Exeter Times., 1909-08-05, Page 3'17791' �TEDOOU IE WOJU. 4 , ft up, 1aue.sand thegnifi 9flrticr?, he retur .'fair Owner* ni ..•'" • Y nett' 0 1 ,!,:11PQ71,17,77,77.7441K • ,c A • liig, "that in a hor that r ° o t themselVe 1 .e welv and eight These, with Durham, make up Ate bar ,o1 twenty-six mem- be,reigning monarch has. to extend the Order le ocreigns. -. .44,t the present, incl tide twenty.ene. reign. 1 4`sik heirs -apparent to 14 OP TOBEL has for its principal ter„ forinerlY • 4"* 4 c * 1 ' - 441 e 4. , tir r ,te1labo-‘ iirt4` 4 #1e. ligi ^ • 0111 Of oul down on th 1zeath lighl,ing our kAist is,l Ikasat, e in the fireplaoe that you • Wb ,sfiould- to light match 'But thmatck:rsuld&t wisp.m ▪ could," rqili anclina. .away rn d inatelies, p Angor e, eat,_ and settled hi If in a big - "If 544"11 tell about the matches that Wouldn't strike,' he .said, his most porsurtsiye tone, "I won't fiAss404norrow *night if have to try three." , Grandma smiled and closed her ,"Irett couldn't Strike them, In bee:m.41e, the wero ,ttbt• t^ qm,11 lAtil,k mate - T.114 'wasthe way they were ratteleJtend there Y.V.4-11 nothing-kup-aulpto4.-_put,on- er-th •.'. 'ift7" 1 1 ' t lours thedwU a , NI 1 xv ) ' . ' . 0,,•044i0W Y the7 , „ad Will pion:44V euro these trouble if, they come tinexpeete413rt.,. ., ,,''. For ut Woir-it" -Ityn--0-01 3044- „ kept -- in. .., -r e r' f op Oa' at '1111 mac .t,..4_,rt drilheil)etztklir e Own Tablets -Nil_ 41 , ut the , „u i5plendidly." '1" to or by mail at 2445cents a bo from The Dr. Williams' liedicin , Co., .Brockville, Ont. ,64.0 rk ue velv4 , out an ineh wide, buclde and pe 'dant of solid motto in sold- letters, worn 4)11 the left leg a little' o knee), but if the head of is W9,11eort, she wears ft, AVM above -the- elbow. ess 'f the Knights of the monial occasions is, greatest-diatiactien ri bito .silk),.'and handle. The way in which these t.ho'Order em- mat4ies were ,most useful .was in he left breast. A food I lighting new fires,, I think. People vet; a-surcoat, or coatj trial, to keep fife on band in those of the same ma- i days, when a new fire was so hard W011 11 "Oh, a great :deal," nnswered. his grandmother.. "If you had some fire on hand you could light a 'spank,' as they called them, very quickly, for sulphur blazes in twingling; and you could. tarry .your match from lamp to laraP,, instead of bringing the .lamps or, candles to the fire.. Of 'course there are other things timt light 44 quick-' NOTHING TO SPEAK OF. Ile wasn't the best behaved of and -se,- before l,te.„-started_out for the party, his mother gave hiin elaborate instructions as to the way os ou carry ix1t'-- le aked or TfiToturn. "Oh, all right, ,ma." quittitn_ e you o Anytliirmantpplitvi" ' t 1 • 4 ." 4." • b I S I I * ,...Init_if_li.ltoz_onc had to astert with be lighted it was A pretty fine thing ends to the lining to be able to use one of these spunks 4411g-e,--Plu that you -think -we e ostrieh feathers, having get; a, spark ' fiinn Allot and steel' entre a tuft of black heron's was 'fio little trouble, and then this ers. . • ' t 3 ric Must he caught in a Under,. maTti reWrirt the "cot- hOg-a bex fell of sttiff that wou .,, . _. ziki e finest gold, with twert- kindle easily, mut not -blaze, stuff ters--signify* g 'Om ourng like-Aike--rugs " ne added with enahors-ena/P,/ d5n atuto a nvutning too' or , reb t .1. be g ' .1 1 I** tt, it- 1 1*. shnieit1 lland and des not asi e ere is,. ( 6. • , , e • , 'of il ough1a sznglo tiiw s fro; • *now, T. Itcfaf r ' rests Reported te galcin, liot,-Werth Adviees_front._Cairo reeall .gh"th chapter of r. reSpontlent- writes that Egypt is at present in the throcs of a I4441•10 of fixes. NOM, he says, e they ben 13110,11, 1111,iff4104. 4-1 oVeryw er. the -P2 re thnk av cox_ Tbo mother's anxiety roused. ' "Ah,. then, there something wrong. Now, tell me all about it Willie." "Oh, it walsn't 'You see, limas trying tb cut my meat when it slipped oft -the to the floor:" • "Oh, my dear boy, whatever did s td, tort ea end , always the way with tough meat, and went on with my dinned" ii.DyICE FOR INVESTORS. V*. ft de ,through• .si t on Ain Eridges 'ci; A scro the may engineermg9wO:rrkwo.(iorli importanee that had to be Idtetittittirin;'-td the total cost of all the rrnan lines, 110W 60101111011g. almoat 50,0004:001110trefil "Wh',4 State zt 1%403,03%875 marks, Or aver- agoan. cost of AO more than P.$3,41ts &tics a ,kilonietre, 11 1 TON ONT4VRIO:Vt1,00111tY AN't--011V-Mide .r4 a rt arlO• r 1 ge, which one ] I g?s under the -tontrol.of h tario Department -- a ftiliat 9 11 t you , elk M. • 1,10 4 $ such 1Nrite. now and tell o *ill, cheerfully .give'all informatien re a T";"Tc'oda f,-Ak-rerr *elMalf.47-"nt I u d n ounee, CaUccI .al "Xining 4 C Vir it pieturettque summer resort on ofle of the, largest 'islands of the; Geer Ian: tray, only WA', hours run by the Grand . Trunk Railway System frortl,, the City. of Toroute, Oanada, an beautifully 'situated anionglha 30,- 000 islands of that territory. Stolen- 4id. hotel ae041X4 tiQnj 004 fish* . boatino*xTo .hrtr fever . s trout, el , and 4 ,13a # $ $ ft. 1 strited-dse ....,. tiv atter-a *to Mr J -many es ally. 0 a,. from which.' Mt natives .are suffering terribly. The. Government oeculists 1011 have tiesir hands more than full. during the duration of the fly plague. Opportunities, to be Rad in Cana. ditto Securities. - n 'year 3,004, there were issued 4i in Canada $34,249,247 of bonds, by the Dominion and Provincial Gov- • rnmentsrltitinia Public, Utility and larger industrial Corporations. Our continued ex- pansion has made the yearly re - /PP OIRLS• roritit or o n lirat year Univers] 0 d also r- all examinations, in if, Art rid Domestic 'Selene°, Great at- entienf is given to Physical,: edaeit. ion, which includes a variety of -school games -- Tennis, -Orieket, Basket -ball, and Hockey. There s also an open-air skating rink, "OWne.: diaeases of he lower animals t,a th public ficalth, has,' recently arouse' a demand •for food inspeetio which, together With the enactment •of Federal laws. for tile prevention of the spread of Contagions' dis. 0a404, baV0 both ita4 a marked in- fluence in broadening. the' 'field- of Ireterinary.,Science in this country, this -in its turn has led to the' . - •weigc' r tcmplate following Veterinary Sci- ence (111 their.life-werk. luivirtho benefit of the advances which have recently :been :Atatle at, the College. - Professor X. A. A. Grange, Prin- cipal the' College, will be pleased to furnish Tull particulars on apph- ation. c AIRtiftWir; T- ad' 0 s syV 4.717, Riop;"-IWT,Wrga stomach the ship,doctor ask 4‘NO.,. sir" ho returned fecb nothing but inrhAird"- : 1 t is Wise revent Disorder. 'eaustis, lead to disorders of t 4.1 1,140'folv'Arqi fr4O tr()Iti em them.: the.frist-reetitesteitiett. that the tomaeh and ;firer are not e f t .ftine t • 0 arm trinary Colleve .i,.TESP4RANCE TaitaisToi.o/w. oftte- istm-tialiiii-OiTift 14 VI* ,,,,wt..a.:001tattaraaRt *I" emote 1101, I . anitsto..sts. 1.701vereo get temvito., under 0,4 /191;t:$1' tat 11/,11 31".14pt, etAitkleltlitteetnato004 Con 0.1***14 00404, -1,IPU •Coutseor windy toe ilootx.0*-3-00300resta. TUB *POI SPAS filt,t(t4 041.011,,P 01* Wittiotc. 4.-04 It. Ins.u,s,„ Dtmi. , CENTS tIZEZ 'Wks et *1)xy and. este:. '11*Peraeletut*t basins*** our C$1111111. 0111r 4e1 -44)914 Pell 011 Inn flb10,7 tar**.:14aVP1**17 1136 Nat. tom 41,030,st:tn.* Qs, NitTsrosto.Q*04 1TM 7Enteit lost atAdoiddiat..wint- _ TO11011,MO, for forms, OA "111A0044 Xottog Distot?...* 4112. . • r's r finind-that the digestive organ's will speedily reswIne healthy action,. Laxatives and sedatives are so tended in these pills that no other preparation 'could be so effective 4`VL .theF. ITAS MIM10E. Phil understood. Only thitraorn. gilitemen# of -enormous Prop° encliising a rose "gules" enarnel and haying between garter -link a knot and, pend - white enema. Upon 'thistis ncled the "Great ge-a iayin 1 • 1 13044ter.,--v. I ing he forgot to put up the brass fender, and a spark from the open fire had left a little round bole in r ndrna's hearthTrufS. HOw..sor oe on on bisbaek *etre;" grandma went on toir h 'a Lilting ear. a had, mit the sulphur tip of a ‘GARTERS" - ARE VORIT, -spunk -dow-n4-11,- 0._ it:_trft s, Thc ritUn....anst star are_worn in_ spot, puff 1 yeti wotthrbave b iiiiiibrse ,tey ..icateits la th ,,ordistr-Itlaini- ,g_mateh, lioona-tho-vrood o e attending at Court, the the 'midi have °Iught-'' and you rhen eat tteorge.4 and collar being . would have hid a new fire started ,sts Uinta *hen special or. 'Think' lievi Muth: casier - than to. ot lus Lord Chninberlaia, any bkPirilt4-0°142**7t1I"1114411 at cereotouy dedated at the tinder to light ir piece of wood.. 'command to be, “couat "Peoplo thought these Watches . wonderful helm. ,even if you Ehe installation f Lord Durhamr-cPiallet IstrikA-theni but 'Mei'414 Si expected to ' take plate. in St.', not saltAI -Lto.uothem a greatwhilc, Georges -Chapel, Windsor, with, _beeitusd somebody :thought or e oxne- IV doubt,' *11 the. 'usual. dignifit41 thing' better. -Ican just.remember graudeur Thei.eicinotaat,,,,,carrik.4_,the_ _next, kind, They ,were tip ped ut in full, fellowstexeitly the lines with-sitPlifir--and'ettinethinee .Jaty'--_Iferirst VIIL Tha,:hut thosti;toOt_could not be lighted' xorgeow(A,Tobissur- by •sciatolung Peopre1ghted tba,a1"irzai-aii-o t theta- in itv'bottte uds- ready h eteive the 'knight-ele asn't it 1 „That bottle wit-u--iFFmost ignal he approaches His tnYster6:011s thing' In the ilvhat'6 and after . bowing rever. house to nte, It' was tUktl with aces lus loot on the gilt ,stabestoi. You ltnoW what asbestos, by, Garter, who exalts is, don't you That Tiger kindof - r. the tarter "to the roi ck that s so vettstrIngy and will tory off-itWirt soak up. wafer VA then girded 4a2141‘1 ttidt This asbestos los soakra in ,the.....tratiem,-Ale.. nevi stront- chemical kneels, before the flov. A chi 1 u _ttric__,, hat rnade thcmateh tip blaze when e, and the knight h. Win rITY-fiither-M-1 ' - always,, wan t fako *itik;a4,0 u his place Among patch. It went the matchinto • he-bottle.---Tuntas-soon sts. it- touch - 1:t, 011.01M. ed the wet rook, fizz! We had a-li The first of digs* matches we iful .no tit' of knight -I've heard ray mother *ay cos star ter, and two twent .five cents for eighty-four" perty of tho pj2jj gasped, as be thought_ot ' t the Iftiot a tient- thc in the .,yetil* *hen he wanted Drder with thtP 01.50e and lots of inaVeltes,..."I never lents-are re btt a have saved motteY for IL gOC lis iitr*' 4i4 in the Fourth if rd }aid to buy in ,, own 4 Earl Of LaNe etehes," jhesahl, with itWO ' of o' keep it up Po it yalti tereignshav ipies ni 9 —I. ' thnk l4ow-tii. f.4ilite , • •''''''‘'itlieli. .* teiltli ill . .... ,:. . 1 o floes. Tho Canadian Bond issues for various purposes in .1008 amounted to $190,857,4111 while au- thentic records show tho value of the eurrent year to date, ite,0 _ I° • P r*. 1.1 $1 t ; # • • # ; • • O 00 • bath. :1714.0.1•111,..11.01.4011140:01mmmmm4,1001010 0 LO:Isrd AGO. ,any a man 1 n ...rting with a girl when he Jessie -4,0s* Antique is stiO a flirting with trouble. She -41 don't believe 'it is pos- sible for any one to look more uncomfortable than a man in *mil- linery .store.” Ile -"Oh, :I don't know. --There's- the woman who goes into a barber shop with. her little by to get his — 114,000.1444,4414 ielmnent .dere d:.1a1,el • on, To *Au .4 ign,.qapitaLis•••shown,- by an. analysis f the distribution of the 1908-Bond igneeii---:($1014364,40).. _Them: re- mained in this . ',country, 1244.c Pp 4110United States absorbed.. , p.c. and Great Britain -843- P.C. riirnotewortirthat-Canadian in titutions and individuals a means are participating to a larger extent than 'formerly iii the financing 'o • ut-XatimialAindertakingt, --.GreaVRritain and the Centiaen of turOpe-havo long teen the chief market -places, of the worlds'. se- cnriticit, _Bendirt-ot atthey, rnigh e fele Med Tr -16661a -0011ggigelk-t. rer found among, the assote'of alt prosperous continentilleopresrio matter of -what class. Years -of , DON'T. 11,ENTIOX IT. - flapphexid---,"You. savA4 me from being killed by that auto. I oie inyAireto you 1" Stenten-"Young Man oott-lat that worry, you!" ' .4.1..404#444,4 Piet: thfg safe, pleasant and ef. teal worm 'Merl Itothtr Graves' Worin Eiaterminator nothirtg nits it Procure * bottle and a, it home. g 1 1 ` 1 notieed t JirnieI m--onaentel You weren't old enough totake rtotiee when she started talking. Regarded as one of the*.most poi tent compounds ever introdueed w th which to combat all_ siumn 0 • 0 11 1 bowels. Dr. .1. D. Kellogg'a Dyson. • *, $41trithsfy-ftra440.1wi),,011it-.4- the; United States extettaiye bond „buyers. of internal isstifitran4 their entry into the Canadian market is, and will be, of no little assistance in our development, It safe end who the - v Sion o n4)1* hghest ity----rnOrt• fetpar entutes- t in firs mortgagc which your hankr oi an71-estittliat" commend. itiAt1 0IIPeCtS his Init. sonteltow he •doe rcalize sh-e has aright he aide of lam. • 1 ' T)o 144 cough fasten up0 gletted.• Dr. Thomas, rin :oil will brttlik up cold ouglti andshnild t . tha luiet *odd' s' yinc,-.1101-13, au ittlittfr wolOdin 44:1444,m44.4 LIA 11 - anOWed to Mtn Oyer your housethose few innocent -looking louse flies may cause: a real trag- edy any day, as they are known lo be Oic prine1pi agen 3 for spread of 'pose deadly diseases, lixerzi-iVo-other-fly41111 11 ; eilltkihm rut Q 04 FOILSAt !an *in its For very, many years the chief organ' of the Conscrvativo partygor the Eastern Townships., "Tho Guardian" is an 8 -page 0-colitpu paper,' and hat been conducted by the.prezent editor. without inter- rup‘ion for 50 years, ---who retires- - in ansequenee of advancing yawl'. The plant is in fair order, and coma so a zoo era a re- t. • is *lad job type, 7 -1 -ors ower engin* and boiler, 'Peerless em cutter, *ttt.-ini--CalthAell, power press, Me- • dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order; throe very large stonss, .table!,- furniture tools, addressing hmer-stoves,-iatc,,,e Apply either to S. FRANK WILSON, Toronto.., --xfors-,-Riehmond,.Que. • I. t". Ior the_purPowcan, aspire young or old *stifferinfir these complaints it is the best medicine hat -can 4 'tic problem* are *roil thi hetig, ns -for .1e is about the only. :thing that nJ a blanket -Wraii*Sitlirbiliit iwn.efatothkre.e.y it comfortable in hot Atter inaling a :most . careful study of the matter,* V. 8, Oorern4 went scientists state definitely . itilitalute441phstailiniet:: of dhtribuUng asseililas"iotek.A.Mst tiOntt vim lestsstistsi bid tit UP* ArtUltal# AZ* .$41•411c, It no* Ditir11 wholkor*. XOTt M 144 44. L'retty time brush up you *urgers. C,orn on the cob I be her feyir- 11 'An smoittiox.„ vil‘ios 'I ;oil kilt too. zas atom. tit'e I ;- 100111.11tV'f',6 1C100 *gine that Gotrox was born: w • silve,r I lol? ."No, With him Mid#4•44#141 11100 -1110140111aitaltkOMIttAtiti-ret ee tual. Painkiller in** be adininiste inexperienced • persons without. fear -0 widest, roo, all 11041 complaints it •I * aura specific. Aro% „subatituiegt, the* f but • one "Painkiller -Pero Dula' m • and .-4144 DOMRSTIO PROBLEMS. Mr. Nevivred.:y 1.0410eart, X Itis on'ti- tell -that- cook that -We; don't like en our beglf3tfelik burned# and Aore want* our roasts ?tic- - - -14t -4410114ter4-• 1145 tielter n 110110' j.ti'...**4 try* 41;11I 71.E0tr *nit tleititiatillitiCt. tikt : V*11131149,1111. ptseii4olar *WA** ifitttra It a, • '111*, ilext It -int/as rosi 11;* lliettineante ,11•041 Oita* • te Kr.1dP *A* SAVA, 004 let Si; tome* •iikt, aia'arlot The htstory of Standar dialt-lion(ts has beei - unrw 1 sati 6. I.1tio-efati -- a Zg the bond • Always. Serviceabie.-4(eit pills. ioits their properties with age. 1.1`ot to with Partneleel Vegetable, .11w•-•pill-mass-ia-so.-,,compounded- tat their strength and -effectiveness and th carried anywhero withou 11-- their potency. r1ityth*tfr'piBa pus' pills lose their power, with Parmelee's. They will main- talit,,theif_treshAess and prOteiib 'for a long t11110. 1+1 Malt ilia the reputation being'able to, say a. plain repiy to S4 ques. 110,„equal for remov ng eta tioublesome excresenee LS many linve •testiied /s11.4 hay ied it. TOE POINTW. his .mair is not insane," saic a rt "and never has been eep.- bun in an asylum is turf.' direfted. against, humai •asitattlt upon Or 44,6r liberry,-*n not prove he d tp 1 1' a Nf'cor.% e mom- mom.- liteneller know,": began . leigh, "that, i'rn 0 elined to think: ought to try it, intcrupt Cayenne, "Xt's not inieb thing after one cts used t tha Com° ort be ,Ont e.• tinainta dza c A a 4 1 11 oag OP 111 or won strthis-to " • 1 10 Olt 110 I itiALTL TIl 1 tr.r,ttr. 6' • t1,0 quid .ttria ,11 Mtr m ▪ Pm•