wheat; tlir averageyields of grain
gran z_ter , "here Joefiv ,leitrti aro,. 44
follois. miica.11-177rtillicr;7267r• ae4
Nitrate of Soda 23.8 boa.; '01,fariatto of
Potash, and SuperphOlPbete
22.7 bus ithrertitirettland-gare
.an protege of 10.0bus., per acre: The
.Saperphoopluite was:,applied the
Alotitalt and, the llitrate.ot Soda each
160poundsper acre. The.14axed
rettooter consisted ot one-third ot the
t ethree
ttIlIxrrys her ztiond. The zunial
cost oL tbe fertillzerias used la,thia,
:,tietween Oar411 flirt
do tars -Vet here.-
odder -Crops. itt each
_go1gthto a berbet'*_abojk for a Tie,
ati4 then, getting' hie 'hilt' tut • tist to
keep other people Wilting,
ttl* creatures .MaY *al.
.'t tt,ot be *We to eat mu
thelf Ott as
000 11 e k
et -tetted -aqu
'lathes tong, wonkl
Aviate ityebut
throughout Ontario,
✓ fodde purposes. nverae
01 rtlxYetirs". exPerimenteo ..the Uair
Vetelesprodured el42latit the tarp*
yleld Of grain 'todder per acre,' but itt
ithe.' largest' yIId with ptirt4o44
Ithd 1tr0; 04,
Distributionor 'Material l�rExpe
1,00X-440 the supfily, 14014,inate
itil '10firit be ,distributed,freeo.:of ohtt
itt the order -10 which the atiiietiti
nrC xeteitk4, ftozn-Ontatio[Trainia
WI9biXI to experiment and mpo
the resoiltsof anY one of the to! tt
in ttesta', 4. hrte varieties of Win.
ter NV/teat; C.:two varieties Of Wire.
er lt ye :11. fire Fertilizers with Win.
'Avbeat 4. Antuttin Wad Opting*
"rations -at Nitrate of Oade And co
n. salt with Winter Wheat
4 14 Eitinter ittict Winter flat
Vetthes and Winter rtYto,za
Ortko*. The $146 .of oath pie
ht ivo-rod
on.. Matrrjtl for numbr,s a and
nod that fo
•AnY Poro9n the *DU Impair
to-mikirt Or any -stoat,' Over.11
wr" 014. Mar homestead it quart
*toting. ntivailabi* Demintextiamd IN
Motaitehtt, .SitAkatohoWia, jhor
applicant moat appear In Pe
t ho Matilirlk)tti Litikda• A 'en.
. ,
n,o�ndiL[ona, by father
*on, daughter, •hr,
14.4" inteMlinir. homeateader.
and 01iltiYat10n
lhe within, nitt
• o
nerve. .4: e - -
"insidetb4tutidite j °
fail, Indigeation andstobischsdittreas
utast surely reanit. 'For tbiSor drug*
ta *._ everywhere_ are • supplying_
precr1pt1on k40Wit as ' '1).to Olt
lestoratie, Vitsh these titty. I
Stomiteb, Wert./ end, Kis:toe
erree* Uqo am
O ear
pitation, or . tailing kidneya fol
-drat the Stifittaith, -
l&te tbe, Mart or ifitineyo, That la
rong-. Strengthen- tfteant falling jer.'
th bro slico's ltesterati're.
the .nerrea, not, the organ* that
,e railing for heap. Within 'Mt 'hOttra
se...starting the Ilsebatvttivo .treit
n ' will rtalistn filo gain. .
1 will tell. soyt by W. 8. 1Tpy-
blot ft
brother Or .iatnr.
In *attain districts *.,11'
in, 'stood istandina ma:
*tarter aeetioli, 401)&14 h
'tea Prieto ,$110 per OM ittortleito
Kolb reside oix Montle* Intailt of Aso
f ty scr .Xtra..
•• A homesteader who boni exile
botketeaal right -Ind cannOt 'Obit ' •
pre.etuption ;toe take
toed Itolzestend in certain d[otrl
tloa $41. per *ore. Dutlea.;-,
kle al* Artontlia in e,ch of
tam oultiv,te fift! oree end ex
• house worth *300
' wAtt, tta
etre g