Exeter Times., 1909-05-13, Page 3u jc'rr ut 5O O'elo ook plave a.s to -wjestile the gztin&shoul,d be P001)0 LOIZ� SII017.4'1'0 IS NitER. . s WAS CIanrg1 Wtb Slooftug W g s.S,s; T mud Jury on Tneday returned• "no bill" in the case 'of Lord . _Shalt° Disneles, whowa - eharge4 with,shooting .0th:insets tJdil *4srre1enshisit • shooting �ccurrl Lt. Creiton, where both lived, September. Lord Sholto, return- le?m,.0 one day front a- hunting s_Satit.tictOld 13,0,r_194s.iu tho cam -dent ed Issie liquor.. Led1)ou laa was in the :this' Douglas had forbidden- 1 o lands the house, and had paiticu- :iaL to Lring in iquor. On this waken, it • 44,--liesorderestsllowlands to got . iereu ougIas went to a hetghlior's, got a gun, and returned and shot Row. • lands. The action of the Grand Jury has been received with a good *teal of satisfaction by the people ,generally, wasNotice reoivod on Weduedays the transportation bureau of the ard of Trade, that the. Ilnilwtg t. stumission. has pane& Anssorde Art rate r o a gi t ars in. transit., The railways sonte time ago increased the charges for this to a cent a hundreds pounds, loch eame to fromAkstoper at IrthirS ,I .Th that' -the base their charge on the value of the service to the eutsomer, but on .of.sthe...searlestesthemssaust. the,- sato-to- as -uniform 3 ieh to tbe-"ulgitatio of the .shippers. ELECTRIFY SECTION OF Ga.p., An linporSant Projent • is Now Ender Consideration. A de,spatish from Montreal sa -The-question-o runk P fi a w Buildit:tkAre Left , tatb-uEhe1ntY- C1oIrnsfordord was 'lashed on Tuesday nightby the „most disastrous fire in ' the history of the to*n. Practical traiiingin thecTio�1s. GJtEAT B1t1TAIN.It is . .nl'itothe°_rvit° on Tho Cunard Steainsbi estimating the time los the stop rn outeides Bu 051* efleou side u Co4rit No. ./ Asterism 1.40in street, Torontoand No 41q. 411 e, itita reesdaSr mn Years 'Of' age end h n ess t king 4.)4.41#0410s. itn Ienteuta nd s Jarge new ng & total loss of about Yowney ,104..tWo -car* of ber, which he had jit reMoved is fs..rin to ereet new ',Pundit' to 0c, Per lb., Limbs, $3$0 $0.,50 each. Good lots Of tat les 'o a about 80, pulb• $23s ek,gat° trtightS. Shorts rontofregbto. • o ter., the o d t &as' Jetted to t1v6Ilritb4i Commons he Attereliffe division of Shef- ti. . (14 soki rtada1, .714 from cekers and feeders zo t -SO eents. Heavy feed! Iitkers end kpringer. and for 'lest ..grfkilleftSh.ep, 43. .and lambs” egs.-S.LI h ilter martswillstnekesansa tempt in August to reach the north pole .sn a dirigible balloon, ,Aeventyleyen „persona „Iwo, "Irx_aiitomillailes nt New ork during tbe past twehc ntonths.. r , a u C r I cniversity, has been offered pJaoe on the Royal Commissio which is to iniestigate the sources scif Canada's milk. snpply.„ oncton, is uOvr r nsideratiorr-of-the-itai raittee, the Dominion Government and the New Wirunswielc Cabinet. Shoutd it be carriedout, as seems tion of two.hotels arrd tw� churches, liars burned to the ground. , The fIe started in the dwelling above (mon of a. gasoline lamp at 10. .m. At, /2.30 the whole business liselr'swas a mase �Y rutus. T • burnedbuildings- include, Pyne Bros.' general store, J. David's Largo's and barber olsop,...1.. general tore, Dumas' shoe •store, Cayen's bake shop, the Meth- oelisteciturch, And other buildings, 'including stables s.ed outhouses. A chnservative estimate of the total ik1301-000-TWitirlittli1A111511 irtirag no firet-TireteefioillAhe important railway eleetric Proiest that has been proposed in any eoun- try in the world, so ter as mileage JLIK-K To NATURE COLONY, New 6"ermanS.;Vhose Creed is ,-it to go Witte,* Clothes. - A very ennous pamphlet is being circulated describing a new german see't, whose whole creed is to go without clothes. They, de- this frotn sanitary and morel purposes.. Vi) a lialuttt-thenThefrot- Inc wire m aris. -Mitt Orri hispsso_pla a new constitution. :.:7trasseerie-Tif7tIfiftraTiii- to pace. at Adana again on Monday. Chancellor you Buettner threatens, to resi n unelss ids -financial reform p ans are a opt *Thirteen civilians and soldiers consioted of murder wereitsinged in Constantinoplc on Monday. 'defiance. to the labor unions that te force its hand. oviptbreisse will 'probably be reached on the .points in dispute in regard to the South African Union. 'Five hundred' pianos and nearly ten thous'and revolvers have been found' in the Yildiz Kiosk, the pat. ace of the deposed, Sultan. It is believed that the crew. of the American -whaling ship, Carrie D. •owles, .ho bave Ise---e-wissour at 10 to, $10.50 a. ton. Straw --$7.54 to Oa ,ontraek. Potatoes --Car lots;a to-ikki. bag on track. Delawares, $140 to 035, Poultry-- Chickens, dressed, 15 to 170. per lb..; knvli. 12 to. 13e.; tur- keys, 20 THE IX MARKETS. ..41:3712, utter Quad prints, 21. to 2 tu aiir rarge'r s711Pto1iti-in ''orl--44---to-44ertrorpittner4) to 260., anti-solxig,,..10 to taiss ggs--Case lets, We, per; dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, old, 14 toi et • PITTSRURG'§ GI ii despatch front Pittsburg, Penn., -sures-- Sentences were imposed in the Criminal Court on Wednesday by -Judge Fraser on seven persorts convicted within the hist few weelis in the .municipal, graft ceSSes, The sentences fellow: W. W. ,Ranrsey, former N eside convicted xrd �f unk 1)6_4 mgmhe faf 1 iph4an famil.74,,_cember 24.• p Dau fought the e priters and three a, eMilkwarcceived. from la opies were' sert out w rned with, the account of the letter as fo1- tows: Brooklet here on December 4 and *eat north a ftivr miles an slept in a, house.. Nett day he -me ''*41whu -feasted- 13141”;?" -'9 ag n 41174-- *»d gave bim an eseort104• , to _in 14141°11_1 otlier chief, and so he wentort l'uPP°-' slowly frotn chief to chief till Dos , ✓ a a mornota, Ls _ear y. in the mormag e e a po - g t "4""''''' erful, elnef called Ahheolebow. for6 be was able to vanquish his This chief dernsaded- Brooke's 010, 4therea 4Mtaft(4110, w neh 110 Brooke said that he needed the rifle knocked !down wIth an 64r- 4ft''-'1 and could .neither give it'to 'him nor - ix•rostsiOnee.fItie-wssirelstal et , Li, iatywouliter-shr return to s -city •hed,... clothing, along . . t he wirsoultavicirthree_tttake it by force, ismi,,..nel sIlvorirdesss-Z. Issesettefssthreaten that with the. tftrange 114,- ..which ' 4.: vutze,i_kbetIrAitaa_rto_tftvirres,iisttuaabuiiirt, tust;,,.,,,,,, u oea -scientists who have retreated with the -coolies. rother of the chief tried 'to calm him And present 'him front killing the foreigner, but . Ahheelabest-- boasted. "The Chinese have sent - many soldiers against me who hare always been defeated; I hare lust tines shortly before daylight on diers, Wednesday mor.ning, and m a dense front of Rum Point, ' near Brigti, _ii. I defeated their foreign -drilled sol. - and see what happens." so IlOW I Will kill a foreigner h •qJBK -his ir4l iIve-,---10-144-iese---1)ne bx,,one the coolies were eoke fled n ite for arlystet, railss with the tole*_' -4a-'1144nd t'llievas met on the-"4-'eot:her--;-fnde igy some braes who had been collect-. ed by the war -101'64s. They ig- nalltd biro, to .gite up_his_zillo_ . and they would let him escape. Ho gave up his rifle, but Ahheola. reelemenst "stfl uncertain of ' its species. It -vigils over 100 pounds, and stands ihuost as tall as a man. Actorde ni to the story told by Doughty, he WALS sculling his boat along in ,000; t 'J nei f 0 eryssorsei - - -is sear aii six months on thecn- piraey conviction; -- ,pli . Weasels, and. Wnr. Brand„ fernier ounedmen each one )ear an six ; now cheese', dull at 12g, 123.4e. t months end' a fine of $500 for. eon. spirrcy; M. Bolger, hotelkeeper, two years foul 14. fine of $500 for trt 11, ve the beat heshattle. LES P1R1SWEPT. Bever' Long clear, 13 to 133e. per Ils, in cate lots; mess pork, $21 to- $2t.54,-; short eu'43 Ilarns-Light irl.dium, 14 to 15e, do. heavy, 13 to 13%e. ,• rollo, 11% -to 11%e '.. shoulders 10% to lle. ; back' s 17 to 1,7%e, ; greakfast ban 15% to 10e. • • Lard-Tiercest 13Xe.; tubs IV,4".e.; pails, 14e. bribe a ur `a the II= a ceact,. twoyears Eighteen Were Sentenced in Court . at Alipur. A 4 spate!" front Calcutta, eays. ed,....downs ore Their Lives. e are -Forced to Flee for A. despateh from Isarnloep4, B. C., how still followed, • whereupon soys :. Hundreds of thousands of 1 *beert,..4.14, Ikrooke dre.yr his revelver and shot tro3ied and scores of ranchers fore- ikuplleatintlanild" weo7nPdaedui"sodmeeadifieet,,. ed to flee for their lives as the re- 4d the I.olos before he w s finall 5 o ssintsitssfirto' swept Hill brother of Ahheolabow then ta-nas 6ilievro43 -iiiii- bound,*'Iriliarir as far east as Three Valley he country from Notch 4.314 up and killed him._ rout -Er -from -Sicatno-us as far as Ver -- non. • Among the losses are two large sawMills, the Carlin Mill, /5,000, and the Carrigan Mill, on Salmon River,,$35,000. Several mill I ands had to flee for their lives. ,ssireeel, bush-Sres- have- been 500 SWEA.RS FOR eiliARITT. triAITRITIs Letter from Petite° of Wales J ously• Atelatete-ds A d from -Brantford Three_ renstegzwar stslopis ma rob& g o "leng letter from. this_Priegss, of Wake, to the Six Nation Indians in c911rt- Oloswektri on Tuesday. The - ince, thanked the chiefs for eleet- line him to-tho-Turtivviani-and-op. rrvssed the belief that .should the • oss Arise. the Kik Nations teS found lorthy Of their • iieLL ibdeh Atm" easually come across men, won and children divested of ever'y rig of clothing._ Ilse polite are disin- clined to interfere -to Jong at they -a verysliatited-are*ss A s a e 0trirOSiltit n. it ee aret rigors isos,Vrtieiles. winter in no Ws" Affeet 'these folk, who have grown hardy from exposure to wind and weather, ani who lead * very out-of-door existence. •- Aman never reagie& his wife's superiority until -he attempts to put aerng •Vi ER" COING Vast of -Rockies in Fifty Vears, mg to J. If. Finney, tecretary and. Treasurer of the AppaleehninsFore catty Association, there will not be stiek of timber standing east of the Ttoekietss and within fifty Years thesentire country will his as bar- ren of timber' as the American eles- ort, unless iotnethinK is 401101 to avert the disaster. This statement adeeinsts-communieations- Traffic Club. Begarditig the situation, Mr. Finney declares tbe and wiistcs sans aver Tito °ohm:tent has taken im- portant ' step in recognition, of the • usly growing serioustess of the Prablein of aefortaittics-frorn th 4ukottpointl, ,ercatit,g other piominen ysietsts • ' e bers. Adequa ands have allotted for the work. jai eriiittion with Seere- ry Of .114r .1141alle 41,- _was piths newoeientOi:$ department to• ered that the Government's _this problemin reference to tence Contregittet is resolved to 141 defence. Prime. Minister, to place Greet Britain in the fore- Lith anisounced on Wednesday front of the world in teie tific in tee. 'd Coin/nous that the: sestigation uf siationThe- new, *Ad building,(1102; 40)6111;1460 waleatt for..00 *shad been divided be. v research, *no eXperime my and the navy. lirith models', eomewhat as •\ wars euntring that theltighest The army( and nit ent "ii h_e Toenail, to . er''rin1rntin wth air vesds i1eernin '3 Grfamitts LOW TAX lltTE.. Pro lti Ot Mavaieipid Entcr'prlses laglite den. . A-ittrstigish- ft- . The Finariee (ommittee have hi-TsirgWirilheir. --r r t with atax rate for the year of fouttOrt and half mills. Thecstimated profit oto 'Cho tivie-Plilted. tttilftiecare Gi:elph Junction Railways $23,000, tenor -lie, c*.$14,000; Matt t Ail - ss Pi3.t.10; sets and eleetrie .1* 14, ' 40.1s7O. Munieipal ownership i at lease the city It, fourteen. I to, tire loiezt of any eikt in t'anada, and this slear it is leat hal! a nail higher. 1 - ,64 t� k nitolm° it-Askeltts'sPOes anitoba wends, $5 trtrre-rmse- it , 'wheat petente,,, $5.75s straight.rol- lers, $5,50 is *.00; do, $2.10, to $2.75; extras,' in bags, to $2.36. Feed --Manitoba bran, $22 to $23;.410., alerts, $24 $25;--Olitarro 1ra, 1123 to $24 0.. shorts, $24.50. to $25; Ontarie middlings. $25 to $25.50; pure graie $Mto $351 mixed raouillie Ya-tt s'ff. to IJA. 131,1,3 WA his MI6 .1.4"..11/f Vitt _44En!_nscresizhtsrsred-ws.. comp city 2 areht,,fft-eotis -aey of May, 1006. Two of the tue were condemned to death, ten t trien,sportation for *hrec to rtsnsspsista,Kiin-foi' tin si-t—Ta7-s; (kr osstrgussportatiorstsesr_ere yeaj e etg cot were , Ashittosh Biswas, a public pros cuteirS who wasVngaged in the con- duct of these cases. was shot dead in the Alipnr eaurt last Februall. . 47114rt.livirjrian wr the or c arittile Th-sisi-Vrgto All over the Continent of Europe, fpr instance, as well as in Ireland, lotteries-arervyntimuttlyireing-fteki for -114s4S4-h_stesistasssastirtiVensigr Eng- , es are no ut'-'--is-k-t----tot--‘rias--T*T1-.0he---ere Incening parishioner who thesothet . iday 'suggested' that bridge -players shoal putaside e pereenttge of taluijuk...4str wionrreLtigs restere:ptitery- snubbed for his retitle by the locum- . gess' consplet -devastate . the main 'line of the 0.P.iti nces ,and telegraph lilies Are ires are down 111)4102. stilhiirn- ing near Enderby. • 1,1EST -STAY ON sIIIS JOB Let Go on $inipende4 Sea - _despatch from Chatham, Ex.Politse Chief 'Kimble I, of veritoe of Sandwieb Jan Sea teseed to Ten .1tays.in Jails h from Wiodser sa Chivago May 1, *Wheat Ca O. 2 red, .1.481te $1.40%;' No. 3 red, to $1.41; •No 2 hard, , .29 to $1.30;,No. S bird, $14,5 to, $143 NO, Xortiternt *Lao to, .3411 / No 2 Northern*, $1.21 to -1 .0 o 74, late ., • , No. 2 yell 7i4; 13 ( 3,e1loir.,14 Oate-No, 4hite, 50 to to 51.p. ; ttA. . Minnsanoliss V, Afifry.: $14; .11) 1 .4; to v12.047%; *1,29..g. to , 'rthern, St.tAg t Ni. Xrtht'rn ' T,..20' 1• 04.1,. niri,wn-0--"'MfrO" la SUET( tenee on Thursday morning. justice Teetzel 'declared . he wa satisfied of 'the good diameter of the Pr'1fl('r ilis eonrietion would be a warmng to all coristatlee te itt firearms, the Judggp ker.-4tee t delega citizens, ivoein KimbalI's favor., tit wnen oetter t need t aid act1.1 przson his own bastile, was on Thurs. stay rifternoon served with a war. taut by Bailiff. St. Louis, ordering his detention.- Herman was in fin. gel difficulties -before her received bis t epointment, and this ."- 1st ens at `th utts.of n Leh m s he von- investi- It under. "eh Loa bent, thereof. On the "other hands there is at keit' ono' church in.NeW South * vret4stenee to the generosity'if reckless gainlis rsof-the oJd goldsdiggieg thtysflas p of his tent undone' when he en o 'es a ngi ,an i. lueky ones, returning at -slewn to their Jahns after A, night's earoume, would pitch tlirough. the opening. nugget or a bag of yellew "dust', witirstho cry is 'litre yeessares-lirs ky Pilot!" that h- hands�ine dathe , (htary, in, Ventzttele' * built ° 'ugh the self-denialOf the istrik. inh*bitaiits, who ,agreed to fine thrmaelve3 thy rent-t--oory-tinti they, !mod ,the fivorite:Optinish. rd- ptttive of .tourte, is 11- very old 0 .fOr checking the umine ue ot hot are comvonly w:ordsi" and it fik- in Ione. hot„nito, a. frtain f,,,ottort ;11 .1,1041 for-ivlet there g t!ie ecrkr. 001foaion.tok • g „to . • tJtt lnv&:41 04k-trete* "d Aso( -as tLu±.hL.Jia1friennv i� betcd h, Tho ; tui tliv, tut i- ll, N1.0 t1ut tt Ott .hot *Wor CA, ebg the P: ti J4'144 "4ir -4tAtat :i„sestrs NIL rpt*t? zeakJ fu1141saly se iouslys own loti -