Exeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 21444 iee weat., Se -he o LU he Jigd been iny t whit,eness a 0 aits," saki the lady; e en one Oi$e, am it th blues 'no o a In ean oation money taking tlia her word If he c °tits zaisce' 00 a ehair,hc liko a, recd b might have tura was. 149 a1ght forin.ahakeu convulsive aob8, bo over.ed tbather Pa- k mbition ' nd cnergy;4 3aturcd aiid kind- cat . a sor of harp ..go -lucky rankle, , whom every one liked. But urioftendm.g 4 inly did nOt feel - 4; ii',' loatipsith-f.' familyes aa a . Mis perpetuated in 40 , and „get' throu little', trouble while hor 1 nuncio' was hand- some Donald 80 Laellrtaw:terdr.s,oWn r 13 II*. an b btlilige43.411--.ti°701;0*•rththate young mati's !ace at fect in their kl deem to lie no...reasonable- escuse for- glecting this very' necessary PS - it in t • ored of thorn 40,114 t of the unit year. .1sTegiett of this. tare, rau.stboth in extra . lostrItcelitrionrer; tteams are able he ,t4.60in w ?tiollact4eof°101.1)1017.i.hPk:aat:bil hiCh thef.taa* do Ski 0 Cald 0, e care of•the farm liersesJ4.?Et eliPPod „wor .74,014.11‘., °ed. thineand tho troublo vilu4h;witx_vi, one le oen id m1)0 by anyl liter . dithcultpart0 urnernOtt, to pend -$o,on4. •8 new piIion on tfront 'lniprovexnents auri , „ tQt�td Colliery, Stone- ugj., RadcIiIff,) EhoUId -of the cottago, giving about ihroe times their value. They were then to be loft in ,the core-- of the physi- cian, to bo sold ,over again atauc- tion, the proceed t4rbe devotedto t e caneelio and, later, -the money he had paid tw-the ftirnitur was to be farwatd- ed to Rather. • " 0 nothing znore was said -WM° troud-piricd girl :regarding the 'Lquestio* n of rernunora- tion to her SOrtriCeti. turnod to her,,wt cessary to settle everything. was!even inclined to detour' at this; hut Miss _Percival, who WAS Preseut4- Otir 1:14 • 00 la f o—sho quietly thank4(4.-them, and tkcuattqr- was not referred to again by anyone. '`.01' the next, few days, they were all very -buoy with preparations, e'r departure,an. on .. • • ing r., ---Crawford and his'`.1044 - wife aceompanied them, to the sta., *pion, where they were to take, a ; • through expressior ", - The .,Pliyektian pi'rc}iitsed their ticket", attended to .the checking of their baggage, - r Cushman the probable day, of Esthcr's arrival; then, having made rondo to write to him occa- sionally, he bade them 411 a warm - U are dote " 14J am,1'111611e nn though she flushed an son, and her eyoe ilas appeal from that tono af quict do- cision'. "The, man wri . (Wallin* rest" 1, referring again to tho Jet- ter.in his hand, ,uthat he has' hu ery shart time to live-th it 4 take. thc last vdollar • :now at onceif 1will assmne careof his daughter until she complete her education, when ho es she will ah ,suppo 'herself," " " umphr in , 1101t1 00MIlaniOax With an impa- tienttosa of her haughty head. , Mr s vial -paid no '•attention • the inberuhon. - long time"- absorbed‘in disagreeable reflections kerreading this ni cavy - , am euro 1 I hate th� girl*!' uttered,I 3 as bad ore to Iiavc as zuspicion eve for her mother, with- oing obliged to have a visible ant reminder of it in t a nthe f -must ifar if the 'picture Ionh bas not fiatter her. Oh, dear as her guardian for tho. 1 W t er -tritita anco ;pb--PrPr- -1-Thitii eiery-,de,tail• o pit•taii lie ungo4013, figure and huznblo, though. neatittirei.-- e—in--Litur she went on, turning smil- ingly back to Doiiald whose ate , raye--and-a-4riile--stcrU,- as - he obserwd the sensitiveflush that unte_s_ol 4... - it and slihtin: treat- be .t, elle ay run mother',is . osst $ your father and 11- be absent Some e refialkit g or - ward and inttoduced fs Percival, explaining also tbat she also had -rn that gtither will be verY 'Vet- COttie to a 11.0010. Itrt US; . th_at:a* 2_00a 411 she is _-"Ifta0)" tifit can, telegraPli, us' of the fact, also the day and „Itiour'ivhen- she leaves, then take_ a -slet(per on aNthi-ough ,exPrese, and we will meetyber here 'upon her arivI. 33ut you *in have to attend to her when elle comes., Ezell, for, u .you know, 1 *all for. Europe & week froin to -ay" . • - thorn Ifl tbe. flea /I • • Tho -days that intervened tweets, .the -reoeivino, of Dr. Craw. ford's, telegrain,,1044 Either's arri- val, , erily s1ervedto increase the an. Mis Percival was in te to go about, her own,.affairs; so, atter acknowledging thepresentation, ,he boa°, young Lancaster and Us- oat -0 13 no-iong,er-n t 0 ''.11106.1.11T0er-• many farm rsts that thought would hc boncfltedby belli*--le d n the 'fall, AS tfitii coat was gi thrn- as natures Prateetion against ld.:of_winter._MULASALrille taken off itis either for elmirpose of oratilvinn the foolish vanity of a foolish/driver or else to , ievo in rem le a Or necossary to keep the Itersevroperly groozned. Oeir0r, eav, msny.farm horses that e- The'h gyfieh, wimrning diwn_ cod's throat, kilis itshosb and eats, it way out. Crabs and:lobsters aro said never tcrnp epileptics; . Sword--tish',though little eaten,. is only excellol. in idelisacY by the 44 • a . Outtle•fish.(for India, ink) pt on tarno,! and milked re ul scratched by a ry Sonereot, bas contributcd /1004 towards fhe costnil:debug the ltoyal Alexazzdra Hospita1, Rhyl. Charles -White, ardener, limped into a pond at'Woodstock ane Thames Ditton beto 8 th eyes of his wifo and was drowned. In eonscquence of the depz.cda fleas of rim , farzners in t o ongcr ne i pr1tPet1'm4 0, heavy coati, of hair Frown for win - t cornfort, and .it isteeny ring. $o inat nt thn t -when. wv ,hectin to 'feel t16,.net4- of lighter. letting the "'horses should -be . re:* 'eyed- r‘f the Milder): of their win. t ,r e1othin. I never -fully r*oiliteed is in giob- .ulis ablOSt as big as buckshot, and °oat $5 ar. pint. "The doctor theolliglit I might be. carrying- a ball from the time I was wounded _in the army, so he went at it, and probed it for about two hours;" c‘Dia he extriut m you do, r was obliged. t ncet the inevitable; eforo,:four o'clock he 11which tlw Western 'express -WA u the the twenty-third, John Cush - mans hanclsome carriage and ,span 41.44 up before the Orand Central Station, and Mrs. Cushman, baud. Olney arrayed in An elaborate Orly - ins ,costullie Iler way- info thei.. : ,::' the termer to secure hoi "You Tiave trn njitt-oliriblikrved, with lei brevity, adressing-tither., "Yee," she replied,*. as she pro- duced 9, Check. from her handbag; but her lips quivpreci painfully, and ib was with great .difficulty ' that she festr herself from 'bursting -An ireise floating doet. 111, left. the Tyne .in August at ohdrge of two tugs has erriv y a a ,,a0, ru, ru 00 away.. . At Dewsbury, a bench of ezithto traoargistoreavv.te,Ins triositush0adnitd , wbrilet TOM. - During t year 230 nialicio Ca s W politanfiro brigade, and 01 wenty-six vases were the guil The 'bodies of the fourteen who *ere-killedsome time ago he biirting .the 0offer4atn, at he 'Victoria Dock, Birkenhead, have now been recovered. repot ;cow 0.4 c lie „Bishop • ot 13v , he. travels* 14 in »%n from a twgJtro oleon'a tomb at St go - auno, a an untried world, the. future -beyond , expression, -Thus litis's Pericval -and Donald *ericft wait' to the- _coislanio to ripen between hem * strange riendehip—a friendship „ oukof which wonderful revelations were - -406100-laWr on. CRAPTEB, won't,have her, 4101iir. clftre, 1 won't!, The, idea'ith three .young nia alretidy in, 1d4hrnk.umgh & 15 11 414Wfl2gni. Vu. az n tor' • n fo. wieb me with th e little;Westein begl ,lk *0 white nont oflnguage th lea t, eoinew ned the \ high-toned nan, but * SAS , an or. 11 you aro de- terminod to support this little 14,oPe11,-.you- inight-ak-leut board her ,out.somewher-e, and not insist upon lier taiiiing here, to make di ktlitilte-fann y. _ unites you with to Make' t yourself," madly returned her hu bauct,_„..1.%ither will, be my we and she will underetand that, she is nder utliority- lesirbe obedient to us. to fare, in.all respoct our own ,childretu "Olt, then, you in Alt Aloud .fricathfurtt havis.-noV hat4..tnuitt Wait to see her firs thiswill be her tiomi4 for th educated as or* would wish, if she woreh , , The gentlenien wrote his let an'Pedistxtietztrivivitinahos dulyrat'pes' wi:41 111 that he approac orter Of the Columbia,. ired-if-theriy-was-ir-gtr - name of 'Wellington aboard this car. "Yee, thadittn.'l the rain °lase- , 4gokaxl. hero Welt • id her tho train, "take this chick, find Miss Welington's trunk,. .."iPl''eM9iirre will go crt'ireotly to th' 'es iti _c and you can fellow_ ua there4"------------------------- • .• girl, with an awkwa1d ber appearance upon the Plat • w see.you o riage," Donald remarked, aa he teak: ,Zsther's bag frbm her, at the' a boiott, her, Esther * secon- 1ypproache-d th ing smile, fr her heavy 4sYea, bet -lilted- air, smote t - three proceedod direct' while the roan went to attend to hjg business,. Zstherls e .eis were oodbridge,. 'Suffolk, to maks' room for the new eounty sehool. ljainages estimated at $20,000 re, .` s I Ifl:afC$j:Ofth�jOft he Daimler CGm hearing ou for4.tho 1803 en ino.. fTho woNgr safety ,actos oPlar Borough .00tirt teen tirchar- efl t e sum of a,piuCb. an frit _in her tba Estfler looked for- d io a home in his family as to aye tand , . awkwardly nio it and sank, *011 with embarrassment, upon ing to yourself that you and filial" Donald r- ordi&lly ro. turned the lady "Yes, I AM fr sun in1y , re Ong, ailentij ant 21 tiger.* * WOOL 11/004611 esnot ,questions, Mr, eaking at re 4 xves o been injur 0 council, think on Imi,e Forbos4lobertson 'castle, said that en women voter's e might not have _Dreadnought • rn*rk. 'You d with you you pie littic eik rout o inc edue*te ; thon ifliUl&be tudy b children'srn nu mwicail besut :uat belle in • , t ' elOsto iAuetralia, are to be Iuin-d eavist and tot s in the world, says th,* f thei hui4 in the average being, 15 feet The :f• leU ed', 4the7 ofgreatini an uiblus f