Exeter Times., 1909-05-06, Page 6lie gol bi leers -igbt vs 411 tia t w * birds to gth f the le re i, .buut int es, there 0- en „ , muisiaxageAls • tx sr I Erneet slion14 have en this one." ht 1 don't ere !'cried IJdy. "It will keep off more rain don 0171 - _.ssass d run -away with 4,1T-faitesarret"- plied, and she opened it for him- and kieeed him good -by. • stwey, zo4ulti, you needn't worry *mut su 1,14, bi boy as„Inin. ;qv: T't caried it when .I wa Iittle; but now can -jut as ran off, wrivieg hit baud to 'her. ,But the arst hardIsust mask him j� rnore'Slowly, and he elasped--his umbrella handle with a tighter Four blocks to the west, then -'1,11tramte-tittriientirthaisssvaessth way to the kindergarten. Before Teddy--reached-the- Corner of -Far- ker Street he wishe4 the_urebrells was not quite so big nd .heavy.. "My, how it blows!” he !laid at the Ad -of-every-gust thr enougth to _etteed to that aeilly umbrellas he could no even mutter. But when he turned the corner, and the 'Wind was hill nt his back, -"Oh I" cried Teddy, for . that umbrella was almost wrenched from his little wiry buret But he .clung to it tightly, although he could no longer walk. He had to run to keep upwith itl On, on, on,lhe umbrella, pulled Th& hard 110401101d ga/,`‘$Will $ far as poesible. be is ab1e to. ele thils'or not womari111104141 fait to t44k4f.t. entrnent g Pr. Willi S. 'Oliver e. ervevs x atta'aint.140*WO t 33t. eve tem, enablingU,ier to pots this pri tical period with safety. WO the followingistrong proof wna Dr, Pink Pillsare co Jk4Ofatill eAl arri thisi s Duke's, he* t. Intel to -reresti word. '001ton ao ht. some. Twelre titte„ A addre$ . • drews attentiem 0 eome of tbe marvels of tandem surgery. Among the eases Cited was Viet of 'a *nap whose injured knee -pont bad been Ittil „t,..0 1.04,ce4 hY--as- - .. log84+11', ulel afoot- ,West, 1011.011.11,\ ago I becarae a viethn b es that afflict so many of nipsex, in tfievery-vOst form. The doctor in charge neither through medicine, nor local treatment gave me any help, and he dee-kW that 1 mast , Undergo an operation if IL:wrsit to ave two years_ I underwent foul; atm etesiv43'.1-operatiaits;Duringthis time I had the attention of ome of the best physicians. From each operation , I ,recoived some., benefit h6i t 1 d'rifteerlia-Artit-o-tbe i*Me rtetelted cLodition-eLlseteee,,,P.0 r was talsm 'mod _pine to build UP MY SYSteln) with no avail.* I Wati reduced toa mere skeleton; my nerves were ut- terly 'broken down. My blood WAS of a light yellowish color, and I was so far gone, that I too' k spells in which my lips, fingers and tongue would seexn peralyzed. I cannot be. in resfe-tehati-I---suffered in • two • years. s oinP 411 long. Then on the urgent advice af friagyfAtit. an to take Dr. Wit- Iifted •off eet. win. came *nibrerPtit----rtrittlirer, long', steady gulti-Oht if it bim .0931S-0- s' o get-bfea z . • - When the-seitoul-huilding-rees% reached, Teddy made: ajleeperate attempt S9 stop*, but that umbrella would not let him On it went, pas the so o s,rs e, past the teachers' ,gate -now the building it- • -self ,was left behind, It was al- * most nine o'clock, ani only a few y much- -to--do--to manage ' OwnLurribralas to notice any other little Finaily Teday ran; right into a young man, and he was so big and strong that the umbrella had to stop. 11 ins to Me that's a 'reit g-unibre • On: Uwatraug,or- 10.1tILL Mins Iterceimi a change better. I continued to take the Pills for 'averal months gradually growing stronger and suffering Less, andin the end found - ?nee more a well woman and en- joying the blessing of such good health as I had' not known- for mr.s...,,___Liao_v_v always keep these in, the houstit-inei after Trfliard clay's work take them for a few days and they sly/4ys seem to put i new life and energy n my body. I sincerely hope my experience our,' be of profit to some other suffering women." -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are seld brull-elealers4trs be sent by mail at So cents a nos orssairshossese- givan ..wenti‘oicine\;:oncisoN sti- ,- S---, It a ti. xi ,enter f monk o a' ' obit es. An e' 9 h .*, about bi. over the , h tiiintey. TO-WAITErit.01 t -hey avr1 that Russia is-- - sttre y steering towrd revolution that will shake its foundations and dile _eye ° ii colenel in the Sixteenth 1,iteg'auen arisopen seer rat he --c • the army. From one year's end to .the other he never saw tun regi - pent. In his youth he,Was a patron of the race, course and a passion; at4 admirer of blooded home,. He Also made all unsuccessful attempt in the reign of the late Czar "to in. rednee-the-sp . two fame s Enlis1i boxers to Itifi*Wth . tests resein Emprest set her foot down and would have none of it. After this ten s o take lit - PiAr f4;t 4. NT ON PILGRIMAGE. --About a year ago he sutPtised very one by setting tint ou 'a pit - vintage to the Itussien- helycity of Kieff, where he visited the Cata- combs and stayed on his knees an hour before the high altar of the grat---Lavw-Whenlit-mturned-to St. Petersburg, he orderedere- 4 tar for A Russian 'church in jern. salem and sent the Rustier) Consul at that place 45,000, to be pent .4.1. eatertaining Russian pilgrims %Is- iting the Holy Sepulchre. From that time ho has beeresittentive to 'At/ life as tcei empty, iid recently- to se ee'llfidant, s the first rule f bealth or woman. The femalo organs de- pend klmost ,ontirgo 713hl'uoPre'tt011e-tilirel.,111•1 unless her 104ineYS right; he Kidneyks need occasional help ;or lesr-rtiesite-leseome-e-tired-Ors:stticles And ahnostany N_v_onlan___qau tell yo rodheytiou,te,..-elitid,-:zteyH.e_wnp,"iritvairirirenorst.:itn4 ,. , eys Ita been e t o o !mother. A fox -ter, ter, again, hav- ing a t Ale*, this waLreplaced by. taken�n - li W *about. 11$0, a Midi that the parts o deted organism can -be-kept-forsan-intielinittime, ' and still--hos-stiecessfully_substituted for these -ottlie-livint-,--s--Ttesr-mostsbee put in refrigerators --and-lrept- . n Itermetieelly- %Wed tubes a little,. above 4reezing. -Z401-14-1111. •-cult /Me Sch a -homes appreciated. 'I the Itcpiaul*'-',Aithn ,Yeasts -•-"I think carne tip in the itt with your wifo-WiTerifii-y7i her teeth 1' "No, she didn't open' her mouth once." "Oh, well; -ie wasn't my wife, then." ex$cat it--"finitoes cure Tin OW. Uplk thy cspirna and t oldaL ion to eall a country farmhouse to make inquiries after',hisi sweet- heart ,wito had cherge of the Idaiia r . alra-hiiii7tifeellr-. she milkmaidl" "How is the milk made1" the farrn4r angrily asked, a; -ho assumed the door in the 'etranger's face. ,'"Our milk isn't made.; got frem4the cow." Why o iping agd whinin About your eorns when a 25 cent babe of Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them?' Give it a trial and you will not regret it. overiY ,prevents a lot.,af people Mothers will .find • the followin s atement of more_than passing tend!, showing,. as it does, how Zam-BuIr ends the skin -disease of children, even when ordinary re- medies have completely failed. Mrs, a W. Boirerba, of ise-Dertisott Avenue, Toronto, says.: • "Not long_ ego_ my. baby* face out. in All eruption:The spots allid€0444144RoViro'seingU in. re, ,at ritzier • pAlt,tliey -now Tafffilf-y7lit4'-eausidllie child to scratch and rub, thus mak- ing the- '-sores -very -inflamed- awful*. I tried all' se'rts ailra ITI ow did not teen' able to remove the trouble. Zam-Bnk proved very, different, and: a -few applicatiOns gave, •this. child relief. Thu are now -healed completely. ".Since that: time my little (laugh. ter has had occasion to use Zarn- iftUcc: PiAtiertrinten mits4 GULPONTAR -ii .LL cereal:" should theroughts cooked to get. the best results - _ LI , ..„,...10,r, feed. purp_ose:::;:iloor 4:;10,4soyeHanadAwianoiiimo-Atigricultio4nroirl*mwor Ntomoole _ . they have *tested tbio offoot 'of cooking on the -solu-bility Of foel.ls-e---- - ..,,,,,,.......,,,,,,,,,..,...-1/3.7......,,'-',. '" it- III • ' ' - iea! this e : ,0 . „ , ROIstEft 'OATS P. C. Solids 'WHEAT FlsOtIR. -P7-7:rf. Miff' Soluble . . eatable . inilliaW:-. Itre.Freel, In Water. rinze Gookd. ss 0,07 , set tiesiergerte Ter have stoped if it basin:I-been - or you 1- - "I'm glad I happened to, be here " - ii,44041_the_ymammg_n. -"W. :11 -7:---7- --ciliayek-tolliettudergaltWttcgot , dtri.„-,It-t_do_t0_trast'..4.61,Lto .... lrmIlu, azniin.» . . e chitdren were singing when Teddy went ; but when he told the teacher all abouthis excitmg. --n-rvemvith:-"tho%linibrowIlk-ahe,- • Viike not to blame for"IiiiiiefirdY7 ao,i4 he was toms strindmit 1111,sudA 'stinging :happily with the rest. (suttee COMpalitOrte A counting Machine that is re- , anything of the kind yet prodiced, issinssention-ofqesS-Fedialrett - was recentlyapp 'ie eoun ing house of the Dank of England ,for experimental purposes, and. its performance was highly successful in point of rapidity. The machine is erateirbreeestricity, strittlie`c-tp. 'able of counting up and sorting money into paper -begs or tubes st the phenomenal rate of 73,000 'coins an hour.. Itersat It;2441Milon.seurs will always wars n4y oonsba, and odd*" Woolen -should remember that oriik'zitialdreO? T -h. .747C -of - "By Medicine ;Life May be Pro- longed." -So wrote Shalreipeare nearly three hundred years age. It it stxto-disys.-- -Iltdieitteewillsprolong- life, but be. sure of the qualities of the medicine. 'Life is prolonged by keeping, the .beetY free froni ;dia. ease. Dr. Thomas' ' Ecleetrie �jJ tued iitOrtra "Yri114'4.--turer-tio sthnis- out in blotches on her hand and arms; and in, her case also Zam- Buk effected a- cure. s . It is a sure cure 'for pimples and eruptioes,"ecrema, ring -worm, ul- cers, cuts; burns, bruises, poisoned sores,. ehronie welunds, bad leg,. iles, festering sotem all skin -- ....1.141. itb 0114bet Tja4r04,0rArva. ? :1)03 innlikt ,,=ItTIOtylant 414!:1,410,"0t vsebr,zy4voslixier,vs sasseuese , r Ole ,410,4` ;031111103 hours, 7 a hours 34.20 " h uur -5 hoursrs 8. hours__ .You wlfl notice tho gradual rise in percentage due to Ion 'Very; few homes are equipped to spend the time 'or ftel notetaary ro rl pre are cereals. TALls_ sysern, of steam pressure st, Ineehinery the -OrtAlifit-MIAT p*-opirough y c wok the .Wheat, then -malt and Tie ea,e grits's, a dried and toasted. -This produces the largest pere.entage of .Sanhil tty; proce.Ss totally 'impossible in ordinary kitchen. - This company are giving away a es,ah prize oif S von II Dollarsflee post -card In every packap. sfc $1.26. You' are warned ' again t ToT o-rdeliii- inn 44e$114t c call* • tm a on mccessarily imes represerit to be 'Jut sit is •math for the purpose of catching it. • 1;00(1.7* TrUTO301T013 1,11014 ,fiVit 6E40 VUir siaPPliasti' .1,14* tt'IL tutpkoiija rWe f oft 70 I I Wt. is wi Ipolta 1 r • - steel ' , t...:071$1311oli," 4.1my soughs snd • _ ForSateol varm.In14801,014.--$trout" Xlow • it, S. 00.4- root 4. average. fenraleiikes. to pose, as the, reformer of some nun. "Perfectly .TruetWorthy" is the .4aradet--soiss-lkidel-Matis.-ems seimptive Syrup. It can be Used' with the utriaest tonfidence •that'ltf -do What it claintri4 for it. It is sureinit. effects, AS the Use, of Ii0ett1ere smiles on ome niin on you r tfl .-e-ellizz W44_1 don" I've got the grip. It must he seism - Say, Doc., what di!. ease is iyllialrey good for 1 lltonsat Ottre. itnis toy.conichs. omit so • Itessei-'-are-dtertilials- ------"...--ters-Xlissurtchicationss • The man,who lacks Merida Iy lacks in friendliness.• - Many are eavieg up all their piety :ferspurposet-oti*nitssace:.-._ • you feet to. lose -your -dignity- eu,have none ivorth 4suut.,.,hat no success. at 0 do wirlifes- angles. • The Io !lest Walk sounds'kudir in heaveu than the loudest talk. If you cannot give your religion Away you had better threw it sowity, 1hey who have fought tem tation *LWa'* e cesaive emphasis on fe* t1eai of the -absence of man Osily.4s * roan lives s life of h rt can he have life. to give to •tett. •. • pe,ople who want no character are unwilling, to go to it Aid botw -trifter-Ta. re; unces that ishe ean't Je hours* this sUI/Illier 011iesS she gets new rug-. for the -parlor -I . 'New curtains for front and bat* bedrooms; relsve _ • A not* lee box; - AO e, few newrecords for the Oh* it/s * gay life•. eitarlt -demonstrateAttid- day:andgives theni4bess1angli- .ita4)t)----t01104--uppn-tqfiriAto-0,-_00 han arty thnii t bo eonVilleett that it s what it Free speech is all right if you get to "free with it. / Will I 1011114-Crti-*„..,_ Oat* wLY eoug-sie On one occati4ni -w and Queen of Italy wore Out nlo .ingt they vitist4rj bed 00 frontier and., on , reselling the bounders: •*gux1, 'wereitecosted . toe kit, exult; u e Able4i And pu er hair. curl wiatatwsiya sorb* arta eelaa.* sinstessessimet tee egret sees, estafieteessese ist treste temps 4lisrt304 3,141 tv Aloom stotronstes. Thor* 14 Sot 01". Petty Mra Wm, Bell, Fslkland ,B. taw) Aire 1 tie Ones ranging. from one to eleven years orate,. artd, When toy' of Own *Lr* saiiitg - give-Allent-Bab. lcts, Which slw*ya brings mpt"relicf. I do nct thiiik ifr 'do you oomem from V' he" ant, lwas t ii the nu ber of "There.ist ..one." :And yet you • Italy then, .whist's our mei ' id our ,othernz '‘‘`Stottr sEtrIon., Would, you.' advise a young Mali to get. marriedl" • -"By all means,. I 'should 'advise et -4, 101:114r -t0 j -tin, of course, our rasEriter-mine pleas&nt sure an n -destroying worrat., eve tried it lor th best re, rosu Iiilblof,owrototresi with b ,iaigcstivo tiy.stkw,_11104 the..iO4:* we rkes with, his 'bandit, b teens one Otte:t.poil bit nervous., 's only k• ' #44 t a long tine to some of us Ji$v g 111 got our ,. • ns iUIecLthe t 100:4T:istritt lits** • but of liver taittliC::34 red l'eve:04410 thesi" getable PiUs' in * act .upon beslthy *1 sands• speak just as medic:in:et res II oino ttlnng ttOtthi fits of 1d'busmtss;,„ tkrtito tOTr on ,irtvitr-tx Y ,good in I` medic 4 ' a o l', tat tier ' bo Th e. Willis 'cvffl. ...