Exeter Times., 1909-05-20, Page 1.._19,,urjatovAng_saf_Riags
eeirson surpessee-anythin we
axe ever had. Ili WOQ1,
Door Panels.
tx:Nottinsbanti Swiss and
attenbtrgi They: are very ,
tiice for your glass door and ,,••
lies they are.
$1.00 a.ntl.$1.Z
Window Draperies
4•§1'',10,ti. fancy, Screen ha, White,
iilie.dtt Plain
or ' owere
• • • .
150..‘500, peryd White
ale or Prill muslin 15e. to'
. per yd.
-kinds that are. -sellin atilt •
estry and Ilrussela
MarscIIIcs Gnlits
With that ;deo soft .6altin • ;*
• finish that looks so •rticn. all - 40.
geod.large size and VI orna-
ment to any bed; A good one
from $2. to $4. • •
• Weire• the only sellers here. it is th.e-best•P
• Witlathe stylish flats are always:busy. If you 'want your..Ne
flat for the 21th of May, be sure and leave ytiur order early. .
e .
bet dty '•thrYitir tit- •
rly tlatti fer th' amnia
•e cou n a so ...Sorge .new
IMbers.atAtt nbjj
Me, Whin !Mr .ramarkeslo:''''.014t.tralno
ez „hey heard "about the Iris/gnat
In rreiand reer 'die 4;13aOhlitat0A
'la 400Y 1 ber cOliItithry; liegorrY
I'd • re.
e -a. • rkli,aft-Cin.-.01I
.0:4iell's 'where th' Wathere thick;
yes; can't see tiebottom -
-Ivory wart prisint agreed that tie
creek at Snell's. wet a little dusty
for fishise ant th' iceliergs /Assent
sktoPped Goethe', down, tie lake, oft
date was set fer th' annual outin,
. _
countenance; sPecially afhter lesin"
hoz first game of tikittles th' now
howilni alleys, it wuz arrartged be-
clitinelle riot ivus thatbe would be
gratified by nit hez own- ishixe
green r g t'air own- urc,
,where he could watch the tiny finnies
from barnyard balmorais Icft In
in her shop- ter repairs an -
wan, not a naimber iv th' club from
--Ertved(fte- -
btzu to1.0yr:uP thvete-iiei-nex Ure
to Airs,440.0. th ,wether what came
down nria the lasf rainstorm cudderit
get away- on* fixed up wan Iv th' fin-
est fishire preserves yez iver laid yer
' eYes
Eatarnished tit' fishies rod, optic&
th' line axe- whale-hiirpoon, %Wire- N.
1). dug 'up" a few chalk what he had
ts,pturetl at Iiissin an' Alex Dyer's
rtrivaterfishini---greuntlf -tee*--weg stilt
*limmie Illern an! me dug up
up th' de* worm* for bait are wait
ecl fer Alt to make her.Mornires ap.
• ettrance._......tkow nts ersIxtentLrop all
e i p ortetso_we. •a. 0IT time
ter a couple iv hours, eZ Alf issent
wur.rekite by tie new. time, 'cept at
mea r 1.11 w trox waine
%erne Tfooper, who- wants- to join
tie club writ out a sign* "All .fish-
fte rights reserved in thispond, by
order iv the 1. W. F. C.; per A. W.
At hez usual hour Alf, came wan-
derbe to wur.ru,k, an' lex niv r eaw
a more tickled gintrmitt in ye? life.
avic„" sez be,-141httiVer-waz
a on Tuesdiy.
aea .
.1f011ick, ba
tth our
o .na
and -th
,out ee. .4114 .
e ii!ttret-
'iOtt.able ev.e 1 Jai Ives, Mr. terit,MrL .Wm
AfaeOregor the front Arrtf• 1-)31/14
4a- lleing gifted with irrPreit01174'
Wbcn '14e W in the bt tarting
ttrib tea to heart failure, Ile
se 0 000 Alit.es
a year eince be°
3•01g brought "13
presence and voice8141/Yettige'10'
sweet, comprehensive in Ita-. 'rengti
and clear' -in its enunciation. :Witia
these gifts it WAS not 4 difficult task
for Mr. MacGregor to. Capture as
critical an Andrei:me as .the one Which
thTe4uesr'Of', the, 4.4;lihottegbroeuennt14.1Sii°14atel
the next .regular Meeting. of the
oard,...:.V.Ire, hays have .been ehowing
great intereiC14.400141 oTar this
'ttot-there-riervi Ce -Of -a --good
teain. being Picked out, At the Mon.
Drove Andersen .).Y0,3 appointed field
, 4
events( Meet being called for
on the-sehooLgroupdut gighteje
to lilitioso..,-sides. for conduct n
.04 r-Serz-the---summeriL
In rLII prObtbflity ihe bible Stif4Y
course will be: dis9mtinued . during,
_the summer Months in the Y. M. k.
A._rooms and -more attention giveirlo
the out door exercises.
The fatally of Mr.,;" Arthur tredden,
former residents of Centralia were
te-solousty-- affected ---one -da
lest, week from ptitmeine poisoning,
the cause being a pot of Jam pure
chased from ft grocery store. "Sonia"
of the ein as sery0 at the noon
_N.• 0
ren were in extreme .tain.
Miss Lillian, Elliott lAft los:Way.
for'IToronto to Ft end "it w v
with her uncle . Elliott.
Her. Mr. and Mrs. Butt attended
the gradnation exercises of Victoria
flosPital, London on Wednesday, their
daughter lvflos Miibel being one of
the graduates.
Our base -ball Wein purposes play -
corry111 take th' job Iv caretalter Iv
th' pond this verra minnit, an' VII
41k th*-prisitlint th' dub to tall a
inattni f_gr-.10-OLOrtgrf aililergoon_kt„.
u y sharp, if not
8. 'The commissioner Wa8
nade iv marl fer brindle' tte new, side.
walks an' ditg*tie bottom out Pr
*pond, th' wather off. so th'
matin' issent called. \
ale,. of ' ;toter Nort
of llenstill. 'file
• .
Paint and -Kaisornine Brushes
ifansvIlle cernctey.
Dr. Sillery has inoved. into the dwel-
ling recently occupied by Mr. IL ;Ars
1_10.41; en King street, and Mr. Arnold
--niwYnnvg the dwelling on 'Etch.
n r 1 ' •ec led b Dr
The sacrament off the Lord's sup..
per was observed in Carmel therch
on Sabbath last at the morning per.
vice,... when the, new Individual onk
was used for the first
time. The preparatory service Orldly
tfterneo,_ rt -was vonductP4-4-Atev,. Mr.
St •
and sot packages,
Poultry •Netting Screen Wire Nettio
Sh�veli and Spades Rakes and Roes
Owen Sound Portland Cement 63r 147.1111s;
Walks, etc at pi,
,Per bbl. It cannot_rertiain loneat this price.
een. here for toe past week or two.
,1.1 tbnteeztoftlwurder.
Of Lent. •.auns
utauy :friends' were. pleased, to meet
,hiori and •flnol.,,hila -recovering ninety •
from his recent.
Mrs.: tol; ettaterland spent, the
Past.Week with relatives in London. .
"Tsy. G. Dill and family of Ifilise.
green, recently-rosived-Lsioto---Onr--. AM*.
.lege,, and are .n.ontipAng the dwelUng
they purchased some. time .ago front
.Mr. 110witid • at • the West end tit'
cour .Village. •
A nun:ibex, of witnesites • .from here
Attended the' adjourned Diet trial at
ilerieb on Monday last. . Mr.- Bite'
One trial will eou'vinee you that there is.none betteffkan
races \Lawn- Grass, --Flifwerk -Vegeta
and_ -
or -snore ego to the-Queetes hotel -here.
. Mr. Wm. 3. Ilildebrand 1,s moving of
to .Allsa Craig where he has secured Halters, Stable *grooms and Shovels, Clir4
, 1. A
. Ur. Barnum, of Loridon, was in the
'tillage last week visiting; relati*eS.
- Miss Blanche Nesbitt, of New Tort
Is here visiting ber parents. .
Itobt, Carlisle has given the-
eetttract for the erection 'of a fln.e•
ti,v4i Storey, brick veneered dvielling.
The Sermon on CCOs in 1.44Le"/WAI..„11;.13rT.11.41:
delivered by, Berry OfAntinea to his
Sunday evening was an able ,
Bev. 'W. O.- Butt 143e bed sufferang from lumbago." :
_one Ana , _
is .highly spoken. of. Ourh:tilillagefs-IgAriied 'With *
. Tpgrectur vt-k-or
e:itfcattle those days' as prices of 351.r. 'William C. Charters, whotirtts
. an esteemed residentof our villan
Mr. Norman miteben todressed many years ago, 'and well known
the -League on Tuesday evening. AS a grain buyer: ATr. Charters,
though a 'Arpin; and rugged. man
Ditty -me
when here, bat been In declining
health for , Ile
John Wont Wan tbe Ameak 4 somyears
otAbc-carl .11-44tritharterkrwoe „one
112W tet exerelna
test Examination held. In. the
Dipaititient, `Form 11.1.: of Exeter
.;Sehooli- and who have ;made the me-
teloarr tlercentage In beth. subjects
for Noimal----Entrance--is----40-perierent
in .nott linbiper.and 60-Per.cent of the
to peraeent ilk cach subject only s r
quired.L4bOugh making.. the *mess.
..,eommenda to write on the mid.sam.
mer examinations If- he_.•ithoWs.weak.
ness in one or more subjects and has
not 0. good Margin „on...the_t.otalt...__Mor
Normal Entrartee; ICatie • Collins 86;
Edward Wilhli 01: Alva lqcMahon 79:
Tont Blinders 151 Janie Martin, 71;
" •i.
soon_ e
of goods suitable for weddding efts.
!lie 0 i verware, Quality
dry Weather so.they.can go on with,
elf has been delayed
ortingto.the frectuentraine‘ • -
The -,10th, Annivemary otthe
ham Met
be held on Sunday; May 23rd, 1909,
when sermons will he preached by
Bei. T. T. George, Principal of the
• ount-'-ElghrInstitifte;nr-16.2 . a.
and 7 v. in. A grand picnic wiIl b
held In- Mr., Benj. nettrent-
weather pernaitting, if not at the
church-, ground on Monday,. - May.
24th, ,I009. Dinner served at /2.30
o'clock, music Aviji be furnislred by
the, Granton /Alethodist church choir
I . 0•
.W1 *ram
-at -ther.-time-Of th- on,af
b „time
etrilitille-irtterests of-- his
Mr. T. J. IleaTtlitts purchased from
Mr, .0. B. Hackney* :of Exeter, that
excellent stalliorte-17$1.r„ thew!'
. ' 0.__•
InekneY two years ago., ir Matt.
section and comes' from the best 11
- Do vonwent things' toi.he jut eo? Then we'd like you for a
customer. _We've promised you satisfaction -promised you-
thatittyle, fit end price will please you --•.we'll keep, our promise'.
Qui:bilstaskla...are.sittbified-customers,-Come--herelor-yournext •
To the. Editor of the Exeter Time. s,
have been loolemg for -great
things 'ince reading the . letter in
'year pa • et, written by ""Ezierge.tie,”;
but possibly It requires a magnifying
glass to see the first -move. WhO is
le_expe • • , . ,
. 0-o .� VI fl 118'
r Snell
• ; Lizzie tsatiders 62. : Irene liandford
61: Lillian Ifotigert 60; /Cathleen
Stewart 60. Junior Matriculation
ItArie 10611'111e Alva IvreMehon •
Tom Sanders 724 Ida Marehsnd ;
'Anna now. 69: Lula Martin 68 Loney
11-eYwoott .67; -!Clifford 3feiivoy ,66;
Lillian llodgert 64; Lillian Snell
64; Ida. flow° 63; Joh p E. Jones 614
Ilathiten,,-Etemeart- 59. I -,
i. lit 611111d speci
utking room for new ;oda'.
ina at big'reduotion in pre
Everyone Is better for taking
:spring tonic.- The, following is a
rVien'5114 ati4
sarsaparilla and blotrd, purifier that
will •rooke your spring work tt pleas-
ant*, -Strutirttrasi hark 14 oz., Ilardoek
Boot I tax., Mandrake **et 1.2
ItuelOo • Leaves. 1- oz., 'Chartionile
Flowers 1.2 oz., Gentian. Boot. 1. oz.,
Dandelion lloot 1 oz., Cascara ;hark
,1 oz„, Sarsaparilla Boot 1 oz., 000
tit.01 roets In 1 14 pints • of .boiling•
%liter for 12 hOuve 'Strain and
, writer to make 1 1.2' pinte' of finish
•erd tonic. • Dote.one leaspaonful
eL times a day before mealS. iSagar rnay
be added tti-ritoit taste.: Thi s receipt
CU ht OW* Drug *ore.
notor fqr25 cents. it Is *Or0 your
„recite.. ,_„liAltiregites-arii: eltpicted-fre
news. O. fleecy, Itirkton, 11. J, Pair
and. 111, Ilurgess,nf Elintvilie and tr.
T. 'George. 3% Zones, of, Bret r.
adult 25 o ts clilidren 15 ceote. All
ore eordiely
tictipn Sale
. tweeftert,
%el I 'not stop at that; he will have to
be peld, for his work so far,i• but It
looks to Me' tie'L thotigh they Wanted
Now, Exeter- is reed* for a water
work tystqmend-10Y- rtnnot,---,w
ook :theist/ for, a few years and not
. first work along year by -year With
heavy expenditure and little to show
for it. -A- greater-. expenditure for
nevat vi11 ave le. years to. tome.
Mr.I'Zfehn-,: Gill hes been in-
structed. to sell by publib auction nt
If.rsightts 'Store, ...Mein- -Street
1xeter on. Sourdzy;.•.•Molts.tgirdi----nt
430 p. in. the following, property
op piano. Om" rouch...one..ttoftt,..twa,
helstered „roCkers, 0110 settOti sx
roekt'ts, IL nismber% of dining chairs)
onc dining table,six small table*,
wrif(tig desks, on, ,h0twk
one refrigerator. ,one tonging tango
large stmantity af aniets; truMber tit
dishes. one ttaSOline stover'two beds,
two bedroant $LIhM, one .bath tab; a
number o nleturel* . pu er .61
Window seti,eris, window* eitrtaina itnd
`tilhuls..tiltt$ and -ether artieles ,toit
ntimermis to inention;
g over
$1,0O ter- lighting,: yeary.
Of course the nr0 Plight# PO the:.
Street 'ere really seeessary and if
had -2000- p. ith Ja
-• irtty-inttgrtz weuld not re-
quire, tfitOdi'ltn*. eandlesi an tbe" Side
streets-- that ----are 'or-sting"'i4 twij'e
what they shoold. •
T.tell you eleetrie •Iiihliog Exot
sere gold mine, tit last . it
swititnao*s qv the .peppl'ess money just
its. test , . .
I win' yast ottlii. ;len tSt
derived if the .towiiwould take- h01.4
f this Water ovation. In the -first
klac(' by putting no th •li niils.qtatn, it
would. lostire tis firstteltisa writer
teetion and lowering inSuran
rates.front 02,006 to
then th'
ave starte a great slaughtet sale eon"prising.-
, .
ever/ artiOlitaturnititro_in
st ok at it great reduction on, regular piices.
Meant; to Font tire
Own Su1tin I cut -64t
a)0V1110e. ntexuftngi)nroliatiers, that th
the 'gre4test •ever bold Intxoter.
rpt, .ece.,eept