Exeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 21444
Se -he
LU he Jigd been iny
whit,eness a 0
aits," saki the lady;
en one Oi$e,
it th
blues 'no
a In
taking tlia
her word
If he c
00 a ehair,hc
liko a, recd b
might have
tura was. 149
a1ght forin.ahakeu
convulsive aob8, bo
over.ed tbather Pa-
mbition ' nd cnergy;4
3aturcd aiid kind- cat
. a sor of harp ..go -lucky rankle,
, whom every one liked. But urioftendm.g 4
inly did nOt feel - 4; ii',' loatipsith-f.'
familyes aa a . Mis perpetuated in 40
and „get' throu
little', trouble
while hor 1
nuncio' was
some Donald
80 Laellrtaw:terdr.s,oWn r
13 II*. an b btlilige43.411--.ti°701;0*•rththate young
mati's !ace at
fect in their kl
deem to lie no...reasonable- escuse
for- glecting this very' necessary PS -
it in t
ored of thorn 40,114 t of the
year. .1sTegiett of this. tare, rau.stboth in extra .
tteams are able he ,t4.60in w ?tiollact4eof°101.1)1017.i.hPk:aat:bil
hiCh thef.taa* do
Ski 0 Cald
e care of•the farm liersesJ4.?Et eliPPod
.74,014.11‘., °ed.
thineand tho troublo
vilu4h;witx_vi, one le
id m1)0 by anyl
liter .
urnernOtt, to pend -$o,on4.
•8 new piIion on tfront
auri , „
tQt�td Colliery,
ugj., RadcIiIff,)
-of the cottago, giving about ihroe
times their value. They were then
to be loft in ,the core-- of the physi-
cian, to bo sold ,over again atauc-
tion, the proceed t4rbe devotedto
t e caneelio
and, later, -the money he had paid
tw-the ftirnitur was to be farwatd-
ed to Rather. • "
0 nothing znore was said -WM°
troud-piricd girl :regarding the
'Lquestio* n of rernunora-
tion to her
turnod to her,,wt
cessary to settle everything.
was!even inclined to detour' at this;
hut Miss _Percival, who WAS Preseut4-
Otir 1:14 • 00 la f
o—sho quietly thank4(4.-them, and
tkcuattqr- was not referred to
again by anyone.
'`.01' the next, few days, they were
all very -buoy with preparations,
e'r departure,an. on .. • •
ing r., ---Crawford and his'`.1044
- wife aceompanied them, to the sta.,
*pion, where they were to take, a
; • through expressior ", -
The .,Pliyektian pi'rc}iitsed their
ticket", attended to .the checking
of their baggage, -
r Cushman the probable day, of
Esthcr's arrival; then, having made
rondo to write to him occa-
sionally, he bade them 411 a warm -
U are dote
14J am,1'111611e nn
though she flushed an
son, and her eyoe ilas
appeal from that tono af quict do-
"The, man wri . (Wallin*
rest" 1, referring again to tho
ter.in his hand, ,uthat he has' hu
ery shart time to live-th it
4 take. thc last vdollar
:now at onceif 1will assmne
careof his daughter until she
complete her education, when
ho es she will ah
,suppo 'herself,"
" " umphr in ,
1101t1 00MIlaniOax With
an impa-
tienttosa of her haughty head. ,
Mr s vial -paid no '•attention
• the inberuhon.
long time"-
absorbed‘in disagreeable reflections
kerreading this ni
cavy -
am euro 1 I hate th� girl*!'
uttered,I 3 as bad
ore to Iiavc as zuspicion
eve for her mother, with-
obliged to have a visible
ant reminder of it in t a
f -must ifar
if the 'picture Ionh bas
not fiatter her. Oh, dear
as her guardian for tho.
W t er -tritita anco
;pb--PrPr- -1-Thitii
eiery-,de,tail• o pit•taii lie
ungo4013, figure and huznblo, though.
neatittirei.-- e—in--Litur
she went on, turning smil-
ingly back to Doiiald whose ate
raye--and-a-4riile--stcrU,- as -
he obserwd the sensitiveflush that
unte_s_ol 4... -
it and slihtin: treat-
be .t, elle
ay run
. osst
$ your father and
11- be absent Some
e refialkit g or -
ward and inttoduced fs Percival,
explaining also tbat she also had
-rn that gtither will be verY 'Vet-
COttie to a 11.0010. Itrt US; . th_at:a*
2_00a 411 she is _-"Ifta0)" tifit
can, telegraPli, us' of the fact, also
the day and „Itiour'ivhen- she leaves,
then take_ a -slet(per on aNthi-ough
,exPrese, and we will meetyber here
'upon her arivI. 33ut you *in have
to attend to her when elle comes.,
Ezell, for, u .you know, 1 *all
for. Europe & week froin to -ay"
. • -
thorn Ifl tbe. flea
/I •
• Tho -days that intervened
tweets, .the -reoeivino, of Dr. Craw.
ford's, telegrain,,1044 Either's arri-
erily s1ervedto increase the an.
Mis Percival was in te to go
about, her own,.affairs; so, atter
acknowledging thepresentation,
,he boa°, young Lancaster and Us-
oat -0 13 no-iong,er-n
t 0 ''.11106.1.11T0er-•
many farm rsts that thought
would hc boncfltedby belli*--le d
n the 'fall, AS tfitii coat was gi
thrn- as natures Prateetion against
taken off itis either for
elmirpose of oratilvinn the foolish
vanity of a foolish/driver or else to
, ievo in rem le a Or necossary
to keep the Itersevroperly groozned.
Oeir0r, eav, msny.farm horses that
The'h gyfieh, wimrning diwn_
cod's throat, kilis itshosb and eats,
it way out.
Crabs and:lobsters aro said never
tcrnp epileptics; .
Sword--tish',though little eaten,.
is only excellol. in idelisacY by the
44 •
a .
Outtle•fish.(for India, ink)
pt on tarno,! and milked re ul
scratched by a ry
Sonereot, bas contributcd /1004
towards fhe costnil:debug the
ltoyal Alexazzdra Hospita1, Rhyl.
Charles -White, ardener,
limped into a pond at'Woodstock
ane Thames Ditton beto 8 th
eyes of his wifo and was drowned.
In eonscquence of the depz.cda
fleas of rim , farzners in t
o ongcr ne i pr1tPet1'm4 0,
heavy coati, of hair Frown for win -
t cornfort, and .it isteeny
ring. $o inat nt thn t -when.
wv ,hectin to 'feel t16,.net4- of lighter.
letting the "'horses should -be . re:*
'eyed- r‘f the Milder): of their win.
t ,r e1othin. I never -fully r*oiliteed
is in
.ulis ablOSt as big as buckshot, and
°oat $5 ar. pint.
"The doctor theolliglit I might be.
carrying- a ball from the time I was
wounded _in the army, so he went at
it, and probed it for about two
hours;" c‘Dia he extriut m you do, r
was obliged. t ncet the inevitable;
eforo,:four o'clock
he 11which tlw Western
'express -WA u the
the twenty-third, John Cush -
mans hanclsome carriage and ,span
41.44 up before the Orand Central
Station, and Mrs. Cushman, baud.
Olney arrayed in An elaborate Orly -
ins ,costullie Iler
way- info thei.. : ,::'
the termer to secure
"You Tiave trn
njitt-oliriblikrved, with lei
brevity, adressing-tither.,
"Yee," she replied,*. as she pro-
duced 9, Check. from her handbag;
but her lips quivpreci painfully, and
ib was with great .difficulty ' that she
festr herself from 'bursting
-An ireise floating doet. 111,
left. the Tyne .in August at
ohdrge of two tugs has erriv
y a a ,,a0, ru, ru 00
away.. .
At Dewsbury, a bench of ezithto
traoargistoreavv.te,Ins triositush0adnitd
, wbrilet TOM.
- During t year 230 nialicio
Ca s W
politanfiro brigade, and 01
wenty-six vases were the guil
The 'bodies of the fourteen
who *ere-killedsome time ago
he biirting .the 0offer4atn, at
he 'Victoria Dock, Birkenhead,
have now been recovered.
repot ;cow
lie „Bishop • ot 13v
, he. travels* 14
»%n from a twgJtro
oleon'a tomb at St
go - auno, a
an untried world,
the. future -beyond
, expression,
-Thus litis's Pericval -and Donald
*ericft wait' to the- _coislanio
to ripen between hem * strange
riendehip—a friendship „ oukof
which wonderful revelations were
- -406100-laWr on.
won't,have her, 4101iir.
clftre, 1 won't!, The, idea'ith
three .young nia alretidy in,
& 15 11 414Wfl2gni. Vu.
az n tor' • n fo. wieb
me with th e little;Westein begl
,lk *0 white
nont oflnguage th
lea t, eoinew
ned the \ high-toned
nan, but *
SAS , an or. 11 you aro de-
terminod to support this little
14,oPe11,-.you- inight-ak-leut board
her ,out.somewher-e, and not insist
upon lier taiiiing here, to make di
ktlitilte-fann y. _
unites you with to Make' t
yourself," madly returned her hu
bauct,_„..1.%ither will, be my we
and she will underetand that, she is
nder utliority-
lesirbe obedient to us.
to fare, in.all respoct
our own ,childretu
"Olt, then, you in
Alt Aloud
hat4..tnuitt Wait to see her firs
thiswill be her tiomi4 for th
educated as
or* would wish, if she woreh
, The gentlenien wrote his let
an'Pedistxtietztrivivitinahos dulyrat'pes' wi:41 111 that
he approac
orter Of the Columbia,.
ired-if-theriy-was-ir-gtr -
name of 'Wellington aboard this car.
"Yee, thadittn.'l the rain °lase-
, 4gokaxl. hero Welt
id her tho train, "take this
chick, find Miss Welington's trunk,.
.."iPl''eM9iirre will go crt'ireotly to th' 'es
_c and you can fellow_ ua
• .•
girl, with an awkwa1d
ber appearance upon the Plat
w see.you o
riage," Donald remarked, aa he
teak: ,Zsther's bag frbm her, at the'
boiott, her,
Esther * secon-
1ypproache-d th
ing smile, fr her heavy 4sYea, bet
-lilted- air, smote
t -
three proceedod direct'
while the roan went to attend
to hjg business,. Zstherls e .eis were
oodbridge,. 'Suffolk, to maks'
room for the new eounty sehool.
ljainages estimated at $20,000 re, .`
s I
he Daimler CGm hearing ou
for4.tho 1803 en ino..
fTho woNgr
safety ,actos
oPlar Borough .00tirt
teen tirchar- efl t e sum of
a,piuCb. an frit
_in her tba Estfler looked for-
d io a home in his family as to
aye tand
, .
awkwardly nio it and sank,
*011 with embarrassment, upon
ing to yourself that you
and filial"
Donald r- ordi&lly ro.
turned the lady
"Yes, I AM fr
sun in1y , re
Ong, ailentij ant 21
tiger.* *
11/004611 esnot
,questions, Mr,
eaking at
re 4 xves o
been injur
0 council,
think on Imi,e
'castle, said that
en women voter's
e might not have
_Dreadnought •
rn*rk. 'You d
with you
you pie
littic eik rout o
inc edue*te ; thon
tudy b
children'srn nu
:uat belle in • ,
t '
iAuetralia, are to be Iuin-d
eavist and tot
s in the world, says th,*
f thei
hui4 in
the average
being, 15 feet
:f• leU
ed', 4the7
an uiblus