Exeter Times., 1909-07-01, Page 3d wodd lea ct*umpt rubor of medxe hr eon ur „ cut* linger -Or any qbftk ill, 1 2mnediatcy 'rat month* with remer s. They hdped xne-' ..now s1r�ng1y recon more natural. look- pink;•lilae8, uit, waits ofgoocl great .Some of the ucw long Bilk glovea es.- of tuckii_ beginning st the writ It s -- to have the high:- , waiking oots.strapped around e top and buckled. On taitor putties the sleeves are Wi1rdevere;bLt- -on-d *ughDr. Wilhii er other medci • .• get, tbt ,P1UO3as 00P; 1 ha1 uiy les houselt ld tics over - from trdayafternoofl— .Uved by 11 )unded by ZI : Trlto Morin. ir intuarstes o d. Pink Pil1, for Pale People arc sold by all dealers in xnedicine r direct by mail from, The Dr. -Williamstifedicirte- Co; Brockville, ox or.,251x--hoot -OnL VQUSfle82 and tirednese.Carri ‘ only fivo. yearls cia,a med to keop right under h her old doll until t -step-wit ad. and ld_her-to_ 3tay her .6. nada $0.40, That dis Badney P alwari re bein (wen to )Wfl with 1i -they' aro orn. D1ST.%,CF SENSE OF Ma.ny4ofthe new vtns dplay• • nbroid vies meroitttricate.. aucl ltemerkalily 'DeVeloped hi Some those oft. last sea- • Persens.;• ronte,lalack aten Itb innn that aonys .41 'or is F. blind persons, Can MOV0 „ 0044 in 0.-0, r, iuto;her blue eyes.. or na," 3110 3414; 4You. flt.i'lr- 1 UP ,f0II, fairy stories like maminas, do'.$oti-v:* 'SOAP.. Maus if you continue ii your present life of ''siktrairtg. once you'll surely pay for it SOM0 daY. ' • - Mr. Wildman—"I *fah, MY% dea that my creditors had the - eamo. faith : in my .good intentions." Wen hat's all right, 'doctor. .There sn't a soul in ther-h#use. -that w bow to spefl rheumatisin." the--best-ot, lilythe files -and LEShe c1sease germs.. - on Ow1lmfr alwaya &y bo,nob, I1ILI1 LU vi. The Spinster_ uro .coul 'I over have the Dleao,nire of meet. such a man.'T • , 1:1* .m.lorosoOpe in the hands o experts ernployed by the Unite Wes Government has revealed Thefactthat a hOUSO .11y,,,Sonietime Varries,thottsands,,o disease germ attached to -it0-;'hairy,44O4ylti*Pads - will -prev-et*vafl--.4anger -o ;. contnuou use. of Wilson's Fly , mtectLon from that s*.T-1 ---roWM1t WIT both the germs 04 the flielf, COMMERCIALIZED. ._A-40.3.0400.45., - .,euny 140g4g SIE4014, a, romiii/y ,titat as about the only thing that noedss blanket wrapped around it -keep:. it corafortable hot weather. Wben going awayfromjiome, at any change of habitat, he 4wa» wb* tibe *mon& his st serge yaictitr- i,instcad -of being alt white, k moire collar and cuffs. .` i• • n the brown is not:tow dark to afford a contrast with the *5Ofl4! of the lingerie waists have one or cr shallow -,tucks at the o an tt round collarless yokeci of net or t. lace. The most eXperative waists have • long sleeves but with the warmwelther wilt come ° a greater num- ber of the 41bovi sleeve variety. " Sorne .of the individupljinen Voekete and bags 'worn iiitF bke surnmer frocks- are fastened -with n thrqugy. embroidered 6Tbe-latet mati'moitat 0 broad ed„ TIW.711-6 _a -0_41(ft Manueri. always e piquant certaimty and without* e0ming i 4s19n with ause-larRe. ubject MO a 'century ago Spallanz sliacoverod that bats can steer cl of obstacles in= total..darkrteSs, order to make sure that•the. se teuiito to iny heart, &licil oultIstrain, Then-I:sat hi white Itxtehen ter the finest fairy e up I sera "-bb . -ed' seme ba hit t ey. Ile* about a confldently.an4 safely ' as before. This experiment proved. that warning of the presence ' bjects receivecr,through the surfaee of the body ether•than the; eyes. In the ease of bluX1 tons it vtas thought itt. cur that this -viarnin# was give atiand waves rbtlected:. by ects, but this theory is disproved mar line tea:patty-under thif-tilat stk.. fc -Fronkthet ting_ton_ply:children eame Art, eleau floors and tablet, seoond. Often IC 4 it whisper keop herliouse in. 40 -Perfect order as sbe.triighti' but 'laughed; kissed Pli//,o,bilfirbn't laughing faces -did 'net mind." y a simple experiment1 hen a blind manta -ears are -stopped com- letely the sense of distance re- tht5-Ai rgaret's College, for girlsCon- urrently with, or independent an Academic course .0, runs tonnes in Music, _ r•r77"._. ellisses , are made tdi v !,en each; so stri to bring the persona ueuee o le to bear .upon the • :pupil. ."Good hke good naannera comes best thrttugh asfociiitien with ttuise who -have -it," said an Oxford pro- fessor,. The personal influence of, thr- teacher., - cannot be effective when the Classes -are large. ,t„ • • "My frlentitts' eta a telliperanee lecturer, lowering hitt voice to an lic.houles 'starer at the ,bottorn anawcr -cam ts o LONDON. . **Ions Were Malstalning 701Persons. . y. Lotta011.-4110004 'that on April .17 441101,14 tiniOnit were maintain. 107 person's,of whom 130,;, work house, and of tlie populatto uuzbers on the cartes - ere --106, "ndoor.ind 43 ower * e depends chieflyon the ense of :die- tanee, but involve* a. so heavy& smell 'the temperaturo, 4elitte And $P$' stffl otlier ractora:-- • lileare Zam43uli this ideal, WO* It 1. 'anti 'b*bod wire aCtatthea tatiPcot - --4111011*- cos the pats.. thoutds 001 tb�cosntrycottage **eat herbal. ft .saay b.r.t&rded as'114tures4walisa1or.. • 1r, *to, *elite. of distance( Is not ,posseseed by all blindpersons,but different degrees'lirthose. blind pos. icssors at this' sense locate, it in and -near-the-foreheid- -sensation---ifrvegue reserribles a light touch; Prom the experiments. rot Una., -Wotlffin *a -othera, it-apptart very_ probable that, the distanes rye or plan( ic region. he belehing eructation of these gases is/offal- pi0.4) Aluirdthe *al to Pre *out t. b e ills wiLlclo this. ° xsat EisoLcs reetious go with each paacet, course of “them taken systematz- os tal1y. is certain to 'effeet a cure. ge place- where there aro•ito doctors may bring on an attack of 41rsontery. He then has a stand- ard remedy at hand With whichto h_thit_disnrAle ' ailment and subdue it. ). any- * man* °We rav has gone Itime: when his -wife 7si AZISitt-thie-lateb Sre the cook.. • It Stint YOU CET- THE Kinn 'YOU • tom ALWAY4 /140.--Oirlaeto the gra*, pula.rity *Vb. ores. raserripaloga tuatara aro rattling D Ilk* it. Nada by Darla * Lairreaco s*Alap!eci for wto in mote of iraddenaircidati or mac**Such it ono ;tic iVitlakillor bottle. Avolit ibstitutolit there. la but on* "Painitillor' -Tortr,y- Any Min: can inherit :money gi...en an oppo\rtuitity, but when it tomes to :k p it—well, that's art - t A. laxly 'tritest t as enabl itomeve the oorns, oot and bran the use of Hello- way's Or ()lats.." Others wiz° *have tried ,have_the Ataratr-experlence. AfteTtitititr7thiiipmf-, , at the proper tiMe and lets go a the psychologital moment. - 1$10- 0111010`04110070 TO*414h-04,040 4****totoi Pisittiait4t4irgtai,g14**4 M3'YrMtratuliffs DESCRIBED. "Wfiat -sort of in orator is hal' pea Pito. w en t by '"" trio Oil. If not in the'house- when re Pic—Orra WOW SW. OM AMERICAN' 01, 140 Cc '1 re 110 Paot oatita *tomato ta WU" Oat 1114 1111110000,4 . . EiEgA , COON'S ifiVElliiefl ElefRitfilltEV' . . .tormitountatts ,Nouulgi*, Lumbago,. 0.0nott. t*Ogaot , ,toaoft4ttior-rait**-produa*, oggliatiata*, It sto* *to *aufrafar matte At o for•Oattkalara to cooreaDagatrai 0040 than slit Crow* IAN iluUdit*C.TotOOto, Ontario., antion•thiaoyar-w • WANTEDio ttnite4 Zotpli .asoWesterit 04 an CoalcsoWallarebui Sugar, • erling Bank, 20 Trosto, an Guarantee, 10 I3irbe4t Loan (rally paid 6 per croon), wood SVale Cod. WO. filidia"gi Lupo Badger, sopa 'Cobalt Gem, 360d, kee A .for sale. Rhsuniatisin And all bodily pains disappear when it is applied, andishouM they at any ilmerreturni-e rience-teachet the ,1000 of theq)opulation. feature of the return is 0, C304 digtiet IthOWS1 leivrtr tal an for the corresponding ty of April 100. There was an- reue of $851 in the .Shoreditch 1140-1,4735-ce theitiow* o tit 111,0 one but in the other fir. eid u - - decU were total for thef ricti aa 2I,3 (18,01 indoor or 'a:decrease of n the' wet r• id the seven uttio roli 5,423 ' paupers (1 indoor and 3,10- outdoor}, into The unitins sa and St. recordrc al district bac ,910 indoor and, outdonr, or 2 1:tditetion of 160. h ditriet there were u 3 indoor and of tilt fir tbraneliOlih - rattail u ° known whether the distance sense .ved .by special .nerves or by which also serve the pressure and other lotuses, An investigation of the conditions which favor this 4044* igt012,14 field *ell *5 theoretical) • The reliSOU that Anarchist crimes don't you Conte to church 116f are pradically_unknOwn. in England Mackintosh , "Tor three : is that the Terrorists have agreed *it!, dinna likeyer thool. Attend as sort s'of ; secon , dinna like er • ; The Minister: -:"Maekhtolr'itilir sort. iileybury St! VW' .NelopoirailL - 1- 'ItItylA11,1111;trarinter17 JOIT1114. rochurr-, art- htitalpa. - . beert Atoned by nt-of iich ,camemanway near be ing actually carried t, wits$that planned by Martial Bourdin; Preneltmart, who, soMe thittecit years, *go, tried to blow, up . the GreenwichObservatory. LIU boil), however,' exploded iturely; and' he *az the *nit etc:. At 1 lA1, a piot vas hare ex: matured b7 alien Anrchits toblow up public btaildings and asaasist.e cqrtain 4oScia1s, and bombs Were low youth ansl; filled. But the pollee .butee, them were **kept weli informed, and * pounced upon' the, gang, *oat, o whom were stentented to long:terms imprisonment. About the same we an Italian Anarchist, boiled olti, together tinn a* titritilied In London' ificharged bontb in his T1iee twa also wen wite k he live* bli'nd far otter * eiendeut than they are a KILL LITTLE,C1IILIRBN: you want to keep your Chi 1 hy and full of lit Ibe hot weather •"month*, ttieln an occasional ;lose oi Own TabtetS. This niedi tinten Wit Unit= substitutes. Wilton's Pi 1)." many tiniei Anon haus any other known, article. Ontario." hallo* of this district is the new hotel—the Wawa at Norway Point, The hotel..0.4 self has a page illustriitien reflect. .eiti.409,,o0er glories of ithCa brood of. *Id goese soaring s t oratily rem dthtJiertinit that mu typica. , replied the hysiciatt arettes.'" let ry be obtained_ free p *Iron to 1; D. ItcDonald, Station, Toronto, 941h. 11 Al Asa, flr (1 1zsbmzr rt „ ins.risIscrxtit, leiSrea d the unknin it ZS during th bar* 0 o stout ein for um - ptthle, and am much pl.*sed sult/s, ,11 11*8 010' of eg'*ted