Exeter Times., 1909-04-22, Page 3't 1 Ari sgainnt 4 bcndne. Alcoboldoe around the,spot 1 ith cbld water. it inutard I , J3eat willful I boiled ham. Put orsonx etor*ting the Witsit rorty 'To -O 4'ThPI oree showsn dcstruction of force or doe*- :oiuon point iieaand ily OS, 0,13 iow xx4)0Vtal4T, - onsi of custard. Pouro o hot buttea ed toast or into scallop heIls, an 0r-0 four ,ou Ot or aught recentIy on the n Stour Y the orthodox one od d line; fit was'weighed and turn-. CSC 1-4poUnd3h Its r.1 wder will d :lus of lemonade' pring go.. 11 re of Ounds, bu hig tirne it .-haS re8ent siio.raid liii bielriz • caught be rie-ds‘the in, the inter(11 - ehrunk to its 1 *the captor Seeaelr orn'a ostatc. Lood and a r h . .. :eXUtf'flCEL Nature if" not lie., not taunt :to witb f*liespi t The vitality of the ,spir anced-years is - another - "The sourdocs not age body," wrote trrOte man or "woo Ve to in -aCrswIRent. aching out to. )W different beconie, ans when t140` aro not t ok n by death but to ho largerrward on here* 010$B. Remensnde I of po , arts ticornpk a 9 Vgahlt:;triebiss* but wi dry reading 100 , many u vory.sintirliboo a if'4;4tin „ nnsel reading, .(1'1* old:sluggish aiid not fortime did Iretaii4 filet 1 was fast to one •of the 1,,i4eck pike that bu eve)r, been caught vi the British Is1c. She fought In for neariy *If en hour, and at last itether toward 'the ihelving bank.. My keeper, with id, plunzed into the water d we got. her out soxnehow. 'The whole 'thing was *. fluke prolmbly, but anyhow we drank hr health several times, and felt con. e • he Tribulations of ChristittAs greattoti 1104;1 'Clorstom, :that jolt population ive,re lyeman'a IV. The Soure'e o'f Ute"It has. been What befell' the disciples after Stephen'i martyrdom ,rhe disciples were scattered abroad. The (Area 'verb is based up,t.in the thou ht ofse (ley disci MavalI C theirto unaid�d effortC Here a. little groap of refugee pnraw4. Biro wai 4-911iteRra-t% West cities. , handful of efugees so movcd threo centUries, owing,„ arel „indeed a seed of truth,. LUS IOsuch when they go abroad, r either for bushiest or pleasure. - II. The Broad S.ympathy Of Chrt 14. VII. does this verso It 'lute' R. V. rather could gct along 1 it 1 h* any bouks never et, seen `a not 'contain *met golden.-mout , /mese er, Id SOW** l').1rIttt Christian. Cousiderable Strength. --.Vo. 02-24'. What did tho erouseft in the ourgital world b3f an lerusaleat Christians 4o when they' operation rierf°rmed'" the 14:414e1'.* heard of the °Gentile Christians aPthl' Augusta 11°431144 33erlin''Ger Antioch 1 They lent forth Santa, matIo.bi the ieirgeo4-m.chiefi- Prof.. Las, that he might (l) learn the ot.; Fedor Gra,tise. The operation _was of mbar*, ranee rumors,'the'extirpoition of * tumor -which da if had grown frout.the bypophysis of 11os: Put vst - ve till he butter color, but but blespoonful. .of littic van, . an rve t 00.00 4 opinetcl n le pepper. . sauceboat ater Me of --salt to it- betoro .pourrn Wakt6r. oenful of kerosene in boiled stare'ceps it rom 1010 4 eDlUh..t0JP!tke Ina -starched a not dampcn with cloth wet with little cold t -arch. This wiiI kcep, all parts 6 gairneut of equal stiffness.. If one withes a little stiffness in Lhe veil wbieh is -being wuhed add y voter; "stretch artthethlim-Y1114 tiny bt of aub- one stittee in adoorwav where. t wi1 placed opposit,e to one anothe This w e neves tolum nteasnr or fect in circun ferenc far to pau a ,ro around with ese Tho most cult part of the iient to negotiat *as the cornice at, the top of tli -columtu-This-ifs-t * ' tion for throwback 0 rnon and its 'grated rind. ree u t ,parc tbickly so as to re move all hardaCut the melo: up. linely,ingredicnts in._ . he boil took fait for an hour, atirr- ing all the Ulric,Tins h a delicious jarn and ane thatkeeps , Mutton even ,-Line a greased brown brawn ookirig4tir has a Over) with a. wall of cooked . nee,Fret" some ooked mutton A. i from fat and vistle and ;hop t finely. Season totaste. Add da ittlie onion juice, and xatitxtep. al thOr0140417 with. gravy. Cover with * twer of riee, piste the lid , on the p0,-and-leake in-As--reederat ovenkforhalf an hour. Then'take . Land tttutti to the oo Attica stretcbng t1ixn carefu1 nd they will keep their plsee wi gsunLdd What s%ptif 4 iduit 0e4art Lintlit« *armor who travels on ss,, is expected to tip. 4.1.t stcwards, and, the expectation Jo iteldom disappointed. Few people save Ula travel-0re,-. howevrr, ow how multi' they ought to give. not as that 1 reathed' mo f- 1 had minded the obstr was a e eau ;on; y onto the ,platforitt Whichsupports 'the statue. :FrOin below this ap- pears flat. but it is really be-elIed with a sharp slope outward: "I found it, too, covere With an inch thiek layer of greasy' soot, so. that to 'walk about on it was eeedipgly However,'ono° got trie-liteline-Aetu plat dircoVered era in the bero's arm, Wilda repaired.ido When tell_ people tthey 'not infre. quentl Mk an the'spur the,mo- 'Which _anti 01 course the gure has only *119. .up- splendid. 1 reason, however, for \eongratuiatiOn that' she must have been one Ite-ivent,th. In .0 is no he Stour, he wild sr titer* missed in the terror !Inge. which summer .and - 4'1 u • e Moe and Alex. ). These men preaehed also - reasont for thy' urt in them They oilae vie freely with the . eks, intimate L.knowledtte aletaya ds to breakdown prejudice. 'rho* artbiaikas dm Mind Itoff, the inventor of -t *oriel language, _BOW* ofho lived in tius many.laingu city of .Warsaw. Moreover, liecltronghold le*. es. Besides, 'they' had. e7iuider the- otos v resuit'of this praching in rocht 'A great number belie' Itralitined unto the Lora. The r ono for this, Were moitiy: against.error, VViitYTOT '— eilltleAet ;771�f whi1 sloileid.tlie rest danger Acts :184 They.might have *tient a let r 0,.--TaCt-uiethotitare,at 11.1,7 tiotian,s ep,,, n tiatnee, p saute' of his *metes*. e tue Worker builds up &task greater than he is alone, and benefits the. world. by creating -work for -Other*. W did iteek 'Sault Beeause af .his teeittaintaim with f Soul wonderful experi- - rehead, and temporal region otwithstandirithe depth of the. I wzs-buriedrnore than ineh'eo deep in th substance of rain, t e w o part the brsen, and th. womitri' of about 314 is bed n *deo) patient,• ,d6ing Mins JI relost etraorc ,its kind that" history of our, not eet n tit" rule, bp*, 0 sbared round among • hath -room stewar 60 cents, ing.roo a steepgarnient in the eNening.., greatmany. blemi ved it -h 2. rubber o boiled- the *pale blips . t tbo. r ten otos. ndinad on is servieas. he itewardsr hive provided an Mt"for the passenger*, as - di,* a collection io usual. the end Of the voyaiee. not uouicl, to 'site leas -than niadaz the tall "fielirwalref.- * stationery elerkl!' "Stationary clerk! Oraeioual They *11.,seent stationary. Tbey on't want 40 Move. — emorkoti the po zomit "it xhat -SUP .*e*�flt on't remeniber . „. y or. r ent Bareabao, him.. Ei loirge 'to success. ten. lice of stosiste, ers. Bet found blob- tooms-t4 must sdrnft tb. bottom o 51 "Atistt" great,4al.of of tbe'Pas * longer s'OYalte72a7a to In- dia- or Australia -4h, tips totation, ,ed• sittiltd be diii*blet1; :but More. should not be, giveth-hOweeir, Ion the " voyage - may. --he unless some 3F0 tte for your me o ,•46 r0440.00., " faith * gthenetl_._ b , ions. they had me 1 hillitteli. 'bravery, and tkle The very -vitt* • of Autioeh, 'ed tfie need of is purif3ing 11 ^I and sdoubtless rn,ay wro 1 , us*Wi plot lorttikl for sk ht much It kes I to re*m" %lithos* the rts ;level() b*rbaribs u the Chistis*5 lint hat* Ult0 elk I is alwa htioti* 004,a Nieto to 'tent me.