Exeter Times., 1909-03-18, Page 61.01 , • Aire r' gined then*: to be wai1:; their •Mete dirtylinen; he to* Lot, 's ling .a few bars of c,LuIe eepenronee * simetesuddeeelyneee 4 exPecting one or two ina- nte-1etterse-Male.--1--wiskedie reotly they come you would send them to' the poet,„ i1l you -redi- rected to my club V' "Ite-directed-toe-y t. lub I" 2410 up W� "You "Yes. Phav OVettle e direction of the door. ' 0 rernea hz ik cuheitly1 i ibi t Vilhy ebd yen ve At t e,.._,..,.. ,_._,...„___,Tee ,•___ :_e_,__._, -44n14He7.-Enfin;144,1ta.43877-1,A).e.4...74131.04,-g.teki oii''''''m ' S•eak"s'.P-4(4. u - . , . .. . . A ,. . ' AA A . o coV:Iln.a0P ;11.1- ,•- 0.4.0,4``At • „. ,. , 40te "Why, lze ;wie I .„ .ate boat. a'iort.ta,evac'erseorte hut, 111,!ei Flirt! That's gond. ,BeY0114,, 4. 'CI morning,' I never neato nee adIrva NW" „ e.,fThi*w.e reLtfly 'too'iltiht 1 — , She 0041* t tbrow Vc plates and dish at him, but, I wi e sh she had! The laughter rang out again. Ilie not et 1/41 -haver ebeen-better-than n Willi all 911e; bi° fac° was e .,„4,....• _ . e....,...e.„,...„„---._ .. the c0141 cutting, contomPtu0ue noe. ° turo of her in 010'1', 1 Ile etrugol to, set free from ber ernann, ey, „bad found their otnd .hit n and her bead r$,$, u eh -id*" te,'Y . 0 e.. • ,„ the: only, plane. I couId gebini to; because I. th,ought, my sister loved me, that she,would eteli Out a warm hand, Of wel.,,; c ale to tho 91E01 who saved" inc. gt" 4;7 0144i*.en; 0..vt 4 14 • eelireet•—" "Yee, yose yes. re!" •t. Xow. But I am going up ▪ ozebrtterafternocinetrzeinent ceeLonder. 'Ye -e' • ' Mabel's heart sank. "And at Christirias time, too! bristinas! You will leave me here alone 1," • "Alone? Well -I like 'that) You " have got your -dear feiends, the Chantrelles. There isn't much o,f a lonely look about you when Percy mend." "Don't e horrid !" t • But you pare Arn c es. ;Jere flashing pOW ; her rebe had gene crimson -eats -red and. er little foot was tapping ort• the re, Don't ke p calling nto Dick ike that„" he sad. irritat- ?. 'What's the matter?" `"With mei Nolneneg!" :"There is." ' "Vory-well, there is.",' . - ` "Diek! She almost le, spat out 13 name in her 'fierce emphaeis. 'You aro ii,,ot going -you shan. not go to town to -day ! * - , Iler face was/so very expressive letter. . eir u ter. ow one?eily and rod.boxied woodneckers “An nein,'" wen," he replied just then that there could be nol "Whatl" , t. i lied ou „we -WA infer that the Inaek,ete in ' - . - Y our cities and levens wore glutted rtdibirds' hinejaYs, ete" if f°'-'1 arla hilly -whit: heat calm -"I shall doiebt she waa saying evhat she "You can t se tl „ . a,nt. Diek New* 'quick to cealize • 't ,,,• .0),,t- IYou ignore e thin s„ to inc replied ick grimly. "Perhaps it's just as Well I do. Gracie tette me that in the dead of night he, cattle, and at up &id ra e --IR""te P ,•• ,n1 4 1 . -- „.--- x .pou e o bone* phepSate,- Of teuriate of p Ae:0081,1; apply at the tato of 200 o were. This is'Pro- I $, r/, e r . the farme or while, it y sap • the fortilitY in the BOil immediate' 6,45-5r445. "Dick !" TrAlYtArit.;-117-Weiterrir tiiieliMi all the rest of -the field. Most A misgiving wes seizing her. (trope are injured *bore or less by "Isn't it true that he made vio- sudden changes, and extreenee of lent lobe to Amy -direetly she. came temperature. They are also in- .40:11i...4:144.tdr. juredAi dry winds. - 'To Amyl To inniy I If thero Iteii�r necessary sow. an - • no -Fairfax ho avoided ofk 3 ingetoepoisonemy -mittelettpinst hini But I knew him, and I knew her. She pretiched to the -winds-1u- t -3_,"_ANck-itad---to-paus . "Make -leve be -If an.jthing is 50N,V4 with 'it reel 'Clover, not the pea vine kind, would-be best,-theii-sow six pounds ef cloypr witli two bushels ,of the ass. • • ai mecum O!10 g .s or yon, vons eyon o 11I # -A # :, ; 4 4 .1.1111., s and -the child ,you profess - to Jove 'Good night' I-- don't-esupnefen he Ifeels-Puing Wer •,- e tarie o trench ! Ile s good at nuron of the year at which they are cutsing* s oke a hundred words to her o e 5. Prince -011e,rlie, poor old chap t e whole voyage home."- . -. will maklitthrdifierence in their --Ihave hadsoniteButeitoTeno-n--4--layn been mann le, durability!. Wood cut in the fall is t------: ' ret Ifittre-Ilfatlenfrill'eliffEr etteeeneentene,-e..enenee,e,e a.1.141,,s,x,:r2g, ..mortmlarrible$Ahan-Aliatantimsum,.- - ht-w-rigrium---ittraAre'd different. "Rather An nosy eask„e„L•nhouldjuer because the low temperature ling% Personally,1'4..14 dewn iinagine,"'„ interjected Diet. . "Bute of elviater----PreveA W.,._,eoltn ol Ki d my life for him! The grandest. fel- who is responeible for the job fun.and the woois given a good , low I ever, met; God bless him!" 'Whoever it was, couldn't have been chaneee to dry. -"Dick! ' Dick! Dia!" killed with the hard work!" It is getting more and. more to "You don't see anythingbo the practice of those who win - to be "Wait." . grateful for in *hat be did for e,ou. She ran out of the room to her ter bees outelobrs to give their col - Yon coolly tell -me I don't know bedroom. Then returned witn, a oniea full openings at the lava; the things he has done, and bow-. ttar.. in her ha,lid-en *bent.. I Provided, of eourso, that'the tol- s ' he, has behaved to you! Prime "It is not, altogefo-ereect form. 011Y iproperly packed; the results Charlie'ee- es. 'Gracie, was right in for. a woman to show a iman an- !nee in every way satisfactory. tenciWhiin9TTt----:-soe'''-'ffnTd'-=b-'a- • Effe"-----iev-rm-reis"=-1ittnerrobert=zerad‘f#1,--0,4i-44xettete•lkinnasule- ,.. „.,. , foe, 'and there is the added advent. Dick tra(it. rlaiirtria7.7triailii$7*Vdr-ttrAritirviter411ictektb-tiotRtex, LASfige,.- - ptlk wa- - •StAnnt .stpp.d jLhJIAlS -• T_hernetwautage of grinding the e,'Well I ,Isn .telt, true ?" - morrengratitudenieeebvelittie4n- than you, " ---$Sho•-•stoppocl--hinh-; Would ---n noonlieenteneneRienoe. _ - "Dick,-. yon 'are breaking, • - "Ti-ue 1" Ho tossed the lett4-- 11---'°1Parlit $.• *. aver his mouth as she eronl,-, gether iii the nutriment of the cob, heart I" , , ,1_31Y be& to her as he answered.'"Frozn but. h - h * I -9f I ano" Specoariugyse, gL iee..ee'es tu'ibke-all3n5 diVides coarser. ' beginning to end it is a, tiesu , deliberate lies."1th° fine, ineaj, so note allow a free' • Q'grAPTE11 XXXII. She heard rapturously. The Mor - "Breaking your heart!" he cotn- I of her friend Amy mad Pirulation, 70f a/. wort i e • f A ,a• through the mass in the stomach: • the gastric luice ettave already broken his; but you '''' iimptuously. oyou the ultimate, destination were meae.t.ters forefu.tu.re,e06,FL-1 is Veley l'a MY , Cornmeal, when wet into- douga, willehave Percy to mend yours." ; mieeration. They sawn into. Ili eg- t rated by - Any `liquid ; and when e** lid. 4„Ixt not easily pene- - l'Ttfte }row .dare you sugges nificanee e ore a r t . b f the esuscitation . 1 butter that, comes tO tho city is , pi• aro fed wheal), on cornmea i , — of her faith in Masters. 1 they often suffer with, fever in the'. very poor etuff. • 4; „. 1, oTh 22 H. P. =r te '17 38 H P. 9s ft. Wheelbascr iS ITZ 21 3 FLP1: it. 'Wheelbase , ndatto *4 a ,Int? n , _ 011 Limousine Car , Oa- Limoasiliio'Car 1156, „ Landautotto Car 4:461) tandatilitto'Car...1 17 Chassis Phaeton Cu' inder 10 I Limouslito tar 1420 122514.an:dauletta, Car 1323 yor full partrculars-teintv of the a sonli a thing!" "Dare 1 "Percy! You now I hate, de- test, despise, loathe him." • "Lies! And lielievod-them4"- stomach; becauee- thee meal lies birds of'Several species can be kept. around the farmyard all win- ter, such as chickadees, downy, "That doesn't, astonish inn I But, there to° long undigested. there's more tban mere lice in that -Farmers saythey "can't get any- thing" for t t t kets. e are proe. e or them. e think yoiereelf cute! Can't. you re with butter, ins as h.e mar bet lines?' 1004 shbuid include( nuts* *which ,vreen the _ \ of the world ate surfeited with cot- " W hat i"ton and hence tLe IOW prices offercd -A.,•-14:k___,1100'4111'grrlida.dat'' '' "itarw. -irlici-±4-0 stand there with that- idiotic' vaetlove for you; that started the-Dat?t,.-dealers. and - meirtionwii-s.' a4- gala look on you lace, as if youl,What does- slw ter -self to doleSoielnynyen for --fairdy w50,-----4., irtli h.,. 4 ......P.4 -...:, ."- but If Allese things are put ',daily secluded luinself .n.i the mountains Were surprise1. to ear it. I hayee• sou Your nund 'against hirn wtAY ,found that e h -------- .$74u- 121 ""v the ease im /th, 1141120 planes they will be -and fasteedefor ten days. ,Upon hiss told you sei dozens,hundreds- of '''Soto the lie 41,-10Ut Prey's tErnibg.-Oonstniners in the city hive' more' - nuzid . , egrtle* eamee A you begin -t)9 feet return he solemnly approache4 the Trust/it woman if she, p\ieks 'Up, spectacles for that . levebitie..1thine-- You don'te,want goortt. g ter In 01',01 in but of good uali Tbe-4 ' IV -12 a.g° e,In ' a , t , (I ,ty. ''-t I i1 thus 'OPICOUril, 4,1i- - te river, took the first salmon of tilltes4" - L- " - - - 1 -Y"th' lit' figures to ehed them with a lavish' common tenee will, tell you -h Gull. market is often well molted with stayuriviivithithytmout: ivtorar.o_ulshitorktiskieneeep re(rioti?.itleintideteer_sitenailhereclai.t_s, etaendri`oewlitilile, ntrhee._ tha threethirtv-ftvew" as -white, too, WI afl110y- :7:414x=t-a- Th -Why are- you- seingl." "Oh, I feel like Spending 43. merry I-amultaidthereiSnl - nongh merriment to: go round, here; not enough to satisfy a man with a -large appetite for it." "Why not?" - ."Way is dished. up, I suppos • I a "My friends? Who asked therit ,here?" Dick s14rugged hia shoulders. - "-Yon, positively insult me." 4ukultl', , 'I thank that's the correct word; can't find a more expressive 0110 abeut."•_,_ _ 'Jaay who ate the ---frieridS Of, me hat -you don't like?" • aln-frorn_the obviobwi You.' aven't .fitty .thooana.,6-f . -theta stayiuglii tit* "The Vhantrelles, yousInean. repLat, who invited them here? .A !1st er 11" - • istAtinNci. b_er 100A._*$ she let looher shaft, '• "Look here, Aftb, , you a - _f/oret e went en 1 have * friend ; iMed Itar life t A WWI *lie devoted hiniSelf me-; but for whom bet now at tile bottom, of the #4 11 he hid her face hands. • Ohitit true! I'm not remane- When I said .r,coti-b$e tovoii Th t Lambeth bedroom, I meant • it tr. bei„a• ood..byO. I went :OA beira t-}2*t hoat wi2,11 tile full' in. 11g.* L.ok in the „„. bi ne./5 'he , g 1 may be chopped or broken into • atreraeled--eornv ey _may •bta shy at first, scram , yeeewrite to, -004- Ltd (190 ' ,V..,gtierrter n4Si, n 15,4. • or t.kkng y 11114di'lof a ' a 0 id,,,,i occurred to hub. Boot polish, , The very thing 1 It coi.ildp'cktI in thts •, Il, t9V n 4 ,iu elittl� boxes. boot 111Put:° in eatiu0 ttu outfits, with aPolishing el io1oth-eomp1etivia4q-dity-one,-ot-thee-e- two or three best-known articles of ' its kind in the kingdom. Xts mica long ego far surpassed tho4e of its parent ioap, eays"Pearson'a Week- N w- rt g, and- TT ftct z that ni thoroughnesS .0f ecoiona some; 01 the great British firms go ...onojebetteretliale•-evelietlio Yankee.. Varknis Brith-ih companion own \ t angles: ioreeeetTnogy en.orn- tho....bankseofentlen-River•- Uruguay-where the .13:1430 is packed, nti tongues and other of the de- , \ cedes are eanned. TO cleanse the 'u-ghttilretqrrev-Perfitet401M-teete'- eeVateze.eite1nnA1!4efix?_mLthee and, after ,douching the' floors, runs beck into the stream. •The 'refuse seraps, Which' it terrier's- back, . tract . ENORMOUS SHOALS „ OF hat -- The river is sunply alive with them. Men. with nets constantly sweep the river, and the fish *Web are not eaten fresh are wade to, produee oil.' This oil is .turned into gets* -telitrAts4re„,t1WeS,COVARn4e4„ e e 10931 Ilag.11410 SUPVHSTITIO.NS.. Curion1.1 Ways of. Tempting Fisli4, Come and be Caught. • In British Columbia the -Indians ceremoniously go out to peet the first salmon, and in flattering voices try to win their favor _by -calling them -all chiefs. _ tareithilrerlirdi0-4`147-tilfila;• eao w hile of - theege_n umber banteu. eTne.,_nneenee.k.;0keon_ u-Tcertanily den t -seem to aye' .11, poor. butter. Indeed, tench of the they have topnted an your.,eharity. 'Theearner Indians laboriquely climb - cc intensified. largo supply on -hand." "Do -1-gkop I"- I% To and 'VeRle, t last; quoted: "17)o I dream? Or aro visions about?" , "I felt nmd when I got the. let, tei-to'say you insisted on the Chantrelles coming here for Christ- mas. But I didn't like to disap- voint, you„Dieke the moment of your horne-coming, too." "1,1 jitaistedi-"- • lie was. all eagr- a he blurted out the ques- "Who says I insisted r in -ler letter aid so-.----" I awful liar 1" o way o a 0 "Lady be -I mean She's not a if she set down such a thing it lack *0 white. She eo W- ine, on „the boat' with hints tor .an' invitation, that at lust; in heer deeperatieie, I did ask them "Of course you did! And I wish y wore & hundred thousand miles away I" "Yet, .$elt) yes.'I • I "Well, I'm, Do -you -mean free -tell -mo• that you weren't ad to see them? • When during tlw whole of the first dinner you dkI nothing* but simper' and make eyes and laith with Percy, till the veret fool an Christendem conld 1aveseen you were head over tars in love -with him?" hate bim r I hate him t hate hinaVs ' • "Aty dear giri, take $$ stdvic for, aquaiki n -thites Iiiiiiited-rowantegi her brother to • " "That's it i That accounts for her queetioningenig as_ te, how• you were left under the will, whother the money .was settled on yoin or not." "What a, perfect pair of beasts!" "tfear, hear!" "And year --invited . them here I flow coukl yout They aro not tit people to have in the house!" "1 like- thatt Upon my ward! See how one ybu were on Percy • A, im why u , wan to, mikke love to bin it-A(*41mq P. *rile." ' ' . ti, tlicde t of th6 I b , o ent quit lit o theft ' left hisI ' atdin-- ... 'Dick t If you ever dart to say•-" "Well, I must seo about packing J P , VPacking upi Don't let merthiuk, 1 -you quite 0.. completeMint, Dicier ' "The train goes at three-thii-u "Diekl", She -stamped_ her .foot'f, ite anger. "Why do you want to, make it worse for me than it need be by your 'stupidity. 'You ,pere feet horror, you 1" . " tupidity runs in the family, I sup ose. You have been, tlgt,0 wise, haven't you? .Unre-you 'don't want pie . to go then V' , "And leave int in this hopeless' muddle alone/ It Vonldn't be commonly human to triy. nothing -ot brotherly -1'r • "Oh, well." Ile affecte1 & \ signed air to -hide' his s suppose*I'll have to stop if you , pp it like, iut' • rn Iwst walk up . tato and tell .hi Prince' C r shari?t. be .b1e t� go IL ISM stion ee the n*tammx $, • *V` r * \ "I on, tettify to the greatAtertts ofyour Emul- sion, especially in all diseases of a puirno - • nature. It has saved many • livg$_thak_ollierWag. would avelielded tO-consump. fon .' we keep Scott's • Emit:Iiionia thehouse all e thne and all the family Ittlu; LONG, Box 158, Wash. • ingtoty,-.R.L -Arty---materml-that-givea-theel ed -to the nuitkirt ain• - op a er e of burnt -feathers . in c'orabustaon poles for the spearing booth, being contains nitrogennethe most coetlY convinced that if they were gather - manurial , element -and' , thould be eri whets the, salmon were wateliin given -to the -field- -rather--than to fish Would be -ea-light hones ---10;4301104 tat a, • In Japan, among the prunative few hours with twice -their volume race of the Ainoe, even the women of fresh wood -.ashes and- enough left at horne.e,rtif not allowed to talk, water to rillthe mixturi semi - 1 .fluid,_ the_.bones_seill -break elown !`e,ict.„ 91.e fu.?h insi54 „hear and d_is,o.,P7, to .4c. fine,. mass ,in_tonstolti,ico a prove, __,40“.. die „tket Ask is . ahmys rought-in throng) s. window `in. the tolvoot action of the chrhonatti cad of a 'door, se that other fis of petash .on,„ the organic 'matter of tliti bones. -if-wood'auslteS ean-Ana.Y not JIM .-___ . _ . _ 1 bnoeteiklt:*.,0oibst:dipitedrct• einnlileo, parofosodf caa or i• i 1 (la ;lel or tiEes4Lunvihio 1(7, Qthmeenmenela.reAlai;ka. tho shops -sod Otte part of quick ling, and Fhould any manning be,ini- lino may be boiled with .fivo, partsiperative they do" it shut up in little of bontss, witu.tufficient Water, till tents out of tight of the fhb .libii6ii break -down Completely. -Under fie"' eiretunstaxices on the ' A vcry nice. earpolie .soap . may north-east coast of Scotland will a be re for curios; ,seratche, a 1, fisliernian• „at see mention -. eertairi t'int-in---the-footr4ir-eittt . . • o k," "sWir'ic,' ,•dog,. . and. tho' line will eueely be lost' if a pig i . seen while baiting it. Aeon the o land chickens must not be counted until they. are hatched, so at- sea fish .11cArtt net be eoUtited until they are all caught. ' • It Is good lurk to fink). mice nib - Wing 6133011g the•-neta.: a horseshet, o er. 'ailed to the; Mast will hep, and it harrirg eattgbt ahd *aled.doltlxwill produce wonders. , • ' In 'the Shetland' ISlaiids . a eat MUSt not 'e mentioned before it triArf haitin his live,`..and, mho* the 3tagya, ,- tthh. , „ li , _ o am L. (Imam loci uraL,sck indai e cie's a woinaiz. n prork•-• 'I:Very y• rt .0I Duke of York deft ALL i doe bycreatiug flesh and strengdi so rapidly 'that the progress .. ot the. disease h retarded and ,often etoppecI. It i$ *endeittil iikler and so easy to at the cbiid st litatt adult tArl, take it Ifyti areloging f1sh ft )ption „tr an , tit tr, t in sheep, eth., by taking ounda of bar soap; cut this and tat with it one half of eastile soap, which ha, • cut fine; ,when these' are mix - well together, then mix into soap one tenth part in bu liquia-earbolio acid. Thi s will be more than one -twelfth part &Hied 'acid.' When th s is med. exeln<le the air fr0 brag; it in a telf-kea The ettt'de acid tan ho ny. large amount is re, Cfl4 cheap aci caul tL test deodorizer Pkatisit-gith.)` swee 11P:- a*41ep it. t, detr ny diseav. te,• , to 4 1 OV- th 7 Y •Thoen:Incago Meet eiackinig houtes " boast Ihartheyeintie reduced eeon- ozny to an exact science. The prize- cipal packing-bueness has its own button -factory, -where the' bene and horn' of the „slaughtered beeves• is turned into -half a buttons a day.. Even the dust fronethe but-. ton turnbeg is not wasted. Mixed' with a, special . Cement made' of scoria and quicklime and- other egret ingredients, tile, dust . forms ii ner.terial rosembling-iyory, and. from it billiard baliare t "arrated.-- tentiotTisinglasen fa.imipaper,, felt, beistles, glue, illattl'ess stuffinge, are only a few of the miany things ' that are wedeln different branches ''• of Chieago meat -packing factory. There -tat bifsinessea *high zokilahl- 'not pay at edl but for econoraies, • *cheante.. • $ *3* elivalt-ri 0•41e Aneninn.4 iron works 15 SO severe that n requently sola at a. -1.0-s. But cedecToleveb rinakmsinliguisea tisprroer41,stirn-and 41,111,11%, is how he doesit. ✓ m the working of two tongues O wee • ca consume tons; pig iron produced, 700 tons; pitch recovered,. fifty tons, valn4a XV); oil aytovered 10;000 gallons, Re0;riulphatkof anntme covered, ton tons, value. Zi101---Br these econornies'.-a side profit. Zil$10 a week is seeured, while the iron just about pays for the coal cothinineld;sifid--lbe le:Vor: -`•••' ',There are., other me4na- of footiotnising, besides those of mg by-Preducts. A true of Alia- tikrlan ITiicen pac "ng, their fruit for -ex - pork in asbIstosi a mineral which they eau easily obtain near at hand. They thuS kill' twO• birds 'with one stone.- Th i7 fruit arrivet in en. lent eemdition, and the asbestos ; sells at a profit.' which pays the car- .. • a Ails ingenious titee-saving moo, orny has been adopted by a 'large firrr t•,t chemit,t8. Over. the (leek of neon departmenti,manaer are four tiny elliettielam& of different °lora. When thd ilitliVidual is at his desk and liberty te 8et, tor s or consider questions from the emoloyees, th.e ,burn3. When he its *way froni (tett the green light is 'turned on. Tho • blue means that he 14 onga$sed. the Inreudt'istlyitaettI,ibt6i,sd,ideesturPittlielt0e. eneitn-leptIto`ir4. 'is this littl&deVice, suceets has heel oved'hy the trt tl,et several : otier Arini are top nic• • 6 4 en 0