Exeter Times., 1909-04-22, Page 6-
, •
qt.uor :
1, t,
o toubIe
with urgati'
whch rrLeietY gllo
iofl1, paIEief,
[Iio flh,of siperz being t.ezi
nerves, re$ 1600 -
. • ,
11 Ufl
A 11
o play
icv arly
tttendancG ho grc
nthropi0 'has guet5.
onc afli011 a big comps
VY p2711' .1 CflO fl
meaa to eo
0 • but lcstrped. b
the rstilvdr hkh *as
iny' 'bawls IG bo atv othaPir
1 one Imc'w111 ct done 110
111oriZo, a,
004, Ur tot ro cid co111101,
W t 0 v Pto rnv r •
700%0 •
- -
he place. EartIlworm5
powder and put into a
ui ou will, egg ttall, -and
the has, with .whieh if you touch
petit it will fall out.
441e1 being into wine or beer
u4flesed to ,41P, in it; .10) that
drinks 4 wil never indure that sort
liquor again. Grasshoppers he. -
ten ease the\ cholW Swal.
berng eaten prescrvc the sight'
*ng =nun r.
Jut, -two yearP ag 1 boai---
that my constitution was e
fxbag..1 OtL1d tand any
0114re o knoekhigabout, ,
ought of a doctor '
stid 1SY s'ern was iery mucb'nn
illedicillC did not -110:1P:a6
on tlie advice ,or a, triad, to AIN,*
Pink a, trial.
Dr,ad used -less than:a half Atiozen
boxetwhen my health was fully
.t.ored, and 1 think .no other medi
eine/ can equal thesiPills whenono
is 'run dovin and Out Or health."
Sad by oil - moclicino tleideilt 0
it it 00 cen,ts a 'hOlt• or a1*-
, belzi.)44-4114
13,4104444,241110st atm
WA- 4040
will tell: you Metier
it doe_ ,onq,,
li ins Medicine co.. ItroeWilret
r33,==ntatr-,..00.39641,2,41.,141%1N3 10+1,1,EiE
CLL 13. •
1. and -4he
1-471, ief an given inwar e. satiketto evtatt
, tho Grand
Tiunk Railway System hitt inereatl o
ed the operating. mileage, "!W 11 per
cent., through the acquisition o
he O. A. Itailwacy. The tonnage
al last -co
repr -ent. r an— 1.1
ort he, cora a
Jier of tons 01104 in 1894L
-netearnings, 44304 1$
rix,e41, char es - rental for
slea.. A nue made -of an • r 0 ISO% thOW
of the sea makes teeth white Indian of. the 11;rat prism!! .,1907, was passeth the payment
Ips,•ttaldiess." • , Drovine0 -of Saskatchewan are dis., of $4,100,100 in 'dividends as the
Culpeper devotes a chapter PrOviog the theory that tin Indians result- Of a leo.r wo*°,
o IsTirtipeWrilqu gre-beeoming7industriouw7and4iros Anced.„10),4110 dividends on the 4
the A who
0 * don't kn
o who. would ta
g creditor."
liaPatt itr.t.**11,3010aCutko1,11.1 sit
coti* attot coida.'', •
Ita: ' Ilk
4,, .,,
' X
Olt' that tile 4an
of that rich man in the next, street
tad been driven from home t" 'No )
'When,44.1 At happen I" stafter
ensure sepoilei.of 'prim*
ey. • ntrs
for Ont'ffile we have just • recently0$2 acres -of the
nett grazing. land in the wo4 in the Argentine ublle, and
. f
droesveir, H2000r:ohor ebaetaAdiolstr
and this number will be
EbsItion than ever togua
-cattle a these.estttes at preScAlit,
u sed. Ard tnetwore in. a Patter
ntee purity and high, character of MAIL.
Cit • of
dustr ou$ .40 r0t4pqr mate47 • $1,1800,0300; Decem er
LW helps the (hump.
mineral* and sto won't work unless he has to.. T,hey Tho first six „Months of 1006, pro-,
wonderfully strengthens the heart r.rous. . per 'cent. guaranteed Steck of the
Sof vita! spirit. There are nearly 8,,000 Indians in tom -pally. • -
'The emerald being worn in a the province and WIC you. they . 'These figures, fews-• AS they are,
eke* 40'ca* vain and foolish had about MOO Awes under crops. sOak'irolumei for the 'brilliant ad.
as of devils hobgoblins, &c. They raised 150,672. bushels of ministration of the trust rooted in.
et isw foil' tiul an r rain and roots rid 60 000 tons of Charles Melville Ea
ec ecton vice-prosident and
general' Manager of ,the Grllnd
Trunk . system.=Nor did it'llik04.
43.0,zen..4.vars .demoristrate the
actiworn out on,
ascin wilt tell bim that being-beatz-
bean found in th'e watt' XG71.-eit an
old cock which make* him that
it 14610-ved, eorietant and bold,
t in figbUig, bsloved by We,
taen arid •
yl wok* ,
The--Depaitm*It. of in ;au
,fairs reports -that the* Indian's are
,t he-sai
or -4 •1*-11-3gen
siniboine, agency, which May here-
--"t;Hz" *-greadi
that the area unUcr crop was 'al.,
most double what it was the year
before. The band had about (300
acres of -wheat and 200' acres of.
-ar-o-begirrning t farm---on&-iarge-
, pals el1 ez omit ing wig tea e, an
about the neck 'helps melancholy asi well as they have in \the last two
'fusions and • melanehaly fancies, years there will be tome good sized
For the cure of warts—rub then' favins. among them. One man hat
with fig leaves, bury -- the -lever in 155 acres in crop and another 125,
e_ground and the warts will con. acres; and several had seniity
-el SIM
(..'ulrcper gives a, recipe for
them don the middle," he
:in im often till they bt'; etc*nse
in Weir ilitipuritiet;:-thek dry
and keep- the& or your --use,"-.
The iyok tonohtdes .with an
„II 00 by sla thetot:111°n. • d
thou , itio here an
isti nlitie.h ipre
rnany 1ike not, I priitpar.
1, it is my dialect. I cannot
without it; I, *wire thee- it
rehoditatod. If thou
Aid it for gain thoteare
*wide from ,the :truth that unlesii
tharige thy ipinion "tit to be
rared AtAlti and you 'will not
t t.
cli. Therryneria- -
imProvement in the way the
had ben farmed.'.'
'474hy-4,ron't yet grae-our dances
;via yer iireectide--an7t: morf
(,‘Sure, inc mistreat fault,
She is that dowdy, aud,,,
Jetted that not aailigle dress of her
in- 'Wear- at .411"
I Still all iiistur*
ar.ces of ihi character, and by
restoring the stomach to, normal ac-
tion relieve the nerves from irrita-
tion. There, is ,no sedative like
them and In the correction of irre-
Gularitiet of - 'the' digestive pro,:
cestesi- no prepargion -has ”done,-eo
effective work, -as can be, testified
to br thous.. e'
ng an
A Pill for All wons.—\Vinter
and ,rtfst-
ther ixi torpid zone ,or Arctic
th,eir work The dyspep
them a, friend always and should
carry them with 'him everywhere.
'They axe' mai* to, withstand any
climafc and ,are Ittitt*tit0,1,4) keep
their ,freshrielit and strength,. Thy
.41e , not grow -state, a quaIity riot
possessed in Many pilli now on the
ket. , .•
"lent/ YOU. MUst OhOOSO
t t n tovei1 11
who can dresa you 1" Dantihter
."Mammat as an 44o -date girl, I
llitist reply to your question that,
althou h lovo• it a -very -desirable
44414114-c 1 te nee*
A Merry Ileart Goes alt the DO.
But one cannot have a.' merry -
heart if he has *oda in the bat*
45r Aceold with s reeling co'iter. To
he merry one • must be well and,
'free from aches- pains. Dr.
Thomas' 'Eelectriii 041 will relieve
41 prank, muscular- or otherwise,
colds and'-conght
410r0 tr,0 $1
U And ,
'tint **tit
Vr.14.1.4. -A1sa41141.
One way to get out of
place is to: sober up:.
- _
Some persons, are „more awe
tible to colds than others,
tracting' derangements" of the Pul-
monary organs from --the slightest
at han-il a, -bottle of Diekle4
OonaumPtivo. Syrup, the 'preset'
datarairtrehvearfriorranzedniya-ofoOnr tootigtibtse,„,
1°4 r."4t* will -effect a-eitre.rto
rerne'dy like .Bickleiti forit is. the
Ws a, good thing that seme pe�..
pie are self-satitiled, for they never
could satiety onyone else,
4* s 1 'boros.,
, Vim blerroado***
,. • •
'Fred. 'Teo, 'the old gentiertitn She
will soon have another *Ito to sup. ."
Henry—inV.hatt Y011,den'tmar, #u 4"t"
to tell me while lo,uts ra
mean hehii$.4,voiust0
anotherrv w006r
AllyW " :,.-1114.10100 to gat
though youareThi
brothi's son 1 am• obliged-t4y,die.,
Nephew ----"Oh, that's all riglit, sir.
1,114014er. soy,s's be don't sea how
ut up with.xou as long ea 1 hallo."'
is. for bin to WW1 ok
childhood are
(We Ii4S+14;
llowties ' Corn • .Cure
trouble; it, -and
uut of pain 2* sasecL
\obert Ander*
o lee iith‘rity
it total
igh not theill languoge .of •
Ind" earthly. \things, I
ail the richest
ean tlegte,w' for they haft *lir
it 0*(1311 'tit ceintortabi
that X- ifin• 'beloved
' reword Iexpeet
ter in - that lace ,*/iireunto
r, dfi4i man'
eutains no 1
• 'tiOno
, 1 wou'd no
he without them he house.,
for they' saredmy little ;i5irlr
lito." Roki by itine cktl
r tel..ito •
aulttthe .
in the world.
ltoloc are so ni;
perish:Os in iot
&mei*, 'Ste reVi
prs' of, giving
man *arm Oitaiatifl #4141701001
0 WINO I) „
taid the Elstrate,
-mut ttifr only to wh&tou
1 • replied the
4 'Mat
- au mo
"4.011-i tty b'* jUit
remarked the oldest 113
rottwied, the t
be wee',poth:"
". rplied
oracle; 4'but I.guest
• ciire' 111 iOr 'the •
*fiat „