Exeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 60 4 4 334I4VVIS bi1 b 6 4 n 04 r I 'we 0'' Ott 4 vt, h up abovc veryots at the creattAroi had retUrn,t4 olu tho bank. The next women a1ooking 3jedliojottom, a Gieat W*ter Baef t4bIet o contain s "lite c r go' live, Jzoand..what are, • in ru: Th trange visitor Arai* bac u alarm, for the. beetle looked b"rrir---Crl" 01 SPider. it answered. "-A spider 2 Nonsense! Spidere ive on laud. If they fall into tha iss'Ihey are either drowned or y newts and myself." "But 1 am not an ordinary land I II -0 wows, "Never hear4 of uch a- cresol , srkt-the-lieetle--obetinat ouly have to glaneeat rue ^4$1 'a • _lasted the spi. r. puier,-_saui....tbe • . ing iii0-1itakir--efetatfrO rather -1m our ll. In hair." hairy dress is smart trick by which I am able to 'breathe air iently. "It is so bG waterproof. . On shore the air gets• through the hair to. my skin. . - hen, when I-emus-slows/I horeisthe- water presses round, and can't get ,in and so imprisons the air." -TTIS that whit -xi -Oa sea Psil like no bubblel" asked the beetle. wiWee40 ciirtiOW is h ,111 v,h tt: A4` a 'e.. a to. my horne 1 • eorne yeers ag a,, Vtit7,1 s xanw7 'an d r r 1-yertire t abIts to , *lair day 'orlessan e went of good heal my moth, informed m, u nusisjsgoAky#,and,,see ishableto LS away •at any he - /61 fon not ord o attended hurt, but of los* wife and family: as well. Upou siting „him sorted I found abund. ntevidence to confirm their opin- ion. - Mr. Olding had for years beti stetetatiser614.astlima, and bronchitis, but now a complimtion of diseases ems ravishing his sySteei. -We had been confined to has bed for mont s as -wit ed. to ske10to evidntLy glad_toce_m he eonvcrsed with the greatest diffi- OkUU elf, as w 1 gIibo and_the writer of tli` &longs,. ,0 a 44‘. II 0 giV4 4 AI rovt 111,.. • 4614 1- My method 4X -MU 0V- " said the beetle. "Now, I've 0 Inantrer-ural on my back. When the chamber Wants replenishing with air, 1 rise , open ray-w-ing-cati - let the air in, then shut them . a ::•3"*.; was the beginning of the en --76-4141V--grovoing-weaker• werclogolltn_toArgien_stlielst-,flatur size, and the-coltisliandsof. death was von his brow.. "It's no use." 1113-14ial-eilibi, -the aiyetafg medi- eineh not _helping me And." am.g0- ing down rapidly." I prayed with th 0 f0 6 0 4 11 , rsOli BAUY Alt;D"), PQM LitileTOt ad bull nearly succeedcd in :a -baby-in-a inai!cart and eenOn if in cu - s . - ho n04uses at 4 02_111 , blessing e 100104, 0 IS a„ -r rt . timely and tontletious . use of Dr. ".the animal w -as being led to the William? Pink Piils. * slaughterhouse, when it broke loose • caped -into the ear:len:lit- Mr. °labia himself writes .:"I adjoining ' house. Butetters and am glad Rev. Mr. Smith has written others 'gave chase, • armed with you about my syrosiderfulseure for guns,- and a shot served to enrage hod 1 the animal atilt further. It tore I eenfidently believe that ifsi.* not been 1. for Dr. Williams' iliiikl-tbr9411 fences, smashing garckn • Id have been, dead long * frames and everything. else in its g would-besiraressible to ex- wa...nAC§toPPed to investit tate-tlie, desperkte coeditie 1 mail -cart standing outside on of in -when I began to use the )0 01,03011---- Y...i. $ _ ...Z.1 ' .00 i ; .1 it eternity, and when I took his hand in parting it was the last time I ex - peered Us -see -Min ii thelleett. Three year later wit -neon another • 0 1 a s better. I scarcely dared hope my- ould: htirthrattgisi, Ind Ow dittlind I Iteve ever since 7iiiie3-riti good health. ThOtigh-1, eventy- tiin years- 014 -people stre-alWays- sereerkiog on how yeang, I look nd X feel young. 1 eiiiideft as fair h every way than I bed been for years. --rearinot say too much in praise. of*Diss:Witaaine Pink- -Pills. and I. take every opportunity riends who k 11 ‚4 1, 0 000 k- dioLit bubble. It the. meaning of that extraordin- - bubble -you -,havelerected_a bottem of the pond" 417-latt---isszny- housesswbiehI. a busily preparing for the winter. will tell you how I built it. I be- gan by standing between two stones, and spinning threads round Myself, attaching the ends to .the • 'stone -es I contifitml spinning oin- taii the threads. were -Ks-thick as - those of a, cocoon, by which time a. mg -was• seeming y in er health are al onva 'fir Mr* ve..0e] Hot Cross Buns Ilave,--Been Layi Traps for Teetotalers. -- A terrible indictment against the hot cross bun is framed by the Lon- *SIP This innocent -looking article of od-hass,alwitys, been...raga armiess,-but-th .cet" has dieeovered' that it has been taking, advantage of its innoc- itoue akieartiticerlifid reputation to lay a_ trill?, Ur- unwary teetotalerse The average hot cross bun, it is now stated, contains About 7.2 grains of alcohol, and the manwho eats twenty buns will obtain as much alcohol as he would get in a glass of beer. , The "Isancetli snakes thief tart terrible disclosure that most bread i• tf 04 re, . 46, save ber cbft3, btt-th&buiharged at her tindsbe retired. The animal a e -mut an u risti ut ortiotate r the bab feltintesthe hoodsof the cart. t g- Asti he Overturned cart, the hull ,left it but returned again mid 'smashed u to pieces:, pity,tho_ child wati I I hurt. . 1 • Th e animal- conitriued its Mall course -through the -garden- fences entil if became wedged in the nar. ow esttrysof one orthe houses, and s secured anzi--killed: ; NEWS .01' HAM r ROA JAE, LAND'S MORES. I L-Lwas=fotineda --41-1so--004.011411iel aro. .." taa..004# It I fcra1ed oitLef ii;leaving-iiir in., ,ireYirii ion o e ye 'Bat -darn the air eierYr15--L''''"-- time you went out by the dciorfi" There -in -vs -be some 'consolation 'asked the critical beetle. -for teetotalers in the aimouncemertt a bit of it. I'm much, too that it is possibarte- -make, teetotal • 'smart for that. The door it( at thebread and buns, but no yeast must - 0 titiE or the- - hitt.-7 Air - dee-s" not'btF tised-ps*ss-sss- , . -- - -***• - s- -----4---sesen-k-s-u-water. C..anseayslutly, I ' ....—......se..........„......, , ant able to get OA orray weli Nut '" • , y the door, while the air stars THE ILLS OF CHIL,O110011) . , ,Er very much doubt the truth of HOW TO':CURE..111EDI bettin4," , • your asitertione," said the beetle In thousands of lemes4hroughout flapping its 'huge legs. to andsfro. Ca,peda Dalse'.e_Awn' Tablets is thil, worad-takesszon...mtsi the hut. to only medieine used when 'the chil- ate-for, yourself, - only you- are, muc -drenareailing, oa the mother who -to , . esthie-Medi naps one or two small Aragon- feels as safe as though there was a . , I ok I lisapireirtags-iir-the-Einerald--Itsle-e Waterford Corporation passed resolution•favoring a tax on kvacize- fors crier 35 rott,rs or age. The workhouse at Longford was alrnost completely destroyed by fire recently. The dam:tap is,estirnated 410,000. As a consequence Of the retirc. tnent of Mr. Witham O'Brienfrom -eorre5--, avylisht hgvinartpst yst seve 1-years---pastr-efforts--aro-b,c- ins made to•clear it .off Castlerea -Guardians have sleci3. ed teignore the Local: Government Board 'i order regardingsthezsdi-vi& ar .rees=nrift n t te A •443 44 4.;A3tier* 69 yokins. Zaatieult-Va-rks:-Ii-Complettrtu -6 urbor-SAvosso, Providence; Rhode- Istand,, has been -cured by Zatn-Puk of a badleg, which had defied all rerned_ies for sixty len. ears. She says z -,-"When a cTiTd o erg it, I was bitten on the leg by a dog. A doctor cauterised the-placerteut-it-noyer _healed up soundly. • it. Iwo suffered with an ulcerated leg for over, sixty years. This occurred in England. and, rawly Engliskdostors tried En to hel tbcsore. At one drier was an in-patient at the East Shiro& Hasp" for a long period, and for three year I was In and out of hospitals. I was coetirtusue in pale...end the sore seonitt not heal. but continued • to discharge. Twelve months ago I came out itere• to my daughter, and during the voyage -144d to keep my bed. The ship's doctor examined my leg. and gave-ineva-plasterc which- 4 -bad -to take off again. as it made the pain so intense. When I reached.midaineateealonsershe.s,entl edi -cal_man....whosaid.nothin 410 - 7 4 141110.11 0#'464 44 4.4 • Amtr1an dotors4 the did me no g ter JiazneaioLZarn-I3ukAnd to try. it. With/the first application I seemed to find ease, and further treatmenA, sallt Zare-tielt did me so much good that seat for a proper supply. 1lepton with -thesZalnatik-treatenentvand'-mtesitagrthat the wound, was getting better. The r f. 11.4 x1o*ku e 6111i tia odd *erase DON' sissso. r' , It 84 r sfq' an 1 4ugt0ie bo*:0 telt: cured' me. rille-are-ivontlefittui That is the simple straightfor- If • f that place. It shows how gun Dodtl'a 'Kidney Pills ow° 'Xid 64444"v41, .....1-4me°411.1"74.4'4114ta'r' ue *stsYnitiO Heart Mut tom. It is caused by blood, from which the sick Kidneys have failed • train. the: -impurities *crease g the work of the heart. - Docld's Kidney Pills make the tick Kidneys well, the lame back disappears, the blood is purified, the heart is re- lieved- and the fiutteaings step. • If the case, is of long standing, it itger-ste-eure it,4-bu ,oticrs- ItAnerPilltinfVer fail to A : ents ti"Present V sbaziif 1 atilloso,t, attar eintkoudg.hiatfive raigo honmuite sre, It .• au 2rase' Worm Erniin 0 00 omart's pathy di*.. raged? l'is ou 4 t aie ett s."4 044- • 1 4 .#4 ree t.SS t e colone too; but Ramie% how to_L. cure myself., want to, coley° your hurl. OMIT dent, Why not and the pala RAU if WO the • doctor". Wit I can do this for 104 gad „ Alt ou need do;•10 wrttg for inmy gads A for other*. riltherr P borlw seu, will be cur r 2o the cos 0 a Postage stamp). rour letters heldcent'. to-dnv for free t. taeuttia 01./un-gu.. 1Tindzor, Ont.. Peppermint is usually prepared from gin aweetimed with sugar, and flavored with the essential oils of ,pepperthint. 6 -- -,,,------- "You look pale and thin. _What's wrong!" "Work! From morning •s*ell-tuglit"14-7.-"114,, -; Ism- mg-. 31 -a -ave ;011e4D244u--...nen effeetives abating the fever an s orrIF0 ;r7lolxl rtowe t • at it ?' "I begin teporrow." 4 d 'n t 4sg14--eillA f0NY,A4,XP.A..„, Tbote,. re many whomare- itdijeat to these *A Time for Everything.--TTshe tiele distressing aistutthenees end to _sp...., „ for Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is iviton these there is no better prepare, uniumr in the 0141- tion. ptoeurable as a. means of re; dren; when rheumatic pains • beset lief.' .. We old; *hen - 'Wailing°, with coughs, „scold, _catarrh or . earache stmng., ladies at_Seeiterville-,And-,F attack either youngorold;when have formed a league to promote burne, scalds, abrasions contusions refinement ameag young men,_and or sprains, come to aifY mem er o among other th-iiigsS--ffiVe resolve the family., In any of these ail- to marry no man who drinks , or t -„,,„...7.4-...„ ...- . ..„.„ V ure. liStA41,.....,M, s. re7Waihr..s.:t sissart:CaZr-ISs.S7ss, , 1 erv.J .4 • nxI liver Aiwa s recede attacks of rove and showing Distat ante of the titemach.--a A ' _for __Pever-iiid :gait - ague, - ..1 oL tsir - tion, in the quality o the o . I -these ailments Parmelee's Vege- 1. a tt.‘ SH MOAN, DVEIN� 00. nis** ;WIS4srs terWattirleiv ass. tar Id • 171-P-1$44 3114:kk 100140100. • :Itt u fakir ttl,ust rated. rnaltedt tree. 'IL 1111tatit'100., est # s ante fire \Insurance er) .4! Blehmottl a Orstargand VIM Imamate, est. el , utek adEtaate, Xotabl,#ty#4,„: 7.9,.. 0., t . xlienetors.at, opataso, , ir-P taria. at,14rxreir.„--, - • n - Torok N. 1 ts • th tuasAtOt,.. a 1 040. Probably-the-aunpleet-Cotr,t-iiy- The Emperor's •servants are all dressed in garments and headgear .ef red calico. • I1ITIME8 110 eiTEIS PalultilIer win to nim...4 so- ego and taken in em.-aly ill la hovel cuunaktnts.. Avotd onhetttutee. fifili'Verr.divisfrMrilter'ti---rerrtatrtifv-tift and 400. ",What did the doctor say was the SP Oed.' nd neva! Oriental IYto$8J Wo aro :LEN T A I... •tad., Wan X, SS KM% 0411414 Tertutto ALEXANDER . WARDEN. it�*e. ,Cburh b Oen . • vialasfseitanai-tt sa traders Beak Bending. 10BONTO. II I V Tawas sem Swats d:iiee net_ delay:toss. didn't know, what doctor otammo.4.19*. i sph, . going to next • r- "None. epspitsmisatesauts:ftabsyegszvt.ts.s. es; iihkin you beinxgin are yougoau admission as that, he must be .cougb tau Allikusa LW* nalcun. triWhen a doctor dares to make such o about. as high in hia-professioir-arriur . 401 get • tau- r H . 0». rons $100d; pins' restore failing 'health; Win- troduce them, we offer you a full Dysossesy corrodes the intestines 'sized package free. Mention this and speedily eats awaythelining, paper and erleioo ten cents to de - bringing _about dangerous condi- fray the cost of packing, etc. THE tions that may' cause death. Dr. -.s als-D.-Kelloggie,--Dysentery-Cotdial ESPP.OI -ES-COsiT aunties ssilS .-;isiteetintsLettisala to -. and by protectin the lining from 11 OitaAi&alit 46,964 w -ravagtore them to mon are 'entilled_ta_vote for_eount es ss . ,. • to dysentery s d not be Without u3 cipa oroug 8. this .simple yet powerful, remedy. Not a single ease of triteileation occurred last year among -the 0,000 inhabitants of Whittlesey, Cara- bridgeshire. k ..tr 6 4 Own Tzblets curatt$toniaLh W r1,23KtriTrriM6. 41'3 OW orward. "Como Along$" eaid the spider 'OlittrivIaW-ms . isk few itig0r0I13 Strokes brought 'Atm ,to the web hut. The spidcr flied -down- outlet it, witd-xtatied tp •.througli the itooriztk hy little it ow channel Intel -the hut, telling three- viterpillArs- to- follow, eit-Itt,+-unsufpeeting-treatu got insidethey received a, shoe witinteeitte.ssfsilmelratsswite, b the bodies of flies, tina1I gree • ring, and insects of every et tion. BeforoAliey hadrtune,_ta ree 'er from the shock of ench the little water -spider n them oneafter another ueoession and lit, Omit the 4 ray larder is full," 'said the little spider with- * tranquil) -4t JaM.jiic,badie4 of its k(iis thatt,tme, yott beauties yeti geliWed Me,up. •Itut4 hapPefi to be bigger than you Ngeo0r144 , 1 a 11 1,4 bitty u r 6 anTrTailtlwod. .rt tlestroy worms and make teething easy. Guaranteed free from opia,tea antn-icin-40-Otis drugs. 'Mellem Wilson, Wilson's, • N. D., says egatt using Baby'sOwn Tablets about five ars ago, and tlineAS then h meAsne _ether inedi ?At children. They never fail to bring relief, find- 1 would-advise- triet. Cork is to raise loan of $90,000 for the erection of a new -Technical school on the site presented by Mr. Sharseim Crawford, at Eittoteetre.et. James ItcGeown 0014g11: IAS just patented a, sort ,c,:f .twimming ari- arat bide .fair to be on of the most 1-Flairelik,Invenign-sTet conceived areira oungsman r lesgi ri• teriously on the 'day. Intended a t I 0 I f t -trr £ct9 'Woe -- - IflRYING*TONS OP GOLD. Inrtors in gold -mining eeuri- ill he interested tolearst that. an Airterielin lady computed not, long Mgo thatkin the United State* ,a1.013 al/ a ton of pure gokl,' 'talent to $50,i),000x Is annually put &V fining- into tti* teeth of the 14- siii7./fiastivutfearroor-okliis ptec lottc, oletoa is ever .*ft death, , 'the shrewd calculator fit ther reckoned that tit ,°. the tal that isew in c "mut;rC.io( thre c'rtfl'1e! b 1ing i t the to •retiii.rig tt3 mot, as much gold s the ot POW! *'xtrating liNvo Iscen fOu rreiiitiati arg w f RD in Nvi sed. I persevered withthe -BA, and, 16 cut long *tory short, it effected a cure. It is snarvelious to think that, after suffering for sixty years. Zath-fluk fiat beef' able.to make my le ecilisornuL" r Zintri-Thik is a cam 'milieu el -power ty. Purely herbal, it is superior to all krown remedies -tor chronic totes and rstssseetenissssatesthesuess-siiiew eruptions, varicose ulcers, cut% bit uses, itk It also'ureipil vt, 161 • igretion statistie .reland how .that last ,yoarloWor people eft the' :country than in anyyear inec lam, the total' being 23,205, 130.02 -tor -the year /00*., tiogenntin's water inspector has r eitert to the rui„„4,resu-ii th he a erage•weekly-eseithmirtien of UnItannlins • .11mittands..people), was g ons. The newsot the death of fr elder rN0 a West Chni VAS llymena, Pi LLS 41.0,c --t,troDNFY:t— '6-4'171 jirrrf,!!i ?I4 rovision-„ tts- b azilittil Budget for the pliblication o ref wines o a ise ranslated into PartuistieSe. • $01rESERELfrout rbstunetitra tiati testmit regret iltbe & i.:' Merino) Muter. Be sure and Est the gewidne. ittdelly parts 44 LILIVrelICAPC•04 • 1 Pierge 'U110 tire afflicted with klep- toniania aIwava-feel that the houl t- sornething;o OrtXtt An exciting Alexiisa i that of flooring:4011m with the hand from horiteriatlett The, rider, g* ping after the_bull;.-seizes-itby - the tail and, 'passing ,his leg oV' the tail. .10r the Ake .of 1ktV f 0404 Ate likkt it .1 It 601- b tIk Yitlek Aro Relieved ay 'Morin, Is there anything more annoyin ving-sour-ssorn-ate,p,peetsu on.1,- Is there auything more del* t utt-ric1-0f _ROD ova Cure will do it.. Try it nit a* strost, convinced. r • Umitirlitrk100 • ii1CW Y0i0C atig -bi ,topm jr_stoekt. trrno- Fortune. LOt1t *Mt Health Maned %Arena *sir -THE__. HARGRAVE, SARITARILIft AGO Yates tit., St eatboriam, Oatiria, taliaweri riltarthile,16440% , ItToito.."toot 7:11oroserrisd:ritelectiltedi?' t 4 0.141111_ ; ,0100$ nock d�wn form. Ksiook Ootara Franlali., and $eml • FlatSitatl IlutlavDlngys and itabt wa and h titiodS9e :2,447.04 rot 'COne Of. New York 1 v kla 'the tact that „th that ettY lon I eltildrtiti nadea r 41si err • icyes.• ttouI• 'tnlc Eve and Eye 'Strain?' urine Doestet tootbet Eye rain. Compounded ruperlenCed 14E1* riltilAlrig 1)* i1,101100:1 Pintritotta• .Prutru. liftirtne for Tour Zye hies: You will MO ttrItte. TO It n .10 ryes for Peat 4.1i10, Drug. , to grin.% atMf5., nee Eve are*ttngEy. Books ways until it +'IPM IUkI gots •ras ng'tierettrtira $ edless-to--Sayrtlie-bull-thrOIV earls a strong hand ,,,and stead , luia▪ biltieitnei. 0 I IM 41.1ST...4 strolia's Ing n'irthrn WO $ almost *1 (1, r ortare7,104A- pitt1, Palmerston, ti)r) ors rlm it (t ftt - „ Eland tor (time 7 re -the 'tbsi.ot & ten -storey buil" 3, ht,Illts no elevator0 * ritil 'r Pill. --Many of thc eon en ''0ithliarr their origin in ii. ditorders 4 1iv6r which it * delicate organ* eriliar suaceptihe to the ices that conic from -irregular Litt or laek of care in eating and inking.. This accounts for the eat many liver regulators now i0 Aged Oli the. Atte? tion, Auger+ ()ftheo thereone saperior -tabIe ,74.4r r. Ms o d tet , a o , n. 0..;,. .. .., .. ouventio 'd • Ont., ,..4u.guitt . th, Sind'...1 Mei; Professor: . :I. )pb, Agricultural0 ....,inkid *prig ' ott J ngt. ._ 0 :Various ,typo ,of .. br . fast .,toodit . may b • tottglitt dividett into: at. "following,: Clas.•.tet: 7 'Vlieltneooked;,'•-suelt. 'at ,grannlated,'. oat, rte, wbich.,,.‘requiteli $4 0 ,:make thou ,p)alatahlts and..,,aid digestion )°, ind„ Partinlly „ . ., ,, °such' aa. ,rcil,/.04: Mid ,giko:itrilinit;,,',r'%n tliiit'PrOeetac' ilie;leelf." Well* ptiired-'10 the crushing, .1.!onsequentljr-the',' ' ' attire .10*... titne .,,.;.*. Or .'preparation tot, tlit( tahl rd, .C. oOk. 4th, ro.od —1(rintil 4-40$1,4;',iiiittt '0 ' -4- - - " , , a 4' t ab • C e $1. r.,